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Idea Development For Crisis Comms.

* Gather Various Versions Of The Events, Id Impacts & Solutions, & Analyze Nature Of Crisis -- A Primary Task Is To Define Nature Of Crisis --Will Help Team Formulate Appropriate Mssgs * 3 Types Of Crises (See Types Of Crises & Levels Of Co. Responsibility) * Team Should Id Intensifying Factors --Negative Rep. Or History Of Prior Probs. Relating To The Crisis - Danger Of Co'S Rep. Is Intensified

Reviewing Persuasive Messages

* Get Feedback & Reread * Apply Fair Test

Preventable Crises (Complete Responsibility)

* Industrial Accidents Due To Employee Errors * Harm To Consumers From Product Failures Due To Employee Errors * Mgmt Actions That Are Unlawful &/Or Place Stakeholders At Risk

Post-Crisis Actions

* Keep Stakeholders Informed About Recovery & Corrective Efforts * Update Crisis Mgmt Plan Based On Lessons Learned * Engage In Pr To Repair Org'S Reputation

Develop Your Ideas

* Key Task Is To Establish Credibility * Developing Strong Ideas In The Interest Of Your Audience Helps Demonstrate Your Voice Of Competence & Authority * Involves Gaining Deep Understanding Of Benefits & Drawbacks Of Your Ideas, Products, Services & * Gaining Understanding Of Competing Ideas, Products, Services

Preparing Formal Reports: Prepare Graphics

* Make Table, Charts, And Illustrations- But Only If They Serve A Function. Use Graphics To Clarify, Condense, Simplify, Or Emphasize Your Data

Disadvantages Of Using Social Media For Pr

* Most People Think Social Media Mssgs Are Less Reliable Than Mssgs In Traditional Media Outlets & Print * Controlling Mssg Is More Difficult B/C Of The Fragmented 2-Way Nature Of The Social Media Environment

Creating Crisis Mssgs

* Must Act Under Significant Time Pressures To Compose * Must Also Act Quickly To Modify Them For Various Media --Letters --Emails --Web Pages --Blogs --Texts --Radio & Tv Broadcasts

Diff. Types Of Crisis

* Natural Disasters * Mgmt Misconduct Or Criminal Behavior * Technological Failures * Work-Site Accidents * Product Failures * Various Forms Of Negative Press Coverage

Victim Crises (Min. Responsibility)

* Natural Disasters * Rumors About Org * Workplace Violence Committed By Former Or Current Employee * Product Tampering By Individual Outside Of Org

Explain Corrective Actions

* Often In Intitial Stages, Teams Have Little Or Conflicting Info * Avoid Making Stmts About Causes Of Crisis Or Chat Co'S Exact Response Will Be * Instead, Describe Process Co. Is Using To Investigate Situation & Express Co'S Commitment To Formulating A Response As Soon As Possible

Main Components Message Structure Of Pr Mssgs

* Press Release Style: 1. Headline --Immediatly Captures Stakeholder'S Attention 2. Dateline --When Story Occured 3. The Story --Who, Shat, When, Where, Why - Should Be Answered Quicky W/In 1St Paragraph (Widest Part - 1St Tier Of Inverted Pyramid) --Supporting Evidence (2Nd Tier Of Inverted Pyramid) 4. A Boilerplate (Position Stmt) --Briefly Explains Background About Co: Nature Of Its Bus., Its Product/Services, Its Customer, & It'S Unique Selling Position (What Distinguished It From Competitors) --Typically Minor Pr Mssgs - 100-300 Words --Major Announcement - 500-800 Words 5. Contact Info

Idea Development For Pr Mssgs

* Primary Goal Of Pr Is To Create Distinctive Brand Value: 1. Clarify Co'S Brand & Through Discussion Gain A Shared Sense Of The Brand Mssgs --W/O Agreement Among Colleages, Co. May Produce Nonunified, Perhaps Even Confusing Mssgs 2. Draw Positive Attention To Product/Services, Esp. Those New Launced, Recently Improved Or Recently Awarded Or Otherwise Recognized --Understand Products/Services Completely & Accurately --Involves Identifying Which Products/Services Co. Intends To Highlight Which Involves Discussion Of Co.'S Strategy For Promoting Various Products/Services --Gather Accurate & Reliable Info That Tells A Compelling Story Of What The Co. Has Done

Traditional Press Releases

* Released In New Story Format To Describe --Product Launches --Sponsored Events --Financial Results --Charitable Donations --Awards --Other Newsworthy Stories * Labeled Press Releases B/C Issued To Editors & Reporters Of Newspaers, Mags, & Other Media Outlets --Editors & Reporters Then Crafted Own Stories From Them * Co.S Often Sought Public Exposure Through Media By Writing Op-Ed Pieces Or Letters To Editor * Most Co.S Many Comm. Channels & Often Bypass Traditional Miediat To Distribute Pr Mssgs --Most Co.'S Now Have Sects. Often Labeled Pressroom Or Newsroom For Pr Stories & Opinions Pieces That Follow Press Release Or Op-Ed Style

Tyes Of Effective Attention-Getters

* Rhetorical Questions * Intriguing Stats * Compelling & Unusual Fact(S) * Challange * Testimonial

Persuade Through Emotion & Reason

* Savvy Business Communicators Understand That Resistence To Ideas, Products, & Services Is Often Emotional * Conversely Target Audiences Often Possess Strong Emotional Attachment To Competing Ideas, Products & Services * Typically, Internal Persuasive Mssgs Focus Mostly On Logic * External Pursuasive Mssgs Generally Include Strong Emoitional Appeals * Must Develope Right Mix Of Logical & Emotional Appeals * Generally Will Supply Both But Emphasize One Or The Other

Express Concern

* Show Concern Immediately --Stakeholders Make Judgments About Co'S Empathy & Caring W/In 30 Secs --Establishes Credibility --Allows To More Effectively Provide For Stakeholders' Needs --Protects Co. - Reduces # Of Claims Against An Org --Select Right Spokeperson - Expresses Sympathy Well, Understands Situation Well, & Knows How To Offer Appropriat Elevel Of Confidence In Co. & Its Effort To Resolve Crisis

Approaches To Corp. Blogs

* Spend Time Learning About Blogs * Humanize Your Blogs * Facilitate & Encourage Conversations * Provide Regular, Fresh Content * Revolve Your Blog Around A Consistent Theme * Introduce Your Bloggers & Establish Their Credibility * Connect Your Blog To Ther Social Media

Accident Crises (Low Responsibility)

* Stakeholder Claims Org Is Not Operating Approperiately * Industrial Accidents Due To Technology & Equip. Failures * Product Failure Due To Tech. & Equip. Failures

Audience Analysis For Pr Mssgs

* Targeted To Particular Stakeholder Groups --However In Social Age, Stakeholder Groups Straddle Geographic & Institutional Boundaries * Consider Certain Questions As You Develop Pr Mssgs: --How Much Do They Know About Your Co? How Positively Or Negatively Do They View It? --What Is Their View Of Your Brand Value? Are They Satisfied W/Your Performance In Following Area: Economic Responsibility, Social Responsibilities, Ethical Responsibility? --From What Sources Do They Get Info. About You & Your Competitiors? Through Which Comm. Channels Can You Best Reach Them?

In The Emerging Social Age, Co.'S Are Less Able To Generate Predicable Media Exposre Due To?

* The Shrinking Options In Mass Advertising (Esp. In Tv) * The Increasingly Fragmented Media Landscape (People Turning To Many Sources & Media For Info) * The Growing Importance Of Online Comsumer Reviews & Activists Blogs

Types Of Stmts To Avoid In Pte

* Trust Me * Unbelievable * Too Good To Be True * Excuses * Explanation * Fear Tactics

Understand Your Audience

* Understand Methods Of Influence * Persuade Through Emotion & Reason

Types Of Crises & Levels Of Co. Responsibility

* Victim Crises (Min. Responsibility) * Accident Crises (Low Responsibility) * Preventable Crises (Complete Responsibility)

Types Of Crises & Appropriate Responses

* Victim Crises --Concern --Corrective Action --Instructions --(Excuse &/Or Justification - W/Intensifying Factors - Crisis Comms. May Alwsys Consider Use Of Reminders & Igratiation. Should Consider Denial & Attack The Accusor For Unjustified Rumors & Attacks Against Co.) * Accident Crises --Concern --Corrective Action --Instructions --Excuse &/Or Justification -- (Compensation &/Or Apology - W/Intensifying Factors - Crisis Comms. May Alwsys Consider Use Of Reminders & Igratiation. Should Consider Denial & Attack The Accusor For Unjustified Rumors & Attacks Against Co.) * Preventable Crises --Concern --Corrective Action --Instructions --Excuse &/Or Justification -- Compensation &/Or Apology

When Dealing With Email, Many Business Professionals Consider Use Of The ______ A Breach Of Privacy

"Blind Carbon Copy" Feature

The Performance Appraisal System That Has Been Adopted By Several Companies To Enhance Communication Is Called A) 360 Degree Feedback. B) Peer Review. C) Query System. D) Employee-Manager Process Review. E) 180 Degree Feedback.

A) 360 Degree Feedback.

Giving Negative Performance Reviews

1. By Giving Employees Clear Goals And Regular Feedback, You Can Avoid Unpleasant Surprises In Reviews 2. Evaluations Should Provide Careful Documenation Of Performance Concerns Points To Go By: -Document Performance Problems -Evaluate All Employees Consistently -Write In A Calm, Objective Voice -Focus On Opportunities For Improvement -Keep Job Descriptions Up To Date

Refusing Requests For Recommendation Letters

1. Can Be Brief And Direct 2. Give All Info That Is Allowable 3. Tactfully Avoid Hurting Reader'S Feelings 4. Makes Positive Comments, Implies The Refusal, Suggests And Alternative, Uses A Polite Close

Step 1: Planning Negative Messages

1. Careful Planning Is Necessary To Avoid Alienating Your Readers 2. Choose The Medium With Care 3. Choosing Which Approach Is Very Important: -Direct Approach: Opens With Bad News, Proceeds To The Reasons, And Ends With Positive Statement. -Indirect Approach: Opens With Reasons, Then Presents The Bad News.

About How Long Should The Review Be Compared To The Whole Presentation?

About 5 Percent

About How Long Should The Review Be Compared To The Whole Presentation?

About 5%

In The Context Of The Reviewing Process, The "A" In The Fair Test Stands For _____.


When Reviewing Her Presentation, Dahia Realizes That She Needs To Add Source Lines To Her Charts And Graphs. What Aspect Of The Fair Test Does This Decision Relate To?


The Filtering Of Information In Organizations A) Can Be Completely Eliminated By Adopting An Open Door Policy. B) Always Leads To Ineffective Communication. C) Occurs For Downward Communication But Not Upward Communication. D) Increases With The Number Of Links In A Communication Chain. E) Occurs For Upward Communication But Not Downward Communication.

D) Increases With The Number Of Links In A Communication Chain.

Terminating Employment

1. Careful Planning, Complete Documentation, And Sensitive Writing Are Essential 2. These Should Always Be Written With Input From The Legal Staff Goals: -Clearly Present Reasons -Reasons Are Presented As Not To Be Misconstrued Or Discriminatory -Follow Company Policy, Contract Requirements, And Applicable Laws -Avoid Personal Attacks Or Insults -Ask For Review -Deliver Temination Letter In Person If Possible

Direct Approach: Closing

1. Close With A Positive But Still Honest And Respectful Manner 2. Consider Offering And Alternative Soluation

Direct Approach: Opening

1. Come Right Out And Say It 2. Maintain Calm And Professional Tone.

Refusing Claims And Requests For Adjustments

1. Customer Tends To Be Emotionally Invovled 2. Use Indirect Approach Mostly 3. Defamation- A False Statement That Damages Someone'S Reputation.(Written=Libel, Verbal=Slander)

Indirect Approach: Body Continued

1. De-Emphasize The Bad News Visually And Grammatically 2. Use A Conditional Statement If Appropriate 3. Tell What You Did Do, Not What You Didn'T Do 4. Don'T Disguise The Bad News When You Emphasize The Positive

4 Functions Of Social Media Teams

1. Develop Formal Social Media Policies 2. Monitor Internal & External Communities 3. Engage Online Communities W/Fan Pgs, Corp Blogs, Online Innovation Forums & Meetings W/ Prominent Bloggers 4. Act As 1St Responders By Acknowledging Mistakes & Warding Off Crises When Negative, Brand-Threatening Social Media Activities Occurs

3 Types Of Responsibilities A Co. Need To Achieve In Buildinding Credebility In Its Relationships

1. Economic Responsibility (Similar To Competence) 2. Ethical Responsibility (Similar To Character) 3. Social Responsibility (Similar To Caring)

Indirect Approach: Opening

1. First Use A Buffer- A Neutral, Noncontroversial Statement Closely Related To The Point 2. Establishes Common Ground With The Reader 3. When Done Right Is Shows Consideration For The Feelings Of Other 4. When Done Poorly, It Can Mislead Or Insult The Reader

Clarifying Objectives: Message Structuring

1. Framing The Primary Message A) What Is The Primary Message? B) What Simple, Vivid Statement ( 15 Words Or Less) Captures The Essence Of Your Message?

Refusing Routine Requests

1. Give A Clear Negative Response Without Generating Negative Feelings Or Damaging Reputations 2. Direct Approach Works Best Most Of The Time 3. Indirect Works Best In High Stake Situations

Filter Of Lifetime Experiences

An Accumulation Of Knowledge, Values, Expectations And Attitude Based On Prior Personal Experiences

Which Of The Following Components Is Likely To Be Included In The Structure Of A Mass Sales Message?

An Attempt To Generate Interest

The Social Age

An Era In Which People Engage In Networked Communication, Collaborate Across Boundaries, And Solve Problems Communally.

Social Age

An Era In Which People Engage In Networked Communications, Collaborate Across Boundaries, And Solve Problems Communally.

User 1.0

An Individual Who Primarily Uses And Prefers Web 1.0 Tools (Primarily Passive And Static)

Corporate Reptation

An Intangible Asset That Allows The Company To Better Manage The Expectations And Needs Of Its Various Stakeholders, Creating Differentiation And Barriers Vis-A-Vis It Competitors The Intellectual, Emotional And Behavioral Response As To Whether Or Not The Communications And Actions Of An Organization Resonate With Their Needs And Interest

What Is The Traditional Structure For A Press-Release Style Public Relations Message?

An Inverted Pyramid With The Most Important Information First


Analyzing Your Audience To Understand Their Needs, Values, And How They Are Influenced

Creating Announcements

Announcements: -Updates To Policies And Procedures, Notices Of Events, And Other Correspondences That Apply To A Group Of Employees And/ Or Customers

To Overcome Resistance To Your Request In Your Persuasive Appeal, You Should

Anticipate Objections To The Request.

In An Effective External Persuasive Message, The Appreciation Statement

Anticipates The Thoughts Of Skeptical Readers.

In The Body Of Your Persuasive Message, You Will Reduce Resistance By

Anticipating Arguments And Offering Counterarguments.

Mikhail'S Claim Has Been Denied Once. Now, He Is Writing A Second Persuasive Claim Letter To His Digital Media Services Company Asking For A Promised Rebate Package. Because He Expects Resistance, What Should He Do?

Appeal To The Receiver'S Sense Of Responsibility And Pride In The Company'S Good Name.

When Writing Persuasive Claim Or Complaint Letter, You Should

Appeal To The Receiver'S Sense Of Responsibility And Pride In The Company'S Good Name.

10+ Pages Contains All 1St-Level Headings & Sometimes All 2Nd-Level Headings Well-Designed Table Of Contents Immediately Creates Impression You Are Organized


Techniques To Elicit Audience Desire And Overcome Reader Resistance In A Marketing Message Include All Of The Following Except

Application Forms.

Purpose, 1St & Foremost, Is To Fit Into Story Line You Have Established Should Simplify Or Clarify Complicated Numerical Info That May Bog Down You Rreader In Text

Apply Bulleting & Enumerated Lists To Make Passages Easier To Process

In Which Of The Following Cases Is Cross-Cultural Communication Very Good? A) Agreeing On What Constitutes Punctuality B) Physical Proximity And Contact C) Conveying Etiquette And Politeness D) Interpreting Basic Emotions In Facial Expressions E) Understanding Symbolic Gestures

D) Interpreting Basic Emotions In Facial Expressions

An Employee Hotline Generally A) Replaces An Employee Suggestion System. B) Is A Form Of Nonverbal Communication. C) Uses The Richest Communication Medium Available. D) Is A Means Of Downward Communication. E) Replaces The 360 Degree Feedback System.

D) Is A Means Of Downward Communication.

The Chain Of Command Does Not Reflect The Number Of Communication Channels That Exist In Organizations Because A) It Ignores Horizontal Communication. B) Managers May Not Encode Communication. C) It Ignores Downward Communication. D) It Ignores Informal Communication. E) It Ignores Upward Communication.

D) It Ignores Informal Communication.

Which Of The Following Statements About Organizational Communication Is False? A) Organizational Grapevines Can Communicate Accurate Information. B) Supervisors Can Be Trained To Communicate More Effectively. C) Managers Have Difficulties Balancing Task And Socio-Emotional Role Demands. D) It Is More Difficult To Regulate Nonverbal Communication When The Sender Has Low Emotional Involvement. E) Research Shows That Communication Between Managers And Employees Is Often Poor.

D) It Is More Difficult To Regulate Nonverbal Communication When The Sender Has Low Emotional Involvement.

Which Of The Following Is Not A Basic Principle Of Effective Communication? A) Feedback B) Congruence C) Listen D) Jargon E) Take The Time

D) Jargon

360-Degree Feedback Is Also Known As A) Multiple Feedback B) Full Circle Feedback C) Multipurpose Feedback D) Multisource Feedback E) Circular Feedback

D) Multisource Feedback

Which Of The Following Is Not An Appropriate Active Listening Technique? A) Show Empathy. B) Paraphrase What The Speaker Means. C) Ask Questions. D) Responding As Soon As Possible. E) Awareness Of Body Language.

D) Responding As Soon As Possible.

The Toy Market Has Fallen Off, And The Zippy Toy Company Has To Lay Off Workers. The Plant Manager Must Inform All The Workers, But He Is So Upset About His Task That He Writes A Vague, Contradictory Letter Which No One Understands. What Happened? A) All-Channel Communication Was Used When Exit Interviews Would Have Been Better B) Status Differences Have Resulted In Ineffective Communication C) Rumour Has Caused Confusion D) The Mum Effect Caused The Workers To Have Decoding Problems E) Jargon Caused The Manager To Produce Nonverbal Communication

D) The Mum Effect Caused The Workers To Have Decoding Problems

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of The Mum Effect? A) The Sales Manager Decided To Postpone Announcing The Good News About The Christmas Bonuses Until The Company Party At The End Of The Month. B) The Secretary Did Not Care To Participate In The Office Grapevine. C) The President Of A Firm Would Not Tell A Newspaper Reporter What The Firm'S Market Share Was. D) The Young Lawyer Who Lost The Court Case Delayed Telling The Senior Partner Of The Law Firm. E) The Manager Would Only Communicate With Workers Through Their Supervisor.

D) The Young Lawyer Who Lost The Court Case Delayed Telling The Senior Partner Of The Law Firm.

Rumours Are A) Always False. B) Examples Of Filtering. C) Examples Of Jargon. D) Unverified Beliefs. E) Examples Of Nonverbal Communication.

D) Unverified Beliefs.

When Are Query Systems Most Effective? A) When Nonverbal Communication Is Used To Disseminate The Questions And Answers B) When Verbal Communication Is Used To Disseminate The Questions And Answers C) When They Are Used With A Suggestion System D) When The Questions And Answers Are Widely Disseminated E) When Verbal And Nonverbal Communication Is Used To Disseminate The Questions And Answers

D) When The Questions And Answers Are Widely Disseminated

Who Is Decoding A Message? A) Olive, Who Is Making A Speech B) Sal, Who Is Preparing A Financial Statement C) Robin, Who Is Initiating Downward Communication D) William, Who Is Studying Blueprints E) Sylvia, Who Is Passing Along A Bit Of Gossip About A Coworker

D) William, Who Is Studying Blueprints

A Successful Health Insurance Specialist Should Have Which Of The Following Characteristics? A. Attention To Details B. Strong Sense Of Work Ethics C. Ability To Work Independently D. All Of The Above

D. All Of The Above

Each New Provider-Managed Care Contract Increases The A. Practice'S Patient Database B. Number Of Claims Requirements And Reimbursement Regulations C. Time The Office Staff Must Devote To Fulfilling Contract Requirements D. All Of The Above

D. All Of The Above

Health Insurance Specialists And Medical Assistants Obtain Employment In A. Clinics B. Clearinghouses C. Physician'S Offices D. All Of The Above

D. All Of The Above

To Remain Up-To-Date With The Frequent Changes Of Health Insurance Processing, Health Insurance Specialists Should A. Make Certain That They Are On Mailing Lists To Receive Newsletters From Third-Party Payers B. Remain Current On News Released By The Cms C. Stay Current With The Dhhs Updates D. All Of The Above

D. All Of The Above

Accurate Coding Of Diagnoses, Procedures, And Services Rendered To The Patient Allows A Medical Practice To A. Facilitate Analysis Of The Practice'S Patient Base For Improvement And Efficiency B. Communicate Diagnostic And Treatment Data To Insurance Plans For Maximum Recovery Of Benefits C. Process Claims For A Limited Number Of Insurance Companies D. Both A And B

D. Both A And B

The Process Of Reporting Diagnoses, Procedures, And Services As Numeric And Alphanumeric Characters On The Insurance Claim Is Called A. Data Entry B. Work C. Health Information Technology D. Coding

D. Coding

A Claims Examiner Is Employed By A A. Facility To Submit Claims B. Governmental Agency To Process Claims C. Physician'S Office To Submit Claims D. Third-Party Payer To Review Claims

D. Third-Party Payer To Review Claims

Making Negative Announcements

1. Indirect Approach Is Usually The Better Choice 2. Open With Buffer, Advance Your Reasoning, Announce The Change, And Close Positively

Sending Negative Employment Messages

1. Indirect Approach Usually Advised 2. Choosing Medium Is Very Important

Step 2: Writing Negative Messages

1. Write Clearly, And Sensitively. 2. Clarify Your Credibility 3. Convey Respect An Avoid Accusatory Tones 4. Use Positive Words Over Negative Ones. (It Is Possible To Deliver Negative News Without Actually Being Negative)

The Aim Planning Process For Business Messages

-Audience= Identify Benefits To Others Recognize Their Values And Priorities, And Anticipate Their Reactions -Ideas= Identify And Analyze The Business Problems At Hand; Display Excellence In Business Thinking. -Message= Identify And Frame Your Primary Message, Choose Your Key Points, And Select Your Call To Action

Principles For Professional Social Media Use

-Be An Active Contributor -Listen And Learn -Focus On Content -Make Your Content Accessible -Make Your Message Authentic And Friendly -Be Responsive And Help Others -Respect Boundaries

Harry Is Brand-Conscious And Has Been Very Loyal To Revy Jeans. Leroi Is A Famous Hollywood Star Who Is Harry'S Idol. Leroi Signs An Endorsement Deal With Ace, A Company That Sells Jeans, And Starts Appearing In The Company'S Advertising. After Seeing These Ads, Harry Shifts His Loyalty From Revy Jeans To Ace. Which Principle Of Influence Has Affected Harry?


To Build Well-Reasoned Business Positions, One Should

Avoid Faulty Cause/Effect Claims. As You Analyze Business Issues, You Are Often Trying To Identify Causes And Effects. To Build Well-Reasoned Business Positions, You Should Avoid Faulty Cause/Effect Claims.

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Be Followed To Minimize E-Interruptions?

Avoid Unnecessarily Lengthening An Email Chain.

What Do These Organizations Have In Common: Honeywell, Sprint, And Burger King A) Suggestion Systems B) 360-Degree Feedback C) Tv Networks D) Employee Surveys And Survey Feedback E) Telephone Hotlines

B) 360-Degree Feedback

Which Message Translates Best Across Cultures? A) A Touch While Speaking B) A Look Of Anger C) A "Thumbs Up" Signal D) A Lubricant Expression E) Arriving Late For A Meeting

B) A Look Of Anger

The Opportunity For Employees To Communicate Directly With A Manager Without Going Through The Chain Of Command Is Known As A) Upward Communication. B) An Open Door Policy. C) Filtering. D) The Mum Effect. E) The Grapevine.

