Behavioral Observation

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refers to written data collected by the program. For example, there may be a file note stating when a child could stand on one foot.

Documented evidence

is a process that determines a child's eligibility for federal, state, and local programs and services.



Many children can overcome a developmental delay with classroom interventions. T/F

Child care professionals choose their methods of observation based upon the types of information they need to collect.

Describe how and when to use different observation methods.

refers to places the child would typically be, such as home, the child care program, school, a place of worship, or the homes of family and friends rather than a director's office, doctor/therapist's office, or similar places.

Natural environment

Objective, follow directions, accurate/relevant documentation, ethical, honest, fair, information seeker

Name characteristics seen in effective child care professionals who observe and screen children

9, 18, and 24 or 30 months; and more often if the child is at risk of developmental disability or delay

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be screened at what ages?

Developmental domains

These categorize children's skills and abilities.

Observation and screening

__________ and _________ are the best ways to identify the earliest signs of abuse and neglect


signs of child abuse include bruises, welts, burns, lacerations, abrasions, fractures, wounds and other injuries. Be alert for ones that tend to occur in the same place or repeatedly, and for which there is no plausible explanation.

Individualized care

Refers to attention paid to a child that recognizes and adapts to his or her unique character and physical, emotional, and cognitive traits.

Knowing who is at risk helps when observing and screening children, because it allows you to watch for and identify the earliest signs of developmental delay, disability, abuse, or neglect. Observation and screening can lead to early intervention, assessment, referral, and evaluation

State the role of observation in screening as it relates to developmental delays, developmental disabilities and at-risk populations.

Observation can: Facilitate curriculum development Guide developmentally appropriate practice Assist in providing individualized care Help share information with parents and others Reveal signs of abuse and neglect

What are some benefits of observation?

Benefits of Screening Screening can: Identify specific areas of concern Determine if further assessment or evaluation may be necessary Provide a basis for referral Empower parents with information to help them make decisions Present a basis for necessary and ongoing communication with parents and others

What are some benefits of screening?

Time sample

What method would you use to document children's attention spans?


subjective or objective "happy" "pretty" "nice"


T/F Child care professionals do not assess or evaluate children

appetite, appearance, and activity. • Hungry • Angry/Anxious • Lonesome • Tired

To tell if a typical child is feeling well, look for the three "A"s of health: what are they? what does H.A.L.T. stands for (In any of these states, no one is at their best.)

Benefits of Assessment Assessment can: Empower parents to help their child grow and develop Improve a family's ability to navigate a complex system of services Result in a referral for evaluation so eligible children may receive benefits they are entitled to under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, which is a federal law

What are some benefits of assessment?

autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, and those related to cognitive/intellectual development.

What are some common developmental disabilities

1. to foster growth and development in every child 2. detect early signs of developmental delay or disability 3. identify signs of child abuse and neglect.

What are the three main reasons child care programs observe and screen children?

Standardized tests

What method would you use to compare a child's development to other children of the same age?


What method would you use to document children's abilities to translate their thoughts into words?


What method would you use to identify a child who may be at risk of delay or disability?

Frequency count

What method would you use to identify behaviors to be addressed or accommodated

Work sample

What method would you use to observe a child's skill by using a product they have created?

Rating scale

What method would you use to quantify a child's performance of a skill or a set of skills?


What method would you use to relay a suspicion of child abuse or neglect?

Running record

What method would you use to write about what is happening while you are observing?


What observational method would you use to note the presence or absence of demonstrated skills and abilities?

I am involving families.

You answer questions as you share results. You encourage parents to contact you with follow-up questions. You schedule confidential meetings to discuss results. I am selecting screening tools. I am asking the right questions. I am following guidelines and best practices. I am involving families.

I am asking the right questions.

You learn how many items are screened. You know the tool's target age range. You find out what languages are available. I am selecting screening tools. I am asking the right questions. I am following guidelines and best practices. I am involving families.

Early intervention

A system of services that help children who have a developmental disability or delay.

the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find

child care professionals in Florida refer families to

developmental disability

is a chronic condition that is diagnosed in childhood and substantially limits major life activities in adulthood, and impacts a child's abilities to perform activities in one or more developmental domain.

