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What is one way Deaf run restaurants have impacted their communities?

- Redefine society's views of deafness - Promotes the use of sign language among the hearing community - Provides more employment opportunities for the deaf - Allows hearing people to engage in a piece of Deaf culture

What is the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

- To provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. - To provide clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards addressing discrimination against individuals with disabilities. - To invoke the sweep of congressional authority in order to address the major areas of discrimination faced day-to-day by people with disabilities.

What are the three kinds of usher syndrome?

1. Born deaf, lose sight early on 2. Born deaf and blind 3. Born hard of hearing, lose vision later in life 4. Born with fine hearing, lose both vision and hearing later in life

What is one event that every deaf person knows about and what does it stand for?

DPN, Deaf President Now

True or False: Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet found an ally at The French Institute for the Deaf in Paris, Laurent Clerc, whom he later invited to come to America and help establish the ASD.


True or false? Sicard was Laurent Clerc's teacher and mentor in France


True/False. Hearing people used Martha's Vineyard sign language even when deaf people were not around.


True/False: By 1920, 80% of deaf students were being taught without the use of sign language.


True or False: There are 3 different kinds of Usher Syndrome

True! They are (1) someone born deaf and starts to lose their vision as a teenager, (2) someone born hard of hearing and starts to lose vision later in life, and (3) Someone born with pretty normal hearing and then starts losing both senses later in life.

True or false: On Martha's Vineyard it was considered normal to sign and speak by all the residents

True: the majority of residents knew both languages

True or False: Was Martha's Vineyard the considered a deaf utopia?

True; Martha's Vineyard was the best place for deaf people to live at that time because everyone knew sign language on the island.

List the differences between Black ASL and mainstream ASL

Two-handed vs. one-handed signs, forehead location vs. lowered location, increased size of signing space, use of repetition, vocabulary differences, and the use of African-American Vernacular English

Fill in the blank: About 50% of deaf blind people have ____?___ Syndrome. This syndrome is typically a genetic condition in which a person is born deaf or hard of hearing and loses his or her vision later on in life due to retinitis pigmentosa.

Usher (Syndrome)

What kind or hearing loss elicits a need for cochlear implants?


Which of the following locations is home to the third oldest Deaf Theatre?

D: New York

Which type of hearing loss can be fixed?

conductive hearing loss

Which of these are NOT part of a cochlear implant? a. Transmitter b. Receiver c. Microphone d. Amplifier

D: Amplifier

Deaf blind people communicate in a variety of ways, based on their extent of vision and hearing loss. Name 3 methods of communication practiced in the deaf blind community.

(possible answers include) adapted signs, tactile signs, tactile fingerspelling, tadoma, and tracking

Which of the following caused the decline of deafness and sign language on Martha's Vineyard?

- deaf education on the mainland increased -deaf children from the island went to school on the mainland -deaf people from the island began marrying hearing people from the mainland

The Department of Justice requires that the court provide which of the following for a Deaf or hard of hearing individual?

- qualified sign language interpreters - real-time computer-aided transcription services - assistive listening systems or devices - oral interpreters -CDI (certified deaf interpreter) --any/all of the above, based on the need of the individual

What are three misconceptions about American Sign Language?

-It is signed English -it is the only form of signing in the world (universal) -it is the same as pantomime or charades -it is the same throughout the United States

At the peak of the deaf population on the island, how many people were deaf?

1 in 155 people were deaf on the island. In the town of Chilmark, which had the highest concentration of deaf people on the island, the average was 1 in 25

4 demands of Gaulledet's DPN

1. 51% of the board is Deaf 2. Deaf President 3. Before installation of Deaf President, hearing president and hearing board of trustees had to resign 4. I King Jordan 5. No reprimandations for student protestors who missed class

List the three main philosophies of deaf education and give a brief explanation of each.

1. Bilingual- Sign Language is the primary source of communication. Spoken/written language is taught as a second language. 2. Total Communication- Is a combination of signs and spoken language 3. Oral- emphasizes auditory training, articulation ability and lip-reading, most communicating through spoken language

What were the 4 demands that the students/protestors ask for in the DPN protest?

1. Elisabeth Zinser must resign and a deaf person selected president 2. Jane Spilman must step down as chairperson of the Board of Trustees 3. Deaf people must constitute a 51% majority on the Board 4.There would no reprisals against any student or employee involved in the protest.

Name a person and their contribution/reason for fame to the Deaf community

1. Gaulledet- school-ASD-first deaf school-Connecticut 2. I King Jordan- First deaf president at Gaulledet University 3. Laurent Clerk-France guy who brought ASL to America 4. Jonathan Lambert- First deaf settler in Martha's Vineyard 5. D'Leepee- Father of the Deaf

Three locations in America where you would find Deaf Theatre

1. New York 2. LA 3. West hartford, Connecticut

Name the language or code systems that are on the ASL to English continuum

1. Rochester method 2. signed English 3. English 4. ASL 5. cued speech 6. pse (pidgin signed english) 7. see 1 8. see 2

What are the differences between black ASL and standard ASL?

