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homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past. ঘরের জন্য মন কেমন করা , গৃহাকুলতা , স্মরণবেদনা , স্মৃতিবেদনা , অতীত-আর্তি , হারানো দিন ফিরে পাবার আকাঙ্খা We've been there for a couple weeks now and the nostalgia is there, but we are trying to keep everything fresh. A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations: I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days in college reminiscence, remembrance, recollection; wistfulness, regret, sentimentality; homesickness


mental disorder with delusions of grandeur নিজেকে অতি বড়ো বা অতি ক্ষমতাশীল বলে ভাবার বাতিক, অতিআত্মম্মন্যতা Many of the Roman emperors sufferer from severe megalomania. Obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. delusions of grandeur, thirst/lust for power; self-importance, egotism, conceit, conceitedness Delusion about one's own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder).


merry; cheerful; gay; airy; lively; sportive হাসিখুশি , উৎফুল্ল Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county. Cheerful and light-hearted: a jocund wedding party He was always jocund and grinning, while I always just stare in annoyance.


one who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment প্রণয়ী বা প্রণয়িনী কর্তৃক নিপীড়িত হয়ে যোন আনন্দ লাভের অনুভূতি, যৌনবিকৃতিবিশেষ The simple reality is that anybody who wants to be the leader of this country is some kind of masochist with a massively inflated ego. The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one's own pain or humiliation. (In general use) the enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome: isn't there some masochism involved in taking on this kind of project?


patent medicine whose efficacy is questionable; quack medicine হাতুরে ডাক্তারের নিজের তৈরি টোটকা ওষুধ This nostrum is a compound of some of the ordinary foods with certain well-known aromatic and carminative substances. A medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person. medicine, patent medicine, potion, elixir, panacea, cure-all, wonder drug, quack remedy informal magic bullet A pet scheme or favorite remedy, especially one for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement. magic formula, recipe for success, remedy, cure, prescription, answer


powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry বড়ো ব্যবসায়ী অথবা শিল্পপতি, বিত্ত - বৈভবশালী ব্যক্তি The former telecommunications magnate is now living overseas, mostly in Dubai and Montenegro, to avoid imprisonment on a corruption conviction. A wealthy and influential person, especially in business: a media magnate tycoon, mogul, captain of industry, baron, lord, king, magnifico; industrialist, proprietor


span of one thousand years; thousandth anniversary সমস্র বৎসর The year 2000 and the third millennium is a fantastic stepping stone in the evolution of the human species. A period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ.


suspicious or distrustful; wary; cautious E.g.Having failed to produce evidence backing up these statements, they remain leery about security in their hometowns. Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions: a city leery of gang violence


: dictionary; a stock of terms used in particular profession, subject, or style; vocabulary অভিধান , শব্দকোষ , ডিকশনারি I cannot find this word in any lexicon in the library. The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge: the size of the English lexicon A dictionary, especially of Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, or Arabic:a Greek-Latin lexicon dictionary, wordbook, vocabulary list, glossary, thesaurus


: incurable; uncorrectable; impossible to remedy or correct অপ্রতিবিধেয় , অপ্রতিকার্য, প্রতিকারে অসাধ্য, অচিকিৎস্য The error she made was irremediable; she could see no way to repair it. Impossible to cure or put right: irremediable marital breakdowns


belief in magical spells to produce unnatural effects; practice of supposedly communicating with spirits of dead ones to predict future জাদুবিদ্যা, ভবিষ্যৎ জানবার জন্য জাদু বিদ্যার সাহায্যে মৃতের সঙ্গে আলাপ করার বিদ্যা বা রীতি The evil sorcerer performed feats of necromancy, calling on the spirits of the dead to tell the future. The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future. Witchcraft, sorcery, or black magic in general. sorcery, (black) magic, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry, the occult, occultism, voodoo, hoodoo; divination; spiritualism


cause to become sick; fill with disgust বিতৃষ্ণা, বমি উদ্রেক করা The foul smells began to nauseate him. Make (someone) feel sick; affect with nausea: the thought of food nauseated her Fill (someone) with revulsion; disgust: I was nauseated by the vicious comment nautical: relating to ships, sailors, or navigation I dressed myself in nautical rig, and went on deck to see all that I could.


collection of live wild animals on exhibition; enclosure in which wild animals are kept Whenever the children run wild around the house, Mom shouts, "Calm down! I'm not running a menagerie!". A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition. A strange or diverse collection of people or things: some other specimen in the television menagerie


comic misuse of word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound শব্দের হাস্যকর অপব্যবহার, প্রায় স ম ধ্বন কিন্তু ভিন্ন অর্থবহ শব্দের ব্যবহার জনিত বিভ্রাট When Mrs. Malaprop accuses Lydia of being "as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile," she confuses "allegory" and "alligator" in a typical malapropism. she's famous for her hilarious malapropisms wrong word, solecism, misuse, misapplication, infelicity, Freudian slip, blunder; slip of the tongue, eggcorn


connection; tie; core or center বন্ধন , যোগসূত্র, সংযোগ, সম্বন্ধ I have not covered the main nexus, the money. A connection or series of connections linking two or more things: the nexus between industry and political power A connected group or series: a nexus of ideas The central and most important point or place: the nexus of all this activity was the disco


creative work, as literary or musical composition রচনা Although many critics hailed his Fifth Symphony as his major work, he did not regard it as his major opus. A separate composition or set of compositions by a particular composer, usually ordered by date of publication: The Gambler was Prokofiev's sixth opera, despite its early opus number Any artistic work, especially one on a large scale: he was writing an opus on Mexico composition, work, work of art, oeuvre, piece, creation


deadly; causing or capable of causing death মারাত্মক , প্রাণঘাতী In a decision the court upheld the use of all three drugs in lethal injections. Sufficient to cause death: a lethal cocktail of alcohol and pills Harmful or destructive: the Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record fatal, deadly, mortal, death-dealing, life-threatening, murderous, killing; poisonous, toxic, noxious, venomous; dangerous, destructive, harmful, pernicious


decree; authoritative command or order বিশেষ ক্ষমতাবলে প্রণীত আদেশ, নিয়ম, বিধি বা হুকুম If the ordinance is approved, the community of 20000 people could face a long and costly court battle. A piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority: a city ordinance banned smoking in nearly all types of restaurants An authoritative order; a decree. A prescribed religious rite: Talmudic ordinances rite, ritual, ceremo


follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction এদিক ওদিক ঘুরে বেড়ানো, উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে কথা বাল, ছোট নদী একেবেকে ধীরে বয়ে চলা,সর্পিল পথ Needing to stay close to a source of water, he follows every twist and turn of the streams as they meander through the countryside. (Of a river or road) follow a winding course: a river that meandered gently through a meadow zigzag, wind, twist, turn, curve, curl, bend, snake (Of a person) wander at random: kids meandered in and out stroll, saunter, amble, wander, ramble, drift, maunder (Of a speaker or text) proceed aimlessly or with little purpose: a stylish offbeat thriller which occasionally meanders

gadfly النعرة

gadfly: any of various flies, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals; irritating person ডাঁশ , দংশ , গো - মাছি Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty-eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody. A fly that bites livestock, especially a horsefly, warble fly, or botfly. A person who annoys or criticizes others in order to provoke them into action: always a gadfly, he attacked intellectual orthodoxies gaffe: socially awkward or tactless act; foolish error, especially one made in public ভুল , অসমীচীন কাজ , ভুল পদক্ষেপ , অসমীচীন মন্তব্য , অসতর্ক উক্তি বা মন্তব্য, হঠকারিতা According to Miss Manners, to call your husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere gaffe; it is a tactical mistake. An unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder: in my first few months at work I made some real gaffes, his comments are a major diplomatic gaffe blunder, mistake, error, slip; indiscretion, impropriety, breach of etiquette, miscalculation, gaucherie, solecism; gainsay: speak against; contradict; oppose in words; deny or declare not to be true অস্বীকার করা (V), প্রতিবাদ করা She was too honest to gainsay the truth of the report. Deny or contradict (a fact or statement):the impact of the railways cannot be gainsaid deny, dispute, disagree with, argue with, dissent from, contradict, repudiate, declare untrue, challenge, oppose, contest, counter, fly in the face of; disprove, debunk, explode, discredit, refute, rebut, brush aside Speak against or oppose (someone): none could gainsay her gait: manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving; walk; rate of moving হাঁটার ধরন ন, চলনভঙ্গি , চলাফেরা, চলার ধাঁচ বা ঢং The lame man walked with an uneven gait. A person's manner of walking: the easy gait of an athlete walk, step, stride, pace, tread, manner of walking, way of walking; bearing, carriage, comportment, way of holding oneself, way of carrying oneself; The pattern of steps of a horse or dog at a particular speed. galaxy: large, isolated system of stars, as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities Give me a sky and I'll show you what a galaxy is all about. A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction. (the Galaxy) The galaxy of which the solar system is a part; the Milky Way. A large group of impressive people or things: the four musicians have played with a galaxy of stars brilliant gathering, dazzling assemblage, illustrious group; host, multitude, array, mass, bevy, horde, company, army, flock, group gale: very strong wind; gust of wind; emotional outburst as laughter or tears প্রবল বাতাস , দমকা, ঝড়, The Weather Channel warned viewers about a rising gale, with winds of up to sixty miles per hour. A very strong wind: I slept well despite the howling gales outside it was blowing a gale [AS MODIFIER]: gale-force winds battered the North Sea coast storm, tempest, squall, hurricane, tornado, cyclone, typhoon, whirlwind, superstorm; strong wind, high wind; (a gale of/gales of) An outburst of laughter: she collapsed into gales of laughter outburst, burst, eruption, explosion, effusion, attack, fit, paroxysm; peal, howl, hoot, shriek, scream, shout, roar gall: bitterness of feeling; vexation 1. পিত্ত । 2. (অশ্বসজ্জা ইত্যাদির) ঘর্ষণের দরুন প্রাণীর বিশেষত ঘোড়ার শরীরে কষ্টদায়ক স্ফীতি, তিক্ত অনুভূতি, বিদ্বেষ, ছোট করা, অবমাননা করা, মনঃপীড়া দেওয়া Sometimes, gall is so shameless it's turned into an art form. Bold and impudent behaviour: the bank had the gall to demand a fee impudence, insolence, impertinence, cheek, cheekiness, nerve, audacity, brazenness, effrontery, temerity, presumption, presumptuousness, brashness, shamelessness, pertness, boldness; An animal's gall bladder: the trade in animal parts such as bear galls Annoyance or resentment: he imagined Linda's gall as she found herself still married and not rich irritation, irritant, annoyance, vexation, pest, nuisance, provocation, bother, torment, plague, source of vexation, source of irritation, source of annoyance, thorn in one's side/flesh Make (someone) feel annoyed or resentful: it galled him to have to sit impotently in silence irritate, annoy, vex, make angry, make cross, anger, exasperate, irk, pique, put out, displease, get/put someone's back up, antagonize, get on someone's nerves, rub up the wrong way, ruffle, ruffle someone's feathers, make someone's hackles rise, raise someone's hackles; galleon: large sailing ship, usually having two or more decks and carrying guns স্পেইনদেশীয় পালতোলা জাহাজ The Spaniards pinned their hopes on the galleon, the large warship. A sailing ship in use (especially by Spain) from the 15th to the 18th centuries, originally as a warship, later for trade. Galleons were typically square-rigged and had three or more decks andmasts: a Spanish treasure galleon wrecked off the Florida Keys


gayness; splendor; cheerfulness or celebration হাসিখুশি , উৎফুল্ল The festive Christmas dinner was a merry one, and old and young alike joined in the general jollity. Lively and cheerful activity or celebration:a night of riotous jollity The quality of being cheerful:he was full of false jollity


frighten; make timid; fill with fear আতঙি্কত করা , ভয় দেখান The group said Eveleth's arrest was designed to intimidate and disrupt its protests during the Earth Summit. Frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants:the forts are designed to intimidate the nationalistpopulation(as adjective intimidating) the intimidating defencebarrister frighten, menace, terrify, scare, alarm, terrorize,overawe, awe, cow, subdue, discourage, daunt, unnerve; threaten, domineer, browbeat, bully, pressure,pressurize, harass, harry, hound, hector, torment, plague; tyrannize, persecute, oppress


huge; of a tremendous size, volume, degree রাক্ষুসে , বিশাল , অতিকায় , বিপুলকায় , প্রকাণ্ড The gargantuan wrestler was terrified of mice. Enormous: a gargantuan appetite enormous, extremely big, extremely large, massive, huge, colossal, vast, immense, cosmic, tremendous, gigantic, giant, monstrous, towering, mammoth, prodigious, elephantine, mountainous, mighty, monumental, epic, king-size, king-sized, titanic, Herculean, Brobdingnagian, substantial, hefty, weighty, bulky


: periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals থেমে-থেমে হওয়া , সবিরাম, থেকে থেকে The outdoor wedding reception had to be moved indoors to avoid the intermittent showers that fell on and off all afternoon. Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady:intermittent rain sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, disconnected, isolated, odd, random, patchy, scattered; on again and off again, on and off, in fits and starts; occasional, periodic, cyclic, recurrent, recurring


curse; act of calling down a curse that invokes evil অভিশাপ , শাপ , অমঙ্গল কামনা, ধিক্কার দেওয়া Spouting violent imprecation, Hank searched for the person who had vandalized his truck. A spoken curse:I pushed my way through, screaming imprecations curse, malediction, anathema; hex; execration, malison, ban swear word, curse, expletive, oath, profanity, four-letter word, obscenity, epithet, dirty word; (imprecations) swearing, cursing, blaspheming, blasphemy, sacrilege, bad language, foul language, strong language, colourful language;


dance and skip about in sport; leap playfully নৃত্য (N), তিড়িং - তিড়িং নাচ, সলিল লম্ফ ঝম্ফ See children gambol in the park is a pleasant experience. Run or jump about playfully:the mare gambolled towards Constance frolic, frisk, cavort, caper, skip, dance, romp, prance, leap, hop, jump, spring, bound, bounce; play


entire range; all notes in musical scale সম্পর্ন স্বরগ্রাম, কোন কিছুর পূর্ণ বিস্তার বা ব্যাপ্তি In this performance, the leading lady was able to demonstrate the complete gamut of her acting ability. The complete range or scope of something:the whole gamut of human emotion range, spectrum, span, sweep, compass, scope, area, breadth, width, reach, extent, catalogue, scale, sequence, series;variety Music A complete scale of musical notes; the range of a voice or instrument: the orchestral gamut


genealogy: account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage উদ্ভিদ বা প্রাণীর উদ্ভববৃত্তান্ত , বংশানুক্রম , বংশতালিকা , কুলুজি , বংশপরিচয় He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors. A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor: the genealogies of the kings of Mercia pedigree, ancestry, descent, lineage, line, line of descent, family tree, extraction, derivation, origin, heritage, parentage, paternity, birth, family, dynasty, house, race, strain, stock, breed, blood, bloodline, history, background, roots [MASS NOUN] The study and tracing of lines of descent


hammer-like tool; small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge সভায় শৃঙ্খলা আনবার জন্য বা মনোযোগ আকর্ষন করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত নিলামদারের বা সভাপতির হাতুড়ি And again, this -- these aren't final tallies until the gavel is actually down.


: one who makes special study of birds পক্ষিবিজ্ঞান, পক্ষীতত্ত্ব সম্পর্কিত Audubon's drawings of American bird life have been of interest not only to an ornithologist but also to the general public.


: revelation; indication of the existence, reality, or presence of something স্পষ্টকরন A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.


assembly of persons wearing masks, and amusing themselves with যে বাল নাচে মিখোশ এবং অন্যান্য ছদ্মবেশ পরা হয়, ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা dancing, conversation, or other diversions; dramatic performance by actors in masks The masquerade is where fans play instruments and perform skits, dance numbers, and stand-up comedy in costume. A false show or pretense: his masquerade ended when he was arrested pretense, deception, pose, act, front, facade, disguise, dissimulation, bluff, play-acting, The wearing of disguise: dressing up, role playing, and masquerade chiefly North American A masked ball. masked ball, masque, fancy-dress party, costume party; cosplay


authoritative command or instruction; commission of authorizing to administer a territory উর্ধ্বতন কর্তৃপক্ষের নির্দেশ বা হুকুম, কুম, আদেশ, আদেশপত্র, আদেশদান, পোপের হুকুম He believes the mandate is an issue best left to the states, and that it is wrong to impose a one-size-fits-all federal plan on the entire nation. An official order or commission to do something: a mandate to seek the release of political prisoners instruction, directive, decree, command, order, injunction, edict, charge, commission, bidding, ruling, fiat Require (something) to be done; make mandatory: the government began mandating better car safety make mandatory, legislate, authorize, require by law; designate


: showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention লোক দেখাতে পছন্দ করে এমন, জাকালো Donald Trump's latest casino in Atlantic City is the most ostentatious gambling palace in the East. Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice: books that people buy and display ostentatiously but never actually finish showy, pretentious, conspicuous, flamboyant, gaudy, brash, vulgar, loud, extravagant, fancy, ornate, overelaborate, flash, flashy, splashy, fancy-pants


act of finding oneself position; position or alignment relative to points of directions; course introducing new situation পূর্বদিকে মুখ করে স্থাপনা , পূর্বাস্য , কম্পাসের কাঁটার নিরিখে অবস্থান নির্ণয় Although its main orientation is north-south, the road turns slightly to the east and then to the west. The determination of the relative position of something or someone (especially oneself): the child's surroundings provide clues to help in orientation The relative physical position or direction of something: two complex shapes, presented in different orientations positioning, location, position, situation, placement, alignment


act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only; imitate The acting students mime eating an apple. মূকাভিনয়, The theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using only gesture, expression, and movement.


amoral; unrestrained; lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint উচ্ছৃঙ্খল , লম্পট , চিরাচরিত রীতি বা প্রথা লঙ্ঘনকারী , অসচ্চরিত্র, কামুক Unscrupulously seducing the daughter of his host, Don Juan felt no qualms about the immorality of his licentious behavior. Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters. dissolute, dissipated, debauched, degenerate, immoral, naughty, wanton, decadent, depraved, sinful, corrupt; lustful, lecherous, lascivious, libidinous, prurient, lubricious, lewd, promiscuous, lickerish


be all mixed up or jumbled together; মিশ্রিত করা (V), মিশান (V), মিলিত করা (V), মিশা (V), মিলিয়ে দেত্তয়া (V), মিশ্রিত হত্তয়া E.g.Almost all of the 2,500 athletes who competed in Salt Lake came to mingle and party together in the final gathering of the 77 nations who'd contested the Games. Mix or cause to mix together: [no object]: the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs [with object]: an expression that mingled compassion and bewilderment mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, unite, join, amalgamate, meld, mesh [no object] Move freely around a place or at a social function, associating with others: over aperitifs, there was a chance to mingle with friends old and new socialize, circulate, fraternize, get together, associate with others


be any thick messy substance; pass gradually; progress slowly but steadily বিশেষত নদী, পুকুর বা সরোবরে তলাকার নরম পিচ্ছিল কাদা, চুইয়ে পড়া, ধীরে ধীরে শেষ হওয়া Over grass bleached colorless by strong sun, we see the herd ooze forward. (Of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something; flow in a very gradual way: blood was oozing from a wound in his scalp honey oozed out of the comb seep, discharge, flow, exude, trickle, drip, dribble, issue, filter, percolate, escape, leak, drain, empty, bleed, sweat, well;


beginner; person new to a field or activity এখনো যে শিক্ষা গ্রহণে নিযুক্ত এবং অভিজ্ঞতাহীন, নবব্রত, শিক্ষানবিশ To do this appears so abrupt that the novice is apt to make a further effort to finish up the subject. A person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation: he was a complete novice in foreign affairs beginner, learner, neophyte, newcomer, initiate, tyro, fledgling; apprentice, trainee, probationer, student, pupil, tenderfoot A person who has entered a religious order and is under probation, before taking vows. neophyte, novitiate; postulant, proselyte, catechumen


border; rim; room মার্জিন, কিনারা, প্রান্ত In the lower house, they will have an even bigger margin. The edge or border of something: the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean figurative they were forced to live on the margins of society edge, side, verge, border, perimeter, brink, brim, rim, fringe, boundary, limits, periphery, bound, extremity


brief; effectively cut short; marked by use of few words অল্প কথায় প্রকাশিত, স্বল্প ভাষী ব্যক্তি Many of the characters portrayed by Clint Eastwood are laconic types: strong men of few words. (Of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words:his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical, crisp, pithy, to the point, incisive,short and sweet, compendious; abrupt, blunt, curt, clipped, monosyllabic, brusque, pointed, gruff, sharp, tart; epigrammatic, aphoristic, gnomic taciturn, of few words, uncommunicative, reticent, quiet, untalkative, reserved, silent, speechless, tight-lipped, unforthcoming, brusque


cancel out; make ineffective or invalid; deny অস্বীকার করা, রদ বা বাতিল করা, নাকচ করা A sudden surge of adrenalin can negate the effects of fatigue: there's nothing like a good shock to wake you up. Nullify; make ineffective: alcohol negates the effects of the drug invalidate, nullify, neutralize, cancel; undo, reverse, annul, void, revoke, rescind, repeal, retract, countermand, overrule, overturn Logic & Grammar Make (a clause, sentence, or proposition) negative in meaning. Deny the existence of (something): negating the political nature of education disprove, prove wrong, prove false, refute, debunk, discredit, invalidate


cast out; degraded; excluded from a society গৃহ বা সমাজ তাড়িত, গৃহহীন ও নির্বন্ধব She had never been cold or hungry or outcast from Society. A person who has been rejected by society or a social group. pariah, persona non grata, reject, outsider, leper


causing disapproval or protest; very annoying or objectionable; offensive I find your behavior obnoxious; please mend your ways. আপত্তিকর, জঘন্য, নোংরা Extremely unpleasant. unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, distasteful, offensive, objectionable, unsavory, unpalatable, off-putting, awful, terrible, dreadful, frightful, revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, odious, vile, foul, abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating, sickening, hateful, insufferable, intolerable, detestable, abominable, despicable, contemptible


civil officer with power to administer and enforce law Mr. Eshton, the magistrate of the district, is gentleman-like.


clear, transparent or bright; calm, untroubled, and without worry পরিষ্কার , নির্মল , স্বচ্ছ A limpid stream ran through his property. (Of a liquid) free of anything that darkens; completely clear. 1.1(Of a person's eyes) unclouded; clear. (Especially of writing or music) clear and accessible or melodious:the limpid notes of a recorder lucid, clear, plain, understandable,intelligible, comprehensible,coherent, explicit, unambiguous,simple, vivid, sharp, crystal clear


confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex বিভ্রান্ত করা , ধন্দে ফেলা , কোনো বিষয়কে অস্পষ্ট বা ঘোলাটে করে তোলা , কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা , হতভম্ব করা , ঘাবড়ে দেওয়া, মনকে আচ্ছন্ন করা, হতবুদ্ধি ব বিভ্রান্ত করা Was the president's spokesman trying to clarify the Whitewater mystery, or was he trying to obfuscate the issue so the voters would never figure out what went on?. Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible: the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins obscure, confuse, make unclear, blur, muddle, complicate, overcomplicate, muddy, cloud, befog Bewilder (someone): it is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them bewilder, mystify, puzzle, perplex, confuse, baffle, confound, bemuse, befuddle, nonplus


damaged or disfigured by injury or rough wear She had to refinish the marred surface of the table. Impair the appearance of; disfigure: no wrinkles marred her face নষ্ট করা , ক্ষতি করা , বিকৃত করা , বিরুপ করা More example sentences Synonyms spoil, impair, disfigure, detract from, blemish, scar; mutilate, deface, deform View synonyms spoil, ruin, impair, damage, wreck; harm, hurt, blight, taint, tarnish, sully, stain, pollute


danger; a threat or the act of threatening; something that is a source of danger; threaten; intimidate বিপদ, হুমকি, ভীতি প্রদর্শন,, বিপজ্জনক Whenever the famished great girls had an opportunity, they would coax or menace the little ones out of their portion. A person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger: a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of drugs the snakes are a menace to farm animals danger, peril, risk, hazard, threat;jeopardy A threatening quality, tone, or atmosphere: he spoke the words with a hint of menace threat, ominousness, intimidation, warning, ill omen informal A person or thing that causes trouble or annoyance: his kid sister, that chatty little menace, had become the knockout of the neighborhood nuisance, pest, annoyance, plague, torment, terror, troublemaker, mischief-maker, thorn in someone's side/flesh


decree or command; grant holy orders; predestine পুরোহিত বা ধর্মধিকারীর পেশায় বোরন করা, ঈশ্বর, আইন কর্তৃত্ব সম্বন্ধে স্থির করা, আদেশ দান করা, ভাগ্য স্থির করে দেওয়া The king would ordain that no foreigner should be allowed to enter the city. Make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on. confer holy orders on, appoint, anoint, consecrate, install, invest, induct Order or decree (something) officially: equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes decree, rule, order, command, enjoin, lay/set down, establish, dictate, legislate, prescribe, pronounce (Especially of God or fate) prescribe; determine (something): the path ordained by God More example sentences Synonyms predetermine, predestine, preordain, destine, determine, prescribe, designate, will


endanger; imperil; put at risk বিপন্ন , বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা , ঝুঁকিগ্রহণ করা , ঝুঁকি নেত্তয়া He would compel her to listen to what he had to say; he would never again jeopardize their happiness by allowing her to misunderstand him. Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure:a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize NewYork's position as a financial centre threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk, put in danger, expose to danger, put in jeopardy, put on the line; leave vulnerable, leave unprotected; compromise, prejudice, be prejudicial to; be a danger to, pose a threat to; damage, injure, harm, do harm to, be detrimental to, drive a nail into the coffin of


favoring of relatives or friends because of their relationship rather than their abilities স্বজনপোষণ, স্বজনপ্রীতি John left his position with the company because he felt that advancement was based on nepotism rather than ability. The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs. favoritism, preferential treatment, the old boy network, looking after one's own, bias, partiality, partisanship


gigantic; of great comparative size অধুনবিলুপ্ত হস্তিজাতীয় জন্তুবিশেষ , সুবৃহৎ , বিরাট, বিশাল To try to memorize every word on this vocabulary list would be a mammoth undertaking; take on projects that are more manageable in size. Huge: a mammoth corporation huge, enormous, gigantic, giant, colossal, massive, vast, immense, mighty, stupendous, monumental, Herculean, epic, prodigious, mountainous, monstrous, titanic, towering, elephantine, king-size(d), economy-size(d), gargantuan, Brobdingnagian


hypnotize; attract strongly, as if with magnet; bring into a state of mesmeric sleep সম্মোহক (Adj.), বিমুগ্ধ করে এমন (Adj.), বিমোহন (Adj.), জাদুপূর্ণ (Adj.) Not only is she an Arab-American, but she could mesmerize the Israelis and Arabs into a peace deal. enthrall, hold spellbound, entrance, dazzle, bedazzle, bewitch, charm, captivate, enchant, fascinate, transfix, grip, hypnotize


in name only; insignificantly small He offered to drive her to the airport for only a nominal fee. The devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline. The body or system of names in a particular field: the nomenclature of chemical compounds


interested in making money; profit oriented; hired for service in foreign army অর্থ বা পুরুস্কারের জন্য কাজ করিতেছে এমন , বেতনভোগী, ভাড়াটে কর্মী/ সৈনিক South African involvement in mercenary activities was approved in the National Assembly on Tuesday. (Of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics: she's nothing but a mercenary little gold digger money-oriented, grasping, greedy, acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, bribable, venal, materialistic noun (plural mercenaries) A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. soldier of fortune, professional soldier, hired soldier, gunman


lacking in insight or discernment; stupid ভোঁতা, স্থূলকোণ, স্থুল- বুদ্ধি, বোকা What can you do with somebody who's so obtuse that he can't even tell that you're insulting him?. Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand: he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless; insensitive, imperceptive, uncomprehending Difficult to understand: some of the lyrics are a bit obtuse


lowest point; point on sphere opposites zenith diametrically নিম্নতম বিন্দু , পাদবিন্দু , কুবিন্দু , চরম দুরবস্থা , দুর্বলতম বিন্দু Although few people realized it, the Dow-Jones averages had reached their nadir and would soon begin an upward surge. The lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization: they had reached the nadir of their sufferings More example sentences Synonyms lowest point, lowest level, all-time low, bottom, rock-bottom Astronomy The point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer. The opposite of zenith.


