Art 8 Final

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Describe the romantic era.

- Romantic era began in 1800s; there was a pushback against industrialism of the world; we need to focus on people's emotion rather than rational thinking - supported embrace of madness

Why is the radical imagination useful?

- a way of reclaiming autonomy - many of us have become so used to the status quo that we forget that if we have enough ppl, we could break out of our old habits and take back the way we imagine the future

Where did the idea of "industries of culture" come from? What is it?

- came from school of thought termed Frankfurt School of the 1940s - culture created in a factory

What is meta-cinema?

- way of looking at media in which it was assumed that viewers knew it wasn't real - conveyed through self-reflexiveness

What has caused the dropping demand for art education?

- worries about jobs and future earnings have been behind decade of dropping demand for art education

Who theorized about the "male gaze?" What is it?

- "the gaze" - "the male gaze" theorized by Laura Mulvey; talked about cinema, tv, and just about everything in media often representing a male POV

How can copying be useful? Were the greatest artists originals?

- copying is one way to launch process of being creative - greatest artists often copied others

What were population studies used for? What were some critiques against them?

- could cross-check ppl with mental illness w/ ppl identified in creative occupations - should simply looking at if people had creative jobs be the most accurate way to look at the creative brain? - looked at employment for all the benefits and liabilities that employment studies might bring

Is the crazy artist idea true? Is it new?

- crazy artist idea is a myth - not all great artists had mental health problems; we must separate mental health from artistic aptitude - myth has been with us for a very long time (emerged many centuries ago, kept alive through the centuries)

Elizabeth Gilbert - "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear"

- creative economy set forth creativity as a magical cure - Gilbert major force behind promoting idea of creativity as magic

Describe the orthodox vs. progressive views that characterize creative differences.

- distinction btw orthodox vs. progressive views - o: favored learning, repeating ideas from the past; past ideas should hold truth for all time and all people (past) - p: looked at present; we should recognize diversity in arrangements; we should reflect on present rather than past (present and future)

In what critique did the term "vast wastelands" come from?

- emerged in 1950s from a widespread critique of television

Who came up with the idea of a creative child and when? What is a transitional object?

- fascinating idea developed in 1950s developed by Donald Winica who spoke about transitional object - transitional object is toy/object that young children use as a substitute for their caregiver - child's first creative act

What were psychiatric autopsies? Were they accurate?

- going back and looking at people's biography and applying contemporary diagnoses to them was useful but not always accurate bc of the sloppy ways that artistry/creativity were defined and fact that psychiatric diagnoses change over time - useful, but not always accurate

What did the hype behind the creative economy represent?

- had lots of hype - represented growing recognition that people want to hire ppl with creative skills (inventiveness, teamwork, out of the box thinking)

Why is a learning society important?

- important bc skill building and critical thinking in everyone is what lies underneath a strong economy - in becoming creative, a learning society in which we are all building skills and insight is very important

Can indivs and societies become creative?

- indivs and societies can become creative

What organization has embraced the sharing economy?

- is not just a vague idea that some fringe ppl have come up with, but has been embraced by WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and that we are always sharing ideas and being influenced by others

Who did surrealism derive from?

- largely derived from theories of Sigmund Freud - largely due to rising interest in psychoanalysis that artists became interested in surrealism

How did postmodernism view progress?

- questioned idea of progress - maybe progress is at an end, and that there are no more new ideas

Sociologist Sharon Zukin

- spoke about conclusion that artists aren't the real problem in gentrification; they may be an element, but it is other people who truly destabilize neighborhoods

What is Creative Destruction? What discipline does it come from?

- term from economics - in a normal capitalistic society, some things become ineffective and obsolete. naturally, new things arise and will destroy the old ones.

What is the relationship between creativity and tourism?

- tourism is destroying some destinations and the very creative elements within them

Alfie Cohn

- wrote about how competition can hurt learning - competition can make students feel driven to solely think about tests and what will be on them that they become disconnected from majority of ideas/broader ideas of course - grades makes students less interested about what they're learning and only about tests

Competition good or bad?

Some competition can be helpful in sparking creativity; but too much competition can dampen creativity

Kay Redfield Jamison - "Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Tempermant"

Studied creatives with manic depression

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