B) An Open Door Policy.

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of High Synchronous Communication? A) Letters B) Face-To-Face C) E-Mail D) Chat E) Memos

B) Face-To-Face

Sticking With The Strict Chain Of Command Is Most Likely To Impede ________ Communication. A) Backwards B) Horizontal C) Formal D) Upward E) Downward

B) Horizontal

What Did Middle Managers Working In The California Information Technology Sector Use To "Profile" The Identity And Status Of Office Occupants? A) Intranets B) Office Decor C) Tv Networks D) Clothing E) Computer-Mediated Communication

B) Office Decor

Which Group Has The Lowest Context Culture? A) Australian B) Swiss C) Chinese D) Japanese E) Egyptian

B) Swiss

Communication Is Defined As A) The Encoding Of Information. B) The Exchange Of Information. C) The Flow Of Information Down An Organizational Hierarchy. D) A Method Of Persuasion. E) Understanding Between People.

B) The Exchange Of Information.

What Does The Following Refer To: More "Know" Than "Tell"? A) Jargon B) The Grapevine C) Congruence D) Filtering E) The Mum Effect

B) The Grapevine

What Do These Companies Have In Common: Ibm, Federal Express, And J.C. Penny? A) Telephone Hotlines B) Tv Networks C) Employee Surveys And Survey Feedback D) Suggestion Systems E) Query Systems

B) Tv Networks

The Cpt Manual Is Published By A. American Billing Association B. American Medical Association C. American Board Of Physicians D. American Health Information Management

B. American Medical Association

Icd-9-Cm Stands For A. International Center For Diseases, 9Th Revision, Clinical Modification B. International Classification Of Diseases, 9Th Revision, Clinical Modification C. International Clarification Of Diseases, 9Th Revision, Clinical Modification D. International Classification Of Diseases, 9Th Report, Clinical Modification

B. International Classification Of Diseases, 9Th Revision, Clinical Modification

A Claims Examiner Employed By A Third-Party Payer Reviews Health-Related Claims To Determine Whether The Charges Are Reasonable And For A. Payment B. Medical Necessity C. Billing To The Patient D. Resubmission

B. Medical Necessity

Another Name For Health Insurance Specialist Is A. Coder B. Reimbursement Specialist C. Biller D. Medical Records Clerk

B. Reimbursement Specialist

If The Insurance Plan Has A Hold Harmless Clause; It Means A. The Healthcare Provider Can Collect His Or Her Fees From The Patient B. The Patient Is Not Responsible For Paying What The Insurance Plan Denies C. The Patient Referred To Nonparticipating Providers Has Lower Out-Of-Pocket Expenses D. The Patient Is Responsible For Paying What Insurance Plan Denies

B. The Patient Is Not Responsible For Paying What The Insurance Plan Denies

Guidelines For Bad-News Messages

Bad-News Recipients Are Hurt Less By The Bad News Than By How Long It Took To Receive It. 1) Deliver The Bad News In A Timely Manner-The Adage No News Is Bad News Applies When Colleagues, Clients Or Customers Know You Are In The Process Of Making Decisions That Can Impact Them. The Worst Is Assumed With No Information Provided. You Can Loose Credibility If Others Think You Have Wrongfully Withheld Information. Don'T Deliver Bad News When You Don'T Have All The Details This Could Create Anxiety. 2) Choose The Right Mix Of Channels-Generally Bad News Is Delivered In Person. You Can Use Verbal And Nonverbal Cues To Show Concern And Sensitivity. You Can Get Immediate Feedback From Those Receiving Bad News And Can Respond To Their Discomforts Right Away. However, Delivering Bad News In Writing Has Its Advantages. You Can Control The Message More And Ensure You State The News Precisely And Accurately. Researchers Have Identified Three Aspects Of The Bad News That Impact How You Approach Delivering It. *Severity* Is How Serious Or Detrimental The Bad News Is. *Controlability* Is The Degree To Which The Bad-News Message Receiver Can Alter The Outcome. *Likelihood* Relates To The Probability Of The Bad Event Occurring. As Controllability Decreases And Likelihood And/Or Severity Increases Richer Channels Of Communication Are Most Appropriate. When Bad News Becomes More Controllable, Less-Likely And/Or Less Severe Less Richer Channels Of Communication Are Most Appropriate. One Choice You'Ll Make When Delivering Bad News Is Whether To Make Your Message Direct Or Indirect. *Components Of A Indirect Message* -Ease In With A Buffer -Provide A Rationale -Deliver The Bad News -Explain Impacts -Focus On The Future -Show Goodwill *Components Of A Direct Message* -Ease In With A Buffer -Deliver The Bad News -Provide A Rationale -Explain Impacts -Focus On The Future -Show Goodwill 3) Sympathize With The Bad-News Recipients And Soften The Blow-When Recipients Of Bed-News Messages Know You Are Concerned With Them, They Respond Without Antagonism And Even Appreciate Honesty. For Written Messages, Using A Neutral Subject Line Gives The Recipients Time To Momentarily Adjust And Accept The Bad News. You May Use A Buffer To Soften The Blow. A Buffer Is A Statement To Establish Common Ground, Show Appreciation, State Your Sympathy, Or Express Goodwill. When You Show Sympathy To Your Readers, You Let Them Know You Share Their Sorrow Or Trouble. Limit Expressions To One Or Two Sentences, And Make Them Sincere And Professional. You Can Choose Another Form Of A Buffer, Teaser Message, This Message Prepares Recipients Emotionally Yet Does Not Reveal Specific Information. A Neutral Subject Line Subject Line And Short Buffer Can Soften The Blow And Show Sympathy. Make The Statement Short And Deliver The Bad News Quickly. 4) Provide A Simple Clear Rationale-Customers That Received A Full Explanation Or Rationale Consider The Organizations Credible. Clear, Specific, And Simple Language Built Trust, Whereas Vague, General, And Legal Language Created Suspicion And Anger. 5) Explain Immediate Impacts-Resist The Impulse To Minimize To Minimize Negative Impact. By Honestly Describing These Impacts--You Address The Foremost Concern In The Recipients' Minds--Themselves. If You Skip This Step It Can Be Bad For Two Reasons. First, They Can'T Process Other Topics. They Are Only Fixated On The Potential Impacts Themselves. Second, They May Be Annoyed If You Move Immediately To What You Consider The Silver Lining. 6) Focus On Solutions And Long-Term Benefits-Most Bad News Isn'T Permanent. Once You Have Described The Immediate Impacts, Move To A Constructive, Forward-Looking Approach. 7) Show Goodwill-In The Process Of Delivering Bad News Don'T Burn Bridges.

Octavio Wants To Compare The Gross National Product For Six Different Countries For The Year 2010. How Should He Display The Data?

Bar Chart

Which Of The Following Statements About Bar Charts Is True?

Bar Charts Are More Versatile Than Pie Charts And Line Charts.

Which Of The Following Is A Helpful Guideline For Formatting Bar Charts?

Bars Should Be Arranged In Ascending Or Descending Order In Most Cases.

Involves Using Your Own Words To Express Meaning Of Original Speaker Or Writer -- Significantly Alter Original Words & Sentences Structure But Will Still Need To Give Credit To Original Speaker/Writer

Base Recommendations On Facts & Conclustions


Based On Idea That Once People Make An Explicit Commitment, They Tend To Follow Through Or Honor That Commitment -They Want To Stay Consistent W/Their Original Commitment


Based On Idea That Once People Make An Explicit Commitment, They Tend To Follow Through Or Honor That Commitment -They Want To Stay Consistent W/Their Original Commitment --I.E. Customers Making Use Of Free Services Or Other Services & Make Commitment To Use Services On Reg. Basis


Based On The Idea That One People Make An Explicit Commitment, They Tend To Follow Through Or Honor That Commitment

How Will People Judge Your Competence

Based On Your Track Record Of Success And Achievement

When Addressing Sensors, One Should:

Be Direct, Brief And To The Point

In General, Survey Questions Should

Be Short Enough To Answer In A Few Seconds.

To Ensure The Completeness Of A Business Message, One Should

Be Specific

To Ensure The Completeness Of A Business Message, One Should

Be Specific.

To Ensure The Completeness Of A Business Message, One Should

Be Specific. Most Of Your Messages In The Workplace Have A Clear Goal: To Update Your Team Members, To Promote A Service To A Client, To Give An Assignment, And So On. Your Goal Of Completeness Means That Your Message Provides All The Information Necessary To Meet That Purpose. You Can Achieve Completeness With Three Basic Strategies: Providing All Relevant Information; Being Accurate; And Being Specific.

When Using The Indirect Strategy In A Persuasive Message, You Should Place The Reasons And Explanations

Before The Main Idea.

Direct Structure?

Begin With Main Idea, Or Argument And Then Provide The Supporting Reasons

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Have A Negative Impact On Your Readers' Perceptions Of Your Credibility?

Being Vague

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Have A Negative Impact On Your Readers' Perceptions Of Your Credibility

Being Vague Being Specific Affects The Judgments Your Readers Make About Your Credibility. Specific Statements Lead Your Readers To Believe That You Know What You Are Talking About (Competence); That You Are Not Hiding Anything (Character); And That You Want Your Readers To Be Informed (Caring). Being Vague, On The Other Hand, Detracts From Your Credibility.

Appeal To The Core Emotional?

Benefits Of Products, Services, And Ideas

Responding To External Complaints & Handling Negatieve Rumors

Bloggers Reporters Activists Opposing Org Disgruntled Employees Dissatisfied Customer * Perception Are More Important Than Reality

When You Decide To Accept A New Position And Leave Your Current Organization You Should Avoid

Bragging About Your New Job

Principles For Managing Emails To Avoid Distractions

-Check Digital Messages Just Two Or Four Times Each Day At Designated Times -Turn Off Message Alerts -Use Rich Channels Such As Face-To-Face And Phone Conversations To Accomplish Tasks Completely -Reply Immediately To Urgent Messages -Avoid Unnecessarily Lengthening An Email Chain -Use Automatic Messages To Help People Know When You'Re Available

Industrial Age

-Command-And-Control (Little Communication Between Teams And Units) -Respect For Position -Holding Authority Is Power -Efficiency, Competitiveness, And Authority Are Key Values

Composing Mass Sales Messages?

-Contain A Central Sales Theme -Strongest When Contain A Coherent, Unified Theme That Consumers Can Recognize Quickly

Guidelines For Bad-News Messages

-Deliver The Bad News In A Timely Manner -Choose The Right Mix Of Channels -Sympathize With The Bad-News Recipients And Soften The Blows -Provide Simple, Clear Rationale -Explain Immediate Impacts -Focus On Solutes And Long-Term Benefits -Show Goodwill

Providing Directions

-Directions Typically Include Specific-Often Step-By-Step- Guidelines For Accomplishing Particular Tasks -In Messages With Procedures And Directions, Make The Steps Stand Out Clearly By Enumerating Each One

Components Of Direct Bad-News Messages

-Erase With A Buffer -Deliver The Bad News -Provide Rationale -Explain Impacts -Focus On The Future -Show Goodwill -Show Concern

Components Of Indirect Bad-News Messages

-Erase With A Buffer -Provide A Rationale -Deliver The Bad News -Explain Impacts -Focus On The Future (As Appropriate) -Show Goodwill -Show Concern

Key Reviewing Steps:

-Fair Test: -Proofreading -Feedback

Structure Of Mass Sales Messages?

-Gain Attention -Generate Interest -Build Desire -Call To Action

Components Of Announcements

-Gain Attention -Give Announcement -Provide Details -Call To Action -State Goodwill

The Mum Effect Is One Example Of A) How Rumours Get Transmitted. B) How Status Can Lead To Problems In Informal Communication. C) How Information Filtering Occurs. D) How The Clothing We Wear Transmits Information. E) How The Grapevine Works.

C) How Information Filtering Occurs.

Audience Analysis

-Identify Reader Benefits And Constraints -Consider Reader Values And Priorities -Estimate Your Credibility -Anticipate Reactions -Keep Secondary Audiences In Mind


Check For Typos And Any Signals That You Are Not Attentive To The Needs Of Others

Which Of The Following Employees Is Most Likely To Be A Hub?

Cho Works At Coordinating The Efforts Of The Whole Team.

Is A Show Of Respect For The Dignity And Importance Of Others.


Making Claims

Claims: -Requests For Other Companies To Compensate For Or Correct The Wrongs Or Mistakes They Have Made

When You Are Giving A Presentation, The Audience Will Judge You As Competent If You

Clearly Know What You Are Talking About.

Components Of Claims

-Make Claim -Provide Rationale -Call To Action -State Goodwill

Uses Of Routine Messages

-Making Requests -Setting Expectations -Providing Directions

Information Age

-Mass Two-Way Communication (Extensive Communication Between Teams And Units) -Respect For Expertise And Position -Holding Knowledge Is Power -Autonomy, Innovation, And Achievement Are Key Values

Characteristics Of The Social Age

-Networked Communication -Respect For Enterprise And Contributions To The Network -Sharing Knowledge -Transparency, Honesty, And Camaraderie

Explicit Structure?

-Nothing Is Implied -Statements Contain Full And Unambiguous Meaning

Reviewing Persuasive Messages? Can Potentially:

-Provide You With More Professional Opportunities -Enhanced Credibility -Or Close Off Future Opportunities And Diminish Credibility

Responding To Uncivilized Communications

-Reinterpret -Relax -Defuse

Implicit Structure?

-Request Or Some Of The Rational For The Request May Be Implied -Need To Read Between The Lines To Grasp The Entire Meaning

Effective Attention-Getters?

-Rhetorical Question -Intriguing Statistic -Compelling And Unusual Fact/S -Challenge -Testimonial

Setting Expectations

-Setting Expectations Is Directly Tied To Your Credibility And Ability To Foster Interpersonal Trust In The Work Place -Failure To Do It Can Lead To Lasting Professional Disappointments And Breakdowns In Working Relationships

Components Of Effective Emails

-Subject Line -Greeting (Optional) -Message -Closing (Optional) -Signature Block (Optional) -Attachments

Which Of The Following Employees Is Most Likely To Have A Blue Motivational Value System?

Darwin Focuses On Encouraging The Growth Of Coworkers.

Which Of The Following Statements About Online Surveys Is True?

Data From Online Surveys Can Be Automatically Dumped Into A Spreadsheet.

Meghan Needs To Analyze The Demographic Makeup Of Her Company'S Employees. Before Conducting A Survey To Get The Necessary Employee Information, She Should First Check To See If It Is Already Contained In The Company'S


Which Of The Following Components Of Setting Expectations Translates To Setting Tasks For Employees?

Describing Responsibilities (Three Components Are Central In Setting Expectations For Those You Manage: Describing Responsibilities, Providing Deadlines, And Discussing Coordination. Describing Responsibilities Means Designating Tasks And Work Outcomes To Certain Employees.)

Many Business Professionals Run Out Of Stem By End Of The Report Or Are Reluctant To Take Firm Position -- Provide Vague & Sometimes Superficial Recommendations Recommendations Should Be Suffeciently Detailed & Realistic **You Can Elaborate On Your Recommendations W/: -- A Section On Your Rationale -- The Implications Of Your Recommenations, -- Clear Steps To Take Toward Implementations

Design Report To Help Decision Makers

The Principle Of Influence Known As Social Proof Refers To The Idea That People

Determine What Is Right, Correct, Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do.


Develop Ideas As You Wrestle With The Complicated Business Issues At Hand

Developing Routine Messages

Developing Routine Messages Quickly Does Not Mean Abandoning The Writing Process Of Planning, Drafting, And Reviewing


Developing Your Ideas As You Wrestle With The Complicated Business Issues At Hand

The Deductive Approach Is Also Known As The _____ Approach.


To Steal & Pass (Idea Of Another) As One'S Own & To Commit Literary Theft Avoid By Documenting All References To Ideas Of Other Including: 1. Direct Quotations 2. Paraphrasing 3. Other Instances In Which You Borrow Or Refernce Ideas Of Others

Direct Quotations

Is A Process By Which Professionals Accept Critique Of Their Ideas Without Taking It Personally And Becoming Defensive.


_____ Is A Process By Which Professionals Accept Critique Of Their Ideas Without Taking It Personally And Becoming Defensive.


If You Want Your Presentation To Appeal To Professionals With A Red Motivational Value System, You Should

Discuss Immediate Goals.

Which Of The Following Techniques Is Most Likely To Make Business Messages More Positive?

Displaying A Confident Attitude In Order To Make Business Messages More Positive, You Should Focus On Actions You Can Accomplish And Demonstrate A Realistic Optimism.

Physiological Noise

Disruption Due To Physiological Factors Illness, Hearing Problems,

Why Establish Credibility

Establishing Credibility Allows You To Communicate More Easily And More Influentially. Credibility Leads To Less Resistance From Others, Increased Willingness To Cooperate, And Less Likelihood Of Miscommunication

The Rules Of Conduct Or Moral Principles That Guide Individual Or Group Behavior Are Known As


Which Of The Following Statements Is True Regarding The Improvement Of The Ease Of Reading With Navigational Designs?

Formatting Features That Distract Readers From The Main Message Should Be Avoided.

Stages Of Development In High- Performance Teams

Forming Storming Norming Performing

What Is One Technique That Meeting Leaders Can Use To Encourage Discussion But Avoid Arguments During The Early Part Of Meetings?

Foster Disassociation

Responding To Negative Info In A Social Media Environment

Four Steps: 1. Engage Early, And Engage Often 2. Monitor The Conversation 3. Evaluate Negative Messages 4. Respond Appropriately

Routine Messages Should Be Direct And


_____ Is The Belief That Your Own Culture Is Superior To All Others.

Ethnocentrism The Opposite Of A Learner Mind-Set When Working With Other Cultures Is The Judger Mind-Set. In Cross-Cultural Working Relationships, The Judger Mind-Set Is Often Referred To As Ethnocentrism. It Is The Belief That Your Own Culture Is Superior.

Components Of Announcements

Gain Attention, Give Announcement, Provide Details, Call To Action, State Goodwill

Which Of The Following Is The Function Of A Review In A Presentation?

Gaining Buy-In On Specific Actions

Which Of The Following Is Typically Included In The Planning Stage Of Writing An Effective Business Message?

Generating The Best Ideas To Address A Business Issue

Your Primary Goal In Writing A Sales Or Marketing Message Is To

Get Your Audience To Devote A Few Moments Of Attention To Your Message.

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Reframing Thoughts In Order To Respond To Negative Feedback Constructively?

Getting An Honest Assessment Of My Work Will Help Me Succeed.

Components Of Appreciation Messages

Give Thanks, Provide Rationale, State Goodwill

Businesses Are Using Wikis Today To

Facilitate Collaboration Both Inside Organizations And Between Companies.

In The Context Of The Reviewing Process, The "F" In The Fair Test Stands For _____.


_____ Are Statements That Can Be Relied On With A Fair Amount Of Certainty And Can Be Observed Objectively.


Apply Fair Test To Pr Mssgs

Facts - Complete Accurate Info Access - Provide Transparent Info Impacts - Do Not Overloook Potential Fallout On Stakeholders Respect - Consider Stakeholders

Reviewing Crisis Mssgs

Fair Test --Pay Particular Attention To Impact Of Bad News On Others & How To Express It W/Respect Proofreading --Reread Mssg Several Times, Slowly, Imagining How Your Mssg Recipients Will Respond Feedback --Ask Several Colleauges Who Can Empathize W/Bad News Recipients To Review Mssg

The Writing Process For Routine Messages

Fair Test Proofreading Feedback

A Health Insurance Claim Is The Documentation Submitted To The Patient Requesting Reimbursement For Health Care Services Provided.`


Coding Is The Process Of Reporting Diagnoses, Procedures, And Services As Numeric And Alphanumeric Characters On The Explanation Of Benefits (Eob).


Fluency In The Language Of Medicine And The Ability To Use A Medical Dictionary As A Reference Are Not Necessary Skills For A Health Insurance Specialist.


Health Insurance Specialists Review Health-Related Claims To Determine The Medical Necessity For Procedures Or Services Performed After Payment Is Made To The Provider.


Icd-10-Cm And Icd-10-Pcs Will Replace Icd-9-Cm On January 1, 2013.


Many Health Insurance Plans Require Preauthorization For Treatment Provided By Primary Care Providers.


Medical Necessity Involves Linking Every Procedure Or Service Code Reported On The Claim To An Hcpcs Code That Justifies The Necessity For Performing That Procedure Or Service.


The Department Of Labor Uses The "Economic Reality" Test To Determine Worker Status For Purposes Of Compliance With The Minimum Wage And Overtime Requirements Of The Fair Labor Provision Act.


The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (Hcpcs) Consists Of Three Levels.


The Patient Receives A Remittance Advice, Which Is A Report That Details The Results Of Processing A Claim.


Handling Bad News About Transactions

Goals: - Modify The Customers Expectations - Explain How You Plan To Resolve The Situation - Repair Whatever Damage Might Have Been Done To Business Relationship 1. Some Negative Messages Carry Significant Business Ramifications 2. Approach Depends On The Customer'S Expectations 3. If You Have Failed The Expectations, And Element Of Apology Should Be Considered

Which Of The Following Most Effectively Illustrates Reader Benefits And Elicits Desire?

Going On A Walking Tour Of Europe Will Allow You To Visit Small Villages, Meet And Converse With The Locals, And Dine On Authentic Cuisine.

Manuel Has An Active Presence On Twitter. About Half His Tweets Convey Messages Such As "Really Excited About Today'S Training Seminar" And "My Company Just Launched An Awesome Product; Check It Out." How Is Manuel'S Online Presence Likely To Affect His Career?

His Employers Will Be Pleased That He Has So Much Enthusiasm For His Job.

In Tense And Emotionally Charged Situations, It Is Important To

Hold Judgment.

In Societies With Low Performance Orientation, People

Hold Relationships To Be More Important Than Results.

Which Of The Following Is Most Accurate About The Use Of Persuasion In Business?

Honesty Is Not Just The Best Policy¾It'S The Only Policy.

What Is The Purpose Of A Company Blog?

Hosts Useful Two-Way Dialogue For Organizations And Their Stakeholders


How Serious Or Detrimental The Bad News Is

The Fair Test Helps You Examine:

How Well You Provide The Facts How Well Yo Have Granted Access To Your Motive How Well You Gave Examined Impacts How Well You Have Shown Resprect

Maintaining Credibility When Delivering Bad News

How You Deliver Bad News Strongly Impacts Your Credibility. Perceived Dishonestly Can Damage Credibility. Honesty And Openness Are Key. Trust And Long-Term Success In Business Are Built On Honesty In Bad News Situations. It Shows Character On Your Part To Tell People The Truth, Even When It'S Hard On All Parties Involved. It Shows Caring When You Do All You Can Do To Lesson The Impact Of Bad News On Others. Shows Competence When You Have A Track Record Of Success In Tough Situations And Having A Plan To Overcome The Challenges You Face.

_____ Is The Degree To Which An Organization Or Society Encourages And Rewards Individuals For Being Fair, Altruistic, Friendly, Generous, Caring, And Kind.

Human Orientation

_____ Is The Degree To Which An Organization Or Society Encourages And Rewards Individuals For Being Fair, Altruistic, Friendly, Generous, Caring, And Kind.

Humane Orientation

Internal Persuasive Messages Are Typically Used To Promote


In The Course Of Creating An Effective Business Message, Excellent Business Thinkers Are Most Likely To

Identify And Articulate Key Questions And Problems.

In The Course Of Creating An Effective Business Message, Excellent Business Thinkers Are Most Likely To

Identify And Articulate Key Questions And Problems. Excellent Business Thinkers Possess A Number Of Characteristics. First, They Clearly And Precisely Identify And Articulate Key Questions And Problems. Second, They Gather Information From A Variety Of Sources. Third, They Make Well-Reasoned Conclusions And Solutions. Fourth, They Remain Open To Alternatives To Approaching And Reasoning About The Business Problem—That Is, They Are Mentally Flexible.

Idea Development

Identify And Gather Relevant, Accurate And Up To Date Information

Idea Development

Identify And Gather Relevant, Accurate, And Up-To-Date Information

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be True Of Using Lists When Responding To Inquiries?

Identifying Responses To Particular Questions Becomes Easier If A List Is Used. (The Very Nature Of Working With Others Involves Asking And Responding To Questions. One Of The Most Important Strategies For Responding To Inquiries Is To Set Off Each Question So Your Readers Can Quickly Identify Responses To Particular Questions.)

