BBE 1002 Quiz Answers

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Figure 2 showed the % consumption of different resources for the developed nations. It showed that in the year 2010 these countries consumed about __________ of the global petroleum consumption.


Figure 1 notes _________ billion metric tons of carbon being emitted from microbial respiration.


The carbon cycle is drawn out in Figure 1. How much carbon is being emitted from human activity?

9 billion metric tons

Figure 2 was meant to show:

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by human factors and land use changes can be connected to the global temperature rise in recent years

What was one of the reasons, cited in the text, that there was a spike in oil prices in the 1970's?

US oil production slowed.

You are walking along one sunny winter day and the suddenly you cry "Albedo! Too much albedo!"What were you looking at?

Fresh snowfall

Which of the following reasons were given for why countries import resources?

It's cheaper because of cheap labor, there is no local supply, It is cheaper because of relaxed environmental regulations

Figure 3 shows the carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere from the different sources. In 1900 the greatest CO2 emissions were from _________.

Land use change

From Austin's video, we can conclude that wood makes for a great construction material because the xylem area of a tree is ____________ .

Large and strong

A lot of people recently have been pushing for a circular economy. What does that entail?

Refurbished, reused, and recycled raw materials help to provide a sustainable future.

Plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere because of photosynthesis. Living plants also put carbon dioxide back in the atmosphere through a process called _____________.


Which of the following are considered biorenewable?

Trees, animal manure, sewage

Knots in wood are the result of branch formation.


One consequence of climate change is longer growing seasons in northern climates.


One of the functions of ray cells is to hold the layers of cells together in the tree.


Sawtimber refers to trees that could be cut and suitable for sawlogs.


True or False: Consumers do not typically perform an LCA before making a purchase, though they might use the results from an LCA that have been summarized on a label or on a company's website.


True or False? The US is a net exporter of iron ore.


True or False? As the kernel stages progress, the moisture content inside of the kernel decreases (AKA the kernels become drier).


True or False? Forest area in the United States has been stable (even increasing slightly) for the past 100 years.


True or False? Globally, tropical forests are being lost to deforestation faster than temperate forests.


True or False? Water vapor is considered a greenhouse gas.


What is the best definition of silviculture?

Working with nature to develop and maintain healthy forest systems

Fill in the blank with the best answer. Late assignments are:

accepted but we will deduct 10% per day or 0.41% per hour for each day late.

In the NASA video showing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere (A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2) the red colors in the northern hemisphere start to fade (concentrations are reduced) because of ____________.

plant uptake of carbon dioxide

According to the lecture an LCA provides _____________

information to assess the environmental impact of a product or service

Driving a car


Water flows up from the roots of a plant through the ________ cells.


Electricity for our home


Gasoline in our car


The Australian in the video said that the tree fills the heartwood with chemical compounds called extractives which improve the wood's _________. (Select all that apply)

Durability, strength

According to the website on sustainability, the pillars of sustainability are ________.

Economic development, Environmental protection, Social Development

According to Dave Morris's 'The Once and Future Carbohydrate Economy', "In 1820, Americans used two tons of [plant matter] for every one ton of [coal/oil]... But by 1975 Americans used ________ ton(s) of [coal/oil] for every one ton of [plant matter]."


There was a rather mixed message in the video regarding hand drying. Tim suggested that they are about equal and dependent on where the electricity comes from or where the trees were grown and what environmental impact was most important. However, near the end of the lecture Emily and Katie presented a study that did a complete LCA on three hand drying methods. What was the conclusion of the study Emily and Katie found?

Electric hand dryers (such as Dyson) were best

In the briefing paper example for milk production, about ______ percent of the emissions were from the consumer phase.


Energy is measured in Watts/m2. Yep, the same 'watts' used when you are shopping for a light bulb. On average, how much solar energy reaches a square meter of Earth?

340 watts/m2

In the video Hans talked about the 4 billion people that live between the poverty line and "the airline". Of these 4 billion about how many people have washing machines?

1 billion

In Figure 2 of the lesson text, (the global temp modeling graph) what do the different lines mean? 1. Black solid line, 2. Bluish-gray shaded area (that shows upward trend after 1980), 3. Green shaded area.

