Ballast PPP - Ch. 2, Environmental Analysis & Project Planning

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Sustainability: what is the advantage of pervious surfaces and walks on the site (over impervious surfaces)?


Which two English cities were built using EBENEZER HOWARD's ideas?


How suitable is a [4% - 10% sloped land area] for OUTDOOR ACTIVITY?

Not suitable for structured activity, but okay for informal movement between walks (grassy shortcuts up a hill, etc)

How much parking should you strive to develop for the site?

ONLY AS MUCH as required by local zoning. THE MINIMUM. Anything more is a waste of resources, land, and money.

Which slope percentage range is UNSUITABLE for outdoor activity / tough to climb, and EXPENSIVE to build on?

OVER 10%

What are the PROS and CONS of having a architectural consultant working FOR the client instead of YOU?

PRO: you avoid a conflict when the owner is not paying on time. "Where's the money, architect!?" CON: you lose the ability to DIRECT them directly.

This planning concept involves a large parcel of land with MIXED of uses and densities: residential, commercial, houses, townhouses


What's the best configuration for TREES when the intent is to block bad wind?

Parallel rows of trees

[this approach to building design] requires that you leave the south facing yard entirely empty, free of trees and other items. What is it, and why do you do this?

Passive Solar Heating Design. You keep the south face free of obstructions in order to admit as much sunlight as possible.

Defensible space: why would you put a large window between your building lobby and the sidewalk outside?

Passive Surveillance: So residents and passerbys could observe activity inside and outside: passive surveilance

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, he identifies FIVE basic elements of the urban image. What are they?

Paths Edges Districts Nodes Landmarks

City expansion patterns: this one has a central urban core linked to smaller cores all around it. Smaller cores are linked via a beltway

Satellite pattern s

What would a special kind of zoning in a RURAL AREA be used for?

Separating agricultural uses from forestry

When working on a typical parcel of land WITHOUT major waterways running through it (such as rivers, creeks), how do you do the DRAINAGE?

Simply. DIVERT it around all improvements, using CURBS, CULVERTS, MINOR REGRADING.

When a developer is selecting a site for improvement, what are the financial characteristics of those sites NOT worth developing?

Sites that do not yield a profit. When it's more expensive to develop it and they don't expect to make back the money they spent.

What were the negative consequences of the urban layout during the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION?


The amount of solar radiation received on a ground surface mostly depends on [what]?

The ANGLE of the sun's rays to the surface.

what does HEIGHT ZONING restrict in particular?

The HEIGHT of buildings

If you're working on a historic building which turns out to be a HISTORIC LANDMARK, who should you consult?

The STATE's historic preservation officer and the national park service

Which entity grants MUNICIPALITIES the power to enact zoning laws?

The STATE, with enabling legislation.

Greek cities had TWO types of gathering spaces: the TEMPLE and the AGORA. What is the difference between them?

The TEMPLE is or religious activity. The AGORA is for social interaction, and trading goods too

Which side of a hill is more windy. The WINDWARD side, or LEEWARD side?

The WINDWARD side.

What soil condition can lead to LANDSLIDES?

When layers of differing soils creates PLANES of potential slippage.

Can you enact zoning to protect areas around airports?


Is TRANSPORTATION critical to the selection and development of a building site?


Do condominiums have CORPORATIONS?

YES, for the upkeep of the common areas.

Can you enact zoning to protect floodplains?

YES, it can happen in some places.

Are PUD's more efficient with land use? Why or why not?

YES. Because you can group buildings together and leave more open space around them.

Can an easement be enforced in a court of law?

YES. It is a LEGAL instrument and it's normally recorded.

Refer to Chapter 5 for more information on Zoning


Does SANITATION SERVICES have any special requirements for new site development?

Yes, in cold climates, you may need to make space for snow removal and snow stacking.

Does the local FIRE DEPARTMENT have any special requirements for the layout of a site and building?

Yes. You may need to provide a FIRE LANE around the building.

Is there a limit to how DENSE an environment can healthily be?

Yes. too dense means poor health and bad behavior.

In site design, why is it important to know what kinds of developments might surround your site in the future?

