astronomy final McKendree

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Three layers of clouds in Jupiter's Atmosphere: 1. 2. 3.

1. Ammonia (NH3) crystals 2. Ammonia hydrosulfide (NH4SH) 3. Water crystals

Saturn similar to Jupiter in its 1. 2. 3.

1. Atmosphere 2. Composition 3. Internal structure

Venus similar to Earth in: 1. 2. 3.

1. Size 2. Density 3. Location in the solar system

Venus orbits the Sun in a nearly perfect circle once every _________ Earth-days.


One Venus day is equivalent to about __________________Earth days.


One of the most pronounced differences between Uranus and Neptune is the time they take to complete one revolution around the Sun-______________ and ______________ Earth-years, respectively

84 and 165

Mercury revolves around the Sun quickly _________ days but rotates slowly on its axis.


. A ____________________is a large depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses.


The layer in the solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the corona is called ____


________ bright gases just above the photosphere of the sun.


Similar Sedimentary rock on Mars and Earth is called________


Plates move toward each other are called ________


The surface of Venus cannot be seen directly from Earth because of its________________ cloud cover.

Dense cloud cover

Largest Jovian satellite is called _________


. The planets fall into two groups based on: 1. 2. 3.

Location size density

.The region in the solar atmosphere from which most of the visible light escape into the space is called ____


A continental transform fault that extends roughly 746 miles through California is called _________ __________

San Andreas

A temporary cool region in the solar photosphere created by protruding magnetic fields is called ___


T or F Uranus: no liquid metallic hydrogen


T or F in general theory of relativity the einstein field equations relate the geometry of space time with the distributions of matter within it


T or F neptune: blue green color from methane in the atmosphere


T or F temperatures in the solar atmosphere is very rapid increase in temperature over a very short distance in the transition region between the chromosphere and the corona


T or F the milky way is the galaxy that contains the solar system


Starting from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, _______________, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, _______________ , Uranus, and Neptune.

Venus, Saturn

today we realize that the source of energy for the sun is process called

a nuclear fission

jupiter orbits sun in

a. 12 earth years

Three laws of planetary motion were discovered by

a. Johannes Kepler

Where in the Sun does fusion of hydrogen occur?

a. Only in the core

our milky way galaxy is what type of galaxy

a. Spiral

the van allen belt is

a. a region of trapped charged particles in the earths magnetosphere

the time it takes for the sun to return to the same place in our sky after the earth has rotated once is called

a. a solar day

a large body in space that consistently makes its own light (instead of merely reflecting another body's light) is called

a. a star

solar wind particles can be captured by the earth's magnetosphere. when these particles spiral down along the magnetic field into the atmosphere they are responsible for

a. aurorae (northern and southern lights)

the most important function of an astronomical telescope is to

a. collect as much light as possible and bring it to a focus

when white light passes through a prism it is _______ and forms a continuous spectrum of all the colors

a. dispersed

the chromosphere of the sun

a. is hotter than the photosphere

the earth is farthest from the sun in which month

a. july

the region around the earth where charged particles are trapped and spiral around is called

a. magnetosphere

to predict whether a star will ultimately become a black hole what is the key property of the star we should look at

a. mass

you are the captain of an interplanetary tour ship and a wealthy tourist form Texas asks you to take him to see only the largest darn planets in the solar system. which of the following would you not include in your tour.

a. mercury

when the moon appears as a thin crescent in the evening sky, just after sunset the lunar phase is

a. new moon

the material that would eventually make all the major bodies in our solar system first gathered together as smaller pieces which astronomers call

a. planetesimals

the slow tipping of the earth axis in a circle with a period of about 26,000 years is called

a. precession

why do astronomers think that there are fewer quasars today than there were billions of years ago

a. quasars are seen when the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy has a lot of food to eat (stars and gas) and the amount of available food tends to decrease with time

the earliest telescopes used by astronomers were

a. refractors

the very strong radio waves at the center of our galaxy is called

a. sagittariuas A

some college students decide to forma secret society that would meet each year after graduation at a time when the day and night were the same length. which of the following would be a time they meet

