BACH Chapter 5 and 6

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Focuses on the interaction between individuals and their immediate environment

Social Cognitive Theory

What does Organizational Change focus on?

Assessing an improving group dynamics Encouraging shared goals and missions Identifying organizational barriers and "unfreezing" the organization or system to make changes Involving the organization or system in identifying and implementing new policies and practices

The degree to which a given individual has interactions with many people in the network, or plays an important role in the network activities

Centrality v. Marginality

Tries to change people's behavior for the benefit of the marketer

Commercial marketing

How does information circulate through the network? Is it viewed equally coming from anyone in network, or do some members have more credibility?

Communication patterns in networks

Medium through which you transmit information such as internet, social media, twitter, TV, newspaper, rallies

Communications channel

Similar to Social Cognitive Theory, describes multiple constructs and processes embedded within processes. • As a theory, it is hard to test or prove as a whole - most efforts incorporate selected constructs from it, not the entire package. • Much of the evidence for the theory didn't originate in public health • Works better for adoption of behaviors vs cessation or prevention of behaviors • Doesn't take into account a person's resources or social support to adopt the new behavior


The complex factors related to the social group or population targeted by the program and program of innovation dissemination itself that may facilitate of hinder diffusion

Diffusion context

Addresses the gap between introduction of a new technology or behavior and the actual adoption of the behavior by a large community or group

Diffusion of innovations

active knowledge transfer from the resource system to user system. Involves identification or communication channels and dissemination channels


A map of the social relations surrounding an individual (ego), which include others (alters)

Ego-centered network

When implementing a social marketing campaign

Identify behaviors you want to change, Identify your audience, Identify and reduce barriers, Pretest your ideas, Publicize actions and benefits, Assess your results

initial use of the practice or technology


The segmentation of a target population into meaningful subgroups so that messages and campaigns can be appropriately channeled

Market segmentation

Requiring other knowledge of the recipient's interpretive patterns: If the receiver is known to have a different cultural back ground from the sender, the sender will need to encode the message in the way the receiver will understand

Message design

Strategy to address socioeconomic position of women and the effect of this position on population


"Jane's relationship with bill involves no more than receiving her mail when he drops it off" this is an example of what kind of reciprocity of relationships?

One way relationship

What is the behaviorist principle?

Operant conditioning

Critique: mobilizing a community is a complex process, no "off-shelf" solutions

Organizational change

Improving the capability of organizations and systems to respond to health issues through a change process

Organizational change

Improving business performance and quality of work life. Both a philosophy and an approach to organizational change, it views organizations as systems of human beings

Organizational development

Social Learning Theory

Original formulation of the SCT

Operant conditioning

People learn through negative and positive reinforcement

This approach addresses a health issue as something more than just a health problem but as a product of a larger set of social relationships of socioeconomic structure, class, ethnicity, and gender

Political-economic appraoch

The "four Ps" of Social Marketing

Product, price, place, promotion

There to steps involved in using the SNT

Research and identify the important characteristics of the network, and development of an intervention that specifically works with the network as a facilitator

Sender --> encodes msg (text, symbols) --> medium (speech, telephone, email) --> noise(interference) --> receiver -->decodes --> feedback

Shannon weaver model

Tries to change people's behavior for the benefit of the individual, or of society as a whole. Goal is to influence "consumers" to "buy" a behavior change or health-related product/technology.

Social Marketing

Critique: Assessing the impact of a ________ campaign may be difficult because, if a behavior change is the goal, tracking exposure to the campaign for those exposed and assessing the degree to which behaviors, or at least attitudes, have changed is not always easy

Social marketing

identifying networks and conducting interviews is time consuming and if you're looking for full relational data, confidentiality can be a barrier

Social network theory

In the SNT relationships are depicted graphically in a social network diagram called?


systematic aspects of particular social structures - hierarchies, forms of inclusion and exclusion, discrimination, wealth, and resource inequities - that cause harm to some categories of people by denying them access to benefits of society, including health

Structural violence

Are there concentration of interaction among some members of the group? What is the nature of these? are any members linked to other social networks?

Subgroups, cliques, and linkages of networks

Several epidemics that exist together because conditions promote their existence


The process of developing campaigns closely tailored to the needs, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of specific market segments


What is the focus of the Social Network Theory?

The focus is on the relationships between and among individuals, and how the natures of those relationships influences beliefs and behaviors

Social Cognitive Theory began as a theoretical offshoot to behaviorism. What is Behaviorism?

The theory of how people learn that posits individual behavior as a response to conditioning.

An education component concerning the risks and outcome of risky behavior is an example of what while using the SCT?

To affect perceptions, expectations and expectancies

Task or project leader assignment is an example of what while using the SCT?

To boost self-efficacy

Social skills training in communication, self-presentation, leadership, group format to gain peer feedback and reinforcement is an example of what while using the SCT?

To gain behavioral capabiity

Improvement of collaboration between treatment and prevention is slow because of system differences, from federal government all the way down to the community level. Therefore, efforts to improve system integration would in this case be an important health promotion objective. True or false?


"Jane gets her mail from Bill, but also processes paperwork that bill gives her and goes jogging with bill at lunch"this is an example of what kind of reciprocity of relationships?