You can plan ahead for things like: future infrastructure, future transit, awful shadows from future buildings, shared driveways for service or parking

If you're looking to rehabilitate a national historic landmark, what must you do to receive federal tax credits?

Your rehabilitation must meet the SECRETARY of the INTERIOR's STANDARDS for REHABILITATION.

refer: skipping through NPS guidelines


What is the most common form of LEGAL CONSTRAINT on land development?


Of the five reasons NOT to accept a new project, which one is the most important and why?

The project isn't FINANCIALLY FEASIBLE. Without funding to even do the project in the first place, the other reasons are way less important.

What is the minimum width of an ACCESSIBLE (ADA) parking space?


How big is a Truck Loading Berth usually? (length, width, height)

40' long. 12' wide, 14' high.

What's the maximum recommended slope for a parking lot?


Defensible space: why would you put a grade separation between a front porch and the public sidewalk?


City expansion patterns: this one has two or more major urban centers growing simultaneously, with development between



No. They are established for a set period of time: 10 to 50 years or so.

this type of easement is for the construction of common party walls between townhouses


LAND VALUES are based on which three characteristics?


What design features can one typically find in a NEW URBANIST development?

-SQUARES -garages in the BACK -PORCHES in the front -Picket Fences

Assuming local codes allow you to collect rainwater for landscaping on site, will that work in every circumstance? What are two reasons that a rainwater cistern might be a bad idea?


What are some factors in deciding whether or not to accept a new project from a client? Name Five.

-Your current WORKLOAD in the office -Your FAMILIARITY with the project type -Whether the project is even FEASIBLE -What the client's BUDGET is, fees and construction -REPUTATION/RELIABILITY of the client

What are some reasons NOT to accept a new work proposal from a client? Name Five.

-Your office is maxed out with work already -You don't know the project type well -The project is lofty, not feasible -Their budget is too small -They have a bad reputation and they're not reliable

Do PUDs have any special zoning characteristics?

-possible exemption of setbacks -density exemptions -mixing of uses

Which slope percentage range is very good for ALL TYPES of activity, and VERY EASY to build on?

0% - 4%

an INCENTIVE ZONING PLAN must describe WHICH two FAR-related factors?

1. BASE F.A.R. (the non-incentive comparable) 2. the BONUS RATIO/F.A.R. (

ZONING: what are the TWO MAIN TYPES OF RESTRICTIONS that govern the bulk of a building more than any other restrictions?


What are two ways to reduce the amount of heat entering a building through its roof?

1. GREEN ROOFS 2. REFLECTIVE roof coverings

Where does SANITARY WASTE from a structure typically go to be processed? Name two.

1. MUNICIPAL disposal/treatment 2. ON SITE treatment / septic systems

Which slope percentage range is very good for SOME unstructured outdoor movement (not all) , and OKAY to build on without much difficulty?

4% - 10%

What are THREE tools in the toolbox for DIVERTING drainage around new site improvements (buildings, parking lots, etc)?


When looking at a site's topography for locations to build a new structure: a location whose slope is above WHAT PERCENTAGE would probably be too expensive and impractical to build on?

10 PERCENT is the cutoff for cost-effective construction

You're designing an access road and a parking lot at the end of it. What are the MAXIMUM SLOPES of each of those two things respectively?

10 Percent and 5 percent

In Edward T. Hall's terms, what distance away from you represents the BOUNDARY between social distance and public distance (acquaintance to stranger)?

12 feet

A contractor's overhead and profit are typically [WHAT] percentage of the construction cost?

15% - 40%

You're building on a site at a four way intersection, and you need to locate the access road. How far should that road be from the intersection to avoid traffic/collision issues?

150 Feet MINIMUM

In Edward T. Hall's terms, what distance away from you represents the BOUNDARY between Intimate and personal distance?

18 inches

Where and when was the first zoning ordinance passed?

1916, New York City.

In Edward T. Hall's terms, what distance away from you represents the BOUNDARY between personal distance and social distance (close friend to acquaintance)?

2.5 to 4 feet

At which PERCENTAGE does a slope become so steep, that its soil is subject to erosion and becomes EXTREMELY expensive and impractical to build on?


