Atoms and periodicy

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What colour are alkali metal compounds?

All group 1 metal ions are colourless. That means that their compounds will be colourless or white unless they are combined with a coloured negative ion. eg: Potassium dichromate (VI) is orange, for example, because the dichromate (VI) is orange, and potassium manganate (VII) is purple because the manganate (VII) is purple.

Displacement reactions. what will happen? - Bromine + potassium chloride solution - Iodine + potassium chloride solution - Iodine + potassium bromide solution

All of the following experiments show no reaction: - Bromine + potassium chloride solution: the less reactive bromine cannot displace the more reactive chlorine - Iodine + potassium chloride solution: the less reactive iodine cannot displace the more reactive chlorine - Iodine + potassium bromide solution: the less reactive iodine cannot displace the more reactive bromine

Storage and handling of Alkali metals

All these metals are extremely reactive and get more reactive as you go down the group. They all react quickly with oxygen in the air to form oxides and react rapidly with water to form highly alkaline solutions and metal hydroxides. This I why group 1 metals are commonly known as the alkali metals. Caesium in a sealed oil To stop them reacting with oxygen or water vapour in the air, lithium, sodium and potassium are stored under oil. Rubidium and Caesium are so reactive they are to be stored in sealed glass tubes to stop any possibility of oxygen getting in Great care must be taken not to tour any of these metals with bare fingers. There could be enough sweat on you skin to give a reaction. Producing heat a very corrosive (damage and destroy other substances that come into contact with it) metal hydroxide.

Alkali metals reacting with water

All these metals react in the same way with water to produce a metal hydroxide and hydrogen: Alkali metal + water --> alkali metal hydroxide + hydrogen 2M + 2H20 --> 2MOH + H2 The main difference between the reactions is how quickly they happen. As you go down the group, the metals become more reactive and the reactions occur more rapidly.

using the group and periodic number together

Oxygen is in group 6 and period 2 Therefore has 2 shells and 6 electrons in the outer shell.

How are period numbers related to the arrangement

Period number ( the horizontal rows) - The period number also shows how many shells the element has in its electron configuration - If an element is in the period number 2, it has 2 shells (eg: lithium has 2 shells, and its in period 2)

Ceasium and rubidium reacting with water - Observations - Chemical and word equation - Universal indicator

These react even more violently than potassium, and the reaction can be explosive. Rubidium hydroxide and caesium hydroxide are formed.

what is a halide

a binary compound of a halogen with another element or group.

what is an displacement reactions

a reaction in which an element reacts with a compound, displacing an element from it because it is more reactive

Reacting chlorine with potassium iodide

adding chlorine solution to potassium iodide solution gives a brown (orange if it is very dilute) solution of iodide. 2Kl (aq) + Cl2 (aq) --> 2KCl (aq) + I2 (aq) Potassium + chlorine --> potassium chloride + iodine In exactly the same way. The more reactive bromine displaces the less reactive iodine from potassium iodide solution. Adding bromide solution (bromine water) to colourless potassium iodide solution gives a brown solution of iodide: 2Kl (aq) + Br2 (aq) à 2KBr (aq) + I2 (aq)

What happens when we react a solution of a halogen with a solution containing halides ions?

displacement reaction the halogen being chlorine and the halide being pottasium bromide

Melting and boiling points of halogens

increase down the group. The halogens are all covalent molecular substances and the melting and boiling points increase as the relative molecular mass increases. As the relative molecular mass increases, the intermolecular forces of attraction become stronger and therefore more energy must be put in to overcome these stronger forces of attraction. Remember, no covalent bonds are broken when these melt/boil

Halogens reacting with water

the gases are covalently bonded. They are very soluble in water, reacting with it to produce solutions of acids. For example, hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride in water: HCL (g) à HCL (aq) Hydrogen chloride à hydrochloric acid The à representing dissolving in water

Explain the trend in reactivity in Group 7 in terms of electronic configurations:

- Reactivity of group 7 non-metals increases as you go up. - Each outer shell contains seven electrons and when group 7 metals react, they will need to gain one outer electron to get a full outer shell of electrons. - As you go up group 7, the number of shells of electrons decreases (period number decreases up the Periodic Table). - This means that the outer electrons are closer to the nucleus so there are stronger electrostatic forces of attraction that attracts the extra electron needed. - This allows an electron to be attracted more readily, making it more reactive as you go up the group.

