Art in Life Quizzes

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What is a silverpoint drawing?

A drawing made by using a thin stylus made of silver

What does an equestrian sculpture include by definition?

A horse

What has steel-frame construction been likened to?

A skeleton

How are analogous colors related to each other on the color wheel?


Which observation applies to Lee Alexander McQueen's clothing design?

Although initially controversial, his work has been honored in major museum exhibitions.

Which work(s) have kitsch elements?

Both Takashi Murakami's Kiki and the Smithsonian Institution's 150th Anniversary Float

In which way is art often categorized?

Both historically and chronologically are correct

In what category do ceramics, glass, jewelry, weaving, and woodworking fit?


What kind of line describes volume across the surface of an object or shape?


What artistic movement began with this painting?


What are pendentives and squinches associated with?


Content and form are interchangeable in a work of art.


Every culture, both past and present, has a word that corresponds to the English word art.


The wedge-shaped stones in arches are called piers.


What usually characterizes load-bearing construction?

Few wall openings

Which category applies to this painting?

Fine art (naked women in middle)

What are the main properties of color?

Hue, value, and intensity

What kind of phenomenon is art?


How does deconstruction interpret the meaning of an image?

As a multiplicity of possible meanings

How is Justinian shown in this image?

As an emperor-priest

In The Artifact Piece, which mode of representing his race in contemporary Amencan culture and museums does Native American artist James Luna critique?

As extinct and vanished

How did French people of the time view Rococo architecture?

As feminine

How did the ancient Greeks view Doric architecture?

As masculine

Which artwork incorporates a politicized depiction of sexuality?

Barbara Kruger's Untitled (Tour body is a battleground)

What style was the Palace of Versailles built in?


Which statement is true of Andreas Vesalius's anatomical illustrations?

Basing his images in dissection, he overturned many prior assumptions about the human body.

Which classical Greek order was considered feminine?


Which observation is true about Las bravisimas calaveras guatemaltecas de Mora y de Morales by José Guadalupe?

It comments on the political chaos caused by two assassins in Guatamala

Which observation about the Gheordez Prayer Rug is correct?

It fits the definition of both art and craft.

Which feature of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater shows substantial influence from Japanese and Chinese architecture?


What was the intended purpose of Potawatomi figures?

Control human behaviors and health

Where is the Snake Goddess from?


Which formal element does the Bamana fertility figure from Mali emphasize?

Crisply defined geometric forms

As its name suggests, what was used for carrying and storing water in ancient Greece?


Which was filmed before a live audience?

I Love Lucy

Which statement about Mi Wanzhong's Tree, Bamboo and Rock is correct?

It was created by both a pen and brush.

Why was the Bamiyan Stone Buddha destroyed?

It was declared an idol by the Taliban.

Which statement about Takashi Murakami's Kiki is correct?

It was made of pink plastic.

Which statement is true of Giorgio di Chirico's Gare Montparnasse (The Melancholy of Departure)?

O Distorted perspective conveys the painting's evocation of a disturbing memory or a dream.

Visual texture consists of physical surface variations that can be experienced by the sense of touch.

O False

What is the intense colorful powder used to make paint called?


How do we refer to the surface space of a painting?


What do horizontal lines most suggest?


What can the Hindu god Brahman never be?


Which Assyrian figure guarded the palace gate in Khorsabad to terrify and intimidate all who entered the palace?


Which form from Ancient Egypt was used to represent deities?


What kind of balance involves a mirror-like repetition on either side of a central axis?


Which of these broad categories would normally be included when thinking of popular culture?


Which statement is accurate about New York City's Seagram Building?

The Seagram Building exemplifies International Style architecture.

Which statement applies to the Stepped Pyramid of Djoser and Tomb Complex?

The Stepped Pyramid was both a "group project" and designed by the architect Imhotep.

What shape of construction supports are trusses?


Ancient Egypt had a distinctive cultural style.


Contemporary art and popular culture often share the same images.


Rectangular, glass-covered, boxlike buildings are examples of the International Style in architecture.


Which kind of Chinese and Japanese paintings often found inspiration from poetry or the beliefs of Daoism, which held nature in high esteem?


Which attribute of the king did the Benin Plaque with Warrior and Attendants emphasize?


In what kind of printing are areas that are not to be printed cut away from the printing surface, so the areas to be printed are left higher?


What kind of beliefs does Jan Davidsz. de Heem's A Table of Desserts reflect?


What is the term for a small shrine containing a fragment of a holy person's remains?


Which Dutch artist made at least sixty-two self-portraits, often identifiable by the subject matter and his palette of carth tones, dull reds, and luminous yellows?

Rembrandt van Rijn

What demonstrates rhythm in the visual arts?


Which contemporary game does Maya ritualistic ball sport share similarities with?


What is The Outbreak ("Losbruch") by Kathe Kollwitz an example of?

Social protest

The Sydney Opera House owes a stylistic debt to which architect?

Solomon Guggenheim

Which structure, built in China, is considered to be both a "wonder of the world" and a monumental example of war architecture?

The Great Wall

Which includes an example of an idealized image of an athlete?

The Minoan Bull Jumping fresco

In describing a work of art, what does the word composition mean?

The arrangement of the formal elements of art

What aspect of a great ancestor did the Maori meeting house represent?

The body

What does a mandala attempt to show?

The cosmos

Which statement characterizes the visual culture of Judaism?

The making and the worship of images were differentiated.

Which of the following is an example of a relief print?


Which artist uses lighting technology as a primary feature?

Yayoi Kasuma

What is a feature of Nohoch Muul Temple?

This archeological site can be climbed with a rope handhold.

Which attribute can you observe in the Detail of the Deesis Mosaic of Hagia Sophia?

This mosaic is an example of tactile texture because each mosaic piece is set at slightly different angles to best capture ambient light.

Which statement about the Plague with Warrior and Attendants is correct?

This was one of the many brass plaques that adorned the Benin palaces.

Which Native American building type was originally a small structure used during the hunting season?


How did the Romans prefer to design their family tombs?

To appear as ostentatious as possible

Ancient Romans sometimes used mass production to create marble sculptures. P


From the moment a work of art is made, its content is subject to change.


Ritual tattooing was often used on the eastem islands of the South Pacific as part of initiation rites that prepared an individual for adulthood.


Rome's Colosseum was built on the site of an artificial lake where a colossal statue of Emperor Nero once stood.


Sixteenth-century Spanish conquerors intentionally destroyed many Aztec works of art.


Some of the earliest artifacts believed to relate to human fertility come from the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras of history.


The tradition of Audubon's Birds of America is still seen in the use of illustrations in medical and scientific training.


The vast pyramid at Teotihuacán was aligned according to the path of the sun and specific constellations.


