Astro summary

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it would increase -Vsec will go up if a planet's mass goes up, or if a planets radius goes down -As planets grow, mass increases faster than radius, so Vsec has to go up

10. If we took the Earth and doubled its mass (but kept its radius the same) what would happen to the Earth's escape velocity? (a) it would increase (b) it would decrease (c) it would stay the same (d) it is impossible to know without more information

is transparent to visible radiation, but opaque to infrared radiation -Because Earth's atmosphere is transparent in visible light but opaque in infrared, it acts as a blanket

A greenhouse gas (a) is transparent to visible radiation, but opaque to infrared radiation (b) is transparent to visible radiation, but opaque to ultraviolet radiation (c) is transparent to infrared radiation, but opaque to visible radiation (d) is transparent to microwave radiation, but opaque to X-ray radiation (e) is opaque to all types of radiation

igneous rocks - Radioactive ages tell us the last time a rock has been melted -This tells us the exact age of igneous rocks - Metamorphic rocks are more difficult to date - Sedimentary rocks are made up of many grains that were probably melted at different times

Ages determined from radioactive dating are most reliable for: (a) igneous rocks (b) metamorphic rocks (c) sedimentary rocks (d) sandstone

the use of liquid water by all organisms

All of the following are evidence of the process of evolution EXCEPT (a) the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics (b) the development of different varieties of crops (c) the use of liquid water by all organisms (d) the constant appearance of new species throughout the fossil record

the moon's tidal forces

All of the following processes help regulate the Earth's greenhouse effect EXCEPT (a) volcanic activity (b) precipitation (c) the moon's tidal forces (d) plate tectonics (e) erosion

they all use a metabolism that gets energy from sunlight

All of the following properties are true for all organisms on Earth EXCEPT (a) they all use a metabolism that gets energy from sunlight (b) they all use ATP to store and release energy (c) they all use DNA to store genetic information (d) they all use left-handed amino acids (e) they all require liquid water

0.3 AU

At what distance from the sun was the thermal motion of gas molecules fastest within the sun's curcumstellar disk: (a) 0.3 AU (b) 1 AU (c) 5 AU (d) 30 AU

metamorphic -Sedimentary or igneous rock is subjected to high temperatures or pressures-Not enough to melt, but enough to change the chemical structureal nature

Complete the following: First, a great deal of silt and rock grains collect at the bottom of a sea floor and is compressed into a solid form. Then it is subducted deeper into the Earth, and it is subjected to a temperature that is not high enough to melt it, but high enough to change its structure. Finally, it is lifted back to the surface. Shortly afterward, a geologist finds this rock and classifies it as (a) igneous (b) sedimentary (c) meteoritic (d) metamorphic

it will use carbohydrates -Earth life is carbon-based

For any conceivable life form in the universe, we believe that it must have all of thefollowing properties EXCEPT (a) it will have cellular structure (b) it will need liquids (c) it will have a carbon-based chemistry (d) it will use carbohydrates (e) it will need an energy source

was much higher in the distant past -Impacts on Earth with smaller objects would have been much more common

From studying the moon's surface and craters, we know that the rate that small objectshave been striking the Earth (a) has been about the same throughout all of Earth's history (b) is much higher today than earlier in Earth's history (c) has dropped to zero today (d) was much higher in the distant past

False -Most earthquakes and volcanoes are found along plate boundaries but not all

If an area suffers a large earthquake or a volcanic eruption, it must be located very near the boundary of two plates. (a) True (b) False

(e) all of the above

If the Earth began spinning 100 times as slow as it currently does, which of the followingwould disappear?(a) convection in the mantle (b) the Earth's magnetic field (c) volcanic eruptions (d) plate tectonics (e) all of the above

all of the above

If the Earth's interior lost all of its heat, which of the following would also disappear? (a) convection in the mantle (b) volcanic eruptions (c) plate tectonics (d) the Earth's magnetic field (e) all of the above

the Earth's temperature would decrease because its albedo would be higher -When the polar caps grow, the average albedo of Earth goes up.