How are the chemical properties similar in the alkali group

1) They all have similar chemical properties, for example: - They all react with water in the same way to form metal hydroxides with the formula MOH (eg: LiOH, NaOH) and hydrogen - They react with oxygen to form an oxide with the formula M2O (Na2O2, K2O) - They react with halogens to form compounds with the formula MX ( eg. LiCl, KBr) - They form ionic compounds which contain an M+ ion (eg. Na+ and K+) The chemical properties depend on the number of electrons in the outer shell. The group 1 elements react in a very similar way because they all have the same number of electrons in the outer shell (one), so the reason 2 is really just the consequence of reason 1.

Potassium reacting with water - Observations - Chemical and word equation - Universal indicator

2K(s) + 2H20 (l) --> 2KOH (aq) + H2 (g) Potassium's reaction is faster than sodium's. Enough heat is produced to ignite the hydrogen, which burns with a lilac flame. The reaction often ends with the potassium spitting around and exploding.

Lithium reacting with water - Observations - Chemical and word equation - Universal indicator

2Li(s) + 2H20 (l) --> 2LiOH (aq) + H2 (g) The reaction is very similar to the sodium reaction, except it is slower. Lithium's melting point is higher and the heat isn't produced so quickly, so the lithium doesn't melt.

How is the electron configuration similar in alkali metals

A family of elements with similar properties: These are the two reasons that we put these elements in group 1: 1) They all have 1 electron in their outer shell. The electronic configurations are: a) Lithium - 2, 1 b) Sodium - 2, 8, 1 c) Potassium - 2, 8, 8, 1

Relative atomic mass equation example - chlorine

Ar = (75 x 35) + (25 x 37) /100 Ar = 35.5 Therefore, the relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5 Even if there are three or four different isotopes you can do the same calculation in same way. Calculate the total mass of 100 atoms, then divide the answer 100.

Predicting other alkali metal (francium)

As we move down a group in the periodic table the properties of the elements change gradually. So if we know the properties of most of the elements in a group, we should be able to predict the properties of elements we don't know. Francium is extremely radioactive and at this time, anywhere in the world there is a tiny bit present; nobody has seen a piece of francium. We can, however, predict the properties of francium using the properties of other alkali metals.

Explaining the increase in reactivity:

As you go down the group, the metals become more reactive In all these reactions, the metal atoms are losing electrons and forming metal ions in solution. For example: Na (s) --> Na + (aq) + e- The differences between the reactions depend on how easily the outer electron of the metal is lost in each case. That depends on how strongly it is attracted to the nucleus in the original atom. Remember that the nucleus of an atom is positive because it contains protons, and so attracts negative electrons. As we move down the group, the atoms have more shells of electrons and get bigger: a sodium atom is bigger than a lithium atom. As the atoms get bigger, the outer electron, which is the one lost in the reaction, is further from the nucleus. Because it is further from the nucleus it is less strongly attracted by the nucleus and therefore more easily lost.

We can predict trends in group 7 - astatine

Astatine is an extremely rare radioactive element and no one has ever seen a sample of it, but we can predict that: · Will be darker colour than iodine, very dark grey or black · Will be a solid at room temperature and have a higher melting point than iodine · Will be diatomic and contain At2 molecules · Will react with hydrogen to form Hat, which will dissolve in water to form an acid · Will form the salt NaAt with sodium or Kat with potassium · Will contain the astatide ion (At -) in its ionic salts · Will be less reactive than iodine · Will be displaced from solution by iodine

What is astatine

Astatine is in group 7, halogens and is radioactive and is formed during the radioactive decay of other elements, such as uranium and thorium. Most of its isotopes are so unstable that their lives can be measured in seconds or fractions of a second.

How is the periodic table arranged

Atoms are arranged in the periodic table in order of increasing atomic number. The vertical columns in the periodic table are called groups. The first seven groups are numbered from 1-7 and the final group is numbered 0. Group 1 - Alkali metals Group 7 - Halogens Group 0 - Noble gases The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods. Remember: Hydrogen and helium make up period 1. The staircase from Boron to Astatine is separating metals and non-metals.