loyal servant of another, usually more powerful being যে ভৃত্য প্রভুর মনোরঞ্জনের জন্য ক্রতদাসের মতো তাঁর আদেশ পালন করে, গ A follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one. EXAMPLE SENTENCES How can Ministers, mandarins, and minions be kept away from cricket matches meant for the paying public? Why, then, insist that the minions should be happy to have suffered under colonial rule? It was especially interesting to see how these minions went into overdrive after the recent Loyalist riots. GET MORE EXAMPLES SYNONYMS underling, henchman, flunky, lackey, hanger-on, follower, servant, hireling, vassal, stooge, toady, sycophant informal yes-man, trained seal, bootlicker, brown-noser, suck-up


major city, especially chief city of country or region রাজধানী , প্রধান নগর Every evening the terminal is filled with thousands of commuters going from this metropolis to their homes in the suburbs. The capital or chief city of a country or region. A very large and densely populated industrial and commercial city.


moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace খুব ভাল নয়,মাঝারি মানের, সাধারণ He manages to give solid performances even in mediocre movies. Of only moderate quality; not very good: a mediocre actor ordinary, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, indifferent, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable, amateur, amateurish uninteresting, mediocre, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, unexceptional, unexciting, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable


negligence: neglect; failure to take reasonable care; state or quality of being negligent অযন্ত , অমনোযোগ , অবহেলা , অসাবধানতা , গাফিলতি, অসতর্কতা, অবহেলিত অবস্থা, উপেক্ষা As for employment, this negligence is apparent in a variety of aspects, such as qualification and training, as these financial institutions offer few training courses to female employees. Failure to take proper care in doing something: some of these accidents are due to negligence Law Failure to use reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to another.


not able to be corrected or repaired Any misdirected effort at manipulation or pressure may result in irreparable injury to the parts. (Of an injury or loss) impossible to rectify or repair: they were doing irreparable damage to my heart and lungs irreversible, irremediable, unrectifiable, irrevocable, irretrievable, irredeemable, unrestorable, irrecoverable, unrecoverable, unrepairable, beyond repair, past mending; hopeless, past hope, beyond hope;


obligatory; required or commanded by authority আদেশব্যঞ্জক, বাধ্যতামূলক These instructions are mandatory, any violation will be severely punished. Required by law or rules; compulsory: wearing helmets was made mandatory for cyclists obligatory, compulsory, binding, required, requisite, necessary, essential, imperative


opposite; reversed in order, nature, or effect; turned upside down অবস্থা, পর্যায়, সম্পর্ক ই-সম্বন্ধে বিপরীত , উল্টো , ব্যস্ত There is an inverse ratio between the strength of light and its distance. Opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or effect:numerous studies have shown an inverse relationship between exercise and the risk of heart disease reverse, reversed, inverted, opposite, converse, contrary, counter, antithetical, transposed,retroverted


pantry; place where food is kept মাংস, খাদ্য দ্রব্য রাখার জন্য ব্যবহৃত তাক, মাংস ও অন্যান্য খাবারদাবার জমা করে রাখার ঘর The first thing Bill did on returning home from school was to check what snacks his mother had in the larder. A room or large cupboard for storing food. pantry, storage room, storeroom, store, food store, cupboard; cooler, scullery;


philosophy or science of law; division or department of law মানবিক আইনের বিজ্ঞান ও দর্শন, আইন বিজ্ঞান He was more a student of jurisprudence than a practitioner of the law. The theory or philosophy of law. A legal system: American jurisprudence


prospect; view; belief about the future ; act of looking out দৃশ্য, যা ঘটতে পারে, ভবিষ্যতের আভাস, দৃষ্টি ভঙ্গি The general global economic outlook now looks more positive than it was earlier in the year. A person's point of view or general attitude to life: broaden your outlook on life point of view, viewpoint, views, opinion, (way of) attitude, standpoint, stance, frame of mind thinking, perspective, A view: the pleasant outlook from the lodge window view, vista, prospect, panorama, scene, aspect A place from which a view is possible; a vantage point. The prospect for the future: the deteriorating economic outlook prospects, expectations, hopes, future, lookout


refusal of any compromise; stubbornness আপসবিমুখ , একরোখা, অনমনীয়, আপসহীন মনোভাব The negotiating team had not expected such intransigence from the striking workers, who rejected any hint of a compromise. Unwilling or refusing to change one's views or toagree about something:her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent uncompromising, inflexible, unbending,unyielding, unshakeable, unwavering, resolute,unpersuadable, unmalleable, unaccommodating,uncooperative, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, pig-headed, bull-headed, single-minded, iron-willed,hard-line, hard and fast, diehard, immovable,unrelenting, inexorable, inveterate, rigid, tough,firm, determined, adamant, tenacious


uncertain how to act or proceed; undecided; lacking in resolution অস্থিরচিত্ত , চঞ্চলমতি Once you have made your decision, don't waver; a leader should never appear irresolute. Showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain:she stood irresolute outside his door indecisive, hesitant, tentative, nervous, weak; vacillating, equivocating, dithering, wavering, teetering, fluctuating, faltering, shilly-shallying; ambivalent, divided, in two minds, in a dilemma, in a quandary, torn; doubtful, in doubt, full of doubt, unsure, uncertain; undecided, uncommitted, unresolved, undetermined


virtue; admirable quality or attribute; credit প্রশংসনীয় গুন বা যোগ্যতা, উংকর্ষ, পুরস্কৃত হওয়া যোগ্য গুন বা বিষয়, যোগ্য হওয়া I believe that giving work based on gender and not on merit is sexism. The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward: composers of outstanding merit excellence, quality, caliber, worth, worthiness, credit, value, distinction, eminence A feature or fact that deserves praise or reward: the relative merits of both approaches have to be considered good point, strong point, advantage, benefit, value, asset, plus


wandering; traveling place to place, especially to perform work or duty E.g.Since the storm, the city had also been attracting a new kind of itinerant idealist.


: act of extreme violence or viciousness; offense চরম সন্ত্রাস বা নিষ্ঠুরতা, চরম সস্ত্রাসী বা নিষ্ঠুর কাজ, যে কাজ জন্মতকে প্রচন্ডভাবে আঘাত করে, নির্মম আচরণ বলাৎকার করা, অবমানা করা Breaking the silence and expressing our outrage is the only way to even begin to make a change. An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation: her voice trembled with outrage indignation, fury, anger, rage, disapproval, wrath, resentment 1.1An action or event causing anger, shock, or indignation: the decision was an outrage scandal, offense, insult, injustice, disgrace atrocity, act of violence/wickedness, crime, wrong, barbarism, inhumane act [with object] (usually be outraged) Back to top 1Arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation in (someone): he was outraged at this attempt to take his victory away from him More example sentences Synonyms enrage, infuriate, incense, anger, scandalize, offend, give offense to, affront, shock, horrify, disgust, appall


: assemble without order or sense; confused multitude of things; chaos; mess; mixture এলোমেলো করিয়া মিশ্রিত করা , এলোমেলোভাবে মিশ্রিত হওয়া , আলোড়িত হওয়া , ~up তালগোল পাকানো, মিশ্রিত করা বা হওয়া , পুরানো, ব্যবহৃত মালের বিক্রয়( সস্তা দরে) The finale was one big jumble of nonsense, just like the entire series was. An untidy collection or pile of things: the books were in a chaotic jumble untidy heap, confused heap, clutter, muddle, mess, confusion, welter, disarray, disarrangement, tangle, litter; hodgepodge, hotch potch, mishmash, miscellany, motley collection, mixture, mixed bag, medley,farrago [MASS NOUN] British Articles collected for a jumble sale:we are collecting jumble for charity junk, bric-a-brac, bits and pieces;


: capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable ধাতু সম্পর্কে হাতুরি দ্বারা পিটিয়ে বা চাপ প্রয়োগ করে নতুন আকার দেওয়া যায় এমন, ব্যক্তি সম্পর্কে যে কোন অবস্থানে সঙ্গে মানিয়ে নিতে পারে এমন, নমনীয় Gold is a malleable metal, easily shaped into bracelets and rings. (Of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. pliable, ductile, plastic, pliant, soft, workable Easily influenced; pliable: Anna was shaken enough to be malleable More example sentences easily influenced, suggestible, susceptible, impressionable, pliable, amenable, compliant, tractable; biddable, complaisant, manipulable, persuadable, like putty in someone's hands


: criminal; one who does evil or injury to another অপরাধী, মন্দ কাজে নিয়োজত ব্যক্তি Mighty Mouse will save the day, hunting down every malefactor and rescuing innocent mice from peril. A person who commits a crime or some other wrong. wrongdoer, miscreant, offender, criminal, culprit, villain, lawbreaker, felon, evildoer, delinquent, hooligan, hoodlum; sinner, transgressor


: excessively or elaborately decorated; flashy, showy, or florid in style or manner অলঙ্কারসমৃদ্ধ, অতি অলঙ্কৃত, রীতিতে বা ভাষার ব্যবহারে সহজ নয় With its elaborately carved, convoluted lines, furniture of the Baroque period was highly ornate. Made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns: an ornate wrought-iron railing elaborate, decorated, embellished, adorned, ornamented, fancy, fussy, ostentatious, showy (Of literary style) using unusual words and complex constructions: peculiarly ornate and metaphorical language elaborate, flowery, florid; grandiose, pompous, pretentious, high-flown, orotund, magniloquent, grandiloquent, rhetorical, oratorical, bombastic, overwrought, overblown


: fearless; indicating or springing from courage অকুতোভয়, নির্বিশঙ্ক, শঙ্কাহীন, নিরাতঙ্ক For her intrepid conduct nursing the wounded during the war, Florence Nightingale was honored by Queen Victoria. Fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical orhumorous effect):our intrepid reporter fearless, unafraid, undaunted, dauntless,undismayed, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblenching, unabashed, bold, daring, audacious,adventurous, dashing, heroic, dynamic, spirited,mettlesome, confident, indomitable; brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, stout-hearted, lionhearted, stalwart, plucky


: generous gift; money or gifts bestowed Lady Bountiful distributed largess to the poor. Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others:presumably public money is not dispensed with such largesse to anyone else generosity, liberality, munificence,bounty, bountifulness, beneficence, benefaction, altruism, charity,philanthropy, magnanimity,benevolence, charitableness, open-handedness, kindness, big-heartedness, great-heartedness, lavishness, free-handedness,unselfishness, selflessness, self-sacrifice, self-denial historical alms giving Money or gifts given generously: the distribution of largesse to the local population gifts, presents, donations,handouts, endowments, grants, aid,alms, offerings, favours,contributions; patronage, sponsorship, backing, help


: nourish; help grow or develop; foster সযত্নে লালন , প্রশিক্ষণ , খাদ্য , পুষ্টি , প্রশিক্ষন, শিশুশিক্ষা, প্রতিপালন, শিক্ষাদান করা The Head Start program attempts to nurture pre-kindergarten children so that they will do well when they enter public school. Care for and encourage the growth or development of: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family bring up, care for, take care of, look after, tend, rear, raise, support, foster;parent, mother; hand-rear, encourage, promote, stimulate, develop, foster, cultivate, boost, contribute to, assist, help, abet, strengthen, fuel Help or encourage the development of: my father nurtured my love of art Cherish (a hope, belief, or ambition): for a long time she had nurtured the dream of buying a shop


: one that refuses to abide or be independent; an unbranded range animal মালিকের ছাপবিহীন অবস্থায় পথে পথে ঘুরে বেড়ায় এমন গোবৎস, পথে পথে ঘুরে বেড়ায় এমন লোক, গোঁড়া নয় এমন লোক, প্রচলিত মত পোষণ করেন না এমন লোক But, a maverick is also one who cannot be identified as belonging to any specific herd. An unorthodox or independent-minded person: a maverick among Connecticut Republicans individualist, nonconformist, free spirit, unorthodox person, original, eccentric; rebel, dissenter, dissident, enfant terrible North American An unbranded calf or yearling.


: small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something ক্ষুদ্র জগৎ , ক্ষুদ্র পৃথিবী , মনুষ্য The small village community that Jane Austen depicts serves as a microcosm of English society in her time. a small place, society, or situation that has the same characteristics as something much larger: [C] What's happened to us is a microcosm of what's happened to industry in America. A community, place, or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger: Berlin is a microcosm of Germany, in unity as in division


: something that holds one back; state of being legally obliged and responsible দায়, দায়িত্ব, বাধ্যবধকতা, ঋণ, মোট দেনা, বোঝা, অসুবিধা E.g. The other main liability is debt, which many banks used to finance risky investments, leading to the financial crisis. The state of being responsible for something, especially by law: the partners accept unlimited liability for any risks they undertake accountability, responsibility, legal responsibility, answerability; blame, culpability, guilt, fault (usually liabilities) A thing for which someone is responsible, especially a debt or financial obligation: valuing the company's liabilities and assets financial obligations, debts, arrears, dues [USUALLY IN SINGULAR] A person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a disadvantage: he has become a political liability hindrance, encumbrance, burden, handicap, nuisance, inconvenience; obstacle, impediment, disadvantage, weakness, weak link, shortcoming; millstone around one's neck, albatross, Achilles heel


: unable to be disproved; incontrovertible; undeniable অকাট্য (Adj.), অখণ্ডনীয়, মিথ্যা প্রমাণ করা যায় না এমন No matter how hard I tried to find a good comeback for her argument, I couldn't think of one: her logic was irrefutable. Impossible to deny or disprove:irrefutable evidence indisputable, undeniable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, incontestable, unassailable, impregnable, beyond question, indubitable, beyond doubt, beyond dispute, indisputable; conclusive, definite, definitive, decisive, certain, sure, positive, sound, flawless, watertight,unmistakable, palpable, patent, manifest, obvious, evident, plain, clear, forceful, telling


an opening or aperture; recess; introductory section or part, as of a poem আলাপ-আলোচনা প্রস্তাবনা, অপেরা শুরুর পূর্বে বাদ্য যন্ত্রের পরিবেশিত মুখ বন্ধ বা যন্ত্রসঙ্গীত This overture has the potential to call out the real spirit of the so-called Tea Party. An introduction to something more substantial: the talks were no more than an overture to a long debate preliminary, prelude, introduction, lead-in, precursor, start, beginning (usually overtures) An approach or proposal made to someone with the aim of opening negotiations or establishing a relationship: Coleen listened to his overtures of love (opening) move, approach, advances, feeler, signal, proposal, proposition An orchestral piece at the beginning of an opera, suite, play, oratorio, or other extended composition. prelude, introduction, opening, introductory movement


clearly apparent to understanding; obvious সুস্পষ্ট , সুপষ্টভাবে প্রকাশ করা, সুস্পষ্টভাবে দেখানো বা প্রতীয়মান করা, ইঙ্গিত দেওয়া, প্রকাশ পাওয়া, স্পষ্টকরন, কোন জাহাজের মালামালের তালিকা Whatsoever makes manifest, that is, makes plain and clear. Clear or obvious to the eye or mind: the system's manifest failings obvious, clear, plain, apparent, evident, patent, palpable, distinct, definite, blatant, overt, glaring, barefaced, explicit, transparent, conspicuous, undisguised, unmistakable, noticeable, perceptible, visible, recognizable A document giving comprehensive details of a ship and its cargo and other contents, passengers, and crew for the use of customs officers.


darken; make dim or indistinct; conceal in obscurity অন্ধকার , আবছা, গুপ্ত, অস্পষ্ট ২. সুপরিচিত নয় এমন, অখ্যাত ৩. অজ্ঞাত, কুসংস্কার Because the smog will obscure our view, we have to adjust original plan. Not discovered or known about; uncertain: his origins and parentage are obscure unclear, uncertain, unknown, in doubt, doubtful, dubious, mysterious, hazy, vague, indeterminate, concealed, hidden Not clearly expressed or easily understood: obscure references to Proust abstruse, recondite, arcane, esoteric; mystifying, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, Delphic, oracular, oblique, opaque, elliptical, unintelligible, incomprehensible, impenetrable, unfathomable Not important or well known: an obscure religious sect little known, unknown, unheard of, unnoticed, undistinguished, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, lowly; nameless, anonymous; unsung, unrecognized, forgotten Hard to make out or define; vague: figurative I feel an obscure resentment indistinct, faint, vague, nebulous, ill-defined, unclear, blurred, blurry, misty, hazy;


direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry বংশ , কুল , ঘর Amyfw, while everything you state about Jewish law and lineage is correct, George Allen would not be considered a Jew. Lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree. ancestry, family, parentage, birth, descent, line, extraction, derivation, genealogy, roots, origin, background, heritage, dual heritage; stock, bloodline, breeding, pedigree


exaggerated display; behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual অভ্যাস বা আচরণের অদ্ভুত বৈশিষ্ট, মুদ্রাদোষ, শিল্প বা সাহিত্যে বৈশিষ্টপুর্ণ ঢঙ্গের অত্যধিক ব্যবহার This list offers product information, price comparisons, user reviews, and ratings for mannerism products. A habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving; an idiosyncrasy: learning the great man's speeches and studying his mannerisms idiosyncrasy, quirk, oddity, foible, trait, peculiarity, habit, characteristic, tic Psychiatry An ordinary gesture or expression that becomes abnormal through exaggeration or repetition.


group of men joined in political intrigue; group of military officers ruling a country জোরপূর্বক ক্ষমতা দখলকারী সামরিক অফিসারদের দল বা চক্র, রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্যে গুপ্তসভা As soon as he learned of its existence, the dictator ordered the execution of all of the members of the junta. A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force:the country's ruling military junta faction, group, cabal, clique, party, set, ring, gang, league, confederacy


incapable of being excelled; unbeatable বাঁধা, বিঘ্ন ইত্যাদি সমন্ধে অনতিক্রম্য Though the odds against their survival seemed insuperable, the Apollo 13 astronauts reached earth safely. (Of a difficulty or obstacle) impossible to overcome:insuperable financial problems insurmountable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable; overwhelming, hopeless, impossible


insincerely emotional; showing a sickly excess of sentiment বিরক্তকর রকম ভাবপ্রবণ Whenever Gigi and her boyfriend would sigh and get all lovey-dovey, her little brother would shout, "Yuck!" protesting their mawkish behavior. Sentimental in a feeble or sickly way: a mawkish poem sentimental, oversentimental, maudlin, cloying, sickly, saccharine, sugary, oversweet, syrupy, nauseating


invulnerable; able to withstand attack অভেদ্য , অজেয় , দুর্জয় , দুর্ভেদ্য , ঘাতসহ , অটল, অলঙ্ঘনীয় Until the development of the airplane as a military weapon, the fort was considered impregnable. (Of a fortified p


lacking definite form or limits; hazy; cloudy মেঘ সদৃশ, ঝপসা, অস্পষ্ট, ধূমান্ধকার After twenty years, she had only a nebulous memory of her grandmother's face. In the form of a cloud or haze; hazy: a giant nebulous glow indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty, blurred, blurry, foggy; faint, shadowy, obscure, formless, amorphous (Of a concept or idea) unclear, vague, or ill-defined: nebulous concepts like quality of life vague, ill-defined, unclear, hazy, uncertain, indefinite, indeterminate, imprecise, unformed, muddled, confused, ambiguous


morally or legally constraining; required; binding আইন বা প্রথা অনুযায়ী বাধ্যতামূলক, অবশ্য করনীয় It is obligatory that books borrowed from the library be returned within two weeks. Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory: use of seat belts in cars is now obligatory So customary or routine as to be expected of everyone or on every occasion: after the obligatory preamble on the weather he got down to business


of or relating to or occurring in the night; most active at night রাত্রিসংক্রান্ত , রাত্রের , রাত্রে ঘটে এমন , নৈশ , নিশাচর They wouldn't rest until the large black snake, which appears to be nocturnal, is no longer free. Done, occurring, or active at night: most owls are nocturnal


official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing লাইসেন্স , অনুমতিপত্র , অনুমতি , ক্ষমতা দেওয়া The effective date of the new license is January 1, 2010, you have to bring old one when driving. Formal or official permission to do something: logging is permitted under license from the Forest Service A writer's or artist's freedom to deviate from fact or from conventions such as grammar, meter, or perspective, for effect: artistic license disregard for the facts, inventiveness, invention, creativity, imagination, fancy, freedom, looseness Freedom to behave as one wishes, especially in a way that results in excessive or unacceptable behavior: the government was criticized for giving the army too much license permission, authority, right, a free hand, leave, authorization, entitlement, privilege, prerogative; liberty, freedom, power, latitude, scope, free rein, carte blanche, a blank check, the go-ahead


one who believes traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless; absolute skeptic নাস্তিবাদ, চলতি রাজনৈতিক প্রতিষ্ঠান সমূহ এবং ধর্মীয় নৈতিক বিশ্বাসের সম্পর্ণ প্রত্যাখ্যান In his final days, Hitler revealed himself a power-mad nihilist, ready to annihilate all of Western Europe, even to destroy Germany itself, in order that his will might prevail. he contends that his being a nihilist should not discount his ability to teach biblical history skeptic, negativist, cynic, pessimist; disbeliever, unbeliever, agnostic, atheist


one who expects favorable or good outcome আশাবাদ, শুভবাদী বা আশাবাদী, আস্থাশীল The problem with being an optimist is that when you persist in seeing the upside, people often assume you're an idiot. Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something: the talks had been amicable, and there were grounds for optimism hopefulness, hope, confidence, buoyancy, cheer, cheerfulness, good cheer, sanguineness, positiveness, positive attitude


one who makes great sacrifices or suffers to further belief or principle; one who endures great suffering শহীদ, ধর্ম যুদ্ধ বা কোন মহৎ কাজে আত্মোৎসর্গকারী, কোন কিছুর জন্য মৃত্য তুল্য যন্ত্রনা ভোগ করা For common people, the most important thing about a martyr is they're dead. A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs: saints, martyrs, and witnesses to the faith A person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy or admiration: she wanted to play the martyr (martyr to) A constant sufferer from (an ailment): I'm a martyr to migraines!


one who spoils pleasure or fun of others; spoilsport At breakfast we had all been enjoying our bacon and eggs until that killjoy John started talking about how bad animal fats were for our health. A person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment of others:a few killjoys try to reform the seasonal activities spoilsport, moaner, complainer, mope, prophet of doom, Cassandra, Jeremiah, death's head at a feast; puritan, prig, prude;


one who takes advantage of any chance to achieve an end, with no regard for principles or consequences হাওয়া বুঝে চলা , সুবিধাবাদ, সুবিধাবাদী The first man is a holy fool who loves animals, the second a razor-thin opportunist, and the third an obese pervert. A person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans: most burglaries are committed by casual opportunists


one whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; one who prepares stone for building purposes রাসমিস্ত্রী, পাথররে কাজ, পাথর অ চুনসুরকি সংক্রন্ত নির্মানকাজ He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. A builder and worker in stone. (Mason) A Freemason.


outsmart; trick; beat through cleverness and wit চালাকিতে টেক্কা দেওয়া , কৌশল করে পরাস্ত করা , চালাকিতে পরাস্ত করা By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture. Deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity: Ray had outwitted many an opponent outsmart, outmaneuver, outplay, steal a march on, trick, gull, get the better of, euchre


perfect or blameless in every respect; faultless; impeccable নিষ্কলঙ্ক , অনিন্দনীয়, অনিন্দ্য, অনবদ্য Homer's conduct at the office party was irreproachable; even Marge didn't have anything bad to say about how he behaved. Beyond criticism; faultless:his private life was irreproachable impeccable, exemplary, model, copybook, immaculate, outstanding, exceptional, admirable, meritorious, honourable, consummate, perfect, ideal; above reproach, beyond reproach, blameless, faultless, flawless, guiltless, unimpeachable,unblemished, untarnished, stainless, spotless, pure, sinless, innocent


periodical; newspaper or official journal সরকারি সংবাদপত্র বা গেজেট , সাময়িকপত্র , ঘোষপত্র , সরকারি গেজেটে বিজ্ঞাপিত বা প্রকাশিত করা The Ontario gazette is a weekly publication from the Ontario government. A journal or newspaper, especially the official one of an organization or institution: a sporting gazette [IN NAMES]: the Police Gazette newspaper, paper, tabloid, broadsheet, journal, periodical, weekly, organ, news-sheet, newsletter, bulletin; digest, review Announce or publish (something) in an official gazette: we will need to gazette the bill if a decision cannot be reached imminently(as adjective gazetted) a gazetted holiday


person who has compulsive desire to steal মানসিক ব্যাধি যার ফলে চুরি করার প্রবণতা সৃষ্টি, চুরির বাতিকগ্রস্ত লোক They discovered that the wealthy customer was a kleptomaniac when they caught her stealing some cheap trinkets. A recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit. People with kleptomania often have another psychiatric disorder, often a mood disorder such as depression and anxiety.


pertaining to art or skill of removing metals from ores During the course of his metallurgical research, the scientist developed a steel alloy of tremendous strength.


philosophical theory that matter is the only reality বস্তুবাদ, জড়বাদ By its nature, materialism is opposed to idealism, for where the materialist emphasizes the needs of the body, the idealist emphasizes the needs of the soul. A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. Philosophy The doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. The doctrine that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency.


physician specializing in delivery of babies ধাত্রীবিদ্যাবিশারদ In modern times, the delivery of children has passed from the midwife to the more scientifically trained obstetrician,. The branch of medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth and the care of women giving birth.