a. september

This scientist determined the nature of the forces that kept the planets in their orbits

a. sir isaac newton

the type of galaxy that sometimes has a distinct bar and stars running across the central region is

a. spiral

for galaxies that have supermassive black holes at their centers how do astronomers find that the mass of the host galaxy and the mass of the black hole are related

a. the more massive the galaxy the more massive the central black hole

most ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate to the earth's surface. instead it is absorbed in

a. the ozone layer

the celestial sphere turns once around each day because

a. the planet on which we are living is rotating

hershcel was right about

a. the shape of our system but wrong about where the sun lies within the disk

in the far future a visiting tourist from another planetary system asks to see the most massive object in our solar system. where would you take him/her/it

a. the sun

one of the most pronounced differences between Uranus and Neptune is

a. the time they take to complete one revolution around the sun

which of the following objects is considered useful to astronomers as a standard bulb for determining distances

a. type Ia supernovae

what planet can come closest to the earth in its orbit and look brightest in our skies

a. venus

after several decades of observation astronomers have concluded that quasars are

a. very powerful and compact sources of energy at the centers of distant galaxies

a spot where magma rises to the surface can be seen as a

a. volcano

Mercury ____________most of the sunlight that strikes it, reflecting only 6 percent into space.


astronomers learn what elements are present in each star by looking at the _____ lines in its spectrum


the ________ galaxy is the closest big galaxy to our milky way


____ a giant and hunter who was changed into a constellation at his death


_____ is the study of object that lie beyond our planet earth and the processes by which these objects interact with one another


the scientist who made the first telescopic survey of the milky way and discovered that it is composed of a huge number of individual stars was

b. Galileo Galiei

the largest volcano on mars is called

b. Olympus mons (Mt. Olympus)

physicists kelvin and helmhotze in the last century proposed that the source of the sun's energy could be

b. a slow contraction

which of the following is not a correct statement about the ways the Jovian planets differ from the terrestrial planets

b. all the Jovian's have satellites around them and none of the terrestrials do

where on earth do stars always circle the zenith (and never rise and set)

b. at the north pole

how fast do electro- magnetic waves travel

b. at the speed of light

why do astronomers prefer to put infrared telescopes on high-flying airplanes or on satellites in space

b. because the water vapor in the lower atmosphere is very good at absorbing infrared

the average temperature on planet earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of the sunlight alone. what is the explanation for this

b. carbon dioxide (and other gases) in the atmosphere cause a greenhouse effect

if no one has ever visited the core of the earth how do we know that it is made of metals

b. circulating liquid metals in the core set up a large (measurable) magnetic field

the smaller objects in the solar system composed mainly of ices (frozen gases) that usually orbit far from the sun are called

b. comets

the 88 sectors into which astronomers today divide this celestial sphere (the whole sky) are called

b. constellations

which type of galaxy is observed to contain mostly older stars

b. elliptical

the first person who regularly turned a telescope to astronomical observations (and published his observations) was

b. galileo galilei

the type of rock we find predominant in the crust of the earth continents is called

b. granite

atoms typically consist of electrons protons and neutrons. the most common isotope of one element only has two of these three types of particles. this element is

b. hydrogen

by far the most abundant element in the giant (jovain) planets is

b. hydrogen

if you were to take a large sample of the four giant planets the most common element you would find in them is

b. hydrogen

which of the following is not a characteristic of a spiral galaxy

b. it has quite a bit of gas and dust in it

what happens to the positron created during the p-p chain of nuclear reactions inside the sun

b. it quickly collides with an electron and turns into gamma ray energy

in locating objects on the celestial sphere we call the number of degrees east or west that something is from greenwich england its

b. longitude

how can supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies help new stars to form in that galaxy

b. new stars can form when the flow of particles from a black hole accretion disk or jet compresses the material some distances away from the black hole and starts the clumping that leads to the formations of stars

the idea that atoms radiate energy only when their electrons move from higher to lower energy levels was first advanced by