What are electrons

Atoms are electrically neutral ( they have no overall charge). The charge on a proton (+1) is equal but opposite to the charge on an electron (-1) and therefore in an atom Number of protons = number of electrons So, if oxygen atom ( atomic number = 8) has 8 protons, it must also have 8 electrons; if a chlorine atom (atomic atom = 17) has 17 protons, it must also have 17 electrons. The number of protons in a atom is equal to the number of electrons. However, the atomic number is defined in terms of the number of protons because the number of electrons can change in chemical reactions, for example when atoms form ions ( later on)

The structure of an atom

Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. These particles are sometimes called sub-atomic particles because they are similar to an atom. The nucleus of the atom contains protons and neutrons and the electrons are found on the shells of the atom.

Do halogens conduct electricity?

Because the halogens are non-metals, they are poor conductors of heat and electricity

Relative atomic mass with Chlorine

Chlorine appears to have a mass number of 35.5. if you calculate the number of neutrons for chlorine you obtain: Number of neutrons = 35.5 - 17 = 18.5 It is not possible to have half a neutron and so there must be something wrong with this. The number 35.4 is not actually the mass number but it is the relative atomic mass (Ar). Chlorine consists of two isotopes 35Cl and 37Cl and a naturally occurring sample contains a mixture of these.

Safety and handling of halogens

Flourine is so dangerously reactive that you would never expect to find it in a school lab. Apart from any safety problems, due to the reactivity of the elements (especially fluorine and chlorine), all the halogens have extremely poisonous vapours and have to be handled in a fume cupboard. Liquid bromine is also very corrosive, and great care has to be taken to keep it off the skin.

Physical state of the halogens and how they change

Fluorine F2 Gas Chlorine Cl2 Gas Bromine Br2 Liquid Iodine I2 Solid

Physical colour of the halogens and how they change

Fluorine F2 Yellow Chlorine Cl2 Green Bromine Br2 Red brown liquid Orange brown vapour Iodine I2 Grey solid, Purple vapour

Are alkali metals soluble? are they convalent or ionic solids?

Group 1 compounds are typically ionic solids and are mostly soluble in water.

How are group numbers related to the arrangement

Group number ( the vertical rows) - The group number also shows how many valance electrons there are ( how many shells in the outer shell) - If an element is in period 5, there are 5 electrons in the outer shell. Eg: oxygen is in group 6, and also has 6 electrons in the outer shell.

Elements in the same group in the periodic table have similar chemical properties:

Groups in the periodic table contain elements with similar chemical properties - they react in the same way For example · All elements in group 1 react vigorously with water to form hydrogen and hydroxides with similar formulae: LiOH (lithium hydroxide), NaOH ( Sodium hydroxide), KOH (potassium hydroxide) · All the elements in Group 7 react with hydrogen to form compounds with similar formulae: HF ( hydrogen fluoride), HCL ( hydrogen chloride), HBr (hydrogen bromide) · All the elements in Group 2 form chlorides with similar formulae: MgCl2 and CaCl2 The reactions of atoms depend on how many electrons there are in their outer shell. These are the electrons which normally get involved when elements bond to other elements. Elements in the same group (apart from helium in group 0) have the same number of electrons in their outer shell, therefore they react in similar ways.

Reaction of alkali metals and bunsen flame

If we heat each of the metals in the air using a Bunsen burner, we get a much more vigorous reaction and it is more difficult to see which metal is most reactive because all the reactions are so rapid. Lithium burns with a red flame from lithium oxide Sodium burns with a yellow flame to form sodium oxide Potassium burns with a lilac flame to form potassium oxide The equation for all these reactions is: 4M(s) + O2(g) -> 2M2O(s) Alkali metal + oxygen -> metal oxide In each case, the product formed is a white powder - the alkali metal oxide

Reacting chlorine with potassium bromide

If you add chlorine solution (chlorine water) to colourless potassium bromide solution, the solution becomes orange as bromine is formed: 2KBr (aq) + Cl2 (aq) --> 2KCl (aq) + Br2 (aq) Potassium bromide + chlorine --> potassium chloride + bromine Chlorine is more reactive than bromine and has displaced the bromine from solution. If something is more reactive, it has a greater tendency to react to form a compound. Something that is less reactive is more likely to go back to being the element ( the unreacted form)

