Art Exam 2

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The earliest known African rock paintings date from about 6,000 to 4,000 BCE, which corresponds to the _________ period.


Ancient Egyptian history is broken into which of the following periods? Select all that apply.

New Kingdom Middle Kingdom Old Kingdom Armana Revolution

Manuscript illumination was the beginning of realism, symbolism, and complicated imagery found in ____________ paintings.

Northern Renaissance

Which civilization is best known for colossal stone heads?


Early mosques avoided (pick two)

Ornamentation Symbols

Which of the following artists was most influential to Cubism?

Paul Cézanne

Edgar Degas was strongly influenced by


Which movement was a reaction to abstraction and expressionist movements of the 20th century, favoring sharp precision and hyper-realistic depiction?


Which artist, influenced by Cubism, reduced forms to lines and planes, and his palette to primary colors?

Piet Mondrian

Gothic architecture style is characterized by (select all that apply):

Point arches, pinnacles and columns Use of stained glass windows that let plenty of light in

The __________ were more subdued in their color palette and stuck to more sculptural forms, while the _________ were more painterly and adopted more vibrant color palettes and aggressive brushwork.

Poussinistes; Rubenistes

The iconography of church sculpture moved from messages of damnation during Romanesque period to ___________ during the Gothic period.


Northern Renaissance manuscript artists attempted to combine (pick two)

Religious subjects Scenes from everyday life

After Akhenaton's death, artistic style __________.

Returned to the rigid stylization of previous Egyptian periods.

Which style is characterized by sweetness, gaiety, and light?


Charlemagne's Palatine Chapel at Aachen imitates

Roman architecture

____________ sought extremes of emotion through virtuoso brushwork and a brilliant color palette.


What makes the massive dome of Hagia Sophia appear light and graceful?

Rows of arched windows at its base.

Which of the following are true of the Archaic period include (select all that apply):

Sculpture was the principal art form Vase painting flourished The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian style orders were established Human figures took center stage over geometric patterns

During the Han Dynasty, being buried with __________ had become fashionable.

Small sculptural, military symbols

Which artistic movement relies on collage and found elements?

Synthetic Cubism

How are Hindu temples different than Christian churches?

Temples are dwellings for gods, not houses of worship.

The harsh and theatrical "spotlight" effect favored by Baroque artists is called __________.


What divided the city of Teotihuacán?

The Avenue of the Dead

Which group amplified the idea that "form followed function"?

The Bauhaus

For hundreds of years there were no images of ___________.

The Buddha

Spain is home to (select all that apply):

The Great Mosque at Córdoba The Alhambra

All of the following, except for __________, are associated with Shi Huangdi.

The Great Stupa

Which two ambitious works came out of the Qin Dynasty?

The Terra-cotta Army The Great Wall

What does the Bayeux Tapestry describe?

The invasion of England by William the Conqueror

What architectural innovations did the Romans introduce? Select all that apply.

The use of concrete to replace cut stone Use of the arch

Which of the following is NOT true of Byzantine mosaic figures, especially those in Justinian and the Attendants?

They are realistic and true to life, as if the men were actually standing with worshippers.

How were the Fauves different than 19th century artists?

They evoked light through color contrasts, negated shadow, and used color to construct forms.

The Khmer kings who built Angkor Wat believed

They would be reabsorbed by their personal gods

Which of the following architectural elements is not associated with a mosque?


The Shang Dynasty ruled China about the same time

Tutankhamen became pharaoh

Sumer was known for (select all that apply)

Use of cuneiform Ziggurat temples Decorative objects with inlaid laps lazuli

Typical Old Kingdom conventions included (select all that apply):

Use of hierarchal scale to show importance Figures rendered according to canon of proportions. A tradition of dividing the picture plane into registers

Bernini's David exemplifies Baroque art in that (select all that apply):

We must move around the sculpture to understand it fully. We the viewer must complete the action David has begun, introducing the element of time. David appears in motion, in the process of the fight

Which of the following Abstract Expressionists never fully abandoned figurative painting?

Willem de Kooning

Match the art or architecture to the culture that made it. a)The Parthenon b)The Pantheon c)Red/black figure d)Laocoon and his Sons

a) classical greek b) roman c) Archaic greek d) hellenistic greek

Match the artist to the innovation in painting that moved towards abstraction. Manet Monet Seurat Cezanne

a. flatly painted forms b. the separation of light into spectral components c. highly patterned compositions d. drastic collapsing of space

The Great Pyramids at Giza were ________________.

built with massive blocks and surfaced with limestone

The Shang Dynasty is a Bronze Age urban civilization that developed trade and commerce in modern-day _______.


Greek sculpture reached its height during the ____________ period.


While Dutch artists were painting scenes from everyday life, Flemish artists

continued painting mythological and religious scenes, as was popular in Italy.

Most Gothic and Romanesque sculpture was

decoration of cathedral portals.

Aspects of Olmec religion lived on with Mayan and Native American cultures.


What was the original purpose for the Terracotta army?


The concept of humanism began with which culture?


Early Christian art featured

intricate patterns and stylized crosses

The Republican period of Rome was known for _________ in sculpture.


