Assingment #4: Corona virus article

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As of April 9, 2020, the United States had around ______ confirmed deaths linked to Covid 19. A. 2,000 B. 10,000 C. 13,000 D. 20,000


According to the Chinese officials where did the Covid-19 outbreak happen? A. in a Wuhan lab studding viruses B. In a persons home C. In a wet market in Wuhan D. In a hospital in Wuhan


1.) What is the incubation period of the coronavirus from exposure to the occurrence of disease signs and symptoms? A.2 to 14 days B.1 to 12.5 days C.5 to 6 days D.1 to 2 weeks


4. The use of face masks is crucial for healthcare workers and individuals who are taking care of someone in close settings. If soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 50% alcohol. A. First statement is true, second statement is false B. Both statements are true C. First statement is false, second statement is true D. Both statements are false


A novel corona virus is a new strain. It has not been previously identified in humans. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false. C. The first statement is true. The second statement is false. D. The first statement is false. The second statement is true


According to CDC officials, it may be possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching the mouth, nose, or possibly eyes, but this is not a confirmed primary mode of transmission.Though the virus can spread by consuming infected animals, it can also spread through coughing, sneezing, and close contact with an infected person or an object carrying the virus. A. Both statements are true. B. The first statement is false, and the second is true. C. The first statement is true, and the second is false. D. Both statements are false.


According to CDC officials, it may be possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching the mouth, nose, or possibly eyes. However this is not a confirmed primary mode of transmission. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false C. First statement is true, second is false D. First statement is false, second is true


According to CDC officials, it may be possible to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching the mouth, nose, or possibly eyes. This is a confirmed primary mode of transmission. A. The First Statement is True and the Second Statement is False B. The First Statement is False and the Second Statement is True C. Both Statements are True. D. Both Statements are False.


Based on the CDC, what is the incubation period? A. 2-4 days B. 2-4 weeks C. 5-6 days D. 1-2 days


By maintaining a standard of care that is in accordance with ____ guidelines, dental teams can effectively contribute to disease prevention and help slow the coronavirus pandemic. A. CDC B. WHO C. ADA D. ADHA


Coronavirus (nCov) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans, and is considered a zoonotic disease that spreads from _________ to _______ A. animals; humans B. animals; animals C. humans; humans D. humans; animals


Employers should select appropriate PPE and provide it to oral health professionals in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's PPE standards. A. True B.False C. True only for part time staff. D. True only for full time staff.


How are face masks classified by levels? A. According to bacterial filtration and particulate filtration efficiency. B. Masks are color coded and sorted into different levels. C. By how many layers of material the mask has D. Sorted by how many different viruses they can protect against.


If soap is NOT readily available, use a hand sanitizer containing what percentage of alcohol A. 60% B. 90% C. 21% D. 40%


Maximum filtration masks, such as N95 particulate respirator, feature ______PFE. A. 99.9% B. 80% C. 98% D. 100%


Oral health professionals have a responsibility to be knowledgeable about infectious diseases. By maintaining a standard of care that is in accordance with CDC guidelines, dental teams can effectively contribute to disease prevention and help slow the coronavirus pandemic. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false C. The first statement is true, the second statement is false D. The first statement is false, the second statement is true


Oral health professionals have a responsibility to be knowledgeable about infectious diseases. It is not our responsibility, however, to inform patients of protocols and infection control practices set in place to protect against COVID-19. A. The first statement is True, second is False. B. The First statement is False, second is True. C. Both Statements are True. D. Both statements are False.


SARS, MERS and coronavirus can remain on all but what surface for up to 9 days? A. Wood B. Metal C. Glass D. Plastic


Surface disinfectants with 62% to 71% ethanol alcohol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite can efficiently inactivate the viruses within how many minutes? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


The ADA recommends that oral health professionals postpone elective and nonemergency procedures, but be available for dental emergencies that are "possibly life threatening". Once active practice resumes, it is important that dental settings follow standard precautions and infection control. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false C. The first statement is true, but the second statement is false D. The first statement is false, but the second statement is true


There are no recommended asepsis guidelines for providing care. Dental teams cannot protect patients and staff and help slow the COVID-19 pandemic. A. First part true, second part false B. Both true C. First part false, second part true D. Both False


To prevent infections from spreading during healthcare delivery, an effective _________ protocol? A. Asepsis B. Sterile C. Clean D. Office


Wash your hands for a minimum of how long? A. 20 seconds B. 15 seconds C. 25 seconds D. 1 minute


What are some signs and symptoms of COVID-19? A. Sore throat, fever, cough, and shortness of breath B. Sore throat, difficulty breathing, bruising, and angioedema C. Angioedema, decalcification, bruising, and fever D. Fever, Diaphoretic, Nausea, and cough


What is a large family of viruses that range in severity of symptoms from respiratory issues to gastrointestinal issues? A) Corona Viruses B) Flu C) Pneumonia D) Ebola


Who is most at risk for getting the COVID-19? A) elderly and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions B) elderly C) children D) healthy individuals


With most respiratory viruses, people are typically considered most contagious when they present with acute symptoms. A. True B. False C. Partly True D. The statement is true and cause is not related.