Part of territoriality involves BOUNDARIES between someone's space and another's space. What are some examples of boundaries?

A change in level, a row of trees, the canopy of a beach umbrella, WALLS, fences, property lines


A closed depression in the each from which water can only escape into the soil

How are the zoning USES organized?

Based on the three main occupancies (Res, Comm, Industrial) with subdivisions within each one. ie: R-7, I-3, C-2, etc

City expansion patterns: this one begins at the junction of two roads and expands outward until it hits a population/economic maximum or a mountain/river


City expansion patterns: this one is typical of most American cities


What do the following natural site features have in common?: Outcroppings, cliffs, caves, bogs?

AVOID THESE AREAS / Don't build on or around them.

Do GANTT/BAR CHARTS and CPM work well for projects of ALL SIZES?

Not necessarily. They're most useful on larger projects. Smaller projects can use a MILESTONE CHART.

[this term] refers to a legal provision which requires a property owner to allocate land for a landlocked neighbor's RIGHT TO CROSS


When you're testing the feasibility of an old building in an ADAPTIVE REUSE project, in what way is it likely not up to code and will need to be modified?


[this term] refers to the payment of a loan over time using EQUAL PAYMENTS at EQUAL INTERVALS


Broadly, at which depth can most of the ORGANIC materal in soil be found?

AT THE SURFACE and down a few inches (or feet)., where living things are.

Is soil at 5 feet down mostly made up of ORGANIC or MINERAL material?

Almost completely MINERAL, very little organic down there.

Under what circumstance can buildings of NONCONFORMING USE remain occupied?

As long as they're still being used for their original purpose.

refer to ch 30 for a detailed discussion of life cycle costs and assessment analyses

Aye Aye Captain

Are Y-shaped intersections good or bad?


What were the three archetypal categories of PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS which began showing up early on in human settlements?


If you absolutely have to build in a location with rock outcroppings at the surface, WHAT is the procedure, and what's the effect on project cost?

BLASTING. Very expensive and will increase sitework costs SIGNIFICANTLY.

which two famous international cities of the 20th century used the SUPERBLOCK concept?


Zoning: What is another term for the SKY EXPOSURE PLANE?


[this zoning device] is an imaginary inclined plane which begins at the lot line or the street centerline, and slopes up at an angle into the buildable area.

BULK PLANE RESTRICTION / sky exposure plane

Why does the superblock concept not work so well in practice?

Because so much of contemporary life revolves around the CAR

Why is the TOPOGRAPHY such an important part of site analysis and site planning?

Because the topography will constrain where improvements will be located, and regrading can become EXPENSIVE.

In the northern hemisphere, why are south facing slopes typically warmer than flat surfaces?

Because they get a more direct angle of solar radiation from the SUN

Why is an understanding of a site's topography so critical to make site development decisions?

Because topography constrains areas for development, and is very expensive to alter

What does a BIOSWALE accomplish that a mere swale cannot?

Bioswales FILTER sediments and contaminants before the water seeps into the ground.

Where and when did the new town movement start?

Britain, 1940s

Which British town planning concept failed to deliver on its promise of being completely autonomous (business and housing)?

British New Towns. They depend on bigger nearby cities for employment.

How suitable is a [10+% sloped land area] for CONSTRUCTION?

Not really suitable. Difficult and Expensive.

WHO advocated for cities to be laid out on the principled of MEDIEVAL TOWNS - curving irregular streets?


WHO advocated for the TURBINE SQUARE - civic spaces around a pinwheel arrangement of streets?


[this term] refers to a sum of money used to make improvements to a property, with the goal of enhancing the property's value over time


[this term] refers to the amount of money that is NET INCOME from a property AFTER the expenses are paid.


WHO designed the rebuilding of London after the great fire of 1666?


[which factor] is the primary factor controlling a developer's decision of WHICH SITE to select for a new development?

COST -cost of the property -cost of improvements -whether the revenue will make it worth their while

[this approach to valuing land] involves estimating what the land value WOULD BE at its highest and best use. THEN, the site improvement costs are thrown in as subtractions. Then depreciation is factored in.