1. Actual measured global temperatures, 2. A range of predicted temperatures based on various computer model runs that include man-made GHGs and land use, 3. A range of predicted temperatures based on based on various computer model runs that did NOT include man-made GHGs and land use (in that order)

Match the terms with the definitions: 1. Refers to defining the product or system we are studying, 2. Collecting all of the data that is needed for the LCA, 3. Where the LCA begins and ends in terms of scope.

1. Functional unit, 2. Inventory analysis, 3. System Boundary

Identify the following as weather or climate events: 1. Record low temperatures on Jan 31, 2019, 2. Flooding in Indonesia Oct. 2018, 3. Average nighttime low temperatures are increasing in Minnesota in the winter, 4. The frequency of droughts in Texas is increasing

1. Weather, 2. Weather, 3. Climate, 4. Climate

Match the molecule to its function in the plant. 1. starch, 2. cellulose, 3. lignin

1. used to store energy, 2. provides strength to the cell walls, 3. helps stiffen a protect cellulose

About ____% of forests in the US are plantation forests.


The graph in the lecture text showing the percent consumption of various materials from the developed nations was super interesting. It showed that these countries often consumed about 50% of the global resources yet represent only about _______% of the global population.


Since this class is about biorenewable resources (stuff from plants) it is good to note that plants take up carbon from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. According to Figure 1, how much carbon do plants take up through photosynthesis?

123 billion metric tons

According to Hans Rosling, how many people live below the poverty line and don't have electricity?

2 billion

It seems that no one can agree on units so we always have to do some conversions. It is estimated that there are about 20 lbs of CO2e per gallon of milk. Coke has a footprint of about 250 g CO2e/liter. Both evaluations were 'cradle to grave,' but we still have a problem with the comparison because they are in different units. What is milk's carbon footprint in g CO2e/liter (rounded)? (You will need the unit conversion for gallons to liters and then lbs to grams. If you have forgotten how to do unit conversions check out this math tutorial Links to an external site.and learn how or . . . ask google to convert for you.)

2400 g CO2e/liter

Assume the Proven Reserves of the mineral bambium are 50 tons and the consumption rate of bambium is 2 tons per year. What is the R/P ratio? (Note: the "production" or certain minerals is the same as the consumption or extraction from their resources)

25 years

If you watch the animation called "Pumphandle", it tracks CO2 concentrations back 800,000 years. In the animation, pre-industrial concentrations were about ___________.

280 ppm

From the video, the taconite in the Mesabi formation contains about ___% iron.


Plagiarism is a large problem. It is the use of other's work and representing it as your own. We do not allow plagiarism in this class. To prevent this we us Turn-it-in to determine similarity scores. While there will always be a little similarity above what percentage is it too much similarity?


The US imports about _______% of the copper it consumes.


In an earlier lesson you learned about the history of the transition from wood to oil and coal as the primary fuel source. Since about 1800 there has been a 33% increase in carbon dioxide levels, globally. During this time period concentrations went from about ________________ to about ______________.

300 ppm to 400 ppm

The cool graphic on carbon dioxide concentrations over time (since like 800,000 BCE) showed some interesting things. What was the approximate concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in 1979?

330 ppm

In Katie's video, she described how forest managers try to mimic natural conditions. Which two pictures did she compare?

A managed forest and forest after a fire disturbance

Short rotation woody crops are produced via coppicing. Coppicing refers to:

A method to grow new shoots/stalks from old roots

When people talk about "ore" what are they referring to? If you don't know, you may need to google it.

A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.

If at the end of the semester you have a 92.99% your grade will be a __________


If you were (somehow), in a car going 60 miles per hour, driving straight up towards the sky, how long would it take for you to reach the edge of the stratosphere? Use this conversion: (earth surface to stratosphere) x (1 hour/60 miles) x (60 minutes/1hour) =

About 30 minutes

Assume the world population at the end of 2017 was 7.4 billion people. The population growth rate in 2018 was 1.07%. How many more people were on the planet at the end of 2018?

