Art Appreciation Midterm Study Guide

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Designing for the Web adds the potential for ________ reactions to choices made by a visitor to the site.

-motion and interactivity

Andy Warhol's images created from celebrities are portrayed through mass produced:

-multiple silkscreen images

If a work of art is faithful to our visual experience, its style is:


Symmetrical balance, as used by Georgia O'Keeffe, expresses:

-order and authority

In art, shapes that suggest forms found in nature are called __________ shapes.


In drawing, the outer boundaries of two-dimensional forms are defined by ___________, while the outer boundaries perceived among three-dimensional forms are defined by _____________.

-outlines -contour lines

The Farm Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

-paid photographers to document the Great Depression

During the Renaissance in Western Europe, _________ came to be regarded as the more elevated of the arts.

-painting, sculpture, and architecture

The creation of a photographic body of work around an event, place, or culture is known as:


The style used by Georges Seurat in Cafe'-concert is:


Julia Margaret Cameron is renowned for her:


"All art is basically Paleolithic or Neolithic: either the urge to smear soot and great on cave walls or pile stone on stone" was said by:

-Anthony Caro

Leonardo da Vinci used drawings to explore ideas in:

-Art -Mathematics -Science -Engineering *All of these answers are correct*

The idea that a print is made from a matrix has been altered by the use of __________ to make prints.

-An artist quality printer

Theo van Gogh was Vincent van Gogh's:

-Art dealer -Financial supporter -Emotional supporter -Brother *All of these answers are correct.*

"Wheel of Fortune" was created by:

-Audrey Flack

The sculptor Constantin Brancusi spent his life searching for forms that were:

-All of these: simple, pure, and timeless.

Which of the following was designed as a place of worship or meditation?

-All of these: Saints-Chapelle, the Great Mosque at Córdoba, and the Buddhas in Bamiyan, Afghanistan

A good example of the use of aquatint in creating areas of unmodulated translucent color is the print:

-"Woman Bathing" by Mary Cassatt

What is pigment in paint?

-A powdered color

Which work of art uses hierarchical scale?

-A royal altar to the hand

What is radial balance in a composition? Give a piece of art that represents this.

-A type of balance that can use concentric circles to give the illusion of visual weight. A mandala is a diagram of a cosmic realm and the term mandala means circle in Sanskrit. The basic message of the composition is clear geometry and symmetry indicating not only visual balance, but balance in logical thinking and the world around us.

According to the author:

-A work of art may fall into more than one theme.

In 1525, with the advent of moveable type, __________ created a unified alphabet that could be mass-produced.

-Albrecht Durer

_________ was a photographer who became dissatisfied with pictorialism and promoted the idea that photography should be true to its own nature rather than trying to imitate painting.

-Alfred Steiglitz

What is rhythm?

-Based in repetition and it is a basic part of the world we find ourselves in. When pattern is combined with movement (the illusion of motion in a composition) rhythm is created.

Whereas the Christian image by Cimabue depicts the central figure surrounded by angels, the Buddhist image in this chapter shows the central figure surrounded by:


A traditional metalpoint ground recipe calls for a mixture of:

-Bone ash -Glue -White pigment -Water *All of the answers are correct.*

In 1888, the Kodak camera changed the history of photography:

-By making photography easily accessible to the general public

The supervision by one individual or group over the artistic expression of another individual or group is known as:


Vonne Jacquette's Three Mile Island, Night I uses the medium of:

-Chalk -Pastel -White Pigment -Charcoal *All of these answers are correct.*

The earliest known printed book contains the earliest surviving woodcut image. The book was made in the 9th century C.E. In:


The earliest known woodcut was made in:


"Fisherman's Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville" was painted by:

-Claude Monet

Which graphic design team developed the familiar set of symbols used today to communicate information across language barriers to international travelers?

