Awareness HAZMAT

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The most common atmospheric tank seen in the United States is the _______________________ .

DOT 406

Trailers that are recognized from the rear as having elliptical or oval cross sections, bottom discharge valves and roll over protection are?

DOT 406

Low pressure tank trailer that has a "horseshoe" shape from the rear when jacketed are known as _______________________ .

DOT 407

All hazardous materials packages and containers are required to be properly identified with placards, labels and/or markings by:

DOT regulations

Signal words in order from Most dangerous to least dangerous are:

Danger, Warning, Caution

The __________________ placard is used when two or more Hazard Classes are shipped together in non-bulk quantities with a total weight greater than 1001 pounds.


This placard is used when two or more Hazard Classes are shipped together in non-bulk quantities:


The mode of transportation responsible for the movement of finished product and raw materials over great distances from facility to facility, facility to distribution terminals or facility directly to end users are known as:

Pipe Line

The clue to identify hazardous materials that is typically avoided beyond the initial or inadvertent stage of identification:


If there is a "P" next to the three-digit guide number in the yellow-bordered or blue-bordered pages the material may undergo:


_______________________ rail cars are recognized by the valves and fittings always being found in a top mounted protective housing.


The____________________________ is determined by the hazard class number assigned to each material.

Primary Hazard

Competencies of Awareness Level responders according to NFPA 1072 are:

Recognition, identification, information collection, isolation, and notification

The Awareness-level responder must be able to _______________________________ hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction through the recognition of containers, locations, markings, labels and placards.

Recognize the presence

The letters RQ must be marked on any package containing a ___________________ of a hazardous substance as found in Appendix A to the Hazardous Materials Table in 49 CFR 172.203 (c) (1).

Reportable Quantity

Markings found on the left side of a rail car providing information about identifying the rail car and capacities in weight are called:

Reporting Markings

By law, _____________________________________ are made accessible to employees and these forms are required by OSHA to be made available to employees in "Right to Know Work Stations".

Safety Data Sheets

How many clues are there for identifying a hazardous material, according to Noll and Hildebrand?


When an evacuation cannot be performed or when evacuating the public would put them at greater risk, which of the following PPA tactics would be used?

Shelter in place

Examples of protective equipment include all of the following EXCEPT:s

Supplied Respirator Airway

Oxygen sensors, pH paper and colorimetric detector tubes are examples of which clue to the recognition of hazardous materials:


Which of these activities is outside the scope of action for Awareness level personnel?

The use of monitoring and detection devices

Certain quantities of hazardous materials known as ____________________________, trigger a reporting requirement to the Local Emergency Planning Committee so that local responders can use the information for planning a response.

Threshold Planning Quantities

Critical items to consider when making Public Protection Action decisions include all of the following EXCEPT:

Time of day

The maximum radiation level in millirems per hour at one meter from an undamaged package is called the __________________________ .

Transport Index

Protective actions include the use and wearing of protective clothing and equipment that mitigates contact with hazardous substances


___________________________ are extremely strong and large steel containers intended for shipping radioactive materials by air.

Type C containers

Awareness personnel:

are typically at the scene or incident when it occurs

.___________ CFR is the Code of Federal Regulations for the Environmental Protection Agency.


Physical and Chemical properties can be found in Section ________ of SDS.


Materials that present a hazard during transport but do not meet the definition of any other hazard class are placed into DOT hazard class ____________________________ .


According to EPA regulations, the notification process for a release of hazardous materials/WMD can be made by simply calling _____________.


Most hazardous materials are transported by ___________________ in any number of different vehicles.

: highway

When making notifications to 911, LEPC or dispatch communications equipment can be:

A. Cell phone B. Land-line phone C. Two-way radio D. All the above

Examples of bulk transportation containers include:

A. Highway cargo tanks B. Intermediate bulk containers (IBC) C. Facility Storage tanks D. All of the above

Cryogenic gasses are defined as a refrigerated, liquefied gas with a boiling point of less than:

-130 °F

Which section of the ERG provides safety recommendations and general hazards information?

. Orange-bordered pages

In the NFPA 704 marking system the _____________ diamond for __________________ is found on the top.

. Red, Flammability

Any substance or article designed to function by detonating would be placed into DOT hazard class __________ .


At one meter away, a Geiger counter cannot read greater than 10 mrem/hr so the maximum allowable TI is __________ .


Placards are approximately

10.75 inches

Dermal protection includes the use of:

A. Rubber gloves B. Rubber Boots C. Chemical protective clothing D. All the above

The first protective action is to avoid exposure to the hazardous material and the area affected by the hazards. In order to maintain safety the Awareness Level responder may need to:

A. Shelter-in-place B. Evacuate the scene C. Place distance between the incident and themselves D. All of the above

.__________________________________ personnel are those who during their normal job duties, may encounter an emergency involving hazardous materials or weapons of mass destruction.


The responsible party for shipping papers on a railroad is:


Which of the following is NOT a clue to the identification of Hazardous Materials?

Container capacity

Acidic and/or Basic materials that can be liquid or solid and can cause full-thickness destruction of the skin at the site of contact are known as:

Corrosive Substances

Materials that emit flammable or toxic gasses in contact with water fall into which Hazard Division?

Division 4.3

The _____________ regulates the manufacture and labeling of pesticides.


. The __________________________________ is developed by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for use by personnel who are at or may be first to arrive at the scene of an incident.