b. niels bohr

the sun creates its energy by the process of

b. nuclear fusion

your weird cousin who is really into astronomy decides that the return address he uses on his letter is incomplete. To his city-state and country, he begins to add north America, earth, solar system, if he wants to include the name of the galaxy spiral structure feature in which of the earth located how should he address end

b. orion spur

you are out on a the beach enjoying the warm sunshine with friends. as you glance up at the sun (only briefly we hope) the part of the sun that you can see directly is called its

b. photosphere

when the sun and moon are lined up and pull together the tides they raise are called

b. spring tides

when astronauts aboard the international space station (ISS) in space let go of an orange it just floats there. Why is that

b. the ISS is falling around the earth and in free fall things feel no weight

the astronomical unit (AU) as defined by astronomers is

b. the average distance between the earth and the sun

what observations in astronomy made after the discovery of quasars was a big help to astronomers in figuring out what quasars really were

b. the discovery that the galaxies mostly show a red shift

once a black hole forms the size of its event horizon is determined only by

b. the mass inside the event horizon

Of these which is the closest to us

b. the moon

the sun' photosphere is

b. the part of the sun from which the light comes that we see when we look at the sun with our eyes

when they build big new (visible light) telescopes astronomers want to put them in places where they will get the best views of the sky which of the following is not an important part of how astronomers select places for new telescopes

b. the place must be near a university or college

Our best evidence and theoretical calculations indicate that the solar system began with a giant spinning system of gas and dust that scientists called:

b. the solar nebula

the star that provides energy for life on earth is

b. the sun

which of the following is an important part of the reason it is hooter in summer in north America than in winter

b. the sun's rays hit the earth more directly in the summer and spread out less

the andromeda galaxy (our nearest spiral neighbor) has spectral lines that show a blue shift. from this we may conclude that

b. this particular nearby galaxy is moving towards us

the planet that most resembles the earth in size and internal composition is

b. venus

mountains on earth often have sharp peaks and edges to them while mountains on the moon look smooth and kind of dull in comparison. what gives the earth's mountains their dramatically sharp shapes

b. water and ice flow over the earth's mountains and erode them

what is one way that we humans are currently making the atmosphere of the earth more like that of venus

b. we are adding carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere which is leading to global warming

the point in the sky directly above your head at any given time is called the

b. zenith

a _____ star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter. System of two or more stars are called multiple star system


an object whose gravity is so strong that the escape velocity from it exceeds the speed of light is called ______ _______

black hole

which of the following objects do many astronomers believe to be a black hole

c. Cygnus X-1

the astronomer who first worked out the mathematical description of black hole event horizons was

c. Karl Schwarzschild

the star that is currently closest to the north celestial pole is

c. Polaris

astronomers believe that jupiter's strong magnetic field is caused by

c. a huge layer of metallic hydrogen inside jupiter

chapter 5 discusses that light sometimes acts like a photon. what is a photon

c. a self-contained packet of electro-magnetic energy

to break up light into the component colors that it contains astronomers use a device called

c. a spectrometer

to go from a lower level in an atom to a higher level an electron must

c. absorb a photon of energy

astronomers have concluded that growing supermassive black holes( which have millions of times the sun's mass or more) is pretty unlikely at our location in the milky way galaxy. where do they think the most likely in the milky way for such a supermassive black hole?

c. at the center of the milky way where matter is more crowded

uranus and neptune consist in large part of compounds of

c. carbon, nitrogen and oxygen

on the celestial sphere halfway between the celestial pole lies the

c. celestial equator

which type of galaxy is very difficult to see, but (astronomers recently realized) may be very common

c. dwarf elliptical

Pluto is now classified as a ________ in our solar system.

