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what will also typically be absent with agenesis of the corpus collosum?


what is another name for the most common chromosomal abnormality

down syndrome

widened pelvic angles and duodenal atresia are most consistent with the sonographic markers for

down syndrome

what is the most common renal anomaly?

duplex collecting system

a strawberry-shaped skull is associated with

edwards syndrome

3 signs associated with arnold-chiari syndrome

enlarged massa intermedia, hydrocephalus, obliteration of the cisterna magna

another name for patau syndrome is

trisomy 13

sonographically you identify a fetus with fusion of the thalami and a monoventricle, which chromosomal abnormality would be most likely?

trisomy 13

echogenic small bowel is most often associated with

down syndrome

with which of the following syndromes is brachycephaly associated most often

down syndrome

typically with anencephaly the MSAFP value will


the malignant ovarian mass that is associated with pseudomyxoma peritonei is the

mucinous cystadenocarcinoma

the most common malignant adrenal pediatric tumor is the


cloacal extrosphy is associated with these 3 things

omphalocele, encephalocele, imperforate anus

fusion of the obrits and holo prosencephaly are associated with

patau syndrome

a molar pregnancy, omphalocele, and small low set ears are found most often with


what is macroglossia most often associated with

trisomy 21

webbing of the neck and short stature is found in infertile female patients with a history of

turner syndrome

the sonographic appearance of a 59 year old woman on HRT is

variable depending on the menstrual cycle

normal diploid cells have ____ chromosomes


the earliest invasive fetal karyotyping technique that can be performed is


The choroid plexus cyst could be associated with an increase risk of:

Trisomy 18

which of the following would be least likely associated with an elevation of MSAFP Anecephaly, Turner's syndrome, Spina Bifida, Myelomeningocele

Turner syndrome

the "sunburst" of the cerebral sulci is a sonographic finding of

agenesis of corpus collosum

which of the following would not be decreased in the presence of Edwards syndrome estriol, AFP, hcg, or all would be decreased


which protein is not produced by the developing placenta


the ovarian tymor associated with an elevated serum lactate dehydrigenase is the


all of the following may be visualized at the correct level of the head circumference except third ventricle, thalamus, cavum septum pellucidum, falx cerebelli

falx cerebelli

stein-leventhal syndrome is related to all the following except? infertility, anovulatory cycles, hirsutism, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

ovarian hyperstumulation syndrome

what is associated with the whirlpool sign

ovarian torsion

what structure produces hormones that directly act upon the endometrium to produce varying thicknesses and sonographic appearances?


Before 9 weeks, the fetal kidneys are located within the:


when the ovary is in the luteal phase the endometrium is in the


which of the following is the most common malignancy of the ovary

serous cystadenocarcinoma

45,x is what kind of anomaly

sex chromosome anomaly

the arteries within the functional layer of the endometrium that are altered by the hormones of the ovary and are shed with menstruation are the

spiral arteries

webbed fingers or toes are termed


cleft lip, hypotelorism, and microphthamia are all sonographic features of

trisomy 13

cyclopia would be most likely associated with

trisomy 13

what chromosomal aberration is most often associated with holoprosencephaly?

trisomy 13

bilateral choroid plexus cysts, micrognathia, and rockerbottom feet are sonographic findings of a 27 week fetus with an omphalocele. these findings are most consistent with

trisomy 18

a 22 week fetus with clinodactyly, and echogenic intracardiac focus and hyperechoic bowel is noted during a screening obstetrical exam. these finding are most consistent with

trisomy 21

normal ovarian flow is said to be high resistant during menstruation and low resistant at the the time of ovulation


non immune hydrops and ovarian dysgenesis are found in fetuses affected by

turner syndrome

with endometrial atrophy the endometrial thickness should not exceed


what measurement should the renal pelvis not exceed prior to 20 weeks


a change in the menstrual bleeding associated with lesions within the uterus relates to


the most severe form of holoprosencephaly is


the triple screen typically includes

Alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, and human chorionic gonadotropin

what genetic disorder includes craniosynostosis, midline facial hypoplasia, and syndactyly

Apert syndrome

with what procedure is placental tissue obtained


low alpha fetoprotein and estriol with high hCG is consistent with

Down syndrome

With what structure does the posterior fossa cyst associated with DWM communicate?