point in time, especially a critical point; joining point সংকটকাল , সন্ধিক্ষণ , সন্ধি That, really, at this juncture is our best hope of avoiding two unacceptable alternatives, a nuclear powered Iran or using military force against them. A particular point in events or time: it is difficult to say at this juncture whether this upturn can be sustained point, point in time, time, moment, moment in time, stage;period, phase A place where things join:the plane crashed at the juncture of two mountains


quality of being novel; newness; something new and unusual অভিনব বা অস্বাভাবিক বস্তু বা ঘটনা , অভিনবত্ব , নতুনত্ব , অদ্ভুতত্ব , স্বল্প মুল্যের বিবিধ পণ্য যেমন খেলনা, ছোট ছোট অলঙ্কার Another novelty is the Japanese garden with its bamboo fence, the posts and door of entrance being carved with remarkable taste and boldness. The quality of being new, original, or unusual: the novelty of being a married woman wore off originality, newness, freshness, unconventionality, unfamiliarity;difference, imaginativeness, creativity, innovation, modernity A new or unfamiliar thing or experience: in 1914 air travel was still a novelty [as modifier] Denoting something intended to be amusing as a result of its new or unusual quality: a novelty teapot A small and inexpensive toy or ornament: he bought chocolate novelties to decorate the Christmas tree knickknack, trinket, bauble, toy, trifle, gewgaw, gimcrack, ornament, kickshaw


quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character তেজস্বিতা , সাহস , তেজ When challenged by the other horses in the race, the thoroughbred proved its mettle by its determination to hold the lead. A person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way: the team showed their true mettle in the second half spirit, fortitude, strength of character, moral fiber, steel, determination, resolve, resolution, backbone, grit, true grit, courage, courageousness, bravery, valor, fearlessness, daring caliber, character, disposition, nature, temperament, personality, makeup, stamp


quiet and obedient; showing patience and humility নম্র ও ধৈর্যশীল, অপ্রতিবাদী The essence of meek is to be patient with ignorance, slow to anger and never hold a grudge. Quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive: I used to call her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild the meek compliance of our politicians submissive, yielding, obedient, compliant, tame, biddable, tractable, acquiescent, humble, deferential, timid, unprotesting, unresisting, like a lamb to the slaughter; quiet, mild, gentle, docile, lamblike, shy, diffident, unassuming, self-effacing


recent convert to a belief; one newly initiated কোন ধর্মমতে অধুনাদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি সদ্যদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি , নবিস This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge anyone, either expert or neophyte. A person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief: four-day cooking classes are offered to neophytes and experts beginner, learner, novice, newcomer; initiate, tyro, fledgling; trainee, apprentice, probationer, tenderfoot A new convert to a religion. A novice in a religious order, or a newly ordained priest. novice, novitiate; postulant, catechumen


rejoicing; feeling of extreme joy আনন্দে চিৎকাররত, বিজয়ানন্দে উৎফুল্ল There was great jubilation when the armistice was announced. A feeling of great happiness and triumph:unbelievable scenes of jubilation exultation, triumph, joy, joyousness, rejoicing,elation, euphoria, ecstasy, rapture, transports of delight, glee, gleefulness, exuberance


related; belonging to the same family আত্মীয়তা ( জন্মসূত্রে), পরিবার, সম্পর্কযুক্ত, সদৃশ, একই সূত্র থেকে জাত, স্বজাতিভুক্ত It is the tie that binds our hearts in kindred love. One's family and relations. family, relatives, relations, kin, family members, connections, kith and kin, one's own flesh and blood, clan, tribe, house, lineage [MASS NOUN] Relationship by blood: ties of kindred kinship, family ties, being related, relationship, relatedness, blood relationship, ties of blood, consanguinity, common ancestry, common lineage


someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person; generally ignorant person His is just the layman's view of medicine. A non-ordained male member of a Church: he was an active Catholic layman A person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject:the book seems well suited to the interested layman non-expert, layman, non-professional, amateur, non-specialist, man in/on the street; dilettante, enthusiast, dabbler


song for two or three unaccompanied voices; short poem, often about love, suitable for being set to music যন্ত্রসঙ্গীত বিহীন সমবেত কন্ঠসঙ্গীত His program of folk songs included a famous madrigal which he sang to the accompaniment of a lute. A part-song for several voices, especially one of the Renaissance period, typically arranged in elaborate counterpoint and without instrumental accompaniment. Originally used of a genre of 14th-century Italian songs, the term now usually refers to English or Italian songs of the late 16th and early 17th c., in a free style strongly influenced by the text.


strict disciplinarian; one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules কঠোর নিয়মনিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি No talking at meals! No mingling with the servants! Miss Minchin was a martinet who insisted that the schoolgirls in her charge observe each regulation to the letter. A strict disciplinarian, especially in the armed forces.


threatening; foreshadowing evil or tragic developments শুভ বা অশুভ লক্ষণযুক্ত , ভয়-জাগানো , ভীতিজনক , আশঙ্কাজনক , অমঙ্গলসূচক As you know, that law was slipped into a massive ominous appropriations bill back in 1999. Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious: there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfavorable, unpromising; portentous, foreboding, fateful, premonitory; black, dark, gloomy


throw over; overturn; upset; turn upside down; cause to fall or to fail পরাজিত , পরাস্ত করা , পর্যুদস্ত করা , , উৎখাত করা বা ক্ষমতা চ্যুতকরা , পতন ঘটানো , পরিসমাপ্তি ঘটানো, He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government. Remove forcibly from power: military coups which had attempted to overthrow the king remove (from office/power), bring down, topple, depose, oust, displace, unseat, dethrone put an end to, defeat, conquer Put an end to (something), typically by the use of force or violence: their subversive activities are calculated to overthrow parliamentary democracy archaic Knock or throw to the ground: one who is already prostrate cannot be overthrown Throw (a ball) further or harder than intended: he grips the ball too tight and overthrows it


turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position, order, or condition of When he tried to invert his body in a handstand, he felt the blood rush to his head. Put upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement:invert the mousse on to a serving plate turn upside down, upturn, upend, turn around,turn about, turn inside out, turn back to front,reverse, flip (over), transpose


unalterable; irreversible; impossible to retract or revoke E.g.As Sue dropped the "Dear John" letter into the mailbox, she suddenly wanted to take it back, but she could not: her action was irrevocable.


warm-blooded vertebrate having skin covered with hair স্তন্যপায়ী জীব North America Grizzly Bear: This is a mammal, that is 5 to 8 ft tall, weighs about 800 pounds, and lives to be 25 yrs old.


foul-smelling; having bad or offensive odor দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত, দুর্গন্ধ The compost heap was most malodorous in summer. Smelling very unpleasant. foul-smelling, evil-smelling, fetid, smelly, stinking (to high heaven), reeking, rank, high, putrid, noxious


given to joking; merry; humorous রসিক, রসিকতাপূর্ণ, তামাশাপূর্ণ, হাসিখুশি The salesman was so jocose that many of his customers suggested that he become a stand-up comic. Playful or humorous: a jocose allusion


having total knowledge; knowing everything সর্বজ্ঞতা , অসীম বা অপার জ্ঞান I do not pretend to be omniscient, but I am positive about this fact. Knowing everything: the story is told by an omniscient narrator all-knowing, all-wise, all-seeing


wild party involving excessive drinking; unrestrained indulgence; secret rite in the cults of ancient বন্য আনন্দোৎসব, লাগামহীন When her income tax refund check finally arrived, Sally indulged in an orgy of shopping. A wild party, especially one involving excessive drinking and unrestrained sexual activity: he had a reputation for drunken orgies wild party, debauch, carousal, carouse, revel, revelry Excessive indulgence in a specified activity: an orgy of buying bout, excess, spree, surfeit


wildly disordered; excessive enthusiasm or excitement; insane প্রচন্ড উন্মাদ, প্রবল বাতিক গ্রস্ত, ক্ষ্যাপা Though Mr. Rochester had locked his mad wife in the attic, he could still hear her maniacal laughter echoing throughout the house. A person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior, especially when violent and dangerous: a homicidal maniac [with modifier] An obsessive enthusiast: a gambling maniac enthusiast, fan, devotee, aficionado A person suffering from mania. lunatic, madman, madwoman, psychopath


wise and trusted counselor or teacher বিজ্ঞ পরামর্শদাতা, বিজ্ঞ ও বিশ্বস্ত পরামর্শদাতা His mentor is William Gray, who has been studying hurricanes for more than 50 years and produced forecasts for 26. An experienced and trusted adviser: he was her friend and mentor until his death in 1915 adviser, guide, guru, counselor, consultant; confidant(e) An experienced person in a company, college, or school who trains and counsels new employees or students. trainer, teacher, tutor, instructor


abusive language used to express blame or ill will তিরস্কারপূর্ণ ভাষা , কটুক্তি , নিন্দাবাক্য, গালিগালাজ করা, গালি, দুর্বচন, He had expected criticism but not the invective that greeted his proposal. Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language:he let out a stream of invective abuse, insults, vituperation, expletives, swear words, swearing, curses, bad language, foul language; denunciation, censure, revilement, vilification,castigation, recrimination, reproach, reproval, admonition


all-powerful; having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force অসীম ক্ষমতা বা শক্তি The monarch regarded himself as omnipotent and responsible to no one for his acts. (Of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything. all-powerful, almighty, supreme, preeminent, most high; invincible, unconquerable Having ultimate power and influence: an omnipotent sovereign


any mammal of which the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young, such as kangaroo or koala পেটের তলায় থলিতে শাবক বহন করে এমন The most common marsupial in North America is the opossum.


artificial or affected; not natural; having or showing a certain manner রীতি , ধারা , কার্যের ধারা , আচার , প্রকার্ , নীতি , আচার ব্যবহার , সামাজিক রীতিনীতি, আদবকায়দা He would also have seen that Iberville was smoking with deliberation, and drinking with a kind of mannered coolness. Behaving in a specified way: pleasant-mannered 2(Of a writer, artist, or artistic style) marked by idiosyncratic mannerisms; artificial, stilted, and over elaborate in delivery: inane dialogue and mannered acting affected, pretentious, unnatural, artificial, contrived, stilted, stiff, forced, put-on, theatrical, precious, stagy, camp


assault; attack হানা , প্রচণ্ড , প্রবল বা প্রচন্ড আক্রমণ The islanders took shelter in mountain caves to escape the onslaught. A fierce or destructive attack: a series of onslaughts on the citadel assault, attack, offensive, advance, charge, onrush, rush, storming, sortie, sally, raid, descent, incursion, invasion, foray, push, thrust, drive, blitz, bombardment, barrage, salvo


author or compiler of dictionary; one employed in making of vocabulary or wordbook of language অভিধান সংকলক বা রচয়িতা The new dictionary is the work of the famous lexicographer who spent years compiling and editing the work. A person who compiles dictionaries.


authority; right and power to interpret and apply the law আইনগত বা বিচারের অধিকার , বিচার ব্যবস্থা These courts have jurisdiction in this district. The official power to make legal decisions and judgements: the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants authority, control, power, dominion, rule, administration, command, sway, leadership, sovereignty, ascendancy, hegemony, mastery; say, influence [COUNT NOUN] A system of law courts; a judicature:in some jurisdictions there is a mandatory death sentence for murder


collector and student of money, in particular of coins মুদ্রা ও পদক বিশেষজ্ঞ, মুদ্রা ও পদক সংগ্রাহক The numismatist had a splendid collection of antique coins. The study or collection of coins, paper currency, and medals.


coming from side; situated at or extending to the side পার্শ্বিক , আড়াআড়িভাবে অবস্থিত In order to get good plant growth, the gardener must pinch off all lateral shoots. Of, at, towards, or from the side or sides: the plant takes up water through its lateral roots sideways, sidewise, sidelong, sideward, edgewise, edgeways, side, flank, wing, indirect, oblique, slanting Anatomy & Zoology Situated on one side or other of the body or of an organ, especially in the region furthest from the median plane:the upper lateral incisor the radius lies lateral to the ulna The opposite of medial.


curse; evil speaking; utterance of curse or execration অভিশাপ, অভিশাপ প্রদান When the magic mirror revealed that Snow White was still alive, the wicked queen cried out in rage and uttered dreadful malediction. A magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bringing about evil or destruction; a curse. curse, damnation, oath; spell, hex, jinx


drowsy; dull; indifferent or apathetic অস্বাভাবিক ভাবে নিদ্রালু, অলস, নিশ্চষ্ট The stuffy room made her lethargic: she felt as if she was about to nod off. A lack of energy and enthusiasm: periods of weakness and lethargy[IN SINGULAR]: she might have sunk into a lethargy sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, inaction, slowness, torpor, torpidity, lifelessness, listlessness, languor, laziness, idleness, indolence, shiftlessness, sloth, apathy, passivity, weariness, tiredness, lassitude, fatigue, inanition Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic: I felt tired and a little lethargic sluggish, inert, inactive, underactive, slow, torpid, lifeless; languid, listless, lazy, idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful, apathetic, weary, tired, fatigued


enroll in college or graduate school কোন বিশেষ পরীক্ষা পাশ করার পর ছাত্র হিসাবে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে প্রবেশধিকার দেওয়া বা পাওয়া Incoming students formally matriculate at our college in a special ceremony during which they sign the official register of students. Be enrolled at a college or university: he matriculated at the University of Vermont [with object] Admit (a student) to a college or university.


exceed or surpass; leave behind দৌড় প্রতিযোগিতায় কারো চেয়ে ভালো করা , ছাড়িয়ে যাওয়া , অতিক্রম করা, কারো চেয়ে ভাল করা Jesse Owens easily will outstrip his white competitors to win the gold medal at the Olympic Games. Move faster than and overtake (someone else). go faster than, outrun, outdistance, outpace, leave behind, get (further) ahead of, lose Exceed: supply far outstripped demand surpass, exceed, be more than, top, eclipse


extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance বিত্ত , বৈভব , ঐশ্বর্য , বাড়বাড়ন্ত , প্রাচুর্য The glitter and opulence of the ballroom took Cinderella's breath away. Great wealth or luxuriousness: rooms of spectacular opulence luxuriousness, sumptuousness, lavishness, richness, luxury, luxuriance, splendor, magnificence, grandeur, splendidness, wealth, affluence, wealthiness, richness, riches, prosperity, money


extremely fat; grossly overweight ভীষন মোটা , স্থূলকায় , স্থূলাঙ্গ , মেদবহুল It is advisable that obese people try to lose weight. Grossly fat or overweight. fat, overweight, corpulent, gross, stout, fleshy, heavy, portly, plump, paunchy, potbellied, beer-bellied, broad in the beam, bulky, bloated, flabby, Falstaffian


incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable অজেয় , দুর্জয় , দুর্ধর্ষ The president who once seemed invincible is now seen as potential vulnerable. Too powerful to be defeated or overcome:an invincible warrior invulnerable, indestructible, unconquerable,unbeatable, indomitable, unassailable; unyielding, unflinching, unbending, unshakeable, indefatigable, dauntless; impregnable, inviolable, secure, safe


incapable of injury; impossible to damage, injure, or wound আহত বা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা যায় না এমন, অভেদ্য , অকাট্য In a country where a quarter of students say guns are easily accessible at home, expecting any measure to make a school invulnerable is unrealistic. Impossible to harm or damage:no state in the region is now invulnerable to attack by another impervious, insusceptible, immune, insensitive; indestructible, impenetrable, impregnable,unassailable, unattackable, inviolable, invincible, unshakeable, secure, safe, safe and sound,strong; proof against


lose animation; be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor নিস্তেজ হওয়া, ঢিলেঢালা হওয়া, অবসন্ন হওয়া, জড়তাগ্রস্তু হওয়া, শোকের কারনে ক্রমশ নির্জীব ও ক্ষীন হয়ে যাওয়া, আকাঙ্ক্ষিত জিনিস পেতে ব্যর্থ হয়ে মন মরা হয়ে পড়া Left at Miss Minchin's school for girls while her father went off to war, Sarah Crewe refused to languish; instead, she hid her grief and actively befriended her less fortunate classmates. (Of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak:plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant weaken, grow weak, deteriorate, decline, go into a decline; wither, droop, flag, wilt, fade, fail, waste away Fail to make progress or be successful: Kelso languish near the bottom of the Scottish First Division(as adjective languishing) the country's languishing stock market


lustful; indecent; suggestive of or tending to moral looseness নোংরা , জঘন্য , অশ্লীল , কামুক , ইতর অশোভন, লম্পট I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Crude and offensive in a sexual way:she began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song lecherous, lustful, licentious, lascivious, dirty, prurient, salacious, lubricious ,libidinous; debauched, depraved, degenerate, decadent, dissipated, dissolute,


maker and seller of eyeglasses দৃষ্টি সস্পর্কিত যন্ত্রপাতি, দর্শনযন্ত্র্রবিক্রেতা, চশমাবিক্রেতা The patient took the prescription given him by his oculist to the optician. US A person qualified to make and supply eyeglasses and contact lenses for correction of vision.


maze; complex structure of interconnecting passages জটিল ও সর্পিল পথের মিলনস্থল, গোলোক ধাঁধাপূর্ণ You know, Michelle, one thing contributing to this labyrinth is the nation's biggest private employer, Wal-Mart. A complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze: you lose yourself in a labyrinth of little streets maze, warren, network, complex, web, coil, entanglement An intricate and confusing arrangement:a labyrinth of conflicting laws and regulations tangle, web, morass, jungle, snarl, twist, turn,complexity, confusion, complication,entanglement, convolution, intricacy; jumble, mishmash, hotchpotch, hodgepodge


misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by public official বৈধ অধিকারের অবৈধ প্রোয়গ The authorities did not discover the campaign manager's malfeasance until after he had spent most of the money he had embezzled. Wrongdoing, especially by a public official.


musical composition for voices and orchestra based on religious text অর্কেস্টার সঙ্গে একক বা সমবেত কন্ঠে গাইবার জন্য রচিত সংগীত Kathleen Ferrier was the greatest oratorio singer of the time. A large-scale musical work for orchestra and voices, typically a narrative on a religious theme, performed without the use of costumes, scenery, or action. Well-known examples include Bach's Christmas Oratorio, Handel's Messiah, and Haydn's The Creation.


neatly or smartly dressed; neat, trim, and smart ছিমছাম (Adj.), ফিটফাট (Adj.), চট্পটে (Adj.), পরিপাটি, দক্ষ, চটপটে Chuck Lowell was there with several of his men, all of them in natty three-piece suits, looking more like successful businessmen than spies. (Especially of a person or an article of clothing) smart and fashionable: a natty blue blazer and designer jeans smart, stylish, fashionable, dapper, debonair, dashing, spruced up, well dressed, chic, elegant, trim


new or newly invented word or phrase নতুন শব্দের রচনা ও প্রয়োগ, নব্যপ্রয়োগ As we invent new technique or profession, we must also invent neologism such as "microcomputer" to describe it. A newly coined word or expression. new word, new expression, new term, new phrase, coinage; made-up word, nonce word The coining or use of new words.


not influenced by emotions; having actual existence or reality যার অস্তিত্ব মনো নির্ভর নয়, বাস্তব, ব্যক্তি, রচনা, চিত্র সম্বন্ধে ভাবনা বা অনুভূতি দ্বারা প্রভাবিত নয় এমন, ব্যক্তিগত অনুভূতি বা মতামত দ্বারা প্রভাবিত না হয়ে বহির্জগতে নিবদ্ধ আছে এমন, বস্তুনিষ্ট, লক্ষ্যবস্তু, উদ্দেশ্য Even though he was her son, she tried to be objective about his behavior. (Of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts: historians try to be objective and impartial Contrasted with subjective. impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, nonpartisan, disinterested, neutral, uninvolved, even-handed, equitable, fair, fair-minded, just, open-minded, dispassionate, detached, neutral Not dependent on the mind for existence; actual: a matter of objective fact factual, actual, real, empirical, evidence-based, verifiable


one who feigns illness to escape duty কর্তব্য এড়ানোর উদ্দেশ্যে অসুস্থতার ভান করা, ~er এই রূপ ব্যক্তি The captain ordered the sergeant to punish the malingerer and force him to work. Exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work. pretend to be ill, feign (an) illness, fake (an) illness; shirk


overwhelm; cover with water, especially flood waters প্লাবিত করা , নিমজ্জিত করা, অভিভূত করা Until the great dam was built, the waters of the Nile used to inundate the river valley like clockwork every year. Overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with: we've been inundated with complaints from listeners overwhelm, overpower, overburden, overrun, overload, swamp, bog down, besiege, snow under, bury, bombard, glut Flood:the islands may be the first to be inundated as sea levels rise flood, deluge, overflow, overrun, swamp,submerge, engulf, drown, immerse, cover; saturate, soak, drench


part of government which makes laws আইন প্রণয়নকারী সংস্থা যেমন পার্লামেন্ট This political system limits and divides power between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. The legislative body of a country or state. legislative body, congress, legislative assembly, parliament, senate, house of representatives, council, diet


prayer for help; calling upon as reference or support প্রার্থনা , আবাহন The service of Morning Prayer opens with an invocation during which we ask God to hear our prayers. The action of invoking someone or something:his invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish citation, mention, acknowledgement, calling on; appeal to, reference to, allusion to summoning, bringing, calling, conjuring (up) [COUNT NOUN] An incantation used to invoke a deity or the supernatural. [COUNT NOUN] (In the Christian Church) a form of words such as 'In the name of the Father'introducing a prayer, sermon, etc. prayer, request, intercession, supplication, call, entreaty, solicitation, petition, appeal, suit; incantation, chant


precision; subtle difference in meaning, opinion, or attitude সূক্ষ্মতা, যথাযথত্ব, যাথাতথ্য, সূক্ষ্ম ভেদাভেদ, যথাযথভাবে, নির্ভুলভাবে I cannot see any nicety in their reasoning. A fine detail or distinction, especially one regarded as intricate and fussy: she was never interested in the niceties of Greek and Latin subtlety, fine point, nuance, refinement, detail Accuracy or precision: she prided herself on her nicety of pronunciation More example sentences Synonyms precision, accuracy, exactness, meticulousness


provide with nourishment; provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth পরিপুষ্ট করা , পুষ্টি জোগানো , পুষ্ট করা , সার দিয়ে উন্নতি সাধন করা, অনুভূতি পোষণ, লালন করা Along with a devoted team of sixteen full-time staffers and several volunteers, they now nourish kids in seventy Toronto day cares. Provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition: I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby figurative spiritual resources that nourished her in her darkest hours feed, provide for, sustain, maintain Enhance the fertility of (soil): a clay base nourished with plant detritus Keep (a feeling or belief) in one's mind, typically for a long time: he has long nourished an ambition to bring the show to Broadway cherish, nurture, foster, harbor, nurse, entertain, maintain, hold, have


psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives; sexual desire কামবাসনা বা কামেচ্ছা, প্রান শক্তি বা কর্মপ্রেরণা E.g. I dont feel sexy most of the time, and although my libido is running perversely high, I m not really doing anything about it. Sexual desire: loss of libido a deficient libido sex drive, sexual appetite; sexual desire, desire, passion, sensuality, sexuality, lust, lustfulness Psychoanalysis The energy of the sexual drive as a component of the life instinct.


sociable; going out or away; departing বহির্গামী , চলে যাচ্ছে এমন , অবসরগ্রহণকারী , বিদায়ী From the government's side, the outgoing Prime Minister, Ivan Kostov, admitted personal responsibility for his party's crushing defeat. Friendly and socially confident: she's an extremely affable, jovial, outgoing type of person extrovert, uninhibited, unreserved, demonstrative, affectionate, cordial, affable, easygoing, sociable, convivial, lively, gregarious; warm, friendly, genial, communicative, responsive, open, forthcoming, frank [attributive] Leaving an office or position, especially after an election defeat or completed term of office: the outgoing governor departing, retiring, leaving Going out or away from a particular place: incoming and outgoing calls


someone seeking revenge; source of harm or ruin; opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome অন্যায়ের প্রতিশোধ, অন্যায়ের উপযুক্ত শাস্তি, কর্মফল, নিয়তি, উচিত প্রতিফল Ally's main nemesis is Georgia, a beautiful lawyer who also happens to be married to Ally's ex-boyfriend, a partner in her firm. The inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall: the balance beam was the team's nemesis, as two gymnasts fell from the apparatus archrival, adversary, foe, opponent, arch enemy A long-standing rival; an archenemy: will Harry Potter finally defeat his nemesis, Voldemort? downfall caused by an inescapable agent: one risks nemesis by uttering such words downfall, undoing, ruin, ruination, destruction, Waterloo (often Nemesis) Retributive justice: nemesis is notoriously slow retribution, vengeance, punishment, just deserts; fate, destiny


tearfully sentimental; over-emotional; sickly-sentimental বিরক্তিকর রকম ভাব প্রবণ, অল্পে বিচলিত হয় বা কান্নাকাটি করতে শুরু করে এমন, অর্ধ মাতাল One moment he was in maudlin tears and the next he was cracking some miserable joke about the disaster. Self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness: the drink made her maudlin a maudlin ballad sentimental, oversentimental, emotional, overemotional, tearful, lachrymose weepy, misty-eyed, mawkish, sentimental, oversweet, oversentimental


text of dramatic musical work, such as opera অপেরা বা গীতিনাটকের বই বা কথা The composer of an opera's music is remembered more frequently than the author of its libretto. The text of an opera or other long vocal work.


union of man and woman as husband and wife; marriage; wedlock বিবাহ , বিয়ে, পরিণয় The explanation of the intent of matrimony was gone through; and then the clergyman came a step further forward, and, bending slightly towards him. The state or ceremony of being married; marriage: a couple joined in matrimony the sacrament of holy matrimony marriage, wedlock, union; nuptials


token; reminder of past; hint, suggestion, notice, or memorial to awaken memory স্মরণার্থ চিহৃ , অভিজ্ঞান I had to fight with my staff as to whether I should smoke the cigar or keep it as a memento from the President. An object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event: you can purchase a memento of your visit souvenir, keepsake, reminder, remembrance, token, memorial, bomboniere; trophy, relic


unlawful taking and removing of another's personal property; theft জোচ্চুরি , চুরি , অপহরণ When an author sells the thoughts of another man for his own, the larceny is called plagiarism. Theft of personal property. In English law larceny was replaced as a statutory crime by theft in 1968. See also grand larceny,petty larceny. theft, stealing, robbery, pilfering,thieving, thievery, purloining; burglary, housebreaking, breaking and entering; appropriation, expropriation,misappropriation


various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated অনেকসংখ্যক , বহুপ্রকার , অনেকবার ভাঁজ করা , নানাবিধ, বিবিধ The uses of this machine are manifold. Many and various: the implications of this decision were manifold Having many different forms or elements: the appeal of the crusade was manifold


weeping or inclined to weep; tearful; showing sorrow অশ্রুসংক্রান্ত , অশ্রু-নিঃসরণ সম্পর্কিত, উদাসীন , নিরুত্সাহী His voice has a lachrymose quality more appropriate to a funeral than a class reunion. Tearful or given to weeping:she was pink-eyed and lachrymose SYNONYMS tearful, weeping, crying, teary, with tears in one's eyes, close to tears, on the verge of tears, sobbing, snivelling, whimpering; emotional, sad, mournful, woeful, unhappy, depressed, gloomy, melancholy, low-spirited,despondent, downcast, low, glum, morose, sorrowful, joyless, disconsolate, doleful, maudlin,miserable, forlorn, grief-stricken, lugubrious Inducing tears; sad:a lachrymose children's classic tragic, sad, poignant, heart-rending, tear-jerking, moving, melancholy, depressing, plaintive; mawkish, sentimental


whirlpool; powerful circular current of water প্রচন্ড ঘূর্ণবর্ত, ধ্বংসাত্মক শক্তি, ঘটনার ঘূর্ণি The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom. A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river. whirlpool, vortex, eddy, swirl A situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil: the train station was a maelstrom of crowds turbulence, tumult, turmoil, disorder, disarray, chaos, confusion, upheaval, pandemonium, bedlam, whirlwind


wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered নৌগম্য, নৌবাহনযোগ্য, জাহাজ সম্বন্ধে চলাচলের উপযোগী, নব্য So much sand had built up at the bottom of the canal that the waterway was barely navigable. (Of a waterway or sea) able to be sailed on by ships or boats. passable, negotiable, traversable; clear, open, unobstructed, unblocked (Of a track or road) suitable for transportation; passable: those minor roads would be navigable in emergencies (Especially of a website) easy to get around in; maneuverable: a navigable Web browser


intelligent and educated elite, especially in nineteenth-century Poland, in Russia and later the Soviet Union বুদ্ধিজীবী সম্প্রদায় She preferred discussions about sports and politics to the literary conversations of the intelligentsia. Intellectuals or highly educated people as a group, especially when regarded as possessing culture andpolitical influence:a distrust of the intelligentsia and of theoreticallearningthe belief that the liberal intelligentsia is ruining the country intellectuals, intelligent people, academics,scholars, learned people, literati, culturati, men and women of letters, cognoscenti, illuminati,highbrows, bluestockings, thinkers, brains; the intelligent


stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe ন্যাকা , বিদঘুটে , লাজুক The country boys gawk at the skyscrapers and neon lights of the big city. to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way: Don't sit there gawking like that - give me a hand! Stare openly and stupidly: they were gawking at some pin-up gape, goggle, gaze, ogle, stare, stare stupidly, stare open-mouthed, stare in wonder, look fixedly, look vacantly .


account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage উদ্ভিদ বা প্রাণীর উদ্ভববৃত্তান্ত , বংশানুক্রম , বংশতালিকা , কুলুজি , বংশপরিচয় He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors. A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor: the genealogies of the kings of Mercia pedigree, ancestry, descent, lineage, line, line of descent, family tree, extraction, derivation, origin, heritage, parentage, paternity, birth, family, dynasty, house, race, strain, stock, breed, blood, bloodline, history, background, roots [MASS NOUN] The study and tracing of lines of descent


