Assessment and Evaluations: Aptitude

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What are the three components that make up the ASVAB CEP?

(a) ASVAB (b) FYI (c) OCCU-Find

What are the seven necessary skills associated with clerical ability?

1) Calculation: ability to perform a series of simple arithmetic. 2) Checking: quickly and accurately check verbal/numerical information 3) Coding: ability to copy letter- and number-like symbols according to a specified pattern. 4) Filing: identify the correct location for a set of named files. 5) Keyboarding: quickly and accurately type on a computer keyboard. 6) Numerical Ability: use numbers efficiently. 7) Verbal Reasoning: includes spelling, grammar, understanding analogies, and following instructions.

What are the three compost tests for the GATB?

1) Cognitive composite (general, verbal, and numerical aptitudes) 2) Perceptual composite (spatial aptitude, form perception, and clerical perception) 3) Psychomotor composite (motor coordination, finger dexterity, and manual dexterity)

What are the nine aptitudes assessed by the GATB?

1) G - General Learning Ability 2) V - Verbal Aptitude 3) N - Numerical Aptitude 4) Q - Clerical Perception 5) P - Form Perception 6) S - Spatial Aptitude 7) K - Motor Co-ordination 8) F - Finger Dexterity 9) M - Manual Dexterity

What are the ten subtests for the ASVAB?

1) General Science (GS) 2) Work Knowledge (WK) 3) Paragraph Comprehension (PC) 4) Electronics Information (EI) 5) Code Speed (CS) 6) Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) 7) Mathematics Knowledge (MK) 8) Mechanical Comprehension (MC) 9) Auto and Shop Information (AS) 10) Numerical Operations (NO)

What are the two forms of aptitude tests?

1) Individual 2) Group

What are the four types of aptitude tests?

1) Multiple-Aptitude Test Batteries 2) Specialized Aptitude Tests 3) Admissions Tests 4) Readiness Tests

What are the eight subtests for the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT)?

1) Verbal Reasoning 2) Numerical Reasoning 3) Abstract Reasoning 4) Perceptual Speed and Accuracy 5) Mechanical Reasoning 6) Space Relations 7) Spelling 8) Language Usage

What are the four areas of intelligence that are most often tested with aptitude tests?

1) Verbal comprehension 2) Numerical 3) Spatial Visualization/perception 4) Perceptual speed

What are the 12 subtests of the GATB?

1.Name comparison 2.Computation 3.Three-Dimensional Space 4.Vocabulary 5.Arithmetic Reasoning 6.Tool Matching 7.Form Matching 8.Mark Making 9.Place 10.Turn 11.Assemble 12. Disassemble

Why are aptitude tests important?

Ability tests or aptitude tests tests can assist in making predictions about satisfactoriness and, consequently, success in training and job situations.

What do numeric aptitude tests tell us?

Ability to understand and perform mathematical functions. This usually involves manipulating numbers (addition, subtraction, decimals, etc.) This also includes a measure of arithmetic reasoning- story problems involving math.

What do verbal comprehension aptitude tests tell us?

Ability to understand and use words effectively.

What do spatial visualization/perception aptitude tests tell us?

Ability to visualize three-dimensional objects from two dimensions.

How is aptitude defined?

Aptitudes can be defined as an individual's capacity for learning.

How is Clerical ability defined?

Clerical ability refers to the skills needed for office and clerical duties.

What are the benefits of group aptitude tests?

Cost and time saving.

What is the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)?

Designed for use in State Employment Programs to help clients make occupational choices and to help counselors assess the client's aptitude.

What is a critique of the GATB?

Dexterity test is a very brief test requiring short bursts of speed, which may or may not correlate highly with performance over longer periods of time.

How are aptitude and achievement assessed at the same time?

Entrance examination evaluate the current ability including intelligence level. At the same time, they also assess the potential to learn specific academic areas after enrolling in the school.

What are the benefits of individual aptitude tests?

Good for observing how an individual approaches the tasks involved in addition to the answers or solutions produced.

Where have multiple-aptitude tests been used the most?

Have a long history in business, industry, and the military.

What are Differential Aptitude Tests for Personnel and Career Assessment (DAT for PCA)?

Measures the abilities of examinees for the purpose of educational and vocational guidance.

Why is the GATB getting replaced with the O*net ability profiler?

O*Net has increased availability and validity when it comes to a diverse population.

What is psychomotor ability?

Refers to one's capacity to perform body motor movements (e.g., fingers, hands, legs, body) with precision, coordination, or strength.

What kind of scores does the ASVAB use?


What is mechanical ability?

The capacity to learn about mechanical objects. Individuals with mechanical ability: •Are familiar with everyday physical objects, tools, devices, and home repairs •Have strong spatial reasoning

What does the FYI component of the ASVAB CEP do?

The interest inventory measures your work-related interests.

What do the perceptual aptitude tests tell us?

The underlying goal here is to look at how fast a person can synthesize information and make a decision about it.

What does the OCCU-find component of the ASVAB CEP do?

This career catalog provides activities to help you put a plan together.

What is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)?

Used to test achievement and aptitude for entry into the Armed Forces.

People who have strong mechanical abilities may be a good fit for...

Working as engineers, mechanics, millwrights, machine operators, tool setters, tradespersons.

What are some examples of psychomotor ability?

•Arm-Hand Steadiness •Finger Dexterity •Manual Dexterity •Multi-Limb Coordination •Static Strength Ability •Visual-Motor Skills

What does the ASVAB Career Exploration Program do for students?

•empowers students nationwide to discover their strengths and interests and then map out post-secondary plans that work. •ASVAB CEP helps students determine what they are good at, what is important to them, and the jobs matching their skills and interests.

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