Unlike most printmaking processes, monoprinting is a type of printmaking that makes only one copy of an image.


Van Gogh's work was painted in an individual style yet also was influenced by styles such as Impressionism.


What does the Palette of King Narmer glorify?


Art is primarily what kind of medium?


Which is a recent discipline in critical writing that integrates and analyzes the visual components of contemporary culture?

Visual culture

Which is the academic discipline that investigates visual media and its effect on

Visual culture

Which art term that describes the materials used to make the artwork, its formal elements, and its overall composition?

Visual form

What do diagonal lines imply?


Which statement applies to Jaune Quick-to-See Smith's Genesis?

It refers to Native American creation myths.

Which feature applies to Veranda Post: Female Caryatid and Equestrian Figure?

The king is placed on the top of the post, mirroring his place at the top of society.

How did Albrecht Durer use line in the woodcut Artist Drawing a Model in Foreshortening through a Frame Using a Grid System?

Thick cross-hatching appears as dark gray.

What influences our perception of the Ajanta Caves in India?

Through the unfolding process of time and motion, the viewer gradually experiences a dazzling interior space.

Diego Rivera's painting Dia de Muertos offers which insight into society at his time?

Carnivals such as the Mexican Day of the Dead offer the opportunity for satire and social critique.

What's an example of a new building material used in England's Houses of Parliament?

Cast iron

What is the tem for the vast underground networks in which early Christians buried their dead?


Which has become a symbol of Russia's pride and national glory?

Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed

Toward which kind of movement were ancient tombs often oriented?

Celestial bodies

Which artist is known for the use of stop motion photography to document the physical movement of humans and animals?

Eadweard Muybridge

What kind of contemporary works are large-scale environmental pieces in which the land itself is an important component?


What acts as the binder with pigments in traditional tempera paint?

Egg yolk

What was an influence on the collaborative work Summerspace?

Einstein's theory of relativity

Which style of art conveys intense emotions?


In Japan, flowers are viewed as a vehicle for greater understanding: which activity is considered an important art form, on the level of painting, calligraphy, and pottery?

Flower arranging

What do Georgia O'Keeffe's works often feature?


In the nineteenth century, ornate museums and theaters were often built to resemble which kind of building?

Greek temple

European cemeteries were often organized in either a picturesque, romantic design or what other kind of plan?


What of the following is an example of architecture adapted to the needs of the environment in which it's built

In Indonesia, the steep pitch to a house roof protects the thatch from the heavy rains.

The Egyptians painted important people with their heads in profile. How were their eyes depicted?

In frontal position

Pear Blossoms is a lyric painting by Qian Xuan that is accompanied by which type of text?

Lines of poetry

Which type of printmaking process uses a slab of limestone or metal with oily crayons, pencils, or liquid?


Which architectural feature does Mnesicles's Temple of Athena Nike display?

Load-bearing side walls

Which of the following interpretations of the L & M Cigarette billboard uses the art historical tools you have learned in this chapter?

Looking at context, we'd consider that cigarette billboards were common in the 1970s, but are prohibited now.

Which architect designed one of the first innovative tall buildings of the twentieth century and believed that "form follows function" in architecture?

Louis Sullivan

Which twentieth-century artist used forms inspired by the human body to critique modern society's loss of individuality?

Magdalena Abakanowicz

Near the confluence of major rivers, which Native American society built large, truncated pyramid mounds topped with temples?


How do we categorize an assembled artwork made with a variety of techniques?

Mixed media

Which civilization was ruled by warrior-priests from 150-800 CE and extended for more than 400 miles along the Pacific Ocean in what is now modern Peru?


Which artwork deploying social critique is abstract?

Mona Hatoum's Light Sentence

Which are metaphors for humans in Thai, Hindu, and Buddhist art?


The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is decorated with what medium on the interior?


Which feature characterizes Moche pottery?

Naturalistic imagery of everyday life

Simon Rodia's Watts Tower is an example of what kind of art?

Outsider art

Which aspect of later Buddhism does The Water and Moon Guanyin Bodhisattva reflect?

Over time, variations in faith and practice developed so that some branches viewed Bodhisattvas as intercessors.

What kind of commercial art does Warhol's work, such as Heinz 57 Tomato Ketchup, celebrate?


Which were important to modemists and to postmodernists respectively?

Painting and photography

Which was built as the seat of power for King Louis XIV of France, but originally was Louis's grandfather's hunting lodge?

Palace of Versailles

What is the term for Mexican votive paintings?


During what kind of rituals was the Double Mask from the Ejagham People of the Cross River area of Cameroon worn?

Rites intended to foster group cohesion

What kind of purpose, probably linked to nature's bounty, did Lascaux's images probably have?


Unlike the Western belief that an individual exists at birth, many South Pacific peoples believe that a person's being is built through a lifetime of which activity?

Ritual experiences

What did later statues of Buddha emphasize?


Which statement applies to Ceremonial Mask Known as a Mboom or Bwoom?

The mask was used in masquerades, in which ancestors were honored.

How is the placement of the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong significant?

The mausoleum is situated in Beijing's traditional core to assert the authority of the Communist government after centuries of imperial rule.

Which describes the subject of Hans Haacke's MetroMobiltan?

The problematic connection between exhibition funding and controversial corporate policy

What political statement is made in Ambrogio Lorenzetti's fresco Allegory of Good Government The Efects of Good Government in the City and in the Country?

The prosperity that comes from a stable government

How is rhythm deployed in Churning the Ocean of Milk from Angkor Wat?

The spirits in the top section are represented using eccentric rhythm.

What important aspect of Kehinde Wiley's painting The Lamentation does firsthand experience convey?

large scale

Which of the following roles does Eero Saarinen's St. Louis Gateway Arch have?


Yayoi Kusama's infinity rooms became widely known through which medium?

social media

Where was Bull Jumping fresco found?

A Minoan palace on the island of Crete

What is aesthetics?

A branch of philosophy

What is the key feature of aristocratic ancient Roman villas, such as the House of Jultus Poiybius?

A central courtyard

What is Arata Isozaki's Nara Convention Hall?

A computer-generated print

When was art protesting a specific war first created?

About two hundred years ago

Which statement about Jan Bruegel's flower paintings is correct?

Although Bruegel studied flowers firsthand, his painted bouquets never existed, would have been impossible.

Which statement is true of Barbara Krueger's work Untitled (Your body is a battleground)?

Although initially an abortion rights image, it's come to stand for other controversial issues.

This poster by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec of Jane Avril celebrates which aspect of Parisian life?


Which statement is true of images of deities?

Can be male or female

In Jacob Lawrence's tempera paintings, the use of space and color, as well as the bright patterns of handmade rugs, suggests the influence of which style of art?