-Cook and Shanosky

The 20th-century master of the fresco technique who created the work MixtecCulture is:

-Diego Rivera

Henry Oshawa Tanner's "The Banjo Lesson" creates emphasis through:

-Directional lines of sight leading to a focal point -Elimination of detail and bright colors in the background -Size and placement of the figures -Contrasting values of dark skin against a pale background *All of these are correct.*

Two ancient painting media that are still in use today are:

-Encaustic and fresco

Which is NOT one of the four basic printmaking processes?


_________ is watercolor that has been made opaque by adding inert white pigment to it.


Van Gogh's painting are of high value because:

-His work had a major influence on subsequent artists -There are a limited number of his paintings -His paintings allow the viewer to feel a connection with the artist himself -He plays a large role in Western art history. *All of these answers are correct.*

Christian Boltanski draws upon the ___________ to create his work ___________.

-Holocaust; "Altar to the Chases High School"

What term describes work done by nonprofessionals?

-Intuitive Art -Folk Art -Naive Art -Outsider Art *All of these answers are correct.*

What is scale? Give an example of artwork that represents this.

-It means size in relation to a standard or a "normal size". Normal size is the size we expect something to be like a standard doorway, a pencil, and even an extra-large order of fries. Scale can be manipulated to emphasize everyday objects and their importance as well as create a sense of wonder in the viewer. An artwork that is an example of manipulated scale is Claes Oldenburg's "Plantair."

What is the golden section?

-It's a ratio or proportion that has facilitated many artists and architects alike since its discovery by the ancient Greeks. It divides a length into two unequal segments in such a way that a smaller segment has the same ratio to the larger segment as the larger segment has to the whole. The ratio of the two segments works out to approximately 1 to 1.618.

Which artist uses light itself as the main material and whose work increases our awareness of light as a presence in the world?

-James Turrell

No society that we know of has lived without some form of art. The impulse to make and respond to art appears to be as deeply ingrained as the ability to:

-Learn language

Context is a factor of ties that bind a work of art to the:

-Life of its creator -Society in which it was circulated -Audience for which it was made -Tradition it grows from and to which it responds *All these answers are correct.*

The works of Henry Peach Robinson and Andreas Gursky exemplify the photographer's:

-Manipulation and combination of different photographic images in one work.

Eduardo Manet's "A Bar at the Folies-Berger's" invites us to consider points of view in its subject and composition. Interpretations of this painting include ____________ approaches.

-Marxist -Psychoanalytic -Feminist -Formalist *All of these answers are correct.*

Which of the following printing techniques is especially capable of producing subtle shades of gray?


Pope Julius II employed which two Italian Renaissance artists to paint frescoes for him?

-Michelangelo and Raphael

During the ________ ________the term "art was used roughly in the same sense as "craft."

-Middle Ages

_________ _________measure out the passing of time and organize our experience of rhythm. The arts replicate this concept in the compositions of ________, ________, _______, etc.

-Natural rhythms -Paintings -Poetry -Music

In printmaking, a plate or block will be cancelled so that:

-No more prints can be made from it.

Which of the following is an example of a nonaqueous medium?

-Oil paint

During the 20th century, which of the following became a recognized element of art?


________ is/are among the materials besides paper that have provided support for drawings.

-Papyrus -Cave Walls -Silk -Fired Clay *All of these answers are correct.*

The American graphic designer who created some of the most memorable logos for IBM, UPS, and ABC is:

-Paul Rand

Compare and contrast the ways in which still photography, film, television, video, and computer technologies have transformed mass communications. Make specific reference to several recent examples of mass communication in which these technologies were used to convey messages through various types of images.

-Photography, film, television, and video serve not only as art forms, but also as methods by which information can be documented and recorded in a visual format. The computer, as a tool, has expanded the possibilities of these older art forms. With the development of the Internet, the computer became a gateway to a new kind of public space, global in scope and potentially accessible to everyone.

Because this 20th-century artist dated most of his drawings over the course of his lifetime, we have nearly a complete visual record of his mind at work.


