Art History Exam Chapters 1,2,3,4,5

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Man started drawing on cave walls, then pottery, on to papyrus, parchment, paper ,and then video, and ultimately back to the walls.

- Know the various things that man has drawn/painted on throughout history.

Linear Perspective

-In order to create a "window on the world," Renaissance artists developed ____________________, to replicate how structures recede into space. Basic principles ________________ 1. Forms seem to diminish in size as they recede. 2. Parallel lines that recede seem to converge towards a vanishing point, where they appear to disappear on the horizon line.

engraving, drypoint, mezzotint, etching, and aquatint.

5 basic types of intaglio printing are?

Toulouse Lautrec lithography

Among his best known works are a series of posters that he designed for the nightclubs and entertainers of his day.

Leonardo daVinci, THE VITRUVIAN MAN

An example of proportion and scale would be


Artists may draw for no other reason than to ______________ the world around them.


As used in this portrait of Nicolo Paganini by Ingres, Which of the following media has been most used for drawing?


Because this 20th-century artist dated most of his drawings over the course of his lifetime, we have nearly a complete visual record of his mind at work. Who is the artist?


Brush and ink can produces a varying line between thick and thin. This undulating line is referred to as what?

Who painted this image? What is the name of painting? And what was is showing support for?

Delacroix. "Liberty Leading the People." showing support for the people during the Revolution of 1830, not the king.

fats to egg yolks

Depending on the particular media, the binder can be anything from ____ to ______.

make the drawing easier to copy for future works.

Edgar Degas drew a grid over his study of a dancer in order to______


Edvard Munch was from what country?


Goya used which of the following principles of design to draw the viewer's attention to one martyred individual?


Historically in metalpoint, lines were drawn with a metal what onto a surface coated with bone dust.

squared for transfer

In Degas's piece he used a process called __________________ , to make it easier to copy and use in other finished work.

Frida Kahlo

In this double self-portrait, which of these artists expresses the duality of his/her own nature?


In this image, the imagery that we recognize that stands out is called the__________


In this painting what is kind of art is depicted?


Italian for "paste", this painting technique involves building up a textural surface of thick paint which can actually extend somewhat off of the ground or support.

Pity, a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus Christ on her lap or in her arms.

Know what the term "Pieta" means in reference to Bellini's "Pieta".

describes representational art that conforms to a pre-set style or set of conventions for depicting the world. You might imagine an Egyptian artist saying to his pupil, "Do not look at a hand and draw it as you see it but look at how we draw hands then do ten of them to show me you understand.

Know what the term "Stylized" means, especially in reference to Egyptian art.


Line can be used in a variety of ways. The horizontal lines in this painting such as the shore, and boat suggest what?

Trompe l'oeil

Literally meaning "fool the eye", this refers to work that is so convincingly realistic that we might mistake it for being not an artwork, but the actual object or person.


Literally meaning "image breaking", what is the term for when an artwork is intentionally destroyed?


Literally meaning "pity", this type of imagery of Mary morning the deceased Jesus is intended to evoke religious meditation. What is the title for this type of scene?

nonfat, greasy or waxy

Pastel uses a _______ binder, where as crayon is _______________.

1. Cheap 2. Readily Available 3. Mistakes erased 4. Easy to work

Pencil is used for drawing more than any other medium because:


Some categorize these as paintings, but the linear quality is more accurately categorized as _________


Stonehenge is located in what country?

Linear perspective

The Renaissance development that operates under the following principles is what? Forms seem to diminish in size as they recede and Parallel lines that recede seem to converge towards a vanishing point, where they appear to disappear on the horizon line.

Chiaroscuro, Leonardo da Vinci

The Virgin and Saint Anne with.... is an example of _______ and was created by ______


The artist Henry Tanner has purposely blurred the background in order to draw your attention to the more important figures in the foreground. This treatment of less important parts of the composition is:

Toulouse Lautrec

The artist that more than any other made lithography a medium for original artwork was ________

Asymmetrical Balance

The balance in this work is predominantly


The earliest surviving woodcut was made in what country?

