Asian 30 Final

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What does the following Thai sentence mean? "phûu-chaay kɔ̂ sɔ̌ɔn" [Note: phûu-chaay means 'men' and sɔ̌ɔn means 'teach".

'Men also teach' or 'They also teach men.'

How many vowels does Tagalog have?


How is the Korean writing system unique as an alphabetic writing?

A syllable is put in a square block.

What type of writing system did Old Malay use?


Which set of words are found in Indonesian? (A) basikal, brek, kamera, tiket (B) sepeda, rem, fotostel, karcis


Which diagram(s) show(s) the concept of 'aspect'?


Why is the Japanese system of writing called a mixed system?

Because it uses both logographic and phonographic systems

Why is the Japanese writing system called a mixed writing system?

Because it uses both logographic writing and phonographic writing

Which is the correct description of retroflex consonants?

Both the tip of the tongue and the back part of the tongue are raised

What is the correct description of segmental writing system?

Consonant and vowel letters are equally represented

What type of nouns are these? "dog, car, apple, knife'

Countable nouns

The Korean writing system is sometimes called a 'featural' system. What does this mean?

Each symbol represents a phonetic feature such as the manner of articulation.

What are the two objectives of 'pinyin'?

For sound annotation. For promotion of the Beijing dialect'

. For what types of words are katakana symbols used?

Foreign words other than Chinese

What was the main purpose of the oracle bones?

Fortune telling.

What is the phonetic name of the vowel represented by the Pinyin letter below? ü

High Front Rounded vowel

Examine Box 6.1 (page 203). Compare the first line written in all hiragana and the third line written in Kanji and hiragana mixed. What is the advantage of mixing Kanji and hiragana as in line 3.

Hiragana can indicate grammatical morphemes such as kara (from), ga (subject marker), and - marimasu (verb suffixes), while characters indicate nouns and verb stem. This mixture makes it easier to identify content words (nouns and verb stems etc.) from grammatical morphemes. 37. (Open question) W

What is 'honorifics'? Describe two social factors that affect the use of honorifics.

Honorifics is a special speech system by which speakers show respect towards the addressee and/or a referent. Relative status (interrelated with gender) and groupmembership are two important social factors that influence the use of honorifics.]

Why does the author disagree with the term 'ideogram' to characterize Chinese characters?

Ideogram represents ideas directly. Characters represent words and morphemes (logograph), not directly ideas

The word ( gelembung ='bubble') in Indonesian is related to ( gembung = 'bloated'). What type of morphemes is ( el ) in ( gelembung )?


Where can a vowel symbol appear with respect to the consonant in Thai?

It appears after, over, under, before their associated consonant letter.]

Which is the correct definition of 'tense'?

It expresses temporal relation between points on the time axis as measured from the present

Compare the pair 'I walk' vs. 'my dog walks'. What does this pair indicate?

It indicates the subject controls verb marking

Is Hangeul a phonographic or logographic system?

It is a 'phonemic system,' which is a kind of phonographic system.]

Symbol [r] on IPA is a 'trill,' as found in Spanish, but Japanese 'r' is normally represented by [ ɾ ]. What is the name of this consonant? Describe how it is pronounced. See

It is called 'tap' or 'flap.' You hit the postalveolar region once with the tip of the tongue.

What is Jawi and when was it used?

It is the writing system used in Indonesia and Malaysia in the 14th century.]

The Mandarin verb phrase 'chī fàn' consists of chī (eat) and fàn (meal). What tense (past, present, future) does chī fàn' indicate?

It may be 'present,' 'future', or 'past'.

When and by whom was this indigenous writing system invented?

King Sejong, mid-15th century

Which language uses classifier suffixes instead of classifier nouns.


How was Korean written before the birth of this indigenous system?

Koreans used Chinese characters

14. Compare the two consonant charts of Mandarin and Cantonese (Tables 5.9, 5.10 pp. 156- 157), and describe conspicuous differences between the consonant inventories of the two languages.

Mandarin has retroflex consonants, but Cantonese doesn't. Cantonese has labiovelar consonants, but Mandarin doesn't.]

What is the most significant difference between the way Chinese characters are used for Japanese and Mandarin?

Many characters have two or more different readings in Japanese.]

Which type of characters is most productive?

Meaning and sound combination

What is the advantage of pictograms?

Meaning is easy to understand.

What common phonetic feature do the following Vietnamese symbols have? ê â ô

Mid vowels

When were oracle bones used in Shan Dynasty?

More than 3000 years ago

Which is the correct description of the syllabary system of writing?

Most symbols represent a combination of a consonant and a vowel.

Nakita ni Juan si Maria kahapon. This Tagalog sentence means 'Juan saw Marie yesterday.' Which word is a verb?


What type of consonants are [m, n, ɲ, ŋ]? Explain the state of the velar when you pronounce these consonants

Nasal consonants. The velar is down so that the air can escape from the nose

Does the Thai tone marker [ ] signals the same tone consistently? Explain your answer.

No. It depends on the type of consonant with which it appears. It indicates the falling tone or the rising tone depending on the type of consonant.

