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A point is a value equal to ___ of a mortgage loan.


A legal claim a lender has on property to secure a debt is called

A lien

One big difference between a commercial bank and mutual savings bank is that

A mutual savings bank is owned by depositors, not stockholders

A decline in total production lasting a minimum of 2 quarters defined

A recession

Which of the following shows the steps of the credit-approval process in proper order?

Application, documentation, processing, underwriting, closing, funding

____ is the second level of the structure of the federal reserve

Board of governors

List two advantages of leasing for a business?

Allows for lower payments per month, can choose to buy, re-lease, or return equipment

In a ___ mortgage, the borrower prepay sort of the interest in order to get a lower rate.


John delucia from Citizens shared which of the following tips for you

Cash is king, know what you have in your bank account because you are the only one that knows, them that gots the gold makes the rules (all of the above)

Which of the following accounts is covered by CC regulations

Checking account

Which of the following is NOT a time deposit

Checking account

What was the most common medium of exchange in colonial America


Specific property that secures a loan is called ___


About 60% of the deposit and loan business in the US is done by

Commercial banks

The ____ rate is the amount of interest charged for short term, from the fed to banks


The interest rate the federal reserve charges for loans to member banks is called the

Discount rate

The rate of interest the federal reserve charged banks for short term loans is called

Discount rate

What is the best thing to do with money you have extra to investing your future

Diversify it all

The person who signs a draft is the


All economists agree that the federal govern can regulate the economy by raising or lowering taxes and expenditures


Basic checking accounts always pay interest in the balance deposited in the account


By law every bank must join the federal reserve


Commercial banks offer their services only to businesses


Compound interest uses the same principal amount every time it is calculated


During the mortgage and credit crisis, the government did not intervene to rescue financial institutions on the brink of failure


For a special birthday present, you can go to the bank to get a new $500 dollar bill


Generally speaking, banks offer customers fewer services today than 20 years ago


Generally speaking, when interest rates are high more credit is accessible and the economy tends to grow quickly


High consumer debt is good for banks, because banks make most of their money from the interest paid on loans.


If a credit applicant has opened many new accounts recently, that is probably a sign that the applicant is very creditworthy.


In the US, the government plays the greatest role in determining how money is moving


Interest rates are usually lower for fixed rate mortgages than for other types.


It is illegal for a bank to make different check-cashing rules for customers and non customers.


It is illegal for banks to charge higher interest rates for loans than they pay depositors


Lowered lending criteria for home mortgages benefited society as the lowered criteria allowed more consumers to achieve their goal of homeownership.


MZM is sometimes refered to as the "base" money supply


Principal is the price paid for using money


Private mortgage insurance protects the lender against loan default; it is not typically required for borrowers whose down payment is 10% or greater.


Return on equity is the ratio of net income to totals assets


Secured loans are sometimes called signature loans.


T/F A charitable group can get a SBA loan if it is less than 100 people?


The Fed clears about 90% of the checks written in the US


The agreed upon value of money in the US today is based on the governments supply of gold at Fort Knox, Kentucky


The amount a borrower pays to use the principal of a loan is called a fee.


The first bank of the United States was a government institution


The first step in the mortgage approval process is documentation


The maker of the check is called the Drawee.


The most common form of negotiable instrument is a promissory note


The national banking act of 1864 founded an adaptable, flexible system of central banking for the US


The national banking act of 1864 spelled the end of the state banking systems in the US


The strength of support assessment (SOSA) report is a quarterly report filed by US banks to summarize how each banks branches is performing


The term moral hazard means that consumers with poor moral character are a high credit risk.


The truth and lending act prohibits bill collectors from using deceptive or abusive tactics


The uniform bank performance report is an annual report issued to summarize the performance of international banks operating within the US


There was no form of paper currency in colonial America


Transmit numbers are not issued to financial institutions that hold accounts at a Federal Reserve bank.


You can't get your money from a certificate of deposit before the maturity date


The official currency of the US can properly be classified as

Fiat money

The rate to which a lender's interest rate is tied is called the


____ are records of all who have requested a copy of a credit report within the last year.


An ___ loan is a loan for which the amount of the payments, the rate of interest, and the number of payments are fixed.


Which of the following is a nondepository intermediary

Insurance company

For the bank wha is the advantage of giving out a SBA loan from other commercial loans?

It is guaranteed by the SBA, and thus, backed by the government

The current chair of the federal reserve board is _____

Jannet Yellen

Which of the following statements about HOEPA loans is NOT true?

Lenders are prohibited from charging and APR that is 10 points higher than a rate on a Treasury Bill.