The First Step In Developing Research-Based Business Reports Is

Identifying What Decision Makers Want To Accomplish

Which Of The Following Is True Of Apologies?

If You Are Dealing With Customers Or Clients, An Apology May Imply Legal Responsibility.

Which Of The Following Is The Most Effective Closing For A Sales Message?

If Your Sales Don'T Increase At Least 10 Percent After Your Salespeople Complete Our "Closing The Deal" Training, You Get A Full Refund. Use Our Toll-Free Number To Call Me By August 1 And Begin Training On September 1.

Common Types Of Incivility In The Work Place

Ignoring Others Treating Others Without Courtesy Disrespecting The Efforts Of Others Disrespecting The Privacy Of Others Disrespecting The Dignity And Worth Of Others

In The Context Of The Reviewing Process, The "I" In The Fair Test Stands For _____.



Influence Based On Returning Favors

Which Of The Following Should You Avoid While Constructing Your List Of References?

Including Current Supervisors Who Are Not Happy That You Are Leaving Your Current Position

When A Business Message Provides The Rationale For A Request Before Making The Specific Request, The Message Is Said To Be


Rejecting Job Applications

Indirect Approach Usually Advised. Experts Disagree On Which Elements To Include In A Rejection Letter, Safest Strategy Is A Minimal Approach. 1. Personalize The Email Or Letter With Their Name 2. Open Witha Courteous Expression Of Appreciation 3. Convey The Bad News Politely And Concisely 4. Avoid Explaining Why They Were Rejected Or Why Others Were Chosen 5. Dont State Or Imply That The Application Will Be Reviewed At A Later Date. 6. Close With Positive Wishes

On Behalf Of Your Civic Organization, You Are Inviting A Motivational Speaker To Your Semiannual Meeting. Although You Cannot Provide A Fee To The Speaker, You Will Guarantee The Speaker An Enthusiastic Audience And A Positive Impact On The Community. You Are Focusing On

Indirect Benefits.

_____ Refers To A Mind-Set That Values Choice More Than Obligation.


_____ Deal With The Levels Of Independence And Interdependence That People In A Society Possess And Encourage.

Individualism And Collectivism

_____ Deal With The Levels Of Independence And Interdependence That People In A Society Possess And Encourage.

Individualism And Collectivism Individualism Refers To A Mind-Set That Prioritizes Independence More Highly Than Interdependence, Emphasizing Individual Goals Over Group Goals, And Valuing Choice More Than Obligation. By Contrast, Collectivism Refers To A Mind-Set That Prioritizes Interdependence More Highly Than Independence, Emphasizing Group Goals Over Individual Goals, And Valuing Obligation More Than Choice. References

_____ Refers To A Mind-Set That Values Choice More Than Obligation.

Individualism Refers To A Mind-Set That Prioritizes Independence More Highly Than Interdependence. It Emphasizes Valuing Choice More Than Obligation.

Aim Planning Process To Persuasive Mssgs

Involves Extensive Planning: * Analyze Audience To Understand Needs, Values & How They Are Influenced * Develope Your Ideas As You Wrestle W/Complicated Business Issues At Hand * Create A Message Structure That Most Effectively Reduces Resistance & Gains Buy-Ins Many Effective Business Communicators Spend Weeks - Months Learning About Their Target Audiences, Gathering Info. & Piecing Together Persuasive Messages

Passive Incivility

Involves Indirect Forms Of Disrespect (Using Emails For Time Sensitive Messages, Not Acknowledging Receipt Of Emails, Not Replying)


Involves Releasing And Over Coming Anger And Frustration So That You Can Make A More Rational And Less Emotional Response


Involves Sharing All Relevant Information With Stakeholders


Involves Sharing All Relevant Information With Stakeholders.

Emotional Intelligence

Involves Understanding Emotions Managing Emotions To Serve Goals, Empathizing With Others, And Effectively Handling Relationships With Others

Arnold Was Angry Because He Believed That His Boss Did Not Pay Enough Attention To His Work. As A Result, Arnold Convinced Himself That He Was Fine Without Feedback. This Means That Arnold

Is Displaying A Counterproductive Response To A Negative Emotion.

Physical Noise

Is External Noise That Makes A Message Difficult To Hear Or Otherwise Receive

Haresh Writes A Persuasive Message That Employs The I-Voice Most Of The Time. As A Result, The Audience Is Likely To Infer That Haresh

Is Self-Centered And Concerned Mainly About His Own Interests.


Is The Ability To Quickly Pick Up On Emotions In Other People And Understand What Is Really Going On With Them


Is Your Reputation For Being Trustworthy , To Preform Work With Excellence, To Care About Those Who You Work With And For And To Live By High Ethical , Corporate And Personal Values, And To Deliver On Your Promises. (Degree To Which Others Believe And Trust You)


Is Your Reputation For Being Trustworthy--Trustworthy To Perform Your Work With Excellence; To Care About Those You Work With And For; Live By High Ethical, Corporate, And Personal Values; And To Deliver On Your Promises. -Establish Credibility Through Competence, Caring, And Character.

Which Is The Advantage Of Using Google Drive To Store Group Documents?

It Allows All Group Members To Edit The Document In Real Time.

Even When Consumers Do Not Respond With Immediate Purchases?

It Can Raise Brand Awareness

Which Of The Following Is True Of An E-Interruption?

It Distracts Workers From Immediate Tasks And Decreases Productivity.

Which Of The Following Is An Advantage Of Using Active Voice While Writing Business Messages?

It Emphasizes The Business Orientation Of Action.

Which Of The Following Is The Effect Of Using Active Voice While Writing Business Messages?

It Emphasizes The Business Orientation Of Action.

Which Of The Following Is An Advantage Of Having A Team Blog?

It Is A Place To Post Team Updates, Progress Reports, Discussions, Timelines, Goals, And Announcements.

Which Of The Following Is True Of Credibility?

It Is An Important Basis For Effective Communication.

What Is The Primary Advantage Of Using Word Processing Software To Compose Important Email Messages?

It Is Better At Reviewing Text For Typos And Grammatical Problems Than Email Systems.

What Is The Primary Advantage Of Using Word Processing Software To Compose Important Email Messages?

It Is Better At Reviewing Text For Typos And Grammatical Problems Than Email Systems. Carefully Review Your Message For Typos, Spelling, Punctuation, Or Grammatical Problems Before Sending It. For Important Messages, Consider First Composing Your Message With Word Processing Software. This Will Help You Apply A Higher Level Of Seriousness. In Addition, You'Ll Be Able To Use Spell-Check And Grammar-Check Features That Are More Reliable Than Those Within Email Systems.

Which Of The Following Is True About The Placement Of A Primary Message In An Email?

It Is Never Placed In A Signature Block In An Email. (The Primary Message Should Have Ten Words Or Fewer, And You Should Typically Place It In The Subject Line Of Your Email To Immediately Capture Attention. Furthermore, The Primary Message Should Appear In The First Sentence Or Two Of The Message And Again In The Closing If Your Message Is Several Paragraphs Long. But, You Would Never Place The Primary Message In The Signature Block Of Your Email.)

What Is The Most Likely Impact Of Slanting Facts?

It Reduces The Credibility Of A Business Message.

Ladonna Is Giving A Presentation On How Summer Hours Programs—Which Allow Employees To Work An Extra Half-Hour A Day So They Can Take Every Third Friday Off—Affect Morale. She Begins Her Presentation With A Funny Story About How She Lost Her Room Key On Her Last Vacation. Everyone In The Audience Laughs. How Appropriate Was This As An Attention-Getter?

It Was Inappropriate Because It Did Not Engage The Audience In Thinking About Her Ideas

Ladonna Is Giving A Presentation On How Summer Hours Programs—Which Allow Employees To Work An Extra Half-Hour A Day So They Can Take Every Third Friday Off—Affect Morale. She Begins Her Presentation With A Funny Story About How She Lost Her Room Key On Her Last Vacation. Everyone In The Audience Laughs. How Appropriate Was This As An Attention-Getter?

It Was Inappropriate Because It Did Not Engage The Audience In Thinking About Her Ideas.

Which Of The Following Helps The Audience Grasp The Content Of Your Presentation Within 10 To 15 Seconds?

Limiting The Amount Of Information On Any Given Slide

Techniques To Motivate Action In The Closing Of A Sales Message Include Offering A Gift, Promising An Incentive, Guaranteeing Satisfaction, And

Limiting The Offer.

Catherine, An Economist, Wants To Graphically Represent The Prices Of Small Cars In The United States Over A Period Of Three Years. This Will Best Be Illustrated Through A(N)

Line Chart

Catherine, An Economist, Wants To Graphically Represent The Prices Of Small Cars In The United States Over A Period Of Three Years. This Will Best Be Illustrated Through A(N)

Line Chart.

Code Of Conduct/ Code Of Ethics

List Given To 0Ensure Ethics Are Enacted

Why Should Long Paragraphs Ideally Be Avoided While Writing Business Messages?

Long Paragraphs Show Disrespect For The Reader'S Time.

Which Of The Following Reputations Is A Result Of Sending The Meta Message, "You Can Always Count On Me"?

Loyal And Committed

Components Of Apologies

Make Acknowledgement, Express Regret, Take Responsibility, Offer Commitment, State Good Will

Components Of Claims

Make Claim, Provide Rationale, Call To Action, State Goodwill

The Messages That Aim To _____ Are Most Likely To Contain A Call To Action.

Make Claims (Claims Are Requests For Other Companies To Compensate For Or Correct The Wrongs Or Mistakes They Have Made. As With Other Requests, You Should Immediately State What The Claim Is And What You Expect The Company To Do For You. You Also Will Provide A Rationale For Your Claim In The Body Of The Message And Close With A Call To Action—A Specific Request.)

The Use Of Uncommon Words In A Business Message Is Most Likely To

Make It More Difficult For Readers To Interpret The Message.

The Use Of Uncommon Words In A Business Message Is Most Likely To:

Make It More Difficult For Readers To Interpret The Message.

In High Gender Egalitarianism Cultures

Men And Women Are Encouraged To Occupy The Same Professional Roles. Gender Egalitarianism Deals With The Division Of Roles Between Men And Women In Society. In High Gender Egalitarianism Cultures, Men And Women Are Encouraged To Occupy The Same Professional Roles And Leadership Positions.

Semantic Noise

Occurs When Communicators Apply Different Meanings To The Same Words Or Phrases

Mum Effect

Occurs When The Chain Of Messages Within An Organization Is Filtered At Each Level To Leave Out Or Inaccurately State The Bad News

You Must Write A Sales Letter To Prospective Customers. What Should You Do In The Opening Of Your Sales Letter?

Offer Something Valuable, Promise A Benefit To The Reader, Or Use Some Other Technique To Gain Your Reader'S Attention.

Which Of The Following Is An Important Element Of An Apology?

Offering Commitments


Once People Make An Explicit Commitment, They Tend To Follow Through Or Honor That Commitment


One Of The 3 C'S Of Credibility. Implies Understanding The Interests Of Others, Cultivating A Sense Of Community, And Demonstrating Accountability. Holding A Sense Of Community.


One Of The 3 C'S Of Credibility. Refers To A Reputation For Staying True To Commitments Made To Stakeholders And Adhering To High Moral And Ethical Values.

An Emphasis On Results

One Of The Two Traits Associated With Competence.

A Focus On Action

One Of The Two Traits Associated With Competence. Implies That You Seize Business Opportunities.

Which Of These Statements About Persuasion Is Most Accurate?

Persuasion Is Important If You Anticipate Resistance Or If You Must Prepare Before You Can Present Your Ideas Effectively.

Ella And Pasha Work For The Same Company In Two Different Locations. They Need To Quickly Discuss And Clarify Issues Related To A Mutual Project. Which Of The Following Should They Use?

Phone Conversations

Ella And Pasha Work For The Same Company In Two Different Locations. They Need To Quickly Discuss And Clarify Issues Related To A Mutual Project. Which Of The Following Should They Use?

Phone Conversations Phone Conversations Are Used For One-To-One Conversations Between Parties In In Different Locations. They Constitute A Fairly Rich Communication Channel That Enables Workers To Quickly Discuss And Clarify Workplace Issues.

Frank Is Having Difficulty Hearing The Point His Coworker Is Making Because Of Loud Hammering Outside The Window. What Type Of Noise Is Frank Experiencing?


A Communicator May Have A Difficult Time Sending A Message Due To Physiological Constraints Such As Stuttering, Sickness, Or Other Temporary Or Permanent Impairments. A Noise Caused Due To These Reasons Is Known As A _____ Noise.


Peter Wants To Create A Chart That Shows How Market Share Is Divided Among The Top Companies In His Industry. Which Should He Use?

Pie Chart

By Nature, Decision Makers Adopt A Methodical & Skeptical Approach To Making Investments, & Changing Strategies & Other Substantial Changes -- They Exepct Quality Info To Make These Decisions By Documenting Sources, -- You Allow Decision Makers To Judge The Quality Of Your Data -- You Display Your Thorough, Detailed-Oriented Approach


The Process For Creating Business Messages

Plan Draft Review

What Is The Third Step In The Writing Process For Routine Messages?


Using Three-Step Writing Process For Neg. Messages

Planning, Writing, And Completing. Five Goals: 1. Give Bad News 2. Ensure Its Acceptance 3. Maintain Reader'S Goodwill 4. Maintain Organization'S Good Image 5. Reduce Future Correspondence On The Matter

What Is The First Step In The Writing Process For Routine Messages?

Planning; Audience Analysis (What Does Your Audience Need?), Idea Development (Gather Info), Message Framework (Front Loaded, Detailed Message)

Which Of The Following Makes Presentation Slides Appear Uncluttered?

Plenty Of White Space

A Company Provides Customers With Downloadable Content-Rich Audio And Video Files Featuring Information About The Company'S Products And Service, And Customers Can View These On Their Computers Or Mp3 Players. What Marketing Tool Is The Company Using?


Which Of The Following Statements About Stereotyping Is True?

Popular Culture Plays An Important Role In The Formation Of Negative Stereotypes

Which Of The Following Statements About Stereotyping Is True?

Popular Culture Plays An Important Role In The Formation Of Negative Stereotypes.


Posts That Are Arranged Chronologically, Similar To A Journal Format

Which Topic Should You Avoid Discussing In Both Brazil And India?


The Inductive Approach To Writing A Business Argument

Provides The Supporting Reasons First Before The Primary Message. For Some Messages, Such As When Delivering Bad News, The Indirect Or Inductive Approach Is Used. In This Approach, Supporting Reasons Are Provided First, Followed By The Primary Message.

Which Of The Following Helps Organizations Maintain Credibility When Delivering Bad News?

Providing A Clear Rationale

Which Of The Following Statements About Business Messages Is True?

Providing Required Information Is Essential Because Not Providing Enough Information Can Leave Your Reader Wondering How To Respond.

Which Of The Following Involves Releasing And Overcoming Anger And Frustration So That You Can Make A More Rational And Less Emotional Response?

Relaxation Involves Releasing And Overcoming Anger And Frustration So That You Can Make A More Rational And Less Emotional Response.

Which Of The Following Relates To How Current And Representative Data Is?


Julie Is Feeling Overwhelmed By The Number Of Surveys And Spreadsheets Of Data She Has Compiled. When She Tries To Analyze Them, She Keeps Thinking Of More Questions And Issues. Julie Can Best Focus Her Efforts By

Remembering Her Key Research Problem.

Which Of The Following Is Typically Included In The Reviewing Stage Of Writing An Effective Business Message?

Removing Distractions From The Message

Which Of The Following Is Typically Included In The Reviewing Stage Of Writing An Effective Business Message?

Removing Distractions From The Message In Order To Create An Effective Business Message, During The Reviewing Stage You Should Ensure That The Communication Is Fair, Consider Whether Your Message Is Effective, And Remove Any Distractions.

When Stakeholders Judge Whether The Communications And Actions Of An Organization Match Their Needs And Interests, They Are Evaluating The Organization'S



Request Feedback From Trusted Colleagues When Speaking On Behalf Of A Team Or Unit

Which Of The Following Messages Would Most Likely Require The Indirect Strategy To Persuade?

Requesting Favors And Action From Coworkers

Making Requests

Requests Are The Essence Of People Coordinating Work Efforts, Buying And Selling Products And Services, And Maintaining Work Relationships


Requests For Other Companies To Compensate For Or Correct The Wrongs Or Mistakes They Have Made

Reply Email Chains Become Especially Confusing When

Some Recipients Reply Only To The Sender And Others Reply To Everyone.

Reply Email Chains Become Especially Confusing When

Some Recipients Reply Only To The Sender And Others Reply To Everyone. In An Email Conversation Of More Than Four Or Five People, Various Message Recipients Can Lose Track Of The Sequence Of Messages Or Miss Some Messages Altogether. Reply Email Chains Become Especially Confusing When Some Colleagues Are Using Just The Reply Feature Whereas Others Are Using The Reply To All Feature.

If You Want Your Presentation To Appeal To Professionals With A Hub Motivational Value System, You Should

Stress The Benefits To Different Stakeholders

If You Want Your Presentation To Appeal To Professionals With A Hub Motivational Value System, You Should

Stress The Benefits To Different Stakeholders.

Which Of The Following Is The Most Effective Emotional Appeal?

Surround Yourself In The Uncompromising Safety And Luxury Of A Lincoln-Because You'Ve Earned It.

Which Of The Following Is A Likely Consequence Of A Person Waiting A Long Time To Deliver Bad News?

The Bad-News Recipients Will Speculate And Gossip.

Which Of The Following Is True Of The Call To Action In Persuasive Messages?

The Call To Action Is The Concluding Step In Persuasive Messages.

"A Survey Should Have Response Choices That Are Exhaustive." This Means That

The Choices Should Include All Possible Answers.

Business Ethics

The Commonly Accepted Beliefs And Principles In The Business Community For Acceptable Behavior.

Which Is Most Likely To Happen In An Egalitarian Culture?

The Company Will Award Stock To Employees So They Can Share In The Ownership.

Which Is Most Likely To Happen In An Egalitarian Culture?

The Company Will Award Stock To Employees So They Can Share In The Ownership. In Egalitarian Cultures, People Tend To Distribute And Share Power Evenly, Minimize Status Differences, And Minimize Special Privileges And Opportunities For People Just Because They Have Higher Authority. A Company That Wants Employees To Share In Ownership Is A Sign Of Egalitarianism.

The Fair (Facts, Access, Impacts, Respect) Test Is Intended To Evaluate

The Credibility Of Your Business Communication.


The Degree To Which The Bad-News Message Receiver Can Alter The Outcome

Which Of The Following Statements Uses Clichés To Show Enthusiasm For A Potential Position?

The Financial Analyst Position You Posted On Your Website Is My Dream Job.

When You Are Writing A Persuasive Claim Letter About A Problem And You'Re Worried That Your Reader Might Be Reluctant To Grant Your Request, You Should Use

The Indirect Strategy.

Business And Management Books Are Typically Biased Toward

The Latest, Greatest Idea Mentality.

Communications Channel

The Medium Through Which A Message Is Transmitted Emails, Phone Conversations And Face-To-Face Dialogue Select A Communications Channel That Is Best Able To Meet Your Work Objectives


The Mgmt Funct. That Establishes & Maintains Mutually Beneficial Relationships Btwn Org & The Various Publics On Whom Its Success Depends * Fundamentally About Building Relationship W/Employees, Customers, Communities, The Media & Other Stakeholders * A Primary Goal Of Relationship Building Is To Improve Corp. Rep. Or Credibility


The Overall Evaluation The Reader Perceives The Writer To Have Toward The Reader And The Message Content.

Post Trust Era

The Overwhelming View Of How Business Is Perceived To Operate Against The Publics Best Interest, And How A Majority Of Employees View Their Colleagues And Leaders Skeptically.

Which Of The Following Should An Applicant Include In A Cover Letter When Applying For A Job?

The Position Being Applied For

Getting The Tone, Style, And Design Right

The Power Of Delivery Often Outweighs The Content Of Your Message In Feedback Situations. When You Write Your Messages, Carefully Consider Tone, Style, And Design. Aim For A Tone Of Genuine Concern In A Professional Manner. Provide Positive Direction, But Don'T Provide False Hope. Use A Writing Style That Is Simple, Accurate, And Jargon-Free. This Helps People Process Information Quickly And Accurately. Maintain A Simple Design. If Your Message Looks Too Slick, Recipients May Believe The Message Is Designed To Impress Rather Than Meet Their Needs.

What Are The Two Most Common Formats For Public Relations Messages Placed On A Company Blog?

The Press Release And The Op-Ed Piece

Which Of The Following Statements Accurately Describes The Post-Trust Era (Pte)?

The Pte Has Changed Some Persuasive Strategies But Not Others.

Post Tust Era

The Public Increasingly Views Companies With Less Trust Surveys Show That Employees Often Do Not Trust Their Own Business Leaders Business Leaders Do Not Always Trust Their Employees

Pr Relationship Building Activities To Develop Credibility

The Range Is Broad Including: * Lobbying * Sponsoring Community Events * Holding Press Conferences * Setting Up Public Speeches * Organizing Company Tours For Public & Media * Providing Public Service Announcement * Penning Op-Ed Articles

Which Of The Following Are You Most Likely To Include In A Routine Request?

The Rationale For The Request

Neutrality Effect

The Recipients Are More Likely To Perceive Messages With An Intended Positive Emotion As Neutral

What Is The "Take5" Strategy For Virtual Teams?

The Recommendation That Teams Start Meetings With Five Minutes Of Social Chat

Which Component Of A Presentation Is Analogous To The Conclusion In A Written Document?

The Review

Which Of The Following Is A Helpful Guideline For Formatting Line Charts?

The Scale Should Be About Two-Thirds Of The Range Included In The Charts.

Corporate Values

The Stated And Lived Values Of A Company

Corporate Values Are

The Stated And Lived Values Of A Company.

What Do You Need To Prevent Employees And Customers From Ignoring Announcements?

The Subject Line Must Be Specific And Must Create Interest

Cyber Incivility

The Violation Of Respect And Consideration In An Online Environment Based On Workplace Norms

While Examining The Pros And Cons Of Introducing A Stress-Busting Yoga Program For The Employees Of Hillock Inc., Juanita Learns That The Pros Far Outnumber The Cons And Decides To Recommend Implementation Of The Yoga Program. Which Of The Following Statements Is Most Likely To Increase The Positivity Of Her Proposition?

The Yoga Program Would Increase The Efficiency Of The Employees. In Order To Make Business Messages More Positive, You Should Focus On Actions You Can Accomplish And Demonstrate A Realistic Optimism. Stressing That The Yoga Program Would Increase The Efficiency Of Employees Accomplishes This.

The Accurate Coding Of Diagnoses, Procedures, And Services Rendered To The Patient Allows A Medical Practitioner To Communicate Diagnostic And Treatment Data To A Patient'S Insurance Plan To Assist The Patient In Obtaining Maximum Benefits.


The Claims Review Process Requires Verification Of The Claim For Completeness And Accuracy.


To Reduce Coding And Billing Errors, Health Insurance Specialists Need To Explain Complex Insurance Concepts And Regulations To Patients And Effectively Communicate With Providers Regarding Documentation Of Procedures And Services.


Team Blogs

Typically Organized Around Formal Work Team

External Messages

Typically Used For Products And Services

Internal Messages

Typically Used To Express Ideas Within A Business


Understanding The Interests Of Others, Cultivating A Sense Of Community, And Demonstrating Accountability.

If Audience Questions Credibility?

Unlikely To Carefully Consider Your Ideas, Requests, Or Recommendations

Terence Works As A Software Developer And Is Very Particular About Maintaining The Quality Of His Work. He Has Set A Very High Standard For Himself As Well As Those Working Under Him. Terence'S High Ideals Are Referred To As


Personal Values

Values That Individuals Prioritize And Adhere To

Which Of The Following Communication Channels Is Low In Control But High In Richness?

Video Conference

Which Of The Following Communication Channels Is Low In Control But High In Richness?


Which Of The Following Channels Of Communication Is Low In Planning, Is Used For Team Meetings, And Is A Richer Form Of Interacting Than Conference Calls But Typically Requires More Expensive Equipment And Careful Scheduling?

Videoconferences Are Used For Team Meetings. They Are A Richer Form Of Interacting Than Conference Calls But Typically Require More Expensive Equipment And Careful Scheduling. It Is Low In Planning As Messages Are Spontaneous.

Collectivists Tend To

View Themselves As Interdependent, Forming An Identity Based On That Of Their Family And Friends.