Ionic equations for displacement reactions

In all of the above reactions it would not have mattered if we had reacted chlorine with sodium bromide or magnesium bromide, for example. The reaction occurs between the chlorine molecule and the bromide ion; the metal ion does not do anything, we call these spectator ions. If we write the reaction between chlorine and potassium iodide showing all the charges, we can see things have clearly: 2K+ (aq) + 2Br - (aq) + Cl2 (aq) --> 2K+ (aq) + 2Cl - (aq) + Br2 (aq) You can see that the potassium ions are the same on each side. They have not changed and so we can write an new equation simply concentrating on the things that have changed: 2Br - (aq) + Cl2 (aq) --> 2Cl - (aq) + Br2 (aq) This is called an ionic equation and does not include the spectator ions.

Electron configuration of chlorine

Look up the atomic number in the periodic table. the periodic table tells you that the atomic number is 17 The number of protons = the number of electrons Protons = 17 electrons = 17 in a neutral chlorine atom Arrange the electrons in shells (energy levels) always competing an inner shell (lower energy level) before you go to an outer one. Remember that the first shell (lowest energy level) can take up to 2 electrons, the second one can take up to 8 and the third one also take up 8. First shell: 2 Second shell: 8 Third shell: 7 So is written as: 2,8,7. Always check that they add up to the correct number, for this instance 17.

Reaction of alkali metals and air

Lithium, sodium and potassium are all stored in oil because they react with the air. If we look at a piece of sodium which has been taken out by the oil, it usually has a crust on the outside. It is not shiny unless it has been freshly cut. When the piece of sodium is cut, the fresh surface is shiny but it tarnishes rapidly as the freshly exposed sodium reacts with oxygen in the air. If we do the same with a piece of lithium it tarnishes more slowly because lithium reacts more slowly then sodium. A freshly cut piece of potassium tarnishes extremely rapidly, more quickly than sodium. In this way we can see again that potassium is more reactive than sodium, which is more reactive than lithium. In each case the metal reacts with oxygen in the air to form an oxide with the formula M2O.

Properties of alkali metals

Melting and Boiling point: The melting point and boiling point of the elements are very low for metals. They also get LOWER as you go DOWN the group Reactive: Gets more reactive as you go down the group Density: Their densities tend to increase down the group. Lithium, Sodium and potassium are all less dense than water and so they tend to float on it Softness: The metals are also very soft and easily cut with a knife, becoming SOFTER as you go DOWN the group Shiny/dull: They are shiny and silver when freshly cut into, but tarnish very quickly on exposure to air

What are the difference between metals and non-metals with - Conductivity electricity and heat - Oxides - Acidic or alkali

Metals conduct electricity and non-metals do not generally conduct electricity - in metals there is a presence of delocalised electrons and therefore can conduct electricity. However, non-metals do not, so they do not conduct electricity. Non-metals do not conduct electricity because there are no electrons that are free to move or mobile ions, but there are a few exceptions, such as graphite ( a form of carbon) and silicon. Metals generally form basic oxides - a basic oxide is one which reacts with acids to form salts. For example copper forms copper (II) oxide (CuO). This reacts, for example, with sulfuric acid to form the salt copper (II) sulfate: Copper (II) oxide + Sulfuric acid à Copper sulphate + water CuO + H2SO4 -> CuSO4 + H2O Non-metals generally form acidic oxides - for example, with sulfur (IV) oxide (SO2) being one of the gases responsible for acid rain. acidic oxides react with bases/alkalis to form salts. For example carbon dioxide an acidic oxide, reacts with sodium hydroxide, an alkali Carbon dioxide + sodium hydroxide --> Sodium carbonate + Water CO2 + 2NaOH -> Na2CO3 + H2

Physical difference metals and non metals

Metals: - Tend to be solids with high melting and boiling points, and with relatively high densities - Are shiny ( have a metallic lustre) when they are polished or freshly cut - Are malleable ( can be hammered into shape) - Are ductile ( can be drawn into wires) - Are good conductors of electricity and heat - Form ionic compounds - Form positive ions in their compounds Non-metals: - Tend to have lower melting and boiling points ( exceptions being carbon and silicon) - Tend to be brittle when they are solids - Don't have the same type of shine as metals - Don't usually conduct electricity; carbon ( in the form of graphite) and silicon are again exceptions - Are poor conductors of heat (diamond is an exception, it is the best conductor of heat of all the elements) - Form both ionic and covalent compounds - Tend to form negative ions in ionic compounds