COST approach

An ACCESS ALLEY must be provided adjacent to any ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES. How big is an access alley for CARS? How big is it for PARATRANSIT VANS?

Car Alley: 5'-0" Van Alley: 8'-0"

What features were at the geographic center of ebenezer howard's garden city?

Civic buildings in a park.

Who first developed the idea of the NEIGHBORHOOD as a part of city planning?

Clarence PERRY, 1929

[what] was proposed as a way of bringing people together to discuss common issues and plan?

Clarence Perry's NEIGHBORHOOD theory

[who] said that [what] should be based on the area within walking distance to an elementary school?

Clarence Perry. NEIGHBORHOODS.

How would you describe the first human settlements? What was the major pursuit that people focused on?

Collections of people AGRICULTURE

What started the city beautiful movement?

Columbian exposition in Chicago, 1893. Burnham and root, olmstead

This place emphasized -civic centers around formal parks -classical public buildings -broad tree lined parkways and streets

Columbian exposition of Chicago, 1893

Your site requires an access road from the main street. Is it better to turn a T-intersection into a FOUR WAY intersection, or do a SLIGHT OFFSET from the intersection for your access road?

Complete the 4 way intersection. AVOID THE SLIGHT OFFSET.

What was the intended benefit of Camillo Sitte's T-INTERSECTIONS?

Reducing the number of intersection collision points

[this term] refers to the DONATION of a piece of land for public use, such as a park or school


[this principle] represents the human need for a stimulating and diverse environment to live in, to avoid the negative emotional effects of a dull monotonous environment


What is the most ECONOMIC configuration of a parking lot, and why?

DOUBLE LOADED, because sharing the access lane means LESS PAVING / LESS SITE DISTURBANCE

[this term] refers to the number of people per unit of area


Is WIND a good thing for buildings?

Depends on the season. Summer breezes are GOOD. Winter wind is BAD.

If, in determining whether to accept a new project, you discover that another architect is involved in the same project, what should you do?

Determine if there is a FORMAL or INFORMAL agreement between that architect and client. DO NOT Proceed until that other architect is out of the picture

How should you treat development going on around a neighborhood's public facilities (schools, churches, leisure centers, etc)

Development should compliment / defer to it. - maintain clear access to it, maintain compatibility, maintain the latter's prominence

[this term] refers to the right of one party to use a PORTION of the land of another party IN A PARTICULAR WAY.


In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, [this term] is a linear element that breaks continuity OR forms a BOUNDARY between two districts


In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, shorelines and built up borders around a city park are examples of [what]?


What type of new building did Greek cities have that pre-greek cities did not have?

ENTERTAINMENT VENUES: theaters and stadiums

WHICH GUYS did work on how HUMAN BEHAVIOR relates to space?

Edward T. Hall, Oscar Newman

How suitable is a [0% - 4% sloped land area] for CONSTRUCTION?

Excellent, easy to build on.

How suitable is a [0% - 4% sloped land area] for OUTDOOR ACTIVITY?

Excellent, very suitable.

Which two 20th century planning schemes would have caused major sprawl problems?

FLW's broad acre city and Corbusier's

City expansion patterns: this pattern has no central focus or apparent overall organization

Field pattern

How do cities against a large body of water typically develop?

First along the water's edge, then away from it.

Who proposed a city with "one acre of land per home"?

Frank Lloyd Wright. Broadacre city

GRAVELS and SANDS are great for what? bad for what?


What is the difference between ROMAN town plans and GREEK town plans?

GREEK town plans introduce some curving streets. Roman plans do not.

WHO advocated for the straight arterial boulevards of paris in the 1860s?


[this term] refers to the use of land that will yield the GREATEST return on inestment


If your new building creates a situation where RUNOFF overwhelms the ground's capacity to absorb it, what type of tool can you use to control the runoff?

HOLDING PONDS: Retention and Detention ponds.

How does PEAT perform as a loadbearing soil?

HORRIBLY. It must be removed and replaced with GRANULAR soils.

How does Edward T. Hall's work tie into the idea of TERRITORIALITY?

