Art History Exam 3

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Who were the two leading painters of the Harlem Renaissance?

Aaron Douglas and Jacob Lawrence

Which painter believed in the importance of practicing "straight photography rather than using techniques that add effects to a photo?

Alfred Stieglitz

Winslow Homer's Veteran in a New Field is a commentary on the aftermath of which conflicts?

American Civil War

Which artistic movement arose out of the idea of John Ruskin and William Morris, with their emphasis on producing functional objects with high aesthetic value?

Arts and Crafts

What term do art historians use to describe the process Joan Miro employed to paint such works as Painting?


Who is the subject of this painting by Edouard Manet?

Claude Monet

What was the original title of Edvard Munch's powerfully emotional the Scream?


Vassily Kandinsky's move to abstraction rather than representation can be attributed to the scientific theories of which individual?


What art historical term describes Monet's practice of painting his works outdoors?

En plein air

What did Dadaists believe led to the destruction and loss of life of World War I?

Enlightenment Ideals

Which work by Picasso is meant as a condemnation of the Nazi bombing of the Basque capital in Spain?


What is Frida Kahlo referring to in her painting The Two Fridas?

Her ancestry

The grand pictorial drama of Delacroix's painting Death of Sardanapalus is based on a literary work by which Romantic author?

Lord Byron

In Rosetti's Beata Beatrix, what did the artist include to commemorate his wife's death?


Which artistic movement had its roots in Impressionist precepts and methods but could not be considered stylistically homogeneous?


What uniquely American style combined Synthetic Cubism with a fascination with the presence of machinery in contemporary life?


Which painter made Parisian dance halls and clubs the subjects of many of his paintings, including Dance at Le


Vignon's Neoclassical design of the church of La Madeline in Paris is meant to tie the empire of Napoleon to which earlier empire?


Arthur Dove's nonobjective painting Nature Symbolized NO. 2 seeks to capture the essence of what aspect of the natural world?

Sprouting vegetation

Giorgio de Chirico's the song of love is a precursor of which movement in painting?


What event ended the relative isolation of the American art scene and inspired the development of American modernist art?

The Armory Show

Although Morisot's interest in leisure activities aligned with the Impressionists, her paintings are inhabited by ____.

Women and children at home

Which of the following ideas was Vincent Van Gogh trying to communicate in his starry night

vastness of the universe

Which Art Nouveau architect invented new structural techniques to allow construction of buildings that are sculpted and organic in form?

Antonio Gaudi

Which element of a young painting did Matisse view as primary conveyer of meaning?


Where were many of the early impressionist paintings displayed?

Commercial art galleries

Which of the following artists shared Stieglitz's goal of positioning photography as an art form with the same status as painting and sculptures?

Edward Weston

Nude figure studies and self-portraits showing emaciated bodies were the primary output of which artist?

Egon Schiele

Which monument was built for a great exhibition in 1889 and was originally seen as a symbol of modern Paris?

Eiffel Tower

What is the name of the early 20th century movement that painted works of simplified design but shockingly bright coloration?


Whose highly personal work is often described as autobiographical because of her unflinching self-portrait portrayals, which give the viewers a glimpse into her suffering?

Frida Kahlo

What is the subject of Charles Demuth's My Egypt

Grain elevators

Which artist was a leader in the French Realist movement of the 19th century?

Gustave Courbet

Which Dada artist is known as a master of photomontage?

Hannah Hoch

In what US city is Jose Clemente Orozco's 24 panel series Epic of American Civilization located?

Hanover, NH

In constructing the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition of 1851, what cost-effective innovation did Joseph Paxton employ?

Prefabricated elements

Kazimer Malevich's suprematism views what as the most important element of creative art?

Pure feeling

Grant wood's painting American Gothic is an example of which painting style?


Which Romantic-style building is a conglomeration of Islamic domes, minarets, and screens that has been described as "Indian Gothic"?

Royal Pavilion, Brighton

Which artist painted this image of concrete irrationality entitled The Persistence of Memory

Salvador Dali

Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon and Henri Rousseau were leading artists of which movement?


Aaron Douglas's mural From Slavery through Reconstruction combines forms and motifs from African art with what European modernist style?

Synthetic Cubism

The painting Where Do We Come From reflects Gauguin's move to which country?


What is intended message of Edvard Hopper's Nighthawks?

The pervasive loneliness of modern humans

How did the viewers react to Dorothea Lange's photograph entitled Migrant Mother, Nipoma Vally?

They rushed to send food to hungry workers

The results of the Spanish resistance to the invasion of their country by Napoleon's forces are highlighted in which painting by Goya?

Third of May, 1808

Which Post-Impressionist painter was the first great master in the new art form of the poster?

Toulouse Lautrec

Andre Derain's Mountains at Collioure reflects his close study of which earlier painter?

Vincent Van Gogh

Delaunay's version of Cubism, referred to as Orphism, gave a crucial role to which element of painting?


Which of the following is not a colorist painting, instead relying on form and line?

Ingres, Apotheosis of Homer

What did Courbet employ in the "The Stone Breakers to convey the dismal nature of manual labor?

A palette of dirty browns and grays

Jose Clemente Orozco's mural series painted shortly after the Mexican Revolution had which group as its central heroic focus?

