Art Exam 1 Review

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1.3.18 slide 1: Edith Hayllar, A Summer Shower, 1883

·***Implied Depth*** the one point or vanishing point makes our eyes go to the man and women who look like they are having an intimate quiet moment to themselves

William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Nymphs and Satyr, 1873

***Art and Controversy*** - Easily recognizable subject matter, fantasy world, so okay to be nudity, etc. Half man half beast

3.8.4 Claude Monet, Impression Sunrise, 1872

***Art and Controversy*** - A part of group of artists: impressionist: inspired by art critics derogatory remarks about this painting: said it was not art, impression of scene. Took insult and used as title for their group - Interested in optics, how our eye and brain see stuff around us, what light looks like as it falls over a specific object - Look at sunrise, water, boats in water, factory activity in background, trying to capture sunrise because everything is hazy. Deemed not art because art was supposed to be more realistic in France in mid to late 1800s - Monet was capturing of fleeting quality of life, Haystack series, different times of year and days. At the time insulted, degraded, never shown, today it is shown in some of the greatest displays such as Chicago, note of passage of time like in "Self" Monet work sells for $30.8 million

Marcus Harvey, Harvey, Myra, 11'-9', 1995

***Art and Controversy*** -Work was controversial because Myra is Myra Hindaline who is a criminal in Britain's past, her and her partner abducted and killed 5 children, public crime, arrested, put in prison, her crimes were known to public - Most controversy in London, because knew who person was who was depicted - How he painted the work, he took a plastered cast of a child hand, dip into white paint and make series of handprints that gave image of her portrait. Twisted: seeming to glorify these crimes, exploit horrific tragedy, didn't understand why. Physically attacked, someone brought in eggs and threw them at canvas - Knew this would be provocative - Had intention: Myra is based on famous mugshot- can see that it isn't her best look, platinum blonde hair, beautiful, love letters people wrote her in jail, even though a part of , infamous celebrity, artist was critiquing fact so many people recognized her mugshot because something they never forgot, meant to be a criticism for government for making famous this ladies crime. 15-20 years later we can still see why these paintings caused controversy in Sensation Status can change over time

0.0.15 Marc Quinn, Self, 1991.

***Art and Controversy*** Blood (artist's), stainless steel, perspex, and refrigeration equipment - Controversial because froze his own blood, took 9 pints of blood and poured into cast, keeps in refrigerator, blood is not a traditional sculptural medium. - Artist had other reasons besides just shocking, it's a self portrait, as close to using his own flesh as he could get to create a self portrait - Recreates portrait every 15 years with same method, different coloring but may be due to quality of photograph, universal message: we are all aging

Chris Ofili, The Holy Virgin Mary.

***Art and Controversy*** collage, oil paint, glitter, polyester, resin, map pins, and elephant dung on linen, 1996, 8x6 feet - Abstract image of virgin Mary, deviates from tradition with including other of other materials, cutout images from pornographic imaging, women of butt, one breast exposed, with elephant dung(feces) as a - One guy smuggled in a can of white paint all over surface of painting, this is why Virgin Mary was controversial and was held - This was not art, acts of mayor were extreme, museum won, freedom of speech, propelled controversy 1. woman buttocks floating around Virgin Mary: responding to long tradition of showing Virgin Mary as baby angels floating around butt naked, he says it's a tradition and he's updating it using a pop culture around her, he was raised catholic and questioned the way she was depicted 2. Black Virgin Mary: different than how she Is depicted in most traditional images 3. Elephant dung: exposure to use of material in Zimbogueay, seeing people using it as heat and had sacred symbolism for these cultures When on view in London, cultural context did not create much controversy

Maya Lin, VVM competition, Presentation panel, mixed media on paper

***Art and Memorials***

Michael Arad and Peter Walker, 9/11 Memorial, NYC, NY, 2011

***Art and Memorials***

Washington Monument, 1885 :

***Art and Memorials*** 100 years after, made to remember nations president

Fredrick Hart, Three Soldiers, 1984

***Art and Memorials*** Figurative, something to look at, bronze, what we expect or understand in terms of a memorial. Over time, Mayas personifies the Vietnam war and each individual receives equal individuality and attention. 3 soldiers you can see anywhere in textbook, image, so typical. Wall is specific to vietnam.