All of the following are considered installment loans except

Lines of credit

The term reserve ____ refers to the way of readily converting bank reserves into cash


The risk that a bank will have to sell its assets at a loss to meet its cash demands is called

Liquidity risk

Services provided by banks that generate revenue but that are not included on their balance sheets are called ____

Off balance sheet activities

Which of the following is not an example of an agency that is focused in making banking safe and mutually beneficial across international borders

Presidents working group on financial markets

If there is too much money moving in the economy

Prices may rise, causing inflation

Which of the following is NOT part of the ongoing organizational structure of the federal reserve

Primary dealer credit facility

The beginning amout used to calculate interest is called


Marisol has written a $500 check to Stephwn, but she has only $300 in her account and it is returned unpaid to Stephen. Marisol has written a

Promissory note

A ___ qualified endorsement transfers a check to another specified party.


The Civil War in America brought monetary issues to a crisis point because

Rampant inflation threatened the entire economic system

Name the four purposes for commercial loans

Real estate, construction, equipment, operations

A bill of ___ is a negotiable and unconditional written order addressed by one party to another.


The right of ____ allows a consumer to change his or her mind about a loan until midnight of the 3rd business day following the signing of paper


The final step of the mortgage approval process is


Which of the following is NOT considered a factor in money creation

The printing of currency by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act was enacted

To protect consumers from hidden costs at closing times

The 9-digit number printed on a check that identifies the bank that holds the checking account and is responsible for payment is called the

Transmit number

A check cannot be negotiated until it has been endorsed.


A joint tenancy checking account allows each owner to make deposits and withdrawals independently


A larger down payment on a home lowers the cost of the monthly payment.


A lending policy is a written statement of the guidelines and standards a bank must follow in making credit decisions.


A loosening of the lending oversight standards contributed to the recent mortgage crisis


All federally chartered banks must be corporations


An increase in money supply and incomes often causes prices to go up as well


Any escrow surplus of more than $50 must be returned to the borrower.


Banks can loan customers the money it has on deposit, minus the reserve requirement


Banks may require up to a 7 day notice from a depositor who wants to withdraw money from on a time deposit


Check use in the US is beginning to decline


Credit cards issued by banks is a form of lending


In the absence of a national banking system, state banks grew in number and influence in the early years of the US


Interest on home-equity loans is tax deductible for consumers


Keeping large amounts of currency on hand as protection against possible increases in customers' demand for withdrawals reduces a bank's ability to make profits from loans.


Liquidity is variable, depending on the nature of the asset


Money doesn't just mean currency, but also checks, ledger transfers, and even credit


Money is a medium of exchange for people to use to trade things of value


Most banks offer essentially the same types of accounts


Most large money transactions involve ledger entries rather than the movement of physical currency


One consequence of credit overextension is a ruined credit rating.


One of the main functions of the federal reserve is to serve as a bank for other banks


Qualifying veterans may get government-backed mortgage loans with low down payments through the Dept. of Veterans Affairs


Record keeping as an important part of securing your money


Subprime rates are higher-than-normal interest rates offered to a less-than-perfect credit applicant.


The FDIC's Quarterly Banking Profile shows how loan portfolios are diversified across the banking industry.


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires that financial institutions protect the privacy of consumers.


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to promote economic growth among member countries


The fixed exchange rate ties the monetary value of one country's currency to the valuation of another country's currency


The flow of money has a direct effect on how the economy performs


The prime rate is usually the same among major banks


Under some circumstances, it is legal to write a post dated check.


A transaction account allows transactions to occur at any time and in any number


Alan Greenspan has been the chairman of the federal reserve since 2006


Which of the following statements about banks is NOT true

All banks are organized as corporations

A full endorsement limits both the transferability and the further negotiability of a check


A loan company is not a financial intermediary because it does not receive deposits


Which of the following is an example of a restrictive endorsement?

"For Deposit Only"

The largest denomination of paper currency in the US today is the

$100 note

Generally speaking, housing costs should not exceed ___ of gross monthly income.


If you had these accounts what would be the least liquid

401K account

Today the home ownership rate in the US is about

68 %

What causes stagflation

A stagnant economy, high inflation, high unemployment (all of the above)

How long is a short term loan designed for?

A year or less

The concept that's the borrowers who are most willing to accept a high interest rate are the same borrowers who are most likely to default on their loans is called

Adverse selection

The "a" in CAMELS stand for

Asset adequacy

A type of fixed rate mortgage mortgage in which the entire remaining balance of the loan is due in one single large payment is called a ___ mortgage


A ___ instrument is payable to whoever holds it.


Which of the following endorsements is the least secure?