These are all characteristics of Abstract Expressionism except

restraint and balance

Which culture was known for wax death masks?


Where were bronze ceremonial vessels from the Shang Dynasty found?

royal tombs

The Renaissance saw a revival of all of the following except

spirituality and the divine

Early South Asian cities in the ___________ developed around 3000 BCE

the Indus River Valley, near modern day Pakistan

In red-figure and black-figure painted vases, the

the black art is painted

Cubism and Futurism always contain traces of representation, no matter how abstract they appear. They do not completely abandon subject matter.


Mix-and-match molds were used to create the Terracotta Army, so they have regimented bodies but a surprising amount of individuality and variety in gestures.


In the second half of the 20th century, many artists focused on race, gender, ethnicity, sex, and identity. Which of these artists was not part of this effort to diversify the art world?

Jackson Pollock

Which artist was influenced by graffiti?

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Which artist used cut-outs and silhouettes to comment on race relations in the United States?

Kara Walker

Cimabue and Giotto's paintings combine ____________ and ____________, and are therefore classified as Proto-Renaissance.

Late Gothic Early Renaissance

Who was most influential to the Impressionists?


Which style abandons observing nature to copy art instead, creating "secondhand" depictions of the world?


Stonehenge is made of two concentric circles of ___________.


A __________ is a niche in the wall facing Mecca that provides a focus of worship.


A __________ is a tall tower of a mosque from which Muslims are called to prayer.


Which group sought to reduce ideas to the simplest forms, using as few elements, color and textures as possible?


The ruins of ____________ include a citadel, a grid plan of streets, a central marketplace, public baths, and a sewage system.


Why did Egyptian tomb artists want to make art that would stand the test of time?

Because the sculptures held the soul (ka) of their deceased if mummification failed

Which of the following was a major artform of the Golden Age of Islam?


Which artist preferred to work with society's outcasts to model the scenes he painted?


Where are Buddhist worshippers in relation to monuments like the Great Stupa at Sanchi?

Circumnavigating the outside, as if tracing the path of the sun.

Empire period Roman sculpture combines (select all that apply):

Classical Greek idealism Republican period realism

Louis XIV of France established academics of art that perpetuated which style, which was his preference?


A large canvas featuring large expanses of subtly modulated color may be a __________ painting.

Color field

What was the goal of Romanesque sculptors?

Conveying messages Christian and biblical messages to worshippers.

Which art movement responded to the absurdity of war by embracing nonsense art - art that is absurd and unpredictable?


Which form of Surrealism focused on irrational content, absurd juxtapositions, and metamorphoses of the dream state?


Figures in Egyptian art were rendered according to

A canon of proportions

___________, the style of painting that had the least impact on the development of modern art, was most popular during its time.

Academic Art

The Shang Dynasty culture was known for

Accomplished metalwork

A painting who surface implies a strong sense of activity with the signs of brushing, dripping, or splattering would be an example of

Action painting

What was the Salon des Réfusés?

An exhibition of art rejected by the yearly Salon art exhibit

Which artist used their body as part of their medium and as a way to reject historically male-dominated painting?

Ana Mendieta

Stylistically, the Hall of Bulls is noted for ___________.

Naturalism and use of foreshortening

Which style came about in opposition to the whimsy of late Rococo style?


Where were the Buddha's cremated remains placed, according to legend?

In stupas throughout India

Rembrandt's works, including paintings and prints, focused on

Introspection and psychology.

Which of the following is NOT true of Old St. Peter's?

It featured a symmetrical central plan.

Much of what we know about Greek sculpture is because

It was extensively copied by the Romans

Which of the following are the main 20th century expressionist movements? Select all that apply.

Die Brücke Der Blaue Reiter New Objectivity

Which of the following Islamic architectural achievements is located at a Jewish sacred site?

Dome of the Rock

Shang rulers inherited their ruling positions, claimed authority from the divine, and filled their tombs with precious objects, much like the _________.


Which culture was known for art for worship of the dead?


Which artist is well known for combining mysticism and realism?

El Greco

Characteristics of Baroque art include all except the following

Everyday life

Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of Cubism?

Expressive and lyrical use of color

Romanesque cathedrals needed to be (select all that apply):

Fireproof after years of hostile invasions that decimated wood churches. Big enough to accommodate large crowds

Who advocated for synthetism?


Which of the following statements is true of genre painting?

Genre painting came out of Northern Europe and focused on every day people doing every day things.

How was Manet's approach to painting different?

He started with a white surface and built the surface from there

Which religion combines ritualized worship of multiple gods with an intellectual tradition that attempts to understand the meaning of people and the cosmos?


Characteristics of the Geometric period include (select all that apply):

Human figures are more decorative than naturalistic Optical representation of figures Conceptual representation Naturalism and full bodied forms Predominance of geometric shapes and patterns

The Venus of Willendorf was (select all that apply)

Hypothesized to be a fertility figure A 4" sculpture featuring a rounded female form

Characteristics of Neoclassicism painting include (select all that apply):

Idealized facial features and bodies A balance of emotion and restraint A rich color palette

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