4.7.15 Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C. 1981-3.

***Art and Memorials*** Granite, each wing 246' long. 10'1" high at highest point Today it is the most visited memorial in Washington DC, nations capital, white house, national mall: huge 2 mile long park that has tons of monuments, memorials, the mall is framed on one edge of the building. 1400 submissions, hers was chosen. Lower to ground on one side, about 1 foot, and then grows to be 10 feet, amd then decreasing in size. Controversial at the time, bleak, basic, not really celebratory, hidden (not rising above ground or glamour the event) wouldn't notice it unless you knew it was there by certain area. 58,000 Americans who lost their lives, she chose to include the names by listing them on the panels. Controversy: not heroic, looks insulting, too simple, no figures or images, identity of artist herself, she's a girl surprising, Maya Lin which sounds very Asian but is American. Her parents are first generation from Taiwan. Received lots of viscous racist acts. Over time it has transcended, they go see it because it is compelling, emotional. Start in center, listed by date of death of MIA. She wanted you to be overwhelmed with all the names in term of loss, reflective black granite creates a mirror like surface, features as an illusion because you can see reflection and realize that could have been you or someone close to you.

Paul Myoda and Julian LaVerdiere, Tribute to Light, 2002-present

***Art and Memorials*** Inspired by cover of Time magazine, brought to life

The Lincoln Memorial Statue by Daniel Chester French, 1920.

***Art and Memorials*** Marble, 19' 65 years later after he was assassinated, made to remember. Looks like a god- architecture looks back to greek mythology. Made him appear God like. Intimidating, tension with the fact that he is seated

4.7.16 Michael Arad and Peter Walker, 9/11 memorial

***Art and Memorials*** New York photo taken of World Trade Center, built in 1973, photo from 2001. prior to September 11: subject, object of attack, 2 people hijacked 2,700 people lost their lives, single largest act of terrorism. Unique: the attack was televised, at first people thought it was an accident, millions of people saw the second plane hit the next tower. Crashed to ground, made this event a very close experience, middle of NYC, physical clean up of building itself, still is a mass grave, remains of a lot of people. Almost immediate desire to memorialize attack 88 search lights in bottom, lights project up into sky. Waterfall on edges, largest man-made waterfalls to date. Tree: lose its leaves in the fall and grow back in the spring, symbol to life, life goes on around the memorials. Bronze panels of names of 3,000 people on edge Physical place of names similar to Maya Lin, with names written on edge. Decent underground: reflection of absence. Names are arranged by "meaningful adjacencies" placed and orientated which tower they were believed to be in. Also organized by people that worked in the same office building. Significance of duality: individualized but its so big that its collective/communal. Sound of waterfall drowns out sound of traffic. Mourning, grief, remembering.

Felix W de Weldon, Iwo Jima Memorial. 195

***Art and Memorials*** prominent and dominating, reminiscent of all men

Oklahoma City National Memorial, Oklahoma City, OK, 2000

***Art and Memorials*** recalls the domestic act of terrorism, bombing of a federal building happened in 1995. 168 people died, 700 injured. Reflecting pool in center, gates of time, 903 gate 901 gate, literal reflection and building stood at the field of empty chairs, one chair for each of the 168 people that died. What floor in the building they were thought to be on. 19 children killed, daycare center on site. One tree that was right next to building

1.4.12 Frederic Edwin Church, Twilight in the Wilderness, 1860. Oil on canvas, 40x 64"

***Color*** · he juxtaposes colors in the sky and also in the landscape where the hills and water meet · the sunset also uses a purple and yellow relationship by putting the mountains and skyline next to each other · he also uses atmospheric perspective by making the mountains in the background a cooler color with little exact detail · this work was supposed to take place right before the civil war started. This work of art was supposed to be representative of the calm before the storm there is no human presence abut there was a small eagle sitting on the top of the tree branch