1. bigger sign frame 2. signs/vocab is different 3. came about because of segregation 4. location is different (higher) 5. more 2 handed signs 6. sign are repetitive

Name an ASL concept sign that is iconic

1. bowling 2. basketball 3. drinking 4. brushing teeth 5. tying shoe 6. calling 7. putting on mascara 8. hi 9. book

List 4 ways in which a deaf-run restaurant or business have an impact on the community

1. brings awareness to the community about deafness 2. gives Deaf people jobs 3. bridges the gap between deaf people and hearing people 4. promotes the use of ASL and signing to hearing people

What are some causes of conductive hearing loss?

1. ear wax 2. direct contact (i.e. bobby pin) 3. infection 4. osicle chain gets stuck/calcified

Name some causes of sensioneural hearing loss?

1. loud noise 2. head trauma 3. illness 4. genetics 5. medication 6. old age

Name the 5 parameters of a concept sign

1. movement 2. expression 3. location 4. palm orientation 5.hand shape

7 ways to show negation (concept signs)

1. no 2. not 3. can't 4. won't/refuse 5. none 6. nothing 7. never 8. forbidden

What are ten quantifiers?

1. none 2. some 3. all 4. enough 5. nothing 6. half 7. few 8. several 9. a lot 10. many 11. a little bit 12. each 13. another

Name a type of question in ASL and its corresponding eyebrow position

1. open ended question- brows down 2. rhetorical question- brows up 3. yes/no question- brows up

Name the characteristics specific to ASL grammar

1. rhetorical questions 2. topic-comment structure 3. setting up people to show possession 4. negate-many or at the end of the statement 5. no written form 6. does not represent another language

Name the ways to show negation in ASL

1. shake head 2. adding not at the end 3. any negation concept 4. modify sign to show negation 5. stating the opposite of the negative

What are some common misconceptions about Deaf people

1. that they all can lipread 2. that they are fluent in written English 3. that they were always deaf 4. that they all speak/sign the same way 5. assume that deaf people can't speak 6. all deaf people wish they were hearing

Nine concept questions in ASL

1. who 2. where 3. when 4. what 5. how 6. why 7. how many 8. how much 9. which

Name the symptoms of waardenburg syndrome

1. wide set eyes 2. strip of white hair 3. deafness 4. different colored eyes 5. pale skin

Which part of the cochlear implant is not on the external portion of the device? a. Microphone b. Speech Processor c. Transmitter d. Receiver

D: Receiver

What year did the week of DPN protests take place?


What is the difference between hearing aids and cochlear implants?

D: Hearing aids amplify sounds; cochlear implants bypass the damaged part of the ear and stimulate the auditory nerve.

Who wrote grants to the government and was a very strong supporter of the National Theatre of the Deaf (NTD)?

A: David Hays

What is the present day educational philosophy thought to maximize deaf students' natural way of communication and provide them with the most effective way to learn?

A: The Bilingual philosophy focuses on students' natural language (ASL) and English follows as a second language

Why did people start to migrate to the mainland which started the decrease in the use of MVSL?

A: children started to be taught on the mainland at the deaf school. Education

Why was deafness so common on Martha's Vineyard?

A: some early settlers carried a gene for deafness

The "Father of the Deaf" was:

Abbe Charles Michel de L'Epee

Who encouraged Gallaudet to establish a deaf school in America?

Alice's father, Dr. Mason Cogswell.

Which of the following two titles from the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 were updated in 2010? a. Title I: Employment b. Title II: Public Services c. Title III: Public Accommodations d. Title IV: Telecommunications e. Title V: Miscellaneous Provisions

B and C Title II: Public Services Title IV: Telecommunications

The first American school for the deaf was in which state?

B, Connecticut

What year was the peak of deaf population in Martha's Vineyard?

B. 1854

Who became the first deaf president at Gallaudet University?

B: Dr. I. King Jordan

In 1999 what was the most common area of employment Deaf people?

B: Education

Jonathan Lambert was the first known deaf settler to Martha's Vineyard who had seven children. How many of his children were deaf?

B: Two children were deaf.

Which of these are NOT a cause of conductive hearing loss? a. impacted earwax b. exposure to loud noise c. foreign body in the ear d. perforated eardrum

B: exposure to loud noise

What led to the development of a black dialect?

Black deaf children attending separate educational programs for numerous years

What is the average cost range for a cochlear implant?

C: $50,000-$100,000

What year was the ADA passed?

C: 1990

Before the introduction of the ASL STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Forum, how did students and professionals in STEM fields communicate?

C: Both a and b. Finger spelling Signs they developed for use in their own workplace.

Where is Deaf West Theatre located?

C: Los Angeles

Which of the four was NOT a condition that the students asked for in the DPN movement? a. The current president must resign from the Board b. The percentage of deaf members on the Board of Trustees must be increased to at least 51% c. The student leader of the rally must be a vote in electing a new president d. There must be no retaliation against any protesters

C: The student leader of the rally must be a vote in electing a new president

What are the three types of hearing loss?