Fourth ventricle

the quadruple screen includes an analysis of all of the following except: hCG, Alphafeto protein, Inhibin A, PAPP-A


which of the following is also referred to as trisomy 13

Patua syndrome

Painless second trimester vaginal bleeding is most often associated with

Placenta Previa

What ovarian mass is associated with virilization?

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor

what is the most common cause of hydronephrosis in the neonate and the most common form of fetal renal obstruction?

UPJ obstruction

Klinefelter syndrome is...

a sex chromosome anomaly associated with hypogonadism and subnormal intelligence in males

ectopic endometrial tissue within the uterus that leads to AUB is termed


FSH is produced by the

anterior pituitary gland

for the normal bpp the amniotic pocket should measure

at least 1cm in 2 perpendicular planes

the third ventricle is located...

between the two lobes of the thalamus

rounded head shape is referred to as


what are the fingerlike projections of gestational tissue that attach to the decidualized endometrium?

chorionic villi

the bending of the fifth digit toward the fourth digit is called


OEIS complex is also referred to as

cloacal exstrophy

enlargement of the frontal horns and narrowing of the occipital horns is termed


tamoxifen effects on the endometrium will sonographically appear as

cystic changes within a thickened endometrium

the maternal serum screening of a mother with a fetus with trisomy 18 will reveal

decreased hCG, alpha-fetoprotein, and estriol

the sonographic findings of an endometrial polyp may include

diffuse thickening of the endometrium

pylectasis refers to

dilation of the renal pelvis

pelvovaliectasis refers to

dilation of the renal pelvis and calices

asherman syndrome is associated with

endometrial adhesions

a 60 year old patient presents to the emergency room with sudden onset of vaginal bleeding. the sonographic examination reveals an endometrium with measures 4mm. there are no other significant sonographic findings. what is most likely diagnosis?

endometrial atrophy

bladder exstrophy describes...

external position of the bladder

with what ovarian tumor is meigs syndrome most likely associated


which hormone maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy


blood within the fallopian tube is termed


another name for pelvocaliectasis is


an abnormal ventral curvature of the penis


the I in OEIS complex stands for

imperforate anus

the most distal part of the fallopian tube is the


in teh TPAL designation the L refers to

live births

the syndrome associated with an occipital cephalocele, cystic renal disease, and polydactyly is...

meckel-gruber syndrome

what is the most common fetal renal tumor

mesoblastic nephroma

the term for small eyes is


megacystis, undescended testis, and a dilated urinary bladder and urethra are components of

prune belly syndrome

what substance does hysterosalpingography utilize for the visualization of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes

radiographic contrast

obstruction at the level of the UPJ would lead to dilation of the

renal pelvis and calices

a large space between the first and second toes is termed

sandal gap

the development of fluid filled cleft within the cerebrum is consistent with


with what structure does the posterior fossa cyst associate with DWM communicate?

the fourth ventricle

measurement of the endometrium should include

the measurement from the basal layer to the basal layer

all the following are clinical findings with endometrial hyperplasia except: obesity , PCOS, abnormal bleeding, thickened endometrium.

thickened endometrium

the intrathalamic adhesion (massa intermedia) passes through the

third ventricle

Theca lutein cysts would most likely be linked with a molar pregnancy and


monosomy x refers to

turner syndrom

3 instances the "keyhole" sign would be seen

urethral atresia, prune belly syndrome. posterior urethral valves

a patient with an ovarian mass presents with an elevated serum AFP. which of the following would be the most likely?

yolk sac tumor

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