1.4.25 Vincent Van Gogh, The Night Café, 1888

***Color*** · the picture doesn't look very busy, everyone there looks pretty drunk because all of the people have their heads on the tables, it looks like it used to be busy because of the disorganized appearance the painting gives a sense of mystery because of the ambiguity of the features

1.4.14 Kane Kwei, Coffin in the shape of a cocoa pod (coffin Orange), c. 1970. Polychrome wood, 2'10" x 8'6" x 2'5"

***Color*** Hue: general classification of a color the distinctive characteristic of a color seen in the visible spectrum, such as green, red, or orange. · He created this coffin for his uncle that had recently died, cocoa pods look kind of orange and are shaped the way he made this fantasy coffin · Funerals in Ghana are very celebratory, and a happy event, the coffin is a center piece, people parade the coffin through town to show respects · Kane Kwei started the trend of fantasy coffins

Frederic Edwin Church, Our Banner in the Sky, 1861. Oil on paper, 7.5 x 11.25"

***Color*** · The tree becomes the flagpole and the colors in the sky represent the flag · The bird has taken flight and is now in the sky This happened right after the battle at fort sumpter

4.4.15 Jasper Johns, Flag, 1965

***Color*** · his works were rarely looked at because they were very basic and common to the eye · he is representing the American flag but in different colors · it is meant to be interactive o when you stare at the white dot for a while in the top flag then switch to the bottom and look at the black dot, the true American flag will become seen

1.4.13 Mary Cassatt, The boating Party, 1893-94

***Color*** · it Is meant to look calm because of the use of color and how still the water appears to be · the baby is also not throwing a fit but just relaxing · there is a lot of use of horizontal lines and the cool colors relaxes the viewers mind.

1.4.21 Mosque Lamp from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, 1594

***Color*** · this is a religious art piece that has a depiction of god/ala/other gods, it is meant to represent the gods but not deliberately give it away · text and writing along with repeating patterns are meant to show meaning in the art work. The color pallet has a white background with blue and green calming colors that are peaceful to the viewers eyes.

1.2.13 Colossal Head, Olmec 1500-1300 BCE, Basalt

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** - Mass, heavy, informal title, 8 feet tall, huge diameter. Made of volcanic rock. About 17 of colossal heads from around the earth. Believed to be portraits of the rulers, hats and distinctive characteristics. Intimidating, massive sculpture

1.2.12 Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse, In the Blue (crest), 2009. Painted cypress, 24 x 108 x 11

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Installation at St. Petersburg Art Center, Florida Open volume: a space enclosed with materials that are not completely solid Negative space: an empty s[ace given by shape by its surround - Want you to think water, the gulf of Mexico. On the water, fluidity

Michaelangelo, Pieta. 1501.

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Marble, height 6ft, 8 1/2 in: Striving for more lifelike representation of sculpture. Proportions of bodies are pretty spot on. Jesus is pretty exposed, can see joins, muscles. Meant o be seen. Goal: make things as lifelike as possible. Gave Mary a large place to sit. Marble transforms into flesh. Same human suffering that we have. Look at just facial expressions, but with organic form. Size/Scale *take note* DON'T TOUCH: if all people in last 5 million years touched it, it would deteriorate it: by looking at it, expect it to feel smooth. Highly polished finished marble, cold like a kitchen counter. Coldness helps with understanding of work. Artist is depending on us relating our experiences before

1.2.4 Roettgen Pieta (Verperbid) Middle Rhine Region, c 13300. Wood, 34 1/2 " high

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Organic form: as opposed to geometric form, the form of most things in the natural world. Virgin Mary, seated, Christ is sitting on her lap. Distorted human body to enhance viewing of a public audience. Big head- to focus on emotion. Blood, real emotional exaggeration. Emphasis on blood, wounds. Facial expression on Mary: sad, cool, calm, collected, knows it just one part. Looks very distraught nd upset. See his ribs pointing through, head tilted to the side, unnatural looks like head isn't up right