If the Earth's polar caps suddenly increased in size, then (a) the Earth's temperature would decrease because many volcanoes would be encased in ice (b) the Earth's temperature would increase because much of the Earth's water would be covered up at the poles (c) the Earth's temperature would increase because the extra ice would absorb more infrared radiation (d) the Earth's temperature would decrease because its albedo would be higher


If you dug up an animal fossil, you would know that this fossil was made in the: (a) Hadean (b) Phanerozic (c) Archean (d) Proterozic

It was not found on the ocean floor -Oceanic crust is dense basalt and is relatively young. Oldest is about 200 Myrs

Imagine someone hands you a 3.5 billion year old rock. Which of the following do youknow is true about this rock? (a) It was not found on the ocean floor (b) It contains large fossils (c) Its radioactive isotopes have all decayed away (d) Rocks of this age are very common


In general, as you dig deeper and deeper in Earth's crust, the rocks you find are morelikely to be( a) newer (b) igneous (c) sedimentary (d) older

mutations that occur during DNA replication

Individual organisms that belong to the same species have different traits because of (a) mutations that occur during protein construction (b) rare breeding that can occur with other species (c) mutations that occur during DNA replication (d) all of the above

Hadean -Impacts on Earth with smaller objects would have been much more common - This is called the Heavy Bombardment

Most of the small bodies that have impacted the Earth did so during the (a) Hadean (b) Archean (c) Proterozoic (d) 1990's (e) Jurassic

oceanic crust is being subducted below continental crust

Most volcanoes on earth are located: (a) (b) (c) (d)

Europe - Oceanic crust is dense basalt and is relatively young. The oldest is about 200 Myrs

Of the following places, which has the oldest average rocks? (a) Pacific ocean floor (b) Indian ocean floor (c) Atlantic ocean floor (d) Arctic ocean floor (e) Europe

(Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic

Oldest to newest eons

iron is one of the few elements that can exist in a solid form close to the earlySun

One reason that Earth has a large amount of iron is that (a) iron is one of the few elements that can exist in a solid form close to the early Sun (b) iron is the most common element in the universe (c) the gas and dust disk surrounding the early Sun did not have any other elementsin it (d) planetesimals made of other materials aren't strong enough to survive the col-lisions during planet formation

hydrogen and helium gas were not present in the inner solar system when the planets were forming

Only the distant planets in our solar system contain lots of hydrogen and helium gasfor all of the following reasons EXCEPT: (a) the masses of the inner planets never got very large masses because there wasn't as much solid building materials near the Sun (b) hydrogen and helium gas were not present in the inner solar system when the planets were forming (c) the masses of the outer planets got much larger because there were more solid building materials far from the Sun (d) the gas in the Sun's circumstellar disk was colder further from the Sun, so itwas easier for a planet to capture gas here


Plants, animals, and fungi all belong to the same domain of life (a) True (b) False

sedimentary rock - Sedimentary rocks are normally formed by deposition in a shallow sea followed by uplift

Rock that is formed from eroded silt and other small rock grains that settle at thebottom of a shallow sea is called (a) igneous rock (b) metamorphic rock (c) sedimentary rock (d) meteoritic rock


Roughly 70% of the earths mass is water (a)True (b)false


Select the most voilitle substance

must be older than 4.4 billion years old, but younger than 4.57 billion years old -The earth is between 4.4 and 4.57 billion years old

Since the oldest moon rocks are 4.4 billion years old and the oldest meteorites are 4.57billion years old, we believe that the Earth (a) must be younger than 4.4 billion years old (b) must be older than 4.57 billion years old (c) must be either older than 4.57 billion years old or younger than 4.4 billion years old (d) must be older than 4.4 billion years old, but younger than 4.57 billion years old


Suppose a neutron is added to the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. This atom would now be classified as (a) helium (b) carbon (c) oxygen( d) hydrogen

as Earth's rocks are heated they lose their volatiles through outgassing -Volcanic eruptions always add gases to the Earth's atmosphere

