Art History

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St. Francis

an Italian and the Roman Catholic monk who founded the Franciscan order of friars. Berlinghieri's St. Francis Altarpiece depicts St. Francis and his works.


is a form of ornamented vaulting in Islamic architecture, sometimes called a "honeycomb" vault for its organic appearance The Alhambra has honeycomb vaulting.


is conceived as a condition of suffering and purification that leads to union with God in heaven. The Monday Prayers from The Hours of Catherine of Cleves has a depiction of ________

Horseshoe arch

is the emblematic of the architecture of al-Andulus architecture. These arches can take rounded, pointed or lobed form. The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue has _________


literally "navel" or belly button, the center or hub of something. The Psalter World Map depicts Jerusalem as the ________


literally meaning "hand-written", a hand written document The Chronica Majora is an important medieval illuminated __________ chronicle written in Latin by Matthew Paris


marks corresponding to those left on Jesus' body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favor on the bodies of St. Francis of Assisi and others. Berlinghieri's St. Francis Altarpiece depicts St. Francis with his ________

Dance of Death

medieval allegorical concept of the all-conquering and equalizing power of death. This is the subject of Michael Wolgemut's woodcut ____________


of or denoting a partly Gothic, partly Islamic style of architecture and art prevalent in Spain in the 12th to 15th centuries The Honeycomb vaults of The Alhambra are an example of _________ architecture.

"The Walled Garden"

a symbol of the perpetual virginity of Christ's mother, Mary. This is associated with images of courtly love such as The Castle of Love.


a title of Christ represented as the ruler of the universe


A mosque tower from which the Muslim call to prayer is given. The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue has two tower-like structures that appear inspired by ________

star vault

A vault whose ribs radiate to form patterns reminiscent of stars. Burgos Cathedral has a ________


Decorative enamelwork in which metal filaments are fused to the surface of an object to outline a design that is filled in with enamel paste. The Pala d'Oro from San Marco is an example of ________

The Song of Songs

Song of Solomon, book of the Old Testament containing love poems. ___________ was related through theology to union with God. The Mystical Vision of Christ's Wounds from the Rothschild Canticles has been interpreted as relating to this theological concept.


The earliest type of manuscript in the form of a modern book (i.e., a collection of written pages stitched together along one side), this replaced the earlier rolls of papyrus and wax tablets. The Chronica Majora is an important medieval illuminated manuscript chronicle written in Latin by Matthew Paris

Lazarus and Dives

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus is a well-known parable that tells of the relationship, during life and after death, between an unnamed rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus. ___________ is closely related to the concept of "Last Things". The Last Judgment from Bamberg Cathedral is an example of an image of "Last Things"


The series of military campaigns by which Christian armies reclaimed control of the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim rule. The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue was converted into a church after the ______________


a projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall. one of the key components of the Gothic style that allowed for the opening up of space and allowing light to fill it in, as exemplified by the Abbey Church of St. Denis


a style popular in central and northern Italy during the medieval period imported from Constantinople/Byzantine Empire San Marco is an example of the _________ style architecture.

Suffering Christ

a cross with a representation of the dead Christ, intended to focus devotion on the sufferings of Christ Coppo di Marcovaldo's Crucifix is an example of a suffering Christ image.

"The Lover Crowned"

a image symbolizing a certain of illicit act. This is a subject of medieval art as can be seen by the ivory mirror from the 14th century, _________

mappa mundi

a medieval European map of the world. The Psalter World Map is an example of this

"The Three Living and the Three Dead"

a motif in medieval manuscripts that serves as a reminder of death. The Hours of Bonne of Luxembourg contains this imagery.


an individual leaf of parchment (the medieval "page") The Chronica Majora is an important medieval illuminated manuscript chronicle written in Latin by Matthew Paris, one of these depicts an elephant that was a gift from Louis IX.

transi tomb

an object serving as a warning or reminder of death, such as a skull. Chantry of Bishop Fleming has a ___________.

"The Castle of Love"

another medieval symbol analogous with virginity. This is a direct subject of medieval art as can be seen by the 14th century object _____________


fine parchment made from the skin of a calf Most manuscripts important enough to illuminate, such as the lavishly illuminated Arsenal Bible, were written on this best quality of parchment.


frontier towns built in France during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Cordes sur Ciel is an example of this

memento mori

remembrance of death. The Three Living and the Three Dead folios from The Hours of Bonne of Luxembourg is an example of __________-


stiff, flat, thin material made from the prepared skin of an animal and used as a durable writing surface. The Chronica Majora is an important medieval illuminated manuscript chronicle written in Latin by Matthew Paris, one folio, made of _________, depicts an elephant that was a gift from Louis IX.


the following of ancient Greek or Roman principles and style in art. Nicola Pisano's Pisa Baptistery Pulpit is an example of a return to ancient Greek and Roman principles of style and art.

Iberian Peninsula

the peninsula of southwest Europe that now consists of Spain and Portugal. The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue was built on this peninsula


the social and cultural meanings of images. In the middle ages images had a complex social and cultural meanings. The Mystical Vision of Christ's Wounds from the Rothschild Canticles for example has been speculated to have secular and sacred meaning.

Last Things

the subjects of eschatology: the second coming of Christ, the end of history, and the final destiny of the individual and humankind as a whole. The Last Judgment from Bamberg Cathedral is an example of an image of "_________"


was a continuum of closely related Romance dialects spoken in the Muslim-controlled areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The mixture of cultures that produced _______ in the Iberian Peninsula also produced the hybrid style architecture of The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue.

Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

was a crusader state established in the Southern Levant by Godfrey of Bouillon in 1099 after the First Crusade. The construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

al Andalus

was a medieval Muslim territory and cultural domain occupying at its peak most of what are today Spain and Portugal. The Ibn Shoshan Synagogue was built on the Iberian Peninsula, in the area of ___________

Andreas Capellanus

was the 12th-century author of a treatise commonly known as De amore. His work relates closely to images of courtly love such as the Castle of Love.

Byzantine Empire

was the continuation of the Roman Empire in the East during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople. After the sack of Constantinople, much of the spoil from the _________ come to San Marco, such as the Tetrarchs monument.

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