c. dwarf planet

if you are in a freely falling elevator near the top of a building as the elevator falls your weight would be

c. equal to zero-- you would be weightless

the scientist who first devised experimental tests to demonstrate the validity of the heliocentric model of the solar system

c. galileo

the granulation pattern that astronomers have observed on the surface of the sun tells us that

c. hot material must be rising from the sun's hotter interior

the most common element in the sun is

c. hydrogen

jupiter and saturn are composed primarily of

c. hydrogen and helium

Any rock in the Earth's crust that has cooled from an originally molten state is called

c. igneous

what makes astronomers believe that mars once had rivers and running water

c. images from orbiting spacecraft reveal ancient channels that look like dried up river beds on earth (and our rovers show geological formations made by running water)

in australia (in the southern hemisphere) when are the days the shortest and the nights the longest

c. in late june

where would you look for the youngest stars in the milky way galaxy

c. in the disk

You are on a camping trip far away from city lights. You look up into the dark night sky and see lots of stars some brighter some dimmer. All the stars you see with your unaided eye are

c. in the milky way galaxy

two versions of an element with different numbers of neutrons are called

c. isotopes

which of the following characteristics distinguished uranus from every other planet in our solar system.

c. it rotates on an axis tilted almost 90 degrees to the circle of its orbit

the inner planets are made mostly of rock and metal because

c. it was so hot where the inner planets formed that the lighter materials evaporated

which of the following is not a terrestrial planet

c. jupiter

the largest part of the earth is its

c. mantle

today astronomers find compelling evidence that the energy source of the quasars and active galaxies

c. matter falling toward a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy

which of the following is NOT one of the fundamental particles that we find inside atoms

c. positrons

how do astronomers now explain the fact that the energy emitting regions for quasars are so small

c. quasars are the result of matter falling into a black hole; the event horizons of even supermassive black holes are extremely small on the cosmic scale

scientists have been concerned about a set of industrial chemicals called CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) because they

c. rise into the atmosphere and destroy ozone

If the Earth goes around the Sun, why is the ecliptic not lined up with the celestial equator?

c. the earth axis is tilted by about 23.5 digress from the vertical

why does mars have an overall reddish color when we see its surface from afar

c. the material of mars surface contains a lot of iron oxide the same chemistry that makes rusting metals look reddish

an increase in the earth's temperature by several degrees Celsius would result in

c. the melting of many glaciers a rise in sea levels and more flooding of towns near the coasts of the continents

in the first direct detection of gravitational waves by LIGO in 2015 the waves came from

c. the merger of two black holes

the period of the moon rotation on its axis is

c. the same as its revolution around the earth

what mechanisms do astronomers believe is responsible for making the sun's outer atmosphere so much hotter than its photosphere

c. the sun's magnetic field interacting with the charged particles that make up the atmosphere

in which region of the earth's atmosphere have you spent most of your life

c. the troposphere

which of the following if not one of the key reasons that so many spacecraft from earth have visited venus and mars

c. their atmospheres are very similar to earth in terms of their chemical make up

Edwin Hubble developed a classification scheme for galaxies. by what characteristic did he classify galaxies

c. their shape

today a significant amount of new gas is joining the atmosphere of the earth from what source

c. volcanoes release gas that was trapped within the earth

the light which allows you to see this very interesting exam is made up of waves. in these waves the distance between crests is called the

c. wavelengths

The hottest zone in the Sun is the ______


Which part of the Sun's atmosphere is the hottest? ______


the ____ is the outermost part of the sun atmosphere


the largest planet in the solar system (by mass) is

d. Jupiter

the Viking spacecraft were designed in part to search for life on mars. which of the following statements about the result of these experiments is true

d. Viking found that the surface of mars in the two places it searched did not have any life or even life's building blocks

at the end of the p-p chain of nuclear fusion in the sun hydrogen nuclei have been converted into

d. a helium nucleus

the largest visible light telescope in the world use what device to collect as much light as possible before the light is brought to a focus (to act as the light bucket)

d. a mirror

One way in which the ozone layer is useful for life forms on the Earth's surface is that it

d. absorbs ultra-violet light preventing much of it from reaching the surface

the person who came up with the continental drift theory that led to our modern understanding of plate tectonics was

d. alfred wegener

which of the following is a way we believe that the early atmosphere of the earth differed from the atmosphere we have today

d. all of the above

the smaller objects in the solar system made of rock and metals (most of which orbit between jupiter and mars) are called

d. asteroids

which of the following statements about the violent events on the sun called flares is FALSE.