_______ is the name for a standard subject in Christian art, that of Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding her son after he was taken down from the cross.


Lithography is a __________ process, which means that the printing surface is flat, not raised.


What are the two main differences between prints and most other forms of art?

-Prints are made using an indirect process and this process results in multiples of the same image

Man Ray created mysterious images, called ___________, which looked like ordinary photographs but did not require a camera to record them.


What is proportion?

-Refers to size relationships between parts of a whole, or between two or more items perceived as a unit.

A rubber stamp creates what type of print?


The ______ often created equestrian statues of their emperors.


The 10th-century copper sculpture illustrated in this chapter is the work of an artist performing the role of "giving tangible form to the unknown." The unknown, in this case, is the physical form of the deity:


What does subordination mean? What is a piece of art that represents this?

-That certain areas of the composition are purposefully blurred out, made less clear, or visually interesting so that the subject or main focal point that is being emphasized can stand out. Henry Oshawa Tanner's "The Banjo Lesson" is a great example of it.

_______ is the best-known work of the bizarrely inventive Hieronymus Bosch.

-The Garden of Earthly Delights

Nineteenth-century American painters employed the American landscape as a subject. One such artist was Thomas Cole who focused on an area of the Connecticut River to create:

-The Oxbow

The use of atmospheric perspective is a prominent aspect of which work?

-The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak by Albert Bierstadt

Although Vincent van Gogh suffered emotionally throughout his life, he was able to give his emotions tangible form in works such as:

-The Starry Night

_________ is closely associated with Alfred Stieglitz's assertion that for photography to be an art, it should be true to its own nature.

-The Steerage

Which statement is NOT true regarding James Hamilton's "Throne of the Third Heaven..." body of work?

-The artist intended the work to be viewed by everyone as a message of redemption.

What is unity? What is a piece of art that is a great example of this and why?

-The overall use of the elements to create a sense of belongingness, or oneness. Henri Matisse's Memory of Oceania is an example because of the use of color and the use of echoing shape.

According to the author, graphic design as we know it today has its roots in two developments. They are:

-The printing press and the Industrial Revolution

The difference in the color and consistency of different types of crayons and pastels is due to:

-The use of different binders

What is hierarchical scale?

-The use of scale to indicate relative importance in a composition

Cimabue's "Madonna Enthroned" and "Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South" are similar in all these ways EXCEPT:

-They share the same iconography

Artists like Peter Campus became interested in video because:

-Video signals could be electronically manipulated into interesting images

In "burn fresco", or true fresco, pigment is mixed with water and applied to:

-Wet plaster

The field of philosophy called aesthetics asks the question:

-What is art? -Is there one correct standard for judging art? -Can we apply our concept of art to art of different cultures -Can we apply our concept of art to art of the past? *All of these answers are correct.*

According to the author, the most important meaning of an artwork is:

-What it means to the viewer

The Dada movement was formed as a reaction to:

-World War I

A designer's blueprint for books and magazines and other works in print is called:

-a layout

The ancient Egyptians developed a standard set of proportions used to create images of the "correct" or "perfect" human, as have many cultures both ancient and modern. This set of proportions was created using:

-a squared grid

Dada collage artist Hannah Hoch used "found" photographs to express:

-all of these: artistic composition; the overwhelming experience of the mechanized city; and disgust with a civilization that allowed the slaughter of World War I

In a two-dimensional work of art that is balanced symmetrically, the implied center of gravity is:

-along the vertical axis down the center of the compostion

Technically, tempera is paint in which the vehicle is in:

-an emulsion

An image created to accompany words is called:

-an illustration

A(n) ________ is a director whose films are marked by a consistent, individual style, and is closely involved in conceiving the idea for the film's story and writing the script.


Line are used in art to indicate:

-boundaries between forms -direction and motion -shadows and highlights -spatial depth on flat surfaces *All of these are correct.*

In fresco painting, a drawing called a _________ is transferred to the prepared surface prior to applying the pigment.