1.2.10a Ralph Helmick and Stuart Schechter, Ghostwriter, 1994/ Cast/stainless cable.30 x 6

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Pieces from afar are different sculptures, space enclosed by material. From afar is meant to look like a face. Open volume: a space enclosed with materials that are not completely sold Negative space: an empty space given shape by its surround Top and bottom of wires, fold everything in place. Spider, fly, can see the basic structure of space. If saw in person, able to see how big it actually is. People and viewers can become one with it. 3 stories tall, shifts a bit when people walk past it. Activation and creativity is more clear in person, meant to be very location specific

1.2.18 Louise, Maman 1999 (Maman: Mom, term of dearment) (cast 2001) Bronze, stainless steel, and marble. 29 3/8 x 32 1/8

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Spider: example of open volume, big in terms of size, but not wholly enclosed, lines are vertically aligned through legs of spider. Imagine it's a female spider, egg sac under the body of the spider, VERY tall. Negative space. Organic: very life like, bigger than a real life spider, but lines have organic view. Trying to contrast with the building, linear, organic, building in background is very industrial, solid, dense, spider in contrast looks more fluid. Creates sense of movement. Potential for movement, meant to be powerful and intimidating. Creates an image that motherhood is intimidating or powerful, purpose of protection, she's holding her young in the sac beneath her. You can go under it through the negative space, compelled to look up and at it.

1.2.19 Meret Oppenheim, Object, 1936. Fur covered cup, saucer and spoon, 2 1/4 high

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** Surrealist: an artist belonging to the surrealist movement in the 1920s and later, whose art was inspired by dreams and the subconscious. Went to department store to find a common tea cup, plate and spoon, Fur of a Chinese gazelle, looks really soft, but drink out of a cup so it would be gross and make you uncomfortable. Nice touch to hand, repulsive to lips

3.1.14 Pyramids at Giza:

***Form, Volume, Mass, Texture*** from left to right, the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. C 2500 BCE, giza, Egypt Geometric form: three-dimensional form composed of regular planes and curves - Place for leaders and pharaohs to be buried for respect, very tall strong and upright form. Had to do with power and greatness of pharaohs. 3 pyramids constructed for the three pharaohs, all related to one another, grandpa, dad, son. Over 2 million stones, rises well above gown. Great testament to engineering skill, etc

1.6.2 Katushika Hokusai, "the great wave off shore at Kanagawa"

***Implied Depth*** from thirty-six views of Mount Fuji, 1826-33 (printed later) · the over lapping allows people to move through the painting · the peak of the mountain is tall so you know that its tall · he uses the same color scheme to make the painting not be a focus on the mountain or even the boats · we know that the white caps on the wave mean that its rough water, and it almost looks like claws on the ends of the waves · the people in the boats are bracing for impact because they know their boat is going to capsize. · Mount Fuji remains unharmed by the storm because it's a mountain. o It is meant to represent the fact that japan is a strong nation that will endure through any obstacle that comes in its path o The use of depth is very important in understanding this painting

1.3.20: Masaccio, Trinity, c. 1425-6, Fresco, 21'10 ½" x 10'4 7/8"

***Implied Depth*** · The eyes go towards Christ by the use of the three dimensional foreground middle ground and back ground · Everyone is looking towards Christ which helps to draw our attention to him · The vanishing point is at the bottom of the painting, it is at the eye level of where a real person would be standing o The point is actually at the bottom of the podium

1.3.4 Diagram of CHIAROSCURO

***Implied Depth*** (Italian for "light dark") turn circle into something 3D

1.3.16 Supergiant Games, screenshot from Transistor, 2014.

***Implied Depth*** Art Director, Jen Zee the gamer gets the same view as the person almost through the use of isometric perspective

1.3.8 Michelangelo, Head of a satyr 1520-30, and ink on paper

***Implied Depth*** Half man half animal. Cheek bone and edge of ear, profile of nose looks like 3D. Layer after layer of teneraism.