He describes the virtual boundaries that represent the edge of a person's territory

Is the wind speed higher at the top of a hill or on flat ground?

Higher at top of the hill, up to 20% higher.

[this term] refers to the RATIO of improvements on a property to the VALUE of the property alone.


[this approach to valuing land] involves projecting the finished project's potential INCOME, then subtracting regular expenses (taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc).

INCOME approach

What kind of rainwater collection feature permits its water to ONLY infiltrate directly into the soil? No storm sewer


Can you collect rainwater in cisterns for supplemental irrigation/landscaping water?

If the local/state codes allow it

Why would a RESTRICTIVE COVENANT be added to a development by its developer?

If they want to maintain a desired uniformity of appearance or construction quality.

This human experience concept is best illustrated by the hills over San Francisco, or the famous skyscraper-park juxtaposition along Central Park South


What is Kevin lynch's term for the "quality of a place which makes it evoke a strong image in an observer"?


What is the sustainability benefit of placing a parking lot UNDER the building when possible?

Less site disturbance / less land spoiled by development

What are the four distances of Edward T Hall's personal spaces?

Intimate, Personal, Social, Public

When a client asks you to work on a new development, and you're looking at an existing building to potentially re-use, what's the first question to ask?

Is the existing structure APPROPRIATE for the new use? You must TEST its feasibility.

If you find that the area you're building in has significant historical or cultural importance, what guideline should govern how you design the architecture?

It should REFLECT the historic buildings. It's massing, style, and landscape design, in order to INTEGRATE and further bolster the area's cultural heritage

this type of easement governs a shared driveway serving two adjacent properties


How does the SUPERBLOCK concept approach CAR CIRCULATION?

Keep CARS out on the edge/perimeter. Encourage pedestrian movement and park space instead within

When planning out a new street, what should be the goal in laying out the road's VERTICAL alignment/path (besides the 10 percent max slope)?

Keep is as SMOOTH as possible between grades and grade changes.

Who studied the MENTAL IMAGE of the built environment?

Kevin Lynch

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, [this term] is a point of interest which CANNOT be entered - a tower, monument, natural feature, etc?


In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, statues and monuments are examples of [what]?


What is the MOST ACCURATE type of survey technique?


What kinds of features should a site include for SERVICE ACCESS?

Loading Dock Space for 60' Turn Radius Truck Turnaround

[this term] refers to a document which gives up a person's right to claim a lien on a property


[this procedure] is used to evaluate the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of a material over its entire existence, from raw material extraction to manufacture to operation, maintenance, final disposal.


[this procedure] is used to evaluate the ECONOMIC performance of a material or building system over its ENTIRE SERVICE LIFE - from initial purchase to install to maintenance to disposal.


Who proposed a city with office and housing towers surrounded by huge green spaces?

Le Corbusier

Can you construct a single family house (R-7) in an dense residential area (R-1)?

Legally, YES. But, economically, it would make no sense.

You're trying to determine the value of a house lot. You discover that three nearby house lots recently sold for $40,000 each. You thus conclude that the value of your house lot is also $40,000. WHAT APPROACH TO LAND VALUATION IS THIS?


[this approach to valuing land] involves finding prices similar properties nearby and making tiny adjustments as necessary


This city type featured two intersecting streets running from the CHURCH, out to various CITY GATES


[the crossroads of two main streets] are the base point around which the city grows. What kind of city is this?


You're designing a 30,000 SF building on a big empty site. Whats the most environmentally sound way to mass the building relative to the land?

MINIMIZE the building footprint by using MULTIPLE FLOORS if possible. Keep as much land untouched as you can.

What is the economic benefit to positioning new buildings ALONG contour lines and on shallow slopes?

MINIMIZING expensive site work / regrading

Your site requires an access road from the main street. If you cannot angle it perpendicular (90 degrees) to the street for site constraint reasons, what's the MAXIMUM ANGLE you can set it relative to the street?

Minimum 80 DEGREES

[this term] refers to a relatively small area in which a number of people live who share similar needs and desires in housing, social activities, etc.


WHICH urban planning philosophy puts car garages in the BACK of the house?