: urging; demanding; expressing earnest entreaty ব্যক্তি সমন্ধে নির্বন্ধাতিশয়যুক্ত , নাছোড়বান্দা , নেই-আঁকড়ে , অনুরোধ করে এমন, কাজ সমন্ধে জরুরি, সনির্বদ্ধ He tried to hide from his importunate creditors until his allowance arrived. Persistent, especially to the point of annoyance:importunate creditors persistent, insistent, tenacious, persevering, dogged, unremitting, unrelenting, tireless, indefatigable; stubborn, intransigent, obstinate, obdurate; pressing, urgent, demanding, entreating, nagging, exacting, clamorous, clamant; aggressive, high-pressure


ability to learn and reason; ability to think abstractly or profoundly বিচারশক্তি ও প্রজ্ঞা , ধীশক্তি, মেধা, বোধশক্তি, বিচারবুদ্ধি In this stage, the intellect is able to grasp all knowledge, and does not need to have recourse to the senses again. The faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract matters: he was a man of action rather than of intellect mind, brain, brains, head, intelligence, reason, understanding, comprehension, thought,brainpower, sense, judgement, wisdom, wits 1.1[COUNT NOUN] A person's mental powers:her keen intellect [COUNT NOUN] A clever person:sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects thinker, intellectual, bluestocking, academic, scholar, sage; mind, brain


bring in from another country আমদানি করা , আমদানি করা জিনিস, সূচিত করা, অর্থ, তাৎপর্য Despite being one of the world's largest oil exporters, Nigeria refines only a very small proportion of even its own fuel needs, and has to import the rest - a severe and unnecessary drain on resources. Bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale:supermarkets may no longer import cheap jeans from Bulgaria(as adjective imported) imported cigarettes buy from abroad, bring from abroad, bring in, buy in, ship in, source from abroad Introduce (an idea) from a different place or context:new beliefs were often imported by sailors


Going out or away from a particular place: incoming and outgoing calls ব্যয়


relating to ships, sailors, or navigation নৌ-বা নাবিক-সংক্রান্ত I dressed myself in nautical rig, and went on deck to see all that I could. Of or concerning sailors or navigation; maritime: nautical charts maritime, marine, naval, seafaring; boating, sailing


wandering; moving from place to place; unsettled ভ্রমণশীল , যাযাবর Nearly all of our native birds are migratory, that is they go south for the winter. Denoting an animal that migrates: migratory birds migrant, migrating, moving, traveling Relating to animal migration: the migratory route for whale sharks


bravely; in game manner; in willing and spirited fashion সাহসীভাবে Because he had fought gamely against a much superior boxer, the crowd gave him a standing ovation when he left the arena.


awkward or lacking in social graces; coarse and uncouth পরিস্থিতি বা লোক বুঝে কথা বলার বা আচরণ করার ক্ষমতাবর্জিত লোকব্যবহার-অপুট , কান্ডজ্ঞানহীন , বেআক্কেল , অপ্রস্তুত , আনাড়ি , অভব্য Compared to the sophisticated young ladies in their elegant gowns, tomboyish Jo felt gauche and out of place. Unsophisticated and socially awkward: a shy and gauche teenager awkward, gawky, inelegant, graceless, ungraceful, ungainly, bumbling, maladroit, inept; socially awkward, socially inept, lacking in social grace(s), unpolished, unsophisticated, uncultured, uncultivated, unrefined, raw, inexperienced, uneducated, unworldly


chess move in which player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain advantageous position The player was afraid to accept his opponent's gambit because he feared a trap which as yet he could not see. a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk: Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage. stratagem, machination, scheme, plan, tactic, manoeuvre, move, course of action, line of action, device, operation; ruse, trick, ploy, artifice (In chess) an opening move in which a player makes a sacrifice, typically of a pawn, for thesake of a compensating advantage:he tried the dubious Budapest gambit


stimulate by shock; stir up; stimulate to action ধাতু প্রলেপ দেওয়া, কাউকে কিছু করতে উদ্দীপ্ত করা, ঘা মেরে কিছু করানো Perhaps SIV was waiting for some event or announcement to once again galvanize people into marching. Shock or excite (someone) into taking action: the urgency of his voice galvanized them into action jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate, electrify, excite, rouse, arouse, awaken, invigorate, fire, fuel, animate, vitalize, energize, exhilarate, thrill, dynamize, Inspire; (often as adjective galvanized) Coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc: an old galvanized bucket


decorate with ornamental appendages পরিবেশনের খাদ্য সুন্দর করে সাজানো , প্রতিবাদী বা খাতকের টাকা আইনসম্মতভাবে বাজেয়াপ্ত করার উদ্দেশ্যে কাউকে নো টিস দেওয়া , অন্য ব্যক্তিদের মামলায় জড়িত পক্ষ হিসেবে কাউকে আদালতে হাজির হতে বলা , টেবিলে সুন্দর করে খাবার সাজাবার উপকরণ Parsley was used to garnish the boiled potato. Decorate or embellish (something, especially food):garnish each serving with a dollop of sour cream decorate, adorn, trim, dress, ornament, embellish, enhance, grace, beautify, prettify,brighten up, set off, add the finishing touch to Law Serve notice on (a third party) for the purpose of legally seizing money belonging to a debtor or defendant.


talking much and repetition of unimportant or trivial details প্রগলভ , বাক্যবাগীশ , বাচাল , বক্তিয়ার , বকতুড়ে , অকারণ বকবক করে এমন, হাবড়া My Uncle Henry can outtalk any three people I know. He is the most garrulous person in Cayuga County. Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters: a garrulous cab driver talkative, loquacious, voluble, verbose, long-winded, chatty, chattery, chattering, gossipy, gossiping, babbling, blathering, prattling, prating, jabbering, gushing, effusive, expansive, forthcoming, conversational, communicative


temporary halting of usual operations of government or control; time between two reigns কোন রাষ্টের স্বাভাবিক বা বৈধ শাসক নেই সেই সময় The new king began his reign by restoring order that the lawless interregnum had destroyed. A period when normal government is suspended, especially between successive reigns or regimes. (the Interregnum) The period in English history from the execution of Charles I in 1649 to the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. An interval between the periods of office of two incumbents in a parish.


: mixture; musical composition consisting of a series of pieces বিভিন্ন প্রকৃতির বস্তু বা ব্যক্তির মিশ্রন, খিচুড়ি, বিভিন্ন সংগীতের সুর লইয়া রচিত সংগীত The American, who won his fourth gold medal here in Athens Thursday in the 200-meter individual medley, is the favored swimmer tonight in the 100-meter butterfly. A varied mixture of people or things; a miscellany: an interesting medley of flavors A collection of songs or other musical items performed as a continuous piece: a medley of Beatles songs


: overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path জগন্নাথদেব, দূর পাল্লার বিশাল যানবাহন, হিন্দু দেবতা জগন্নাথ It doesn't assume that people need necessarily remain passive when confronted by what appears to be the juggernaut of history. A large, heavy vehicle, especially an articulated lorry: the juggernaut thundered through the countryside A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force:the juggernaut of public expenditure


situated down or below; lying beneath, or in the lower part; having a lower position; lower; under; নিম্নস্থ, পাতাল, নরক নিম্নতম Her nether lip trembled. Lower in position: the ballast is suspended from its nether end lower, low, bottom, bottommost, under, basal; underground


no longer usable or practical; obsolete; not in fashion অচল , চল নাই এমন, ফ্যাশন বহির্ভূত Unconcerned about keeping in style, Lenore was perfectly happy to wear outmoded clothes as long as they were clean. out of date, old-fashioned, out of fashion, outdated, dated, behind the times, antiquated, obsolete, passé, unstylish, untrendy, uncool


: contract into wrinkles; grow together; form into fabric by intertwining বোনা, দৃঢ় ভাবে যুক্ত করা, পরস্পর কাছে টানা, কোচকানো When he broke his leg, he sat around the house all day waiting for the bones to knit. [WITH OBJECT] Make (a garment or other item) by interlocking loops of wool or other yarn with knitting needles or on a machine: she was knitting a sweater Make (a stitch or row of stitches) by interlocking loops of wool: cast on and knit a few rows Make (a plain stitch) in knitting: knit one, purl one Unite or cause to unite: [NO OBJECT]: disparate regions had begun to knit together under the king [WITH OBJECT]: the experience knitted the men together (as adjective, with sub modifier knit) a closely knit family unite, become united, unify, become unified, become one, come together, become closer, band together, bond, combine, coalesce, merge, meld, blend, amalgamate, league; bind, weld together, bring together, draw together, ally, link, join, fuse, connect, consolidate [WITH OBJECT] (Of parts of a broken bone) become joined. heal, mend, join, fuse, draw together, unite, become whole [WITH OBJECT] Tighten (one's eyebrows) in a frown of concentration, disapproval, or anxiety: Marcus knitted his brows furrow, tighten, contract, gather, draw in, wrinkle, pucker, knot, screw up, crease, scrunch up Knitted garments. knitted garment, woollen


: creative work, as literary or musical composition রচনা Although many critics hailed his Fifth Symphony as his major work, he did not regard it as his major opus. A separate composition or set of compositions by a particular composer, usually ordered by date of publication: The Gambler was Prokofiev's sixth opera, despite its early opus number Any artistic work, especially one on a large scale: he was writing an opus on Mexico composition, work, work of art, oeuvre, piece, creation


: exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent জ্ঞানী , সুবিজ্ঞ , পরিমাণদর্শী , বিচক্ষন, সুবিবেচনাপূর্ণ At a key moment in his life, he made a judicious investment that was the foundation of his later wealth. Having, showing, or done with good judgement or sense: the judicious use of public investment wise, sensible, prudent, politic, shrewd, astute, canny, sagacious, common-sense, commonsensical, sound, well advised, well judged, well thought out, considered, thoughtful, perceptive, discerning, clear-sighted, insightful, far-sighted, percipient, discriminating, informed, intelligent, clever, enlightened, logical, rational; discreet, careful, cautious, circumspect, diplomatic; strategic, expedient, practical, advisable, in one's (best) interests


: extent; greatness of rank, size, or position বিশালতা , বিরাটত্ব , প্রসার, বিস্তার , গুরুত্ব (N), ঔজ্বল্যের পরিমাণ (N), ঔজ্বল্যের মাত্রা The magnitude of the flood was impossible to comprehend. The great size or extent of something: they may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them immensity, vastness, hugeness, enormity; size, extent, expanse, greatness, largeness, bigness Great importance: events of tragic magnitude importance, import, significance, weight, consequence, mark, notability, note


: gift made by a will; something handed down from an ancestor উইল করে-যাওয়া বা উইলের জোরে পাওয়া টাকাকড়ি, সম্পত্তি ইঃ, পূর্বপুরুষদের কাছ থেকে পুরুষানুক্রমে পাওয়া , উত্তরাধিকার সুত্রে প্রাপ্ত কোন কিছু His main legacy is the successful move into the internet era and the launch of the Coffee House blog, which has become a must read for anyone in politics. An amount of money or property left to someone in a will: my grandmother died and unexpectedly left me a small legacy bequest, inheritance, heritage, bequeathal, bestowal, benefaction,vendowment, gift, patrimony, heirloom, settlement, birthright, provision; Something left or handed down by a predecessor: the legacy of centuries of neglect consequence, effect, outcome,upshot, spin-off, repercussion, aftermath, footprint, by-product,product, result; residue, fruits


: humorous, amusing or joking; sportive; not serious রসিক, রশিকাতপ্রিয় Although Bill knew the boss hated jokes, he couldn't resist making one jocular remark. Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful: she sounded in a jocular mood his voice was jocular humorous, funny, witty, comic, comical, amusing, chucklesome, droll, entertaining, diverting, joking,jesting, hilarious, facetious, tongue-in-cheek; playful, light-hearted, jolly, jovial, cheerful, cheery, merry, mirthful, roguish, waggish, whimsical,teasing


: inclined to interfere in other people's business; intrusive in offensive manner অনধিকারচর্চা করা (V), হস্তক্ষেপ করা (V), মাথা ঘামান, অবাঞ্ছিত বা অকারন হস্তক্ষেপ He felt his marriage was suffering because of his meddlesome mother-in-law. Fond of meddling; interfering: a gaggle of meddlesome politicians interfering, meddling, intrusive, prying, busybody


: indifference; lack of concern; composure অনুত্তেজিত , প্রশান্ত , নিস্পৃহ , উদাসীন, ভ্রুক্ষেপহীন, উপেক্ষাপুর্ণ, কুছপরোয়া নেই Cool, calm, and collected under fire, James Bond shows remarkable nonchalance in the face of danger. behaving in a calm manner, often in a way that suggests you are not interested or do not care: a nonchalant manner/shrug


: lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; lacking spirit or liveliness অবসাদগ্রস্ত , ক্লান্তভাবাপন্ন, ক্লান্ত মনে হয় এমন, Because Gatsby had his mind more on his love life than on his finances, he did a very lackadaisical job of managing his money. Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy:a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half careless, lazy, lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent, uncaring, unconcerned, casual, offhand, blasé, insouciant, leisurely, relaxed; apathetic, languid, languorous, lethargic, limp, listless, sluggish, enervated, spiritless, aimless, bloodless, torpid, passionless, idle, indolent, shiftless, inert, impassive, feeble


: lengthy intent consideration; long and thoughtful observation; contemplation of spiritual matters ধ্যান , গভীর চিন্তা , বিবেচনা Too often we think that meditation is only about training the mind, and that actually can lead to problems in our practice. The action or practice of meditating: a life of meditation contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, deliberation, rumination, brooding, reverie, brown study, concentration; prayer A written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject: his later letters are intense meditations on man's exploitation of his fellows


: loose and not easily controlled; lacking in rigor or strictness'আগলা, ঢিলা, কোমল, অসতর্ক, শিথিল, শৈথিল্য, অসাবধানতা In both oil and finance large sums are made in lax regulatory environments that few will ever understand or even care about. Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful: lax security arrangements at the airport he'd been a bit lax about discipline in school lately slack, slipshod, negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless, heedless, unmindful, Inattentive, slapdash, offhand, casual; easy-going, lenient, permissive, soft, liberal, non-restrictive, indulgent, overindulgent, complaisant, over-tolerant, irresponsible (Of the limbs or muscles) relaxed: muscles have more potential energy when they are stretched than when they are lax


: mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; mess; trouble জলে সিদ্ধ যবাদির মিশ্র, যা গরু বা মহিষের খাবার হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, মন্ডে পরিণীত করা, চটকানো We put butter and milk in mash potato to make it creamy. A uniform mass made by crushing a substance into a soft pulp, sometimes with the addition of liquid: pound the garlic to a mash pulp, puree, mush, paste Bran mixed with hot water given as a warm food to horses or other animals. Reduce (a food or other substance) to a uniform mass by crushing it: mash the beans to a paste (as adjective mashed) mashed bananas


: person excluded from the benefit of the law, or deprived of its protection; fugitive from the law; habitual criminal আইন আশ্রয় থেকে বহিষ্কৃত ব্যক্তি, অপরাধী, সমাজ থেকে বহিষ্ক্রার করা Viridina had freed him and sent him away to join the outlaw humans that had escaped their lives of slavery. A person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive. fugitive, (wanted) criminal, public enemy, outcast, exile, pariah; bandit, bandito, robber, desperado An intractable horse or other animal. historical A person deprived of the benefit and protection of the law.


: public declaration of principles; statement of policy শাসক, রাজনৈতিক দল প্রভৃতি কর্তৃক উদ্দেশ্য, কর্মসূচি প্রভৃতি সম্বন্ধে প্রকাশ্য লিখিত ঘোষনা But his advisers said that the detailed response to the issue in the manifesto is a sign that Mr Brown now understands its significance. A public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate. policy statement, mission statement, platform, (little) red book, program, declaration, proclamation, pronouncement, announcement


: show of skill or deceitful cleverness, considered magical by naive observers হস্তকৌশল , ভোজবাজি , বিভ্রান্তকারী বাক্যজাল , বিভ্রান্তকারী হস্তকৌশল, ভেলকি The magician demonstrated his renowned legerdemain. Skilful use of one's hands when performing conjuring tricks. sleight of hand, juggling, conjuring, magic, prestidigitation, wizardry, illusion, dexterity Deception; trickery: a classic piece of management legerdemain trickery, cunning, artfulness, craftiness, craft, wiles, chicanery, skulduggery, deceit, deception, artifice, cheating, dissimulation, double-dealing, artful argument, specious reasoning, sophistry, humbug, flimflam


: slow; sluggish; wasting time পিছিয়ে- পড়া লোক , শক্তিহীন ও উত্সাহ ও উদ্যমহীন ব্যক্তি The sailor had been taught not to be laggard in carrying out orders. A person who makes slow progress and falls behind others:staff were under enormous pressure and there was no time for laggards straggler, loiterer, lingerer, dawdler, sluggard, slug, snail, delayer, idler, loafer, lounger, shirker, layabout, lagger


: small rounded hill or mound; top or crown of hill ছোট পাহাড়, ঢিবি Robert Louis Stevenson's grave is on a knoll in Samoa; to reach the grave site, you must climb uphill and walk a short distance along a marked path. A small hill or mound:a grassy knoll hillock, mound, rise, hummock, hill, hump, knob, tor, tump, barrow, outcrop, bank, ridge,dune, elevation, acclivity, eminence;


: tube in which patterns made by reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass; produce interesting symmetrical effects People found a new source of entertainment while peering through the kaleidoscope; they found the ever-changing patterns fascinating. A toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and pieces of coloured glass or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements: the dancers moved in a kaleidoscope of colour


: unrestrained indulgence in sexual activity; impurity in thought and deed দুশ্চরিত্র লোক , লম্পট , কামুক ব্যক্তি In his youth he led a life of lechery and debauchery; he did not mend his ways until middle age. Excessive or offensive sexual desire;lustfulness:the vice of lechery lust, lustfulness, licentiousness, lasciviousness, lewdness, salaciousness, libertinism, libidinousness, debauchery, dissoluteness, wantonness, intemperance, dissipation, degeneracy, depravity, impurity, unchastity, immorality, looseness, immodesty; promiscuity, carnality, womanizing, rakishness; sensuality, sensualness, sexual desire, desire, sexual appetite, libido


: worthy of note or notice; remarkable; important উল্লেখযোগ্য , লক্ষণীয় , চমকপ্রদ , প্রসিদ্ধ , বিশিষ্ট , বিখ্যাত Today the head cook was shaking, for the notable chef Julia Child was coming to dinner. Worthy of attention or notice; remarkable: the gardens are notable for their collection of magnolias and camellias the results, with one notable exception, have been superb noteworthy, remarkable, outstanding, important, significant, momentous, memorable; marked, striking, impressive; uncommon, unusual, special, exceptional, signal prominent, important, well known, famous, affluential, famed, noted, distinguished, great, eminent, illustrious, respected, esteemed, renowned, celebrated, acclaimed, influential, prestigious, of note


accustomed; made tough by habitual exposure কোনো কিছুতে, বিশেষ করে কোনো অপ্রিয় বিষয়ে, কাউকে অভ্যস্ত করা , মানিয়ে নেওয়া , সইয়ে নেওয়া She became inured to the Alaskan cold. (usually be inured to) Accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant:these children have been inured to violence harden, toughen, season, temper, condition; accustom, habituate, familiarize, acclimatize, adjust, adapt, attune; desensitize, dehumanize, brutalize, case-harden


act of admitting to holy orders; disposition as in ranks or rows; formal arrangement যাজকবৃত্তিতে বরণের অনুষ্টান At the young priest's ordination, the members of the congregation presented him with a set of vestments. The action of ordaining or conferring holy orders on someone. A ceremony in which someone is ordained.


build or fuel a fire; cause to glow; light up; inspire আগুন ধরা , আগুন লাগানো , আগুন জ্বালানো , অগ্নিবর্ণ করে তোলা , উত্তেজিত করা , উদ্দীপ্ত হওয়া,২. উৎসাহ, অনুরাগ ইত্যাদি উদ্দীপ্ত করা বা হওয়া One of the first things Ben learned in the Boy Scouts was how to kindle a fire by rubbing two dry sticks together. Set (something) on fire. light, ignite, set alight, set light to, set on fire, set fire to, put a match to, set burning, get going, start,touch off, spark Arouse or inspire (an emotion or feeling):a love of art was kindled in me [NO OBJECT] (Of an emotion) be aroused: she hesitated, suspicion kindling within her


burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity ভার , দায়িত্ব , বোঝা, কৃত্য The emperor was spared the onus of signing the surrender papers; instead, he relegated the assignment to his generals. Used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility: the onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss burden, responsibility, liability, obligation, duty, weight, load, charge, mantle, encumbrance; cross to bear, millstone round one's neck, albatross


Happy and cheerful: হাসিখুশি , উৎফুল্ল , মাতাল, সুন্দর, বলিষ্ট, বেশ, অত্যন্ত he was a jolly man full of jokes Lively and entertaining: we had a very jolly time


of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable মেয়েদের সম্বন্ধে বিবাহযোগ্যা , সোমত্ত , যৌন আবেদনসম্পন্না রমণীয় The show wasn't too bad either, especially the nubile women. (Of a girl or young woman) sexually mature; suitable for marriage. Example sentences Synonyms sexually mature; sexually attractive, desirable, sexy, luscious; marriageable (Of a girl or young woman) sexually attractive: he employed a procession of nubile young secretaries


burdensome or oppressive; not easily borne; wearing কষ্টসাধ্য, গুরুভার, কষ্টদায়ক, ক্লেশকর He asked for an assistant because his work load was too onerous. (Of a task, duty, or responsibility) involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome: he found his duties increasingly onerous burdensome, arduous, strenuous, difficult, hard, severe, heavy, back-breaking, oppressive, weighty, uphill, challenging, formidable, laborious, Herculean, exhausting, tiring, taxing, demanding, punishing, grueling, exacting, wearing, wearisome, fatiguing


come into rough contact with while moving; make one's way by pushing or elbowing In the subway the crowds jostle him. কনুই দিয়ে ধাক্কা দেওয়া, ধাক্কা ধাক্কি করা Push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd:he was jostled by passengers rushing for the gates [NO OBJECT]: people jostled against us bump into/against, knock into/against, bang into,collide with, cannon into, plough into, jolt; push, shove, elbow, hustle; mob push, thrust, barge, shove, force, squeeze, elbow, shoulder, bulldoze, struggle, vie, jockey, scramble, crowd one another [NO OBJECT] (jostle for) Struggle or compete forcefully for: a jumble of images jostled for attention


perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox স্তম্ভিত , কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়, হতবুদ্ধি করা Jack's uncharacteristic rudeness might nonplus Jill, leaving her uncertain how to react. Surprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react: Diane was nonplussed by such an odd question


person dissatisfied with current conditions; discontented person অসন্তুষ্ট If Matthew Hoh was some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the story that it is. A person who is dissatisfied and rebellious. troublemaker, mischief-maker, agitator, dissident, rebel, rabble-rouser; discontent, complainer, grumbler, moaner, whiner


feeling or showing extreme anger; enraged ক্রুদ্ধ , রুষ্ট , রাগাম্বিত One idea that has left many parents and other residents irate is a plan to cut at least 22 teachers by changing class schedules. Feeling or characterized by great anger:a barrage of irate letters angry, very angry, furious, infuriated, incensed, enraged, incandescent, fuming, seething,ireful, cross, mad; raging, ranting, raving, frenzied, in a frenzy, beside oneself, outraged, up in arms; indignant, annoyed, irritated, aggrieved, vexed, exasperated, frustrated, irked, piqued


fight in which the combatants are mingled; hand to hand conflict; noisy riotous fight দাঙ্গা , এলোমেলো লড়াই , বিশৃঙ্খল মানুষের ভিড় Much of the current financial melee is blamed on the skyrocketing price of oil. A confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle: several people were hurt in the melee fracas, disturbance, rumpus, tumult, commotion, ruckus, disorder, fray; brawl, fight, scuffle, struggle, skirmish, scrimmage, free-for-all, tussle A confused mass of people: the melee of people that was always thronging the streets


relating to, or produced by motion; dynamic গতিসম্পর্কিত, গতি থেকে উদ্ভূত, Kinetics: গতিবিদ্যা For the electric automobile, light and efficient storage batteries is the source of the kinetic energy to propel the vehicle. Relating to or resulting from motion. (Of a work of art) depending on movement for its effect.


a source of materials to nourish the body পুষ্টি, খাদ্য Each may share equally in nourishment, sun, air, water, as long as they keep their distance. The food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition: tubers from which plants obtain nourishment food, sustenance, nutriment, nutrition, subsistence, provisions, provender, fare The action of nourishing someone or something: they suck out the sap and eliminate from it a sweet liquid for the nourishment of their young


a person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses আশাবাদী , আশাবাদী ব্যক্তি , আশাবাদী দার্শনিক , মঙ্গলবাদী An optometrist, or Doctor of Optometry, is a healthcare professional who provides primary vision care. A person who practices optometry.


a set of clothing, often with accessories; a set of tools or equipment for a specialized purpose কোনো বিশষ উদ্দেশ্য প্রয়োজনীয় যাবতীয় পোশাক বা Every day her outfit is analyzed as if it were fashion week. A set of clothes worn together, typically for a particular occasion or purpose: a riding outfit costume, suit, uniform, ensemble, attire, clothes, clothing, dress, garb


be slow in leaving; continue or persist; stay যেতে দরি করা বা বিলম্ব করা, দীর্ঘকাল থাকা India is anxious to avoid inflaming tensions with China, which linger from a 1962 border war. Stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave: she lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine she let her eyes linger on him suggestively wait around, stay, remain, wait, stay put; loiter, dawdle, dally, take one's time (linger over) Spend a long time over (something):she lingered over her meal Be slow to disappear or die: the tradition seems to linger on we are thankful that she didn't linger on and suffer persist, continue, remain, stay, endure, carry on, last, keep on/up


beggar; religious friar forbidden to own personal property who begs for living ভিক্ষাজীবী , ভিক্ষাজীবী সন্যাসী, mendicity: ভিক্ষা,ভিক্ষা বৃত্তি "O noble sir, give alms to the poor," cried Aladdin, playing the mendicant. Given to begging. Of or denoting one of the religious orders that originally relied solely on alms: a mendicant friar A beggar.


bypass requirement or make it unnecessary; get rid of ভারমুক্ত হওয়া, পরিত্রাণ পাওয়া, দূর করা, অপসারিত করা , রেহাই পাওয়া I hope this contribution will obviate any need for further collections of funds. Remove (a need or difficulty): the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains preclude, prevent, remove, get rid of, do away with, get around, rule out, eliminate, make/render unnecessary Avoid; prevent: a parachute can be used to obviate disaster


capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily শগে বাঁকানো যায় এমন, নমনীয়। নমনীয় করা Hours of ballet classes kept him limber. (Of a person or body part) lithe; supple. lithe, supple, nimble, lissome, flexible, fit, agile, acrobatic, loose-jointed, loose-limbed (Of a thing) flexible: limber graphite fishing rods


capricious; liable to sudden unpredictable change; quick and changeable in temperament পারদ সম্পর্কিত, প্রাণবন্ত, চটপটে, উপস্থিত বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন, ব্যক্তি সম্পকে পরিবর্তনশীল Quick as quicksilver to change, he was mercurial in nature and therefore unreliable. (Of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind: his mercurial temperament volatile, capricious, temperamental, excitable, fickle, changeable, unpredictable, variable, protean, mutable, erratic, quicksilver, inconstant, inconsistent, unstable, unsteady, fluctuating, ever-changing, moody, flighty, wayward, whimsical, impulsive (Of a person) sprightly; lively. Of or containing the element mercury.