Which style's device of fracturing space to represent instability does Marc Chagall sometimes use in his paintings?


Which is an early type of photographic process?


Which was a temporary outdoor installation?

Dandelion Line

Australian Aboriginals painted "contour maps" directly on the ground, indicating food and water locations. What happened to these maps after the ritual celebration?


What kind of attitude to the human body do Eadweard Muybridge's photos suggest?


As part of which god's worship did Western theater begin?


Which of the following did early cities in the New Stone Age foster?

Division of labor

Which medium did Shomei Tomatsu use to express the suffering caused by the bombing of Nagasaki?

Documentary photography

What does the Japanese term Bunraku translate to?

Doll drama

The Incan civilization in Peru produced huge animal drawings by scraping the desert floor to reveal the light


In which period of Greek art were figures often depicted in theatrical poses as though they were on stage in front of an audience?


Which style in architecture are twentieth-century skyscrapers, devoid of ornamentation, examples of?


Which statement is true of the AIDS Memorial Quilt?

It changes every time it is displayed.

How can the technique used for Hans Holbein the Elder's Portrait of a Woman be described?

It combines silverpoint with the use of gesso.

Which term describes objects or images that have an emotional appeal that is generalized, superficial, or sentimental?


Which public site includes a performance space, the Crown Fountain, the Lurie Garden, and the Cloud Gate by artist Anish Kapoor?

Millenmium Park

Which of the following public artworks is the world's largest green roof project?

Millennium Park

During the Renaissance, which subject matter became popular again as an ideal form?


What do we call the stiff, angular marble figures from the Cycladic Islands, often found in burial sites?

Plank idols

What kind of scene did most Greek grave markers usually depict?

Quiet, everyday moments

What are the main visual qualities of Guggenheim Bilbao?

Reflective surfaces and curving lines

What is the term for the bones, tissues, and possessions of deceased holy persons that are preserved and venerated?


Which category of art depicts erotic imagery?


In Utagawa Kunisada's Shoki the Demon Oueller, how could its formal elements be described?

Strong diagonal lines impart sense of movement

Which term describes what an artwork is about?

Subject matter

What is the film Maria Candelaria (Xochimilco) an example of?

The 1940s Golden Age of Mexican cinema

Which work deploys geometric perspective?

The Chilkat Blanket

Which statement is true of the Kanaga Masked Dancers?

The Dogon dancers express ideas about death.

Which statement characterizes how Georgia O'Keefe's paintings have been interpreted?

The contradictory interpretations by critics and the artist show the richness of O'Keefe's artwork.

What is the role of the art critic?

To describe works of art and evaluate their significance

Which work is influenced by animism?

Venus of Willendorf

Buttressing occurs when straight rows of arches are placed side by side.


What is a graphite rod in a wood or metal holder called?


Which feature is characteristic of the Doric order of Greek architecture?

A column with no base and a simple cushion capital

What do the many symbols in Jan van Eyck's Wedding Portrait include?

A dog and a mirror

Which is true of Postmodern architecture?

A hallmark of postmodern architecture is visual complexity, the extensive use of historical references, colorfulness, and fun.

What was an odalisque a member of?

A harem

After the pyramids, the Egyptians create furnished tombs. For what purpose?

A meeting place between earthly life earth and etermity

What kind of work experience did Edward Kienholz draw upon for his art practice?

A mental hospital worker

Which is an important feature of mosque decoration?

A mihrab, a marker of the direction of Mecca, for prayers

What was the Buddhist stupa, at first a mound tomb, transformed into?

A monument that contained the Buddha's ashes or relics

The Royal Mosque of Isfahan has which feature?

A richly embellished interior that contrasts the simpler exterior

What was depicted in the murals at Pompeii's Villa of the Mysteries?

A ritual welcoming a young woman into the cult of Dionysos

What would be the nearest analogy to a Bodhisattva?

A saint

What is the subtext of Hopper's Nighthawks?

A sense of impending doom or entrapment

How was Douris's Red Figure Kylix made?

A slip created the background for this very early example of painting.

What is Deconstructivist architecture usually missing?

A unified whole

What does Lucian Freud's Leigh under the Skylight portray?

A unique man

What is a Lamassu?

A winged, hybrid divine spirit

Which type of paint was invented in the prior century and combines pigments and a synthetic polymer liquid binder?


What is the name of the style of painting that involves the motion of the artist's entire body, as seen in Pollock's Lucifer?

Action painting

In Marina Abramovic's performance piece The Artist Is Present, which element, along with the artist's body, constitute the art piece?

Actions of the audience

Because material is built up to create sculptural form in modeling, what kind of process is it considered?


What is another name for the atmospheric perspective technique of making some objects seem far away?

Aerial perspective

Which group's tribulations did Jacob Lawrence describe in a series of paintings?

African Americans

Which work comments on the way society both creates and is defined by specific mass-produced objects?

Ai Werwei's Forever Bicycles

Besides displaying artwork, what else was Francesco I de 'Medici's Studiolo used for?

Alchemy experiments

What term is used for when an artist paints thickly and directly onto the canvas?

Alla prima

How can Brancusi's Torso ofa Young Man be described?

Although it is largely abstract, it explores sexuality.

Virgin and Child in a Niche by Rogier van der Weyden has which subtext?

Although the Virgin is shown as a loving mother, she is also appears to be quite serious in anticipation of her son's death.

Which Egyptian style showed a new aesthetic that rejected the rigid, abstract style of the past for a more flowing, naturalistic approach?


In addition to its symbolic function, what other role does ornamentation in architecture have?

An aesthetic function

What is Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away?

An animated movie

What is the Venus of Willendorfa statue of?

An anonymous fertile woman

In Africa, which of the following are venerated in sculptures?


Which Pop artist created sculptures that look like mass-produced cardboard packaging for common grocery store items by using silk-screened wood?

Andy Warhol

Which work has been sprayed with herbicides and aggressively cleaned?

Angkor Thom in Cambodia

How often were the special rituals of the Kwakiutl held?


Which injustices did William Kentridge explore in his charcoal drawings and film animations?


What did Romans build to commemorate military triumphs?


Which is true of visual culture's approach?

Art is viewed as part of the whole cultural terrain.

How are most early deities represented?

As a female fertility goddess

After Christianity became the official state religion of Rome, how was Christ shown?

As a king or ruler

In The Ambassadors, how does Hans Holbein the Younger choose to portray Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve?

As humanists

Which statement is correct about post-structuralism?

As in Gerhard Richter's work, the multiple meanings an artwork can possess are emphasized.

How does traditional African sculpture portray the frontal view?

As symmetrical

How would the voluptuous, fleshy women of Peter Paul Ruben's Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus have been viewed by their original audience?