Which Of The Following Is Characteristic Of Learner Mind-Sets?

Viewing Differences Of Opinion As Normal

Which Of The Following Will Help You Manage Your Nervousness Before Your Presentation?

Watching What Foods And Beverages You Consume

Which Type Of Question Is Designed To Gain The Response That The Survey Designer Prefers And Produces Unreliable And Unusable Information As A Result?


To Avoid Counterproductive Responses To Negative Emotions Such As Fear, Anxiety, And Anger, A Person Should

Learn To Recognize And Name These Emotions.

While Evaluating The Various Courses Available At The University Of Radcliffe, Marcie Skips Over The Language Brochures. She Believes That Learning A New Language Is Unnecessary; English Is Considered The Global Business Language And She Speaks It Fluently. Which Of The Following Statements, If True, Makes Her Decision A Bad One?

Learning Another Culture'S Language Helps You Understand Its People Better.

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Damage Your Credibility With The People Who Receive Your Emails?

Leaving Out Some Of The Necessary Information

Which Of The Following Employees Is Most Likely To Be An Extrovert?

Len Meets Everyone In The Department By His Third Day On The Job.

The Aapc, Ahima, And Amba Offer Exams Leading To Professional Credentials.


The Mum Effect Is A Good Example Of A) Poor Cross-Cultural Communication. B) Moderately High Information Richness. C) Information Overload. D) Filtering. E) Ineffective Decoding.

D) Filtering.

In All Business Messages, Communicators Should Ideally Aim To

Project Concern For Others.

In All Business Messages, Communicators Should Ideally Aim To

Project Concern For Others. And Positivity

Which Of The Following Steps Typically Belongs To The Reviewing Process?

Proofreading The Document The Reviewing Process Includes Three Interrelated Components: Conducting The Fair Test, Proofreading, And Getting Feedback.

Which Of The Following Actions Is Most Likely To Be Part Of The Reviewing Stage?

Proofreading The Message

Create A Complete And Professional Profile

Provide Information About Yourself, An Excellent Way To Find People Within An Organization With Needed Expertise Or Shared Personal Interests; A Principles For Using Internal Communication Tools In The Social Age

Indirect Structure?

Provide Rational For Request Before Making The Specific Request

Components Of Inquiry Responses

Provide Responses, State Goodwill

One Of The Foremost Goals Of Many Reports Is To Give Good Advice -- Business Professionals Often Fail To Sufficiently Connect Recommendations To Their Facts & Conclusions -- If Decision Makers Are To Take Your Report Seriously & Feel Comfortable Acting On It, They Must Be Able To See Clear Connections

Provide Specific & Action Recommendations

Nearly All Reports, Esp. Those Containing Mor Than A Few Pgs -- At The Beginning Purpose Is To Summarize Most Important Content, Including Findings, Conclusions, & Recommendations, So That Busy Execs. & Other Decision Makers Can Quickly Understand & Act On The Report A Good Exec Summ Demonstrates That You Can Clearly Focus On Your Goas & State, In No-Nonsense Fashion, Who Ou Are, What You Want, & Where You Are Going Generally 1 Pg For Every 10-20 Pages In A Report

Provide Story Line W/Descriptive Headings & Other Content Makers

The Dominant Business Ethic In Corporate Communications Is _____, Which Is "A Principle That Allows Those Affected By Administrative Decisions, Business Transactions, Or Charitable Work To Know Not Only The Basic Facts And Figures But Also The Mechanisms And Processes. It Is The Duty Of Civil Servants, Managers, And Trustees To Act Visibly, Predictably And Understandably."


What Term Is Used For Events That Cause Strong, Often Negative, Emotional Responses?


A Health Care Facility (Or Physician) That Employs Health Insurance Specialists Is Legally Responsible For Employees' Actions Performed Within The Context Of Their Employment. This Is Called Respondeat Superior.


Breach Of Patient Confidentiality Can Result In Termination Of A Student Internship.


Coding Is The Process Of Assigning Icd-9-Cm And Cpt/Hcpcs Codes To Diagnoses, Procedures, And Services.


Health Insurance Specialists (Or Reimbursement Specialists) Review Health-Related Claims To Determine The Medical Necessity For Procedures Or Services Performed Before Reimbursement Is Made To The Provider.


Medical Malpractice Insurance Is A Type Of Liability Insurance That Covers Physicians And Other Health Care Professionals For Liability As To Claims Arising From Patient Treatment.


One Reason For The Increased Hiring Of Insurance Specialists Is A Direct Result Of Employer'S Attempts To Reduce The Cost Of Providing Employee Health Insurance Coverage.


Which Of The Following Questions Will Best Help Virtual Teams Profit From Diversity By Capturing The Perspectives Of All Team Members?

"What Do You Think About This Idea?"

Crisis Responses

* Act To Help Victims & Ensure Public Safety --Provide Stress & Trauma Counseling * Monitor The Situation Carefully & Stay Updated W/Facts * Provide Quick, Accurate & Consistent Comms. Though All Available Comm. Channels --Tailor Mssgs To Each Stakeholder Group * An Important But Secondary Responsibility During The Response Stage Is To Preserve An Organization'S Reputation.

Guidelines For Tone For Persuasive Messages

* Apply The Personal Touch * Use Action-Oriented Lively Language * Write W/Confidence * Offer Choice * Show Positivity

Types Of Responses (Stmts)

* Concern --Express Concern To All Affected By Crisis * Corrective Actions --Describe Specific Steps Org Is Taking To Correct Problem & Minimize Damage * Instructions --Tell Stakeholdrs What To Do To Protect Themselves & Stay Informed & Updated * Attack Accuser --Where Relevant, Attack Credibility Of Accusing Individual Or Groups * Denial --Deny That There Is A Crisis Or That Org Has Any Responsibility * Excuse --Minimize Org'S Responsibility By Denying Intent To Harm Or Pointing Out Inability To Control Events * Justification --Minimize Perceived Damange Of Crisis * Reminder --Enumerate Past Good Work Of The Org * Ingratiation --Priase Stakeholders For Their Actions In Dealing W/Crisis * Compensation --Offer Money Or Gift To Victims * Apology --Take Full Responsibility For Crisis & Ask For Forgiveness

Pre-Crisis Preparation

* Create A Crisis Mgmt Plan * Assign & Train A Crisis Mgmt Team * Regularly Conduct Exercises To Test The Crisis Mgmt Plan * Develop Sample Responses To Various Types Of Crisis

Apply The Personal Touch

* Create Mssge That Speaks Directly To Customers By Using Language That Helps Audience Feel Product, Service, Idea Is Just For Them * A Primary Strategy Is Selection Of Voice: You-Voice, We-Voice, I-Voice, Impersonal Voice --You-Voice Sends Strong Meta Mssg: This Mssg Is About You * Make Statement Tangible --In Business Comm. Imples That Readers Can Discern Something In Terms That Are Meaningful To Them --Can Achieve By Using You-Voice W/Specificity

Stakeholder Groups

* Employees * Consumers * Media * Govts. & Regulators *Gobal Citizens * Activists * Members & Volunteers * Community * Investors

Principles For Pr Comms.

* Establish & Maintain Credible Relationships W/Stakeholders * Build Pr Activities Around A Brand Or Strategic Launch * Complete Full Cycles In Pr Campaigns * Communicate The Good Your Co. Does --Inform Stakeholders About The Economic & Social Value Of The Co. Provides Enhances Its Rep. --Co. Should Identify Themselves As Ethical Corp. Citizens --Should Communicate Core Values Otherwise May Be Assumed Co. Only Operates In Self-Serving Manner * Adapt You Pr Mssgs To Info Age & Social Age Comms. Channels

Components Of Crisis Comms

* Express Concern * Explain Corrective Actions * Provide Instructions * Give An Excuse / Justification (For Certain Types Of Crises) * Provide Compensation / Apology (For Certain Types Of Crises)

Mssg Structure For Crisis Comms.

* Express Concern, Explain Corrective Actions, & Provide Instructions --Primary Purpose - Help Victims & Other Stakeholders --Secondary Purpose - Avoid Or Repair Reputation Loss

Fair Test

* Facts --How Factual Is Your Communication? * Access --How Accessible Or Transparent Are Your Motives, Reasoning, & Info? * Impact --How Does Your Communication Impact Stakeholders? * Respect --How Respectful Is Your Communication?

Audience Anayles For Crisis Comms

* Focus 1St On Victims & Most-Impacted Stakeholders. --Use Audience Comm Channels To Get Mssg Out --Designed W/Particular Stakeholders In Mind --Often Most Crisis Comm Teams Focus On Exterman Stakeholders & Fail To Provide Employees W/Enough Info --Yet For 80-85% Of Crisis Situations, Employees Ar 1St & 2Nd Most-Important Stakeholders --Focus On What Info To Provide And How They Can Show Sympathy --Employees & Other Stakeholders Are Often Willing To Forgive If Provided Timely & Accurate Info & Make Good-Faith, Caring Efforts To Improve Situation

Corporate Reputation

* From Co'S Prespective - An Intangible Asset That Allow The Co. To Better Manage The Expectations & Needs Ofo Its Various Stakeholders, Creating Differentiations & Barrier Vis-À-Vis Its Competitors * From Stakeholders' Perspective - The Intellectual, Emotional, & Behavioral Response As To Whether Or Not The Communications & Actions Of The Orgs Resonates W/Their Needs & Interests * This Def. Reveals Several Key Aspects Of Reputation 1. Its An Asset - It Has Value - Directly Contributes To 3 - 7.5%+ Annual Revenue 2. Having A Positive Rep. Isn'T Enough - Rep. Must Differentiate It From Competitors 3. A Primary Goal Of Pr Is Managing Expectation Of Stakeholders 4. Through Pr A Co Develops A Rep. That Delivers Value To Stakeholders Based On Their Own Needs & Interests

Structure Of Mass Sales Messages (Aida Approach)

* Gain Attention * Generate Interest * Build Desire * Call To Action

Components Of Persuasive Messages (Mssg Structure)

* Gain Attention * Raise A Need * Deliver A Solution * Provide A Rationale * Show Appreciation * Give Counterpoints (Optional) * Call To Action

Principles For Responding To External Complaints & Rumors

* Gather Facts * Avoid Heavy Handed (Show Of Force) * Respond Quickly * Use Appropriate Channels * Rely On External Advocates * Respond W/Credentials

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: Letter Or Memo Of Transmittal

*Announce The Topic And Explain Who Authorized It *Briefly Describe The Project And Preview The Conclusions- If The Reader Is Supportive *Close By Expressing Appreciation For The Assignment, Suggesting Follow-Up Actions, Acknowledging The Help Of Others, And Offering To Answer Questions

Preparing Formal Reports: Interpret And Organize The Data

*Arrange The Collected Data In Tables, Grids, Or Outlines To Help Your Visualize Relationships And Interpret Meanings *Organize The Data Into An Outline

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: Cover Page

*Choose A Professional Binder Or Cover *Balance The Following Parts On The Title Page: ***Name Of Report In All Caps ***Receiver'S Name, Title, And Organization ***Author'S Name, Title, And Organization ***Date Submitted

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: Executive Summary

*Summarize The Report Purpose, Findings, Conclusions, And Recommendations *Include Strategic Words And Sentences *Prepare An Outline With Headings *Fill In Your Outline *Begin With The Purpose *Follow The Report Sequence *Eliminate Nonessential Details *Restrict The Length To No More Than 10 Percent Of The Original Document

Preparing Formal Reports: Anticipate The Audience And Issues

*Consider Primary And Secondary Audiences. What Do They Already Know? What Do They Need To Know? *Divide The Major Problem Into Subproblems For Investigation

Components Of Formal And Informal Proposals

*Copy Of Rfp (Optional) *Letter Of Transmittal *Abstract Or Summary *Title Page *Table Of Contents *List Of Figures *Introduction *Background, Problem, Purpose *Schedule *Staffing *Budget *Authorization *Appendix

Preparing Formal Reports: Evaluate The Product

*Decide Whether The Report Will Achieve Its Purpose. Encourage Feedback So That You Can Improve Future Reports

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: Introduction

*Describe Events Leading To The Problem Or Need *Explain The Report Topic And Why It Is Important *Clarify The Scope And Limitations Of The Report *Orient Readers With A Preview Of The Report Structure *Identify Who Authorized The Report *Consider Reviewing Relevant Literature *Describe Secondary And Primary Data Sources *Define Key Terms

Preparing Formal Reports: Analyze The Report Problem And Purpose

*Develop A Problem Question And A Purpose Statement

Preparing Effective Business Plans: Market Analysis

*Discuss Market Characteristics, Trends, And Projected Growth *Describe Customer Behavior, Complementary Products And Services, And Barriers To Entry *Identify Your Customers And How You Will Attract, Hold, And Increase Your Market Share *Specify The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Competitors

Preparing Proposals: Background, Problem, Purpose

*Discuss The Proposal'S Significance, Goals, Or Purposes *For Unsolicited Proposals, Describe An Existing Problem *For Solicited Proposals, Show That You Fully Understand The Problem And Its Ramifications

Formal Report Components: Body

*Discuss, Analyze, And Interpret The Research Findings, Or Proposed Solution To The Problem *Arrange The Findings In Logical Segments That Follow Your Outline *Use Clear, Descriptive Headings

Preparing Effective Business Plans: Operations And Management

*Explain How You Will Run Your Business: Location, Equipment, Personnel, And Management *Emphasize Experienced And Well-Trained Staff And Advisors

Preparing Proposals: Staffing

*Explain The Specific Credentials And Expertise Of The Key Personnel For The Project *Show How Your Support Staff And Resources Are Superior

Formal Report Components: Back Matter: Conclusions And Recommendations

*Explain What The Findings Mean In Relation To The Problem *Make Enumerated Recommendations, If Requested *Suggest Actions For Solving The Problem

Preparing Effective Business Plans: Product Or Service Description

*Explain What You Are Providing And How It Will Benefit Customers *Describe Why Your Idea Is Better Than Existing Products Or Services

Preparing Proposals: Introduction

*Explain Why The Proposal Is Being Made *Develop A Persuasive "Hook" Such As A)Extraordinary Results B) Low Costs Or Speedy Results C) An Exclusive, Remarkable Resource, D) A Serious Problem And A Promise Of A Solution Later Or E) A Key Issue Or Benefit That Represents The Heart Of The Proposal

Letter Of Transmittal Or Executive Summary

*Explain You Reason For Writing *Provide Contact Information For All Principals *Describe Your Business Concisely *Introduce Parts Of Your Plan *Ask For Your Support

Fair Test

*Facts * Access(Ible Or Transparent) * Impact (Stakeholders) * Respect

Company Description

*Identify Business Form (Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, And So On) *Specify Business Type (Merchandising, Service) *For Existing Businesses, Explain Founding, Growth, Sales, And Profit

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: List Of Figures

*Include A List Of Tables, Illustrations, Or Figures Showing The Title Of Each And Its Page Number *Place The List Of Figures On The Same Page With The Table Of Contents If Possible

Formal Report Components: Back Matter: Appendix

*Include Items Of Interest To Some Readers, Such As Data-Gathering Tools Like Questionnaires

Preparing Formal Reports: Prepare A Work Plan

*Include Problem And Purpose Statements *Describe Sources And Methods Of Data Collection *Prepare A Project Outline And Work Schedule

Preparing Proposals: Budget, Authorization

*Itemize Costs Carefully. Proposals Are Contracts *Present A Deadline For The Bid Figures *Ask For Approval, And Make It Easy To Reply

Formal Report Components: Back Matter: Works Cited Or References

*List All References In "Works Cited" Or "References" If Footnotes Are Not Provided *Optionally, Include A Bibliography Showing All The Works Cited (And Perhaps Consulted), Arranged Alphabetically

Table Of Contents

*List Topics And Page Numbers

Preparing Effective Business Plans: Financial Analysis

*Outline A Realistic Start-Up Budget *Present An Operating Budget The Projects Costs *Explain How Much Money You Have And Will Need

Preparing Formal Reports: Document Data Sources

*Prepare Note Cards Or Printouts Citing All References (Author, Data, Source, Page, And Quotation). Use One Documentation Format Consistently

Preparing Proposals: Proposal, Plan, Schedule

*Present Your Plan For Solving The Problem *Describe Implementation And Evaluation *Outline A Schedule Showing Dates


*Provide Extras, Such As Managers' Resumes, Promotional Materials, And Product Photos

Preparing Formal Reports: Revise And Proofread

*Revise To Eliminate Wordiness, Ambiguity, And Redundancy. Look For Ways To Improve Readability, Such As Bulleted Or Numbered Lists. Proofread Three Times For 1) Word And Content Meaning 2) Grammar And Mechanics 3) Formatting

Preparing Formal Reports: Collect Data

*Search Secondary Sources *Gather Primary Data

Formal Report Components: Front Matter: Table Of Contents

*Show The Beginning Page Number Where Each Report Heading Appears In The Report

Components Of Internal And External Persuasive Messages?

-Attention -Need -Solution -Rationale -Appreciation -Counterpoints -Action

Preparing Formal Reports: Compose The First Draft

*Write The First Draft Knowing That You Will Revise It Later *Use Appropriate Headings And Transitional Expressions To Guide The Reader

An Apology Includes The Following:

-Acknowledgment Of A Mistake Or An Offense -An Expression Of Regret For The Harm Caused -Acceptance Of Responsibility -A Commitment That The Offense Will Not Be Repeated -Effective Apologies Should Be Timely And Sincere

When Delivering Negative Feedback:

-Adopt A Team-Cetered Orientation -Avoid Sugarcoating The Bad News -Explain The Impacts Of The Individuals Poor Performance On Organizational Performance -Link To Consequences -Probe For Reasons Performance Is Not Higher -Emphasize Problem Solving Rather Than Blaming -Be Firm

The Writing Process For Routine Messages: Key Drafting Steps

-Tone -Style -Design

Statements To Avoid In The Post-Trust Era?

-Trust Me -Unbelievable -Too Good To Be True -Excuses -Explanations -Fear Tactics

Principles Of Effective Emails

-Use The Right Purpose -Ensure Ease Of Reading -Show Respect For Time -Protect Privacy Confidentiality -Respond Promptly -Maintain Professionalism And Appropriate Formality -Manage Emotion Effectively -Avoid Distractions

What Are 4 Reasons Professionals Remain Silent?

1) They Assume It Is Standard Practice 2) They Rationalize That Is It Not A Big Deal 3) They Say To Themselves It Is Not Their Responsibility 4) They Want To Be Loyal

During A Presentation, Promptly Complying With Requests Raised By Audience Members

Establishes Your Reputation As Being Responsive.

An Apology Includes What Elements?

1. Acknowledgment Of A Mistake Or An Offense 2. An Expression Of Regret For The Harm Caused 2. Acceptance Of Responsibility 3. A Commitment That The Offense Will Not Be Repeated 4. Effective Apologies Should Be Timely And Sincere.

Aim Planning Process For Pr Mssgs

1. Audience Analysis --Id The Unique Needs & Values Of Stakeholdr Groups & Emply Principles Of Influenc 2. Idea Developement --Analyze How The Pr Mssg Can Fit Into A Unified Pr Effort That Promotes Distinctive Brand Value 3. Message Structure --Organize The Pr Mssg In Press Release Style

Applying Aim Process For Crisis Comms

1. Audience Analysis 2. Idea Development 3. Mssg Structure

Step 3: Completing Negative Messages

1. Make Sure Its Clear, Complete, And Concise 2. Produce Professional Documents 3. Proofread 4. Deliver Promptly, Delaying Can Be Unethical And Even Illegal

Sending Negative Messages On Routine Business Matters

1. Making Negative Announcements On Routine Business Matters 2. Refusing Routine Requests 3. Handling Bad News About Transactions 4. Refusing Claims And Requests For Adjustment

Using The Direct Approach In Negative Messages

1. Open With A Clear Statement Of Bad News 2. Support And Explain The New With Relevant Reasons 3. Close In A Positive Way. 4. Primary Advantage: Efficiency

Indirect Approach: Closing

1. Opportunity To Emphasize Your Respect 2. Positive Close Will: -Build Goodwill -Offer A Suggestion For Action -Provide A Look Toward The Future -Be Sincere 3. Follow These Guidelines: -Avoid Uncertain Conclusion -Limit Future Correspondence -Express Optimism, If Appropriate -Be Since

Using The Indirect Approach For Negative Messages

1. Outlines The Reasons And Explanation First 2. Then Gives The Bad News 3. Not Meant To Obscure The News, Delay It, Or Limit Responsibility. 4. Rather, To Ease The Blow And Help Reader Accept It 5. Good Example Of You-Oriented Communication

Indirect Approach: Body

1. Phrase Your Reasons To Signal The Bad News Ahead 2. Start With Positive Points And Then Move Towards Negative Ones, Be Concise 3. Must Convince You Are Justified, Fair, And Logical 4. Avoid Hiding Behind Company Policy Reason Are: -Detailed -Tactful -Individualized -Unapologetic -As Positive As Possible

3 Stages Of Crisis Mgmt

1. Pre-Crisis Preparation 2. Crisis Responses 3. Post-Crisis Actions

Improving Ease Of Reading With Completeness

1. Providing All Relevant Information 2. Being Accurate 3. Being Specific

Direct Approach: Body

1. Providing Reasons And Additional Info 2. Explanation Of Why The News Is Negative 3. Extent Of Explanation Depends On The Nature And Your Relationship With The Audience 4. Do Not Always Apologize! 5. Instead Sympathize

Matching Influence Techniques To Pr Efforts (6)

1. Reciprocation 2. Commitment 3. Social Proof 4. Liking 5. Authority 6. Scarcity

6 Principles Of Persuasion

1. Reciprocation 2. Consistency 3. Social Proof 4. Liking 5. Authority 6. Scarcity

Writing Process For Routine Messages

Audience Analysis Idea Development Message Structuring

Guidelines For Tone For Persuasive Messages?

1.Apply The Personal Touch 2.Use Action-Oriented, Lively Language 3.Write With Confidence 4.Offer Choice 5.Show Positivity

Components Of Persuasive Messages?

1.Gain Attention 2.Raise A Need 3.Deliver A Solution 4.Provide A Rationale 5.Show Appreciation 6.Give Counterpoints 7.Call To Action

Clarifying Objectives: Message Structuring

2. Setting Up The Logic Of Your Message A) What Are Your Supporting Points B) What Do You Want To Explicitly Ask Your Readers To Do (Call Of Action) C) How Will You Order The Logic Of Your Message?

Typically, Paragraphs In Routine Business Messages Have:

20-30 Words.

What Is The Analogy Used To Describe Credibility And Why?

3 Legged Stool, Because Without One Element, It Is Compromised

Typically, Paragraphs In Routine Business Messages Have

40-80 Words. Typically, Paragraphs In Business Messages Should Contain 40 To 80 Words. For Routine Messages, Paragraphs As Short As 20 To 30 Words Are Common And Appropriate.

Select The Situation That Is Least Likely To Require Persuasion.

A Request To Have A Defective Printer Replaced Within The Warranty Period

Octavio Wants To Compare The Gross National Product For Six Different Countries For The Year 2010. How Should He Display The Data?

A Bar Chart

Which Of The Following Would Be The Best Person To Review Your Résumé And Cover Letter To Make Sure It Is As Professional As Possible Before You Submit It?

A Business Executive

Delivering Bad News In Writing To Colleagues

A Characteristic Of High-Performing Organizations Is That Employee'S Volunteer Information, Even When It'S Bad News. In Many Organizations, However, Employees Are Reluctant To Share Bad News. They Don'T Want To Disappoint Others Or Be Blamed. When Many Employees In An Organization Avoid Sharing Bad News, The Result Is The Mum Effect. This Occurs When The Chain Of Messages Within An Organization Is Filtered At Each Level To Leave Out Or Inaccurately State The Bad News. When Most Employees Deliver Bad News And Negative Feedback To One Another In Open, Honest, Caring, And Rich Environments, Organizations Tend To Exhibit Hire Morale. Using Impersonal Communication Channels To Give Bad News Is Very Poor Business Form. The Employees Will Feel That The Company Has No Respect For Them.

Central Sales Theme

A Cohenrent, Unified Theme That Consumers Can Recognize Quickly * Most Effective Sales Message Contain This * Price Is The Most Common Sales Theme

The Team That Is Planning The Annual Company Sales Meeting Has Members In Several Offices. They Need To Have A Conversation About The Agenda For The Sales Meeting. Which Of The Following Will They Most Likely Use?