What do the dark red circles represent?

Obligatory classifier languages

Which is the direct source for the Thai script? When did Thai adopt the system?

Old Khmer. Late 13th century

Adverbs like 'yesterday' can naturally occur with ...

Past tense

What are the peribahasa and pepatah in Malay? How did Chee describe them.

Peribahasa is 'sayings' and pepatah is 'maxims.' Chi describes them as 'the distillation of a people's genius... they provide an insight on Malaysian life and thought at the level of the ordinary folk.]

What are the two major types of writing found among world's languages?

Phonographic and Logographic

Which type of the consonant you find in Mandarin, but not in Tagalog


What is 'pinyin'?

Romanized writing for Chinese characters]

Malaysian and Indonesian use the same spelling system now. What is the name of the new Romanization system?


Which word order is represented by the blue circles?


Explain two major difficulties when one tries to write Cantonese sentences using standard Chinese characters.

Some Cantonese words and morphemes have no equivalents in Mandarin; Characters designed for Mandarin are not capable of expressing all Cantonese words and morphemes. (2) Cantonese has distinct 'registers' (speech styles), and the less formal variety diverts greatly from Mandarin in all aspects of the language, grammar, pronunciation and lexicon.]

Thai and Mandarin are both tone languages. List two significant differences between the writing systems of these languages.

Thai = phonemic (alphabetic, or abudagi in some analysis), Mandarin=logographic. Thai writing system can indicate tones through tone markers and the type of consonant while Chinese characters cannot.

Which languages show a three way distinction for voiceless alveolar stops?

Thai and Korean

Which languages received a significant influence from Indic languages (Sanskrit, Pali)?

Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Burmese

In Japanese, Korean, Thai, Cantonese, and Mandarin, number three is pronounced as follows, respectively: { san - sam - sǎam - saam1 - san } What does this data tell us?

There is a possibility that some of these language are genetically related.

What is common among the following consonants? tsʰ / ts tɕʰ/tɕ ʈʂʰ / ʈʂ

They are all affricates

What do such labels as 'labial, dental, alveolar, velar etc.' mean?

They are places of articulation, and specify what parts of the articulatory organ are involved for different consonants. For example, bilabial means both upper and lower lips are involved, while alveolar means the alveolar ridge is involved.]

Explain the following statement on p. 185: "the (Korean) letters are arranged in syllable blocks."

This means that although the system is basically alphabetic with consonant and vowel symbols, they are put together in one block like Chinese characters when they form a syllable.]

Which is one important reason why Japanese developed hiragana and katakana?

To write verbal suffixes

What is involved when North Koreans use "kwail mul (fruit water)" to refer to 'juice'?


Which is the correct description of the rebus principle?

Using the sound, ignoring the meaning

The following consonants are used in Vietnamese. Which part of the articulatory organ is important for producing these sounds? [ ɓ ] [ ɗ ]

Vocal folds

What do diacritics in the Vietnamese writing indicate?

Vowel qualities and tones

The character 山 is read either as 'san' or 'yama' in Japanese. Chinese speakers pronounce this word as 'shan'. How would you explain the reading 'yama'?

Yama' is an indigenous word in Japanese which refers to 'mountains.' Japanese may read 山 either as Chinese ('shan > san') or as a Japanese word ('yama')]

How would you analyze 'okakini narimashita' (p. 225, ex 188) morphologically. Separate morphemes and give glosses.

[ o-kaki-ni nari-mashi-ta = o- - ni nari- is a circumflex, kaki is a verb (write), and mashi (polite suffix) and ta (past suffix).]

How many consonants of Japanese do you see in Table 5.14, p. 159? Compare the consonants on Table 5.14 and the IPA chart, and list all symbols in the textbook you cannot find on the IPA chart [Ignore [N, Q]. Textbook has a discussion of these consonants on page 160, but we will not discuss them in this class.]

[14], [w

When did simplified characters become official in China?


What is a 'syllabary'? How is it different from 'alphabet' letters as used in English?

[A syllabary is a system of syllabic letters; a syllabary represents a syllable, e.g., a consonant + vowel, while an alphabet letter represents either one consonant or one vowel.]

What is the source writing system for the Jawi script?


Why does the author think Japanese writing system is more complicated than the Chinese system?

[Because Japanese uses not only characters (logographs) but also hiragana and katakana (phonographs), and mix them when they write sentences.]

Give important reasons why Japanese needed to develop hiragana/katakana based on Chinese characters. Consider typological differences between the two languages.

[Being an agglutinating language, Japanese has many suffixes which are not present in Chinese. Also Japanese use grammatical particles to indicate a grammatical relation, such as subject and object. Chinese does not have these morphemes, and thus no characters are available to write them

What is the name of the Korean alphabet?

[Hangeul (Hankul)

On what basis, does Sampson call Hanguel a 'featural' writing system?

[Hanguel letters represent phonetic features of the sound it represents, such as 'lax', 'aspirated' and 'tense' features.]

Which script gave birth to Thai, Lao and Khmer writing systems?