What is the charge of a hydroxide

OH with a charge of -1

Masses, and charges of the sub-atomic particles

Proton Charge - +1 Mass - 1 Neutron Charge - 0 Mass - 1 Electron Charge - -1 Mass - 1/2000

Structure of an element - Na

Protons: 11 Neutrons: 23-11 = 12 Electrons: 11

What is the relative atomic mass

Relative atomic mass is the average mass of an atom, taking into account the amount of each isotope present in a naturally occurring sample of an element. We calculate the relative atomic mass of an element by knowing how much of each isotope is present in a sample ( the isotopic abundance) of that element, and then working out the average mass of an atom. Using the equation:

Sodium reacting with water - Observations - Chemical and word equation - Universal indicator

Sodium + water --> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen 2Na(s) + 2H20 (l) --> 2NaOH (aq) + H2 (g) The main observations you can make when this reaction occurs are: - The sodium floats because it is less dense than water - The sodium melts into a ball because its melting point is low and a lot of heat is produced by the reaction - There Is fizzing because hydrogen is produced - The sodium moves around on the surface of the water, because the hydrogen isn't given off symmetrically around the ball, the sodium is pushed around the surface of the water. - The piece of sodium gets smaller and eventually disappears. The sodium is used up in the reaction - If you test the solution that is formed with universal indicator solution, you will see that the universal indicator goes blue, indicating an alkaline solution has been formed. The metal hydroxide is alkaline ( the solution contains the ion OH-)

Summary of the main features of alkali metals

Summarizing the main features of the group 1 elements: § Are metals § Are soft with melting points and densities which are very low for metals § Have to be stored out of contact with water or air § React rapidly with air to form coatings of the metal oxide § React with water to produce an alkaline solution of the metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas § Increase in reactivity as you go down the group § Form compounds in which the metal ion has 1+ ion § Have mainly white/colourless compounds which dissolve to produce colourless solutions.

What is a electron configuration

The arrangement of electrons in an atom is called its electronic configuration.

What is the mass number

The mass number ( sometimes known as the nucleon number) counts the total number of protons and neutron in the nucleus of the atom: Mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons For example the mass number is 23, you minus the proton number (eg 11) 23 - 11 = 12 - therefore 12 neutrons Number of neutrons = mass number - atomic number

What are halogens?

The atoms in fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine all have 7 electrons in their outer shell, therefore these elements are put in group 7 in the periodic table. The number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom determines how something reacts, so all the elements in group 7 react in a similar way. The name 'Halogen' means 'salt-producing'. When they react with metals, these elements produce a wide range of salts, including calcium fluoride, sodium chloride, silver bromide and potassium iodide. All the salts contain the X- ion (X stands for any halogen)

Electron configuration of all 20 elements we need to know

The electronic configuration of the first 20 elements.

Arrangement of electrons in an atom

The electrons move around the nucleus in a series of levels called energy levels, or shells. Each energy level (shell) can only hold a certain number of electrons. Lower energy levels are always filled before higher ones. The lowest energy level is the one closest to the nucleus. First level: 2 Second level: 8 Third level: 8 The maximum number of electrons in a shell is 8 2, 8, 8, etc

What are alkali metals?

The elements of group 1 of the periodic table are called the Alkali metals. The group contains the elements Francium, at the bottom of the group is radioactive. One of its isotopes is produced during radioactive decay of uranium-235, but is extremely short lived.

What are noble gases

The group 0 elements are known as the noble gases because they are almost completely unreactive, in fact the two at the top of the group, helium and neon, don't react with anything. The elements in group 0 have 8 electrons in their outer shell ( apart from helium which has 2) The lack of reactivity of the elements in group 0 is associated with their electronic configurations. The noble gases are unreactive because the outer shell is full, and so there is no tendency to lose, gain or share electrons in a chemical reaction.

Halogens are diatomic. What does the word 'diatomic' mean?