As the ideal of feminine beauty

How do Frida Kahlo's many self-portraits depict her face?

As unemotional

Which society produced the relief carving Ashurbanipal II Killing Lions?


Which group uses Dreamtime symbols in its art?

Australian Aboriginal culture

Which Surrealist concept, incorporating intuition, spontaneity, and the accidental when creating artwork, was Robert Motherwell influenced by?


Which word describes a work that challenges existing conventions of art?


Which society created the Codex Borbonicus as a religjous calendar during the time of the Spanish conquest?


Which leader connected the symmetry of his garden's designs with the well-maintained order of his rule?


Where did prehistoric artists paint their images in caves?


What is the tem for the bronze canopy in St. Peter's by Bernini?


Which statement about Sarad offering is correct?

Balinese families created Sarad offering from rice dough.

Which work was deliberately demolished in 2001?

Bamiyan Stone Buddha

Which artist made a graffiti painting depicting a worker removing prehistoric cave paintings?


Which is an example of street artist?


Which is an example of Roman imperial baths, which included libraries, art galleries, restaurants, bars, and gymnasiums?

Baths of Caracalla

What was the Colosseum in Rome used for?

Battles to the death between humans and animals, often with elaborate staging

Which work was designed to represent the wife's spirit in rituals?

Baule Seated Female Figure

Which statement best characterizes a traditional Navajo belief about beauty?

Beauty is best experienced through creating rather than observing it.

Which term describes the style of Greek ceramics in which a thin coating of black firing clay covers the red clay of the vessel, and then details are scratched into the surface with a needle?

Black figure

Which is a feature of Australian Aboriginal depictions of the natural world?

Both the internal and external features of figures are represented.

Anselm Kiefer's Breaking of the Vessels likely makes which cultural references?

Both to the Hebrew Kabbalah and the Nazi's Kristallnacht

What kind of vessels for storing ceremonial wine were made in ancient China?


In the later years of his life, Claude Monet's paintings approached abstraction, as what became more important than imagery to him?


What kind of figure is Aunt Jemima?


Which work, located in the middle of Manhattan in New York City and designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, is considered a milestone in American landscape architecture?

Central Park

What material composed the Soldiers from Pit 1 from the tomb of Shi Huangdi, China?


In addition to capturing the likeness to a face, which additional element does a successful portrait in art usually capture?


What is the name for a carbon stick created from burnt wood and commonly used to make drawings?


Images such as the Emperor Justinian and His Attendants use which ancient symbol of Christ to emphasize the religious meaning?


Flowers were often symbols within the Christian religion in earlier times, for example, what did the iris represent?


What did the unicon became a Christian symbol for?


Which cultures visually depicted blood sacrifice in their art?

Christian and Mesoamerican

Which photographer focused on critiquing socially prescribed roles and exploring the nature of stereotypes?

Cindy Sherman

What was the Classical Greek ideal shape for a theater, such as the one at Epidauros?


With the exception of very small works, which technique is used to make cast sculptures?

Cire perdue

Why were landscapes popular in China and Japan?

Cities were noisy, polluted, and crowded.

Which Impressionist artist was well known for his paintings of natural scenes such as water lilies and haystacks?

Claude Monet

What are some of the oldest surviving paintings made on?

Clay vessels

Which process is a relatively early form of animation that uses clay sculptures that are photographed while they are being moved in tiny incremets?


Glyphs indicating the calendar were used in which artwork?

Codex Borbonicus

What features make the Shinjuku area of Tokyo an example of an immersive environment?

Color saturation, brilliance, and density

Thinking about the historical context of India, which of the following statements characterizes images of ideal erotic sexuality?

Common in temples and miniature paintings

Which aspect of art does formal analysis include?


Given most people have seen Walter De Maria's 7The Lightning Field through photographs rather than in person, what kind of work can it be regarded?


What did the emperor depicted in the fragments of Colossal Statue of Constantine do?

Constantine the Great legalized Christianity, paving the way for it to later become the predominant religion in medieval Europe.

What is the word for the mass of ideas associated with a work of art?


What kind of lines do artists use to draw only the outline of an object?


What kind of pose depicts a figure standing naturally, with one foot forward and one leg bearing most of the figure's weight?


In Egypt, which were believed to be the actual dwellings of the gods and were modeled after the residences of nobles and pharaohs?

Cult temples

In Mesopotamia, what kind of symbols developed into the first writing?


Which statement is true of the Taj Mahal's dome?

Dominated by a central dome, its surrounding minarets, reflecting pools, and gardens all come together into a unified visual statement.

Chris Ofili, a British artist of Nigerian descent, often uses which element of elephants in his art?


How did the meaning of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow change over time?

During Communist rule, it became a symbol of the Czarist past.

What kind of content is psychoanalytic criticism particularly helpful in interpreting?


Which painting medium is millennia old and uses pigments mixed with hot beeswax?


As seen in the columns of the Parthenon, what is the slight swelling at the middle of a column, used to create a feeling of organic flexing, called?


In ancient Rome, what kind of sculptures were seen as symbols of imperial dignity and power?


Which kind of depiction renders a warrior on horseback?


Mesopotamia, the site of the early city-states, takes its name from its location between two rivers the Tigris and which other river?


The Aboriginal Memorial commemorates all the native peoples of Australia who died as a result of which event?

European settlement

A feature shared by medieval Christianity and Islam is the prolific use of images to adorn religious spaces.


A full-body portrait is a life-size depiction of an individual.


A geodesic dome is a type of small dome used in ancient Greek temple architecture.


Anatomical illustration was limited to Europe before the nineteenth century


Andy Goldsworthy's Dandelion Line survived because of art preservation's advances over the last century


Art fairs were where medieval people gathered to buy and sell art


Because of later horror toward Nazism, the film celebrating Hitler, Triumph of the Will, had no lasting influence.


Because of restrictive laws emphasizing cultural separation, nineteenth-century Russian Jews were unable to pursue careers in the arts and found work primanly in the areas of business and manual labor


Because oil paints dry quickly, it is difficult for artists to make changes to these paintings.


Because the Greeks considered themselves superior to other religions that worshiped trees or mountains, Greek gods are generally personified as human-animal hybrids.


By the rule of Henry VII of England, all church burials were banned because tombs were overwhelming church interiors.


Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People uses Abstract Expressionism to make those involved in the Paris Revolt of 1830 appear heroic.


Due to their technological innovations in structural engineering, by the first century CE, average Romans Iived in heated apartment buildings with functional sewer systems


From a historical perspective, drawing is one of the newest forms of art making.


In Hinduism a mudra is a symbolic hand gesture signifying imbalance.


In most cultures, symbolic meaning is frequently attached to public buildings but rarely associated with individual homes.


