Art Appreciation Chapter 20

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ART: Guernica *mammoth mural *Spainsh Pavilion of the Paris International Exposition of 1937 *German bombing of civilians in the BBasque town of Guernica *gruesome details *frenzied cry of one woman trapped in rubble and fire *terriorized horse *anguished mother embraces her dead child and wails futilely *Cubist planes *Palette-Harsh blacks, gray and whites *"brutality and darkness" of the age


Advertising Nihilistic Views: Dadaists assaulted the public *irreverence *attempt to negate art *advocated antisocial/amoral behavior EXHIBITION: Urnial (on back-Fountain) Dada: Sensibility ART: Mona Lisa *impudently defiled a color print of Leonardo da Vincis masterpiece (mustache and goatee) Psychoanalysis: Dada *some modifiction *provide basis for a movement called Surrealism (1920's)


Analytic phase (1909-1912) Picasso/Braque art similiar Early work: Impressionism then to Fauvism then to structural compositions (Cezanne) Picasso/Braque worked together from 1914 (same artistic goal) Theory reached peaked of expression 1911 ART: THE PORTUGUESE *numerous planes intersect and congregate at center (forms perceptible triangular human figure) *constructed from and dissolved into background *dropped eyelids *mustache *circular opening of stringed instrument *time lapse (visual assimilatio of multiple views) CUBIST GRID ( structural lines) *define and fragment figure are dark and thick. *contrast: delicate modeled short choppy brushstrokes *monochromatic palette *browns, tans and ochers Braque: began to insert words and numbers and trompe l'oeil (Analytic cubist) What is reality and what is illusion


Art movement Expressionistic: Germany distortion of nature: *achieve desired emotional effect or representation of inner feelings *van Gogh and Gauguin (expressionistic) *Fauves (expressionnistic) *intimate portrayal of artists subject, colored (him emotions) EDVARD MUNCH/KATHE KOLLWITZ *Expressionistic artists *paintings/prints (express anxieties, obsessions, and outrage Terms: die Brucke, Der Blaue Reiter and The New Objectivity or Neue Sachlichkeit (very different) all movements against Impressionism and Realism Communicate(inner feelings of artist)

Pablo Picasso

Born in Spain (son of art teacher) Barcelona Academy of Art: mastered illusionistic techniques of the realistic Academic style Age19: Paris (more then 40 years) *introducing *influencing *reflecting many styles of French art MAJOR ARTISTIC PHASE: BLUE PERIOD (1901-1904) *overall blue tonality *distortion of the human body (elongation)-El Greco/Toulouse-Lautrec *melancholy subjects (poor and downtrodden/menial tasks/loneliness) ART: The Old Guitarist *Haunting image *contorted white man sits hunched over guitar *consumed by tones that emanate from what appears to be his only possession. *eye sunken (skeletal head) *bones of hungry *poverty *unfurnished room and barren window view *monochromatic blue palette creates *unrelenting *somber mood * tones of blue eerily echo ghostlike features FOLLOWED BY ROSE PERIOD (Second Period 1905-1908): lighter in palette and in spirit *circus life *tone of pink INSPIRED: * Cezanne retrospective exhibition (Saolon d'Automne 1907 *Formal properties of ethnographic art of Africa, Oceania, and Iberia (Musee de l'Homme *dissimiliar *common framentation distortion and abstraction of form ART: LESS DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON *Startling, innovative *primarily pink in tone Depicts: 5 women from Barcelona's red-light district line up for selection, suitors position of spectator faces primitive mask faces: simplified frontal and profile views. thick lidded eyes stare stage front (Mesopotamian votive sculptures Bodies: geometric form Collapses the space : background and foreground (same manner) between planes-insert 2D (Cezanne) Drapery: masking figure/ground Techniques: Exteme faceting of form Multiple views collapsing space Les Demoiselles(springboard for Analytic Cubism)