captivate; cause to be interested or curious; plot for: scheme for চক্রান্ত , ষড়্যন্ত্র , চক্র , গুপ্ত চক্রান্ত , গুপ্ত কৌশল , ফিকির , ষড়্যন্ত্র করা , চক্রান্ত করা , বিহ্বল করা, মন্ত্রণা করা , মুগ্ধ করা , ঔত্সুক্য জাগান , কৌতূহল জাগান He asks occasional questions, but usually just about how the speaker came to a certain conclusion, it's the thought process more than the answer that seems to intrigue him. [WITH OBJECT] Arouse the curiosity or interest of;fascinate:I was intrigued by your question interest, be of interest to, fascinate, be a source of fascination to, arouse someone's curiosity, engage someone's attention, attract, draw, lure, tempt, tantalize; rivet, absorb, engross, charm, captivate; divert, titillate interesting, fascinating, absorbing, compelling,gripping, riveting, captivating, engaging,enthralling, diverting, titillating, tantalizing; stimulating, thought-provoking [NO OBJECT] Make secret plans to do something illicit ordetrimental to someone:Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles plot, hatch a plot, conspire, take part in a conspiracy, make secret plans, lay plans, scheme,manoeuvre, connive, collude, work hand in glove


cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; vex আমবাত Do not let him nettle you with his sarcastic remarks. Irritate or annoy (someone): I was nettled by Alene's tone of superiority irritate, annoy, irk, gall, vex, anger, exasperate, infuriate, provoke; upset, displease, offend, affront, pique, get on someone's nerves, try someone's patience, ruffle someone's feathers; rub the wrong way, rankle


cause to rise, especially by fermentation; add a rising agent to খামির, ঈষ্ট জাতীয় বস্তু যা মেশালে ম্যদার তাল ফুলে ওঠে , পরিবর্তনসাধক বস্তু When we leaven bread dough, it puffs up, expanding in volume. A substance, typically yeast, that is added to dough to make it ferment and rise. leavening, ferment, fermentation agent, raising agent, yeast, barm, baking powder Permeate and modify or transform(something) for the better: the proceedings should be leavened by humour (as noun leavening) underneath the frills and fuss there's a leavening of serious intent permeate, infuse, pervade, penetrate, imbue, suffuse, transform, modify; enliven, lighten, quicken, inspire, stimulate, liven up, invigorate, vivify,ginger up, energize, electrify, galvanize, perk up, brighten up, cheer up, season, spice


harmful to living things; injurious to health ক্ষতিকর , হানিকর , অপকারী, অনিষ্টকর We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us. Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant: they were overcome by the noxious fumes poisonous, toxic, deadly, harmful, dangerous, pernicious, damaging, destructive; unpleasant, nasty, disgusting, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible; vile, revolting, foul, nauseating, appalling, offensive; malodorous, fetid, putrid


causing anger, displeasure, resentment, or affront কটু, অশোভন, কটুগন্ধ, ~ language অশালীন ভাষা, আত্রুমণাত্মক ভঙ্গি The professional boxers are required by law to restrict their offensive impulses to the ring. Causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry: the allegations made are deeply offensive to us offensive language insulting, insolent, derogatory, disrespectful, hurtful, wounding, abusive; annoying, exasperating, irritating, galling, provocative, outrageous; rude, impertinent, discourteous, uncivil, impolite; crude, vulgar, coarse, improper, indecent (Of a sight or smell) disgusting; repulsive: an offensive odor unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, distasteful, displeasing, objectionable, off-putting, awful, terrible, dreadful, frightful, obnoxious, abominable, disgusting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, revolting, abhorrent, loathsome, detestable, odious, vile, foul, sickening, nauseating Actively aggressive; attacking: offensive operations against the insurgents hostile, attacking, aggressive, invading, incursive, combative, belligerent, on the attack


causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation; tedious বিরক্তি উত্পাদন করা , ক্লান্ত করে তোলা, বিরক্তকর, ক্লান্তি কর E.g.He found working on the assembly line irksome because of the monotony of the operation he had to perform. Irritating; annoying:an irksome journeypetty regulations were becoming very irksome irritating, annoying, vexing, vexatious, galling, exasperating, displeasing, grating, disagreeable; tiresome, wearisome, tedious, trying, troublesome, burdensome, bothersome, awkward,inconvenient, difficult, boring, uninteresting; infuriating, maddening


central or vital part; most material and central part; grain or seed as of corn ফলের ভিতরকার শাঁস, কোনো বিষয়ের কেন্দ্রবস্তু, মর্মস্থল "Watson, buried within this tissue of lies there is a kernel of truth; when I find it, the mystery will be solved.". A softer, usually edible part of a nut, seed, or fruit stone contained within its shell:the kernel of a walnut pine kernels The seed and hard husk of a cereal, especially wheat: the milky kernel of the wheat grain The central or most important part of something:this is the kernel of the argument essence, core, heart, essential part, essentials,quintessence, fundamentals, basics, nub, gist,substance, burden, heart of the matter, marrow,meat, pith, crux, nucleus, centre, germ, grain, nugget


ceremonial staff borne or displayed as the symbol of authority of a legislative body; heavy fighting club প্রভুত্বের চিহৃস্বরূপ দণ্ড , আসা সোঁটা The mayor has a mace which is held as a sign of authority. A heavy club, typically having a metal head and spikes. club, cudgel, stick, staff, shillelagh, bludgeon, truncheon, nightstick, billy club, blackjack A ceremonial staff of office.


clever, expedient way of doing something; specific talent, especially one difficult to explain or teach দক্ষতা (N), নৈপুণ্য , পটুতা, কুশলতা , কুশলীতা, কৌসল, নিপুণতা , চতুরতা There is a certain knack to lapping a barrel, not everyone is able to successfully do it, but if youcan, it will definitely improve the performance of any rifle. An acquired or natural skill at doing something: he had a knack for communicating gift, talent, flair, genius, instinct, faculty, ability, capability, capacity, aptitude, aptness, bent, forte, facility, dexterity, adroitness, readiness, quickness, ingenuity, proficiency, expertness, competence; technique, method, trick, skill, art, secret, approach, way, skilfulness, mastery, expertise, handiness, deftness A tendency to do something:John had the enviable knack of falling asleep anywhere tendency to, propensity for, habit of, way of,proneness to, aptness to, bent for, liability to, leaning towards, predisposition to, disposition to, inclination to, penchant for, readiness to


close relationship, connection, or link; secret love affair দুই পক্ষের সংযোগ বা যোগাযোগ, এই ধরনের সংযোগ রক্ষাকারী কর্মকর্তা, অবৈধ যৌন সম্পর্ক Now, often, CIA agents have a liaison relationship with the host government. Communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations: the head porter works in close liaison with the reception office A person who acts as a link to assist communication or cooperation between groups of people: he's our liaison with a number of interested parties intermediary, mediator, middleman, contact, link, connection, go-between, representative, agent A sexual relationship, especially one that is secret and involves unfaithfulness to a partner love affair, affair, relationship, romance, attachment, fling, amour, romantic entanglement, entanglement, tryst


combination; union of two or more commercial corporations কোন কিছুতে নিমজ্জিত করা বা হওয়া, ব্যবস্য প্রতিষ্ঠানাদির একত্রীকরণ For Toshiba, the merger is an attempt to distance itself from unprofitable operations by letting Fujitsu effectively oversee its cellphone business. A combination of two things, especially companies, into one: a merger between two supermarket chains local companies ripe for merger or acquisition amalgamation, combination, union, fusion, coalition, affiliation, unification, incorporation, consolidation, link-up, alliance


relating to, or suggestive of war; connected with the armed forces যুদ্ধ বিষয়ক , যুদ্ধপ্রিয় , সামরিক , ~ law সামরিক আইন Of course, even in martial sports, let's say like boxing, there are a few rules that people should stick to, even a little, don't you think? military, soldierly, soldier-like, army, naval; warlike, fighting, combative, bellicose, hawkish, pugnacious, militaristic


condition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty ভুলে যাওয়া , বিস্মরণ , বিস্মৃতি, অচেতন অবস্থা The only thing keeping McCain from oblivion is his image as a nonpartisan maverick. The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening: they drank themselves into oblivion unconsciousness, insensibility, a stupor, stupefaction, senselessness; a coma, a blackout The state of being forgotten, especially by the public: his name will fade into oblivion Extinction: only our armed forces stood between us and oblivion obscurity, limbo, anonymity, nonexistence, nothingness, neglect, disregard


cut or bruise with repeated blows or strokes, making a ragged or torn wound, or covering with wounds; tear in cutting খণ্ড খণ্ড করিয়া ছেদন করা , কোপ দিয়া কাটা , ছিন্ন করা , কাপড় ইস্তিরি করা , কাপড়ের ইস্তিরিবিশেষ The explosions kill them and mangle bodies so badly. Severely mutilate, disfigure, or damage by cutting, tearing, or crushing: the car was mangled almost beyond recognition figurative he was mangling Bach on the piano mutilate, maim, disfigure, damage, injure, crush; hack, cut up, lacerate, tear apart, butcher, maul, spoil, ruin, mar, mutilate, make a mess of, wreck A large machine for ironing sheets or other fabrics, usually when they are damp, using heated rollers.


death notice; list of dead শোক সংবাদ , মৃত্যুসংবাদজ্ঞাপক , মৃত্যুসংবাদ সংক্রান্ত, অনেক সময় মৃত ব্যক্তির সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী সংযোজিত থাকে I cut out his obituary from the local paper, and wrapped it in clear tape to preserve it. A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief biography of the deceased person: the obituary of a friend [as modifier]: an obituary notice death notice, eulogy


deed; action; act performed for amusement; joke পরিহাস , কৌতুক , উপহাসাস্পদ, মজা, ঠাট্রা করা I can easily see him making that comment in jest and then some site running it as gospel. A thing said or done for amusement; a joke: he laughed uproariously at his own jest [MASS NOUN]: it was said in jest joke, witticism, funny remark, gag, quip, sally, pun, play on words; crack, wisecrack, one-liner, funny, banter, in fun, as a joke, tongue in cheek, playfully, jokingly, light-heartedly, facetiously, flippantly, frivolously, for a laugh; to tease, teasingly, banteringly, whimsically


deep-rooted; firmly and long established; habitual বিশেষত অভ্যাস ও অনুভূতি সম্বন্ধে বদ্ধমূল, দূঢ়মূল, সংশোধনাতীত An inveterate smoker, Bob cannot seem to break the habit, no matter how hard he tries. Having a particular habit, activity, or interest that islong-established and unlikely to change:an inveterate gambler ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, deep-set,entrenched, established, long-established, congenital; ineradicable, incurable, irredeemable (Of a feeling or habit) long-established and unlikely to change:his inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the 'reactionary' powers confirmed, hardened, chronic, hard-core,incorrigible; habitual, addicted, compulsive, obsessive, obsessional


defeat; cover completely or make imperceptible; overcome by superior force ; charge someone with too many tasks অভিভূত করা , ঢাকিয়া ফেলা , চাপা দেত্তয়া, আচ্ছন্ন করা, সম্পূর্ণরূপে নিমজ্জিত করা, অন্ধকার দেখান, ছেয়ে ফেলা, বিধ্বস্ত করা Still, he was sufficiently touched by his aunt's grief too long to rush out from under the bed and overwhelm her with joy--and the theatrical gorgeousness of the thing appealed strongly to his nature, too, but he resisted and lay still. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass: the water flowed through to overwhelm the whole dam and the village beneath swamp, submerge, engulf, bury, deluge, flood, inundate Defeat completely: his teams overwhelmed their opponents defeat (utterly/heavily), trounce, rout, beat (hollow), conquer, vanquish, be victorious over, triumph over, worst, overcome, overthrow, crush Give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate: they were overwhelmed by farewell messages (usually be overwhelmed) Have a strong emotional effect on: I was overwhelmed with guilt overcome, move, stir, affect, touch, strike, dumbfound, shake, devastate, floor, leave speechless Be too strong for; overpower: the wine doesn't overwhelm the flavor of the trout


deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; inadequate; feeble কৃশ , হীনবল , অপ্রচুর , অল্প , নিঃস্ব As one of 17 siblings he grew up in meager conditions and frequently used cardboard to replace holes in his sneakers when playing basketball growing up. (Of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality: they were forced to supplement their meager earnings inadequate, scanty, scant, paltry, limited, restricted, modest, insufficient, sparse, deficient, negligible, skimpy, slender, poor, miserable, pitiful, puny, miserly, niggardly, beggarly Of a person or animal) lean; thin. thin, lean, skinny, spare, scrawny, gangling, gangly, spindly, stringy, bony, rawboned, gaunt, underweight, underfed, undernourished, emaciated, skeletal


delay; drag; the act of slowing down or falling behind অত্যন্ত ধীর গতিতে চলা , পিছিয়ে পড়া , বিলম্ব , তাপনিরোধক আবরণ , জেলে পাঠানো , গ্রেপ্তার করা I'm sure you've experienced jet lag before. Fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development:they waited for Tim who was lagging behind fall behind, straggle, fall back, trail (behind), linger, dally, dawdle, hang back, delay, move slowly, loiter, drag one's feet, take one's time, not keep pace, idle, dither, saunter, bring up the rear Enclose or cover (a boiler, pipes, etc.) with material that provides heat insulation: all pipes and tanks in the attic should be lagged A person who has been frequently convicted and sent to prison: both old lags were sentenced to ten years' imprisonment


deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ, বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ It is just plain malicious software designed to corrupt your device or steal your information. Characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm: malicious destruction of property the transmission of malicious software such as computer viruses spiteful, malevolent, evil-intentioned, vindictive, vengeful, malign, mean, nasty, hurtful, mischievous, wounding, cruel, unkind


delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns; rope; cord that is drawn through eyelets কারুকার্যময় ফিতা, ~up শক্ত করে বাঁধা E.g.When having brought her ironing-table to the nursery hearth, she allowed us to sit about it, and while she got up Mrs. Reed's lace frills, and crimped her nightcap borders. [MASS NOUN] A fine open fabric of cotton or silk, made by looping, twisting, or knitting thread in patterns and used especially for trimming garments:a dress trimmed in white lace [AS MODIFIER]: a lace collar [COUNT NOUN]: fine needlepoint laces openwork, lacework, tatting, netting, net, tulle,meshwork, mesh, webbing; Chantilly lace, Brussels lace, fishnet, filigree,passementerie, bobbinet, needlepoint (lace), point lace, filet, bobbin lace, pillow lace, duchesse lace,Honiton lace, Nottingham lace, Shetland lace,guipure, rosaline Fasten or tighten (a shoe or garment) by tying the laces:he put the shoes on and laced them up fasten, do up, tie up, secure; bind, knot, truss


designed to create ill will or envy বিদ্বেষ জন্মাতে পারে এমন, বিদ্বেষজনক, অপ্রীতিজনক, ঈর্ষাজনক, অসন্তোষ বা ক্ষোপ উত্পাদনকারী We disregarded her invidious remarks because we realized how jealous she was. (Of an action or situation) likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others:she'd put herself in an invidious position unpleasant, awkward, difficult; undesirable, unenviable (Of a comparison or distinction) unfairly discriminating; unjust:it seems invidious to make special mention of one aspect of his work unfair, unjust, prejudicial, discriminatory, iniquitous, weighted, one-sided; offensive, objectionable; deleterious, detrimental, unwarranted


destiny; fate; fortune; the will of Allah কপাল , ভাগ্য , কিসমৎ , আল্লার মর্জি , নিয়তি My kismet is indeed bad; I can see no road of escape. Destiny; fate:what chance did I stand against kismet? fate, destiny, fortune, providence, the stars, God's will, what is written in the stars, one's doom, one's portion, one's lot, one's lot in life, karma,predestination, preordination, predetermination, what is to come, the writing on the wall; luck, chance


destroy completely; do away with completely so as to leave no trace মুছে ফেলা , ঘষে তুলে ফেলা , চিহ্নমাত্র না রাখা , বিলোপ করা , নিশ্চিহ্ন করা , ধ্বংস করা The tidal wave would obliterate several island villages,. Destroy utterly; wipe out: figurative the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind destroy, wipe out, annihilate, demolish, eliminate, decimate, liquidate, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map Cause to become invisible or indistinct; blot out: clouds were darkening, obliterating the sun erase, eradicate, expunge, efface, wipe out, blot out, rub out, block out, remove all traces of obscure, hide, conceal, blot out, block (out), cover, screen


difficult to manage or govern; stubborn; unyielding সহজে নিয়ন্ত্রন বা বশ করা যায় না এমন, অবাধ্য , একগুঁয়ে , অবশ্য, দুরন্ত , দুর্ধর্ষ Charlie Brown's friend Pigpen was intractable: he absolutely refused to take a bath. Hard to control or deal with:intractable economic problems unmanageable, uncontrollable, ungovernable, out of control, out of hand, impossible to cope with; difficult, awkward, complex, troublesome, demanding, burdensome (Of a person) difficult or stubborn. stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, inflexible,unadaptable, unmalleable, unbending,unyielding, uncompromising,unaccommodating, uncooperative, difficult,awkward, perverse, contrary, disobedient, indomitable, refractory, recalcitrant, pig-headed, bull-headed, wilful;


disease, disorder, or ailment; unwholesome condition রোগ, অসুস্থতা A mysterious malady swept the country, filling doctors' offices with feverish, purple-spotted patients. A disease or ailment: an incurable malady figurative the nation's maladies illness, sickness, disease, infection, ailment, disorder, complaint, indisposition, affliction, infirmity, syndrome


dull and uninteresting; lacking distinct or individual সৃষ্টিছাড়া , অদ্ভুত, সহজে শ্রেণীভুক্ত করা যায় না এমন বস্তু বা ব্যক্তি The private detective was a short, nondescript fellow with no outstanding features, the sort of person one would never notice in a crowd. Lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics: she lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block undistinguished, unremarkable, unexceptional, featureless, characterless, faceless, unmemorable, lackluster; ordinary, commonplace, average, run-of-the-mill, mundane, garden-variety; uninteresting, uninspiring, uninvolving, colorless, bland, dull


dull; lacking luster or shine We were disappointed by the lackluster performance. Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring:no excuses were made for the team's lacklustre performance uninspired, uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, colourless, characterless, bland,insipid, vapid, flat, dry, lifeless, listless, tame, tired, prosaic, mundane, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, spiritless, lustreless, apathetic, torpid, unanimated; uninteresting, boring, monotonous, dreary, tedious, wearisome


eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything; having interest in a variety of subjects সর্বভুক , সর্বাশী , সর্বভোজী , সর্বাধ্যয়নশীল Some animals, including man, are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous. (Of an animal or person) feeding on food of both plant and animal origin. able to eat anything, having a mixed/varied diet Taking in or using whatever is available: an omnivorous reader of varied tastes, undiscriminating, indiscriminate, unselective


enthusiastic, prolonged applause; show of public homage or welcome বিপুল সংবর্ধনা , স্বতঃস্ফুর্ত করতালি , উচ্ছুসিত সংবর্ধনা When the popular tenor Placido Domingo came on stage in the first act of La Boheme, he was greeted by a tremendous ovation. A sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause: the performance received a thundering ovation round of applause, applause, hand-clapping, clapping, cheering, cheers, bravos, acclaim, acclamation, tribute, standing ovation


excessive in degree or nature; preoccupying কোনো বিশষ ভয়, ভাবনা, ধারণা সম্বন্ধে সমস্ত মনকে আচ্ছন্ন বা আবিষ্ট করা, নিরবচ্ছিন্নভাবে পীড়িত করা, আচ্ছন্নতা, আবিষ্টতা Well, obsessive is going to extremes and medium is not. Of the nature of an obsession: people dogged by obsessive jealousy all-consuming, consuming, compulsive, controlling, obsessional, fanatic, fanatical, neurotic, excessive, overkeen, besetting, tormenting, inescapable, pathological Affected by an obsession: she became obsessive about her schoolwork


excessively careful; marked by extreme care in treatment of details খুটিনাটির ব্যাপারে অতি যত্মশীল, অতি সতর্ক ও যথাযথ, অতিরিক্ত যত্নবান , নির্ভুল One neighbor, who usually uses the truck to haul away lawn debris, always returns the truck in meticulous condition. Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise: he had always been so meticulous about his appearance careful, conscientious, diligent, scrupulous, punctilious, painstaking, accurate; thorough, studious, rigorous, detailed, perfectionist, fastidious, methodical, particular


exclude from community or group; banish by popular vote সমাজ বিচ্ছিন্ন করা, একঘরে করা As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals, his friends began to ostracize him. Exclude (someone) from a society or group: a group of people who have been ridiculed, ostracized, and persecuted for centuries exclude, shun, spurn, cold-shoulder, reject, shut out, avoid, ignore, snub, cut dead, keep at arm's length, leave out in the cold; blackball, blacklist (In ancient Greece) banish (an unpopular or too powerful citizen) from a city for five or ten years by popular vote.


exhibiting or giving out colors like those of rainbow; gleaming or shimmering with rainbow colors রামধনুর মতো বর্ণোজ্জ্বল She admired the iridescent hues of the oil that floated on the surface of the water. Showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles:the drake's head has an iridescent purple sheen shimmering, shimmery, glittering, sparkling, coruscating, dazzling, shining, gleaming, glowing, lustrous, scintillating, dancing, opalescent, opaline; multicoloured, kaleidoscopic, rainbow-like, rainbow-coloured, many-hued, prismatic, colourful, psychedelic; variegated, shot


expecting unquestioning obedience; overwhelming in power or significance যুক্তিতর্ক বা কর্তৃত্বের জোরে অথবা বলা প্রয়োগে অভিভূত বা পরাভূত করা, কর্তৃত্ব পুর্ণ, অন্যদেরকে নিজের ইচ্ছার বশকারী, অন্যের উপর প্রভুত্ব বিস্তারকারী, "In choosing a husband," she said, "good birth is of overbearing importance; compared to that, neither wealth nor talent signifies." Unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering: his overbearing, sometimes ruthless desire to succeed domineering, dominating, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic, oppressive, high-handed, bullying


expel; eject from a position or place; force out কাউকে তার চাকরি, আবস্থান, কর্তৃত্ব ইত্যাদি থেকে বিতাড়িত করা বা উচ্ছেদ করা The world wondered if Aquino would be able to oust Marcos from office. Drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place: he ousted a long-term incumbent by only 500 votes drive out, expel, force out, throw out, remove (from office/power), eject, get rid of, depose, dethrone, topple, unseat, overthrow, bring down, overturn, dismiss, dislodge, displace


feeling of sickness in stomach by an urge to vomit; strong aversion; disgust বমি বমি ভাব, বিতৃষ্ণবোধ, বিরাগবোধ, সমুদ্রপীড়া , ঘেন্না Side effects include dizziness, nausea, and falling asleep. A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. sickness, biliousness, queasiness; vomiting, retching, gagging; upset stomach; travel-sickness, seasickness, carsickness, airsickness Loathing; revulsion: intended to induce a feeling of nostalgia, it only induces in me a feeling of nausea disgust, revulsion, repugnance, repulsion, distaste, aversion, loathing, abhorrence


explanatory list of symbols on a map; unverified story handed down from earlier times লৌকিক উপাখ্যান, লোক কাহিনি যার সত্যতা নিরররূপ দুরূহ, মুদ্রা বা মেডেলে উৎকীর্ণ লিপি, ছবি, ম্যাপ বা ছকে ব্যাখ্যা মূলক বর্ণনা, কোন বিশেষ অবদানের জন্য বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তি বা কাজ, কিংবদন্তি The legend is a truth, even as to names as well as general facts. A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated: the legend of King Arthur [MASS NOUN]: according to legend he banished all the snakes from Ireland myth, saga, epic, folk tale, folk story, traditional story, tale, story, fairy tale, narrative, fable, romance; folklore, lore, mythology, fantasy, oral history, tradition, folk tradition, old wives' tales historical The story of a saint's life: the mosaics illustrate the Legends of the Saints An extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field: the man was a living legend a screen legend celebrity, star, superstar, icon, famous person, great, genius, phenomenon, luminary, giant, big name The wording on a map or diagram explaining the symbols used: see legend to Fig. 1 explanation, key, code, cipher, table of symbols, guide, glossary


expression by deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; witty language used to insult বক্তব্যকে জোরালো করার জন্য নিজ চিন্তার সম্পন্ন বিপরীত কিছে বলে মনের ভাব ব্যক্ত করা That most of us miss the irony is a vivid demonstration of our blindness. the use of words that are the opposite of what you mean, as a way of being funny:Her voice heavy with irony, Simone said, "We're so pleased you were able to stay so long." (= Her voice made it obvious they were not pleased.) paradox, paradoxical nature, incongruity, incongruousness, peculiarity The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect: 'Don't go overboard with the gratitude,' he rejoined with heavy irony sarcasm, sardonicism, dryness, causticity, sharpness, acerbity, acid, bitterness, trenchancy,mordancy, cynicism; mockery, satire, ridicule, derision, scorn, sneering; wryness, backhandedness


extremely aggressive and militant patriot; one who advocates aggressive nationalism উগ্র স্বদেশ প্রমিক , বিশেষত যুদ্ধবাজ লোক , যুদ্ধবাজ Always bellowing "America first!," the congressman was such a jingoist you could almost hear the sabers rattling as he marched down the halls. Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy: the popular jingoism that swept the lower-middle classes extreme patriotism, blind patriotism, chauvinism, extreme nationalism, flag-waving, excessive loyalty to one's country, xenophobia; isolationism, sectarianism; hawkishness, militarism, warmongering, belligerence, bellicosity


extremely disturbed from emotion When Kate heard the news of the sudden tragedy, she became too overwrought to work and had to leave the office early. In a state of nervous excitement or anxiety: she was too overwrought to listen to reason tense, agitated, nervous, on edge, edgy, keyed up, worked up, high-strung, neurotic, overexcited, beside oneself, distracted, distraught, frantic, hysterical 2(Of a piece of writing or a work of art) too elaborate or complicated in design or construction. overelaborate, overornate, overblown, overdone, contrived, overworked, strained


faint, cloudlike, self-luminous mass of matter situated beyond the solar system among the stars রাতের আকাশে আলোর অস্পষ্ট ছোপের মতো দখতে অতি দুররে নক্ষত্র, নীহারিকা You can see nebula in the clear summer sky. A cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter. (In general use) any indistinct bright area in the night sky, for example, a distant galaxy. Medicine A clouded spot on the cornea causing defective vision.