This planning philosophy, just a few decades old, is intended to counter the many bad aspects of typical american development, including sprawl.


When starting a project, are the consultants obliged to research for themselves what the applicable codes are?

NO, the architect must inform them of all applicable codes.

Do all human cultures perceive CROWDED LIVING the same way?

NO. Some cultures enjoy closer proximity, others do not.

Will a client always tell you about their budget up front?

NO. Some might not even THINK about their budget, let alone have one. You'll need to coax that out of them ASAP.

Will a client always tell you about their desired project timeline up front?

NO. Some might not even THINK about their the timeline, let alone have one. You'll need to coax that out of them ASAP.

When re-grading land, can you extend the regrading into the NEIGHBOR's yard if necessary for your site work?

NO. You must leave the neighbor's topography ALONE. The whole perimeter of your site MUST preserve its existing land elevation.

If a building of NONCONFORMING USE is demolished, does the replacement building get to enjoy the same nonconformity priveledges?

NO. the new building must confirm to normal zoning.

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, [this term] is a center of interest that people can enter: plazas, squares, defined places


In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, plazas and squares are examples of [what]?


In terms of SUSTAINABILITY, how close should you build to a wetland?

No closer than 100 feet from it.

Have ALL development concepts and city forms been SUCCESSFUL?

No, some have been failures and others have been SUCCESSFUL MODELS.

Do cities typically expand according to ONE STANDARD PATTERN?

No. There are several typical expansion patterns.

How suitable is a [4% - 10% sloped land area] for CONSTRUCTION?

Okay. not perfect but not too difficult either.

In terms of SUSTAINABILITY, What portions of a site should you NOT build on?


Are owners typically involved with an architect's consultants directly?

Only if the owner signs contracts directly with them. THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION ALWAYS FOLLOW THE LINES OF THE CONTRACT.

Human environment can also have an effect on criminal behavior. WHO had something to say about this?

Oscar Newman

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, [this term] refers to a way of circulation along which people move. Can be {a road, walk, transit line, river.


In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, roads, walkways, transit lines are examples of [what]?


[this term] refers to a legal document which defines the layout of a piece of property.


Is construction cheapest in URBAN, SUBURBAN, or RURAL settings?

SUBURBAN is the cheapest. URBAN = higher wages RURAL = too expensive to truck in all the materials

If you need to run new utility branches from the public street to your new buildings, how should they be routed between the two?

Place them along new ROADS or WALKS on the site. Or previously used areas.

The town of Radburn, New Jersey is an example of WHAT planning concept?


If you have the chance, why should you encourage MIXED-USE development on a site?

Putting people within WALKING DISTANCE of their needs is tremendous at cutting carbon emissions, and encourages physical activity.

In what type of city did AESTHETICS first become a concern?


What type of city first laid streets around POINTS OF INTEREST?


[this] is a LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE provision which is added to a property deed, which limits the use and alteration of a property by the buyer.


[this term] refers to the legal right of THE PUBLIC to traverse land belonging to another.


[this term] refers to the FRACTION of TOTAL rainfall which is NOT absorbed into the earth, flowing along the ground surface instead


When new utilities are installed, WHICH two types of utilities take precedent in terms of location?

SANITARY and STORM. Because they depend on gravity flow.

Which types of utility lines are dependent on gravity flow?


[which term] refers to the smaller retail tenants between the big ANCHOR tenants in a shopping center?

SATELLITE tenants?

[this term] refers to a legal provision which restricts how an owner may build on their land in order to protect views and developments in scenic areas


[pro practice] what is one of the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT questions you should ask when you first get offered a project by a client?


THIS TYPE OF SOIL will actually compress under load. no good.


What's the difference between SILT and CLAY, as far as the reasons they swell?

SILT swells at low temp / freezing CLAY swells when WET

Which ZONING CATEGORY is typically the most RESTRICTIVE in terms of permissible uses?


Zoning: What is another term for the BULK PLANE RESTRICTION?


[this term] describes an environment that drives people apart


[this term] describes an environment that brings people closer together


[this] is formed by the erosion of rocks and plant remains, and modified by living plans and organisms


Do zoning ordinances ever control MAXIMUM number of stories / max building height?


