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Which three addresses are valid public addresses? (Choose three.)

Given IPv6 address prefix 2001:db8::/48, what will be the last subnet that is created if the subnet prefix is changed to /52?


Which address prefix range is reserved for IPv4 multicast? -

How many host addresses are available on the network?


What is the usable number of host IP addresses on a network that has a /26 mask?


A user issues a ping 2001:db8:FACE:39::10 command and receives a response that includes a code of 2. What does this code represent?

beyond scope of the source address

Match the IPv6 address with the IPv6 address type. 2001:DB8::3F57:FE94

global unicast

Match the IPv6 address with the IPv6 address type. ::1


What are two types of IPv6 unicast addresses? (Choose two.)

loopback link-local

What source IP address does a router use by default when the traceroute command is issued?

the IP address of the outbound interface

Which service provides dynamic global IPv6 addressing to end devices without using a server that keeps a record of available IPv6 addresses?


Match the IPv6 address with the IPv6 address type. FF02::1

all node multicast

Three methods allow IPv6 and IPv4 to co-exist. Match each method with its description. THE IPv6 PACKET IS TRANSPORTED INSIDE AN IPv4 PACKET.


Refer to the exhibit. An administrator must send a message to everyone on the router A network. What is the broadcast address for network

Which subnet would include the address as a usable host address?

A company has a network address of with a subnet mask of The company wants to create two subnetworks that would contain 10 hosts and 18 hosts respectively. Which two networks would achieve that? (Choose two.)

A site administrator has been told that a particular network at the site must accommodate 126 hosts. Which subnet mask would be used that contains the required number of host bits?

Which IPv6 prefix is reserved for communication between devices on the same link?


Which address is a valid IPv6 link-local unicast address?


Which protocol is used by the traceroute command to send and receive echo-requests and echo-replies?


Which protocol supports Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) for dynamic assignment of IPv6 addresses to a host?


A user issues a ping command and receives a response that includes a code of 1. What does this code represent?

host unreachable

An IPv6 enabled device sends a data packet with the destination address of FF02::1. What is the target of this packet?​

all IPv6 enabled devices on the local link​ or network

An administrator wants to create four subnetworks from the network address What is the network address and subnet mask of the second useable subnet?

subnetwork subnet mask

What is used in the EUI-64 process to create an IPv6 interface ID on an IPv6 enabled interface?

the MAC address of the IPv6 enabled interface

A technician uses the ping command. What is the technician testing?

the TCP/IP stack on a network host

What is the purpose of ICMP messages?

to provide feedback of IP packet transmissions

What three blocks of addresses are defined by RFC 1918 for private network use? (Choose three.)

Refer to the exhibit. Considering the addresses already used and having to remain within the network range, which subnet address could be assigned to the network containing 25 hosts?

How many host addresses are available on the network with a subnet mask of


Refer to the exhibit. A company is deploying an IPv6 addressing scheme for its network. The company design document indicates that the subnet portion of the IPv6 addresses is used for the new hierarchical network design, with the site subsection to represent multiple geographical sites of the company, the sub-site section to represent multiple campuses at each site, and the subnet section to indicate each network segment separated by routers. With such a scheme, what is the maximum number of subnets achieved per sub-site?


Which of these addresses is the shortest abbreviation for the IP address: 3FFE:1044:0000:0000:00AB:0000:0000:0057?


A network administrator has received the IPv6 prefix 2001:DB8::/48 for subnetting. Assuming the administrator does not subnet into the interface ID portion of the address space, how many subnets can the administrator create from the /48 prefix?


A high school in New York (school A) is using videoconferencing technology to establish student interactions with another high school (school B) in Russia. The videoconferencing is conducted between two end devices through the Internet. The network administrator of school A configures the end device with the IP address The administrator sends a request for the IP address for the end device in school B and the response is Neither school is using a VPN. The administrator knows immediately that this IP will not work. Why?

This is a private IP address.

A user issues a ping fe80:65ab:dcc1::100 command and receives a response that includes a code of 3. What does this code represent?

address unreachable

Which type of IPv6 address refers to any unicast address that is assigned to multiple hosts?


A message is sent to all hosts on a remote network. Which type of message is it?

directed broadcast

Three methods allow IPv6 and IPv4 to co-exist. Match each method with its description. THE IPv4 PACKETS AND IPv6 PACKETS COEXIST IN THE SAME NETWORK.


What type of IPv6 address is FE80::1?


A user issues a ping command and receives a response that includes a code of 0. What does this code represent?

network unreachable

A user issues a ping fe80:65ab:dcc1::100 command and receives a response that includes a code of 4. What does this code represent?

port unreachable

Match the IPv6 address with the IPv6 address type. FF02::1:FFAE:F85F

solicited node multicast

How many bits must be borrowed from the host portion of an address to accommodate a router with five connected networks?


Which ICMPv6 message is sent when the IPv6 hop limit field of a packet is decremented to zero and the packet cannot be forwarded?

time exceeded

Three methods allow IPv6 and IPv4 to co-exist. Match each method with its description. IPv6 PACKETS ARE CONVERTED INTO IPv4 PACKETS, AND VICE VERSA


A user executes a traceroute over IPv6. At what point would a router in the path to the destination device drop the packet?

when the value of the Hop Limit field reaches zero

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