Conductive, Sensorineural, and Mixed

The ____, held in 1880, was a significant point in history for the deaf community. Here a committee was established (consisting of ZERO deaf people) that voted that oral education is better than the manual sign language.

Conference of Milan

What are the types of hearing loss?

D. The types of hearing loss are conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss.

When was the first school for Black Deaf children established?

D: 1850s

What are some symptoms, other than deafness, of Waardenburg Syndrome?

Different colored eyes, wide set eyes, white patch of hair, pale skin

True or False: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities, public and private, that receive federal financial assistance.

FALSE - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination in those areas, while the ADA prohibits discrimination solely on the basis of disability in employment, public services, and accommodations.

True or False: A deaf individual is responsible for paying for the use of an interpreter.

FALSE! Agencies cannot charge a deaf individual for providing them with an interpreter.

True of False? Sign Safe rules in modern deaf cinema, allow for more creativity within the films.

FALSE! Sign Safe rules are made for accessibility, but they limit the artistic choices that a deaf cinema director can make.

True or False: Noise Reduction is not relevant in deaf classrooms.


True or False: Segregation in schools for the deaf only lasted for 50 years.


True or false: Deaf theatres only hire Deaf actors.


True or false: the ADA covers private businesses/facilities


True/False: Conductive hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear.


True or False - Conductive hearing loss cannot be fixed.

False - Conductive hearing loss is more easily fixed as it is usually a mechanical problem.

True or False - Deafness was not considered normal and accepted on Martha's Vineyard. Instead, deafness was seen as a medical condition or disability.

False - Deafness was considered normal and accepted rather than a medical condition or disability.

True or False? It doesn't matter at what age cochlear implants are implanted. They work just as effectively when implanted as an adult as they do at an early age.

False. Late implantation is equated to no implantation.

True or False. The highest rated proposed sign is considered the official ASL sign for that term.

False. The highest rated sign is the one that is currently suggested for use, but none of the signs on the forum are considered official ASL signs.

True/False The American School for the Deaf (ASD) was opened by Thomas Gallaudet in Washington D.C. in 1817.

False; ASD opened in Hartford, CT

True or False: Gallaudet searched for methods to teach deaf people by going to Spain.

False; He went to England and France

True or False: The oral method was popular in the late 20th century, and the manual method was popular in the early 20th century.

False; The oral method was mainly used in the early 20th century, and the manual method was mainly used in the late 20th century

True or False? The sign language of a deaf community is a representation of the oral language of that surrounding community.

False; Think of ASL: it is not English!

True or False- Congenital deafness is deafness after birth.

False; adventitious deafness is deafness after birth.

Briefly describe "IDEA":

IDEA stands for "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" and it carved a path for all people with disabilities, including deaf and hard of hearing people. This act ultimately led to sign language interpreters in public places.

Fill in the blank: ________________ went to Perkins School for the Blind and had to communicate through rudimentary sign language to achieve a significant education; she also set the stage for Helen Keller's later success.

Laura Bridgman

How did Martha's Vineyard Sign Language end up intermingling and meshing with Old French Sign Language?

Many deaf students from the Vineyard attended the first deaf school in Hartford, Connecticut called The American School for the Deaf. Laurent Clerc from France taught at the school and signed in Old French Sign Language, causing the two different forms of sign language to mix.

What are the three major steps of planning and implementing a bilingual program in a school?

School-Wide Planning, Individualized Planning, Teacher Implementation Planning

What type of cinema unified deaf and hearing audiences and was called the "golden age" of deaf cinema?

Silent Film

True/False: Deafness is sometimes caused by a recessive hereditary trait, and this fact contributed to why deafness became so common on Martha's Vineyard.


In 1817, which school became the first permanent school for educating deaf children in the United States?

The American School for the Deaf (ASD), formerly known as the Connecticut Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb.

Which of the following plays a huge part in why Deaf people don't like cochlear implants?

They feel that hearing people (and those who have a "medical model" approach to deafness) consider it a "cure", and Deaf people (and those who have a "cultural model" approach to deafness) don't feel like they need to be cured.

In 1817 which man was instrumental in the founding of what is now known as the American School for the Deaf (ASD)?

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

What does the Title II under the Americans with Disabilities act state?

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act states that any individual with a disability cannot be denied the accommodations to which they are legally entitled.

(T/F) A characteristic of Black ASL Dialect is larger and more expressive signing?


(True/False) In reference to the National Theatre of the Deaf, the first performance was held in 1967


True of False: The segregation of deaf schools led to the development of a black dialect in ASL.


True or False- There is a greater success rate achieved in areas of speech development and perception if the person receives the implant in his or her early childhood.


True or False: Conductive hearing loss is often reversible.


True or False: Gallaudet University is located in Washington, DC.


True or False: The play "The Miracle Worker" is based on the life of Helen Keller.


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