d. astronomers think that flares are connected with sudden changes in the magnetic field of the sun

from a city in the U.S. where in the sky would you look to see a star that is not turning with the motion of the sky in the course of a night

d. at the north celestial pole

which part of the earth has the greatest density

d. core

the ten million tons of particles that escape the sun each year in the form of the solar wind get out mainly through regions called

d. coronal holes

in the sun when a positron and an electron collide they will produce

d. energy in the form of a gamma ray

by the term universe astronomers mean

d. everything that we can observe

what method would astronomers us to find the distance to a remote quasar

d. finding the redshift and using hubble's law

what method would astronomers use to find the distance to a galaxy so far away that individual stars are impossible to make out (resolve)

d. finding the redshift and using hubble's law

most spiral galaxies consist of

d. flat rotating disk containing stars gas dust and buldge

when quasars shine (in visible light and other kinds of radiation) with a lot of energy where (what location) does this huge amount of energy come from

d. from an accretion disk around a supermassive black hole

As astronomers have learned more about the structure of the Sun, they have found that it:

d. is made entirely of hot gas

what was especially noteworthy about the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy when it was discovered among the small galaxies near the milky way

d. it was on a collision course with the milky way and would be swallowed by it eventually

a total eclipse of the sun is only possible at

d. new moon

how are galaxies and quasars related

d. quasars are active supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies

a fashion designer decides to bring out a new line of clothing which reflects the longest wavelength of visible light. what color will these articles of clothing be to the human eye

d. red

All the planets (without exception)

d. revolve around the sun in the same direction

main difference between saturn and jupiter

d. saturn fewer wind zones but much stronger winds than on jupiter

compared to the mass of our own milky way galaxy the total mass we estimate for the andromeda galaxy is

d. somewhat bigger

wien's law relates the wavelength at which a star gives off the greatest amount of energy to the star's

d. temperature

when scientists say that black holes have no hair what do they mean

d. that once a black hole forms very little information can be extracted from it about the material that is now inside

which of the following statements about the nuclear bulge of our galaxy is FALSE

d. the best way to learn more about it is to observe higher energy radiation such as ultraviolet and x-rays

a light year is

d. the distance that light travels in one year

the most popular theory for he origin of the moon today is

d. the early earth and a planet the size of mars collided and the ejected material coalesced to form the earths moon

which of the following can you never know about a black hole

d. the elements of the material that have fallen in

If a nearby galaxy still acts like a quasar today, what is the most likely explanation?

d. the galaxy must be undergoing a collision with another galaxy that is providing fresh fuel for its central black hole

which of the following statements about the nucleus of a typical atom (such as a carbon atom in your finger) is FALSE

d. the nucleus repels the electrons which move around it

how do quasars demonstrate that the universe evolves with time

d. the number of quasars reached a maximum some time ago and now the numbers have been declining

which of the following is not a way that Venus resembles the earth

d. the thickness and pressure of its atmopshere

what would you have to change about the earth to stop our planet from having significantly different seasons

d. the tilt of its axis

a galactic year as defined by astronomers is

d. the time it takes the sun to revolve once around the center of the milky way galaxy

the reason type Ia supernoava are useful to astronomers for determining distances to other galaxies is that

d. they are very bright and generally reach the same peak luminosity

what have we learned from the work of harlow shapley and others about the location of the sun in the milky way galaxy

d. we are in the disk of the galaxy about 3/5 of the way from the center

which of the following types of telescopes can be used ONLY above the earth's atmosphere

d. x-ray telescope

the focal length of a lens is the ____ from the lens to the point where is focuses parallel rays of light