Describe "de-personalize" in the following comment: "Producing an appropriate peribahasa can "de-personalize" the comment.

[It is a wisdom shared by the members of the society, and it may not express personal opinion.]

How many vowels are there in Thai? Compare the Thai and Korean vowel inventories and note the difference.

[Nine] Where Korean has [ʌ], Thai has [ə]. Thai has one additional vowel [ɔ].

[ɸ] in the table above is a bilabial fricative, and is used instead of [f] before [ɯ], as in 'ship' [ɸɯne]. How do you think you pronounce this consonant? See

[Putting the two lips close together and blow air through them as if you blow a candle without rounding the lips.]

List four social values that speech styles may indicate.

[Respect, social distance, solidarity, familiarity]

Most Chinese characters have a two-part structure. Explain this using the terms 'phonetic' and 'signific (or radicals).'

[The phonetic component provides a guide for pronunciation, while the signific component, also known as 'radicals,' provides a general semantic category]

Compare the consonant chart above and Table 5.14 on page 159 of the textbook. They are different. The discrepancy is due to difference between phonetic analysis and the phonemic analysis. The three fricatives, [h], [ç], [ɸ] shown above, are allophones of /h/, and distributed as follows: [ha], [çi], [ɸɯ], [he], [ho]. Which table (the one above or the one in the textbook) shows the phonemic analysis?

[The table in the textbook is the phonemic analysis because it only shows phonemes while the table above shows all allophones.]

In Javanese, 'house' is called omah or griya (Table 7.5- p.217). Explain how these two words are selected by showing a general speech style system in this language.

[The two words come from two different levels of speech, called ngoko and krama. Javanese has a multiple layers of speech style. Ngoko is an informal level, which is appropriate when talking to close family members, friends of the same age or younger. Krama is a more formal style word, which is appropriate when talking to a senior or more esteemed person.]

Explain why the character for 'grapes' (葡萄 pu-tao) poses a problem for the idea that "1 character = 1 morpheme".

[This word consists of two components, pu and tao, but each component is not a morpheme because they have no meaning unless they are put together in this way.]

What were the reasons for simplification?

[Traditional characters require too many strokes, making them time consuming to memorize.]

How is the Korean system of speech level marking different from that of Javanese?

[While Javanese uses different words in all types of vocabulary (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs - see Table 7.5), Korean has verb final endings (suffixes) to show different speech levels.

What common feature do you see for 'stop' consonants among Thai, Burmese, White Hmong, and Mandarin Chinese (pp. 152-158).

[aspirated vs unaspirated distinction (class discussion)]

Compare the two labial stop consonants /p/ and /b/ in Malay, and describe the similarity and difference.

[both are pronounced in the same manner of articulation (stop) and the same place of articulation (labial). /p/ is a voiceless and /b/ is a voiced consonant.

What is a pictogram?

[idealized pictures of the things they stand for]

. What social meanings do khrap and kha indicate in Thai? List two.

[politeness and gender]

Look at six 'alveolar' consonants of Malay, /t, d, n, s, l, r/. Describe as much in detail as possible how these consonants are pronounced, mentioning the part of the tongue involved, and its location.

[the tip of the tongue touches alveolar ridge (the bump right behind the front upper teeth)

Look at three labial consonants of Malay (Table 5.1, p. 150), /p, b, m/. What is common among these consonants?

[upper and lower lips come together]

Which is the correct description of a diphthong?

a sequence of two vowels in a syllable

What is the status of [r - ɾ - ɹ] in Tagalog?


To make the following Thai sentence a question, where do you put the question particle "mǎy" khǎw àan nǎŋsɯ̌ɯ

at the end of the sentence

Complete 0.00 points out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Which is a case of 'parallel compound'?

bàn ghế ('table' + 'chair' = furniture) Vietnamese

How do you call [ ʔ ] as an IPA symbol?

glottal stop

Mandarin 'le' is not a past tense marker because...

it can appear with a future adverb

What are the two principles that distinguish types of writing systems? Explain each system.

logographic and phonographic

The following is an Indonesian sentence: "Saya makan siang." Which word is a verb?


When did the first characters appear in China?

mid to late second millennium BC.

Which system does English use?


If a language is an SOV language, which type of word is expected to be used to translate "on" of "on the table."


The situation described just above made some specialists hesitate to call Chinese characters as strictly morphemic. Why?

pu and tao do not mean anything individually. That is, either character is not a morpheme, which must represent some meaning. So not all characters are morphemic, though many are.]

Which factor(s) determine(s) the sibling term system in English?

referent's gender

One of the classifiers used in a hypothetical language (P) is used to count 'apples, Ping-Pong balls, frog eggs, the moon.' What aspect of the objects is highlighted?


What is the discipline that studies 'dialectal differences', 'gender language differences' and 'speech style differences' called?


Tagalog stop/plosive consonants are...


What is the consonant that can appear at the end of a word in Tagalog, but cannot in the same phonological environment in English?

velar nasal

If a language has multiple pronouns for the first person and the second person, what kind of society does it represent?

vertical society

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