A Conference Call

The Team That Is Planning The Annual Company Sales Meeting Has Members In Several Offices. They Need To Have A Conversation About The Agenda For The Sales Meeting. Which Of The Following Will They Most Likely Use?

A Conference Call Conference Calls Are Used For Team Conversations. They Are Typically Less Rich Than One-To-One Phone Conversations Because Many Participants Do Not Provide Cues Continuously During The Conversations.

Matt And Larita Grew Up In Communities That View Authority In Very Different Ways, So They Have Difficulty Understanding Each Other At Times. The Problem Is Being Caused Primarily Because Of

A Filter Of Lifetime Experiences.

What 2 Traits Are Associated With Competence?

A Focus On Action, Emphasis On Results


A Measure Of How Much Employees Are Connected Emotionally To Their Work, How Willing They Are To Expend Extra Effort To Help Organization, How Much Energy They Have To Reach Goals

Which Of The Following Is A Sign Of A Person Paying Attention?

A Nod To Indicate Acknowledgement

Cyber Silence

A Nonresponse To Emails And Other Communications; During This Stage, Message Senders Often Misattribute Explanation For The Silence.

Which Of The Following Is True Of Competence?

A Person'S Reputation For Competence Is Influenced By His Or Her Communication Skills.

Active Listening

A Personals Willingness And Ability To Hear And Understand

Peter Wants To Create A Chart That Shows How Market Share Is Divided Among The Top Companies In His Industry. Which Should He Use?

A Pie Chart


A Principle Of Influcence Based On Returning Favors


A Principle Of Influcence Based On Returning Favors --I.E. Offering Free Services To Customers To Gain Favorable View Of Co. Which Influence Customers To Patronize Business


A Principle Of Influence Based On Returning Favors


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Are More Likely To Be Persuaded By People The Like


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Are More Likely To Be Persuaded By People The Like --I.E. Inviting Well-Know/Popular Journalists/Bloggers To Meet W/Ceo To Gain Personal Relationships W/Executives. --This Interaction As Results Helps To Avoid Negative Intentions To Execs./Co.


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Are More Likely To Be Persuaded By People Who They Like

Social Proof

A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Determine What Is Right, Correct Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do

Social Proof

A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Determine What Is Right, Correct Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do -I.E. Providing Stories & Images On Co.'S Website Of Community Members Engaging A Good Cause Sponsored By Co. Stories & Images How What Community Values & What Is Considered Right

Social Proof

A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Determine What Is Right, Correct, Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Follow Authority Figures


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Follow Authority Figures -I.E. Sponsoring Event Featuring Prominent Figure In Expertise Field --Helps Co. Establish An Appeal To An Authority Figure


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly * "Weapons Of Influence" - Term Weapons Implies That They Are Powerful & Can Do Harm


A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly * "Weapons Of Influence" - Term Weapons Implies That They Are Powerful & Can Do Harm --I.E. The Sponsoring Of One-Time/Yearly Events Allows Just A Short Window Of Opportunity To Participants Thus Increasing Interest --Featuring A Nationally Acclaimed Keynote Speaker Who May Not Ever Be Back In Town Provides Scarcity

Web 2.0

A Read-Write Web Where Users Interact Extensively With Web Pages- Authoring Content, Expressing Opinions, And Customizing And Editing Web Content Along Other Things

Brian Has Just Completed His Graduate Program And Does Not Have Any Job Experience. If Brian Is Looking For A Job, Which Of The Following Résumé Formats Would Be Ideal For Him?

A Résumé That Lists His Key Skills From School, Community, And Volunteer Activities

Campaign Cycle

A Series Of Activities Over A Certain Time Period To Meed Defined Pr Objectives * Listening & Research --Listening To Stakeholders & Applying A Research Approach At Each Stage * Set Objectives * Id Stakeholders * Develop Key Mssgs * Establish Stategy & Tactics * Create Timelines & Budgets * Evaluate

Showing Appreciation

A Sincere Expression Of Thanks Also Helps Achieve Business Goals And Strengthens Work Relationships

Which Of The Following Is True Of Messages Showing Appreciation?

A Sincere Expression Of Thanks Strengthens Work Relationships.

Emotional Hijacking

A Situation In Which Emotions Control Our Behavior Causing Us To React Without Thinking

In The Story Line Approach To Business Presentations, What Is A Resolution?

A Solution To The Challenges Or Tensions

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be Included As An Attachment To An Email?

A Spreadsheet

Buffer Message

A Statement To Establish Common Ground, Show Appreciation, State Your Sympathy, Or Otherwise Express Goodwill.

Jessica Wants To Get Ahead In Her Career, So She Has A Professional Blog. Which Of The Following Posts Is Most Likely To Damage Her Reputation?

A Story About How Much Fun She And Her Coworkers Had Visiting Bars After The Annual Sales Meeting

Kimberly Has To Deliver A Presentation At A Formal Business Meeting. Which Of The Following Outfits Will Help Kimberly Project Authority And Competence?

A Tailored Business Suit With A Skirt And Leather Shoes

Which Of The Following Best Explains The Function Of Rss?

A Tool To Keep Readers Up-To-Date By Distributing News And Allowing Customers To Subscribe To Content

Personal Brand

A Unique Set Of Professional Skills And Attributes That Others Associate With You

Fair Test

A Way To Evaluate Your Communications. . F- Facts (How Factual Is Your Communication) A- Access ( How Accessible Or Transparent Your Motives Reasoning And Information I- Impact ( How Does Your Information Impact Stakeholders) R- Respect ( How Respectful Is Your Communication)

Which Of The Following Is A Synchronous Communication Channel That Is Most Likely To Be High In Control?

A Webinar

Which Of The Following Best Represents The Accuracy Of The Grapevine? A) At Least 75 Percent Of The Noncontroversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Correct. B) At Least 75 Percent Of The Controversial And Noncontroversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Incorrect. C) At Least 75 Percent Of The Noncontroversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Incorrect. D) At Least 75 Percent Of The Controversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Incorrect. E) At Least 75 Percent Of The Controversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Correct.

A) At Least 75 Percent Of The Noncontroversial Organizationally Related Information Carried By The Grapevine Is Correct.

You Want Your Employees To Feel Comfortable In Your Office. Research Suggests A) Decorating With Plants And Posters. B) Placing Your Desk Between Them And You. C) Not Being So Tidy That It Scares People Away. D) Dressing In Designer Fashions. E) Placing Your Credentials And Awards In A Prominent Location.

A) Decorating With Plants And Posters.

Traditionally, Employee Performance Appraisal Has Been Viewed As An Exercise In A) Downward Communication B) Informal Communication C) Horizontal Communication D) Ineffective Communication E) Upward Communication

A) Downward Communication

360-Degree Feedback Is Usually Used For A) Employee Development B) Salary Determination C) Employee Development And Salary Determination D) Employee Development And Advancement Potential E) Advancement Potential

A) Employee Development

Research Suggests That A) Employees With Good Performance Ratings Are More Likely To Be Informed Of Those Ratings Than Employees With Bad Ratings. B) Employees With Good And Bad Performance Ratings Are Just As Likely To Be Informed Of These Ratings. C) Employees With Good And Bad Performance Ratings Are Just As Unlikely To Be Informed Of These Ratings. D) Employees With Good Performance Ratings Are Less Likely To Be Informed Of Those Ratings Than Employees With Bad Ratings. E) Employees Are Seldom Informed About Their Performance Regardless Of How They Have Performed.

A) Employees With Good Performance Ratings Are More Likely To Be Informed Of Those Ratings Than Employees With Bad Ratings.

_____ Are One Of The Few Forms Of Communication That Have Similar Meanings Across Cultures. A) Facial Expressions Of Basic Emotions B) Greetings C) Social Conventions D) Physical Gestures E) Lubricant Expressions

A) Facial Expressions Of Basic Emotions

When Doing Business With People From Arab Countries It Is Wise To Avoid A) Getting Down To Business Very Quickly. B) Touching. C) Discussions About Your Family Or Personal Life. D) Sitting Or Standing Close Together. E) Extended Gaze.

A) Getting Down To Business Very Quickly

Which Statement About Media Choice And Communication Is True? A) Nonroutine Messages Require Richer Media. B) Richer Media Consistently Lead To Better Communication. C) Richer Media Lead To Lower Levels Of Censorship. D) Routine Messages Require Richer Media. E) It Is Best To Always Choose The Medium That Is Capable Of Transmitting The Richest Information.

A) Nonroutine Messages Require Richer Media.

Which Of The Following Is True? A) The Clothing People Wear Communicates Interpretable Messages. B) What Is Considered Polite Behaviour Is Similar Across Cultures. C) In Latin America, An Extended Gaze Is Considered Rude. D) Exit Interviews Conducted By Managers Provide A Wealth Of Accurate Information. E) Interpretation Of Emotions In Basic Facial Expressions Varies Widely Across Cultures.

A) The Clothing People Wear Communicates Interpretable Messages

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Horizontal Communication? A) The Vice-President Of Marketing Sends A Memo To The Vice-President Of Manufacturing. B) The President Of A College Calls A Meeting To Explain The College'S Financial Situation To The Faculty. C) A Supervisor Tells An Employee That He Has Been Performing Poorly. D) A Purchasing Agent Leaves A Voicemail Message For A New Supplier. E) An Employee Explains To Her Boss Why Her Performance Has Not Been Up To Par Recently.

A) The Vice-President Of Marketing Sends A Memo To The Vice-President Of Manufacturing.

Flames Are A Form Of

Active Incivility.

Which Of The Following Illustrates A Testimonial?

After Completing Your Training, I Received Job Offers From Three Interviews In One Week!

Creating Pr Mssgs

After Planning, You Will Write Mssg W/Focus In Achieving Excellence In Tone, Style, Design *Tone -- Friendly To Ward Off Stakeholder Raprid Judgment, Skepticism Of Your Motives & Interets --Use Words, Phrases, Sentences To Help Achieve Transparency & Objectivity *Style --Primary Aim - To Make Mssg Easy To Process --Short Paragraphs & Sentences To Quickly Gather Pertinent Info *Design --Most Distributed Electronically Via Multiplatforms - I.E. Websites, Emails --In Print - Good Aethetic Design

Lupe Is About To Lead A Problem-Solving Meeting. Which Of The Following Should She Ask Her Team To Focus On First?

Agreeing On A Definition Of The Problem


Aim For A Helpful, Professional, Reader-Centered Tone. Show Respect For Your Readers Time


Aim For A Helpful, Professional, Reader-Centered Tone. Show Respect For Your Readers' Time.

Use Wikis For Team Communication

Allow Employees To Collaborate And Participate In Decision Making More Easily, Creatively, And Effectively; A Principles For Using Internal Communication Tools In The Social Age

The Story Line Approach Is Useful For Various Types Of Presentations Because It

Allows The Listeners To Engage On A Deeper Level Intellectually.

Reviewing Persuasive Messages

Always Carefully Review Your Messages, Especially Since Most Of Them Are High-Stakes Communication. They Can Enhance Credibility And Provide You With Future Opportunities. And Likewise. Get Feedback And Reread-These Messages Are Directed At An Audience Who Resists Your Ideas, Products, Or Services. Ask Trusted Colleagues That May Be Resistant In The Same Way Your Audience Would. Apply The Fair Test- By Applying This You Can Avoid Sending Persuasive Messages That Manipulate Others.

Business Ethics

Are Commonly Accepted Beliefs, And Principles In The Business Community For Acceptable Behavior. Business Ethics Involve Adhering To Laws, Safeguarding Confidential Or Proprietary Information, Avoiding Conflicts Of Interest And Misuse Of Company Assets, And Refraining From Accepting Or Providing Inappropriate Gifts, Gratuities, And Entertainment. -Dominant Business Ethic Is Transparency Transparency-Involves Sharing All Relevant Information With Stakeholders. "Is A Principle That Allows Those Affected By Administrative Decisions, Business Transactions Or Charitable Work To Know Not Only The Basic Facts And Figures But Also The Mechanisms And Processes. It Is The Duty Of Civil Servants, Managers And Trustees To Act Visibly, Predictably, And Understandably." -80% Of Employees Said They Were Satisfied With The Information They Received From Up Top -74% Of Employees Trusted That Top Management Would Keep Promises And Commitment -89% Of Employees Stated That Top Management Would Encourage Them To Do The Right Thing -82% Of Employees Believed That Top Managers Would Be Punished And Held Accountable If They Were Caught Violating The Organizations Ethical Standards -Some Employees Fail To Speak Up When They Observe Unethical Behavior. Here Are The Four Main Reasons Why: 1) They Assume It'S Standard Practice 2) They Rationalize That It'S Not A Big Deal 3) They Say To Themselves It'S Not Their Responsibility 4) They Want To Be Loyal

Which Of The Following Questions Is Most Likely To Be Used By You While Reviewing Your Bad-News Message To Evaluate The "Access" Aspect Of The Fair Test?

Are My Motives Clear, Or Will Others Perceive That I Have A Hidden Agenda?

Which Of The Following Is A Helpful Guideline For Formatting Tables?

Arrange Entries In Ascending Or Descending Order.

The Positioning Statement In A Presentation Should Be

As Concise As Possible.

Sammie Is Planning A Persuasive Message. What Should She Do In Her Opening?

Ask A Stimulating Question.

During Presentations, How Can You Be An Audience Member Who Shows Support For The Presenter?

Ask Questions That Pertain To The Speaker'S Topic.

To Break Out Of The Reputation Of An Inexperienced Newcomer, You Should

Ask Your Boss For Ideas About Improving Your Professional Reputation. To Break Out Of A Reputation As An Inexperienced Newcomer You Should Set Up A Time To Talk With Your Boss. In The Meeting, Explain Your Growth In Various Areas And Ask For Your Boss'S Ideas About Improving Your Professional Reputation.

Which Of The Following Situations Would Most Likely Require Persuasion Within An Organization?

Asking Employees To Accept A Pay Cut To Avoid Layoffs Or Plant Closings

Which Of The Following Is A Strength Of Introverts?

Asking Thoughtful, Important Questions

The Cultural Dimension That Deals With The Level Of Confrontation And Directness Considered Appropriate And Productive Is Called _____.


The Cultural Dimension That Deals With The Level Of Confrontation And Directness Considered Appropriate And Productive Is Called___.


Which Of The Following Statements From A Résumé Best Describes Experience In A Way That Emphasizes Action

Assisted With The Processing Of Client Orders

In An Email, The Most Critical Information Should Be Placed

At The Beginning Of A Message.

Professional Marketers And Salespeople Follow The Aida Strategy In Their Sales Letters Because It Is Effective. What Does Aida Represent?

Attention, Interest, Desire, And Action

Tulip Has Been Asked To Create An Effective Business Message Aimed At Making The Employees Understand The Benefits Of Working In A Group. In The Process Of Creating The Business Message, She Studies The Background Of The Employees And Their Needs And Priorities. This Action Belongs To Which Step Of The Aim Planning Process Used For Developing Influential Messages?

Audience Analysis

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be Caused By A Failure To Set Worker Expectations In Routine Messages?

Breakdowns In Working Relationships

Companies Are Using Social Media Such As Facebook, Blogs, And Rss Feeds To Inform And Persuade The Public, To Generate Goodwill, And To

Build A Positive Brand Awareness.

How Can A Business Leader Create An Environment Of Transparency?

By Acknowledging The Concerns Of Employees

Use Blogs For Team Communication

By Focusing On Specific Topics And Areas Of Expertise, Bloggers Can Attract And Connect With Other Employees With Similar Professional Interests; A Principles For Using Internal Communication Tools In The Social Age

In The Aim Content Planning Process, How Do You Develop Your Ideas?

By Identifying Key Facts And Conclusions Related To Your Topic

After Six Months On Your New Job, You Were Expecting Your Boss To Provide You With A Review Of Your Performance. However, To Your Surprise Your Coworkers And Clients Are Also Providing Information On Your Performance. What Is This An Example Of? A) Grapevine B) Open Door Policy C) 360-Degree Feedback D) Information Richness E) Congruence

C) 360-Degree Feedback

Which Of The Following Statements About The Decor And Arrangement Of Offices Is True? A) Although Visitors Read Things Into Office Decor And Arrangement, Decor And Arrangement Are Unrelated To The Personality Of The Occupant. B) Although Office Decor And Arrangement Are Related To The Personality Of The Occupant, Visitors Do Not Make Attributions About The Occupant From Decor And Arrangement. C) An Office Which Is Tidy May Be Seen As More Welcoming Than One Which Is Messy. D) Employees Feel More Comfortable When There Is A Desk Between Them And Their Manager. E) Office Decor And Arrangement Neither Convey The Personality Of The Occupant Nor Evoke Attributions In Visitors About The Occupant.

C) An Office Which Is Tidy May Be Seen As More Welcoming Than One Which Is Messy.

360-Degree Feedback Systems Usually Focus On A) Individual Performance B) All Aspects Of Performance C) Behavioural Competencies D) Group Performance E) Bottom-Line Performance

C) Behavioural Competencies

Showing Up Late For A Meeting Is A Sign Of Success In A) United States. B) Japan. C) Brazil. D) Germany E) Canada.

C) Brazil.

People Strongly Overestimate Their Skill In Both Communicating And Interpreting Sarcasm, Humour, And Emotions Via A) Videoconference B) Face-To-Face C) E-Mail D) Teleconference E) Chat Formats

C) E-Mail

Computer-Mediated Groups Have Been Found To A) Enhance The Richness Of Communication. B) Enhance The Number And Quality Of Ideas Generated. C) Enhance The Number Of Ideas Generated. D) Enhance The Quality Of Ideas Generated. E) Enhance The Speed With Which Ideas Are Generated.

C) Enhance The Number Of Ideas Generated.

According To The Text, Which Medium Can Transmit The Richest Information? A) Computer B) Video C) Face-To-Face Interaction D) Written Memos E) Telephone

C) Face-To-Face Interaction

The Most Information Rich Media Are A) Highly Synchronous And High In Nonverbal Cues. B) Highly Asynchronous And High In Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues. C) Highly Synchronous And High In Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues. D) Highly Synchronous And High In Paraverbal Cues. E) Highly Asynchronous And High In Paraverbal Cues.

C) Highly Synchronous And High In Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues.

_____ Refers To A Reputation For Adhering To High Moral And Ethical Values.


You Are A Member Of A Canadian Company Trying To Negotiate With A German Firm. Which Of The Following Instructions Should You Be Sure To Follow? A) Use Lubricant Expressions To Soften Rejection. B) Provide The German Firm With Short Non-Detailed Contracts. C) Keep Meetings With The Germans Brief And To The Point. D) Ensure All Members Of Your Team Speak Privately To You And You Convey Their Message. E) Provide The Germans With Knowledge Of Yourself And Your Culture.

C) Keep Meetings With The Germans Brief And To The Point.

Which Area Has The Highest Context Culture? A) Australia B) Scandinavia C) Latin America D) North America E) Germany

C) Latin America

Research On Upward Feedback Found That Managers Who Were Initially Rated As Poor Or Moderate Showed Significant Improvements In Feedback Ratings Especially When A) Managers Met With Their Clients To Discuss The Feedback B) Managers Met With Their Bosses To Discuss The Feedback C) Managers Met With Their Employees To Discuss The Feedback D) Managers Met With The Ceo To Discuss The Feedback E) Managers Met With Their Peers To Discuss The Feedback

C) Managers Met With Their Employees To Discuss The Feedback

Nonverbal Communication Does Not Include A) The Clothing One Wears. B) The Way One Decorates And Arranges One'S Office. C) One'S Use Of Jargon. D) Props And Artifacts. E) One'S Body Language.

C) One'S Use Of Jargon.

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Jargon? A) Any Incident Of Nonverbal Communication. B) The Manager Used Video To Address The Department. C) The Mba Used The Word Downsizing. D) The Manager Was Reluctant To Inform Her Boss That The Report Was Going To Be Late. E) The Secretary Started A Rumour That The Company Was Bankrupt.

C) The Mba Used The Word Downsizing.

Jargon Is A Form Of A) Body Language. B) Communication Media. C) Verbal Communication. D) Decoding. E) Nonverbal Communication.

C) Verbal Communication.

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Encoding? A) Reading A Novel B) Watching Television C) Writing A Letter D) Thinking E) Reading A Memo

C) Writing A Letter

Which Of The Following Is Not A Professional Association For Health Insurance Specialists? A. American Health Information Management Association B. American Medical Billing Association C. American Medical Association D. American Academy Of Professional Coders

C. American Medical Association

What Does Cpt Stand For? A. Codes Posted Via Telephone B. Clinical Procedure Tests C. Current Procedural Terminology D. None Of The Above

C. Current Procedural Terminology

Which Of The Following Involves Linking Every Procedure Or Service Code Reported On The Claim To A Condition Code That Justifies The Necessity Of Performing That Procedure Or Service? A. Diagnosis Coding B. Procedure Coding C. Medical Necessity D. Both A And C

C. Medical Necessity

The Best Way To Begin A Persuasive Request Is To

Capture The Reader'S Attention And Interest.

The Use Of Social Media In Companies

Causes Confusion Over Which Communication Channels To Use.

The Primary Challenge For A Team Presentation Is To Make Sure That It Is



Collections Of Pages That Anyone With Approved Access Can Edit, Thus Lending Themselves To Collaborative Writing

Business Ethics

Commonly Accepted Beliefs And Principals In The Business Community For Acceptable Behavior. ( Adhering To Laws, Safeguarding Confidential Or Proprietary Information, Avoiding Conflicts Of Misuse Of Company Assets, Refraining From Accepting/ Giving Inappropriate Gifts, Gratuity And Entertainment.

What Is The Definition Of Business Ethics?

Commonly Held Principles In The Business Community For Acceptable Behavior

Social Responsibility

Companies Give Back, Serve, & Meet The Social Interest Of Their Communities

An "Emphasis On Results" Is A Trait Associated With


_____ Refers To The Knowledge And Skills Needed To Accomplish Business Tasks, Approach Business Problems, And Get A Job Done.


What Are The 3 Components Of Credibility?

Competence, Caring, Character.

Achieving Clarity In Writing

Completeness Conciseness Natural Style

Which Of The Following Is A Type Of Primary Research?

Conducting Survey Research

The Team That Is Planning The Annual Company Sales Meeting Has Members In Several Offices. They Need To Have A Conversation About The Agenda For The Sales Meeting. Which Of The Following Will They Most Likely Use?

Conference Call

Which Of The Following Are High On Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues? A) Face-To-Face Interaction And Memos B) Letters And Memos C) Face-To-Face Interaction And Email D) Face-To-Face Interaction And Videoconferencing E) Computer-Mediated Groups And Face-To-Face Interactions

D) Face-To-Face Interaction And Videoconferencing

If You Choose To Include The Background Of Your Company In Your Presentation, You Must Make Sure That The Story Of Your Company

Connects To The Needs Of Your Audience.

Audience Analysis

Consider Exactly What Information Your Audience Needs And How They Want To Receive It

Audience Analysis

Consider Exactly Why Information Your Audience Needs And How They Want To Receive It

In The Business World, Caring Can Be Demonstrated By

Considering The Needs Of Customers And Employees.

In A Case Study, Psychologists Found That Horse Racing Fans Become More Confident That Their Horses Would Win After Placing A Bet. Which Principle Of Influence Does This Example Illustrate?


Which Of The Following Correctly Describes How Often Teams Should Meet When Working On Group Writing?

Consistently During All Stages Of The Project

Choose The Best Closing For A Message Persuading The President Of Your Organization To Accept Your Benefits Proposal.

Contacting Me By December 1 About Your Support Of This New Benefits Plan Will Allow Me To Present This Proposal At The Next Strategic Planning Session.

While Writing Business Messages, One Should Avoid Sentences That Begin With "It Is" Or "There Are" Because They:

Contain More Words Than Necessary.

Writers Of Business Messages Should Avoid Sentences That Begin With "It Is" Or "There Are" Because They

Contain More Words Than Necessary.

Writers Of Business Messages Should Avoid Sentences That Begin With "It Is" Or "There Are" Because They

Contain More Words Than Necessary. Readers Naturally Want To Know Precisely Who Or What The Subject Of A Sentence Is, Particularly In Business Writing, Where Specificity Is So Important. Most Sentences That Begin With "It Is" Or "There Are" Fail To Provide A Specific Subject And Generally Contain More Words Than Necessary

Improving Ease Of Reading With Conciseness

Control Paragraph Length Use Short Sentences Avoid Redundancy Avoid Empty Phrases Avoid Wordy Prepositional Phrases

Ethical Responsibility

Corp. Activities Comply W/High Ethical & Legal Standards

Can Help Rapidly Process & Group Info Too Much Can Create Choppy, Staccato-Like Affect

Cover Page

Message Framework

Create A Front-Loaded, Direct, Complete, And Detail Oriented Message


Create A Message Structure -Most Effectively Reduces Resistance -Gains Buy-In

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Be Kept In Mind While Designing An Electronic Slide Presentation?