_____ ______ a body that orbits the sun is not a satellite of a planet and is massive enough to pull itself into a spherical shape but not massive enough to clear out other bodies in and near its orbit

dwarf planets

seasons result of

e. A and C

the red spot of jupiter is

e. all of the above

two stars are giving off electromagnetic radiation

e. all of the above

terrestrial planets:

e. all of these

The same gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars and Venus. This gas is:

e. carbon dioxide

in the proton -- proton chain

e. energy is produced in the form of gamma rays and the velocity of the created nuclei

which of the following is not part of some active region on the sun

e. granulation

the prime meridian (where longitude equals zero) passes through

e. greenwhich england

which of the following is not a way that jupiter differs from terrestrial planets

e. its surface has many more craters from early collisions

when white light passes from air into a different medium such as glass it

e. more than one of the above

the most abundant gas in the earth atmosphere is

e. nitrogen

when a large nucleus breaks apart into two smaller pieces this is called

e. nuclear fission

according to the theory of plate tectonics

e. slow motions within the mantle of the earth move large sections of the crust around

astronomical observatories have been available since ancient times and many cultures set aside special sites for astronomical observations. the thing modern observatories have that was missing from these older observatories until about 1610 was

e. telescopes

when a knowledge amateur astronomer tells you that she has a 14 inch telescope

e. the diameter of the primary lens or mirror

the sun's apparent path around the celestial sphere is called

e. the ecliptic

Edwin Hubble was able to show that, with the exception of a few of the nearest galaxies, the farther a galaxy is from us, the

e. the faster it is moving away from us

when astronomers make counts of how many quasars there are at different distances from us what do they find

e. the largest number of quasars can be seen about the distance corresponding to a time when the universe was only 20% its current age ( a time when the universe was still young)

which of the following statements about electromagnetic radiation is FALSE

e. the radiation consists of tiny charged particles given off by the nuclei of atoms

of these which is the largest

e. the universe

Sunspots are darker than the regions of the sun around them because

e. they are cooler than the material around them (although still very hot compared to earth temperatures)

how do astronomers know what the outer layer of the sun are made of

e. we take an absorption line spectrum of the sun and the absorption lines tell us what elements are present in the outer layers

which of the following can a black hole not eat (swallow)

e. you can't fool me black holes can eat anything.

on which of the planets (other than earth) could a human being step out of a spacecraft and survive without any protective gear (special suit, oxygen tanks ect)

e. you can't fool me there is no other planet on which we could survive unprotected

which of the following is the earth not located in

e. you can't fool me we are located in all of the above

the type of galaxy that consists almost entirely of old stars and is thus less blue (more yellow and reddish) than the other types is ______


in the ptolemaic system planets orbited in small circles called ______ while revolving along large circles called ____

epicycles and deferent

on march 21 and septemerber 21 the sun sends ____ amounts of time above and below the horizon in both hemispheres


T or F a barred spiral galaxy is a type of spiral galaxy without a central bar or one that is not a barred spiral galaxy


T or F a binary black hole did not support the idea that black holes can grow to enormous masses in the center of galaxies by merging with nearby galaxies


T or F all the light paths near a massive object expect the one straight up curve back to the surface. When the star shrinks inside the event horizon and becomes a black hole


T or F an alpha particle is a low moving packet containing two protons and two neutrons (a helium nucleus)


T or F blackbody a hypothetical perfect radiator that absorbs and distributes all radiation falling upon it


T or F cepheus is a constellation in the southern sky


T or F ceres is the smallest object in the asteroid belt that lies between the orbits of mars and jupiter


T or F coronal holes are part of the sun's corona and are constantly changing and reshaping because the corona is uniform


T or F earth is farthest from the sun perihelion in july


T or F elliptical galaxy a galaxy with an elliptical shape little interstellar matter and spiral arms


T or F globular clusters are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very young stars


T or F in summer the sun appears high in the sky and its rays hit earth more directly spreading out more


T or F infrared light has more energy that the colors we see in visible spectrum


T or F infrared waves cannot penetrate places in the universe from which light is blocked


T or F jupiter bands are aligned parallel to earth's equator


T or F mantle plumes produced large volumes of lave, but plate tectonics allowed it to accumulate to make enormous volcanoes


T or F mars crust broken into tectonic plates


T or F most large professional telescopes have a cassegrain focus is which light is refracted by the secondary mirror down through a hole in the primary mirror to an observing station below the telescope