In the Cycladic Islands off Greece, sculptures of ballplayers, musicians, and acrobats were found buried in graves.


James VanDerZee was a commercial studio photographer whose work was strongly influenced by depictions of female stereotypes in films from the 1950s and 1960s.


Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., was designed to glorify the Vietnam War.


Most social protest works of art are designed to prescribe specific changes and actions.


Orozco's frescoes for an American university celebrate the ongoing value of education


Over a 3,000 year period, Egyptian temple design changed more than any other concurrent culture's architecture.


Polynesian fertility figures wer used throughout society, regardless of rank or power.


Regardless of time period or culture, fertility figures are universally female.


Robert Motherwell's Elegy to the Spanish Republic XXXIV was made in response to the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918.


Slip is an acid-resistant resin used to make aquatints


Symbols are culturally determined and cannot be taught.


The European painter John Constable painted his large landscapes outdoors from direct observation


The Great Pyramids in Egypt have large interior chambers that were used for public burial rituals.


The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is an example of how major corporations often shape which aspects of cultural heritage are celebrated.


The Romans developed the concept of cemeteries with small plots marked by upright monuments.


The ancient Chinese made bronze vessels called hydrias for storing liquids, such as ritual wine.


The men from Northwest Native American tribes excelled at weaving symbolic, geometric patterns into their baskets.


The ultimate purpose of visual culture is to record the language of visual media so that images have a universal meaning regardless of nationality or culture.


Which artistic group did Marc Chagall's bright colors resemble?


Which art movement originated in Paris in the early twentieth century and emphasized exaggerated color in paintings to achieve greater expression?


In ancient Hawaii, what kind of precious material was limited to only objects for royalty?


With what have many critics associated Georgia O'Keeffe's imagery?

Female sexual organs

What does a Yakshi represent?


Which characteristics traditional for Japanese art are seen in The Study for the Portrait of Okakura Tenshin?

Flat shapes and contour lines

Which of the following best describes Jacob Lawrence's artistic style?

Flat, simplified forms

Which kind of object, in which a series of drawn images seem to move as book pages are viewed rapidly, was the origin of animation?

Flip books

What were kahili?

Fly whisks

Which was a feature of still life paintings in the early twentieth century?

Food as a political statement

Which idea is an important component of European still life painting?

Food as vanitas

Which Chinese practice is examined by Hung Liu?

Foot binding

Which was a Mayan practice of body modification?

Forehead reshaping during infancy

What do the frontal and symmetrical qualities of the Tlaloc Vessel symbolize?


What kind of sculptures are meant to be viewed from all sides?


Which of the following terms for describing sculpture can be applied to the Momumental Heads of Easter Island?


Edvard Munch's The Scream was influenced by which factor?

Freudian concepts of the human psyche

Which artist was known for using self-portraits to comment on the factors shaping her life, including her ancestry and her chronic pain?

Frida Kahlo

In Las Meninas, what does Velazquez reveal about the Infanta Margarita by placing her at the center of the painting surrounded by dwarfs, chaperones, and ladies in waiting?


What aspect of art does feminist criticism focus on?


Which paintings depict ordinary scenes from everyday life?


Which is Vermeer's The Kitchen Maid an example of?

Genre painting

Which patterns have regular elements spaced at regular intervals?


What do many religious structures, from Stonehenge to the Pantheon, use to convey their power?


What ceremonial role did the Pomo tribal baskets, covered with feathers and shells, have?


Which kind of attributes did satyrs, symbols of excess, combine with human elements?

Goat or horse

Which is an example of a deliberately temporary artwork?

Goldswvorthy's Dandelion Line

Causing great controversy, what style were the Houses of Parliament built in?

Gothic Revival

Which is an example of an art collection dedicated only to mnodern and contemporary art?

Guggenheim Bilbao

In addition to Çatal Hüyük, what is a later example of a community in which homes were built close together in a similar style?


What were the first examples of performance art called?


The photographs of James VanDerZee reflect which movement?

Harlem Renaissance

What role did Robert Rauschenberg have in the creation of Summerspace?

He designed its spotted costumes, which diffused the focus on any single element of the dance.

Which statement about Picasso's painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is correct?

He was influenced the ceremonial masks of the Kuba or Bushongo culture of Central Africa.

Why did Robert Smithson create earthworks?

He was interested in moving his art outside the gallery system.

With what is the Eastern Iatmul Hand Drum decorated?

Headhunting and ancestral symbolism

Which statement is true of the Bust of Nefertiti?

Her portrait seems to combine both idealized and individualistic elements.

How did a Nigerian ruler enhance his residence, the Palace at Ikere?

Hiring famed artist Olowe of Ise

Although artists such as Jacques-Lois David represent the "reality" of gender roles, what role does his work also play with regard to concepts of gender in society?

His art creates gender norms.

How does Nao Bustamante's installation Soldadera use history?

Historically accurate dress and fictional elements are combined.

What or who was the film Triumph of the Will created to glorify?


Which nineteenth-century French artist was known for his pointedly satirical, political caricatures?

Honore Daumier

Which building type were Etruscan tombs most like?


The sculpture Laocoon and His Sons displays which characteristic aspect of Hellenistic art?

Human vulnerability and extreme emotions are key themes.

Which does Ester Hernandez incorporate into her artistic protests?


Which of the following terms refers to a system of symbols used by an artist to refer to complex ideas?


Doryphoros is what type of figure used to represent ideas about the essence of humanity rather than depicting a specific individual?


What term applies to the way a ruler's image is often adjusted to reduce flaws and add youthful vigor?


What kind of criticism focuses on the political implications of a work of art?


In which school of thought does art support a particular political agenda, cultural structure, or economiclclass hierarchy?

Ideological criticism

Which structure was built in China as a sign of Imperial power and as an instrument to maintain power?

Imperial Palace, Forbidden City

John Constable's works, though Romantic in essence, were the foundation for which artistic movement?


Which of the following was a major art and cultural movement of the nineteenth century that emphasized a return to a simple, rural way of life?


When was Newgrange, in Ireland, rediscovered?

In 1699, by men quarrying for building stone

Which statement is true about the Incas?

Incas made full-size replicas of plants and animals from gold and silver, arranging them into elaborate gardens.

What do Rembrandt's portraits reveal that The Netherlands encouraged?


What form of mixed-media work is Osorio's The Scene of the Crime (Whose Crime?), exploring mass media depictions?


What is a mixed-media artwork designed for a specific place called?


Brightness or dullness refer to which attribute of color?


What is automatism, the concept beloved by Surrealists, based on?


Which statement is correct about Vessel in the Form of a Monkey?

It comes from the tradition of animal-shaped vessels used throughout Central and South America.