Emergency Response Guidebook

The manufacture and labeling of pesticides is regulated by the

Environmental Protection Agency

B. DOT 407 C. DOT 412 D. MC 330 ANSWER: A Packages that contain very low amounts of radioactivity and pose little to no threat:


The __________________________________ is a system for standardizing and harmonizing the classification and labeling of chemicals.

Global Harmonized System

Where in the ERG can you find initial isolation distances and protective action distances?

Green-bordered pages

is a chemical designated under the Clean Water Act and CERCLA legislation as posing a threat to waterways and the environment.


The hazardous materials health and safety plan requirements for emergency responders to follow are found in OSHA's ___________________standard


The Department of Transportation divides Hazardous Materials into nine distinct groups known as:

Hazard Classes

According to OSHA, a ____________________________ is any substance that would pose a risk to an employee if exposed at the workplace.

Hazardous Chemical

Matter or Energy that when released can create harm to people, the environment and property is _____________________________ according to NFPA 1072.

Hazardous Material

The term_______________________________________ commonly refers to the shipping papers, markings, labels and placards required by the United Nation's Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.

Hazardous Materials Communications

Another name for chemicals, when released during an emergency above a certain quantity, must be reported to the Local Emergency Response Committee (LEPC) are known as

Hazardous Substances or Extremely Hazardous Substances

Any hazardous material, chemical, or substance that is determined to be unwanted or to be disposed of is defined as a

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous materials may

Hazardous materials may

Where are hazardous materials found?

Hazardous materials may be found anywhere.

A Bill of Lading shipping paper will accompany hazardous materials shipments that can be found in/on the ________________________ .


Most Hazardous Materials are transported by a number of different vehicles, including intermodal tanks, compressed gas tube trailers and specialized tanks along which mode of transportation?


The most common location to encounter Hazardous Materials is:


___________________________________ are bulk containers that can be loaded and off loaded using mechanical lifting equipment.

Intermediate bulk containers

.In order to _______________________________, the responder would implement the appropriate protective action in order to protect themselves and others from the effects of the hazard.

Isolate the hazard area

_________________ are approximately 4-inch diamond shaped stickers affixed to individual hazardous materials containers and packages.


Ton containers are large 2000 lb capacity containers that are designed to transport _________________________ such as chlorine.

Liquified Gases

LEPC is an abbreviation for ________________________________________

Local Emergency Response Committee

The Consist shipping papers are found in the ____________________ and are the responsibility of the __________________ .

Locomotive, Conductor

General service rail cars are __________________________ cars used to transport a variety of hazardous and non-hazardous materials.


Trailers used to transport liquified compressed gasses such as propane or ammonia on the highway are known as:

MC 330/331

The _____________________ highway tank trailers are designed to carry cryogenic materials.


The National Fire Protection Association standard that certifies public safety responders have met the minimum competencies in hazardous materials response is:

NFPA 1072

The _____________________ only applies to fixed facilities and should not be confused with other systems and is designed to identify specific hazards and their severity.

NFPA 704 10.

____________________________ are classified as being less than 119gal for liquids, 882lbs for solids or 1001gal water capacity for gases.

Non-Bulk packages

The acronym n.o.s. stands for:

Not Otherwise Specified

The Federal regulations requiring training of emergency responders to mitigate chemical emergencies is known as:

OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.120(q) HAZWOPER Standard

Drums are generally classed as ____________________ or ____________________ .

Open-top, Closed-top

OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1201 "Retention of DOT markings, placards and labels"required that _______________________________ be maintained during storage and use.

Original labels, placards and markings

Even though responders can initiate the notification process for a release of hazardous materials/WMD, the primary responsibility lies with the _______________________.

Owner or Operator

Where in the Emergency Response Guidebook is the required notification information found? _________________________________

Page 5, Paragraph 4

Any destructive device, any weapon involving toxic or poisonous chemical, a disease organism or is designed to release radiation is known as a ___________________________________.

Weapon of Mass Destruction

An Awareness Level responder should recognize _________________ as the least dangerous and ____________________ as the most dangerous radioactive label.

White I, Yellow III

If the incident involves a Road Trailer with no other clues, turn to the Road Trailer Identification Chart found in:

White pages

If the responder only has a placard or label use the Table of Markings, Labels and Placards in which section of the ERG?

White pages

Instructions for the use of the ERG can be found in which colored pages?

White pages

Which section of the ERG should be turned to, if the responder can obtain the 4-Digit UN ID number for the product involved?

Yellow-bordered pages

When reporting the discovery of a chemical emergency by calling dispatch or 911, what is NOT a required piece of information listed in the ERG?

Your certification number

General service rail cars have ___________________ top valves and fittings, that in some cases are found in a protective housing.


In the United States, substances that possess harmful characteristics are called

hazardous materials

Awareness level personnel are likely to be on or near an incident scene, making them:

important witnesses

In trucks and airplanes, shipping papers should be:

in possession of the driver or pilot

The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) is primarily designed for use at:

incidents occurring on highway or railroad

Rounded, almost spherical ends, bolted manways, and pressure relief devices are clues that a container is:

under pressure

Excepted packages contain ___________________________ amounts of radioactivity and pose little to no threat.

very low

When particularly dangerous materials, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive (CBRNE) materials are used as weapons, they are referred to as:

weapons of mass destruction

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