Two way relationship

Key principle of the Social Learning Theory

Vicarious learning

"uptake" of the behavior or technology by the intended audience


The use of media and communications aims to _______ ___ _________of what people are concerned about

affect the agenda

What factors are included in environmental ("external") characteristics?

behaviors of others (modeling), the situation, reinforcements, reciprocal determinism

Process of transmitting, receiving, and processing information important for behavior


critique: complicated to assess the effect of communications effort - there are many levels of exposure

communications theory

Involves collective action by groups and community members to increase awareness about the problem, advocate for policy changes, and engage in many other kinds of activities designed to do something about the environmental conditions

community mobilization

defining a community, assessing and working with the community's capacity, understanding the agenda and selecting the right issues

community mobilization key issues

lack of available health facilities for underserved populations, regulations that allow the sale of cigarettes in location easily accessible to young people, a toxic was site or other source of pollution, lack of sidewalks and green space in urban areas are all examples of

community-level conditions that have to be addressed before making any progress

what product attribute is this: Does the innovation fit with the intended audience?


what product attribute is this: Is the innovation easy to use?


An ongoing collective framework, developed over time by human societies and groups, for integrating meaning with events, actions and ways of life


Innovations are adopted in a staged process by different categories of adopters

early adopters, early majority adopters, late majority adopters, and laggards

community takes on issues. By doing this the community gains experience and sense of efficacy about resolving local problems


The context or setting of communication (informal or formal), relationships between receiver and sender, the meaning attached to channel, the process of encoding and decoding itself (meaning-making act), attention, comprehension, linking, action

factors involved on in how information is communicated

The role of agency

gives individuals a role in their own processes of change

Are all members family? All female? Diversity in types of members?

homogeneity or diversity of people in the network

According to the SCT changing behavior is a function of

individual or internal and environmental or external characteristics

planning, formative research and testing

innovation development

Key process in the dissemination of an innovation to a social group, as conceptualized in DOI theory

innovation development, dissemination, adoption, implementation, maintenance

questions such as these answer what main point of social networks: Are the relationships mostly composed of one way? Primarily multiplex relationships? Do all the people in the network have relations with several alters, making a very complex or dense pattern of interaction?

intensity of relationships in a network

Typical forms of communication

interpersonal, internet/wireless, and mass communication

Vicarious learning

learning by observation

After individuals engage in new behavior or technology for the first time, next step is to keep pattern going



negative or positive reinforcements that given to individuals in response to a behavior

what product attribute is this: Are the results of the innovation observable and easily measurable?


Other issues considered to be factors in the organizational change process. Taken together, changing an organization as it relates to health promotion has parallels to change in communities.

organizational climate, culture, and capacity

how you distribute or make the behavior or technology easily available to the target population, issues of access and availability (SM)


how language categorizes or values selected elements of the social world based on rules and assumptions about knowledge and truth at a historical point in time

postmodern perspective

for the target population, the costs involved in adopting behavior or technology (SM)


The behavior or technology offered. The benefits. (SM)


how you promote or make the target population aware of the other social marketing elements (SM)


what product attribute is this: Is the innovation better than what it will replace?

relative advantage

What are the five most cited "product attributes" that are important determinants of the speed and extent of diffusion

relative advantage, compatibility, complexibility, trialability, observability

What factors are included in individual ("Internal") characteristics?

self efficacy, behavioral capability, expectations and expectancies, self control, and emotional coping ability (managing emotional arousal)

branch of communication theory that deals with meaning-making, the use of signs and symbols


treatment and prevention tend to be funded by _______ ________.

separate agencies

Making sure to make message important and relevant

setting the agenda

Everything does not need to be said

shared body of knowledge/shared world

Critique: has gone through a number of evolutions and still includes older components "still hanging around"

social cognitive theory

critique: Very complex and may be seen more of a "grab-bag" than a theory

social cognitive theory

Critique: some __________ campaigns (and DOI efforts) introduce a product as the behavior change (e.g., condoms) - easier to track, simply because it is more tangible and observable.

social marketing

A persons behavioral capability

their level of knowledge and skill as these relate to new behavior

Primarily useful for small group interventions

social network theory

Social configuration or setting in which speech styles and underlying knowledge are shared enough to sustain distinct communication patterns

speech community

The way people communicate is affected by ______ _______ in communication technology

speedy changes

Organizational change is viewed as a ________ ________, in some ways similar to stages of change approaches for individual behavior.

stage process

The behaviors of others (modeling)

the consequences of that behavior that results in vicarious learning

what do you need to know in order to understand how social networks affect a behavior

the people in the network, frequency of interactions, the types of interactions, the difference in relational roles, and if there are cliques

The situation

the situation in which the behavior takes place, an d perceptions of the situation by individuals

Self efficacy about the new behavior

their confidence that they can do it and overcome barriers to doing it

A persons emotional coping ability

to deal with emotions involved in the behavior change

what product attribute is this: Can the innovation be tried before making the decision to adopt?


From a point of unsatisfied demand through determination or alternatives, decisions, adoption, and institutlization of change

unfreezing and refreezing

Organizational change is said to go through stages of _____ movement and _____

unfreezing, refreezing

mentor/mentee activities, mentor is a model, is an example of what of the SLT

vicarious learning

The persons expectations and expectancies

what will happen if they make the change and if that expected outcome is good or likely to be rewarded

Reciprocal determinism

where a person interacts with an environment, receives a response from the environment, adjusts behavior, interacts again

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