How does technique affect Titian's painting Venus of Urbino?

It has the rich, intense colors of oil painting.

What is the theme of Do Hu Suh's installation Fallen Star?

It is about leaving home and cultural displacement.

Which statement is true regarding Alexander Calder's sculpture Crinkly with a Red Disk?

It is one of Calder's famed kinetic sculptures.

Which of the following statements is true about the Viking Ship?

It probably was used by the Viking elite to sail nearby, and then was repurposed for burial.

What is the significance of the classical façade of the British Museum in London?

It reflected the nineteenth-century high estimation of classical Greece and Rome's importance.

How is Cindy Sherman's Untitled (Self-Portrait of Marilyn Monroe) characteristic of deconstruction?

It shows how the notion of the self is a construct.

Which statement is true of Gislebertus's Last Judgment?

It uses nudity to signal the abjectness of sinners.

What role did the Potawatomi Male Figure have in nineteenth-century Native American society?

It was a love doll used to inspire desire in its victim target.

What was the prevailing attitude toward fertility in prehistoric times?

It was an important concern.

What is the role of Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamen in burial?

It was between the mummified body and two outer coffins.

Which statement true of the Dome of the Rock?

It was built on a site for pilgrimage used by three religions.

How does the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut reflect public opinion?

It was built to honor her, but later was defaced by her successors.

What did ancient Romans believe about their ancestry?

It was central to their identity

Which feature describes Christo and Jeanne-Claude's Running Fence?

It was constructed of cloth stretched across miles of California countryside.

What's an example of how the gaze is used within art history?

It's a privileged, one-directional mode of looking, such as when a European male looks upon a nude painting of a harem member.

What is Millenium Park's context within Chicago?

It's large in scale and situated above a train station.

Which group of fifteenth-century painters first used chiaroscuro to give the illusion of rounded forms on a flat surface?


Which place was still a patchwork of city-states in constant turmoil, rather than a unified nation, when Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good Government was painted?


Which statement is true of Lorna Simpson's Easy to Remember?

Its audio element alludes to her African American childhood.

What aspect of the beauty of nature did Ansel Adams's photographs emphasize?

Its beauty showed it was untouched by humans.

What distinguishes Achaemenid architecture?

Its grand use of columns

Which is true of Rembrandt van Rijn's painting popularly known as The Night Watch?

Its original context, in the merchant-run republic of the Netherlands, helps explain Rembrandt's choice of subject matter.

Which is an example of how architecture was used by the Anasazi people in Pueblo Bonito?

Its roughly 1,000 inhabitants used kivas for ritual gatherings.

Which point is correct about Glass Bowl with Fruit?

Its survival over 2,000 years is a testimony to the durability of the buon fresco technique.

What does the subtext of an artwork refer to?

Its underlying theme or message

Which artist made a series of forty-one paintings on the life of François-Dominique Toussaint-L'Ouverture, a slave who led a revolt in Haiti that resulted in the abolition of slavery there in 1794?

Jacob Lawrence

Which was an influence on the posters of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec?

Japanese prints

Which is an example of a ritual meal?

Japanese tea ceremonies

Which artist is known for using LED signboard to create her Social commentary?

Jenny Holzer

What was Marc Chagall's heritage, often reflected in his works?


Which artist used photomontage for political commentary?

John Heartfield

Which of the following is one of the oldest religions of the Western world and is the foundation of Christianity and Islam?


What are Hopi spirit dolls called?


Who of the following is an African American artist known for creating life-size, cutout silhouette figures drawn from racist imagery of the slave era in the United States?

Kara Walker

What kind of art patronage are Japanese samurai associated with?

Large screens with bright elements

Which element did ancient cities require in order to function?

Major rivers

Which is not an element of visual literacy?

Making art

Which statement characterizes the tradition of nineteenth-century French paintings of nude women?

Manet's Olhympia disrupted prior norms by showing the woman with a commanding presence.

What was one of the impacts of the Nazi movement on art?

Many works taken by Nazis are still missing.

Who was the first to photograph war, in total making 3,500 photographs depicting both sides of the U.S. Civil War?

Mathew B. Brady

Which culture built the Nohoch Muul Temple?


Which society created the Palace at Palenque, a large complex with high platforms and relief sculpture?


What are the actual material substances used to create an artwork called?


Mu Qi's Six Persimmons emphasizes what aspect of life?

Meditation and simplicity

Where does this lyre from the tomb of Queen Puabi come from?


Which object uses the choice of medium to make a direct statement about the abilities of the ruler?

Mesquakte Bear Claw Necklace

The Crowned Head of an Oni displays which kind of skill by Yoruba artists?


What is an image or element that is descriptive of something else?


Which part of Japanese society was the audience for ukiyo-e prints?

Middle class

Which cinematic technique in the film The Battleship Potemkin allowed viewers to piece together the story from fleeting images?


Which sacred building type are minarets associated with?


What element is required to make a kinetic sculpture complete?


Which statement is true about Thomas Gainsborough's painting, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews?

Mrs. Andrews's dress color is highly saturated, contrasting her husband's jacket, which was painted in low-saturation colors,

How is the pharaoh's role conveyed in the Temple of Ramses II?

Multiple copies of the ruler's image emphasize his status.

Which project transformed the site of a neglected waterfront warehouse and harbor district in Dubuque, Iowa?

National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium

Against what did much of John Heartfield's art protest?


In addition to the head, which other part of the body is considered most important in many African sculptures?


What is the term for a city of the dead?


What is the revival of Greek and Roman architectural style called?


Where was Tribute in Light displayed?

New York

Which is an example of a Stone Age tomb?


What is the Buddhist concept of heaven or paradise called?


The Main Shrine at Ise has which of the following features?

No nails were used; instead pegs join its unpainted wood pieces.

Which statement is a formal analysis of Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith and Holofernes?

O The dramatic use of diagonal lines and chiaroscuro highlights the gruesome decapitation

How has perception of the Dong Son civilization Drum changed since: was made millennia ago?

Once used in rituals, it is now in a museum, silent and viewed as a work of art.

Which statement describes Leonardo da Vinci's painting Last Supper?

One-point perspective focuses the attention of the viewer on Jesus.

Which movement that experimented with patterns to affect visual perception was popular in the United States and Europe in the 1960s?

Op Art

Which kind of architecture, rooted in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, often results in designs that resemble "functional sculpture"?


Which building in Florence contained the Studiolo of Francesco I de' Medici, a chamber in which de' Medicı stored his collection of rare and unusual items?

Palazzo Vecchio

What did Islamic gardens often symbolize?


What do we call live-action staged an artwork?


Which is a visual art form that incorporates live action and mixed media and is presented before a live audience?

Performance Art

Which palace has an example of a hypostyle hall?


What's an example of a new technology from the nineteenth century that both changed the understanding of the human body and the way art was made?


Georges Seurat's painting La Grande Jatte exemplifies which artistic style?


What aspect of a work's significance does ideological criticism address?


Which conditions that encompass a work of art does the term context refer to?

Political and social

How is food depicted in this painting by Wayne Thiebaud, Pie Counter?

Popular icon

From what series condemning the meat industry does Coe's There Is No Escape come?


What method of construction is one of the earliest forms of load-bearing construction?

Post and lintel

What kind of ideas does Gerhard Richter's series of fifteen paintings, October 18, 1977, reflect?


Which of the following would be categorized as a craft?


What did the Moche, the Maya, and Alice Neel create versions of?

Pregnant women

Which of the following works was a peace offering?

Presentation Pipe Tomahawk

Oceanic sculptures such as God Th Rongo and His Three Sons were created for religious rituals What is another term for the specialists, called Ta'unga, who carved them?


Which of the following is associated with creation myths and was considered the mother and father of all humankind?

Primordial couple

What is a feature of art fairs?

Prominent international art galleries rent booths to showcase their artists.

Which of the following works was created by a single, named artist?

Proportions of the Human Figure (Vitruvian Man)

What did the artists the Guerrilla Girls do?

Protest racial and gender discrimination

Which is a recent innovation in structural systems?

Reinforced concrete

Brazılian born Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija created a stainless stoel Ping- Pong table, Untitled 2008 (the future will be chrome), which gallery-goers can play on What is this work a good example of?

Relational aesthetics

Viola's series entitled The Passions is based on which prior eras' paintings of figures in sorrow, ecstasy, or astonishment?

Renaissance and Baroque

What activity, called Tambaran, was performed by Sepik and took place large, decorated cult houses?


What kind of depiction did Eugene Delacroix use in Liberty Leading the People make his portrayal of fighting seem thrilling, dangerous, and liberating?


In which ancient society were the dead buried along roadways, outside the city walls, in highly visible funerary monuments to illustrate the individual's fame or standing in society?


What did bearded bulls symbolize in the ancient city of Ur?


In addition to dress and leisure activities, how else do artists often illustrate social rank?


Which element does Chuck Close use to convey importance in his portraits?


How was sexuality incorporated into ancient Roman visual culture?

Scenes of lovemaking were found in homes on ordinary objects such as lamps.

What's the relationship of sculpture to architecture in Maori meeting houses?

Sculpture is used prolifically.

Which phrase is true about malanggan?

Sculptures and festivals to honor the dead in Papua New Guinea

What is the study of signs in verbal or written communication called?


In order to create an illusion of volume and natural light, what do artists use to manipulate gradations in value?


What effect is tempera paint often used to create?

Sharp lines and details

The tabernas of ancient Rome have a form and arrangement that suggest what kind of modern structure?

Shopping malls

The publication of which person's theories of repression and neurosis influenced many artists of the late nineteenth century?

Sigmund Freud's

What are visitors to the Zen Garden of Contemplation in Japan expected to do?

Sit still and meditate

In 1927, what was added to motion pictures?


Picasso's Guernica dramatized the 1937 destruction of the Basque capital during which conflict?

Spanish Civil War

What does Doryphoros translate to?


In areas of Peru and Bolivia, which animal is highly regarded because it can signify weather changes and can predict rainfall?


What is the English translation for Japanese shunga prints?

Spring pictures

What did the North American Sioux Open Circle Dance celebrate?


Which statement is true of the Yoruba Great Beaded Crown of the Orangun-Ila?

Status is conveyed both through materials and symbolic shapes used.

Salt was considered so valuable in the past that it was a source of wealth. What role could an elaborate Afro-Portuguese saltcellar have for the European nobility?

Status symbol

In which color system do artists mix pigments to control the light reflected from them?


What kind of process is used for a marble sculpture made by cutting away stone?


How was the Helmet Mask (Tatanua) used?

Such masks were a conduit for spirits to be present in the villages.

What is the term for a surface or material that underlies a two-dimensional work of art?


Which artistic movement does Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory represent?


How does iconography suggest concepts and ideas?


Looking at the composition of Paddy Carroll Tjungurrayi's Witchetty Grub Dreaming, which feature suggests the balance of the cosmos and the ancestors, providing sustenance for humans?


What element do Frank Gehry's architectural works usually lack?


Which is probably the most famous Islamic mausoleum?

Taj Mahal

How is Kitagawa Utamaro's A Pair of Lovers characteristic of ukiyo-e prints?

Taking its cue ultimately from the Buddhist notion of the transience of life, it celebrates a scene of lovemaking.

Which element can be seen in the statue The Goddess Hathor and the Overseer of Sealers, Psmatik?

The Egyptian use of animal forms to depict deities

Which statement is true of the Ara Pacis Augustae?

The Emperor Augustus refers to the mythical founder of Rome, Aeneas.

What is the Serpent (or Snake) Mound an example of?

The North American tradition of animal-shaped earthworks

Which culture created the work Relief Depicting a Priest Making an Offering, and a Snake behind Him from carved basalt?

The Olmecs of Central America

When did people first create art?

The Paleolithic era, or Old Stone Age

Which work is inspired by the biblical prophecy that a wolf will lie down with a lamb?

The Peaceable Kingdom

Which group is given the most sympathetic depiction by Francisco Goya in The Executions of May 3, 1808?

The Spanish

Which is an example of a symbol?

The U.S. Capitol Building's allusion to classical Greece's tradition of democracy and Rome's of power

Although the Figure of a Deity: A'a Rurutu from the Austral Islands in central Polynesia was an ancestor deity, what else did it represent?

The act of creating humans

How was Roman engineering used in the imperial baths?

The aquaduct system brought water and heated air to warm the rooms.

Why is Lozano-Hemmer's Open Air considered an interactive public artwork?

The artwork changed through voice messages that the public sent on their cell phones.

What did the Northwest Coastal people believe that the thunderbird represented?

The chief

What is the content of an artwork?

The collection of ideas associated with it

What is an achromatic value scale based upon?

The continuum of light to dark, without concern for color

Which statement is correct about Botticelli's The Birth of Venus?

The depiction of Venus reflects the ideals of early Italian Renaissance.

What's the relationship between the two ships in Turner's The Fighting Temergire Tugged to Her Last Berth to Be Broken Up?

The elegant older sailing vessel contrasts the newer, ungraceful tugboat

How did Egypt's geography influence the design of the Great Pylon of the Horus Temple at Edfu?

The flow of the Nile probably inspired the direct path taken by worshipers through the temple.

Which key feature of the Pantheon alluded to divine perfection?

The geometry associated with the dome and the oculus

How do structuralist interpretations analyze the structure of an artwork?

The interrelationship of its parts

What were kitab khana?

The kitab khana were Persian workshops that produced illuminated manuscripts.

Which statement reflects a phenomenological approach to art?

The meaning or content of an artwork resides in the viewer's changing perceptions.

According to Protagoras, what is man in relation to all things?

The measure

What kind of critique did William Hogarth's Breakfast Scene make?

The morally bankrupt status of the wealthy couple depicted in the image

What is the subject matter of Dona Schlesier's mixed-media piece Setting Cycles?

The organization of the materials used to make the piece

What do the images of Michelangelo's Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel show?

The origin of the universe

In addition to physically supporting the Raven House, Shaughnessy's Interior House Post symbolically renders what aspect of the John Scow clan?

The spiritual and mythical foundation

Which statement about the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius is correct?

The statue was crafted from hollow-cast bronze.

According to Robert Motherwell, what does abstraction communicate best?

The struggle between life and death

Stories abound about Stonehenge, but which of the following statements can be ascertained as a fact?

The surrounding region has other Neolithic stone groupings that align with Stonehenge.

What is a likely meaning of the tapestry The Unicorn in Captivity?

The unicorn, like the lover in chivalric tales, is enchained by his love.

Which feature characterizes the Great Mosque of Cordoba?

The use of pattern has a spiritual meaning, reflecting the creation of the world by Allah.

Judith Leyster's Boy Playing a Flute shows which aspect of the society in which it was painted?

The way music was enjoyed throughout society, including in middle-class homes

Works such as Peter Paul Rubens's Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus reveal which expectation about women of that time?

Their assumed helplessness

What aspect of a work of art does content describe?


Which is true of Navajo sand paintings?

They are created with the understanding they will be ritually destroyed,

What is the significance of beads in Yoruba art?

They both protect the wearer and represent wisdom.

Which statement about Gothic stained-glass windows is correct?

They carried religious symbolism by transforming light signaling heavenly radiance.

What's a feature that the artists Kathe Kollwitz and George Grosz have in common?

They protested against wars.

Which element did Van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet include that suggests the artist's state of mind?

Thick paint

Who designed Monticello?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the goal of Lewis Hine's photograph Leo, 48 Inches High, 8 Years Old, Picks Up Bobbins at 15¢ a Day?

To change public policy so that children no longer would work in factories

What's the meaning of the Italian verb that the term intaglio comes from?

To cut into

Where did Zapotec ceremonies for a clan's living members occur?


Which statement is true of objects such as this Bisj Pole?

Traditionally their carving and decoration precedıng headhunting

Which work established Adolph Hitler as the first political leader to use film for propaganda?

Triumph of the Will

1960s Happenings celebrated the transitory and confusing aspects of life.


Adam and Eve can be considered Christianity's primordial couple.


Ancient Egyptian wall paintings show a remarkable consistency in style.


Ansel Adams's photographs helped raise public support for national parks and for the environmental movement in general.


Architectural styles such as Rococo and Doric are gendered-different styles are associated with certain qualities that are perceived to be masculine or feminine.


Art and craft can overlap.


Aztec marriage ceremonies took place in the groom's home in front of the hearth


Because water is essential for survival, different cultures have developed inventive systems for storing liquids using a variety of materials, including clay, leather, wood, and straw.


Ceramics are found from almost every culture, from ancient times to the present.


Doris Salcedo's Shibboleth permanently transformed the Tate Modern in London.


Edward Kienholz's The State Hospital uses ugliness as a tool to criticize the way society deals with people it deems incompetent.


Hatoum's Light Sentence deals with personal identity, the body, surveillance, and control.


Hawaiian royal objects were made of materials that were taboo to all except royalty.


In The Kitchen Maid, Vermeer portrays a humble working-class woman with great dignity.


In ancient Egypt, the human body was sculpted in different ways depending on the class of the person


Italian Renaissance artists were strongly influenced by Hellenistic and Roman sculptures that were being excavated in central Italy.


Kehinde Wiley uses historical examples from Europe for reinterpreting African American representations.


King Louis XIV of France was also called the Sun King because he identified himself with the god Apollo.


Many late-nineteenth-century French artists were strongly influenced by Japanese prints and paintings.


Many of the fertility figures from Oceanic cultures illustrate the significance of family lineage.


Matthew Barney's Cremaster 1 references Busby Berkeley musical productions from Hollywood films in the 1930s.


Modern cemeteries developed in response to an increase in urban populations and concerns about pollution and sanitation.


Polykleitos invented and developed a canon of mathematical proportions for the ideal depiction of human figures.


Relational aesthetics focuses on human interactions rather than the creation of art objects to be displayed in private galleries, homes, or museums.


Tempera, gouache, and watercolor are all water-based paint media.


The Arch of Titus combines two different Greek architectural orders.


The Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow was closed when the Communist regime came to power because it represented the czar and Christianity.


The Lascaux cave paintings, in southern France, were created from memory and focus on animals' energy and movements.


The Longmen Caves in China, a Buddhist pilgrimage destination composed of a complex of cave shrines, were supported by imperial patronage.


The Mask of Hanuman is both fantastic and based on a specific species of monkey.


The Palette of King Narmer was used for mixing black eye makeup worn by ancient Egyptian men and women.


The ancient Greeks developed the earliest commemorative funerary architecture in Europe and the Middle East.


The clay soldiers from the tomb of Shi Huangdi were originally painted in vivid colors.


The earliest examples of domestic architecture feature group living


The most obvious factor in determining the content of a work of art is its subject matter.


The subject in Neshat's art is Islamic women and feminınity in a country where women's actions and rights are limited by law.


Whereas Rococo was associated with the French aristocracy, Neoclassicism was favored by the revolutionaries who overthrew them


What is the term for the soft bedrock from which Etruscan tomb chambers were carved?


Which animal appears in medieval European art as a horse with some goat features and a long, single hom projecting from its forehead?


Nancy Burson's series Faces are portraits of children with what shared attribute?

Unusual faces

How has Morris Louis's Abstract Expressionist work Blue Veil been interpreted?

Using ideological criticism, the Central Intelligence Agency's use of Abstract Expressionism for propaganda was analyzed.

Which statement is correct about Cycladic figures such as the Idol from Amorgos?

Usually found in graves, perhaps they were connected with renewal.

What kind of painting uses still life as a metaphor for the inevitability of death?


The tombs of which society, from Scandinavia, reflect how important sea travel was to their civilization?


Ceramic models survive that are the source for our understanding of Han dynasty Chinese houses. Looking at these models, which feature can be found in early Chinese house design?

Wide eaves imparting a strong horizontal focus

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