What's the formula for determining the slope of land?

Slope = (vertical / horizontal) x 100 ie: 15'/80' x 100 = [19% SLOPE]

In temperate climate, which spot on the hill is the BEST microclimate for wind?

South/Southeast Facing, in the middle of the slope or towards the top. NOT the very top, NOT the bottom.

City expansion patterns: this features radiating spokes of highways fanning out from an urban core, with denser development near the highways and sparser development between

Star pattern

[this term] describes a human's need to make a place their own, even temporarily


Who is LEGALLY responsible for code compliance on an consultant's drawings?

THEY ARE. They are the licensed people of their own expertise.

[this] type of soil type is found near the surface, made of a mixture or mineral and ORGANIC material


When you're testing the feasibility of an old building in an ADAPTIVE REUSE project, what three things does the STRUCTURAL ENGINEER need to determine?


How are property taxes calculated?

Take the ASSESSED value of your property (not necessarily actual) and multiply by your local MILL LEVY (a factor, ie 0.04931) for your yearly property tax.

How does a fence or a beach umbrella or a row of trees tie into the idea of TERRITORIALITY?

They are examples of BOUNDARIES Between TERRITORIES, so to speak. You can't have a territory without boundaries.

When determining whether an existing building is suitable for conversion into a new use, why are existing WINDOWS and FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS not as important?

They are not MAJOR components of a building, and thus AREN'T TOO EXPENSIVE to repair or replace.

When working on a typical parcel of land WITH major waterways running through it (such as rivers, creeks), how do you plan the site?

Those are drainage superhighways and need to be preserved. Locate all improvements/structures AWAY from them.

What is the purpose of the BULK PLANE RESTRICTION / sky exposure plane?

To ensure that adequate LIGHT AND AIR is maintained.

How should the locations of existing UTILITY LINES play into decisions you'd make about new structures/improvement on a site?

Try to keep utility line extensions to a MINIMUM. build near the existing lines, not far away from them.

How many scales can "urban development" (as a whole) be viewed as?

Two. Large city scale and small neighborhood/community scale.

[this term] refers to land which is NOT being used to its greatest return on investment potential


What basis of measurement is the MARKET APPROACH usually based on?

UNIT COSTS: cost/sf or cost/acre

When you're choosing a new building site, should you give preference to an urban site or rural site? Two reasons why?

URBAN. -Maximize efficient use of existing transportation and utility lines. No new lines. -minimize disruption of undeveloped land / greenfield

Sustainability: In developing a site, what should you do with previously disturbed/used areas of your site?

USE THEM AGAIN for your new buildings and parking. DO NOT DISTURB virgin land unless you have to.

[this term] refers to the ILLEGAL practice of charging EXORBITANT INTEREST RATES on a loan


[this term] refers to a ratio used by firms to determine the amount of time spent on BILLABLE WORK as a percentage of total employee hours.


How suitable is a [10+% sloped land area] for OUTDOOR ACTIVITY?

Unsuitable. Too steep to walk along.

If you don't have access to a survey for utility locations, what's are some assuptions you can make about where utility lines are likely located?

Utility lines generally follow RIGHT OF WAYS. They can also be found in UTILITY EASEMENTS.

When did human settlements first start using protective walls and why?

Very early on, early human settlements. FOR PROTECTION FROM OTHER PEOPLE / TRIBES.

What sort of issues might you run into when doing construction at a site with a HIGH WATER TABLE?

WATER-SATURATED EARTH getting in the way / pooling into all sub-surface activities: (EXCAVATION, FOUNDATIONS, UTILITY PLACEMENT, and LANDSCAPING)

[this term] refers to areas which are saturated by water to the point where they host vegetation which THRIVES on saturated soil.


When developing cities don't have a major geographic feature like WATER or MOUNTAINS, how do they generally develop?


What sort of zoning exemption can be granted if the result is in the interest of the public?


[This type of zoning device] can be granted to add commercial, education, or religious services to residential zones.



a LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE provision in a property deed, which RESTRICTS the use and alteration of a property by the buyer.