4.) Regarding face mask protection, what level mask offers moderate protection and is preferable for procedures that involve a moderate level of aerosols, such as hand instrumentation or applying sealants? A.Level 1 B.Level 2 C.Level 3 D.Maximum Filtration (N95)


According to the article, Personal Protective Equipment include all EXCEPT: A. Gloves B. Homemade sanitizer C. eye protection D. face mask protection


All of the following actions can prevent the spread of coronavirus EXCEPT: A. Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds B. If you are a healthy individual, you can go in public without a face mask C. Avoiding touching your nose, mouth, and eyes D. Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick


Dental loupes must be cleaned and disinfected between each patient. Doing so aids in the risk of cross contamination. A. Neither is true B. Both are true C. First is true, second is false D. First is false, second is true


Everyday Actions to Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Disease include all EXCEPT A. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. B. The use of face masks is crucial for healthcare workers only. C. People who show symptoms of COVID-19 should use face masks to help prevent the spread of the disease. D. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.


How many cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide? A. 1,204,634 B. 1,536,094 C. 1,100,100 D. 1,467, 888


If N95 masks are not available, what level mask do you need to wear? A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) no mask is needed


Level 1 masks provide a protection value of _______ bacterial filtration efficiency and particulate filtration efficiency A. > 98% B. > 95% C. > 75% D. > 50%


Level 3 masks offer _____ protection, with a ______BFE A. moderate; >96% B. high; >98% C. high; >96% D. Moderate; >98%


People working in hospitals, long term care facilities and dental care units have been requested to wear what type of mask? A. Level 3 B. N95 C. Both A & B D. Face shield


Surface disinfectant protocols with 62% to 71% ethanol (rubbing) alcohol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) can efficiently inactivate the viruses within how many minute(s) of contact time? A. 10 minutes B. 1 minute C. 4 minutes D. 2 minutes


The elderly and individuals with preexisting medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, or lung conditions, seem to experience A. Mild complications. B. Serious complications. C. No complication. D. No symptoms.


The generation of what could be potentially harmful to dental professionals during routine procedures? A. saliva B. aerosols C. blood D. heat


To prevent infections from spreading during healthcare delivery what is essential? A. Stop treatment if patient coughs or creates any airborne aerosols (like sneezing) B. An effective asepsis protocol—including administrative rules, engineering controls, environmental hygiene, correct work practices, and appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) C. Run instruments through the autoclave 2x D. Clean all surfaces with Essential oils


Who should the clinician notify if a suspected COVID-19 patient presents to the clinic? A) The infection prevention personnel at their work B) All of the above C) Local health department D) State health department


_______ provides the infection control guidance for health care settings. A. WHO B. CDC C. ADA D. Varies based on state


3.) According to the Facility Compliance and Prevention Plan, what type of mask should be used during procedures that are likely to induce coughing (i.e. handpiece or ultrasonic instrumentation)? A.Level 1 B.Level 2 C.Level 3 D.Maximum Filtration (N95)


A recent literature review on human and veterinary coronaviruses, including SARS, MERS, and endemic human coronaviruses, revealed that each can remain on inanimate surfaces—such as metal, glass, or plastic—for up to how many days? A. 3 day B. 5 days C. 9 days D. 11 days


If a patient exhibits signs of a cough, runny nose, appear feverish, or any respiratory signs after you have began treatment, the clinician should A. Continue treatment practicing proper infection control B. Refer to dentist for guidance C. Stop treatment immediately, and reschedule for another time D. Put on two pairs of gloves


In the event a person under investigation for COVID-19 presents in dental practice, clinicians should, immediately notify the appropriate infection prevention personnel at their healthcare facility, as well as local and state health departments. A. First statement is true, second statement is false. B. Second statement is true, first statement is false. C. Both statements are true. D. Both statements are false.


Officials have confirmed that the Covid-19 outbreak originated in the city of _____. A. NYC B. Beijing C. Wuhan D. Dallas


Procedures that are likely to induce coughing should be performed cautiously using a ___ mask. A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. N95


The CDC recommends with COVID-19, people who are healthy should wear a cloth face covering when out in public. People who shows symptoms of COVID-19 should use face masks to help prevent the spread of the disease. A. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false B. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false


The elderly and individuals with preexisting medical conditions experience more serious complications. Risk for pregnant women and children are still unknown. A. First statement is true; second is false B. First statement is false; second is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false


Upon arrival the clinician should ask the patient if they have traveled outside of the country or in a geographical area that has a high incidence of COVID-19, within the last 14 days. As it is important to know if your patient has possibly been in contact with the virus. A. Both statements are false B. Both statements are true C. First statement is false. Second is true D. First statement is true. Second is false.