feeling of lack of interest or energy; depression শারীরিক অসাড়তা, নিস্তেজভাব, অবসন্নতা, নির্জীবতা, শান্ত, নিস্পন্দন, অলসভাব, দুর্বলতা , ক্লান্তি His friends tried to overcome the languor into which he had fallen by taking him to parties and to the theater. Tiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurable:her whole being was pervaded by a dreamy languor lassitude, lethargy, listlessness,tiredness, torpor, fatigue, weariness; laziness, idleness, indolence, inactivity,inertia, sluggishness; sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence, enervation, lifelessness, apathy An oppressive stillness of the air:the afternoon was hot, quiet, and heavy with languor stillness, tranquillity, calm, calmness,lull, silence, windlessness, oppressiveness, heaviness


fighting or warring; having a combative character; aggressive যুদ্ধের জন্য প্রস্তুত জঙ্গি, রণমুখো, রাজনীতি ক্ষেত্রে জঙ্গি ব্যক্তি People are just too preoccupied with trying to survive, to join militant movements. Combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods: a militant nationalist aggressive, violent, belligerent, bellicose, vigorous, forceful, active, fierce, combative, pugnacious; radical, extremist, extreme, zealous, fanatical


float in air ,especially by magical means দেহকে শূন্যে ভাসমান বা উত্থিত করা ( আধ্যাত্মিক সাধকদের) The claim that I am able to levitate is simultaneously religious and scientific. Rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, especially by means of supernatural or magical power: [NO OBJECT]: he seems to levitate about three inches off the ground [WITH OBJECT]: he was focused on levitating the backpack float, rise, rise into the air, hover, be suspended, glide, hang, fly, soar up


flowing or dropping like honey; sweetly or smoothly flowing, especially in sound কোন ব্যক্তির স্বর, কথা, সঙ্গীত প্রসঙ্গে সুমধুর, সুললিত Italian is a mellifluous language, especially suited to being sung. (Of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear: the voice was mellifluous and smooth sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious, harmonious, tuneful, musical


foul-smelling; offensive by arousing disgust; harmful or dangerous পীড়াদায়ক, গন্ধ কদর্য, বীভৎস The noisome atmosphere downwind of the oil refinery not only stank, it damaged the lungs of everyone living in the area. Having an extremely offensive smell: noisome vapors from the smoldering waste More example sentences Disagreeable; unpleasant: noisome scandals


loose sleeveless coat worn over outer garments; cloak as a symbol of authority; covering; envelop ঢিলা কোটবিশেষ, আলখাল্লা বড় জামা , দীপশিখার অতি উজ্জ্বল আবরণ, আবরণ On a summer night, a mantle of dust hangs over the gravel roads. A loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women. cloak, cape, shawl, wrap, stole A covering of a specified sort: the houses were covered with a thick mantle of snow covering, layer, blanket, sheet, veil, curtain, canopy, cover, cloak, pall, shroud


freedom from normal restraints; angular distance north or south of the earth's equator অক্ষাংস, বিষুব রেখা থেকে উত্তর ব দক্ষিণে কৌনিক দূরত্ব, কর্ম, মত ইত্যাদির স্বাধীনতা .Ah, no, a certain latitude is permissible in these matters, you understand. The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of the equator of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes:at a latitude of 51° N [MASS NOUN]: lines of latitude parallel, grid line (latitudes) Regions, especially with reference to their temperature and distance from the equator:temperate latitudes northern latitudes [MASS NOUN] Scope for freedom of action or thought: journalists have considerable latitude in criticizing public figures freedom, scope, leeway, elbow room,breathing space, space, room, flexibility,liberty, independence, play, slack, free rein, free play, licence, self-determination, room to manoeuvre, scope for initiative, freedom of action, freedom from restriction, a free hand,margin, leisure, unrestrictedness, indulgence, laxity


gay in manner, appearance, or action; easy and carefree লঘুচেতা , স্ফুর্তিবাজ , আত্মবিশ্বাস ও আত্মতৃপ্তি -সূচক In An American in Paris, Gene Kelly sang and danced his way through "Singing in the Rain" in a properly jaunty style. Having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner:there was no mistaking that jaunty walk cheerful, cheery, happy, merry, jolly,joyful, gleeful, glad; lively, vivacious, perky, full of life,bright, sunny, buoyant, bubbly, bouncy,breezy, frisky, full of the joys of spring, in good spirits, exuberant, ebullient,effervescent, sparkling, sparkly,sprightly, spry; carefree, unworried, untroubled, without a care in the world, blithe, airy, light-hearted, nonchalant, insouciant, happy-go-lucky, free and easy, easy-going, blasé, devil-may-care, casual, relaxed


general sense of depression or unease; vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at beginning of illnes সুস্থতা- বোধ, অসুস্থতা, অস্থিরতা E.g.Feeling slightly queasy before going onstage, Carol realized that this touch of malaise was merely stage fright. A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify: a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise a general air of malaise unhappiness, uneasiness, unease, discomfort, melancholy, depression, despondency, dejection, angst, ennui; lassitude, listlessness, languor, weariness; indisposition, ailment, infirmity, illness, sickness, disease


get involved; come, appear, or lie between two things ঘটনা, পরিস্থিতি ইত্যাদি সম্বন্ধে ইতোমধ্যে/ মাঝখানে ঘটা, হস্তক্ষেপ করা, সময় সম্বন্ধে মধ্যবর্তী/ অন্তবর্তী And therefore, the place to intervene is to slow down the number of children who begin smoking. Take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events:he acted outside his authority when he intervened in the dispute [WITH INFINITIVE]: their forces intervened to halt the attack intercede, involve oneself, get involved, interpose oneself, insinuate oneself, step in, cut in;mediate, arbitrate, conciliate, negotiate, act as peacemaker, act as an intermediary; interfere, intrude (Of an event or circumstance) occur as a delay or obstacle to something being done:Christmas intervened and the investigation was suspended occur, happen, take place, arise, crop up,materialize, come about; result, ensue, follow, supervene Be situated between things: they heard the sound of distant gunfire, muffled by the intervening trees


give praise to; glorify; celebrate or honor গুণকীর্তন করা , স্তুতি করা, প্রশংসা করা The NFL began to laud Boomer Esiason's efforts to raise money to combat cystic fibrosis. Praise (a person or their achievements) highly:the obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier (as adjective, with submodifier lauded) her much-lauded rendering of LadyMacbeth praise, extol, hail, applaud, acclaim,commend, admire, approve of, make much of, sing the praises of, lionize, speak highly of, pay tribute/homage to,eulogize, sing paeans to; cheer, celebrate, welcome, salute,glorify, exalt, rhapsodize over/about, honour, adore, revere, venerate, idolize


give to understand; imply as a possibility; make known subtly and indirectly Did Dick intimate that Jane had bad breath when he asked if she'd like a breath mint? Closely acquainted; familiar:intimate friends they are on intimate terms close, bosom, boon, dear, cherished, familiar,confidential, faithful, constant, devoted, fast, firm,favourite, special (Of a place or setting) having a cosy and privateor relaxed atmosphere:an intimate little Italian restaurant friendly, warm, welcoming, hospitable, harmonious, relaxed, informal, easy; cosy, comfortable, snug; Involving very close connection:their intimate involvement with their community (Of knowledge) detailed or thorough:an intimate knowledge of the software detailed, thorough, exhaustive, deep, in-depth, profound; experienced, personal, first-hand, direct,immediate State or make known:Mr Hutchison has intimated his decision to retire announce, state, proclaim, set forth, make known, make public, make plain, impart, disclose, reveal,divulge; tell, inform imply, suggest, hint at, insinuate, indicate, signal, allude to, refer to, communicate, convey; give someone an inkling of [WITH CLAUSE] Imply or hint:he had already intimated that he might not be able to continue


given to expressing yourself freely or insistently স্পষ্টভাষী , স্পষ্টভাষিত , স্পষ্টবাদী , খুলাখুলি, স্পষ্টাস্পষ্টি The candidate was too outspoken to be a successful politician; he had not yet learned to weigh his words carefully. Frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial: he has been outspoken in his criticism forthright, direct, candid, frank, straightforward, honest, open, plain-spoken; blunt, abrupt, bluff, brusque


gloomy; feeling of thoughtful sadness; affected by depression বিষাদ , অবসাদ , হতাশ , বিষন্ন ও চিন্তা করায় এমন, বিষাদপূর্ণ চিন্তারোগ You are not well, you have no friend to cheer you, and this melancholy is the result. A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause: an air of melancholy surrounded him he had an ability to convey a sense of deep melancholy and yearning through much of his work at the center of his music lies a profound melancholy and nostalgia sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, woe, desolation, melancholia, dejection, depression, despondency, cafard, gloom, gloominess, misery


good-natured; marked by good cheer; cheerful and good-humored প্রফুল্ল , আমুদে , আনন্দপূর্ণ , হাসিখুশি , প্রফুল্লিত A frown seemed out of place on his invariably jovial face. Cheerful and friendly: she was in a jovial mood cheerful, jolly, happy, cheery, good-humoured, convivial, genial, good-natured, friendly, amiable, affable, sociable, outgoing, clubbable; smiling, grinning, laughing, mirthful, merry, sunny, bright, joyful, high-spirited, exuberant, ebullient, lively, vivacious, full of life, sprightly, jaunty, breezy; happy-go-lucky, carefree, unworried, untroubled, without a care in the world, full of the joys of spring, fun-loving, buoyant, optimistic, positive


government by a few persons, especially by a small faction of persons or families One small clique ran the student council: what had been intended as a democratic governing body had turned into an oligarchy. A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution: the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president A country governed by an oligarchy: the English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century Government by oligarchy.


grieve; express sorrow; regret deeply শোক করা, বিলাপ করা, শোচনীয়, দুঃখজনক Even advocates of the war lament the loss of so many lives in combat. A passionate expression of grief or sorrow:his mother's night-long laments for his father [MASS NOUN]: a song full of lament and sorrow wail, wailing, lamentation, moan, moaning, groan, weeping, crying, sob, sobbing, keening, howl, complaint A song, piece of music, or poem expressing grief or sorrow:the piper played a lament dirge, requiem, elegy, funeral song/chant, burial hymn, dead march, keen, plaint, knell; Express regret or disappointment about something: [WITH OBJECT]: she lamented the lack of shops in the town [WITH DIRECT SPEECH]: 'We could have won,' lamented the England captain bemoan, bewail, complain about, deplore, regret, rue; protest against, speak out against, object to, oppose, disagree with, fulminate against,inveigh against, rail at, make a fuss about, denounce


habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work; wandering বসবাসের উদ্দেশ্যে এক স্থান ত্যাগ করে অন্যত্র গমনকারী, যাযাবর (বিশেষতঃ পাখি ) These migrant birds return every spring. An animal that migrates. 1.1 (also migrant worker) A worker who moves from place to place to do seasonal work. immigrant, emigrant; nomad, itinerant, traveler, vagrant, transient, rover, wanderer, drifter


handcuff; shackle for hand or wrist; instrument of iron for fettering the hand হাত বা পায়ের শিকল, হাতকড়ি, হাত বা পায়ে শিকাল পরানো , বাধা দেওয়া Then he commanded to cast her into prison and manacle and fetter her. A metal band, chain, or shackle for fastening someone's hands or ankles: the practice of keeping prisoners in manacles handcuffs, shackles, chains, irons, fetters, restraints, bonds Fetter (a person or a part of the body) with manacles: his hands were manacled behind his back shackle, fetter, chain, put/clap in irons, handcuff, restrain; secure


handle someone or something in a rough way; cause serious physical wounds টানা হেঁচড়া করিয়া আহত করা বা নষ্ট করা Over-excited fans maul the rock star . (Of an animal) wound (a person or animal) by scratching and tearing: the herdsmen were mauled by lions savage, attack, tear to pieces, lacerate, claw, scratch Treat (someone or something) roughly. molest, feel, fondle, manhandle


hateful; arousing strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure ঘৃণ্য , জঘন্য, নিন্দার্হ Cinderella's ugly stepsisters had the odious habit of popping their zits in public. Extremely unpleasant; repulsive. revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant, disgusting, offensive, objectionable, vile, foul, abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating, sickening, hateful, detestable, execrable, abominable, monstrous, appalling, reprehensible, deplorable, insufferable, intolerable, despicable, contemptible, unspeakable, atrocious, awful, terrible, dreadful, frightful, obnoxious, unsavory, unpalatable, unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, noisome, distasteful 4


having distinctive odor; emitting an odor; sweet of scent; fragrant গন্ধ নি: সারক , স্বাদুগন্ধ নি: সারক , গন্ধযুক্ত , সুগন্ধ This variety of hybrid tea rose is more odorous than the one you have in your garden. Having or giving off a smell. smelly, foul-smelling, malodorous, pungent, acrid, evil-smelling, stinking, reeking, fetid, rank


having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious পরের অমঙ্গলকামনাকারী, পরশ্রীকাতর, অমঙ্গল কামনা Lago is a malevolent villain who takes pleasure in ruining Othello. Having or showing a wish to do evil to others: the glint of dark, malevolent eyes some malevolent force of nature malicious, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, evil-intentioned, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, vengeful


having slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined বাঁকানো, তির্যক, অসম, পরোক্ষ , নৈতিক বিকৃতি এর দৃষ্টন্ত Casting a quick, oblique glance at the reviewing stand, the sergeant ordered the company to march. Neither parallel nor at a right angle to a specified or implied line; slanting: we sat on the settee oblique to the fireplace slanting, slanted, sloping, at an angle, angled, diagonal, aslant, slant, slantwise, skew, askew, cater-cornered, kitty-corner explicit or direct in addressing a point: he issued an oblique attack on the president indirect, inexplicit, roundabout, circuitous, circumlocutory, implicit, implied, elliptical, evasive, backhanded


hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown গুপ্ত, গূঢ়, কেবল বিশেষ জ্ঞানপ্রাপ্তদের অধিকার আছে এমন, অতিপ্রাকৃত He had hoped that he might give him some proofs of the great accomplishments which he possessed in occult things and in this way add to his own glory and renown. Supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena: a secret society to study alchemy and the occult the supernatural, the paranormal, supernaturalism, magic, black magic, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, wizardry, the black arts, occultism, diabolism, devil worship, devilry, voodoo, hoodoo, white magic, witchery, mysticism Of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena: a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo supernatural, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, psychic, preternatural, paranormal, transcendental; Beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience; mysterious: a weird occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before esoteric, arcane, recondite, abstruse, secret; obscure, incomprehensible, impenetrable, puzzling, perplexing, mystifying, mysterious, enigmatic


honor; praise for exceptional achievement সম্মান ও গৌরব In 1984 Walter Mondale thought he would win kudos for bravely admitting that he would raise taxes. Praise and honour received for an achievement: she was looking for kudos rather than profit prestige, cachet, glory, honour, status, standing,distinction, prestigiousness, fame, celebrity,reputation, repute, renown, notability; admiration, respect, esteem, acclaim, acclamation, applause, praise, credit, approbation, tribute informal , chiefly North American Compliments orcongratulations:kudos to everyone who put the event together


humorously sarcastic or mocking E.g.What's truly ironic is how both sides in this polarized debate use precisely the same tactics. interesting, strange, or funny because of being very different from what you would usually expect:[+ that] It is ironic that although many items are now cheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them. sarcastic, sardonic, dry, caustic, sharp, stinging, scathing, acerbic, acid, bitter, trenchant,mordant, cynical; mocking, satirical, scoffing, ridiculing, derisory, derisive, scornful, sneering; wry, double-edged, backhanded, tongue-in-cheek › showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying: an ironic comment/reply paradoxical, incongruous, odd, strange, weird, peculiar, unexpected


ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy; condition of Buddha বৌদ্ধধর্মে নির্বাণ , মোক্ষ Despite his desire to achieve nirvana, the young Buddhist found that even the buzzing of a fly could distract him from his meditation. (In Buddhism) a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism. paradise, heaven; bliss, ecstasy, joy, peace, serenity, tranquility; enlightenment another term for moksha.


imaginary place for lost or neglected things; state of being disregarded or forgotten অবহেলিত অবস্থা, বিস্মিত বা ভুলে যাওয়া অবস্থা the state of being disregarded or forgotten Outside of Congress another race that remains in limbo is the contest for chairman of the Republican National Committee. (also Limbo) (In some Christian beliefs) the supposed abode of the souls of unbaptized infants, and of the just who died before Christ's coming. An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition: the fate of the Contras is now in limbo A state of neglect or oblivion: children left in an emotional limbo


imitation; act, practice, or art of mimicking অনুকৃত বা ভান করা, নকল, কপট, বিশেষত কৌতুকের জন্য অনুকরণপটু, তামাশার উদ্দেশ্যে নকল করা, বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে অবিকল অনুরূপ Her gift for mimicry was so great that her friends said that she should be in the theater. The action or art of imitating someone or something, typically in order to entertain or ridicule: the word was spoken with gently teasing mimicry a playful mimicry of the techniques of realist writers imitation, imitating, impersonation, copying, aping


immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning Even though Tony denied that anything was wrong, Tina trusted her intuition that something was bothering him. The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning:we shall allow our intuition to guide us instinct, intuitiveness; sixth sense, divination, clairvoyance, second sight,ESP (extrasensory perception) 1.1[COUNT NOUN] A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning: your insights and intuitions as a native speaker are positively sought hunch, feeling, feeling in one's bones, gut feeling, funny feeling, inkling, sneaking suspicion, suspicion, impression; premonition, presentiment, foreboding;


impenetrable by light; not transparent; not reflecting light; having no luster অনচ্ছ , অস্বচ্ছ, অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন , ঘোলা, দুর্বোধ্য , হাবাগবা , জড়বুদ্ধি , অন্ধকার, তিমির The opaque window shade kept the sunlight out of the room. Not able to be seen through; not transparent: the windows were opaque with steam nontransparent, cloudy, filmy, blurred, smeared, smeary, misty, hazy; dirty, muddy, muddied, grimy (Especially of language) hard or impossible to understand; unfathomable: technical jargon that was opaque to her obscure, unclear, mysterious, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, mystifying, confusing, unfathomable, incomprehensible, unintelligible, ambiguous, Delphic, impenetrable, oblique, enigmatic, cryptic, hazy, foggy


implied comparison; one thing conceived as representing another; symbol অভেদ কল্পনা করে বিশেষ ভাব প্রকাশের জন্য যে শব্দ প্রয়োগ করা হয়, রূপক , উপমা , অলংকারবিশেষ While maybe the metaphor is a little stretched, Sharon's comparison is mostly brilliant. an expression that describes a person or object by referring to something that is considered to possess similar characteristics: [C] "A heart of stone" is a metaphor. পাষান হৃদয় ( পাষানের মত কঠিন হৃদয়) a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract: the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it a metaphor for an industry that was teetering ( টলটলায়মানভাবে দাঁড়ান বা হাঁটা)


impose fine or tax; collect payment কর, খাজনা ধার্য করা বা আদায় করা , সৈন্য, রসদ ইঃ সংগ্রহ করা Crying "No taxation without representation," the colonists demonstrated against England's power to levy taxes. Impose (a tax, fee, or fine):a new tax could be levied on industry to pay for cleaning up contaminated land Impose a tax, fee, or fine on: there will be powers to levy the owner [NO OBJECT] (levy on/upon) Seize(property) to satisfy a legal judgment: there were no goods to levy upon


impossible to recover or regain; irreparable পুনরূদ্ধারের অসাধ্য, অপূরণীয় , অপ্রতিকার্য The left fielder tried to retrieve the ball, but it flew over the fence, bounced off a wall, and fell into the sewer: it was irretrievable. Not able to be retrieved or put right:the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage irreversible, unrectifiable, irremediable, irrevocable, irredeemable, irrecoverable,unrecoverable, irreparable, unrepairable, beyond repair; irreclaimable, lost, lost and gone, gone forever, hopeless, past hope, beyond hope


in the West Indies and Guiana, a fugitive slave, or a free negro, living in the mountains কাউকে নির্জন দ্বীপে পরিত্যক্ত অবস্থায় ফেলে রেখে আসা , খয়েরি লাল বর্ণ He should be available for his final game in maroon and gold. Of a brownish-crimson color. Leave (someone) trapped and isolated in an inaccessible place, especially an island: a novel about schoolboys marooned on a desert island strand, cast away, cast ashore, shipwreck; abandon, leave behind, leave, leave in the lurch, desert, forsake


inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful ভুলো , অমনোযোগী , অন্যমনস্ক , বিস্মরণশীল One can even travel to Ben Gurion Airport and remain oblivious to the concrete separation wall. Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one: she became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time the women were oblivious of his presence unaware of, unconscious of, heedless of, unmindful of, insensible of/to, unheeding of, ignorant of, incognizant of, blind to, deaf to, unsuspecting of, unobservant of; insensitive to, unconcerned with, impervious to, unaffected by, indifferent to


incompatible; not able to be resolved পুর্নর্মিলনের অসাধ্য , মিটমাট করে ফেলা যায় না এমন, ব্যক্তি সম্বন্ধে মেলানো বা খাপ খাওয়ানো যায় না এমন, অসদৃশ Because the separated couple were irreconcilable, the marriage counselor recommended a divorce. (Of ideas or statements) so different from each other that they cannot be made compatible:these two views of the economy are irreconcilable incompatible, at odds, at variance, incongruous, conflicting, clashing, discordant,antagonistic, mutually exclusive; opposite, contrary, opposing, antithetical, diametrically opposed; different, disparate, variant, dissimilar, poles apart, polar Incapable of being resolved:irreconcilable differences (Of people) implacably hostile to each other:irreconcilable enemies implacable, unappeasable, uncompromising, inexorable, intransigent, inflexible, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting, hard-line; mortal, bitter, deadly, sworn, out-and-out


injurious; tending to cause death; disposed to do evil ব্যক্তি বা ব্যাক্তির আচরণ সম্পর্কে অপকারী, ক্ষতিকর, রোগ সম্পর্কে মারাত্মক, অতি প্রবল, চরম ক্ষতিকর, মারত্মক অবস্থা An experimental development of this field is to use this ray that concentrates in malignant brain tumors. (Of a disease) very virulent or infectious. virulent, very infectious, invasive, uncontrollable, dangerous, deadly, fatal, incurable, life-threatening (Of a tumor) tending to invade normal tissue or to recur after removal; cancerous. Contrasted with benign. cancerous Malevolent: in the hands of malignant fate spiteful, malicious, malevolent, evil-intentioned, vindictive, vengeful, malign, mean, nasty, hurtful, mischievous, wounding, cruel, unkind


irritable; easily angered; excited by or arising from anger খিটখিটে , মাথাগরম Miss Minchin's irascible temper intimidated the younger schoolgirls, who feared she'd burst into a rage at any moment. Having or showing a tendency to be easily angered:an irascible and difficult man irritable, quick-tempered, short-tempered, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, hot-tempered, thin-skinned, snappy, snappish, tetchy, testy, touchy, edgy, crabby, waspish, dyspeptic; surly, cross, crusty, crabbed, grouchy, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-natured,ill-humoured, peevish, querulous, captious, fractious, bilious


known for some unfavorable act or quality; bad or ill fame দুর্নাম , কুখ্যাতি To the starlet, any publicity was good publicity: if she couldn't have a good reputation, she'd settle for notoriety. The state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed: the song has gained some notoriety in the press she has a certain notoriety infamy, disrepute, ill repute, bad name, dishonor, discredit


lack of proper respect; disrespectful act or remark শ্রদ্ধাহীন , ভক্তিহীন Some audience members were amused by the irreverence of the comedian's jokes about the Pope; others felt offended by his lack of respect for their faith. A lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously:an attitude of irreverence towards politicians disrespect, lack of respect, disdain, scorn, contempt, derision, mockery, ridicule,disparagement; insolence, impudence, impertinence, cheek, flippancy, insubordination, presumptuousness,presumption, forwardness; rudeness, impoliteness, discourtesy, incivility, abuse


lack of seriousness; lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate ছ্যাবলামি , অসভ্য রসিকতা , মর্যাদাজ্ঞানহীন আচরণ Stop giggling and wriggling around in the pew: such levity is improper in church. Humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect: as an attempt to introduce a note of levity, the words were a disastrous flop lightheartedness, high spirits, vivacity, liveliness, cheerfulness, cheeriness, humor, gaiety, fun, jocularity, hilarity, frivolity, amusement, mirth, laughter, merriment, glee, comedy, wit, wittiness, jollity, joviality


lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness অসাড় , ক্ষীণ , নিরুত্সাহ , জড়তাগ্রস্ত, ধীর গতি সম্পন্ন, নিস্তেজ Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid. (Of a person, manner, or gesture) having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort: his languid demeanour irritated her relaxed, unhurried, languorous, unenergetic, lacking in energy, slow,slow-moving; listless, lethargic, phlegmatic, torpid,sluggish, lazy, idle, slothful, inactive,indolent, lackadaisical, apathetic, indifferent, uninterested, impassive (Of a period of time) relaxed and peaceful:the terrace was perfect for languid days in the Italian sun leisurely, peaceful, languorous,relaxed, restful, lazy Weak or faint from illness or fatigue: she was pale, languid, and weak, as if she had delivered a child sickly, weak, faint, feeble, frail, delicate,debilitated, flagging, drooping; tired, weary, fatigued, enervated


language used by a special group; technical terminology; nonsensical or meaningless talk পরিভাষিক, The computer salesmen at the store used a jargon of their own that we simply couldn't follow; we had no idea what they were jabbering about. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand: legal jargon specialized language, technical language, slang, cant, idiom, argot, patter, patois,vernacular; computerese, legalese, bureaucratese, journalese, psychobabble; unintelligible language, obscure language, gobbledegook, gibberish, double Dutch


liberal; wasteful; excessive spending উদারচিত্ত , মুক্তহস্ত , অতি পর্যাপ্ত , অপব্যয়ী, অমিতব্যয়ী E.g.I would fly to Paris and stay in lavish hotels if someone else were paying. Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious:a lavish banquet sumptuous, luxurious, luxuriant, lush, gorgeous, costly, opulent, grand, elaborate, splendid, rich, regal, ornate, expensive;pretentious, showy, fancy (Of a person) very generous or extravagant: he was lavish with his hospitality generous, liberal, bountiful, open-handed, unstinting, unsparing,ungrudging, free, munificent, handsome; extravagant, prodigal, fulsome Spent or given in profusion: lavish praise abundant, copious, ample,superabundant, plentiful, profuse,liberal, prolific, generous


light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift দ্রুতগামী , ক্ষিপ্রগতি , চটপটে, চপল, মন সম্বন্ধে তীক্ষ্ণ, তুখোর She knitted a pair of mittens for me with her nimble fingers. Quick and light in movement or action; agile: with a deft motion of her nimble fingers agile, sprightly, light, spry, lively, quick, graceful, lithe, limber; skillful, deft, dexterous, adroit (Of the mind) quick to comprehend: she is well-read and intellectually nimble quick-witted, quick, alert, lively, wide awake, observant, astute, adroit, perceptive, penetrating, discerning, shrewd, sharp; intelligent, bright, smart, clever, brilliant


long, eventful journey; extended adventurous voyage or trip একের পর এক দীর্ঘ দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান, দী র্ঘ দুঃসাহসিক যাত্রা The nine-month, 32,000-mile odyssey is one of the world's most grueling competitions, the sailing equivalent of scaling Mount Everest. (odyssey) A long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience: his odyssey from military man to politician journey, voyage, trek, travels, quest, crusade, pilgrimage, wandering, journeying


look at amorously; cast glances as in fondness or to attract notice (লোলুপ দৃষ্টিতে) চেয়ে থাকা At the coffee house, Walter was too shy to ogle the pretty girls openly; instead, he peeked out at them from behind a rubber plant. Stare at in a lecherous manner: he was ogling her breasts [no object]: men who had turned up to ogle leer at, stare at, eye, make eyes at, check out


look on or treat a person as celebrity; visit famous places in order to revere them The public seemed to lionize and adored her. কাউকে বিখ্যাত ব্যক Give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity: modern athletes are lionized More example sentences Synonyms celebrate, fête, glorify, honor, exalt, acclaim, admire, praise, extol, applaud, hail, venerate, eulogize, overpraise formal laud


looking within oneself; thoughtful about oneself; studying or exhibiting one's own internal state নীজের চিন্তা ও অনুভূতি পরীক্ষা করা, অন্তর্দর্শন করা A renowned Tibetan lama pointed out that Westerners think people in the East tend to be more introspective and less concerned with material success. Characterized by or given to introspection:he grew withdrawn and introspective inward-looking, self-analysing, self-examining, self-observing, brooding; introverted, introvert, self-contained; contemplative, thoughtful, pensive, musing,ruminative, meditative, reflective


loop formed in a rope by means of a slipknot so that it binds tighter as the rope is pulled; trap ফাঁস, ফাঁসি, ফেসে যাওয়া, নিজের হাতে ফাঁস পরা I think the noose is slowly tightening on Tony and company and it's just a matter of time, really. A loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or trap animals. (the noose) Death by hanging.