The halogens are non-metallic elements with diatomic molecules, which means they are consisting of two atoms

Halogens reacting with alkali metals

The halogens react with alkali metals to form salts. For instance, sodium burns in chlorine with its typical yellow flame to produce white, solid sodium chloride 2Na(s) + Cl2 (g) --> 2NaCl (s) Sodium + chlorine --> sodium chloride Sodium chloride is an ionic solid. Typically, when the halogens react with metals from groups 1 and 2, they form ions

Reaction of the halogens with hydrogen

The halogens react with hydrogen to form hydrogen halides: hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide and hydrogen iodide. For example: H2 (g) + Br2 (g) --> 2HBr(g) Hydrogen + bromine --> hydrogen bromide the gases formed are COVALENTLY bonded

When reacted with hydrogen ________ are formed and they are very _______ and _________ ___________

The hydrogen halides are all acidic, poisonous gases. In common with all the compounds formed between the halogens and non-metals, the gases are covalently bonded.

Spiting metals and non metals on periodic table

The metals are on the left side of the periodic table and the non-metals are on the right side. From a staircase from boron and astatine

What are isotopes?

The number of neutrons in an atom can vary slightly. For example there are three kinds of carbon atom called carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14. They all have the same number of protons ( because all carbon atoms have protons, its atomic number) but the number of neutrons varies. These different atoms of carbon are called isotopes. Isotopes are atoms ( of the same element) which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers, they have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. The fact that they have varying numbers of neutrons makes no difference to their chemical reactions. The chemical properties ( how something reacts) are controlled by the number and arrangement of the electrons, and that is identical for all three isotopes.

What is the atomic number

The number of protons in an atom's nucleus is called its atomic number or proton number. Each of the 118 elements has a different number of protons. For example, if an atom has 11 protons it must be an sodium atom Atomic number = number of protons = element The smaller number is the atomic number.

Why do the melting and boiling points change down the alkali group

The reason why the melting points decrease as you get lower down the group is due to the metallic lattice. The nuclei of the positive ions are further from the delocalised electrons in caesium than in sodium and therefore, there is weaker forces of attraction.

Explaining the trend In the reactivity of the halogens:

We can explain the reactivity of the halogens in terms of how readily they form negative ions. When the halogens react (in these reactions) they form 1- ions by taking electrons away from something else. A chlorine atom is smaller than a bromine atom, so when we add an electron to the outer hell of a chlorine atom, we are adding it to the shell closer to the nucleus. If it is in a shell closer to the nucleus it is more strongly attracted to the nucleus. The bromine atom is bigger and so tge outer electron is added to a shell further away from the nucleus, where it is not as strongly attached. Chlorine therefore has a stronger tendency to form a 1- ion than bromine, and a chlorine atom will take an electron away from a bromide ion.

How to find the melting point of francium

We could use a graphical method to predict the melting point of francium. If we plot the melting point of other alkali metals against the atomic number, then draw a line of best fit we get: If we carry on the line to atomic number 87 (francium) we can predict a melting point of around 22°C

Displacement reaction with halogens

What happens when we react a solution of a halogen with a solution containing halide ions. These are called displacement reactions. We can use the displacement reaction to show that chlorine is more reactive than bromine, which is more reactive than iodine.

Drawing diagrams electron configuration

When we draw a diagram of an atom we usually draw circles to represent the shells ( energy levels); dots and crosses are then drawn on the circles to represent the electrons. You can choose to draw dots or crosses. Hydrogen has 1 electron and helium has 2 in the first shell (lowest energy level)

Summarizing the main features of the group 7 elements:

§ Have diatomic molecules X2 (F2, Cl2, Br2) § Go from gases to liquid to solid as you move down the group: the melting points and boiling points increase down the group § Have coloured poisonous vapours: the colours of the elements get darker down the group § Form compounds with the formula HX (eg: HF, HCl, HBr) when reacted with hydrogen and these dissolve in water to form acids § Form ionic salts with metals and covalent compounds with non-metals § Form X- (eg: F-, Cl-, Br-) ions in ionic compounds § Become less reactive towards the bottom of the group § Will displace elements lower down in the group from their salts

Predictions of francium

§ Is very soft § Will have a melting point around room temperature § Has a density which is probably just over 2 g/cm3 § Will be a silvery metal, but will tarnish almost instantly with air § Will react violently with water to give francium hydroxide and hydrogen § Will be more reactive than caesium § Will have a hydroxide, francium hydroxide with the formulae FrOH, which will be soluble in water and form a strongly alkaline solution § Will form compounds that are white/colourless and dissolve in water to give colourless solutions

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