Blank endorsement

Adding interest to the principal and paying interest on the new total is called paying

Compound interest

The government restricts the flow of cash into the economy too severely,

Consumers cannot afford to borrow

A fixed rate mortgage is also known as an ___mortgage


A shared application mortgage is another form of consumer loan tied to the appreciated value of a property.


What is a bridge loan used for?

Create short term loans until long term deals are reached

Which of the following statements is not true

Credit bureaus may not report information more than one year old

A bank evaluates the ____ of all customers who apply for loans


In fiscal policy what is meant by "priming the pump"

Cut taxes

For the purposes of computing interest what one would be the best as an investor

Daily compound

Which of the following directly transfers money from a person's account to the account of a retailer?

Debit Card

List two of the three analytical tools used to evaluate commercial lending.

Debt ratio, debt service coverage ratio

All deposits to cover transactions that make automatic withdrawals or transfers to pay bills without writing checks are called ____ deposits


People who put money in to banks are called ____


A ____ intermediary is a financial institution that obtains funds from the public and uses them to finance its business


Total assets minus total liabilities equals


The national currency act of 1863 did all of the following EXCEPT

Established the basic baking system in use today

Resources a bank used to create money through its business transactions are called ____ reserves


Which of the following largely eliminated the wide variation of legal regulation from the country's payments system?

Expedited funds availability act of 1987

Which of the following attempts to protect the information that credit bureaus may collect

Fair credit reporting act

A bank is a non-profit organization


A borrower cannot use mortgaged property until the debt is paid in full.


A check is an example of bank currency


A check must be written in paper in order to be legal.


A dollar bill represents an obligation of the government to provide a commodity of value to you


It requires banks to record and repeat data on home lending in order to identify possible discriminatory patterns.

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

Which of the following elements of the money supply, as defined by the federal reserve, can be spent immediately


The date on which a certificate of deposit is paid is called the ____ date


A ____ occurs when one or more banks join or acquire another bank or banks


The main goals of the federal reserves ____ policy are to maintain economic growth


One result of competition among banks is that

More services are available to consumers

The ____ effect is a phenomenon that creates new deposits from lending


Which of the following is NOT an element of negotiability?

Must be payable on demand

What 3 factors determine SBA eligibility?

Operate for profit, business in the US, business size

Banks move money between

Other banks, banks and individual customers, and governments (all of the above)

Which of the following accounts are you LEAST likely to encounter at a modern bank

Passbook savings account

Which of the following elements of the FICO credit-scoring system carries the most weight?

Payment history

Which of the following components of a fixed rate mortgage do not change?

Payments on the loan, interest rate, terms (all of the above)

The annual ___ rate is the amount of interest charge on a loan principal expressed as a yearly figure.


A ___ check is a check that is dated later than the date on which it is actually written.


This federal reserve regulation requires banks to maintain adequate reserves for the funds they have in deposit

Regulation D

Which of the following statements about reserve requirements is true

Reserve requirements don't change often

The emergency banking act of 1933

Separated commercial banking from investment banking to protect assets

Documentation of most credit problems stays in a consumer's file for at least

Seven years

____ cards have embedded microchips use embedded logic to change and store values and record transactions.


Which of the following contributed to the mortgage crisis?

Some countries had new levels of wealth available for investment

The difference between what a bank pays in interest and what it receives in interest is called


A check is dated 6 months or more before it is presented for payment or deposit is called a

Stale check

A ____ savings account provides a monthly or quarterly report detailing all account activity


This finance charge method takes the total finance charge, divides it by the number of months in the loan term, and assigns a higher ratio of interest to the early payments.

Sum of digits method

____ laws require that the details of lending agreement me be specified in writing


The term negotiation, as it applies to a negotiable instrument, applies to

The ability of the holder to obtain its value

In the US banks and ___ work together to form the banking system and to ensure the money supply is adequate, appropriate, and trustworthy

The government

Which of the following is NOT q source of income for a bank

The interest earned by depositors

Which of the following assets is the most liquid

The money in your wallet

Which of the following features of a check indicated who is to receive the funds?

The payee

Money on deposit, minus ____ can be loaned by banks to customers

The reserve requirement

If banks must hold more money in reserve

There is less money available to lend

The fair debt collection practices act includes which principles

Third party collectors may not use deceptive or abusive tactics as they try to collect overdue bills, collectors may not call debtors in a harassing manner, collectors may not reveal collection actions to employers of debtors (all of the above)

Which of the following interest rates is linked to some other rate?

Variable rate

The second bank of the US

Was thought by Andrew Jackson to represent the advancement of the few expense of the many

A commercial bank that specializes only in business banking is sometimes called a ____ bank


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