lying; habitually dishonest; speaking falsely অসত্য (Adj.), মিথ্যা , মিথ্যাবাদী Distrusting Huck from the start, Miss Watson assumed he was mendacious and refused to believe a word he said. Not telling the truth; lying: mendacious propaganda lying, untruthful, dishonest, deceitful, false, dissembling, insincere, disingenuous, hypocritical, fraudulent, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced, two-timing, duplicitous, perjured; untrue, fictitious, falsified, fabricated, fallacious, invented, made up


make invalid; make null; invalidate; counteract force or effectiveness of নাকচ করা , বাতিল করা , রদ করা We will nullify the contract, it no longer has any legal force next month. Make legally null and void; invalidate: judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions annul, render null and void, void, invalidate; repeal, reverse, rescind, revoke, disallow, cancel, abolish; countermand, do away with, terminate, quash;Law vacate, abrogate Make of no use or value; cancel out: insulin can block the release of the hormone and thereby nullify the effects of training cancel out, neutralize, negate, negative


make invalid; nullify; destroy অসিদ্ধ করা , ব্যর্থ করা , বাতিল করা, নিষ্প্রভাবন করা E.g.The relatives who received little or nothing sought to invalidate the will by claiming that the deceased had not been in his right mind when he had signed the document. Make or prove (an argument, statement, or theory)unsound or erroneous. disprove, show/prove to be false, refute, explode,contradict, rebut, negate, gainsay, belie, give the lie to, discredit, expose, debunk, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and horses through; weaken, undermine, compromise Deprive (an official document or procedure) of legal validity because it contravenes a regulation or law:a technical flaw in her papers invalidated her nomination render invalid, void, nullify, annul, negate, cancel,quash, veto, overturn, overrule, override, undo,reverse; revoke, rescind, abolish, repeal, repudiate, terminate


marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function; major transformation রূপান্তর , আকার বা গঠনের বা চরিত্রে পরিবর্তন He proved that the metamorphosis is a perfectly gradual one, and that no sharply separated stages of development, like the caterpillar and pupa of the Lepidoptera, could be defined in it. A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means: his metamorphosis from presidential candidate to talk-show host transformation, mutation,transmutation, change, alteration,conversion, modification, remodeling, reconstruction


medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction ঘুমের বা ব্যথা কমানোর আফিংঘটিত ওষুধ To say that religion is the opiate of the people is to condemn religion as a drug that keeps the people quiet and submissive to those in power. A drug with morphine like effects, derived from opium. drug, narcotic, sedative, tranquilizer, depressant, soporific, anesthetic, painkiller, analgesic, anodyne; morphine, opium, codeine


mildness; quality of mercy or forgiveness, especially in the assignment of punishment as in a court case নরমভাবে That journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush is now reportedly asking for leniency from the prime minister. The fact or quality of being more mercifulor tolerant than expected; clemency: the court could show leniency


monument; short note or abstract, intended for registry, exhibiting the particulars of a deed স্মারক , স্মৃতি চিহৃ , স্মরণিক Russia has reacted furiously to the recent relocation of a Soviet era war memorial in Tallinn. Something, especially a structure, established to remind people of a person or event: a monument built as a memorial to those who fell in the Civil War monument, cenotaph, mausoleum; statue, plaque, cairn; shrine; tombstone, gravestone, headstone, tribute, testimonial; remembrance, memento [as modifier] Intended to commemorate someone or something: a memorial service in the dead man's honor commemorative, remembrance, commemorating


most favorable or advantageous সবচেয়ে অনুকূল , সন্তোষজনক কাম্য Wind and solar are intermittent power sources - only producing electricity under certain optimum environmental conditions. Most conducive to a favorable outcome; best: the optimum childbearing age (the) best, (the) best of, (the) most favorable, (the) most advantageous, ideal, perfect, prime, optimal, model; top, (the) finest, peak, excellent


motherly; relating to mother or motherhood মাতা সম্পর্কিত বা মাতৃতুল্য, মায়ের দিকে থেকে সম্পর্কযুক্ত A generous check from the G8 to improve accountability in maternal health would make a very nice Mother's Day gift! Of or relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth: maternal age maternal care on one's mother's side [attributive] Related through the mother's side of the family: my maternal grandfather


mouth or aperture, as of a tube, pipe; an opening ছিদ্র , রন্ধ্র , ফুটো , ক্ষতমুখ , গুহামুখ বকহির্মুখ A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. An opening, as of a pipe or tube, or one in the body, such as a nostril or the anus. opening, hole, aperture, slot, slit, cleft


no longer useful; outmoded; antiquated অপ্রচলিত, পুরান , অচল , লুপ্ত , সেকালে , অচলিত But the content is very difficult to locate, and often in obsolete video formats. No longer produced or used; out of date: the disposal of old and obsolete machinery the phrase was obsolete after 1625 outdated, out of date, outmoded, old-fashioned, démodé, passé, out of fashion; no longer in use, disused, fallen into disuse, behind the times, superannuated, outworn, antiquated, antediluvian, anachronistic, discontinued, old, dated, archaic, ancient, fossilized, extinct, defunct, dead, bygone, out


noisily aggressive; making great noise or outcry দুরন্ত, দুর্দান্ত, অবাধ্য, উচ্ছৃঙ্খল What do you do when an obstreperous horde of drunken policemen goes carousing through your hotel, crashing into potted plants and singing vulgar songs?. Noisy and difficult to control: the boy is cocky and obstreperous unruly, unmanageable, disorderly, undisciplined, uncontrollable, rowdy, disruptive, truculent, difficult, refractory, rebellious, mutinous, riotous, out of control, wild, turbulent, uproarious, boisterous; noisy, loud, clamorous, raucous, vociferous


nomadic: leading a wandering life with no fixed abode; changeable; unsettled যাবর , ভবঘুরে, স্থায়ী আবাসহীন, একস্থান থেকে অন্যস্থনে নিরন্তর পরিভ্রমণশীল কোন উপজাতি সদস্য, বেদে Several nomadic tribes of Indians would hunt in this area each year. A member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock. itinerant, traveler, migrant, wanderer, roamer, rover; gypsy, Bedouin; transient, drifter, vagabond, vagrant, tramp A person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer.


nomenclature: terminology; system of names used in an art or science নামকরণ-পদ্ধতি , তালিকা , বৈজ্ঞানিক পরিভাষা , নামপঞ্জি Sharon found Latin word parts useful in translating medical nomenclature.


not applicable; unrelated; having no connection with অপ্রাসঙ্গিক , প্রসঙ্গবিচ্যুত , অসম্বদ্ধ, সম্বন্ধহীন In the report they found that dividends are irrelevant to a company's value. Not connected with or relevant to something:an irrelevant comment theory can sometimes be hastily dismissed as irrelevant to the classroom beside the point, not to the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject,neither here nor there, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, tangential, extraneous,inapposite, inapt, inapplicable; unimportant, inconsequential, insignificant, of no matter/moment, of little account, trivial,negligible, minor, trifling, petty, superficial


noticeable or pronounced; having one or more distinguishing marks The bloodless takeover stood in marked contrast to a deadly raid of another Gaza aid ship this week. Having a visible mark: plants with beautifully marked leaves (Of playing cards) having distinctive marks on their backs to assist cheating. Linguistics (Of words or forms) distinguished by a particular feature: the word "drake" is semantically marked as masculine; the unmarked form is "duck." Clearly noticeable; evident: a marked increase in sales noticeable, pronounced, decided, distinct, striking, clear, glaring, blatant, unmistakable, obvious, plain, manifest, patent, palpable, prominent, signal, significant, conspicuous, notable, recognizable, identifiable, distinguishable, discernible, apparent, evident; written all over one


nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially nourishing ingredient in a food পুষ্টিদায়ক, পুষ্টিদায়ক পদার্থ As a budding nutritionist, Kim has learned to design diets that contain foods rich in this important nutrient. A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life: fish is a source of many important nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals nutritious: of or providing nourishment; promoting growth, or preventing deca পুষ্টিকর Vitamin water has too much sugar to be accurately described as nutritious; we has ordered owner Coca-Cola to stop running advertisements carrying the claim. Nourishing; efficient as food: like all spinach, it is very nutritious and best when young nourishing, good for one, full of nutrients, nutritive, nutritional, wholesome, healthy, healthful, beneficial, sustaining


of no force or weight; not valid; weak; void; null পঙ্গু , দুর্বল , হীনবল, অসিদ্ধ, অপ্রমান This ticket has passed its expiration date, and so it is now invalid. A person made weak or disabled by illness or injury: she spent the rest of her life as an invalid (Especially of an official document or procedure) not legally recognized because it contravenes aregulation or law:the vote was declared invalid due to atechnicality void, legally void, null, null and void,unenforceable, not binding, inoperative, worthless; illegitimate, incorrect, improper, unacceptable, inapplicable; annulled, nullified, cancelled, revoked,rescinded, abolished, repealed (Especially of an argument, statement, or theory) not true because based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning: a comparison is invalid if we are not comparing like with like false, untrue, inaccurate, faulty, fallacious, spurious, inadequate, unconvincing, unsound, weak, wrong, wrongly inferred, wide of the mark, off target; unjustified, unsubstantiated, unwarranted,untenable, baseless, ill-founded, unfounded,groundless; illogical, irrational, unscientific, absurd, preposterous, inconsistent


of one's birth; accompanying or dating from one's birth; native জন্ম-সংক্রান্ত , জন্মগত , জন্মসময় থেকে , জন্মকালে, সহজাত I agree that finding a common ground in which to speak about pro natal policy will be tricky, but much needed. Of or relating to the place or time of one's birth: her natal home


of or pertaining to a margin; written or printed in the margin মার্জিন সম্পর্কিত, প্রান্তিক অবস্থা, Meanwhile, Democrats that lost close contests in marginal districts may be willing to seek rematches in 2012 because the demography of their district may be more favorable than now. Of, relating to, or situated at the edge or margin of something: marginal notes Of secondary or minor importance; not central: it seems likely to make only a marginal difference a marginal criminal element slight, small, tiny, minute, insignificant, minimal, negligible (Of a decision or distinction) very narrow: a marginal offside decision borderline, disputable, questionable, doubtful


of or pertaining to prostitutes; tastelessly showy; lustful; deceptive; misleading দেখতে চটকদার কিন্তু মূল্যহীন, বাহ্যিক চাকচিক্যময় The net result is that both the news columns and the editorial columns are commonly meretricious in a high degree. Apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity: meretricious souvenirs for the tourist trade worthless, valueless, cheap, tawdry, trashy, Brummagem, tasteless, kitsch, kitschy; false, artificial, fake, imitation


offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person; state of violent disorder; havoc; physical disturbance মারামারি , মারপিট , হাতাহাতি (N), দাঙ্গাহাঙ্গামার অবস্থা, জখম বা অঙ্গচ্ছেদ করার অপরাধ, Their riots, arson, and general criminal mayhem forced city officials to greatly expand the police and fire services. Violent or damaging disorder; chaos: complete mayhem broke out chaos, disorder, havoc, bedlam, pandemonium, tumult, uproar, turmoil, commotion, all hell broken loose, maelstrom, trouble, disturbance, confusion, riot, anarchy, violence, insanity, madness


open to view; not secret or hidden খোলাখুলি , স্পষ্ট , প্রকাশ্য , দৃষ্টিগোচর, প্রকাশ্য, প্রত্যক্ষ According to the United States Constitution, a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason. Done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden: an overt act of aggression in untreated cases, overt psychosis may occur clear, apparent, conspicuous, obvious, noticeable, manifest, patent, open, blatant undisguised, unconcealed, plain (to see),


person of no importance; something that does not exist or that exists only in imagination তুচ্ছ ব্যক্তি, অনস্তিত্ব, গুরুত্বহীন ব্যক্তি, অভস্তু, অসত্তা Because the two older princes dismissed their youngest brother as a nonentity, they did not realize that he was quietly plotting to seize the throne. A person or thing with no special or interesting qualities; an unimportant person or thing: a political nonentity nobody, unimportant person, zero, nonperson, no-name, nothing, small fry, mediocrity Nonexistence: asserting the nonentity of evil


person regarded as stupid or awkward বোকা , নির্বোধ , গণ্ডমূর্খ , জড়বুদ্ধি ব্যক্তি E"Watch what you're doing, you clumsy oaf!" Bill shouted at the waiter who had drenched him with iced coffee. A stupid, uncultured, or clumsy person. lout, boor, barbarian, Neanderthal, churl, bumpkin, yokel; fool, dolt, dullard


plan of trip; guidebook for traveler E.g.If your itinerary is the Empire State, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and Chinatown, a standard guidebook will do quite nicely.


prejudiced; affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; yellow or yellowish ঈর্ষাপরবশ, পরশ্রীকাতর, বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ, পাণ্ডুরোগ , ন্যাবা Because Sue disliked Carolyn, she looked at Carolyn's paintings with a jaundiced eye, calling them formless smears. Affected by jaundice, in particular unnaturally yellow in complexion. Affected by bitterness, resentment, or cynicism:they looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye bitter, resentful, cynical, soured, distorted, disenchanted, disillusioned, disappointed, pessimistic, sceptical, distrustful, suspicious, misanthropic; jealous, envious; narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced, intolerant, discriminatory


present or potential but not evident or active; dormant; hidden প্রচ্ছন্ন , সুপ্ত , লুক্কায়িত , অন্তর্নিহিত .Existing arrangements contain latent functions that can be neither seen nor replaced by the reformer. (Of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed:they have a huge reserve of latent talent Biology Lying dormant or hidden until circumstances are suitable for development or manifestation: axillary buds or eyes in the leaf axils are latent growth buds


probability of a specified outcome; likelihood of the occurrence of one thing, as in a contest সম্ভাব্যতার মাত্রা , বাজির হার সাতে এক , মতানৈক্য , বিবাদ Bookmakers have now slashed his odds from 400/1 to 28/1. The ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way: the bookies are offering odds of 8-1 it is possible for the race to be won at very long odds (usually the odds) The chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case: the odds are that he is no longer alive the odds against this ever happening are high the likelihood is, the probability is, chances are, there's a good chance (usually the odds) Superiority in strength, power, or resources; advantage: she clung to the lead against all the odds the odds were overwhelmingly in favor of the banks rather than the customer advantage, edge; superiority, supremacy, ascendancy


prophetic; uttered as if with divine authority; mysterious or ambiguous দৈববাণীবিষয়ক বা দৈববাণীতুল্য, রহস্যময় Like many others who sought divine guidance


proverb; formulation of fundamental principle or general truth সাধারণ নীতি , সাধারণ নিয়ম, নীতিবচন , বচন (N), প্রবাদবাক্য , বাণী, প্রবচন It appears to me that this maxim is applicable to the medical as well as to the nautical profession. A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct: the maxim that actions speak louder than words saying, adage, aphorism, proverb, motto, saw, axiom, dictum, precept, epigram; truism, cliché


put forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown যুক্তি ইত্যাদি গোপন করার চেষ্টায় উপস্থাপণ করা, লোকদেখানো, বাহ্যত প্রতীয়মান Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands, we are really interested in finding new markets for our products. Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so: the delay may have a deeper cause than the ostensible reason apparent, outward, superficial, professed, supposed, alleged, purported


relating to essential nature of a thing; inherent; built-in সহজাত , প্রকৃত , আসল , সারভূত , অন্তর্জাত Although my grandmother's china has little intrinsic value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes. Belonging naturally; essential:access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life inherent, innate, inborn, inbred, congenital,natural, native, constitutional, built-in, ingrained, deep-rooted, inseparable, permanent, indelible,ineradicable, ineffaceable; integral, basic, fundamental, underlying,constitutive, elemental, essential, vital, necessary


relating to language or linguistics; relating to study of language The modern tourist will encounter very little linguistic difficulty as English has become an almost universal language. ভাষা সংক্রান্ত , ভাষাতত্ত্ব সংক্রান্ত Of or relating to language or linguistics.


relating to marriage or wedding ceremony বৈবাহিক , বিবাহ সংক্রান্ত , পরিণয়, বিয়ে Reluctant to be married in a traditional setting, they decided to hold their nuptial ceremony at the carousel in Golden Gate Park. Of or relating to marriage or weddings: moments of nuptial bliss matrimonial, marital, marriage, wedding, conjugal, bridal; married, wedded


relating to marriage; relating to husband বৈবাহিক (Adj.), স্বামীসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), পতিপত্নীসংক্রান্ত (Adj.), বিবাহসংক্রান্ত At this village, men still have more power in marital relationships. Of or relating to marriage or the relationship of a married couple: marital fidelity matrimonial, married, wedded, conjugal, nuptial, marriage, wedding; spousal


relating to, or adjacent to the sea; nautical সমুদ্র বা সমুদ্র যাত্রা সম্পর্কিত, সুমদ্রোকূলে অবস্থিত We are working to enhance defense and security cooperation in maritime security and combating organized crime. Connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity: a maritime museum maritime law naval, marine, nautical; seafaring, seagoing, sea, oceangoing Living or found in or near the sea: dolphins and other maritime mammals coastal, seaside, littoral


relating to, or contributing to sense of smell ঘ্রাণেন্দ্রিয়-সংক্রান্ত A wine taster must have a discriminating palate and a keen olfactory sense, for a good wine appeals both to the taste buds and to the nose. Of or relating to the sense of smell: the olfactory organs


resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties মধ্যস্থতা করা, মধ্যস্থতা বা সালিশির মাধ্যমে ঘটানো King Solomon was asked to mediate a dispute between two women, each of whom claimed to be the mother of the same child. [no object] Intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation: Wilson attempted to mediate between the powers to end the war [with object] Intervene in (a dispute) to bring about an agreement. resolve, settle, arbitrate in, umpire, reconcile, referee; mend, clear up [with object] Bring about (an agreement or solution) by intervening in a dispute: efforts to mediate a peaceful resolution of the conflict negotiate, bring about, effect


reverse; overthrow; upset something উল্টে ফেলা , উল্টে দেওয়া , উল্টে যাওয়া, ওলট পালট করা, বিপর্যস্তু করা, বিনষ্ট করা , ভেস্তে দেওয়া , বানচাল করা , উচ্ছেদ করা He is accused of an armed attempt to overturn the constitutional order; if he is convicted he could face life imprisonment. Tip (something) over so that it is on its side or upside down: the crowd proceeded to overturn cars and set them on fire [no object] Turn over and come to rest upside down, typically as the result of an accident: a large house trailer overturned in the middle of the road capsize, turn turtle, keel over, tip over, topple over, turn over, flip; Nautical pitchpole upset, tip over, topple over, turn over, knock over, upend Abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.): the results overturned previous findings he fought for eight years to overturn a conviction for armed robbery cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, disallow, override, overrule, veto, quash, overthrow, annul, nullify, invalidate, negate, void;


ridicule; subject to abusive ridicule expressed in work of art কাউকে আক্রমণ বা উপহাস করে রচিত তীব্র ব্যঙ্গাত্মক রচনা , ব্যঙ্গ কবিতা The articles lampoon the pretensions of some movie moguls. Publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm:the actor was lampooned by the press satirize, mock, ridicule, make fun of,poke fun at, caricature, burlesque,parody, take off, guy, make a fool of, rag, tease A speech or text lampooning someone or something:the magazine fired at God, Royalty, and politicians, using cartoons and lampoons satire, burlesque, parody, skit,caricature, imitation, impersonation,impression, travesty, take-off, mockery,squib


secure from corruption, attack, or violation; unassailable অলঙ্ঘ্য , অনতিক্রম্য Batman considered his oath to keep the people of Gotham City inviolable: nothing on earth could make him break this promise. Never to be broken, infringed, or dishonoured:an inviolable rule of chastitythe Polish-German border was inviolable inalienable, absolute, untouchable, unalterable,unchallengeable, unbreakable, impregnable; sacrosanct, sacred, holy, hallowed


severe trial; form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; difficult or painful experience চরিত্রের বা সহিষ্ণুতার কঠিন পরীক্ষা, অগ্নিপরীক্ষা Another concern in this ordeal is the matter of proof. A painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one: the ordeal of having to give evidence unpleasant experience, painful experience, trial, tribulation, nightmare, trauma, hell (on earth), misery, trouble, difficulty, torture, torment, agony historical An ancient test of guilt or innocence by subjection of the accused to severe pain, survival of which was taken as divine proof of innocence.


short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure; short journey লঘু প্রমোদভ্রমন He took a quick jaunt to Atlantic City. A short excursion or journey made for pleasure:her regular jaunts to Europe trip, pleasure trip, outing, excursion, expedition, day trip, day out, mini holiday, short break; tour, mystery tour, drive, ride, run, turn, cruise, sally


showing lack of skill; clumsy or awkward অনিপুন, কৌশলী ন্য এমন, নৈপন্যহীনতা How maladroit it was of me to mention seeing you out partying last night! From the look on his face, I take it that your boyfriend thought you were otherwise occupied. Ineffective or bungling; clumsy. bungling, awkward, inept, clumsy, bumbling, incompetent, unskillful, heavy-handed, gauche, tactless, inconsiderate, undiplomatic, impolitic


silliness; words or signs having no intelligible meaning নিরর্থক, নিরর্থ, অর্থহীন কিছু , অর্থহীন, বাজে 'Don't talk nonsense,' said Alice more boldly: 'you know you're growing too.' Spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense: he was talking absolute nonsense rubbish, gibberish, claptrap, balderdash, blarney [as exclamation] Used to show strong disagreement: "Nonsense! No one can do that."


situation or surrounding within which something else originates, develops, or is contained; womb যাতে বা যা থেকে কিছু উৎপন্ন বা বর্ধিত হয়, গর্ভ, জরায়ু, ধাত্র, যে সকল পদার্থে খনিজ বস্তু নিহিত থাকে Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every form of freedom. An environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure: free choices become the matrix of human life A mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded. Biology The substance between cells or in which structures are embedded.


skilled public speaker; person who pronounces discourse publicly on some special occasion, as pleader or lawyer বক্ত, বিশেষত সুবক্তা, ভাষণদভাষণবিষয়ক The abolitionist Frederick Douglass was a brilliant orator whose speeches brought home to his audience the evils of slavery. A public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled. speaker, public speaker, speech-maker, lecturer, declaimer, rhetorician, rhetor


slavishly attentive; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery আজ্ঞাবহ,বিশেষত সুবিধাদির প্রত্যাশায় মাত্রাতিরিক্ত শ্রদ্ধা প্রদর্শনকরী, চাটুকার Helen liked to be served by people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk. Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree: they were served by obsequious waiters servile, ingratiating, sycophantic, fawning, unctuous, oily, oleaginous, groveling, cringing, subservient, submissive, slavish


small cut; V-shaped or U-shaped indentation carved or scratched into a surface V-আকৃতির কর্তন, খাঁজ, গিরিপথ There was one notch in the handle of his revolver. An indentation or incision on an edge or surface: there was a notch in the end of the arrow for the bowstring Each of a series of holes for the tongue of a buckle: he tightened his belt an extra notch A nick made on something in order to keep a score or record: he had a six-gun with four notches in it for guys he had killed A point or degree in a scale: her opinion of Nicole dropped a few notches degree, level, rung, point, mark, measure, grade


so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded এত ক্ষুদ্র , অতি সামান্য , নগণ্য , উপেক্ষণীয় , নেহাত্ তুচ্ছ Because the damage to his car had been negligible, Michael decided he wouldn't bother to report the matter to his insurance company. So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant: sound could at last be recorded with incredible ease and at negligible cost trivial, trifling, insignificant, unimportant, minor, inconsequential; minimal, small, slight, inappreciable, infinitesimal, nugatory, petty; paltry, inadequate, insufficient, meager, pitiful


speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame ক্ষতিকর, অপকারী, রোগ সম্পর্কে মারাত্মক, কারও সম্পর্কে মন্দ বলা, কলঙ্ক বা কুৎসা রটানো Putting her hands over her ears, Rose refused to listen to Betty malign her friend Susan. Evil in nature or effect; malevolent: she had a strong and malign influence harmful, evil, bad, baleful, hostile, inimical, destructive, malignant, injurious literary malefic, maleficent archaic (Of a disease) malignant. Speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner: don't you dare malign her in my presence defame, slander, libel, blacken someone's name/character, smear, vilify, speak ill of, cast aspersions on, run down, traduce, denigrate, disparage, slur, abuse, revile


speaking or walking affectedly or with caution; affectedly elegant and nice কৃত্রিম ভঙ্গিপূর্ণ, Yum-Yum walked across the stage with mincing steps. (Of a man) affectedly dainty in manner or gait: he followed her with quick, mincing steps


spoil or damage; impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of নষ্ট করা , ক্ষতি করা , বিকৃত করা , বিরুপ করা They attacked the victory they sought - to mar the election. Impair the appearance of; disfigure: no wrinkles marred her face spoil, impair, disfigure, detract from, blemish, scar; mutilate, deface, deformspoil, ruin, impair, damage, wreck; harm, hurt, blight, taint, tarnish, sully, stain, pollute


state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness অবসন্নতা, ক্লান্তভাব, নিস্পৃহতা After a massage and a long soak in the hot tub, I gave in to my growing lassitude and lay down for a nap. A state of physical or mental weariness;lack of energy:she was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed lethargy, listlessness, weariness,languor, sluggishness, enervation, tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue,sleepiness, drowsiness, torpor, torpidity,ennui, lifelessness, sloth, apathy


stimulate or excite; stupefy or excite by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol মত্ত করা , মাতাল করে দেওয়া, অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত করা, উম্মাদিত করা Marijuana's emergence as the drug of choice of the '60s had little to do with medicinal and industrial applications and everything to do with its profound power to intoxicate an entire generation. [WITH OBJECT] (usually as adjective intoxicated) (Ofalcoholic drink or a drug) cause (someone) to losecontrol of their faculties or behaviour:he was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated inebriate, make drunk, make intoxicated, make inebriated; befuddle, fuddle, stupefy, go to someone's head, make someone's head spin drunk, inebriated, inebriate, drunken, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence; blind drunk, dead drunk, rolling drunk, roaring drunk, as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a skunk; sottish, gin-soaked Excite or exhilarate (someone):he became intoxicated with his own power exhilarate, thrill, elate, delight, captivate, enthral, entrance, enrapture, invigorate,animate, enliven, excite, stir, rouse, move, inspire, inflame, electrify; fire with enthusiasm, fire someone's imagination


strong dislike, contempt, or aversion; hatefulness; disrepute তীব্র ঘৃণা , গভীর বিদ্বেষ , ছিছিক্কার , ধিক্কার , আপশোস , কলঙ্ক Prince Charming could not express the odium he felt toward Cinderella's stepsisters because of their mistreatment of poor Cinderella. General or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions: his job had made him the target of public hostility and odium disgust, abhorrence, repugnance, revulsion, loathing, detestation, hatred, hate, obloquy, dislike, distaste, disfavor, antipathy, animosity, animus, enmity, hostility, contempt; disgrace, shame, opprobrium, discredit, dishonor


stubbornly adhering to an attitude or opinion; hard to control or treat একগুঁয়ে , গোঁয়ার , জেদি , বেয়াড়া , অবাধ্য We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he was obstinate and refused to change. Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. stubborn, unyielding, inflexible, unbending, intransigent, intractable, obdurate, mulish, bullheaded, stubborn as a mule, pigheaded, self-willed, strong-willed, headstrong, willful, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory, uncooperative, unmanageable, stiff-necked, rigid, uncompromising, implacable, unrelenting, immovable, unshakable; persistent, tenacious, pertinacious, dogged, single-minded (Of an unwelcome phenomenon or situation) very difficult to change or overcome: the obstinate problem of unemployment


subtle or slight degree of difference অর্থ, মতামত বর্ণনঅতি সূক্ষ্ম তারতম্য (N), সামান্য পার্থক্য Because, really, by trying to change her view of her own absolute rightness, I am behaving as if my belief in nuance is more right. A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound: the nuances of facial expression and body language fine distinction, subtle difference; shade, shading, gradation, variation, degree;subtlety, nicety, overtone


suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome ভয়ঙ্কর, প্রাণ - সংশয়ের ইঙ্গিত পূর্ণ Martin enjoyed macabre tales about werewolves and vampires. Disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury: a macabre series of murders More example sentences Synonyms gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, grotesque, hideous, horrific, shocking, dreadful, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, sickening View synonyms, black, weird, unhealthy


suitable for servant; having low nature বাড়ির চাকর , দাস, চাকরবাকরের উপযোগী, চাকরবাকর দ্বারা করানোর মত Although some exiles struggled in menial jobs in the West, they at least enjoyed the benefits of a peaceful society. (Of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige: menial factory jobs More example sentences Synonyms unskilled, lowly, humble, low-status, inferior, degrading; routine, humdrum, boring, dull [attributive] dated (Of a servant) domestic.