In painting and drawing, artists often use the technique of ___________ to describe the way shadows and light define the mass of forms.


The development of ________ in the 19th century introduced the widespread use of color in posters.

-color lithography

Graphic design used to known as ______ art.


Rather than depend solely upon visual unity, an artist will sometimes create ___________ unity by unifying the ideas in a work of art.


Annette Messager's "Mes Voeux" and Joseph Cornell's "The Hotel Eden" both demonstrate the use of:

-conceptual unity

A daguerreotype was an early photographic method created using a:

-copper plate covered with silver iodine

The subject matter of Edward Hopper's "Gas":

-depict aspects of everyday life

W. Bradford Paley's "TextArc" program uses an entire text of book and:

-displays all of the text on screen, allowing users to explore relationships between its words

A nonaqueous paint is one that:

-dissolves in something other than water

In a two-dimensional work with asymmetrical balance, the appearance of balance is achieved by:

-distributing visual weight accordingly

"The Executions of the Third of May, 1808" by Francisco de Goya, creates ___________ by using the elements of ________, _________, _________, _________. The white, yellow, and red colors within the composition demand that the viewer not miss the overall meaning of the artwork.

-emphasis -line -shape -color -value

The painting technique used in the first century in Egypt, Greece, and Rome that involves the use of wax is:


In Albrecht Durer's woodcut "The Draftsman Drawing a Reclining Nude" the draftsman is using a device to help him achieve the effect of:


When discussing the size, shape, material, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its:


In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge photographed a galloping horse, and discovered that:

-galloping horses occasionally have all four hooves off the ground

The architect Le Corbusier designed the Modulor, a tool he used for calculating human proportions, based upon:

-golden section

In Shahzia Sikander's I from "51 Ways of Looking" ___________ was used as the medium.


Which of the following media is the most common of all drawing media?

-graphite pencil

Charles White's "Untitled" illustrates the technique of:


The use of scale to indicate relative importance is known as ___________ scale.


To discover why the sculptor of the Amida Nyorai depicted the subject with elongated earlobes, specific hand gestures, and a bun atop his head requires the use of:


Another term for asymmetrical balance is:

-informal balance

Representational art with an approach to naturalism covers:

-inner structures of bodies -recording effects of light and shadow on form -fabric drapes over bodies *All of these answers are correct.*

The Lumiere brothers:

-invented the first workable film projector

Any Warhol's film "Empire":

-is a film about watching time pass

In art, the design principle of balance functions to:

-lead our eyes around a work -help communicate a work's meanings -encourage our active participation in a work -help communicate a work's moods *All of these answers are correct.*

One of the main difference between the intaglio and the relief printing processes is that with intaglio the link ________ the surface of the printing plate.

-lies below

Which of the visual elements can best be described as "the path of a moving point"?


Cassidy Curtis's "Graffiti Archaeology" is organized by ________ to effectively display its subject.

-location and time

A _______ is often the first and key element in creating a complete corporate identity.


The predecessor of the graphite pencil, especially popular during the Renaissance, is:


Except in the case of ___________, identical multiple impressions are printed to create editions in printmaking.


The 18th-century Indian painting of Maharana Amar Singh and others watching musicians and acrobats utilizes the two most basic visual cues for implying depth on a flat surface. They are:

-position and overlap

After building a canvas and before painting it, a painter generally applies a coat of:


The _______ first made it possible to devise a notice that could be reproduced in large numbers and distributed widely.

-printing press

Artists primarily used the camera obscure to:

-produce naturalistic drawings of the world

A necessary feature of pattern is:


Paul Klee's "Landscape with Yellow Birds" and Kaiho Yusho's "Fish Nets Drying in the Sun" share a strong use of:


Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Brugge created shock value through use of:


Mixing two primary colors produces a __________ color.