Create A Storyboard With Your Slide Titles

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Be Kept In Mind While Designing An Electronic Slide Presentation?

Create A Storyboard With Your Slide Titles.

Message Framework

Creates A Front Loaded, Direct, Complete And Detailed-Oriented Message.


Creating A Message Structure That Most Effectively Reduces Resistance And Gains Buy-In

Experienced Writers Use Word Processing Software, Spreadsheets, Or Databases For Recording Information About Their Research Sources During The Research Stage To Increase The ______ Of Their Research.


The Importance Of Credibility In An Era Of Mistrust And Skepticism

Credibility Importance Heightens When It Comes To Persuasive Messages. Persuasion Implies That You Are Communicating With With Someone Who Does Not Think Or Feel The Same Way You Do. If Your Credibility Is Questioned By Audience Members They Are Are Unlikely To Carefully Consider Your Ideas, Requests, Or Recommendations.

Which Of The Following Would A Company Consider An Unethical Use Of Social Media By Its Employees?

Criticizing A Supervisor By Name After Receiving A Poor Review

Which Of The Following Statements Is True Of Cultural Dimensions?

Cultural Dimensions Are Factors That Help You Understand A Culture'S Underlying Goals And Motivations.

_____ Is A Measure Of Your Ability To Work With And Adapt To People From Other Backgrounds.

Cultural Intelligence

Organize Your Dashboard To Control Your Communication And Information Flow

Customize The Homepage To Display Features That More Interest You; A Principles For Using Internal Communication Tools In The Social Age

Purposes Of E-Mail Marketing Include Attracting New Customers, Keeping Existing Customers, Encouraging Future Sales, Cross-Selling, And

Cutting Costs.

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Filtering? A) Sarah Misunderstood Her Boss'S Memo. B) The Manager Confused Her Secretary. C) Ralph Sent An Email Directly To The Vice President To Explain The Sudden Decrease In Sales. D) Bob Didn'T Tell His Employees About Their Impending Layoffs. E) All Of The Above.

D) Bob Didn'T Tell His Employees About Their Impending Layoffs.

Who Is Encoding Messages? A) Victor, Who Is Trying To Decipher Some Legal Jargon In A Contract B) Aaron, Who Is Hearing A Rumour On The Grapevine C) Sharon, Who Is The Target Of Upward Communication D) Bob, Who Is Writing A Technical Report E) Alexis, Who Is Trying To Figure Out What Her Boss'S Memo Means

D) Bob, Who Is Writing A Technical Report

The Mum Effect Means That People A) Prefer To Communicate Bad News Rather Than To Receive It. B) Fail To Decode Bad News. C) Refuse To Filter Information. D) Fail To Encode Bad News. E) Refuse To Pass On A Rumour.

D) Fail To Encode Bad News.

How Does Crisis Comms. & Pr Mssgs Impact Organizational Reputation?

Delivering Effective Crisis Comms.. & Pr Mssgs Improves Your Co.'S Credibility: 1. Competence --Shown When You Implement A Crisis Comms Plan To Rapidly Assist Victims & Stakeholders --For Pr Mssgs, You Show Economic Reponsibility When You Produce Excellent Products/Services 2. Caring --For Crisis Comms - It Is Shown When You Demonstrate Your Genuine Concern To Help Victims & Stakeholders --For Pr Mssgs - You Show Social Responsibility When You Give Back To Your Stakeholder Commuuinity 3. Character --For Crisis Comm - Shown When You Ensure The Co. Lives Up To Its Legal & Ethical Responsibility --In Pr Mssgs, You Show Ethical Responsibility When You Abide By High Ethical Values & Legal Standards

Negative Performance Reviews That Lack Measurable And Realistic Goals Are Most Likely To

Demoralize Employees.

User 1.0 Is Most Likely To

Depend On Content Creator And Avoid Expressing His Or Her Own Opinion

User 1.0 Is Most Likely To

Depend On Content Creator And Avoid Expressing His Or Her Own Opinion.

When You Use The Aida Persuasive Approach, Your First Task Is To Gain The Reader'S Attention (A). Which Of The Following Represents Your Second Step, Or "I" Tasks, Of Aida?

Describe The Benefits A Product Or Service Offers And Make Rational Or Emotional Appeals.

Can Raise Credibility Of Your Report By: 1. Supplying Facts W/Percision 2. Providing Supporting Detail For You Conclusion 3. Carefully Dealing W/Predictions & Cause-Effect Stmts 4. Responsibly Citing Research Sources

Document Secondary Research & Avoid Plagiarism

In Which Of The Following Stages Should You Consider Using Bullets, Numbering And Special Formatting To Highlight Key Areas?

Drafting (As You Draft The Message, Aim For A Helpful, Professional, And Reader-Centered Tone. Focus On Making The Message Easy To Read. Readers Expect To Understand Your Primary Message In Less Than 10 To 15 Seconds, So Use Short Sentences And Paragraphs. Design Your Message So Readers Can Find Information In Just Moments. Use Bullets, Numbering, Special Formatting, And External Links To Relevant Information To Highlight Key Ideas.)

What Is The Second Step In The Writing Process For Routine Messages?

Drafting; Tone (Helpful, Reader-Centered Tone), Style (Easy To Read), Design (Use Formatting)

Which Of The Following Actions By An Interviewee Is Most Likely To Sabotage The Interview Process?

Dressing Provocatively

Why Has Trust In Business And Business Executives Dropped To An All Time Low?

Due To The Major Business Scandals That Have Occurred Over The Past Decade. (Enron, Adelphia Communications, Worldcom)

Jargon A) Often Leads To Effective Communication. B) Can Be Very Intimidating To New Organizational Members. C) Is Usually Characteristic Of Particular Jobs Or Occupations. D) Often Leads To Ineffective Communication. E) All Of The Above.

E) All Of The Above.

Which Of The Following Provides Information In A 360 Degree Feedback System? A) Clients B) Peers C) Employees D) Superiors E) All Of The Above.

E) All Of The Above.

In Order For A Receiver To Understand A Communicated Message, He Or She Must First ________ The Message. A) Encode B) Filter C) Integrate D) Transmit E) Decode

E) Decode

Which Of The Following Is Not Cited As A Distinguishing Factor In The Differences Between Male And Female Communication Styles? A) Giving Compliments B) Asking Questions C) Boasting D) Getting Credit E) Gossiping

E) Gossiping

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of A High-Context Culture? A) Scandinavia B) Canada C) Northern Europe D) Australia E) Japan

E) Japan

How Does Information Spread Through An Organizational Grapevine? A) A Tells Only B Who Tells Only C, And So On. B) The Information Follows Formal Channels Of Communication. C) Only Through Face-To-Face Verbal Interaction. D) Through The Singular Grapevine System Which Exists In Most Large Organizations. E) Only A Proportion Of Those Who Hear The Information Tell Others.

E) Only A Proportion Of Those Who Hear The Information Tell Others.

You Are A Member Of A Canadian Company Trying To Negotiate With A Chinese Firm. Which Of The Following Instructions Should You Be Sure To Follow? A) Keep Meetings With The Chinese Brief And To The Point. B) Ensure That All Members Of Your Team Are Able To Jump Into The Discussion At Any Time. C) Ignore Differences In Age And Rank When Dealing With The Chinese. D) Provide The Chinese Firm With Long Detailed Contracts. E) Provide The Chinese With Knowledge Of Yourself And Your Culture.

E) Provide The Chinese With Knowledge Of Yourself And Your Culture.

Jake Has Described Something To You That You Have Never Heard About. All Employees In His Organization Are Allowed To Ask Management Questions About The Organization That Are Then Answered For Them And Printed In The Company Newsletter. What Is This Called? A) Open Door Policy B) Employee Survey And Survey Feedback C) Suggestion System D) 360-Degree Feedback E) Query System

E) Query System

Two Important Dimensions Of Information Richness Are A) The Degree To Which Information Is Synchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Nonverbal Cues. B) The Degree To Which Information Is Asynchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues. C) The Degree To Which Information Is Synchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Paraverbal Cues. D) The Degree To Which Information Is Asynchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Paraverbal Cues. E) The Degree To Which Information Is Synchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues.

E) The Degree To Which Information Is Synchronous And The Extent To Which Both Parties Can Receive Nonverbal And Paraverbal Cues.

Effective Communication Occurs When The Right People Receive The Right Information In A ________ Manner. A) Filtered B) Formal C) Friendly D) Proper E) Timely

E) Timely

An Open Door Policy Is Usually Meant To Encourage ________ Communication. A) Formal B) Filtered C) Horizontal D) Downward E) Upward

E) Upward

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be True Regarding The Messages That Aim To Convey Apologies?

Effective Apologies Must Focus On Others, Not You. (Apologies Are Ineffective When They Are Vague And Cliché. For The Apology To Be Effective, Others Must Sense That The Apologizer Is Sincere, Genuine, And Acting Without An Agenda. Effective Apologies Must Focus On Others, Not You.)

Audience Analysis

Effective Business Communications Think About The Needs, Priorities And Values Of Their Audience Members They Envision How Their Readers Will Respond When Getting The Message- In Thought, Feeling, And Action

Which Of The Following Communication Channels Is Low In Richness But High In Control?



Emails Or Other Digital Communications With "Hostile Intentions Characterized By Words Of Profanity, Obscenity, And Insults That Inflict Harm To A Person Or Organization"

Principles Of Difficult Conversations

Embrace Difficult Conversations Assume The Best In Others Adopt A Learning Stance Stay Calm/Overcome Noise Find Common Ground Disagree Diplomatically Avoid Exaggeration And Either/Or Approaches

Difficult Conversations Are Best Handled By

Embracing Conflict As An Opportunity To Exchange Perspectives.

On The Day After Her Boyfriend Broke Up With Her, Candace Found Out At Work That Someone Else Received The Promotion She Was Hoping To Get. Instead Of Asking Her Manager What She Could Do To Improve Her Chances In The Future, She Raged About How Unfair Life Is. What Did Candace Experience?

Emotional Hijacking

You Can Effectively Build Interest In A Sales Message By

Emphasizing Central Selling Points Identified In The Prewriting Analysis.

Antonio Has Been Appointed The Facilitator Of His Team. His Main Job Is To

Ensure That Each Agenda Item Is Properly Discussed.

Fair Test

Ensure That The Message Contains All Needed Information And That Is Is Entirely Correct

Which Of The Following Practices Reduces The Credibility Of Research?

Entering Into The Process With Preexisting Assumptions

What Are Requests?

Essence Of People Coordinating Work Efforts, Buying And Selling Products And Services, And Maintaining Work Relationships

Which Of The Following Statements About Announcements Is True?

Event Announcements Should Allow Readers To Gather All Relevant Information In 10 To 15 Seconds.

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Lower A Person'S Credibility?

Exaggeration Of Facts

Which Of The Following Should Be Included In An Agenda?

Expected Outcomes

Which Of The Following Is A Reason In Favor Of Using Virtual Teams?

Experts In Different Locations Can Pool Their Skills And Knowledge.

If You Want To Draw Your Audience'S Attention To You, You Should

Explain And Elaborate On The Content In Your Slides.

Components Of Expectations

Explain Overall Expectation, Describe Responsibilities, Provide Deadlines, Discuss Coordination, State Goodwill

When Statements In A Business Message Contain Full And Unambiguous Meaning, The Business Message Is Said To Be


Components Of Sympathy Messages

Express Sympathy, Offer Support, State Goodwill

Trust-Building Behaviors Include:

Extending Trust Sharing Information Telling It Straight Providing Opportunities Admitting Mistakes Setting A Good Example By Following Rules

Which Of The Following Research Sources Is Most Likely To Be Biased By The Writers' Career Objectives?

External Blogs

Physical Noise

External Noise That Makes A Message Difficult To Hear Or Otherwise Receive

Which Of The Following Involves An Act Or Thought Process Committed By The Sender Rather Than The Receiver Of An Email?

Flames In Some Cases, People'S Sense Of Freedom Online Leads To Flames, Which Are Emails Or Other Digital Communications In Which The Sender Communicates "Hostile Intentions Characterized By Words Of Profanity, Obscenity, And Insults That Inflict Harm To A Person Or An Organization."

High Future Orientation Cultures

Focus More On Intrinsic Motivation.

While Delivering A Negative Performance Review, One Should:

Focus On Actions And Results.

When Addressing Thinkers, One Should:

Focus On Dispassionate And Exclusive Arguments

When Addressing Thinkers, One Should:

Focus On Dispassionate, And Conclusive Arguments.

Nan, A Younger Colleague, Has To Give Her First Presentation. What Tip Should You Give Her About Managing Her Nerves?

Focus On Friendly Faces In The Audience To Gain Composure And Confidence

You Want To Propose A Workplace Change To Your Employer. Which Of These Is The Best Advice For You?

Focus On How Much Money The Proposed Change Will Save The Company.

Emotional Appeals In Persuasive Messages Are Designed To

Focus On Status, Ego, And Sensual Feelings.

Lane Has To Deliver His First Negative Performance Review. He Should Make Sure To

Focus On The Unacceptable Actions And Their Results.

Jamal'S Company Is Committed To Using Its Social Networking Platform. Which Of The Following Is A Guideline That Jamal Should Follow?

Focus On Work Projects And Goals

Jamal'S Company Is Committed To Using Its Social Networking Platform. Which Of The Following Is A Guideline That Jamal Should Follow?

Focus On Work Projects And Goals.

Which Of The Following Is A Good Practice In The Context Of Collecting, Analyzing, And Presenting Research Data?

Focusing On Full Disclosure Of Data

Sending Negative Organizational News

Follow These Guidelines: 1. Match Your Approach To The Situation 2. Consider The Unique Needs Of Each Group 3. Minimize The Element Of Surprise If Possible 4. Give Yourself Enough Time To Plan And Manage A Response 5. Look For Positive Angles But Don'T Exude False Optimism 6. Seek Expert Advice. 7. Use Multiple Media To Reach Out To Affected Audiences.

Many Job Applicants Feel Hesitant To ______ Because They Assume That Doing So May Annoy Or Nag Hiring Managers.

Follow Up After Job Interviews

In The Context Of The Use Of Headings In Business Documents, Which Of The Following Guidelines Would Contribute Toward Improving The Ease Of Reading?

For Complex Messages, The Use Of Headings Is Advisable.

For Business Documents, Which Of The Following Guidelines Helps Improve The Ease Of Reading?

For Complex Messages, Use Headings.

Graciella Is Making A Persuasive Complaint At Work. Which Of These Sentences Will Be Most Effective In Achieving Her Goal?

For The Past Two Weeks, Fax Machine No. 223- 51 Has Been Unavailable To Complete Essential Business For 25 Of Our Employees Due To Incomplete Service. Please Ensure Our Equipment Is Repaired By Friday.

What Is The Importance Of Open And Honest Communication

Forges Your Character, Helps Develop And Maximize Competencies. If You Avoid Can Doom A Business To Poor Finical Preformance

Teaser Message

Form Of Buffer Message; Often Written, Signal To Recipients That An Upcoming Conversation Or Other Communication May Involve Unpleasant News

In The Context Of Workplace Attire, Which Of The Following Styles Requires Men To Wear Neckties?

Formal Business Dress

Which Of The Following Accurately Matches The Type Of Attire With The Attribute It Projects?

Formal Business Dress—Authority

While Conducting The Fair Test, Which Of The Following Questions Will Help You Analyze Whether Your Message Demonstrates Respect For The Inherent Worth Of Your Audience?

Have You Shown That You Value Others?

While Conducting The Fair Test, Which Of The Following Questions Will Help You Analyze Whether Your Message Demonstrates Respect For The Inherent Worth Of Your Audience?

Have You Shown That You Value Others? The Reviewing Process Includes Three Interrelated Components: Conducting The Fair Test, Proofreading, And Getting Feedback. The "R" In Fair Test Stands For "Respect." At This Stage, You Are Likely To Check Whether Your Message Shows That You Value Others.

While Conducting The Fair Test, Which Of The Following Questions Will Help You Analyze The Impact Of Your Business Message?

Have You Thought About How The Message Will Affect Stakeholders?

A Business Leader Can Cultivate A Sense Of Community By

Having A Communication Style That Is We-Oriented, Not Me-Oriented.

Which Action Demonstrates That Joaquin Acts With Transparency?

He Shares All Relevant Information With Stakeholders.

Shawn Likes To Open His Presentations With Jokes In Order To Grab The Attention Of His Audience. Which Of The Following Should Shawn Keep In Mind While Doing So?

He Should Tie His Jokes To His Key Messages.

Jerry, The Ceo Of Turbo Inc., Is A Successful Business Leader With A Reputation For Caring. Which Of The Following Statements Would Prove This?

He Strives To Understand The Interests And Aspirations Of His Employees.

Credibility Is?

Heightened For Persuasive Messages

One Advantage Of Open-Ended Questions Is That They

Help Researchers Understand An Issue In More Depth Than Closed Questions.

Planning Continued...

Helping Decide Which Approach To Use: 1. Will The News Come As A Shock? 2. Does The Reader Prefer Short Messages That Get Right To The Point? 3. How Important Is The News To The Reader? 4. Do You Need To Maintain A Close Working Relationship With The Reader? 5. Do You Need To Get The Reader'S Attention? 6. What Is Your Organization'S Preferred Style?

People Who Speak Out Constructively About Differences Of Opinion Are Most Likely To Have

High Relationship Management Skills.

People Who Speak Out Constructively About Differences Of Opinion Are Most Likely To Have:

High Relationship Management Skills.


Implies Understanding The Interests Of Others, Cultivating A Sense Of Community, And Demonstrating Accountability. Your Colleagues, Clients, And Even Customers Will Trust You More If They Know You Care About Them. *Understanding The Interests Of Others* -Gaining Credibility Strongly Depends On Your Ability To Show That You Care For The Needs Of Others -Effective Communicators Gain Trust By Connecting With Others--That Is, Seeking To Understand Others' Needs, Wants, Opinions, Feelings And Aspirations. - Less Than 42 % Of Employees Believe Their Managers Care About Them -Less Than 29% Of Employees Believe Their Managers Care About Whether They Develop Skills *Cultivating A Sense Of Community* -Most Effective Business Leaders Use Their Sense Of Community And Teamwork -"We" And "You" Oriented, "Our Needs" And "Your Needs" As Opposed To "Me And My Needs" *Demonstrating Accountability* -A Sense Of Accountability Implies Ab Obligation To Meet The Needs And Wants Of Others -It Also Involves Enlarged Vision Of Those Affected By Your Business Activities -A Sense Of Accountability Involves A Feeling Of Responsibility To Stakeholders And A Duty To Other Employees And Customers -By Placing A Rationale For Accountability In Communication, You Will Generate A Substantial Trust And Goodwill From Others


Implies You Are Communicating W/Someone Who Doesn'T Think Or Feel The Same Way You Do * Credibility Is Heightened For Persuasive Mssgs --Shows Competence When You Know Everything About Producti, Service Idea --Shows Caring When You Explain How Your Product, Service, Idea Benefits Others --Shows Character When You Provide Completely Reliable & Honest Info * Goal Is To Help Audience Id W/& Find Merit In Your Positions


Implies You Recognize & Appreciat Other'S Needs, Wants, Ideas, & Preferences As Legit. & Reasonable * By Validating Your Readers, You Show Respects For Them & Demonstrate A Balanced Perspective --Polar Opposite Of Overcoming Objections (Counterpoints)

Developing Routine Messages

In Any Given Business Day You Need To Produce Credible Messages Quickly. Excellent Business Communications Can Develop Routine Written Messages In A Matter Of Minutes.


In Business Comm. Context, Involves Attemptin Gto Influence Others By Some Level Of Deception So You Can Achieve Your Own Interests


In Delivering Negative Performance Reviews, A Focus On The ____ Of An Employee Is Least Likely To Provoke Defensiveness Or A Counterproductive Response.

Delivering And Receiving Negative Performance Reviews

In Most Performance Appraisals, You Are Evaluating Excellent Or Or Good Performers. When Evaluating Poor Performers, However, You Should Be Clear About The Need For Improvement. -Adopt A Team-Centered Orientation-Even When Evaluating A Poor Performer Maintain A Mentality That You Are Working Together As A Team. Maintain A Constructive, Forward-Looking Tone. -Avoid Sugarcoating The Bad News-Make Sure She/He Realizes Improvement Is Needed -Explain The Impacts Of The Individual'S Poor Performance On The Organizational Performance -Link To Consequences-Help Them Understand How Poor Performance Impacts Their Employment Opportunities At The Organization As Well As Their Career Goals -Probe For Reasons Performance Is Not Higher-Ask Employees To Discuss Their Perspective On Their Poor Performance -Emphasize Problem Solving Rather Than Blaming- Adopt A Positive, Forward-Looking Tone. -Be Firm-Remain Firm That The Employee Must Improve Use Statements That Offer Clear And Targeted Feedback, Focus On Actions And Results Rather Than Attitudes And Intentions, And Establish Measurable And Realistic Expectations. When Providing Feedback For Poor Performance, Many Managers Want To Soften The Bad Reviews So They Employee The Sandwich Approach Of Good-News-Bad-News. This Could Encourage Poor Performances, Instead Reviews Should Emphasize The Bad News So That The Employees Know It'S Critical To Improve. Provide Feedback Only On That Which Is Observable. It Is A More Accurate Scale. Reviews Without Measurable And Realistic Expectations Can Demoralize Employees. Make Sure To Discuss How They Can Improve In Specific Ways. You Can Even Set Up A Development Plan That Includes Action Steps, Timelines, And Specific Goals, Training, And Resources Needed.

Which Of The Following Is The Best Example Of A Company Experiencing The Mum Effect?

In Sandman Corp., As Messages Move Up The Chain Of Bureaucracy, They Get Filtered At Each Level To Soften Bad News.

Prepares Recipients Emotionally Yet Does Not Reveal Specific Information

In The Context Of Bad News, A Teaser Message Is A Message That:

When Addressing Feelers, One Should:

Include Personal Comments And Explain The Impacts Of Decisions On People

Tools For Pr Mssgs: Info Age V. Social Age Audiences

Info Age: * Tone --Formal & Professional --Authoritative & Expert-Based --Planned & Professional * Tools --Online Media Kits & Newsrooms (Press Releases & Responses To Press Inquiries) --E-Newletters & E-Blasts --Online Media Databases --Internet Wire Distribution Services (Pr Newswire, Business Wire, Video News Release/Video On Deman) Social Age: --Less Formal & Social --Authentic & Transparent --Spontaneous, Conversational, & Personal * Tools --Corp Blogs & Microblogs --Corp Social Networking Pgs --Online Forums (Online & In Person) W/Key Stakeholders --Meetings W/Influencial & Online Activists

Reports Are Often Lenghty & Dense -- Preview Stmts Can Help Decision Makers Follow The Directions Of Yor Text -- Frame Mssg, Allowing Readers To Create A Mental Map Of Your Key Takeaway Mssg

Insert Charts & Tables To Draw Attentin To Key Pts

Which Of The Following Messages To Subordinates Would Use A Direct Approach Instead Of An Indirect Or Persuasive Strategy?

Instructions To Operate The New Phone System Installed In All Offices

When Personal Values And Corporate Values Are Aligned, Employees Have More


When Personal Values And Corporate Values Are Aligned, Employees Have More


What Is Sight-Reading?

Intelligent Observation Of Nonverbal Communication

Creating Internal Persuasive Messages

Internal And External Messages Contain Many Common Elements: They Gain Attention, Raise A Need, Deliver A Solution, Provide A Rationale, Show Appreciation For Differences In Opinions, Give Counter Points, And Call Readers To Action. -Internal Messages Focus More On Promoting Ideas -Slightly Direct And Explicit -Based On Logical Appeals External Messages Are Focused On Promoting Products & Services -Slightly More Indirect And Implicit -Based On Emotional Appeals


Involves A Feeling Of Responsibility To Stakeholders And A Duty To Other Employees And Customers. Stakeholder View- Includes All Groups In Society That Are Affected By Your Business. Obligation To Meet Wants/Needs Of Others


Involves Adjusting Your Initial Perceptions By Making More Objective, More Fact-Based, And Less Personal Judgements And Evaluations; Allows You To Take Communication Less Personally


Involves Avoiding Escalation And Removing Tension To Focus On Work Objectives

Active Incivility

Involves Direct Forms Of Disrespect (Being Condescending, Demanding, Saying Something Hurtful)

A(N) _____ Falls Into The Category Of External Partners.