supervise; manage; watch over and direct; examine or inspectতত্ত্বাবধান করা , দেখাশোনা করা This caseworker had about 100 cases to oversee, which is four times the recommended number. Supervise (a person or work), especially in an official capacity: a trustee appointed to oversee Corrie's finances supervise, superintend, be in charge/control of, be responsible for, look after, keep an eye on, inspect, administer, organize, manage, micromanage, direct, preside over


swamp gas; heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence জলা ভুমি বা মাটি পচা আবর্জনাদি থেকে নির্গত বাষ্প, বা দূর্গন্ধ, অস্বস্থকর পরিবেশ বা প্রভাব The smog hung over Victorian London like a dark cloud; noisome, reeking of decay, it was a visible miasma. A highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor: a miasma of stale alcohol hung around him like marsh gas stink, reek, stench, fetor, smell, fume, odor, whiff; gas, cloud, smog, vapor An oppressive or unpleasant atmosphere that surrounds or emanates from something: a miasma of despair rose from the black workshops


swing back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm; vibrate pendulum like; waver দুলতে থাকা বা দোলানো , অবস্থান্তর ঘটা , ওঠানামা করা , ইতস্তত করা , দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত হওয়া It is interesting to note how public opinions oscillate between the extremes of optimism and pessimism. Move or swing back and forth at a regular speed: a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point swing, swing back and forth, swing to and fro, sway 1.1 [with adverbial] Waver between extremes of opinion, action, or quality: he was oscillating between fear and bravery waver, swing, fluctuate, alternate, seesaw, yo-yo, sway, vacillate, waffle, hover


systematic; arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order পদ্ধতিগত, সুসংবদ্ধ, সুশৃঙ্খল The preparations for attack are always made with a certain methodical deliberation. Done according to a systematic or established form of procedure: a methodical approach to the evaluation of computer systems orderly, (well) ordered, (well) organized, (well) planned, efficient, businesslike, systematic, structured, logical, analytic, disciplined; meticulous, punctilious


very small amount; a bit; ninth letter of the Greek alphabet ফোঁটা , বিন্দু , নস্য, অত্যল্প পরিমাণ , লেশ, তিল, ক্ষুদ্রতম পরিমাণ, কনা, E.g.All this does not take away one iota from the terrible acts committed yesterday. An extremely small amount: nothing she said seemed to make an iota of difference bit, mite, speck, scrap, shred, ounce, scintilla,atom, jot, tittle, jot or tittle, whit, little bit, tiniest bit,particle, fraction, morsel, grain;


throw overboard; eject from boat, submarine, aircraft, or spaceship বিপৎকালে ভার কমাইবার জন্য জাহাজ থেকে দ্রব্যদি ইচ্ছাপূর্বক হলে নিক্ষেপ , পরিত্যাগ করা, পরিহার করা In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo. Abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted):the scheme was jettisoned dump, drop, ditch, discharge, eject, throw out, empty out, pour out, tip out, unload, throw overboard, throw over the side discard, dispose of, throw away, throw out,get rid of, toss out; reject, scrap, dispense with, cast aside/off, abandon, relinquish, drop, have done with, shed, slough off, shrug off, throw on the scrapheap


tied in knots; covered with knots or knobs; difficult to understand or solve শক্ত সমস্যা, জটিল, দড়ি, সুতা বা ফিতার গিঁট বা গ্রস্থি, গিঁট যুক্ত, ঝামেলাযুক্ত, সমস্যাবহুল, জট পাকানো What to Watson had been a knotty problem, to Sherlock Holmes was simplicity itself. Full of knots: panelling in knotty pine gnarled, knotted, knurled, nodular, knobbly, lumpy, bumpy, rugged, rough, coarse knotted, tangled, tangly, twisted, entangled,ravelled, snarled, matted Extremely difficult or complex:a knotty legal problem complex, complicated, involved, intricate,convoluted, Byzantine, tangled, tortuous; difficult, hard, thorny, taxing, awkward, tricky,problematic, troublesome, perplexing, baffling,mystifying, obscure, unfathomable, unanswerable, insoluble, impenetrable


timely; just in time; suited or right for a particular purpose সুবিধাজনক , উপযুক্ত , যথাসময়ে সঙ্ঘটিত , সময়োচিত, কোন অভিপ্রায়ের জন্য সুবিধাজনক Sally looked at her father struggling to balance his checkbook; clearly this would not be an opportune moment to ask him for a raise in her allowance. (Of a time) well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate: he couldn't have arrived at a less opportune moment auspicious, propitious, favorable, advantageous, golden, felicitous; timely, convenient, suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting Done or occurring at a favorable or useful time; well-timed: the opportune use of humor to lower tension


tissue which fills the cavities of most bones; the essence; the best part It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow. মজ্জা , সারাংশ (also bone marrow) A soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced (often taken as typifying strength and vitality).


torn, ragged wound; rough or jagged breach made by rending ক্ষত সৃষ্টি করা, ছিড়ে যাওয়া He received a depressed skull fracture and a brain laceration from the collision. A deep cut or tear in skin or flesh:he suffered lacerations to his head and face[MASS NOUN]: his death was due to multiple skull fractures with laceration of the brain cutting (open), gashing, slashing, tearing, ripping,mangling, mutilation, maiming, mauling,scratching, scraping, grazing, incision, splitting,cleaving, hacking, stabbing, tearing apart, butchery, savaging, wounding, injury, damaging, gash, cut, wound, injury, tear, slash, mutilation,scratch, scrape, abrasion, graze, score, incision,slit, puncture;


trading; commercial; of or relating to trade or traders বাণিজ্য সম্বন্ধীয় , বাণিজ্য সংক্রান্ত The ultimate purpose of mercantile policy was to enhance national strength, provide self-sufficiency, and pay for military power. Of or relating to trade or commerce; commercial: the shift of wealth to the mercantile classes commercial, trade, trading, business, merchant, sales


traditional; conservative in belief; adhering to established faith, especially in religion ধ্যান-ধারণা, বিশ্বাস ইত্যাদিতে বিশ্বাসী গোঁড়া, গোঁড়া বিশ্বাস বা চরিত্র বা প্রথা Every member of a church promises to remain orthodox, that is to say -- stationary. (Of a person or their views, especially religious or political ones, or other beliefs or practices) conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved: the orthodox economics of today orthodox medical treatment orthodox Hindus conservative, traditional, observant, devout, strict 1.1(Of a person) not independent-minded; conventional and unoriginal: a relatively orthodox artist conventional, mainstream, conformist, established, well established, traditional, traditionalist, prevalent, popular, conservative, unoriginal


unable to be restrained; difficult or impossible to control or restrain অদম্য , দুর্দমনীয় My friend Kitty's curiosity was irrepressible: she poked her nose into everybody's business and just laughed when I warned her that curiosity killed the cat. Not able to be controlled or restrained:an irrepressible rogue a great shout of irrepressible laughter inextinguishable, unquenchable, uncontainable, uncontrollable, unstoppable,indestructible, imperishable, undying, unfading, unfailing, enduring, lasting, everlasting,eternal, persistent ebullient, exuberant, buoyant, sunny, breezy, jaunty, light-hearted, in high spirits, high-spirited, bubbling over, sparkling, effervescent, vivacious, animated, full of life, lively,vigorous, zestful, joyful, cheerful, cheery, merry


unconventional; strikingly unfamiliar; located far from civilized areas ভিনদেশী, বিজাতীয় , অদ্ভুত , বিদঘুটে , উদ্ভট The eccentric professor who engages in markedly outlandish behavior is a stock figure in novels with an academic setting. Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar: outlandish brightly colored clothes the most outlandish ideas archaic Foreign; alien.quirky, zany, eccentric, idiosyncratic, unconventional, unorthodox, funny, bizarre, unusual, singular, extraordinary, strange, unfamiliar, peculiar, odd, curious, weird, queer, far out


universally present; being present everywhere On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is omnipresent. (Of God) present everywhere at the same time. Widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread: the omnipresent threat of natural disasters ubiquitous, all-pervasive, everywhere; boundless, infinite; rife, pervasive, prevalent, far-reaching


untrustworthy person; deceitful and unreliable scoundrel; man of humble birth; male servant পাজি, বদমাশ, প্রতারক, জুয়াচোর, অসাধু Any politician nicknamed Tricky Dick clearly has the reputation of a knave. A dishonest or unscrupulous man.


varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; lustrous বর্ণালি পাথর, একধরনের দামী পাথর যাতে নানা রঙের খেলা দেখতে পাওয়া যায় The oil slick on the water had an opalescent, rainbow-like sheen. Showing varying colors as an opal does. iridescent, prismatic, rainbowlike, kaleidoscopic, multicolored, many-hued, lustrous, shimmering, glittering, sparkling, variegated, scintillating, shot, moiré, opaline, milky, pearly, nacreous


very reluctant to give out information We were annoyed by his noncommittal reply for we had been led to expect definite assurances of his approval. (Of a person or a person's behavior or manner) not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action: her tone was noncommittal, and her face gave nothing away evasive, equivocal, guarded, circumspect, reserved; discreet, uncommunicative, tactful, diplomatic, vague


very small; model that represents something in a greatly reduced size যে কোন বস্তুর ক্ষুদ্রাকার প্রতিরূপ ব মডেল, ক্ষুদ্রাকার, খুদে, অনু Want to see some great architecture in miniature size? (Especially of a replica of something) of a much smaller size than normal; very small: children dressed as miniature adults small-scale, mini; tiny, little, small, minute, baby, toy, pocket, dwarf, pygmy, minuscule, diminutive, vest-pocket


very wicked; infamous by being extremely wicked দুষ্ট , অসাধু , বদমাইশ , পাজি , শয়তান, বদমাশ, পাপিষ্ঠ, অনিষ্টকর Our elected leaders, movie stars and sports heroes sometimes engaged in nefarious activities but rarely were they headlined in the daily newspapers. (Typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal: the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, egregious, heinous, atrocious, vile, foul, abominable, odious, depraved, monstrous, fiendish, diabolical, unspeakable, despicable; villainous, criminal, corrupt, illegal, unlawful


walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg; move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily নরম, শক্ত বা দৃঢ় ন্য, নিস্তেজ, দুর্বল, খোঁড়ানো, খুঁড়িয়ে হাঁটা Whistling to the dog, he began to limp on down the trail. Lacking internal strength or structure; not stiff or firm: she let her whole body go limp the flags hung limp and still Having or denoting a book cover that is not stiffened with board. Without energy or will: he was feeling too limp to argue a limp handshake tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted, worn out; lethargic, listless, spiritless, weak Walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot:he limped heavily as he moved[WITH ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION]: he limped off during Saturday's game hobble, walk with a limp, walk lamely, walk unevenly, walk haltingly, hitch, falter, stumble, lurch [WITH ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION] (Of a damaged ship, aircraft, or vehicle) proceed with difficulty: the badly damaged aircraft limped back to Sicily


weapon, consisting of long handle and steel blade or head; spear carried by horsemen, often decorated with small flag বর্শা , বল্লম, ভল্ল, অস্ত্র করা It is a form of bullfighting where the bull is stabbed repeatedly with a wooden lance from the back of a horse. A long weapon with a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head, formerly used by a horseman in charging:the warriors bore lances tipped with iron or steel spear, pike, javelin, bayonet, shaft; harpoon


without material form or substance; based on abstract reasoning; highly abstract or theoretical; supernatural সত্তার প্রকৃতি ও জ্ঞান সংক্রন্ত দর্শনশাস্ত্র They might be ignorant of certain metaphysical necessities while knowing all the truths about the meanings of their contracts. relating to the part of philosophy that deals with existence and knowledge: metaphysical questions about the nature of the universe Based on abstract (typically, excessively abstract) reasoning: an empiricist rather than a metaphysical view of law abstract, theoretical, conceptual, notional, philosophical, speculative, intellectual, academic


without planning or thinking ahead; right away; immediately পূর্বচিন্তা বা পূর্বপ্রস্ততি ছাড়া, তাৎক্ষণিক, আচরণ সম্বদ্ধে ভাবলেশহীন, অমনোযোগী, কাঠখোট্রা, না ভেবে The only answer I can think of offhand is the bond market and those who have an interest in fixed incomes since inflation would be painful for both. Ungraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner: his offhand way of talking casual, careless, uninterested, unconcerned, indifferent, cool, nonchalant, blasé, aloof, insouciant, cavalier, glib, perfunctory, cursory, unceremonious, ungracious, dismissive, discourteous, uncivil, impolite, terse, abrupt, curt Without previous thought or consideration: I can't think of a better answer offhand on the spur of the moment, without preparation, without consideration, extempore, impromptu, ad lib; extemporaneously, spontaneously;


woman who rules a family, clan, or tribe পরিবার বা গোত্রের মহিলা প্রধান, মাতৃশাষিত সমাজ The matriarch ruled her gypsy tribe with a firm hand. A woman who is the head of a family or tribe. An older woman who is powerful within a family or organization: a domineering matriarch


wound seriously; cause permanent loss of function of limb or part of body আহত করা অথবা পঙ্গু করে দেওয়া The hospital was crowded, we believe the railroad accident to maim lots of people. Wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged: 100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure, deform, mangle


very showy or ornamented, especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner দৃষ্টিকটু , অতি অলংকৃত , অলংকার-ভারাক্রান্ত , অতিসজ্জিত , ক্যাঁটক্যাঁটে , অতিউজ্জ্বল The newest Trump skyscraper is typically gaudy, covered in gilded panels that gleam in the sun. Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless: silver bows and gaudy ribbons garish, lurid, loud, over-bright, glaring, harsh, violent, flashy, showy, glittering, brassy, ostentatious; tasteless, in bad taste, vulgar, distasteful, unattractive, nauseating, bilious, sickly


beg persistently; ask for urgently or repeatedly; annoy উত্যক্ত করা , বার বার অনুরোধ করে বিরক্ত করা , অনবরত অসংগত প্রার্থনা করা, পীড়াপীড়ি করা, কিছু চেয়ে বিরক্ত করা Democratic and Republican phone solicitors importune her for contributions so frequently that she decides to give nothing to either party. Harass (someone) persistently for or to do something:she importuned a waiter for profiteroles beg, beseech, entreat, implore, plead with, appeal to, apply to, call on, supplicate, solicit,petition, enjoin; harass, pester, beset, press, dun, badger, bother, torment, plague, hound, nag, harry, go on at, harp on at; (usually as noun importuning) Approach (someone) to offer one's services as a prostitute: they said they were arresting me for importuning solicit, make sexual advances, offer one's services as a prostitute; accost, approach


being or seeming to be without an end; endless; tedious; continual অবিরাম, অন্তহীন, অনন্তক Although his speech lasted for only twenty minutes, it seemed interminable to his bored audience. Endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically):we got bogged down in interminable discussions seemingly endless, endless, never-ending,unending, without end, non-stop, everlasting,ceaseless, unceasing, incessant, constant,continual, uninterrupted, unbroken, sustained; monotonous, tedious, wearisome, boring, long-winded, long-drawn-out, overlong, rambling, meandering, laborious, ponderous countless, numerous, many, untold, manifold,multitudinous, multifarious, innumerable,numberless, unmeasured, unnumbered,incalculable, indeterminable


essential or necessary for completeness; entire সম্পূর্ণার জন্য অপরিহার্য, অবিচ্ছেদ্য, সমগ্র, সম্পর্ণ, অখন্ড Despite the ratings agencies' spectacular failures during the recent crisis, their assessments remain integral to the structure of the financial system. Necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental:games are an integral part of the school's curriculum systematic training should be integral to library management essential, fundamental, basic, intrinsic, inherent, constitutive, innate, structural;vital, indispensable, necessary, requisite Included as part of a whole rather than supplied separately:the unit comes complete with integral pump and heater built-in, inbuilt, integrated, incorporated, fitted, component, constituent Having all the parts that are necessary to be complete:the first integral recording of the ten Mahler symphonies unified, integrated, comprehensive, organic, composite, combined, aggregate,undivided, overall, gross, entire, complete, whole, total, full, intact


fatigued dulled by surfeit; exhausted; worn out; wearied হাড্ডিসার, পরিশ্রান্ত, কাহিল, (সবুজ পাথর বিশেষ যা অলঙ্কারাদিতে খচিত হয় Jade) She looked jaded from the present conversation and her thoughts ran together bewilderingly. Bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something: meals to tempt the most jaded appetites satiated, sated, surfeited, glutted, cloyed, gorged; dulled, blunted, deadened, benumbed Physically tired; exhausted: I have to work tonight and I don't want to become totally jaded before I even get there tired, weary, tired out, wearied, worn out, exhausted, fatigued, overtired, sleepy, drowsy, sapped, dog-tired, spent, drained, jet-lagged, debilitated, prostrate, enervated, low


make poor; reduce to poverty or indigence; exhaust the strength, richness, or fertility of ধনক্ষয় করা , দরিদ্র /নিঃস করা , নিঃসম্বল করা , গরিব করে দেওয়া , অসচ্ছল করা, সদ গুণাবলী লুপ্ত হওয়া Heavy rain and excessive use would impoverish the soil. Make (a person or area) poor: the wars had impoverished him (as adjective impoverished) impoverished villages make poor, make penniless, reduce to penury, reduce to destitution, bring to ruin, bring someone to their knees, bankrupt, ruin, make insolvent; wipe out, clean out, break, cripple, pauperize, beggar poor, poverty-stricken, penniless, penurious, destitute, indigent, impecunious, needy,pauperized, in distressed/reduced/straitened circumstances, in want, in need, down and out, on the breadline; bankrupt, ruined, insolvent, wiped out, cleaned out, broken, crippled, without a penny to one's name Exhaust the strength or vitality of: the soil was impoverished by annual burning (as adjective impoverished) an impoverished and debased language


make whole; combine; make into one unit বিভিন্ন অংশ নিয়ে সমগ্রতাসাধন করা, যা অসম্পর্ণ বা অপূর্ণঙ্গ তাকে সম্পূর্ণতা দান করা, সংহত করা, গোটা , সম্পূর্ণ , অখণ্ড , সম্পূর্ণ করা, একীভূত করা She tried to integrate all their activities into one program. Combine (one thing) with another to form a whole:transport planning should be integrated with energy policya fully equipped laboratory is being integrated into the development combine, amalgamate, merge, unite, join, fuse, blend, mingle, coalesce, consolidate, meld,intermingle, mix, intermix, incorporate, affiliate, unify, assimilate, homogenize, harmonize,mesh, desegregate Combine (two things) so that they form a whole:the problem of integrating the two approaches


mixed up; difficult to understand because it has been distorted বিশেষত ভুল ধারনা দেওয়ার জন্য বিবৃতি, তথ্য ইত্যাদির মধ্যে থেকে অসম্পন্ন কিংবা যথেইচ্ছা বেছে নেওয়া,বিকৃত প্রতিবেদন A favorite party game involves passing a whispered message from one person to another until, by the time it reaches the last player, the message is totally garbled. If words or messages are garbled, they are not clear and are very difficult to understand, often giving a false idea of the facts: He left a rather garbled message on my answer phone. mix up, muddle, jumble, confuse, blur, slur, obscure, distort, twist, twist around, warp,misstate, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, mistranslate, misinterpret, misconstrue;tamper with, tinker with, change, alter, doctor, falsify, pervert, corrupt, adulterate


mutually destructive; equally devastating to both sides যুদ্ধ সম্বন্ধে উভয় পক্ষের জন্যি ধ্বং সাত্মক, অন্তর্ঘাতী Though it looked as though there was a victor, the internecine battle benefited no one. Destructive to both sides in a conflict:the region's history of savage internecine warfare deadly, bloody, violent, fierce, destructive,ruinous; civil, internal, family Relating to conflict within a group:the party shrank from the trauma of more internecine strife


narrow-mindedness; isolation; state of being isolated or detached দ্বীপসংক্রান্ত দ্বীপের, সঙ্কীর্ণচিত্ত The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anything foreign. Ignorance of or lack of interest in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience: an example of British insularity narrow-mindedness, blinkered approach/attitude, parochialism, provincialism, localism,narrowness, small-mindedness, pettiness, short-sightedness, myopia, inflexibility, dogmatism, illiberality, intolerance, prejudice, bigotry, bias, partisanship,sectarianism, xenophobia, discrimination isolation, inaccessibility, separation, segregation, detachment, solitariness, loneliness, insulation, self-sufficiency Lack of contact with other people:the stifling insularity of the children's existence The state or condition of being an island: he proved the insularity of Van Diemen's Land by circumnavigating it in 1798


not able to be perceived by senses, as touch; vague অধরা , স্পর্শনাতীত , অস্পৃশ্য , অননুভবনীয় , অসার , অবাস্তব , অলীক , ধরা - ছোঁয়ার বাইরে , ধোঁয়াটে Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible rewards: prestige, intellectual freedom, the fellowship of his peers. Unable to be touched; not having physical presence:the moonlight made things seem intangible impalpable, untouchable, imperceptible to the touch, non-physical, bodiless, incorporeal,unembodied, disembodied, abstract, invisible; ethereal, insubstantial, airy, aerial; spiritual, ghostly, spectral, phantom, wraithlike, transcendental, unearthly, supernatural Difficult or impossible to define or understand; vague and abstract:the rose symbolized something intangible about their relationship indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible, nameless; vague, obscure, unclear, hazy, dim, mysterious; indefinite, unanalysable, subtle, elusive, fugitive


open widely; yawn from sleepiness, weariness, or dullness বড়ো করে হাঁ করা , মুখব্যাদন করা , হাই তোলা, কোন কিছের দিকে হাঁ করে তাকিয়ে থাকা We saw the huge pit gape before him; if he stumbled, he would fall in. Be or become wide open:[WITH COMPLEMENT]: a carpet bag gaped open by her feet open wide, open up, yawn; part, crack, split Stare with one's mouth open wide in amazement or wonder: he gaped at Sharp in silence stare, stare open-mouthed, stare in wonder, gawk, goggle, gaze, ogle, look fixedly, look vacantly


over-bright in color; tastelessly showy চোখ ঝলসে দেয় এমন উজ্জ্বল , ক্যাঁটক্যাঁটে , জবরং , জাঁকালো, অপ্রীতিকর ভারে উজ্জ্বল She wore a rhinestone necklace with an excessively garish gold lame dress. Obtrusively bright and showy; lurid: garish shirts in all sorts of colours gaudy, lurid, loud, over-bright, harsh, glaring, violent, flashy, showy, glittering, brassy, brash;tasteless, in bad taste, vulgar, distasteful, unattractive, nauseating, bilious, sickly


overwhelming; incapable of being passed over or overcome অলঙ্ঘ্য , অনতিক্রমণীয়, অদম্য, অনতিক্রম্য , অদমনীয় , অজেয় Faced by almost insurmountable obstacles, the members of the underground maintained their courage and will to resist. Too great to be overcome:an insurmountable problem insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable; overwhelming, hopeless, impossible


place in grave or tomb; bury; place in earth and cover সমাধিস্থ করা , কবর দেওযা They are going to inter the body tomorrow at Broad lawn Cemetery. Place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites:he was interred with the military honours due to him bury, lay to rest, consign to the grave, entomb,inurn; earth up


quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness চারিত্রিক সরলতা ও সততা, চারিত্রিক অখণ্ডতা , সততা, ন্যায়পরায়ণতা , সাধুতা, বিশুদ্ধতা , সম্পূর্ণতা Protecting global supply chain integrity is of the utmost importance for manufacturers. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles:a gentleman of complete integrity honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honour, honourableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, nobility, high-mindedness,right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness The state of being whole and undivided:upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty unity, unification, wholeness, coherence, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity, coalition The condition of being unified or sound in construction:the structural integrity of the novel soundness, robustness, strength, sturdiness, solidity, solidness, durability, stability,stoutness, toughness


question closely; examine by questioning formally or officially প্রশ্ন করা , জিজ্ঞাসা করা, জেরা করা , পুছা If you catch a guy possibly responsible for the case, I have a feeling that more than one FBI agent would interrogate you. Ask questions of (someone) closely, aggressively, or formally:he was interrogated by MI6 question, put questions to, cross-question, cross-examine, quiz, probe, catechize, sound out; interview, examine, debrief Obtain data from (a computer file, database, storage device, or terminal): an interactive system enables users to interrogate the database


rebellion; uprising; rising against civil or political authority বিদ্রোহ, অভ্যুত্থান, গণ- অভ্যুত্থান , প্রজাবিদ্রোহ In the beginning, the insurrection is a riot, just as a river is a torrent. A violent uprising against an authority or government:the insurrection was savagely put down[MASS NOUN]: opposition to the new regime led to armed insurrection rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency, rising, rioting, riot,sedition; civil disobedience, civil disorder, unrest, anarchy, fighting in the streets; coup;


talk rapidly, unintelligibly, or idly বকবক করা , দ্রুত অস্ফুট কথা বলা , অস্পষ্টভাবে উচ্চারণ করা, উত্তেজিত ভাবে কথা বলা Why does the fellow jabber away in French when I can't understand a word he says?. Talk in a rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible way:he jabbered on about football prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, gabble, go on, run on, rattle on/away, yap, jibber-jabber, patter, blather, maunder, ramble, drivel, blab; talk rapidly, talk incoherently, talk unintelligibly


time between one event, process; interval of time মধ্যবর্তী , অন্তর্বতী সময় কাল, মধ্যকালীন For banks on the edge, their ability to maintain capital levels in the interim is the important factor. The intervening time:in the interim I'll just keep my fingers crossed meantime, meanwhile, intervening time, interval,interlude; interregnum


very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren রোগা , শীর্ণ , খ্যাংরাকুটে , কংকালসার , চোয়াড়ে , হাড়ডিগডুন, স্থান সমন্ধে কঠিন, ঊষার জনশূন্য His once round face looked surprisingly gaunt after he had lost weight. Of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age: a tall, gaunt woman in black haggard, drawn, cadaverous, skeletal, emaciated, skin-and-bones, skinny, spindly, thin, over-thin, size-zero, spare, bony, angular, lank, lean, raw-boned, pinched, hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, lantern-jawed, scrawny, scraggy, shrivelled, wasted, withered, raddled; as thin as a rake, as thin as a reed, without an ounce of fat (Of a building or place) grim or desolate in appearance: gaunt tenement blocks bleak, stark, barren, bare, drab, desolate, dreary, dismal, gloomy, sombre, forlorn, grim, stern, harsh, forbidding, uninviting, unwelcoming, cheerless


weak; ineffective; lacking physical strength or vigor; incapable of sexual intercourse ক্ষমতাহীন , অসহায় , জরাগ্রস্ত , পুরুষত্বহীন , ধ্বজভঙ্গ, অক্ষমতা, অশক্ত Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resisting the craving for a cigarette. Unable to take effective action; helpless or powerless:he was seized with an impotent anger powerless, ineffective, ineffectual, inadequate, weak, useless, worthless, vain, futile,unavailing, unsuccessful, profitless, fruitless, impuissant weak, powerless, ineffective, lame, feeble, effete 2(Of a man) abnormally unable to achieve an erection or orgasm:he was on medication which had made him impotent

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