Using a Prism, Newton observed that a ray of sunshine refracted into colors of the rainbow. With a second prism he found he was able to recombine these colors into white light. All color is dependent on light. What we perceive of as color is reflected light rays.

The explanation of the refraction of light

A burial chamber for the Pharoh.

The great pyramid's primary purpose was?

They are made with different binders.

The main difference between crayons and chalks is that_______________


The medium that has the advantages of portability, transparency, and Spontaneity is _____

Albrecht Durer

The printmaker who produced this intricate woodcut is:


The printmaking process in which the ink or paint is forced through the unmasked areas of a screen is__________


The second major category of printmaking techniques is __________

implied line

The technique an artist sometimes uses to direct your eye movement to different areas of a composition is _____________


The viewer's attention will be centered more on certain parts of the composition than on others.

Gericault, Raft of the Medusa

This artist uses implied line to direct our view in this representation of a shipwreck off of North Africa. What artist painted this image? whats it called?

Christinas world

This iconic work by the painter Andrew Wyeth is considered to be his masterpiece. This painting is titled:

Albrecht Durer

This is a self-portrait of the most famous printmaker of all time. Who is this?


This painting by Andrew Wyeth is executed in a medium which uses egg yolk as a binder. This medium is called:


This painting by Whistler presents a color scheme that is entirely

Kinetic art

This work by Alexander Calder incorporates motion and so is an example of which of the following types of art?


This work by Raphael titled "The School of Athens" uses what technique, which requires absolute commitment as mistakes are very difficult to correct, requiring chipping and patching.


This work from the Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci uses light and dark values to model mass. Italian for light and dark, this technique is called____________

Leonardo da Vinci

This work relates the perfect male form to the theories of the Roman architect Vitruvius and the body's relationship to the circle and the square. What artist/sculptor/engineer/architect created this famous image?


This work titled "Man in a Red Turban" by Jan Van Eyck has cracked and weathered over time. Van Eyck is said to have been the first to master what medium?


Watercolor that has had an inert white pigment added to it so it will be opaque is _________

Colors opposite on color wheel. Ex Yellow and Purple

What are complementary colors?

Made by mixing 2 primary colors. ex: Red + Yellow= Orange

What are secondary colors?

Made by mixing a primary color with an adjacent secondary. Ie: Yellow + Green= Yellow-Green.

What are tertiary colors?

1. Encaustic 2.Fresco 3.Tempera 4.Oil 5.Watercolor 6.Gouache 7. Acrylic 8. Collage

What are the mediums of painting

Red, Yellow, and blue. Cannot be made by any mixture of colors.

What are the primary colors?

hatching, cross hatching, stippling

What are the three types of shading techniques ?

Leonardo da Vinci

What artist painted the Mona Lisa

His father's death made his work shift

What event in Andrew Wyeth's life influenced the change from light, colorful work to a darker and more serious type of work.


What is a space presented as a work of art to be entered, explored, experienced and reflected upon?


What is most commonly associated with relief __________

pigment, medium & a binder

What is paint made up?


What is the complementary color of yellow?

Christina's World, Andrew Wyeth

What is the name of this painting? Who created it?

Chronos Devouring One of His Children, Fransico de Goya's

What is the name of this painting? Who painted it?

The Scream, Edvard munch

What is the name of this painting? who created it?

Guernica, Picasso the work was about the bombing of the small Spanish town of Guernica. Picasso condemns violence that fascism unleashed on the afternoon of April 26th, 1937. Picasso did not glorify violence; he condemned it in this political statement.

What is the name of this painting? who was the artist? What was the work about?

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Military art

What is the name of this statue? What kind of art is it?

The Lion Panel, Chauvet cave & paleolithic

What is the name of this? Where is it from and what era?