Road design: what's a TANGENT? What's an ARC?

a TANGENT is a straight section of road. an ARC is a curved portion of road.

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, what is a NODE?

a center of interest that people can enter: plazas, squares, defined places

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, what is an EDGE?

a linear element that breaks continuity OR forms a BOUNDARY between two districts

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, what is a LANDMARK?

a point of interest which CANNOT be entered - a tower, monument, natural feature, etc?


a sum of money used to make improvements to a property, with the goal of enhancing the property's value over time

In Kevin Lynch's IMAGE OF THE CITY, what is a PATH?

a way of circulation along which people move. Can be {a road, walk, transit line, river.

What should you inform your consultants about when you revise your drawings?

any CODE implications from the revision.

At what point in the development of the project should the architect get their CONSULTANTS involved?


In terms of SUSTAINABILITY, how high should you build above [what] floodline?

at least 5 feet above the 100 YEAR FLOOD line.

refer to chapter 25 for more soil info

aye aye

When you're working on a historic building, what is the first question to ask?


Sustainability: assuming you can't reduce the required number of streetlights in a parking lot, how can you reduce light pollution

make sure the light points down at the ground ONLY.

refer: Get to know the 10 STANDARDS for REHABILITATION


refer to chapter 53 for project practice management, also tested in PPP


Refer to chapter 29 for WIND

okey dokey

MARKET APPROACH to land valuation: If all of the surrounding 1 acre lots each sold for $40k, what's probably the value of your 2 acre lot? Why?

probably $80k MARKET APPROACH is based on COST per UNIT: cost/acre, or cost/sf

What was CHRISTOPHER WREN's contribution to urban planning?

rebuilding of London after the great fire of 1666

A site's SERVICE ACCESS should have what relationship with car and pedestrian access?

should be SEPARATE / AWAY from car/pedestrian access

As far as the owner is concerned, WHO is liable for a consultant's work?


WHO is responsible for guiding the project through the approval process?

the ARCHITECT, who assists the OWNER in doing so.

Which two functions were the medieval city centered around? Why?

the CHURCH and the MARKET because those were the TWO MOST IMPORTANT ASPECTS of city life.

Who pays for the Certificate of Occupancy.

the CONTRACTOR. It's typically part of the building permit fee anyway.


the DONATION of a piece of land for public use, such as a park or school

ZONING: Which of the four required SETBACKS on a rectangular parcel of land usually has the greatest setback distance?

the FRONT setback.

What was perhaps the best known results of the late 19th / early 20th century century City reform movement?

the GARDEN CITY concept by EBENEZER HOWARD, 1898.

Which historic period saw WORKPLACES adjacent to HOUSES adjacent to POWER STATIONS?


The late 19th / early 20th century city reform movements - emphasizing open space - came in response to the ills of which historic period?


In what type of city did the STAR SHAPED CITY develop? Why?

the MEDIEVAL CITY because GUNPOWDER made a straight wall pointless, and required projecting STAR POINTS placed the watchmen AHEAD of the main city wall.

What is a MILL LEVY?

the MULTIPLICATION FACTOR by which you can determine your yearly PROPERTY TAX, based on the ASSESSED value of your property.

[what} is the basic planning unit for contemporary American urban design, mostly due to citizen participation in the planning process?


This 20th century planning concept was intended to limit the intrusion of the automobile into a parcel of land, and encourage pedestrian movement and park space instead within


Medieval cities grew around which feature?

the crossroads of two main streets


the payment of a loan over time using EQUAL PAYMENTS at EQUAL INTERVALS

What are SATELLITE tenants?

the smaller retail tenants between the big ANCHOR tenants in a shopping center

Why should SITE DEVELOPMENT be sensitive to the existing neighborhoods adjacent to it?

to MAINTAIN the size and scale of the area, and NOT to create something that conflicts with surroundings.

What is CASH FLOW?

to the amount of money that is NET INCOME from a property AFTER the expenses are paid

What's the maximum recommended slope for LANDSCAPED area?

up to 50%!

In terms of sustainaibility, what should you find out about soil and groundwater?

whether its CONTAMINATED or not. If it is, that could make the project infeasible.

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