"Passive Pink" refers to the color that:

-seemed to calm and relax violent children in studies of color's effects upon the mind and body.

Graphic design has its goal the communication of some __________ message to a group of people.


Georgia O'Keeffe's painting "Deer's Skull with Pedernal" is a prime example of:

-symmetrical balance

The "Thirteen-Deity Jnanadakini Mandala" uses _______ to suggest that there is a hidden order to the universe.


The use by artists of the camera obscure (literally dark room) began in:

-the Italian Renaissance

One of the most celebrated 19th-century artists, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, created posters for the famous dance hall called:

-the Moulin Rouge

Radiocarbon testing indicated that the earliest images made by humans date back to:

-the Paleolithic Period

Pablo Picasso painted "Guernica" in 1937 for:

-the Spanish Pavillion of the Paris World's Fair

Our modern ideas about art carry with them ideas about:

-the artist and the audience

The ancient Roman architect Vitruvius associated the perfected male form with the perfect geometry of:

-the circle and square

A major difference between the work of a "pure" or "straight" photographer, such as Alfred Stieglitz, and the work of a documentary photographer, such as Dorothea Lange, is:

-the different intentions of each photographer

One common issue facing those who work to conserve works of art is:

-the effect of light -the work of earlier restorers -changing levels of heat and humidity -pollution *All these answers are correct .*

Despite an enthusiastic public acceptance, the success of the daguerreotype was limited by:

-the inability to make multiple images from one negative

Early examples of art photography often imitated:

-the narrative form of painting

What part of the pen conveys the ink to the drawing surface?

-the nib

Although symbols convey information and embody ideas,

-they have no meaning in themselves; their meaning is invented by cultural use; and the ideas they embody may change radically with time.

After much study of the "Arnolfini Double Portrait", experts agree that:

-they still debate the work's iconography

One of the most effective and easiest ways for a company to change its image is:

-to redesign its logo

The pyramids at Giza in Egypt were built as:


Watercolor's primary characteristic is its:


Raphael's "The Madonna of the Meadows" is composed using the implied shape of a:


A black-and-white photograph of a scene eliminates the hues and intensities of the scenes colors, but captures the _________ of the colors.


Pablo Picasso's "Girl Beforea Mirror" explores the traditional theme of:


Artists will often add __________ to provide interest and enliven the unity of a work of art.


Artists can portray __________ textures that are created to look like something other than a flat painted surface.


The term "style" is used to categorize a work of art by its:

-visual characteristics

During the 18th century, beauty and art were discussed together because both:

-were felt to provide pleasure

In the additive process of color mixing, red light, green light, and blue light combine to produce ___________ light.


The vanishing point in Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" is:

All of these: at the exact center of the picture, just behind, just behind the head of the figure of Jesus, and on the horizon line.

Compare and contrast form and content in two works, one of which has visual unity and the other conceptual unity.

For visual unity, I feel that "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh gives the feel of unity. The colors and shapes blend well. In this painting, a great wave rolls across the sky, portraying some kind of cosmic energy that can be felt by all in the atmosphere. While everyone is asleep, nature proceeds to communicate through it's own language. For conceptual unity, I feel that the Arnolfini Double Portrait uses conceptual unity by having specific elements that combine to tell a story. Each piece of the painting adds a metaphoric meaning to the whole story. The candle represents the presence of God, the dog represents marital fidelity. Each element adds to the image of a couple getting married. Without some elements, that message could've been missed completely.

Discuss the various dangers faced by works of art as they age. Include a discussion of the conservation of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper."

Various factors affect the degradation of an artwork, such as light, temperature, humidity, and pollutants. Conservation aims to slow the effects of time. Because of the experimental nature of da Vinci's Last Supper, the painting began to deteriorate soon after its completion, and conservators spent two decades restoring it to a more luminous, but fragmentary, image.

The ancient symbol from Chinese Philosophy that embodies a worldview of mutual interdependence is the _________ symbol.


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