What is the use of specific objects within an image in order to convey meaning and tell a story is?

Stylized art

What is this an example of?

Verrochio's "David".

What is this?

Executions of the Third of May, Francisco de Goya's

What is this? Who created it?

Starry Night, Van Gogh. Van Gogh attempted to express his personal feelings. He was intrigued by a thought that people journey to a star after death.

What is this? Who is the artist? whats the inspiration behind it?

A 3 paneled image that is hinged to fold shut like a screen. The painting "Garden of Earthly Delights"

What is triptych? Give an example of it.

Hierarchical Scale

What often used as a device in religious imagery, refers to the most important figure being represented as the largest while less important figures being progressively smaller indicating less importance.


What term describes representational art that conforms to a pre-set style or set of conventions for depicting the world?

Secondary color

What type of color would green be?

1890 he shot himself in the head

What year did Vince Van Gogh die and what from?

Garden of Earthly Delights, Bosch it is an example of triptych.

What's the name of the painting? Who is the artist? What is this an example of?

Thirty are Better than One Andy Warhol. & Art itself is a celebrity.

What's the name of this? who created it? What point was he commenting on this?

Figure-ground reversal

When "visually" an object or image can be understood as either the positive or negative space, this is______________


Where was paper invented?

Duane Hanson. means to fool the eye

Who created this? What does Trompe l'oeil mean?

Sir Isaac Newton's

Who is the person credited with the discovery that light can be refracted, or split into various individual colors is?

Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Who was the architect who designed the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial?

Shading techniques

With these techniques the VALUE depends on the density of the lines or closeness of dots.


____ is from light to dark with a range of values in between.

Albrecht Dure

_______ a German, is the most famous printmaker of all time.


________ is defined as a path traced by a moving point


________ uses acids to "eat" lines and depressions into a metal plate, similar to the way sharp tools "cut" the plate in other methods. -In this process, an acid resistant substance called a ground is applied to the entire plate and allowed to dry.


_________ Closely spaced parallel lines

cool blue greens and purples

_________ colors are associated with water, sky, and foliage. colors?


_________ refers to any printing method in which the image to be printed is raised from a background


_________ reflects our mood, our feeling and our overall perception of life.


_________ which is Italian for "to cut" is the exact opposite of relief, in that the areas that are meant to print are recessed below the surface of the printing plate, which is then inked, wiped clean and pressure is applied by a press to transfer the image to paper.


__________ a liquid that holds the pigments together without dissolving them


__________ an ingredient that ensures that the paint will adhere to the surface


__________ building up thin, translucent layers of color over thicker underpainting.


__________ is Almost the same as engraving, just that a different incising tool is used a drypoint needle.


__________ is a set number of prints from a given plate or block, after which the original printing surface is destroyed, thereby introducing a controlled scarcity.


__________ is making sure that the paper is lined up perfectly on each block so that colors do not overlap but print only in the areas that they were intended for.


__________ is used for drawing more than any other medium.


__________ is visual thinking, studying - trying to work out an idea. ________ are are a universal method of expression that are intimate and familiar.


__________ uses wax as medium, resin as a binder. Was first used in Egypt during the first century to create portraits for mummy casings to memorialize the dead.


___________ Pigment Is mixed with water and applied to a plaster support usually a wall or ceiling. It is usually worked while plaster is damp, which requires working on small areas at a time. As the plaster cures, the plaster itself acts as the binder.

Horizontal lines

___________ appear calm

Diagonal lines

___________ are the most dramatic and imply action.


___________ is a reverse process, in which the entire plate is roughed up with a tool called a "rocker". When the burrs are entirely smoothed away, you will have the lightest values, (white).