DYNAMISM *force/energy basic principle of all phenomena ART: Dynamism of a soccer Player *lines irregular/agitated (communicate energy of movement) Futurist-obsesion illustrating images in perpetual motion also found perfect outlet in sculpture. ART: Unique Forms of Continuity in Space illustrates principles of Futurism *elusive surging energy blurs image in motion *figural silhouette (devoid of representational details) *flamelide curving surfaces do not exist to define movement but consequence of it

Die Brucke (The Bridge)

Dresden, Germany (expressionistic) Artist chose name: *movement as bridging several disparate styles *short lived (lack of cohesion among its proponents) Artist: *common interest in techniques and subj matter *boldly colored landscapes *cityscapes *horrific/violent portraits *emotional upheaval: reflected mayhem of WWI *always used nature as a point of departure *roots of Romanticism and emotional expressionistic


Futurist suggest *subjects were less important than portrayal of "dynamic sensation" of subjects. ART: Street Light (pure Futurism) *pierces darkness *V-shaped brushstrokes (fan outward) (constant movement) *palette-complementary colors forbid eyes to rest All is movementm all is sensation FURTIST*always contain vestiges of representation (eyelid or mustache recognizable contours) CUBISM*Seeds of abstraction planted. Kandinsky artist seeked pure form unencumbered by referential subject matter

CUBISM (Second major art movement 20th Century)

Heritage: *Neoclassicism *analytical and intellecutal work of Cezanne OFFSPRING of: Cezannes geometrization of nature and abandonment of scientific perspective, rendering in multiple views, empahsis on 2-D) PICASSO-Driving force birth of Cubism MOST IMPORTANT ARTIST OF 20TH CENTURY Elements: *pictorial methods of Cezanne *formal elements from native African, Oceanic and Iberian sculpture

SURREALISM (1930's developed into an international movement)

Literary movement after WWI *nonrational *naturally drawn to Dadaists. Both literary groups engaged in: *automatic writing *mind to be purged of purposeful thought *free associations expressed with pen *words-symbolize seething contents of the unconscious mind Surrealist Writers: broke from Dadaists (to academic) Leadership: Poet Andre Breton 1924 manifesto *pure psychic automaism express either berbally or in writing true function of thought. *belief of superior reality of certain forms of assoication hereto neglected Surrealism: Expounded two different methods of working 1. Illusionistic Surrealism *Salvador dali/Yves Tanguy *irrational content *absurb justapositions *metamorphoses of dream state (highly illusionistic manner 2. Automatic Surrealism *direct ooutgrowth of automatic writing *divulge mysteries of unconscious thru abstraction *Joan Miro/Andre Masson New adherents exhibiting radically different styles kept the movement alive


Means "wild beast". Bold, shocking color. Joyous tone, usually. Matisse


Modesty not his strong suit. "household name" Spaniard Surrealist Figure Reputation: leading unusual *surrealistic *life proceeds his art *Ed Sullivan Show: threw open cans of paint at a huge canvas Dali began: conservative manner *Impressionist *Pointillist *Futurist styles Following: Contemporary stylesl Academic training: Fine Arts in Madrid *illuusionistic realism (never abandoned) ART: The Persistence of Memory *dream like imagery *enhanced trompe l'oeil technique *barren landscape of incongruous forms *watch (time expired) Conveys: *world of dream *juxtaposing unrealted objects in extraordinary situation *haunting sense of reality threatens the line between perception/imagination SURREALITY OR REALITY ABOVE AND BEYOND REALITY


NEW MOVEMENT Italy-Poet Filippo marinetti. Introduced: *violence *energy *boldness free from tyranny of harmony and good taste Painting/sculpture: glorify the life of today "unceasingly and violently transformed by victorious science" Owned: much of Cubism


One-Founder of Fauvist movement London Bridge Convergence of elements: *19th century styles *new vision of Fauvism Outdoor Subj. Matter: Reminiscent of Impressionism (Monet) Unnaturalistic color (Gauguin) NEW: *Forceful contrast of primary colors and delineation of forms *Blocks of thickly applied pigment 19th Century Artist (natural light/shadows-color components) Derain and Fauvist: *evoked light *color contrasts Fauvist: negate shadow Fauvist: color to contruct forms and space Gaugin: color to express motion Building Facades: Bright blocks of pigment Oblong patches of color: define both stone and water Thickly laden brushstrokes: contour of boat/silhouette of a fisherman