Joint-Venture Partner

Steve, The Ceo Of A Chocolate Manufacturing Company Called Sweet Splash, Intends To Expand His Business To Asia. To Facilitate This Expansion, He Decides To Transfer One Of His More Experienced Managers To The Targeted Country. He Wishes To Pick A Manager Who Displays High Cultural Intelligence. Which Of The Following Managers Fulfills This Requirement?

Jordan, Who Works Well With People From Different Backgrounds

Traditionally, A Blog Contains Entries By:

Just One Or A Few Individuals.

Achieveing Positive, Can-Do Tone In You Communications Is Appropriate In Nearly All Business Communications However, Should Project Objectivity More So Than Positivity -- The Sense You Are Providing: * Info * Analysis * Service That Is Sound, Reliable, & Unbiased Ensure That Your Enthusiasm & Strong Positive Emotion Doesnt' Appear To Cloud Your Judgment

Key Features To Strive For In All Reports

The Writing Process For Routine Messages: Key Planning Steps

Key Planning Steps: -Audience Analysis -Idea Development -Message Framework

Recognizing Barriers To Effective Listening

Lack Of Time Communication Technology "Me Too" Statements Lack Of Patience And Attention Span Fear Of Bad News Advice-Giving Image Of Leadership Defending Judging

Which Of The Following Is The Most Effective Technique To Use When Making A Claim?

Lay Out A Logical Explanation Of The Claim.

Daniel Has To Prepare A Report Outlining The Reasons Why His Company Is Going To Shut Down Two Factories In The United States. How Will Daniel Structure The Report If He Wants To Use The Inductive Method?

Lay Out The Supporting Reasons In Careful Order; State The Primary Message

The Use Of Uncommon Words In A Business Message Is Most Likely To

Make It More Difficult For Readers To Interpret The Message. Whenever Possible, One Should Choose Short, Conversational, And Familiar Words In Business Messages So That It Is Easier For Readers To Interpret. Using Longer, Less Common Words To "Sound Smart" Rarely Pays Off. They Slow Processing And Distract From Your Message. They May Even Inadvertently Send The Signal That You Are Out Of Touch, Quirky, Or Arrogant.

Components Of Requests

Make Request, Provide Rationale, Call To Action, State Goodwill

While Writing A Routine Message, During The Drafting Stage You Should:

Make Your Message Easy To Read. (While Writing A Routine Message, During The Drafting Stage You Should Make Your Message Easy To Read.)


Make Your Message Easy To Read. Use Short Sentences And Paragraphs And Action-Oriented Language.


Makes Your Message Easy To Read. Use Short Sentences And Paragraphs And Action- Orientated Language

Rational Appeals Focus On Making Or Saving Money, Increasing Efficiency, And

Making Good Use Of Resources.

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be Included In The Drafting Stage Of Writing An Effective Business Message?

Making The Message Easy To Read

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be Included In The Drafting Stage Of Writing An Effective Business Message?

Making The Message Easy To Read In Order To Create An Effective Business Message, During The Drafting Stage You Should Set A Positive And Other Oriented Tone, Make The Message Easy To Read, And Make The Message Easy To Navigate.

During The Drafting Stage, The Process Of Designing The Message Focuses On

Making The Message Easy To Read.

Which Of The Following Statements About Difficult Conversations Is True?

Managing Difficult Conversations With Success Requires Self-Awareness.

Applying The Aim Process To Persuasive Messages

Many Effective Business Communicators Spend Weeks And Months Learning About Their Target Audiences, Gathering Information, And Piecing Together Persuasive Messaging. 1) Analyzing Your Audience To Understand Their Needs, Values, And How They Are Influenced. To Convince Others To Modify Their Own Ideas And Accept Yours, You Need To Show That You Care About Them And That Your Ideas Fit Into Their Interests. This Is True For Ideas But Also For Products And Services. Understanding The Needs Of Your Audience Requires Strong Listening Orientation. 2) Understand Methods Of Influencing-Robert Cialdini Identified Six Principles Of Persuasion. *Reciprocation*-Is A Principle Of Influence Based On Return Favors. "We Should To Try To Repay, In Kind, What Another Person Has Provided Us. " *Consistency*-Is Based On The Idea That Once People Make An Explicit Commitment, They Tend To Follow Through Or Honor That Commitment. They Want To Stay Consistent With Their Original Commitment. *Social Proof*-Is A Principle Of Influence, Whereby People Determine What Is Right, Correct, Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do. *Liking*-Is A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Are More Likely To Be Persuaded By People They Like. *Authority*-Is A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Follow Authority Figures. Like Celebrity Endorsements. *Scarcity*-Is A Principle Of Influence Whereby People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly. 3) Persuade Through Emotion And Reason-Savvy Business Communicators Understand The Importance Of Injecting Emotion Into Their Persuasive Messages. Most Resistance To Ideas, Products, And Services Is Often Emotional. Identify The Needs And Values That Resonate Emotionally For Them. Internal Persuasive Ideas Focus Mostly On Logical Appeals. External Messages, With The Exception Of Those That Emphasize Price, Generally Include Strong Emotional Appeals. Think About How To Get The Right Mix Of Logical And Emotional Appeals. Avoid The Tone Of Mass Advertising, Where Exaggeration, Sarcasm, And Over The Top Appeals Are Acceptable And Even Effective. 4) Develop Your Ideas-Developing Strong Ideas In The Interest Of The Audience Helps You To Demonstrate Your Voice Of Competence. Before Attempting To Persuade Others, Expert Business Communicators Seek To Understand Products, Services, And Ideas In Great Depth So That They Can Speak From An Authoritative And Competent Perspective.

Negativity Effect

Means That Recipients Are More Likely To Perceive Messages That Are Intended To Be Neutral As Negative

Which Of The Following Statements About Businesses' Use Of Facebook And Other Social Networking Sites Is Most Accurate?

Media-Savvy Businesses Can Positively Affect Their Customers' Beliefs And Counter Negative Perceptions On These Sites.

Components Of Persuasive Messages

Message Structure: Most Business Writing Is *Direct* Or *Explicit* Direct Is That You Begin With A Main Idea Or Argument And Then Provide The Supporting Reasons. Explicit Is Nothing Implies; Statements Contain Full And Unambiguous Meaning. When You Write Like This You Help Your Readers Understand Your Message And Show Respect For Their Time. Persuasive Messages Are More *Indirect* Or *Implicit* Indirect When They Provide The Rationale For A Request Before Making The Specific Request. Implicit When The Request Or Some Of The Rationale For The Request May Be Implied. In Other Words The Readers Need To Read In Between The Lines To Grasp The Entire Meaning. They Politely Ask People To Do Or Think Differently. 1) Gain Attention-Asking Rhetorical Questions, Providing A Compelling Or Interesting, Revealing A Compelling Statistic, Issuing Challenge. Internal Messages-Demonstrating A Business Need--A Gap Between What Is And What Could Be. External Messages-More Flexibility As You Choose Your Attention Getters. 2) Need, Solution, And Rationale-In The Body Of The Message, Your First Task Is To Tie Your Product, Service Or Idea To The Needs Of The Reader. Then, Describe Your Solution, Which Is A Recommended Product, Service Or Idea. Provide A Strong Rationale, Meaning Why Your Product Or Service Benefits Them. After You Structure The Message Consider How Direct To Be. 3) Appreciation-At Some Point In The Body You Should Validate Your Readers By Showing Appreciation For Their Views And Preferences. 4) Counterpoints (Optional)-This Means That Companies Showed How Their Own Ideas, Products, Or Services Were Superior To The Competing Ideas, Products, Or Services The Audiences Favored. This Is Risky In The Post-Trust Era It Carries A Me-Versus-You Tone And Delegitimizes The Readers' Concern. This Is Why Counterpoints Are Optional, You Feel Out Your Audience Before You Decide To Use Them. You Will Generally Use A Mix Of Communication Channels. 5) Action-You Conclude A Persuasion Message With A Call To Action, Which Asks Your Readers To Take A Specific Step Toward The Purchase Of A Product Or Service Or Acceptance Of An Idea. Should Not Be A Hard Sell. In External Messages, The Call To Action Is A Specific And Explicit Step. In Internal Messages, The Call To Action Is Sometimes Explicit And Sometimes Implicit.

Mass Sales Messages

Messages Sent To A Large Group Of Consumers & Intended To Market A Particular Product Or Service

Composing Mass Sales Messages

Messages Sent To A Large Group Of Consumers And Intended To Market A Particular Product Or Service. Have Low Success-Rates Mass Email, Online Ads, Sales Letters. A Benefit Of These Is Even Though There Is Less Response The Company Still Raises Brand Awareness. On The Other Hand, Many Consumers Resent These. 1) Gain Attention 2) Generate Interest 3) Build Desire 4) Call To Action The Model Used For These Messages Is Aida Approach: Attention, Interest, Desire, And Action.

_____ Involves Favorable Explanations For Why Others Have Behaved In A Certain Way

Mitigating Information

Setting The Right Meta Message

Mixed Signals Occur When The Content Of A Message Conflicts With The Tone, Nonverbal Communications Or Other Signals Sending Mixed Signals Is Not Only Confusing But It Also Frequently Results In Negative Meta Messages.

Setting Up The Messages Framework

Most Business Arguments Employ A Direct Or Deductive Approach They Begin By Stating The Primary Message Then They Lay Out The Supporting Reasons And Conclude With A Call Of Action

Set Up Message Structure

Most Business Writing Is Direct & Explicit * Direct - Begin W/A Main Idea Or Agument & Then Provide Supporting Reasons * Explicit - Nothing Is Implied; Statements Contain Full & Unabiguous Meaning Persuasive Messages Are Somewhat More Indirect & Implicit Than Other Business Mssgs * Indirect - Provide The Rationale For A Request Before Making The Specific Request --Politely Ask To Do Or Think Differently --Explicitily Stating Some Type Of Benefit Is Considered Poor Form --Provide Rationale B4 The Solution * Implicit - The Request Or Some Of The Rationale For The Request May Be Implied

How Should You Position Your Contributions In A Résumé?

Most Important Contributions Should Be Positioned First.

Which Of The Following Is True Of Contemporary Organizational Culture?

Most Organizations Are Moving Toward Flatter Communication Structures.

Web 1.0

Most Web Pages Were Read-Only And Static

Corbin Needs To Write A Persuasive Message To His Boss. What Would You Tell Corbin To Place In His Closing?

Motivate Your Boss To Take Action.

The Heavy Volume Of Digital Messages Received On A Daily Basis Makes It Necessary For Business Professionals To Perform The Delicate Task Of Balancing The

Need To Respond To Others With Their Own Need To Focus On Work.

The Heavy Volume Of Digital Messages Received On A Daily Basis Makes It Necessary For Business Professionals To Perform The Delicate Task Of Balancing The

Need To Respond To Others With Their Own Need To Focus On Work. In Most Business Positions, You Need To Respond To Others As Soon As Possible. This Places You In A Delicate Balancing Act; How Can You Stay Responsive To Others Yet Stay Focused Enough On Your Own Tasks To Achieve Peak Performance?

The ______ Effect Means That Recipients Are More Likely To Perceive Messages That Are Intended As Neutral As Negative.


In Which Of The Following Scenarios Is The Speaker Acting Advantageously?

Nelson Stands Close To The Audience To Establish Eye Contact With Them.

In Order To Make Business Messages More Positive, Writers Should Focus On Actions They Can Accomplish And Demonstrate A Realistic Optimism. However, They Should Be Careful

Not To Exaggerate Facts.


Nothing Is Implied/Statements Contain Full And Unambiguous Meaning

Which Of The Following Is A Funnel Question?

Now That We Know We Want To Reduce The Company Budget, What Subcategories Should We Consider?

Are Business Executives High Trusted?

No Only Rated With A 22% Trust Level

Do Employees Often Trust Their Business Leader?

No, Only 51% Trust Their Leaders

"A Survey Should Have Response Choices That Are Unambiguous." This Means That

Only One Answer Choice Should Be Appropriate.

What Does "O" Stand For In The Soften Model Of Nonverbal Communication In Presentations?

Open Stance

The Role Of Trust In The Post Trust Era

Operating From A Position Of Trust Of Credibility Is One Of The First Things You Should Consider As You Communicate. Your Goal Should Be To Gain Trust Or Credibility Form Colleague, Clients, Customers, And Other Contacts

Project Blogs

Organized Around Particular Projects That Generally Involve Temporary Blogs

Mark, The Production Manager At Flying Horses Inc., Has Decided To Lay Off A Few Employees Due To Decreasing Demand For The Firm'S Products. Which Of The Following Will Be The Best Way For Mark To Convey His Decision?

Organizing A Meeting With The Employees And Sending A Follow-Up Memo

Mark, The Production Manager At Flying Horses Inc., Has Decided To Lay Off A Few Employees Due To Decreasing Demand For The Firm'S Products. Which Of The Following Will Be The Best Way For Mark To Convey His Decision?

Organizing A Meeting With The Employees And Sending A Follow-Up Memo.

While Analyzing The Advantages Of Orientation Programs For New Employees, Carter Learns That These Programs Can Make New Employees More Comfortable In Their Jobs And Thus Help Them Focus On Their Work. This In Turn Increases Employee Efficiency And Reduces The Likelihood That They Will Quit Their Jobs. Which Of The Following Statements Should Carter Avoid Making Because It Exaggerates The Facts?

Orientation Programs Eliminate The Likelihood Of New Employees Quitting Their Jobs.

While Analyzing The Advantages Of Orientation Programs For New Employees, Carter Learns That These Programs Can Make New Employees More Comfortable In Their Jobs And Thus Help Them Focus On Their Work. This In Turn Increases Employee Efficiency And Reduces The Likelihood That They Will Quit Their Jobs. Which Of The Following Statements Should Carter Avoid Making Because It Exaggerates The Facts?

Orientation Programs Eliminate The Likelihood Of New Employees Quitting Their Jobs. Claiming That Orientation Programs Eliminate The Likelihood Of New Employees Quitting Would Be An Exaggeration, Since Carter'S Analysis Only Found That It Reduces The Likelihood Of Quitting. Exaggeration Impacts Readers' Perceptions Of The Writer'S Overall Credibility As Well As The Credibility Of The Message.

To Keep Their Writing Natural And Engaging, Business Writers Should Avoid

Out Of Place Words

To Keep Your Writing Natural And Engaging, One Should Ensure That:

Out-Of-Place Words Are Not Used.

To Keep Their Writing Natural And Engaging, Business Writers Should Avoid

Out-Of-Place Words. To Keep Your Writing Natural And Engaging, Make Sure You Do Not Distract Your Readers With Overused Or Out-Of-Place Words Or Phrases. Buzzwords, Which Are Workplace Terms That Become Trite Because Of Overuse, Can Stir Negative Feelings Among Some Readers.


Overcoming Objections To Audience Members'S Objectins * This Approach May Unnecessarily Carry A Me-V.-Ou Tone & Deligitimized The Readers' Concerns * New Sales Mantra Is To Agree W/Objections * Consider Carefully Whether To Include Counterpoints --When You Know Readers & Believe You Will Not Create A Me-V.-You Adversarial Stance, Tactfully State How Your Ideas, Products & Services Outperform Those Of Your Readers

Verbatim Restatements From Others Sources Use Only When: -- Contains A Particularly Compelling Combo Of Word, -- Flows Effectively W/Paper, --Emphasizing Credibility Of The Original Speaker Or Writer


While Delivering Bad News In Writing To Customers, Use

Passive Verbs

Six Skills In Active Listening

Paying Attention Clarifying Holding Judgment Summarizing Reflecting Sharing

Why Does Emotional Hijacking Occur?

People Are Hard-Wired To Feel Emotions About A Situation Before They Reason It Out.


People Are More Likely To Be Persuaded By People Who They Like

In High-Trust Relationships

People Are More Willing To Cooperate With Each Other

In High-Trust Relationships

People Are More Willing To Cooperate With Each Other.

Social Proof?

People Determine What Is Right, Correct, Or Desirable By Seeing What Others Do


People Follow Authority Figues


People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly

Which Of The Following Communication Channels Should Ideally Be Used For A Bad-News Message That Is Characterized By High Severity And High Controllability?

Personal Meeting

Which Of The Following Is The Richest Communication Channel For Delivering Bad-News Messages?

Personal Meetings

Which Of The Following Should Be Included In A Résumé In Order To Improve Your Chances Of Gaining A New Position?

Personal References

People From Low Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures

Prefer Informality In Most Interpersonal Business Interactions.

People From Low Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures

Prefer Informality In Most Interpersonal Business Interactions. Uncertainty Avoidance (Ua) Refers To How Cultures Socialize Members To Feel In Uncertain, Novel, Surprising, Or Extraordinary Situations. People From Low Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures Prefer Informality In The Most Interpersonal Business Interactions.

In The Context Of Bad News, A Teaser Message Is A Message That

Prepares Recipients Emotionally Yet Does Not Reveal Specific Information.

Effective Persuasive Claim Letters

Present A Logical Case With Clear Facts.

Choose The Best Advice To Craft An Effective Direct-Mail Sales Letter.

Present Information Completely, Using A Personalized Tone For A Specific, Well-Targeted Audience.

Most Audience Members Expect Your Presentation To Include

Preview, View, And Review.

Which Source Of Data Typically Tends To Score High On The Parameter Of Adaptability?

Primary Research

A Sense Of Caring Is Demonstrated By An Employer Who

Prioritizes The Development Of His Or Her Employees' Skills.

What Are Probing Questions?

Probing Questions Are Intended To Analyze A Business Problem From Every Angle In Order To Uncover Its Root Causes.

Economic Responsibility

Producing Products & Services That Meet The Needs Of Customers & Clients

Use An Emotional Appeal When The

Product Is Inexpensive, Short-Lived, Or Nonessential.

Which Of The Following Statements About Business Messages Is True?

Providing Required Information Is Essential Because Not Providing Enough Information Can Leave Your Reader Wondering How To Respond. One Challenge While Writing A Business Message Is Deciding Which Information Is Relevant For Your Message. After All, Providing Too Much Information Can Distract Your Readers And Weigh Your Document Down. On The Other Hand, Not Providing Enough Information Can Leave Your Reader Wondering How To Respond.

Kwan Is The Leader Of A Team Whose Meetings Are Being Disrupted By Liz, Who Dominates The Discussions With Long, Irrelevant Comments. What Is The Best Way For Kwan To Address The Situation?

Providing Strong Leadership In Assigning Team Roles And Keeping To The Agenda

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should People Who Maintain Professional Blogs Follow In Order To Be Responsive To Their Readers?

Read The Comments To Learn Reader Concerns.

What Do The Letters Rss Represent?

Really Simple Syndication

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Be Kept In Mind While Designing Presentation Slides?

Recall That The Slides Exist To Complement Your Presentation.


Refers To A Reputation For Staying True To Commitments Made To Stakeholders And Adhering To High Morale And Ethical Value. -Important In Business Relationships, Especially Long-Term, Collaborative -Even More Important Especially For Leaders--In An Increasingly Open, Transparent, Connected, And Interdependent Workplace -Character Is Central In Creating Trust

User 2.0

Refers To An Individual Who Primarily Uses And Prefers Web 2.0 Tools

Psychological Noise

Refers To Interference Due To Attitudes, Ideas, And Emotions Experienced During An Interpersonal Interaction.


Refers To The Knowledge And Skills Needed To Accomplish Business Tasks, Approach Business Problems, And Get A Job Done. -Most People Judge This Based On Your Record Of Success And Achievement -Developed In Many Ways: Through Study, Observation, And Most Important, Practice And Real World Business Experiences -Emphasis On Two Traits Associated With Competence: Focus On Action (Seize Business Opportunities) And Emphasis On Results -Take An Active Role In Your Business


Refers To The Knowledge And Skills Needed To Acomplish Business Tasks, Approach Business Probles And Get A Job Done

In Low-Trust Relationships, People Tend To

Regard The Actions Of Other People Negatively

In Low-Trust Relationships, People Tend To

Regard The Actions Of Other People Negatively.


Relates To The Probability Of The Bad Event Occurring

_____ Is The "Ability To Use Your Awareness Of Emotions And Those Of Others To Handle Interactions Successfully."

Relationship Management

Which Of The Following Involves Releasing And Overcoming Anger And Frustration So That You Can Make A More Rational And Less Emotional Response?


High-Trust Relationships

Research Has Shown That High-Trust Relationships Lead To More Lead To More Efficient And Superior Work Outcomes. -Credibility Leads To Less Resistance From Others, Increased Willingness To Cooperate, And Less Likelihood Of Mis-Communication: "In Low-Trust Work Environments, People Attend To Assume The Negative Regarding Others' Actions. In Higher-Trust Work Environments, People Tend To Give Others The Benefit Of The Doubt And Assume The Positive, Until Proven Otherwise." -In Projects Where They Had Complete Trust In A Key Individual, The Projects Were Successful 92% Of The Time. -In Contrast Projects With Little Trust Were Only Successful 45% Of The Time

Which Of The Following Is The Last Step Of The Prep Method For Justifying Your Views In A Presentation?

Restating Your Position

In The Case Of A Routine Request, One Of The Primary Goals Of The Message Is To

Retain The Goodwill Of The Recipient.

* Value To Decision Makers * Percision * Documentation * Easy Navigation * Objectivity

Review For Fairness & Effectiveness

What Is The Fourth Step In The Writing Process For Routine Messages?

Reviewing; Fair Test (Message Has Everything It Needs), Proofreading (Check For Typos), Feedback (Request From Colleagues)

Ronald, A Manager At Anderson Social Foundation, Has To Make A Presentation At A Fund-Raising Event. Which Of The Following Nonverbal Behaviors Should Ronald Use During His Presentation To Build The Audience'S Trust In Him?

Ronald Should Maintain Eye Contact With His Audience.

Which Technique Helps Virtual Teams To Remain Energized While Working Toward Their Goals?

Rotating Team Leaders

Which Of The Following Messages Generally Takes The Least Time To Complete?

Routine Messages

_____ Are The Glue That Holds Together Most Coordinated Business Actions.

Routine Messages (Most Routine Messages Are Simple. Yet, Routine Messages Should Not Be Treated As Unimportant Or Inconsequential. They Are The Glue That Holds Together Most Coordinated Business Actions.)

Which Of The Following Is A Reason Why Idea Development Requires Less Time For Routine Messages?

Routine Messages Deal With Straightforward Matters. (For Most Routine Messages, You Can Accomplish The Aim Planning Process Fairly Quickly. Because You Generally Are Working With Straightforward Matters And Your Audience Is Likely To Respond Positively, You Will Generally Not Need Much Time For Audience Analysis. Since You Are Typically Dealing With Straightforward Matters, You Don'T Need Much Time For Idea Development.)


Rules Of Conduct Or Moral Principals That Guide Individual Or Group Behivior

Injecting Emotion?

Savvy Bc'S Into Their Persuasive Messages

Which Of The Following Is An Effective Way Of Responding To Questions During An Interview?

Saying "I" Instead Of "We" When Talking About Accomplishments At Work

The Less Specific You Are While Writing Your Business Messages, The Greater The Possibility That Your Readers Will

Scan And Skim Your Message. If You Are Not Specific While Writing Your Business Messages, Your Readers May Become Impatient And Begin Scanning And Skimming For The Information They Want. If They Cannot Find That Information, They Are Unlikely To Respond To Your Message As You Intend.

Which Principle Of Influence Operates On The Idea That People Think There Is Limited Availability Of Something They Want Or Need, So They Must Act Quickly?


Which Of The Following Employees Is Acting With Incivility?

Scott Usually Greets Female Colleagues By Saying, "Hello There, Girls."

Receiving Negative Feedback

Seeking To Receive Feedback Even When It Is Negative, Will Help You Develop Skills You Need To Make An Impact On The Workplace And Move Into New Positions. Accepting Negative Feedback Requires High Emotional Intelligence.