1.3.5 Pierre Pail Prod'hon Study from La Sourse

***Implied Depth*** Looks very conventional and life like with shadow

1.3.1 Rene Magritte, The Treachery of Images ("This is Not a pipe") 1929.

***Implied Depth*** Oil on canvas (23 3/4 x 32) His audience was able to understand and read this caption. Artist makes it look life-like. Highlight on bowl, shadowing around the stem. Foreshortening perspective, little opening on top of pipe. Gone to some length to create a form of art. Picture of a pipe, not a pipe, picture of a pipe. Wants you to remember

1.3.6 Caravaggio. The calling of St. Matthew. C. 1599- 1600 Oil on canvas 11'1 x 11'5"

***Implied Depth*** Oil on canvas 11'1 x 11'5" Tenebrism: dramatic use of intense darkness and light tot heighten the impact of the painting, fro, the Italian "tenbroso" meaning "murky" When Christ goes out to chose a select number of people to be his followers, tax collectors, counting money, armed sitting in back of bar counting money. Christ comes in and gestures to St. Matthew, spiritual transformation within him for being a follower of Christ. Christ is in the dark, covered by another person, background, off to the side . very deliberate. Use of light0 Mathew has line shining on face, Single shaft of light that runs right through middle. Gesture making towards, highlight impact of moment of transformation.

4.10.7 Artemsia Gentileschi, Judith and her Maidservant Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holoferms

***Implied Depth*** Tells a story of old testament, Judith saves people. Judith is largest figure, in center, bright yellow dress, stands out more than anyone else Beheaded someone, still blood on sword, decapitated and head t on ground, trying to keep quite. Hand over candle, employing show drama not just lifelike, teneraism. Chand over candle pit major cross, profile is highlighted

1.3.13 Asher Brown Durand, Kindred Spirits, 1849 ·

***Implied Depth*** the kindred spirits are the two people standing in the picture · the people are supposed to represent famous painters from the time · this work of art is very representational because everything looks realistic. (i.e. rocks look like rocks, trees look like trees, etc.) · we see atmospheric perspective in the mountains and valleys in the background · he used this perspective to make it look most realistic and also to show the vast potential of the landscape

1.3.14 Xu Yang, the Qianlong Emperor's Southern Inspection Tour, Scroll Six: Entering Suzhou and the Grand Canal, Qing Dynasty, 1770 (detail). Hand scroll, ink, and color on silk, 2'3 1/8" x 65'4 ½"

***Implied Depth*** · isometric perspective: a system using diagonal parallel lines to communicate depth · this is one section of a Chinese scroll series · it shows the viewer people going through their day to day lives, it also shows a country side view that shows the same isometric perspective lines in the farmland in the distance

3.6.6 Leonardo da Vinci, The last supper, c. 1497

***Implied Depth*** · this was a time of change in politics, structure, and general change · this is another renaissance picture · this shows Christ having his last meal before his death · da Vinci was hired by monks to paint a view of the last supper on the wall of their dining hall in their monastery · fresco painting: it is a technique where artists put a fresh layer of plaster on a wall and paint into the wet plaster, and as it dries the painting becomes a part of the wall · Christ is shown as the most important figure: o The vanishing point is behind his head o Implied lines through the gestures are going towards Christ o The bright light behind his head o He's the only figure that is by himself and not grouped with someone else, he also has a very open body language where other people are turned away

Egon Schiele. Portrait of the Artists wife standing, with hands on Hips. 1915.

***Line*** Contour Line: can suggest a volume in space. Known for expressive drawings, efficient use of lines. On hips, armpits, elbows, and hair all use the contour line to show depth or volume. Folds of skin at knuckles, folds of dress

Egon Schiele, Mother with Child, 1910.