___________ is a variation on the etching process, in that it also uses acid. because _________ does not print lines, but areas of tone, it is nearly always combined with one or more of the intaglio processes

Kinetic art Alexander Calder

___________ is art that moves. Who created the mobile?

color wheel

___________ is made up of the colors refracted by Sir Isaac Newton's prism in 1666.


___________ is to make VISUAL, the written word, ideas or products used in books, magazines, posters, and newspapers—used also to record when the camera isn't permitted

Preliminary study

___________ to plan, to study, to think through an idea, to explore composition


____________ A French word for painting or gluing. It refers to the practice of attaching actual objects to the surface


____________ Parallel lines intersect like a checkerboard


____________ Size in relation to a constant or "normal" size.


____________ Style of painting that uses small dots of color to produce optical color mixture.


____________ means "light and dark" in Italian (contrasts of light and shadow)

Symmetrical Balance

_____________ Mirror image of Shapes/Forms on either side of an imaginary axial dividing line


_____________ Refers to size relationships between parts of a whole or between two or more items perceived as a unit.

warm - Reds, oranges, and yellows.

_____________ are associated with sun, fire, and earth. what colors


_____________ is done on the end grain of the wood rather than the smooth side. Carving on the end grain allows the artist to carve in any direction without the wood chipping or splintering.


_____________ is the exception to the rule, that printmaking is the "art of multiples".

Vertical lines

_____________ seem assertive, or denote growth & strength

optical color mixture

_____________ when small patches of different colors are close together, that the eye may blend them to produce a new color


_____________A less visually interesting area


______________ a surface on which the artist works, which is first coated with a Ground or Primer: a preliminary coating


______________ is the oldest of intaglio techniques, and was developed from the medieval practice of incising linear designs in armor and other metal surfaces for decoration.

Stippling: Dots

_______________ Dots spaced close or far apart to suggest darker or lighter areas

after image

_______________ is produced when you stare at complementary colors for a period of time. The receptors in our eyes become fatigued and thereby confused and will invert the two colors when you look away.

the printing press

_________________ a movable type launched Europe's first great "information revolution". For the first time in the West, information could be easily disseminated.

Asymmetrical Balance

___________________Two sides that do not correspond to one another in size, shape, and placement.


____________a powdered coloring material.


a record of the work since it was set up for a predetermined amount of time and then removed. What is this type of work called?


and aqueous (water) medium like watercolor with the durability of oil. Most famous binder is egg yolk. Bc it dries quickly blending must be done rapidly.


because it uses materials that we are all accustomed to such as a pencil, pen, a stick of chalk, etc


because they are most often never meant to be seen by the public. Drawings usually are the artist's private note-taking.

Picasso & Braque

collage was developed by It was developed by _____&__________ in early 20th century.


differs from all other printing processes in that the surface does not depend on relief or depressions to print, but was developed on the principle that oil and water do not mix.


in __________ the artist first draws the desired image on a block of wood, then all areas that are not meant to print are gouged away so that the image stands out in relief. -The block is then inked after which paper is applied to the surface and with pressure applied, the image is transferred.


in ____________ The greasy ink only sticks to the greasy image, and not to the areas soaked with water.

Woodcut , relief

in _________________ the artist first draws the desired image on a block of wood, then all areas that are not meant to print are gouged away so that the image stands out in _________


is an indirect process, like any other print, only 1 print results. After 1 printing, the original image is destroyed in the process, and if the artist wishes to print another, the plate must be reworked.


or a primer was used to seal the wood first which is sanded and then used as the painting surface.


pigment combined with oil usually linseed. Glazes thin translucent veils of color applied over a thick layer of underpainting.


shading and modeling create______

An earthwork is made of materials by and for a specific place. Many are permanent, however, the effects of time and the environment will change them over time.

what is meant by "Earth Work?"

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

what is this painting? who did it?

Abstract, Picasso, Picasso said that it was the invention of the camera.

what style of painting is this? who created it? What caused this change?

Albrecht Durer, the four horsemen of the apocalypse,

who created this? whats its name?

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