Army Physical Readiness Training - PRT
What is the purpose of the Preparation Drill (PD)?
A dynamic warm-up consisting of ten exercises that appropriately prepare Soldiers for more intense PRT activities
What is the objective of PRT?
To prepare Soldiers to meet the physical demands related to mission and C or D-METL
What are the critical components of physical conditioning?
Strength, endurance and mobility
What are the 7 Principles of Training that PRT links to?
1 - Commanders and other Leaders are responsible for training 2 - NCOs train individuals, crews and small teams 3 - Train as you fight 4 - Train to standard 5 - Train to sustain 6 - Conduct multi-echelon and concurrent training 7 - Train to develop agile Leaders and organizations
What are the three principles of PRT?
1 - precision 2 - progression 3 - integration
What are the subcomponents of strength?
Absolute muscular strength and muscular endurance
What are the subcomponents of endurance?
Anaerobic and aerobic endurance
What is C & D-METL?
C-METL = Core Mission Essential Task List and D-METL = Directed Mission Essential Task List
What FM covers PRT?
FM 7-22
What are the three phases of PRT?
Initial conditioning, toughening, and sustaining phases
What is Physical Readiness according to FM 7-22, Para 1-3?
Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission and continue the fight and win
What is strength?
The ability to overcome resistance
What is endurance?
The ability to sustain activity
What is mobility?
The functional application of strength and endurance
What does WTBD stand for?
Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills