Arthur Miller Background/ Crucible Study Guide

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When did Miller divorce Marilyn?

19 months after The Misfits

When did Miller write The Man Who Had All the Luck, and what award did it recieve?

1940, Theatre Guilds National Award

When/ where did he write All My Sons and what what award did it receive?

1946, Broadway, All My Sons, Tony Award for best aurthor

When/where did Miller write Act 1 of Death of a Salesmen?

1948, self built studio in Roxbury, CN.

What year was The Crucible published and produced?


When did he divorce first wife


When was he convicted for contempt for congress


When was his conviction reversed


How long did it take Miller to write Death of a Salesmen?

6 weeks

How many times was DofaS preformed?


What does Abigail say about Mary's testimony? Why does she lie?

Abigail says that Mary is lying, and eventually convinces the court to believe that Mary is a witch, or is using her spirit to torment her. She lies to cover up what really happened in the woods.

What is the setting of Act three?

Act III takes place in the courthouse/vestry during the Salem witch trials. It is during a time of great religious influence. The court and the church were closely related. It ends with the judges, convicted victims, and pastors in the jail trying to free the innocent women from a hanging, but Danforth won't release them on ground of being "just.

What play established Miller as a playwright?

All My Sons

Who are Ann and Thomas Putnam? What do they suggest is Betty's problem? What is their motivation for suggesting this?

Anne and Thomas Putnam are wealthy land owners in Salem. They have lasting issues with territory and money. Despite their riches, only one out of eight children have survived past a day. Thomas's step brother was also never elected to minister which still harbors bitter resentment. He suggest that Betty is ill due to witchcraft. They suggest this to blame Tituba for their daughters' illness. That she is the one to give the girls their fates. And to prove someone murdered their babies.

What is wrong with Betty?

At first it is thought that Betty is dead. But, Betty is supposedly possessed by a demon, or working with the devil. She won't get out of her bed or speak, and then later she screams once hearing the psalm. After that she freaks out and recalls what happened in the forest, forcing the other girls to keep her quiet. It is likely though that she is only startled.

Who was his mother?

Augusta Miller

What role does Cheever play? What is revealed about his character?

Cheever comes for the warrants. His reveals that he is easily influenced and despite the evidence for Elizabeth still takes Elizabeth. Cheever also is convinced in the presents of witches in Salem.

Why does Danforth want Proctor to see Elizabeth? What does he hope it will cause him to do?

Danforth believes that Elizabeth will convince Proctor to confess to being a witch. This is so to serve as further proof that if Proctor, a high, upstanding man, confesses to be a witch, so can women by Goody Nurse.

How does this point tie the court and the church together?

Danforth believes that Providence will reveal who is guilty and who is innocent. Yet, many innocent people have been convicted.

How does Danforth equate the court with the church?

Danforth believes the principals of the court to be the same as the principals of the church. He runs it much like a theocracy by stating that both are run by God.

How does Danforth confuse Mary Warren?

Danforth confuses Mary by seeing if she'll change her story as well as scarring her by telling her the penalties for lying in court.

Who is Elizabeth Proctor? What does Abigail think of her? How might this affect the outcome of the play?

Elizabeth Proctor is John Proctor's wife. Abigail doesn't like her because she kicked her out of her home as a servant. She also tried to get a charm to kill her so she could be with John Proctor. This could lead to Elizabeth being accused of witchcraft due to resentment or killed or the secret of the affair to be revealed.

Why does Elizabeth deny John's relationship with Abigail? What is the result of her denial?

Elizabeth denies John and Abigail having an affair because she doesn't want John to be punished for it. He would be hanged for having an affair, and she doesn't want John to be in trouble as well. She doesn't know John already confessed. As a result it shows that either John is lying or Elizabeth is, nailing the coffin for the both of them.

Why is Elizabeth arrested? On what grounds?

Elizabeth was arrested on the grounds of witchcraft. This was because at a dinner, Abigail threw herself on the floor shrieking in pain with a needle in her stomach claiming that Elizabeth's spirit poked it inside her.

What did he change his major to?


What day and year did Arthur Miller die?

February 10, 2005

When did Death of a Salesmen premiere on Broadway

February 10,1949

Why is Giles accused of contempt of court?

Giles is accused of contempt because he refuses to give the name of the man that signed the document saying that his wife was innocent. He doesn't want the man to be tried for helping him, and break the vow he made not to give his name. The court wants to know to see how credible the man is, and what his standing was with the church.

How does Hale confuse Tituba? What is the significance of their conversation?

Hale believes Tituba to communicate with the Devil. Even though she doesn't and that was just her voodoo ritual, the drinking of blood, chanting, and dancing was due to her beliefs. This leads to Hale coaxing Tituba to admit to witchcraft to be saved. Once Abigail and Betty hear of Tituba's confession and acceptance, they do the same.

What does this tell us about Hale's feelings about the justice of the trial? Is this a change in his attitude?

Hale believes the court to be unjust after hearing valid evidence. He believes the court to be unjust. His attitude is changing. He used to believe in the court and that the truth would prevail.

Why does Hale suggest that Proctor should have a lawyer

Hale suggests that Proctor should have a lawyer because the judges believe his claims to violate the court, and they are being unjust toward valid evidence. He doesn't want Proctor to end up incarcerating himself

What point does Hathorne make about Mary fainting? Why can't she faint on command?

Hathorne says that if Mary could fake faint before, she could now as well. He wants to prove that the accusations before were fake. Mary can't fake faint now because she isn't startled, and in on it with the other girls like last time. She is also scared of the other girls and what they would do if she exposed their secret.

What relationship does Hale suggest exists between the church and the court?

He believes that the two should be intertwined. He believed that Christianity should be in the government too. He doesn't believe in separate of church and state.

Who is Giles Corey? Why is he introduced into the play? Giles Cory is a farmer who lives in Salem.

He is rather old, but strong. He arrived to the play to see what all the fuss about the witchcraft is. He is friends/servant to Mr. Proctor. He also talks about his wife and the sorcery of books, and him not being able to pray because she is reading one. All this could possibly lead up to him accusing her. He is introduced for support and supports Mr. Proctor.

What evidence is there that Hale no longer believes the testimony and crying out of the girls?

He no longer believes the girls when he walks out of the vestry and doesn't consent to any more hangings.

Why does Danforth refuse this request?

He refuses this request because he believes if the person really has nothing to hide, there would be no need for a lawyer. He also believes that God will prevail.

What does Giles report to the Proctors? What is the significance of his revelations?

He reported that they took his wife. This signifies that many women are being taken for little to no reason, and alludes to Elizabeth being taken.

Why does Reverend Hale tell the accused witches to confess?

He tells the accused witches to confess because he believes God will overlook this one lie (sin) and take into consideration that it is due to save the life they were falsely/sinfully threatened to end. He says that life is a gift, and that they shouldn't just throw it away for someone else's sin.

What happened to Miller in 1956

He testified in front of the House of UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC), accussed of holding communist meetings, refuses to identify other for questioning

What did his father do?

He was a clothing manufacturer

Around the time he was the editor for the Michigan Daily, he wrote what play

His first play, No Villian

What does the news of what is happening in Andover have to do with the trials in Salem?

In Andover people are rioting and overthrowing the court, believing it to be false and corrupt. This is relayed to Danforth, and requested that he postpone the trials so people don't being to riot about the unjustness of the court.

Who did Miller marry in 1962

Ingeborg Morath

What was his fathers name?

Isidore Miller

Why was Miller denied his passport to Brussles to see the premier of the Crucible

It was said it wasnt in the best interest of his country 1954

Who were his kids with Mary?

Jane and Robert Miller

Who is John Proctor? What is his relationship to Mary Warren? What is his relationship to Abigail? How does he feel about his relationship with Abigail?

John Proctor is a landowner in Salem. He also has a dislike for Parris because of how he teaches on Hell. He has thoughts similar to the Great Awakening. Mary Warren is one of his servants. She was also said to be in the forest. He had an affair with Abigail and is also her neighbor. He doesn't want anything to do with her despite her efforts to get him to leave Elizabeth

In college, what did he first major in and what jobs did he have?

Jouralism, a reporter and at night a editor

Who was Millers second wife

Marilyn Monroe

Who was his first wife in 1940?

Mary Grace Slatter, his college sweetheart

What do we learn about why Mary Warren gave the poppet to Elizabeth?

Mary Warren gave the poppet to Elizabeth as a "peace offering," However, it's likely that it was due to Abigail's request so she could frame Elizabeth. She has a deep bitterness and desire to kill her to be with John. With the poppet in Elizabeth's house she could claim that Elizabeth used the poppet to stick the needle into her.

What is the gift Mary Warren gives to Elizabeth?

Mary gives Elizabeth a poppet. Much like doll, but handmade.

What information does Mary provide about the trial? What role is she playing at the trial? Why does John forbid her from attending?

Mary provides information that Elizabeth was accused by Abigail of being a witch. Mary is a part of the council of the trial. She is helping during the Salem witch trials. John forbids her from attending because he need her for household work and before told her not to leave.

What is contained in Mary Warren's depositions? Why are the other children who have cried out brought in?

Mary states that the girls lied, and were fooling the court when they would accuse women of being witches. The other children are brought out to testify whether or not it was true.

What do we learn about Mary Warren's motives at the end of the Act? Of what is she afraid?

May Warren's motives are to cover up the events in the forest. She is also acting as a pawn for Abigail who claims to kill Mary if she doesn't listen. She is essentially afraid of the death that could come with telling the truth about Abigail.

Who is Mercy Lewis? What is her relationship to the Putnams?

Mercy Lewis is the care taker for the Putnams. She is helping Ruth as she is "possessed" and was seen naked in the forest by Parris.

Where was Man Who Had All the Luck, produced?


Where did he live?

New York city

What day and year was Arthur Miller born?

October 17, 1915

What role does Parris play during the testimony? Why does he lie about the dancing in the woods?

Parris defends those that would benefit him, and accuses those that are saying there is no witchcraft. He involves himself greatly into the trials. He lies about the dancing in the woods to protect his reputation. If others knew his daughter and niece were dancing he would be in grave trouble.

Why does Parris say Abigail has vanished?

Parris says Abigail vanished because she fears that there will be a rebellion in Salem and that she doesn't want to be involved. She took all 31 pounds with her and went with Mercy Lewis on board a ship.

Why does Parris suggest calling in Reverend Hale?

Parris suggests it because he is skilled at exorcisms. Since Parris believes the girls to be possessed he wants to rid of the evil. He also wants to protect is reputation by having a credible source saying that Betty is not possessed. He also wants to find the real culprits of the people working with Lucifer.

Why does Parris suggest the hanging be postponed?

Parris suggests the hanging to be postponed so people have time to confess. He also doesn't want riots in Salem, like they were in Andover.

Why is the issue of Parris's salary raised?

Parris's salary is raised when he comaplains about not having firewood and Proctor talks about going to cut firewood. He is also in a dispute with Proctor over religious matters. This shows that he is a greety man and his request for a deed on the house is also brought up by John Proctor.

What does Proctor mean when he says that he and Danforth "will burn together?"

Proctor is saying that he will go to hell for having an affair, but so will Danforth for convicting clearly innocent women to death. He is saying they are equally corrupt and guilty.

What secret does Proctor reveal about himself and Abigail? Why does he reveal it?

Proctor reveals that he and Abigail had an affair. This is to discredit Abigail as well as to credit his wife as to why she kicked Abigail out of the house, and why Abigail would accuse Elizabeth of being a witch.

What does Proctor tell Hale about why the children were ill? How does he claim to know?

Proctor says the children are ill, not because of witchcraft but because they were in the woods. He knows this because Abigail told John. This also implies that Abigail was in the woods as well.

Why is Putnam brought into the court?

Putnam is brought into court because it was said by Giles Corey that Rebecca Nurse was only accused because the Putnam's want their land. It was so that the court could decide whether or not it was based upon greed.

Who is Rebecca Nurse? What is her role likely to be in the play?

Rebecca Nurse is the Nurse. As a mom and grandmother she helps to console the families about their daughter. The Putnams also have bitterness toward the Nurses because of land disputes. She is likely to be a peacekeeper in the play. She tried to maintain peace between Parris and Mr. Proctor.

What children did he have with Morath?

Rebecca, who married Daniel Day Lewis

Why does Reverend Hale come to the Proctors' home? What does this scene reveal about the Hale's role in the trial?

Reverend Hale comes to ask questions to Elizabeth and John Proctor about their faith and involvement in the church. This is to gather evidence on whether or not Elizabeth is a witch. This shows that Reverend Hale is an intricate part of the trial with a lot of religious credibility

Who are Reverend Parris, Betty, and Abigail? What is their relationship?

Reverend Parris is the father to Betty, his ten year old daughter who was found participating in dancing in the forest and is now in a trance. He is the Salem minister who believes that the Kingdom of God is wrathful and talks much about Hell. He is prideful in his status and greedy with money. This can be seen when he asks for a deed on the house and demands firewood on top of 66 pounds a year. Abigail is Reverend Parris's niece. Her parents were killed by Indians during a raid. When she was orphaned she went under the care of Parris. She is an 18 year old, pretty girl who had an affair with John Proctor. Thus, she attempted to charm his wife in the forest and is trying to cover up all the girl's actions.

Who is Ruth? What is her relationship to the Putnams? What is wrong with her? How do the Putnams tie her problem to Betty's?

Ruth is the daughter of the Putmans. She is the only one to survive and is in her late teens. She is experiencing similar symptoms to Betty. She won't open her eyes. They tie their problems because they were both seen dancing in the forest and Tituba is also connected to the two of them.

What are the conditions in Salem? Why?

Salem is in shambles with cows loose in the village, rotting crops, and orphaned children. It's deteriorating because so many members of society are in jail or being a witch. Therefore, many people are unable to contribute to society.

What does Abigail do to befuddle Mary?

She pretends that Abigail's spirit is casting a bird down to torment her. All the girls play along and start mocking her. She ultimately accuses Mary of being a witch.

What did his mother do?

She was a teacher

University of Michigan opened what in his honor, when?

The Arther Miller Theater in March 2007, only theatre by that name

What was Millers most frequently produced work

The Crucible

What movie did Miller work on with Marilyn and when did it premier

The Misfits, 1961

What is the point of the discussion between Hale and the Proctors about whether or not they believe in witches?

The Proctors believe in witches because that's what the bible states, but not them being witches or the mass chaos of witches in Salem.

What is the Puritans' grievance over land? What significance might it have in the play?

The Puritans all have disputes over land. The Putnams are wealthy land owners so the Proctors believe some of it to be theirs after they bought some from the Nurses. The Nurses believe some to be theirs due to the Putnams grandfathers will. Parris is greedy so he's want the money from the land. This would cause people to be accused of witchcraft for reasons of jealousy.

What do the Purtians think of books other than the Bible? How do you learn about this in Act I?

The Puritans find it to be sinful. Anything that is not of God is of the Devil. This is shown by Parris's unruly thoughts about the Puritans going to hell. Tituba's other rituals pose as a sinful threat to the puritans. Only the bible and things about the bible area acceptable. When Parris went to speak he spoke a Psalm, that was their remedy for everything. When Gile's wife reads a book he claims he cannot read his book.

Where did he go to college?

The University of Michigan

What does the conversation between Abigail, Mercy Lewis, Mary Warren, and Betty reveal about their recent activities?

The conversation reveals that the girls all have motives as to why they were in the forest. It is clear that Abigail is bitter about Mrs. Proctor, and was trying to get a charm to kill her so she could be with John Proctor. The other girls too were scared and were all aware of them being in the forest with Tituba.

24. - What do the girls do to convince the men otherwise? Why? How does their action further befuddle Mary? What does Mary do?

