Author's Purpose

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


Directions to the mall written by a friend or relative


Ingredients listed on the wrapper of a breakfast bar


The author is giving facts, data, and/or statistics about a topic.


A pamphlet urging people not to eat animals or use products made from animals or animal suffering because the author thinks that is cruel and unnecessary


An article comparing and contrasting American and Swedish health care systems


If you want to do well on a test, you just need to follow a few simple steps. First, pay close attention in class and take good notes. Review your notes each night, even if you can only spend a few minutes reviewing. If you are struggling with some of the concepts being taught, ask your teacher for extra help. A few days before the test, spend some extra time reviewing your notes and practice assignments. If you follow these steps, you should do well on almost any test. What is the author's purpose?


Poems are written to entertain an audience, but this poem has another purpose? What is another purpose for writing this poem? Jazzonia poem by Langston Hughes Oh, silver tree!Oh, shining rivers of the soul! In a Harlem cabaret Six long-headed jazzers play. A dancing girl whose eyes are bold Lifts high a dress of silken gold. Oh, singing tree!Oh, shining rivers of the soul! Were Eve's eyes In the first garden Just a bit too bold? Was Cleopatra gorgeous In a gown of gold? Oh, shining tree!Oh, silver rivers of the soul! In a whirling cabaret Six long-headed jazzers play.


The Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet, where two young lovers are forbidden from seeing one another due to a centuries old blood feud between their two families


The author is giving instructions about how to do something.


The author is giving sensory information to help the reader visualize.


The author is trying to convince the reader to think, feel, or do something.


The author is writing for the reader's enjoyment.


What is the author's purpose for an advertisement for Nike shoes?


What is the author's purpose for writing the novel Scar Island?


What is the author's purpose of a news article about hurricane Irma?


What is the author's purpose of a recipe for brownies?


What is the author's purpose of this passage? My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar―the first instrument I taught myself how to play. It's nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and fingerprinted. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The strings are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell off years ago. No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for that I will always treasure it.


What is the author's purpose of this passage? Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks support a wide diversity of animal species, reflecting the range in elevation, climate, and habitat variety there. Over 260 native vertebrate species are in the parks; numerous additional species may be present but have not been confirmed. Of the native vertebrates, five species are extirpated (or extinct), and over 150 are rare or uncommon. There have been some studies of invertebrates in the area, but there is not enough information to know how many species occur specifically in the parks. Many of the parks' caves contain invertebrates, some of which exist only in one cave and are known nowhere else in the world. In the foothills, where summers are hot and dry and winters are mild, plant life is largely chaparral on the lower slopes, with blue oak and California buckeye in the valleys and on higher slopes. A number of animals live in this area year-round; some breed here, while others winter here. Local species include the gray fox, bobcat, striped and spotted skunks, black bear, wood rat, pocket gopher, white-footed mouse, California quail, scrub jay, lesser goldfinch, wrentit, acorn woodpecker, gopher snake, California king snake, striped racer, western whiptail lizard, and the California newt.


What is the author's purpose of this passage? Summer is a great time to catch up on reading about some of your favorite topics. It's time to let your imagination take you on a journey. Reading for pleasure can help turn you into a life-long learner. For some, reading also can be a lot of fun! It can be a time to get cozy in an environment that is conducive to your reading. So grab your favorite snack, choose your spot, sit back, and enjoy the story. What are the benefits? Reading: •Is a skill that develops over time with practice •Builds comprehension skills and vocabulary •Lets you have discussions with friends and family about the book, the characters, new words learned, and the themes •Is important to do as a daily routine •Lets you choose books according to interest and comfort level •Allows you to expands your interests; magazines can also be a great alternative if tailored to a particular interest •Exposes you to great literature; reading stories by great writers can help you become a better writer yourself •Develops problem solving skills •Improves scores on standardized tests •Is practical, so if you're not into fluff, there are plenty of books that inform and educate Success breeds success, so don't let the summer slide catch you by surprise. Start your own book club with a group of your friends. Meet at your house, the pool, or the coffee shop. Embrace the experience and read!


When the pizza came out of the oven, the cheese was lightly browned and bubbly. I served myself a large piece and anxiously waited for it to cool. My first bite was glorious! The thick crust of the pizza was crunchy on the outside and warm and soft on the inside. The gooey cheese dribbled down my cheek and I chewed with quiet satisfaction. The sauce was bursting with flavor. It was the best pizza I had ever eaten! What is the author's purpose?

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