About 80 million more

According to Katie Fernholz, sustainable forestry seeks to: (select all that apply)

Approach forestry from a holistic and ecosystem-based viewpoint, Meet the need for forest products today without compromising the future, Maintain and protect biodiversity, productivity, and regeneration capacity.

Mining of iron ore


"Dovetail Partners" is a sustainable forest think tank located in California.


Biorenewable resources are a subset of non-renewable resources.


Cellular respiration uses solar energy to produce sugar.


In Hans Rosling's video he suggested that the growth in population by the poorest people would result in the biggest increase in energy use.


In the article Future developments in the forest sector, the authors mention use of cellulosic fibers for food additives is a relatively new phenomenon.


Logging residue is typically used for making paper.


Plantation forests typically grow GMO trees.


The cambium layer is near the inner core of the tree stem.


The majority of forests in the Western U.S. are owned by private corporations and individual families.


True or False: Setting of the "system or study boundaries" is part of the "impact assessment" step of the LCA.


True or False? Figure 2 in the lesson suggests that cement consumption in the wealthy nations is going up over time.


True or False? Both trees and corn exhibit secondary growth (stem girth increase by growing new cells around its perimeter).


In the first video, Tim and Kim talked about how data-intensive and complex the LCA process is. What did they mention that can be done to deal with all this information, streamline the process, and address the most impactful areas?

Focus on only the biggest contributors to the environmental impacts (hot-spotting).

When Dr. Howe said "When forests are valuable, we tend to have forests." What was he talking about? (Katie Fernholz also discussed this concept in her video)

If people buy and use wood products, we will have more trees.

Over the past 60 years, we've seen a substantial increase in wood consumption in the U.S. What has happened to our growing stock (volume of living trees) during that time?

Increased by 50%

A group called the International Panel on Climate Change released a report in 2018 that outlined some likely impacts of a 1.5 degree change in global temperature. Which of these is NOT one of their concerns?

Increasing rainfall across the southern hemisphere

Concrete used in the roadway


Copper for the electric wires along the road


The "Not in my backyard" argument prioritizes ___________ environmental issues over _____________ environmental issues

Local, global

Your instructor(s) for this course are ________________

Lucas Stolp

Which of the following are regulations for organic agriculture? Select all that apply.

No GMOs, no artificial fertilizers or pesticides

What example was used to explain the concept "it takes more resources to extract more resources"?

Mountaintop coal mining

According to Katie Fernholz, what percent of corn and soybeans produced in the US are genetically modified?

Over 80%

Even with the EU and Japan working to bring about a circular economy that reduces e-waste; what was one reason the article mentioned was a hindrance to this achieving this goal?

Planned obsolescence.

Making steel from iron ore


Near the end of the discussion (first video in lecture) Kim suggested that where you live has a large part to play in your carbon footprint. What was she referring to?

Some areas of the country have cleaner electricity.

Forest area is decreasing in (choose all correct answers)

South America, Africa

The author of the assigned reading suggests two ways a person can reduce their environmental impact. What were they?

Stop eating meat, cut down on purchases

Katie tells us the two most important factors in where forests can grow are:

Temperature, amount of precipitation

In the first video of the lecture, we heard Kim talking about how Levi's did a preliminary LCA on jeans. What did they learn from this particular LCA? (It was done back in 2007--it has since been updated)

The biggest water impact was in the washing of the jeans by the consumer (use stage)

What fueled the Great Hinckley Fire?

The dried tree branches and needles leftover (called slash) after clear cutting.

One of the big environmental issues with mining of metals is the tailing ponds. What are "tailings"?

The leftover crushed rock after the metals are extracted.

How do greenhouse gases work in regulating the energy balance of Earth's atmosphere?

They absorb infrared energy reflected from the earth.

What is the difference between forestland and timberland?

Timberland is a specific category of forestland that is capable of producing large volumes of wood.

In the NASA video showing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere (A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2) what season showed the highest concentration of carbon dioxide in the northern hemisphere?




Recycling a car

end of life

Building a car


What were some of the other benefits that trees provide (other than wood products)? Note: Choose all that apply.

scenic beauty, pollinator habitat, rainwater filtration, wildlife habitat

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