One Of The Traits Associated With Competence Is "A Focus On Action." This Specifically Implies

Seizing Business Opportunities When They Present Themselves

One Of The Traits Associated With Competence Is "A Focus On Action." This Specifically Implies

Seizing Business Opportunities When They Present Themselves.

Serena, A Bank Manager At The United Front Bank, Heads The Business Loan Department. She Wants To Communicate To All Of The Bank'S Long-Term Customers That Interest Rates On Business Loans Are Increasing By A Full Percentage Point. Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Serena Follow While Communicating This Bad News?

She Should Use Specific And Simple Language.

Asking Oneself How Certain Emotions Alter Or Distort One'S Thinking Helps Improve

Self Awareness

Asking Oneself How Certain Emotions Alter Or Distort One'S Thinking Helps Improve:


Domains Of Emotional Intelligence

Self-Awareness Self-Management Empathy Relationship Management

Betsy Learns That The Wife Of One Of Her Main Clients Has Just Died. What Should Betsy Do?

Send A Brief But Genuine Handwritten Note Of Sympathy.

Which Of The Following Increases The Effectiveness Of An Online Sales Or Marketing Message?

Send Online Sales Messages Only To Customers Or Prospects Who Have Given You Permission To Send Them E-Mail Marketing Messages.

Which Of The Following Guidelines Is Helpful When Leading A Group Video Call?

Send Out Instructions About How To Use The Technology In Advance Of The Meeting. There Are Many Options For Group Voice And Video Calls. If You Are Leading The Call, Send Out Information About The Technology To Participants So They Can Be Prepared. When The First Five To Ten Minutes Of Group Calls Are Consumed By Participants Trying To Figure Out The Technology, The Meeting Rarely Turns Out Productive Or Engaging.

Mass Sales Messages?

Sent To A Large Group Of Consumers And Intended To Market A Particular Product Or Service

She Should Use Specific And Simple Language

Serena, A Bank Manager At The United Front Bank, Heads The Business Loan Department. She Wants To Communicate To All The Long-Term Customs About The Increase In The Rate Of Interest By 5%. Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Selena Follow While Communicating This Bad News To The Customers?

A(N) ______ Story Involves Combining Your Experiences, Perspectives, And Goals With Those Of Others To Form A Common Approach To Work.


Gisela Is Having A Difficult Conversation With Ramon, Who Is Expressing A Lot Of Anger. How Can Gisela Defuse The Situation?

She Can Summarize What Ramon Is Saying About This Thoughts And Feelings.

During A Meeting, Stacy'S Team Decides That Because Of Their Research Findings, They Should Change The Focus Of Their Group Paper. This Means That Stacy'S Original Suggestions About The Paper Will Be Discarded. How Should Stacy Respond?

She Should Be Flexible Because It Is A Group Project.


The Audience To Understand -Needs, Values, And How They Are Influenced

When Writers Use Long Paragraphs In Business Messages, It

Shows Disrespect For The Reader'S Time.


Similar To Twitter, Shorter Blogs That Contain Just A Few Sentences, Are Part Of Enterprise Social Networking Platforms; Tools For Broadcasting Announcements And Urgent Information

In The Interpersonal Communication Process, The Messages Exchanged Are

Simultaneous And Mutual.

Which Of The Following Presenters Is Using The Room To Advantage?

Smith Positions Himself Where People Can See Him Easily.

Web 2.0 Communication Tools Are Often Referred To As

Social Media.

The Sandwich Approach To Delivering Bad News:

Softens The Bad News.

Your Colleague Kanye Has To Give A Presentation To An Audience Of Strangers, And He Is Feeling A Little Nervous. Which Of The Following Tips Would Be The Best Advice You Could Give Him?

Speak With Audience Members Ahead Of Time.

What Do Directions Include?

Specific—Often Step-By-Step—Guidelines For Accomplishing Particular Tasks

Precision In Thinking As Reflected In Style -- The Most Basic & Critical Component Of Any Report? * Offers Accurate, Well Documented Facts * Good Reasoning For Conclusions * A Solid Basis For Recommendations * Must Be A Well-Stated Business Prob Or Challange -- A Report That Facilitates Effective Decision Making Must Demonstrate Excellence In Thinking

Start W/A Clear Stmt Of The Business Prob Or Challange

Components Of Difficult Conversations

Start Well/Declare Your Intent Listen To Their Story Tell Your Story Create A Shared Story

Components Of Directions

State Goal, Give Step-By-Step Directions, State Goodwill

What Are The Components Of Routine Messages?

State Primary Message, Provide Details In Paragraphs Of 20-80 Words, Restate Request Or Key Message In More Specific Terms, State Goodwill

Composites Of Routine Messages

State The Primary Message Provide Details In Short Paragraphs Restate The Request Or Key Messages In More Specific Terms Engender Goodwill

At The U.S. Division Of Bluebell Inc. The Productivity Of The Employees Is Going Down. Kinsey, The Branch Manager Conducts Thorough Research And Learns That Most Of The Employees Were Involved In Social Loafing. If He Wants To Use The Deductive Approach, How Should Kinsey Structure His Report To Senior Management?

State The Primary Message; Give The Call To Action; Lay Out The Supporting Reasons

At The U.S. Division Of Bluebell Inc. The Productivity Of The Employees Is Going Down. Kinsey, The Branch Manager Conducts Thorough Research And Learns That Most Of The Employees Were Involved In Social Loafing. If He Wants To Use The Deductive Approach, How Should Kinsey Structure His Report To Senior Management?

State The Primary Message; Lay Out Supporting Reasons; Conclude With A Call To Action

At The U.S. Division Of Bluebell Inc. The Productivity Of The Employees Is Going Down. Kinsey, The Branch Manager Conducts Thorough Research And Learns That Most Of The Employees Were Involved In Social Loafing. If He Wants To Use The Deductive Approach, How Should Kinsey Structure His Report To Senior Management?

State The Primary Message; Lay Out Supporting Reasons; Conclude With A Call To Action Most Business Arguments Employ A Direct Or Deductive Approach. In Other Words, They Begin By Stating The Primary Message, Which Is Typically A Position Or Recommendation. Then They Lay Out The Supporting Reasons. Most Business Messages Conclude With A Call To Action.

Corprate Values

Stated And Lived Values Of The Company, Essence Of Business Ethics

Shinobu Has Gathered A Lot Of Data About How His Company'S Products Sell In The Various Regions Of The Country. Which Of The Following Should Shinobu Use To Analyze This Data?

Statistical Software

The Opener For A Sales Message Should Be

Stimulating, Relevant, Honest, And Short (1-5 Lines).

Reports --10+ Pgs Formal Reports -- Always Include -- Esp. Those Submitted To External Decision Makers I.E. Loan Officers, Venture Capitalists, Stockholders Minimum Include: -- A Title -- Names Of Those Who Wrote &/Or Submitting Report -- Date Formal Reports: -- Co.S Often Rely On Internal Or External Graphic Designers, Pr Professionals, & Other Doc. Design Specialists To Create A Visually Applealing Doc * Cover Page Generally Most Emphasized Aspect Of This Doc. Design

Table Of Content

When Communicating With Institutors, One Should:

Take More Time For Discussion And Don'T Overemphasize The Details

Which Of The Following Components Is Most Likely To Be Included In A Message That Aims To Make Apologies?

Taking Responsibility (Ypically, An Apology Includes The Following Elements: Acknowledgment Of A Mistake Or An Offense, An Expression Of Regret For The Harm Caused, Acceptance Of Responsibility, And A Commitment That The Offense Will Not Be Repeated. Effective Apologies Should Be Timely And Sincere.)

Understanding The Interpersonal Communications Process

Task 1 Overcome Barriers To Communications Task 2 Manage Emotions To Be Constructive Task 3 Select Appropriate Communications Channels

What Does "T" Stand For In The Star Method Of Telling Success Stories?


Refers To A Set Of Shared Perceptions And Commitment To Collective Values, Norms, Roles, Responsibilities, And Goals.

Team Culture

What Is The Storming Stage Of Team Development?

Team Members Discuss Competing Ideas About How The Team Should Approach Work.

Learning To Compose Effective Sales And Marketing Messages Benefits You Because

Techniques For Sales Writing Can Be Applied In Any Persuasive Communication.

Which Statement Correctly Compares The Rate That Technology Changes To The Rate That Workplaces Change?

Technology Can Change In A Matter Of Months, While Workplaces Sometimes Take Decades To Change.

Assume Decision Makers May Not Read Report From Start To End -- Design It So They Can Navigate Info Rapidly * Provide A Structure That Decision Makes Are Familiar With

Tell Story W/ An Executive Summary

The Principle Of Influence Known As Reciprocation Refers To The Idea That People

Tend To Feel Obligated To Return Favors.

Typically, In The Context Of Developing Effective Business Messages, The Priorities Of The Targeted Audience

Tend To Shift More Often Than Values.

Which Statement Correctly Describes The Current State Of Texting In The Workplace?

Texting Is A New, Undeveloped Form Of Communication In The Workplace, And Attitudes Toward It Vary Significantly.

Which Statement About Texting Is Correct?

Texting Is Either Synchronous Or Asynchronous, Depending On How Is It Used.

Which Statement About Texting Is Correct?

Texting Is Either Synchronous Or Asynchronous, Depending On How Is It Used. Texting Is Difficult To Classify. It Can Be Considered Asynchronous, Yet Many People Use Texting More Conversationally With Frequent And Rapid Back-And-Forth Messages, Which Makes It A More Synchronous Channel.

The Less Specific You Are While Writing Your Business Messages, The Greater The Possibility:

That Your Readers Will Scan And Skim Your Message.

Which Of The Following, When Used, Is Most Likely To Contribute To Email Chains?

The "Forward" Feature

Which Of The Following, When Used, Is Most Likely To Contribute To Email Chains?

The "Forward" Feature Three Features Contribute To Email Chains: Forward, Copy, And Reply To All. Many Business Professionals Use The Copy Feature Liberally To Let Everyone In A Department Or Work Unit In On The Conversation. Of Course, One Of Your Goals Is Transparency, Allowing Others In Your Relevant Work Group To Know How Decisions Are Being Made. But Copying Too Many People Can Lead To Information Overload.

Which Of The Following Is The Ideal Length Of An Effective Cover Letter?

Three To Five Short Paragraphs

Which Of The Following Statements Accurately Describes Wikis?

They Decrease Dependency On Single Employees.

What Is An Advantage Of Using Charts And Diagrams In Presentations?

They Help Simplify Complex Data Relationships

Which Of The Following Is True Of Visual Learners?

They Learn Well From Illustrations And Simple Diagrams.

Which Of The Following Is True Of Kinesthetic Learners?

They Need Group Activities Or Hands-On Activities

Which Of The Following Is Characteristic Of People From High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures?

They Often Stress Orderliness And Consistency, Even If It Means Sacrificing Experimentation And Innovation. Uncertainty Avoidance (Ua) Refers To How Cultures Socialize Members To Feel In Uncertain, Novel, Surprising, Or Extraordinary Situations. People From High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures Often Stress Orderliness And Consistency, Even If It Means Sacrificing Experimentation And Innovation.


They Provide The Rationale For A Request Before Making The Specific Request

Which Of The Following Guidelines Should Be Followed By Business Writers In Order To Improve The Ease Of Reading For Their Readers?

They Should Use Short Sentences.

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be True About The People Who Exhibit High Self-Management?

They Spend A Higher Percentage Of Work Conversations On Work-Related Topics.

Delivering Bad News In Writing To External Partners

This Can Include Suppliers, Consultants, Or Joint-Venture Partners. Most Often You Are Better Off Breaking Bad News To Them In A Richer Communication Channel-Face-To-Face Or By Phone. When You Break Bad News In Writing, You Will Generally Follow Up With A Phone Call Or A Visit.Writing Makes Sense, However, When You Are Providing A Formal Notice (Rejecting A Bid Or Proposal), When The Bad News Is Not Severe, Or When Your Audience Prefers Corresponding In Written Form.

Reviewing Bad-News Messages

This Is Extremely Important. Since Recipients Can Take Bad News The Wrong Way, Make Sure You Review Your Written And Oral Messages Carefully So You Can Deliver The News Respectfully. Getting Feedback And Reread-Reread Them Several Times. Place Yourself In The Position Of The Recipient. Extra 10-30 Minutes Of Proofreading Can Lead To Constructive Work Together In The Future And Avoid Time Lost Resolving An Unnecessary Escalated Difference. You Can Also Asked Trusted Colleagues, But Be Cautious Not To Reveal Any Confidential Information. Applying The Fair Test -Make Sure You Have Been As Fair As Possible

Personal Values

Those Values That Individuals Prioritize And Adhere To

How Do People Develop Competence?

Through Study, Observation, And Most Important Practice And Real World Business Experiences.

Which Of The Following Should Ideally Be One Of The Goals Of A Business Communicator?

To Express The Message In A Way That Respects Others

Creating Announcements Cont.

To Prevent Employees And Customers From Ignoring Announcements, The Subject Line Must Be Specific And Must Create Interest

Often Included To Provide Reference Materials Common Info Included: -- Financial Stmts -- Marketing Materials -- Detailed Data Tables -- Brochures -- References -- Résumés -- Biographies


Guidelines For Tone For Persuasive Messages

Tone Should Be Confident And Positive, But Avoiding Hype Or Exaggeration. The Writing Style Should Be Action-Oriented And Lively. Proofreading By Yourself And With The Help Of Colleagues Will Help You Get The Right Writing Style To Set Your Message Apart. 1) Apply The Personal Touch-Creating Messages That Speak Directly To Customers And Colleagues Requires That You Use Language That Helps Your Customers Feel The Product, Service, Or Idea Is Just For Them. One Primary Strategy Is Your Selection Of Voice--Either You-Voice (Used In External Messages, Makes Customer Feel Like The Center Of Attention), We-Voice (Used In Internal Messages To Emphasize Shared Work Goals, Can Focus Too Much On The Company Instead Of Customers), I-Voice (Use Sparingly In All Messages), Or Impersonal Voice (Emphasizes Objectivity And Neutrality). Make Your Product Tangible, Meaning Something That Can Be Touched (Material Or Substantial). 2) Use Action-Oriented And Lively Language-More Creative. Use Action-Oriented And Lively Words To Generate A Sense Of Excitement, Optimism, Or Other Positive Emotions. Use Strong Nouns And Verbs. 3) Write With Confidence-Higher Confidence Effectively Influences Your Audience. This Allows The Consumer To Gain Confidence In The Message. In Internal Messages, Expressing Confidence In Key Players Who Can Make The Change Occur, Is Crucial. 4) Offer Choice-Most People Emphasize Choice Rather Than Intent. Emphasis On Choice And You-Voice, And Simple Language Combine To Make This The Most Influential Statement. Choice Is An Indicator Of Credibility. They View Simple Language As A Display Of Transparency And Respect. Be Careful About Being Perceived As Presumptuous. 5) Show Positivity-Helps Focus On The Benefits Rather Than The Drawbacks. Avoid Superlatives (Best Product On The Market, State-Of-The-Art). Consumers Perceive Too-Good-To-Be-True Statements As Attempts To Convince Them Of The Merits Without Making A Rational Argument.

The Writing Process Of Routine Message

Tone Style Design

The Most Personal And Powerful Form Of Advertising Today Is

Traditional Hard-Copy Sales Letters.

When Did The Scope Of Pr Broaden To Make It A Key Component Of The Marketing Mix?

Traditionally, Pr Was Viewed As Media Relations, And The Primary Vehicle For Pr Messages Was Press Releases. Over The Past Several Decades, During The Information Age, The Scope Of Pr Broadened And Became A Key Component Of The Marketing Mix.

When You Seek Employment With A Company That Does Not Have An Open Position, You Will Submit A(N) ______ Cover Letter.



Updates To Policies And Procedures, Notices Of Events, And Other Correspondences That Apply To A Group Of Employees And/Or Customers

What Are Announcements?

Updates, Notices, And Other Correspondences That Apply To A Group Of Employees And/Or Customers

People Are Most Likely To Process The Information In A Message Quickly When Writers

Use Action Verbs

Improving Ease Of Ready With Natural Style

Use Action Verbs When Possible Use Action Voice Use Short And Familiar Words And Phrases Use Parallel Language Avoid Buzzwords And Figures Of Speech Avoid It Is/ There Are

Helps Establish The Purpose And Value Of The Report --W/O Such Stmt,Reports Lack Direction & May Be Perceived As Unimportant Prob Stmts Are Most Effective When They Provide The Unique Context Of The Prob For Organization & Reflect An Appropriate Sense Of Urgency -- Typically 1 - 3 Paragrapsh Long

Use Fact-Based Language


Use In External Persuasive Messages To Emphasize Reader Benefits


Use In Internal Persuasive Messages To Emphasize Shared Work Goals

Impersonal Voice

Use In Persuasive Messages To Emphasize Objectivity And Neutrality

Nearly All Reports Contain Headings To Help Readers Quickly Navigate -- Decision Makers Often Skim From Sect. To Sect. To Find Info At A Min., You Will Include 1St -Level Headings Reports 5+ Pgs - Likely To Use 2Nd-Level Headings & Maybe 3Rd Level Headings Should Also Demonstrate Basic Logic Or Report You Have Flexibility In How You Label Headings -- Where Possible, Opt For Descriptive Titles & Headings That Help Reader Quickly Recognize The Value & Content Of Any Given Sect.

Use Preview Stmts To Frame Mssge & Accentuate Takeaway Mssgs

Improving Ease Of Reading With Natural Style Requires That The Writer

Use Short And Familiar Words.

Improving Ease Of Reading With Natural Style Requires That The Writer

Use Short And Familiar Words. Whenever Possible, Choose Short, Conversational, And Familiar Words. Using Longer, Less Common Words To "Sound Smart" Rarely Pays Off. They Slow Processing And Distract From Your Message.

To Help Business Writers Make Their Messages Easier To Read, They Should

Use Short Sentences

To Help Business Writers Make Their Messages Easier To Read, They Should

Use Short Sentences.

Which Of The Following Suggestions Should Be Followed To Build A Well-Reasoned Business Position?

Use Strong Analogies

Which Of The Following Suggestions Should Be Followed To Build A Well-Reasoned Business Position?

Use Strong Analogies. To Build Well-Reasoned Business Positions, Avoid The Following Types Of Logical Inconsistencies: Unsupported Generalizations, Faulty Cause/Effect Claims, Weak Analogies, Either/Or Logic, Slanting The Facts, And Exaggeration.


Use Subject Lines And Formatting To Let Your Readers Process And Find Information Immediately

Which Guideline For Navigational Design Is Most Likely To Improve The Ease Of Reading For Business Messages?

Use White Space Appropriately.


Used In All Persuasive Messages

Improving Ease Of Reading With Natural Style Requires That The Writer:

Uses Short And Familiar Words.

In A Highly Assertive Culture, You Would Be Likely To Observe People

Using Competitive Language When Evaluating Ideas.

Which Of The Following Helps To Make Presentation Slides More Readable?

Using High-Contrast Backgrounds And Colors

In The Context Of Navigational Designs, Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Improve The Ease Of Reading Business Messages?

Using White Space Generously

Strong Emotions Affect The Tone Of The Original Message, Therefore Bad News Messages Need Intense Reviewing.

Which Of The Following Statements Is True Of Reviewing Bad-News Messages?

Focus On Actions And Results.

While Delivering A Negative Performance Review, One Should:

Social Media

Web 2.0 Tools, Include Social Networks, Blogs, Wikis, Gaming, Podcasts, And Information Tagging

Web 1.0

Web Pages Were Read-Only And Static

Rita, The Head Of The Sales Department, Wants To Train All Of Her Sales People In How To Sell The Latest Product. She Wants Them All To Be Able To See The Product And Its Features, To Hear The Sales Pitch The Marketing Department Has Developed, And To Ask Questions. Which Of The Following Is The Best Communication Channel For Rita To Use?


The Primary Value Of Having Diversity On Teams Is That It Helps Them

Welcome New Ideas

The Primary Value Of Having Diversity On Teams Is That It Helps Them

Welcome New Ideas.

As With Written Reports, Successful Presentations Rely On

Well-Developed Takeaway Messages.

Which Of The Following Statements Is True Regarding A Business Message?

You Should Carefully Provide The Required Information As Not Providing Enough Information Can Leave Your Reader Wondering How To Respond.

When Writing To Customers, Which Of The Following Voices Will Force You To Consider Their Needs And Wants?

You Voice

Role Of Caring In Credibility

You Will Be Trusted If People Know You Care About Them, Being Able To Recognize The Needs Of Others.

Richer Communication Channels When Possible

When A Bad-News Message Is More Severe, More Likely, And/Or Less Controllable Choose:

Which Behavior Would You Most Likely See In A Low Humane Orientation Culture?

When People Form New Acquaintances, They Avoid Physical Gestures Of Welcome.

Which Behavior Would You Most Likely See In A Low Humane Orientation Culture?

When People Form New Acquaintances, They Avoid Physical Gestures Of Welcome. Humane Orientation (Ho) Is The Degree To Which An Organization Or Society Encourages And Rewards Individuals For Being Fair, Altruistic, Friendly, Generous, Caring, And Kind. In Low Ho Cultures, People Smile And Display Other Nonverbal Signs Of Welcome Infrequently.

Delivering Bad News In Writing To Customers

When Writing A Bad-News Message, You Want To Emphasize The Options Available--Solutions The Customer Has Control Over. In Most Bad-News Messages, Customers Are Interested Only In Solutions. Use Neutral Language (Avoid You-Voice And Use Passive Verbs) To Point Out Mistakes.

Rejecting A Customer Claim

Which Of The Following Is An Exam Of A Bad-News Message Characterized By Low Severity And Low Controllability?

"Getting An Honest Assessment Of My Work Will Help Me."

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Reframing Thoughts In Order To Respond To Negative Feedback Constructively?

Phone Conversations

Which Of The Following Is Most Likely To Be Used For One On One Conversations Between Parties In Different Locations And Is A Fairly Rich Communication Channel To Quickly Discuss And Clarify Workplace Issues?

"Due To High Levels Of Bureaucracy In Sandman Corp., He Chain Of Messages Within The Organization Gets Filtered At Each Level To Leave Out The Bad News."

Which Of The Following Is The Best Example Of A Company Experiencing The Mum Effect?

Are My Motives Clear, Or Will Others Perceive That I Have A Hidden Agenda?

Which Of The Following Questions Is Most Likely To Be Used By You While Review Your Bad-News Message To Evaluate The "Access" Aspect Of The Fair Test?

Sugarcoating The Bad News

Which Of The Following Should Ideally Be Avoided While Delivering Negative Performance Reviews?

Explain The Importance Of Establishing Credibility For Business Communications

Working Relationships All Depend On Trust. Workplace Is Growing To Be Interdependent. Allows You To Communicate More Easily And Influentially. Leads To Less Resistance From Others, Increased Willingness To Cooperate, Less Likely Hood Of Miscommunication

The Process For Creating Business Messages

Writing Effective Business Messages Involves A Process - One That Involves Examining, Developing, And Fining Business Ideas In A Way That Provides To Your Audience. It Drives Collaboration And Productivity In Your Work Relationships


You Begin With A Main Idea Or Argument Then Provide The Supporting Evidence

Which Of The Following Is A Property Of A Social Software System Dashboard?

You Can Customize Your Dashboard To Display Selected Features.

What Is The Downside Of Privately Texting A Team Member During A Virtual Meeting?

You Might Lose Track Of The Larger Team Discussion.

You Can Help Readers Feel That Your Message Impacts Them On A Personal Level By Combining Specificity With


Setting Expectations Is Directly Tied To What?

Your Credibility And Ability To Foster Interpersonal Trust In The Workplace

You Should Use Persuasion When

Your Ideas Require Preparation To Be Presented Effectively.


Your Knowledge And Skills Needed To Accomplish Business Task, Approach Business Problems, And Get A Job Done Your Track Record.

Select The Most Effective Opening For A Persuasive Letter That Invites A State Representative To Speak At Your Organization'S Flag Day Celebration.

Your Patriotism And Leadership In The House Of Representatives Have Improved The Quality Of Life Across Our State.

The Main Information In An E-Mail Sales Message Should Be Placed Above The Fold, Which Means That

Your Primary Points Appear Early In The Message.


Your Reputation For Being Trustworthy The Degree To Which Others Believe Or Trust In You


Your Reputation For Saying True To Commitments Made To Stakeholders And Adhering To High Moral And Ethical Values

Which Of The Following Statements Is Most True Of A Routine Request?

Your Tone Should Be Direct But Not Bossy Or Domineering.

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