The girls convince the men by saying that there is a bird of Mary's spirit and that it is tormenting them. They also begin to mock her, which scares Mary. She eventually cracks and confesses to be a witch, claiming that Proctor was the one who got her to do evil things. She is then "comforted" by Abigail.

How and by whom are the other villagers accused of witchcraft? What are the motivations for the girls' accusations?

The other villagers are accused by Abigail and Betty and Tituba who all confess of being in the forest. Once they see their excuse out of being accused as a witch they all "ask for the Light" and confess to Hale. They do so to cover themselves and see an "out" when Tituba is manipulated to confess. They accused: Goody Good (Sarah Good), Goody Osborn, Bridger Bishop, George Jacobs, Goody Howe, Martha Bellows, Goody Sibber, Alice Barrow, Goody Hawkins, Goody Bibber, and Goody Booth.

What is the significance of the point made by Danforth that "no uncorrupted man may fear this court"? Is this true?

The significance is that the court is corrupt and many innocent people have been wrongfully convicted. It's ironic that he believes that, and yet it's the total opposite.

What is the significance of the scene between Herrick and the accused Witches in the opening scene?

The significance of the scene is that it shows the women being dragged into jail cells. It also shows how conflicted Herrick is with taking clearly innocent women to their jail cells. He is drinking alcohol and the women are coming to peace with death.

Why are Proctor, Francis, and Giles repeatedly accused of attacking the court?

They are said to be violating the court by asking questions and questioning the actions already carried out by the court. They question how sound the charges and evidence is, and therefore are "going against the court."

How do Danforth and Hathorne attempt to get Proctor to drop the charge that Mary Warren has lied? Why do they want him to do so? Why does Proctor refuse?

They attempt to get Proctor to drop the charge by saying that Elizabeth is pregnant, so that would shortly spare her life. This would be further proof that Elizabeth is indeed a witch. Proctor refuses to do so because he knows his wife to be innocent and doesn't want her to die for any reason. He wants to show of her integrity and falseness of the accusation.

How do Proctor, Francis, and Giles plan to use Mary Warren's testimony to prove that "Heaven is NOT speaking through the children"?

They try to prove it by saying Mary Warren is in on it as well. She is to testify that they really never saw anything in the woods, and that she would only fake faint at the sight of a spirit. This is done once Elizabeth is said to be a witch.

What is the significance of the behind the scenes discussion between Hathorne, Danforth, Martha Corey, and Giles Corey?

This discussion furthermore proves how false and arbitrary the accusations are against the women in Salem. Women who would not ever be believed to do anything against God are being accused and hanged.

What is the significance of Proctor plowing on Sunday?

This is significant because it could prove their separation from the church and "unbiblical" ways. He is working on Sunday, which would be constituted as breaking a commandment. He would not attend church due to his work.

What is the significance of the scene between Elizabeth and John Proctor? What does it reveal about their relationship and about each of their characters?

This scene depicts how John is still in the doghouse with Elizabeth. Elizabeth is still untrusting of John. John is trying to make amends with Elizabeth and does so by putting salt in the pot as well as by being home early, and complimenting her. It reveals that, once their conversation erupts into a dispute, that John and Elizabeth are strong willed people and have great conviction. Their relationship is still eerie after John's affair.

Who is Tituba? What is her relationship to the family?

Tituba is the servant to Reverend Parris and Betty. She is close with Betty, as seen in the very first couple lines; when, despite her knowingness of reprimand, she still goes in to see her. She is also from Barbados so she is accustomed to voodoo and other rituals. Or what the puritans would consider witchcraft. She was easily manipulated to admit to being a witch.

What awards did Miller win for DofaS?

Tony, NY Drama Circle Critics and Pulitzer Prize for drama

What event begins to change Hale's opinion about the arrests? How does he feel about the court?

When Hale learns that Rebecca being accused he begins to believe that people may be falsely accusing others. He feels that the court may be corrupt since no one could ever believe Rebecca to be a witch because of her faith.

What was Broadways response to Millers death

darkened lights in respect

In college he was the editor of what newspaper?

his schools paper, Michigan Daily

What award did he win for No Villian?

the 1937 Avery Hopwood Award

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