Courbets Paintings

Rejected by 1855 Salon: set up own Pavilion of Realism he pushed the Realist Movement

EMIL NOLDE (Expressionist)

Supreme colorist Joined Die Brucke (year after founded) ART: DANCE AROUND THE GOLDEN CALF *Frenzied brush technique *clashing colors/lush strokes *technique/complements the nature of subject *biblical themen recounting the worshiping of an idol by the Israelites even as their liberartor, Moses, was receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. CHARACTERISTIC FASHION: ecstasy and anguish/uncontrolled high pitch GRAPHICS: *idiosyncratic *splintered characteristics of the woodcut-medium not in vogue for centuries *create ravaged/portraits of pain/suffering

Henri Matisse-Fauve

USED: Primary colors as a structural element Reputation exceeded that of the movement Law School: 21 *illness interrupted school *started painting Early paintings: strong and traditional compositional structure First Mentor: Adolphe William Bourguereau Copying old masters in Louvre Loose brushwork: Impressionist Palette: color theories of Post impressionists. 1905: consolidated influences Exhibited: Salon d'Auomne of that year POST FAUVE WORK: *color in variety of ways (primary colors) *structurally *decoratively *sensually *expressively ART: RED ROOM (HARMONY IN RED) *all of above exist (color) *vibrant palette *curvilinear shapes (gay mood) *Red wallpaper/tablecloth (brilliance) *arabesques-vines (enticing surface pattern) CONTEST: Flatness and 3D Flatness: jumbling of patterns propels background to picture plane 2D-window in the upper left (flat-garden scene instead of distant landscape) Collapse Space: countered by *seat of the ladderback chair recedes into space *table and dishes foreshortened (combining frontal and bird's eye views. *lines expressively, moving rhythmically (complement the pulsing color) Structure: assertive BUT created a pleasing pattern Thoughts: *Painting should be joyous (palette, lyrical use of line, and brightly painted shapes) *Mental soother, a good arm chair in which to rest *distorts nature


Van Gogh and Gauguin Fauvist rejected *subdued palette *delicate brushwork of Impressionism (chose emotive qualities) SUBJECT MATTER: Nudes, still lifes, and landscapes Set apart: *harsh *nondescriptive color *bold linear pattening *distorted form of perspective Color: Autonomous-NOT adjunct to nature Direct form of expression (theory): *vigorous brushwork *emphatic lines INSPIRED: Skewed perspectives and distorted forms *Art from Africa, Polynesia and other ancient cultures COLORS AND FORMS of Fauvism: *explosive of modern art scene (did not last very long) Styles: *very different *never formed cohesive group FRANCE *roots romanticism and emotional expressionistic


Whimsical yet subtle Fantastic artist Influenced: 19th Century artist Goya *touched upon fantasy Stylistic Inspiration: Cezanne 1911: joined Der Blaue reiter *theories about intuitive approaches *painting *growing abstraction *love of color were well received *innocence pervades *abandoned representational elements TURNED TO: *ethnographic/childrens art *seeking universality of expression extreme simplicity WORKS COMBINE: *charming naivete *wry commentary ART: Twittering Machine *humorous contraption composed of four fantastic irds balanced precariously on a wire attached to a crank. *Innocuous painting *contemporary technology-machines express whims/ego of the inventor *mechanical birds are traps to lure real birds to a makeshift coffin beneath *symbolize entrapement of humans by their own existence. *simple cartoonlike subjects may carry a mysterious/rich iconography

cubism (n)

a style of art in which the subject matter is portrayed by geometric forms, especially cubes


early 20th century Italian art movement that emphasized the machine as art


expressed more positive sentiments despite it folloing dadaism

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