T or F nuclear fusion a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of high atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy


T or F one hypothesis for the moon's origin suggests that a mars sized object collided with earth to produce the moon about 4.5 million years ago


T or F penumbra the region of a shadow that is totally shaded


T or F rift and subduction zones are the regions ( mostly beneath the continents) where new crust is formed and old crust is destroyed as part of the cycle of plate tectonics


T or F saturns ring system is more like a large rotating disk of same density and brightness than a series of independent ringlets


T or F the halo stars is the name given to the young formation of stars which encircle the outer edge of the milky way galaxy


T or F the magellanic clouds are two irregular dwarf galaxies visible in the southern hemisphere; they are members of the local group and are orbiting the milky way galaxy.


T or F the solar cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle is a nearly periodic 11 year change in the sun's activity


T or F when rutherford allowed a particles from a radioactive source to strike a target of gold foil he found that although most of them went not on the straight through some


_____ is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces fluid layers and materials elements sliding against each other


________ forces caused the gas in the thin disk to fragment into clouds or clumps with masses like those of star clusters


the stellar ________ is a nearly spherical population of field stars and globular clusters. it surrounds most disk galaxies as well as some elliptical galaxies


energy is generated in the sun's core by the fusion of hydrogen to form ______


______ the circular boundary between the sky and earth


most galaxies are so far away that the only way to get distances to them is to use _________ ___________

hubbles law

______ equilibrium says that there is a balance between two forces at every point within a star. one force is the inward force of gravity. the other forces is the pressure in the gas caused by its temperature


an asymmetrical galaxy having neither spiral arms nor an elliptical shape is called ___________ galaxy


the ____ is home to the coldest temperatures anywhere in the atmosphere


Asteroids are made up of _________________ and ________________ material

metals and rocky

Neptune, blue-green color from _________in the atmosphere.


if the axis were ____ inclined we would have no seasonal changes


Highland _______ than Maria


rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly ____ the sun


a quantum of electromagnetic energy that carries an amount of energy that depends inversely on its wavelength is called


A large, bright, gaseous feature extending outward from the Sun's surface, often in a loop shape is called a ____


all ________ have in common is that they appear to be small sources of energy with redshifts that indicate they are far away


a _____ telescope uses a lens sort of like those in magnifying glasses and a ______ telescope uses a mirror. there are also the catadioptric telescopes which uses a combination of lenses and mirrors

refracting and reflecting

turning or spinning of a body on its axis is called


. The Nebular theory proposes that the bodies of our solar system evolved from an enormous rotating cloud called the __________ _____ ____________

solar nebula

a flattened rotating galaxy with pinwheel-like spiral arms winding outward from the galaxy's nuclear bulge is called ____ galaxy


the rotational center of the milky way is the _____ center


_______ ______ black hole a black hole whose mass exceeds 1000 solar mass

super massive

a large explosion that takes place at the end of a star's life cycle is called _____ _______

super nova

T or F Aurora: the colorful glow in the sky results from charged particles in a solar wind interacting with earth's magnetic fields


T or F Our star's spectrum is crossed by dark lines produced by atoms in the solar atmosphere that absorb light at certain wavelengths.


T or F a dwarf galaxy is a small galaxy composed of about 100 million up to several billon star


T or F a dwarf planet is a planetary mass object that does not dominate its region of space (as a true planet does) and is not a satellite


T or F a globular clusters are very tightly bound by gravity which gives them their spherical shapes


T or F a solar flare is a sudden flash of increased brightness on the sun usually observed near its surface and in close proximity to a sunspot group


T or F a solar flare is a sudden flash of increased brightness on the sun usually observed near its surface and in close proximity to a sunspot group.