***Line*** Line in lower right, shows fold in her body Fingers intertwined with skin on knuckle

1.1.17 Vincent van Gogh, The Bedroom, 1880. Oil on canvas

***Line*** Look at depiction of bedroom, place of rest or relaxation. Goal of painting was create something very unstable or anxiety filled. Expressive, use of line, color, shape, etc. Representation of his personal bedroom. Oil painting on a canvas Horizontal = passive, rest Vertical = unstable, unjointed: panels of floor brown and green wood planks. Green looks a little sickly, washed out. Looks like room is bending in, pictures hanging on wall on side of bed(4) looks like they're about to fall. His brother that supported him financially wrote regularly. He would communicate as an artist. Our analysis: unique aspect. You can see instability. Closing of windows, chairs close to bed, bed looks large He later kills himself in this room

1.1.11 France-German hand Pentateuch with prophic

***Line*** Micrography: the creation of designs using very small writing Central panel is most important, has Hebrew writing, is meant to be read out loud, between frame and text itself show the dragon. Implied line: from afar you can make out the drawing, up close you can see that it is writing

1.1.1 Spider, c. 500 BCE-500 CE Nazca, Peru

***Line*** Outline: the outermost line of an object or figure by which it is defined or bounded. 1 of about 70 that were created sometime during this time period, the whole area with 70 drawings is 39 miles long, 1 mile wide. The spider is about 150 feet, 2 side by side would be the length of a football field. Religious or sacred because the scale of them means they appear to be most ideally viewed from above, foothills along the edge where if you climb up you can see them. Prayerful, or meditative to walk along the path because a single line. Parallel lines are in the spider and hummingbird- caused investigation because there's indication of post marks and connect it with a string and would remove the soil.

Charles C Ebbets, Lunch atop a skyscraper, 1932.

***Line*** Photograph: how to crop, with nature of photography, During NYC construction of another building in Manhattan. 11 construction workers eating, smoking cigs, casually eating lunch. Background shows height, line showing path of street, buildings, Central Park in NYC similar rooftop view of big skyscraper buildings, Unsupported beams, actual line that looks stable but cant tell how the beam is being held up. Hired by owners of buildings to document construction. To hype new buildings, spark interest and fashion. Still safe but not look too intimidating, pose and gestures of men. Truly candid photograph, he posed the men, asked them to look casual, not afraid. Meant to give viewer the cool view of high prospective of city even though so high up. Fundamentality of line portrays the use

1.1.13 slide 1: Franciso Goya, The third of May, 1808, oil on canvas,

***Line*** Turned in artwork to depicting scenes of war, desperate, violent, exploiting what humans are capable of doing to each other. Real historical event in title. Execution of Spanish rebels by the French. Set in Madrid, clue of location with cathedral in background. Paints it 6 years later, recalling the invasion. Very effected by witnessing first accounts of war. Meant to sympathize with rebels, bathed in light, wearing the only white shirt after days of battling probably not true. Use of color. Look at facial expressions- some are covering faces, don't want to watch, some are watching and have a range of reactions. Weapons, military is armed and in uniform, the Spanish aren't armed, beaten down, etc. Use of lines- gun, uniform manner, strong, upright, intact, straight line of bullet coming out to shoot them. In addition to bright white color, the line created by the soldiers feet, Martyr for Spanish rebellion. Depict Jesus or Christ like. Arms spread apart, when Christ was executed, cross-like pose. They don't want him to die, feeling emotionally. Right hand has a indention reference to physical wound of Christ's body. Creating a whirlwind effect of looking at line pattern

Egon Schiele. Self-portrait, 1910

***Line*** neck or collarbone shows the sickness or weakness shows the contouring lines. Hipbones are also effectively portray the thinness.

1.1.14 James Allen, the connectors, 1934.

***Line***Etching, 12 Print or an etching, working on building the empire state building in New York City, supposed to show the great height of the building. Men appear to be sitting on beams with no safety harness, typical of the way the buildings were constructed. Immigrant experience in the 30's. Able to give us a sense of the great height through use of line by: background, faded, makes it look hazy, far away, sky scraper buildings, we see the roofs of other buildings, top of beams are further apart than lower beams, shows direction

0.0.1:The Journey of the Sun God Re

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** Include a representation of water in some way. - The Journey of the Sun God Re, detail from the inner coffin of Nespawershefi, 990-969BCE(before common era, before the year zero). Plastered and painted wood. Re was most important God, in middle of painting because he is centered, bigger than everyone else, ○ Function: Visual representation of their belief system ○ Represents victory of the underworld, believed in afterlife, practice of mummification of body to preserve body after physical death. Path of sun god, through underworld, victorious in underworld against serpent, passes through until the after life ○ Not meant for public viewing, done as a form of divine blessing