What is the name of the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19? A. MERS-CoV B. SARS-CoV C. SARS-CoV-2 D. NL63


What is the only way a definitive diagnosis be made for COVID-19? A. Listening to the lungs B. Holding breath for 20 seconds and see if coughing ensues C. Laboratory Test D. Radiographs


Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of COVID-19? A. Fever B. Shortness of breath C. Rapid weight loss D. Sore throat


Which statement accurately defines a novel coronavirus? A. A strain of a virus that has been around for a long period of time and has resurfaced. B. A virus that only occurs in third world countries. C. A new strain that has not been previously identified in humans and considered a zoonotic disease that spreads from animals to humans. D. A new strain that has been identified in humans and vaccine was created quickly.


Which surface disinfectant is NOT recommended for use is cleaning surfaces that may have come in contact with a coronavirus? A. 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) B. 50% isopropyl alcohol C. 62% to 71% ethanol (rubbing) alcohol D. 0.5% hydrogen peroxide


Which type of mask is adequate for brief examinations, exposing radiographs and cleaning teasks? A. Level 3 B. Level 2 C. Level 1 D. N95


2.) What individuals seem to experience more serious complications with the coronavirus? A.Pregnant Women B.The elderly C.Individuals with preexisting medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, or lung conditions D. B and C


5-What are the two most important considerations about using a facemask? A-The level of filtration B- The price C-That it fits properly D-Both A and C


5.) If you encounter a patient who exhibits signs and symptoms during treatment (i.e. respiratory symptoms, runny nose, or feverish), what should you do? A. Stop patient care B. Advise patient to seek medical attention C. Instruct patient to reschedule when free from signs/symptoms of ailment D. All of the above


Because the symptoms of the coronavirus are similar to that of other common respiratory infections (such as a cold or flu). A definitive diagnosis can only be made with a laboratory test. A. First statement is true, second statement is False. B. First statement is False, Second statement is True. C. Both statements are False. D. Both statements are True.


Coronavirus can only be spread through coughing, sneezing, and close contact with an infected individual. An individual can contract COVID-19 but touching a surface that has the virus on it, and then touching the nose, mouth, or eyes. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false C. The first statement is true, but the second statement is false D. The first statement is false, but the first statement is true


Coronaviruses (CoV) are a small family of viruses that cause illness ranging from respiratory infections (including the common cold to flu-like or pneumonia symptoms), as well as gastrointestinal symptoms—all which may or may not appear and range in severity. COVID-19 joins cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox, and influenza as among the most brutal killers in history. A. Both statements are true B. Both statements are false C. The first statement is true, the second statement is false D. The first statement is false, the second statement is true.


Covid-19 is associated with the Huanan Seafood Market and can be spread by consuming infected animals, what are other ways can it spread? A. Cough B. Close contact with an infected person C. Contact with an object carrying the virus D. All the above


In more advanced cases, infections can lead to all EXCEPT: A.pneumonia B. severe acute respiratory syndrome C. kidney failure D. vision loss


Recommendations for minimizing exposure to COVID-19 in the dental setting include: A. Implementing a facility compliance and prevention plan. B. Taking a comprehensive medical history. C. Close practice. D. Both A and B


Wash hands with soap and water at least 20 seconds after using bathroom, eating, coughing, etc. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. A. First statement is true. Second statement is false. B. First statement is false. Second statement is true. C. Both statements are false. D. Both statements are true.


Ways to minimize exposure of COVID-19 in a dental setting : A. Full comprehensive medical history and practice good hand hygiene B. Implement a facility compliance and prevention plan C. Only wear mask with a patient with the virus and change it out at the end of the day D. A and B only


What are the symptoms of COVID-19? A. Runny nose B. Pneumonia C. Kidney failure D. All of the above


What illness are in the Coronavirus family of viruses? A. Respiratory Infections B. Gastrointestinal Infections C. SARS infections D. All of the Above


What is an action that can prevent the spread of Respiratory Diseases? A. Avoid close contact with sick people B. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth C. Stay home when you are sick D. All of the Above


What is believed to be the origin of COVID 19? A. Bats B. pangolins C. iguanas D. both a and b


What is the minimum percentage of alcohol does alcohol based hand sanitizers need? A) 20% B) 45% C) 50% D) 60%


What mask is recommended when treating a patient with a airborne disease? A. Level 3 B. Level 2 C. face shield D. N95 mask


What would make a person more susceptible to COVID-19? A) Heart Disease B) Diabetes C) Cancer D) All of the above


Which level of face masks provide 99.9% PFE and indicated when treating patients with airborne diseases? A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Maximum filtration masks


SARS-CoV is transmitted: A. Dromedary camels to humans B. Civet cats to humans C. Ceylon to bats D. Korn ja to humans


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