T or F a stellar black hole (or stellar mass black hole is a black hole formed by the gravitation collapse of a star


T or F a total solar eclipse occur when the new moon passes between the sun and the earth and totally blocks out the sun


T or F almost all planets rotate counterclockwise, exceptions venus, uranus, and pluto rotates clockwise


T or F any water present on venus surface rapidly evaporates feedback through enhancement of greenhouse effect


T or F astronomers us the red shift and hubbles law to find the distance to a remote quasar


T or F collapsar is the shortened form to describe a collapsed star. when an old star no longer has enough fuel for significant fusion reactions


T or F comets are made up of ice dust and rocky material


T or F dwarf elliptical galaxies are elliptical galaxies that are smaller than ordinary elliptical galaxies


T or F each type of glowing gas (each element) produce its own unique pattern of lines so the composition of a gas can be identified by its spectrum


T or F earth's magnetic field is the magnetic field that extends from the earth's interior out into space


T or F eight major planets orbit the sun in roughly the same plane


T or F everything in venus is orange because of the thick atmosphere of venus absorbs the bluer colors of light


T or F formation of an image by a simple lens parallel rays from a distinct source are bent by the convex lens so that they all come together in a single place (the focus) to form an image


T or F gravitational forces caused the gas in the thin disk to fragment into clouds or clumps with masses like those of star clumps


T or F jupiter's appearance is mainly attributable to the colors of light reflected from its three main cloud layers


T or F luminosity is an absolute measure of radiated electromagnetic power (light) the radiant power emitted by a light-emitting object


T or F lunar eclipse: when moon moves within the shadow of earth


T or F mars has seasons similar to earth growth and shrinking of polar ice cap


T or F moon moves in a line directly between earth and the sun


T or F neutrino a subatomic particle with no charge and little mass that is important in many nuclear reactions and supernovae


T or F nicolaus copernicus concluded earth was a planet


T or F nicolaus copernicus was the first to propose a heliocentric model for the solar system


T or F prism spectrometer the light from telescope is focused on a split. A prism (or grating) disperses the light into a spectrum which is then photographed or recorded electronically


T or F reflecting telescopes have different options for where the light is brought to focus


T or F retrograde motion: the appearance that the plants stop and reverse direction for weeks or months


T or F spiral galaxy a flattened rotating galaxy with pinwheel like spiral arms winding outward from the galaxy's nuclear bulge


T or F supernova a star that suddenly increase greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass


T or F the Cassini spacecraft imaged Jupiter on its way to Saturn in 2012. the giant storm system called the great red spot is visible to the lower right


T or F the andromeda galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light years from the earth and the nearest major galaxy to the milky way


T or F the bubbles in the galaxy may be evidence that the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy was a quasar a few million years ago


T or F the closer the electron is to the nucleus the more tightly bound the electron is to the nucleus


T or F the colors in jupiter are thought to be by-products of chemical reactions occurring in Jupiter's atmosphere


T or F the colors of the galaxy change form the yellowish light of the old stars in the center to the blue color of hot young stars


T or F the hotter temperature more energy (in the form of photons) is emitted at all wavelengths


T or F the material inside the sun is in the form of a plasma( plasmas a hot ionized gas)


T or F the milky way is a spiral galaxy


T or F the milky way is the galaxy that contains the solar system with the name describing the galaxy's appearance from earth


T or F the pockmarked face of the terrestrial world of mercury is more typical of the inner planets than the watery surface of earth


T or F the process of fusion that keeps our sun shining begins with two protons


T or F the relative positions of the sun earth and moon constantly change


T or F the spiral arms of M100 shown here are bluer than the rest of the galaxy indicating young high mass stars and forming regions


T or F the warmest and lowest layer in jupiter is composed mainly of water ice and appears blue-gray generally not seen in visible light images


T or F venus atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide


T or F when the star get s closer still, the tides become stronger than the gravity holding the star together and it breaks up into a streamer


T or F when we pass a beam of white sunlight through a prism we see a rainbow colored band of light that we call a continuous spectrum


T or F winds on the giant planets , a positive velocity means that the winds are blowing in the same direction as but faster than the planet's the planet's internal rotation


a quasar might not be much larger than our solar system it releases as much energy as billions of stars


the small magellanic cloud is a dwarf galaxy near the milky way


an oscillation in a pool of water creates an expanding disturbance called a


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