Indigenous peoples

Which artist painted a 60 panel series of paintings entitled The Migration of the Negro that was intended to document discrimination against African Americans?

Jacob Lawrence

Which photographer sought to startle viewers with images of everyday objects with surprising elements added such, as this Cadeau (Gift)?

Man Ray

Spatial discrepancies such as the relationship between the barmaid and her apparent reflection in a nearby mirror, are highlighted in which painting?

Manet, A bar at the folies-bergere

The most derided work at the Armory Show, Nude Descending a staircase, NO. 2 is by which artist?

Marcel Duchamp

Which Dada artist modified mass-produced objects into readymades given the status of art in the eyes of viewers?

Marcel Duchamp

Which photographer gained fame for images of Depression-era public works projects as well as serving as a US Air Force photographer during World War II?

Margaret Bourke White

The Romantic notion of God as a mathematician seen in Blake's Ancient of Days is taken from the artistic tradition of which earlier period?


American Regionalist painters focused primarily on subjects located in which area of the United States?


What sculptural form developed by Alexander Calder, has its parts so carefully balanced that they move with the slightest current of air?


Which artist first made it his artistic practice to omit the preliminary sketch and use premixed pigments?


In which aspect does Courbet's Burial at Ornans most resemble traditional history paintings?

Monumental size of the painting

Umberto Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuity in Space reveals the artist's concern with what?


How does Callebotte suggest the transitory, impersonal nature of modern life in Paris

Moving figures and cutoff buildings

Whistler's Nocturne in Black and Gold is an example of the artist's effort to use color to create visual works paralleling which other art form?


Who was named first consul of the French Republic after leading the French army on several campaigns?

Napoleon Bonparte

Francois Rude's allegorical sculpture Departure of the Volunteers of 1729 was created to adorn which Parisian monument?

Arc de Triomphe

How did Jacob Lawrence ensure consistency among the sixty paintings of his series Migration of the Negro?

Consistence palette of colors and rhythmic arrangements of shapes

Who was the leading figure of the Realist movement in art?


Jean Arp's Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance is an example of which style?


What term describes the modernist process Braque has applied to the form of the musician in his painting The Portuguese?


The works of Camille Pissarro are recognizable because they are painted from which viewpoint?

High above the street

Although possessing the Realist passion for accuracy, Rosa Bonheur did not use this technique to portray what?

Political themes

The 19th century revival of historical architectural styles led Barry and Pugin to rebuild the Houses of Parliament in London in what style?


Which two artists were the founders of Cubism, with its rejection of pictorial illusionism?

Picasso and Braque

Ingres's Apotheosis of Homer was inspired by which earlier work?

Raphael, School of Athens

In Gustave Klimt's The Kiss, how does the artist use flat patterning to distinguish between the male and female figures?

Rectangle shapes cover male, circle cover female

The firm outlines surrounding areas of unmodulated color in Gaugin's vision after the Sermon reflects his interest in which medium?

Stained glass

Which painting genre was most useful for Cezanne's experiments with remaking Impressionism to emphasize the permanent rather than the transitory?

Still life

In Matisse's painting Red Room, the color harmony he achieves with the color red merges which two elements of the scene?

Wall and table

Picasso's radical painting Les Demoiselle d'avignon reveals his fascination with ancient Iberian sculpture as well as the artistic traditions of which continent?


Which European artist created this Romantic transcendental landscape painting?

Casper David Friedrich

which artistic medium is represented by Cubist works such as Still Life with Chair-Caning and Bottle, Newspaper, Pipe, and Glass?


Which Impressionist artist specialized in indoor scenes of bodies in motion, sometimes using a camera to make preliminary studies for his work?


Which Marxist painter created a series of murals including Ancient Mexico and this detail of History of Mexico?

Diego Rivera

Which photographer was hired by the US Resettlement Administration to document the deplorable living conditions of the rural poor?

Dorothea Lange

Which of his art patrons did Picasso paint using the simplified planar forms of Iberians sculpture for the sitter's face?

Gertrude Stein

Which leading patron and collector of modernist American art ultimately founded a museum to display her own collection?

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

Which neoclassical artist of the first part of the 19th century looked firmly to the arts of Greek antiquity for his subjects and compositions

Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres

Which English painter is known for depicting the disappearing beauties of the English countryside during the Industrial Revolution?

John Constable

Who was one of the first romantic artists to depict the dark terrain of the subconscious?

John Henry Fuseli

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood rejected Realism and based their artistic philosophy on the writings of which individual?

John Ruskin

The theme of a grieving mother holding her dead child was explored in many works by which German expressionist artist?

Kathe Kollwitz

Which De Stijl artist sought to create a universal means of expression by using only a palette of the three primary colors, gradations of black and white, and horizontal and vertical lines?

Piet Mondrian

George Seurat's painting relying on an optical effect involving spots of color is referred to by what term?


Describe as awe mixed with terror, the notion of the sublime had a role in which intellectual movement?


The brushwork and strongly foreshortened figures of Charging Chasseur reflect Gericault's emulation of which earlier painter?


In woman combing her hair, which element of the human body does Aleksander Archipenko represent as a void rather than a solid volume?


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