The Earth has an atmosphere because (a) the Earth captured a great deal of gas from the gaseous circumstellar disk during formation (b) once land plants evolved, they began to produce oxygen (c) as Earth's rocks are heated they lose their volatiles through outgassing (d) once mammals evolved, they began to produce carbon dioxide

deflects the solar wind -The Earth's magnetic field blocks the solar wind from hitting most of Earth-Otherwise, the Earth's atmosphere would be steadily eroded

The Earth's magnetic field is important to life on Earth because it (a) deflects the solar wind (b) keeps the moon in a close orbit (c) forces the Earth's atmosphere to stay very close to the Earth's surface (d) all of the above

Convection in the Earth's mantle -Convective cells in the mantle take about 100 million years to complete one cycle (much slower than boiling water) -This translates to speeds of about 1-10 cm per year

The Earth's plates slowly move around due to (a) gravity from the Earth's moon (b) motion in the Earth's liquid outer core (c) volcanic eruptions that occur near the plate boundaries (d) convection in the Earth's mantle

uranium-238 (half-life: 4.5 billion years)

The Jack Hills in Australia are known to contain some of the oldest rocks ever discovered. If you were given a rock from the Jack Hills, which of the following isotopes is likely to be the most useful to find its age? (a) zirconium-93 (half-life: 1.5 million years) (b) radium-166 (half-life: 1600 years) (c) nickel-63 (half-life: 100 years) (d) platinum-190 (half-life: 650 billion years) (e) uranium-238 (half-life: 4.5 billion years)

the Earth's atmosphere -They have a liquid metal core (hot interior) -They rotate quickly

The existence of Earth's magnetic field is believed to require all of the following EX-CEPT (a) the Earth's interior heat (b) the Earth's liquid metal core (c) the Earth's atmosphere (d) the Earth's rapid rotation

10 g -80/2 -40/2 -20/2

The half life of nickel-63 is 100 years. If you have 80 grams of nickel-63, how much will be left after 300 years?

200 year ////4/2 - 100/ 2/2 -200

The half-life of nickel-63 is 100 years. Suppose you have a rock that you know contained 4 grams of nickel-63 when it first formed, but now it is found to contain 1 gram of nickel-63. Based on this information, how old do you think this rock is? (a) 100 years (b) 150 years (c) 200 year (d) 300 years (e) 400 years

water and carbon dioxide

The main greenhouse gasses in earths atmosphere are


The most accurate way to estimate the age of the earth is to determine the age of the oldest earth rocks we can find on its surface (a)true (b)False

outside the snow line

The most massive planets in our solar system formed: (a) inside the snow line (b) out of mostly iron and rock (c) outside the snow line (d) very near to the sun


The number of _______ in an atom determines what atom it belongs to


The oldest rocks we have come from

False -Zircons from 4.1 billion years ago even suggest that Earth had microbial life!

True or False: Life is thought to have formed on Earth around 500-600 million years ago since this is the age of the oldest visible fossils ever discovered. (a) True (b) False

False -Heat leftover from the Earth's accretion

True or False: The Sun's heat is the main reason that the Earth has a hot interior. (a) True(b) False


True or False: The early Earth must have had much smaller continents because extremely old rocks are very rare. (a) True(b) False


True or False: all carbon atoms have 6 neutrons. (a) True (b) False

False -there are 3 "domains" of life

True or False: all microscopic organisms belong to the bacteria domain. (a) True (b) False

False -The oldest ones are 4.57 billion years old- The earth is between 4.4 and 4.57 billion years old

True or False: we believe the Earth is around 4.5 billion years old because the oldest known Earth rocks are 4.5 billion years old. (a) True (b) False


True or false: Igneous rock is unlikely to be formed near a plate boundary .(a) True (b) False


True or false: Igneous rocks can be converted into sedimentary rock, but sedimentary rock can never be converted into metamorphic rock. (a) True(b) False

Earths albedo goes down and the averge temp increases

What happens if the earths polar caps decreases

epoch -is the smallest unit of time on the scale, but still encompasses a period of millions of years. -Chronologically, epochs are grouped together into larger units called periods. -Periods are combined to make a subdivision called an era. -An eon is the largest division of geological time.