0.0.3 Louise Nevelson, White Vertical Water, 1972.

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** wood, 18x9'. - Painted pieces of wood all the same color white and 3D, shadows make it look darker - Abstraction: the degree to which an image I altered from an easily recognizable subject. - Referencing water through how its structured, random. Gives a direction of flow. Shadows give depth that water has. Referencing a waterfall, orientation, dimensions is 18 feet tall, not to reference a specific body of water, but the sensation of what its like from your personal experience or point of view.

0.0.10 Tea Bowl, 16th century. Stoneware with red glaze (Karatsu ware), 3 x 19^7/8

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** - Ceramics, pottery, clay, example of pottery handmade, fired: to bake clay at high temp to make permanent and solid. - Traditional Japanese ceremony- can last for hours, calm, meditative, objects of ceremony all used from natural materials. Fits perfectly into both hands, not perfectly symmetrical or painted, ridges on outside, texture, lip isn't a perfect circle, irregular, made it more valuable, more organic qualities of work

0.0.12 Titian, Isabella d'Este, 1536. Oil on canvas

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** - Very influential, Italian noblewoman, she wants to be depicted as: austere, serious, stern, - Wealthy: clothing and jewelry: had to be very wealthy to have this painting, looks abut 20s, but she was actually in her 60s , preserving image of herself with the young timeless beauty - Patron: an individual or organization who sponsors the creation of works of art

Cai Guo-Qiang. Transient Rainbow. 2002.

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** Chinese artist, over east river in NYC. Separates 2 neighborhoods, Manhattan and Queens. Hired by Museum of Modern Art, closed down in 2002 for renovation. Hired to make a contemporary move from one part of the city to another. - Started on Manhattan, ended on Queens side - Rainbow: ark, connects the two cities and movement of museum, inspired by cultural background/heritage. Figure of creation: closely related to rainbow. - Transient rainbow: Transient: something on move - timing because moves from one edge and moves to the other, reference to the museum moving. - Summer 2002, front of mind: 9/11/2001, less than a year later, tragic terrorist attack. This work 1. Fireworks, only seen at night contrast, see skyline of Manhattan, absence of two twin towers because tallest buildings 2. Rainbow: hopeful, optimism, people need to start to heal and move forward, reminder that it is capable to make it past 3. River: Practical part of work, body of water dividing 2 cities, reflects art of rainbow, have come full circle, museum eventually moves back to Manhattan, coming back from transcending.

0.0.22 Carved ivory mask-shaped pendant, mid 16th century.

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** Ivory inlaid with iron and bronze, approx 9 x 5 x 2 - Material symbolizes wealth, ivory is very important to art, rare, use in trade relations with Portugal use was highly regulated by the king.

0.0.11 Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503.

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** Oil on wood Portrait, wife of a banker from Florence, of contemporary time period, realistic, allusion of 3D, mountains landscape, individuality. Renaissance: a period of cultural and artistic change in Europe from the 14th-17th century

0.0.2: Frederic Edwin Church, Niagara, 1857. Oil on canvas, approx 3ft 3in x 7ft 5in

***Understanding The Visual Arts*** format to enhance grandness of sea - American Landscape. Representational or realistic, objects and figures look like they do in real life. - Representational: art that depicts figures and objects so that we recognize what is represented. - Chose location because: where it is located geographically, represents point of Northern most expansion West side of New York state. Symbol of expansion, if we are on the Canadian side looking into US, seeing Americas landscape. - Puts us right in the middle, no foreground (rock or bridge viewer is on), beautiful, grand, ripe for development, open space, capturing prism of light being the rainbow, looks beautiful, welcoming. Only painting in gallery long line in New York to pay 25 cents, would bring opera glasses, 100,000 people visited over a couple weeks in New York, went to Paris and London, a form of advertisement,

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