What is the smallest division of geologic time? (a) eon (b) period (c) era (d) epoch

The amount of carbon dioxide would increase over millions of years

What would happen if the suns luminosity deacreased by 10%

The amount of carbon dioxide would slowly decrease over a few million years -Water cycle speeds up - More CO2 is removed from atmosphere - Greenhouse effect is decreased -Earth's temperature goes back down -Carbon cycle reacts to changes on timescales of millions of years

What would happen to the Earth's atmosphere if the Sun's luminosity suddenly in-creased by a few percent?(a) The amount of carbon dioxide would quickly increase over a few decades (b) The amount of carbon dioxide would slowly increase over a few million years (c) The amount of carbon dioxide would slowly decrease over a few million years (d) The amount of carbon dioxide would quickly decrease over a few decades

It would increase

What would happen to the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere if Earth's volcanic activity increased greatly (but nothing else changed)? (a) it would increase (b) it would decrease (c) it would stay the same

planetesimals that were originally further from the Sun -A few planetesimals from the 2-4 AU region can be scattered toward Earth

When Earth formed, it is believed that most of its water was acquired from (a) planetesimals that were near 1 AU (b) planetesimals that were originally nearer to the Sun (c) planetesimals that were originally further from the Sun (d) the Moon


Which eon do we currently live in? (a) Archean (b) Phanerozoic (c) Proterozoic( d) Hadean (e) Jurassic

There was never any gas near 1 AU when the planets were forming in the sun's circumstellar disk

Which of the following is NOT a reason that Jupiter has much more hydrogen gas than the earth?

will steadily remove carbon dioxide from its atmosphere via the water cycle - Eventually, CO2 builds up until the Earth has an ultra-greenhouse effect

Which of the following is NOT correct? In a "snowball Earth" phase, the Earth (a) is completely (or almost completely) encased in ice (b) will steadily remove carbon dioxide from its atmosphere via the water cycle (c) has a higher albedo than in currently does (d) will eventually warm due to its volcanic outgassing


Which of the following is NOT one of the domains of life? (a) bacteria (b) fungi (c) archaea (d) eukarya

It is heated by the sun

Which of the following is a reason the earths interior is hot

right-handed amino acid -they use left

Which of the following is not a molecular component used in all cells (a) lipids (b) proteins (c) nucleic acids (d) right-handed amino acid

a planet with volcanic activity with a rotaion period of 16 hours

Which of the following planets would you expect to have a magnetic field

0.1 M Earthplanet orbiting 0.2 AU from the Sun -easier for planets to capture gas if they are far from the Sun

Which of the following young solid planets is LEAST likely to capture gas from theyoung Sun's circumstellar disk (a) a 1 MEarthplanet orbiting at 1 AU from the Sun (b) a 0.1 MEarth planet orbiting 0.2 AU from the Sun (c) a 0.3 MEarth planet orbiting at 7 AU from the Sun (d) a 20 MEarth planet orbiting at 7 AU from the Sun (e) every planet has the same chance of capturing gas

radioactive decay

Which process is not apart of the carbon cycle (a) radioactive decay (b) volcanic activity (c) plate tectonics (d) precipitation

All of the above

Why are almost all of the large fossils that have been discovered younger than about500 million years old? (a) Old rocks containing fossils are steadily eroded away. (b) Old rocks containing fossils are steadily subducted back into the mantle.(c) Old rocks containing fossils are melted or covered by volcanic activity.(d) Nearly all life on Earth was microscopic before about 500 million years ago. (e) All of the above

Many rocks that formed 3 billion years ago have radioactively decayed away -

billion-year-old Earth rocks are very rare for all of the following reasons EXCEPT (a) Many rocks that formed 3 billion years ago have been eroded away (b) Many rocks that formed 3 billion years ago have radioactively decayed away (c) Many rocks that formed 3 billion years ago have been subducted back into the mantle (d) Many rocks that formed 3 billion years ago have been melted or covered byvolcanic activity

mass -Vsec will go up if a planet's mass goes up, or if a planets radius goes down

planet's escape velocity will change if we change its: (a) mass (b) temperature (c) albedo (d) spin rate

There is a huge temperature difference between earths surface and earths core

why is there convection in earths mantle

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