The Halo Effect

is a judgment error we make when we allow an overall impression of a person to influence the way we interpret his or her actions. Effective child care professionals are aware of this and ensure it does not happen during an observation or screening session.


is an ongoing process in which child care professionals recognize and document identifiable developmental milestones as they appear, using tools such as checklists, anecdotal records, and running records.


is an ongoing process in which child care professionals use specialized observation and documentation tools to identify, document, and monitor typical development or possible developmental delay.


signs of child abuse include not wanting to go home, wariness of adults, strong startle response, depression, poor memory and concentration, and behaviors that are not age-appropriate. For example, the child may be aggressive or passive, seek attention indiscriminately, be overly affectionate, or withdraw from others.


subjective or objective "six years of age" "left-handed" "obese"

Your role as a child care professional is observation, screening, and referral.

what is your role as a child care professional in regard to behavioral observation?

Screening takes place recurrently, using an instrument that is proven to be valid, accurate, and reliable.

How is screening done?

Quality screening instruments are: easy to use. accurate. affordable. readily available. sensitive in regards to ethnicity, culture, and linguistics. reliable. have specific components. endorsed by individuals, agencies, and organizations that are respected within the early education or early intervention communities. Quality screening instruments using technology should be user-friendly, meet accessibility requirements, and fit the program's needs.

List characteristics shared by quality screening instruments.

They provide important documentation, such as permission to screen, enrollment information, results of previous screenings, and health records. they may share information about the child that could impact screening results, such as family dynamics; health issues (including premature birth); the child's routines and behaviors at home; issues impacting the child and other concerns; and possible strategies, if further action is necessary. Child care professionals know that involving families in the screening process can increase their knowledge of child development and improve their parenting skills.

Name at least three ways a child benefits when his or her family works in partnership with a child care professional.

Developmental milestones

Observable behaviors, traits, skills, or abilities that typically appear during specific age ranges.

1. Be informed 2. Be objective and accurate 3.Be Honest and Fair 4. Be Focused

Relate the four guidelines for observations and screenings that take place in child care settings.

Anecdotal record

What method would you use to write about the development of a skill or ability after it has occurred?

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

A disorder characterized by delays in motor development and seizures; it often appears in conjunction with a behavioral disorder.

Bipolar Disorder

A disorder characterized by extreme shifts in mood and energy.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

A disorder characterized by impulsivity and inattention, and in some cases, hyperactivity.

Cerebral Palsy

A disorder that affects body movement and muscle coordination.

Down Syndrome

A genetic disorder characterized by distinct physical traits and intellectual impairments.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A syndrome characterized by deformities in the joints, fingers, and limbs; atypical behavior; learning disorders; and cognitive impairment.

Fragile X Syndrome

A syndrome characterized by intellectual disability and behavior disorders; it is more prevalent and severe in males.

is a process whereby an agency or organization gathers and reviews multiple sources of information about a child's suspected or confirmed developmental delay or disability, and uses that information to improve a child's outcomes.



Assessment, Observation, Evaluation, or Screening. A trained adult watches a child for a half hour as she interacts with other children in the program. The adult documents the child's atypical growth and development as called for in a tool's Social and Emotional Developmental Domain section, and makes plans to speak to a supervisor about a possible developmental delay or disability in this domain.


Assessment, Observation, Evaluation, or Screening. A trained adult watches a child for a half hour as she interacts with other children in the program. The adult documents the child's typical growth and development in the Social and Emotional Developmental Domain in the child's file, writes a note to the parents, and uses the information to plan future activities.


Assessment, Observation, Evaluation, or Screening. After reading a child's file, a trained adult asks the child to perform specific tasks. The adult confirms the child has a developmental disability and therefore qualifies for programs and services, by federal law.


Assessment, Observation, Evaluation, or Screening. After reading a child's file, a trained adult asks the child to perform specific tasks. The information gained indicates the child may have a developmental delay or disability and could benefit from early intervention. The adult refers the family to a medical professional for diagnosis.

Review appropriate general information immediately prior to an observation or screening session. This includes: • Developmental domains and milestones • Information about the child's abilities and unique needs Study the child's file Know how to use the observation or screening tool before attempting to use it. Ensure observation and screening results do not reflect personal feelings. Set aside personal beliefs and consider only facts. Document all relevant information Ensure documentation is correct and complete. Document children's development over time. Observe and screen when children are at their best. Conduct sessions in the child's natural setting with familiar staff Never observe or screen with the intent of confirming a suspicion of delay, disability, abuse, or neglect. Allow enough time. Observe or screen one child at a time. Pay attention to small differences and details, because it is in those one can see emerging trends and patterns of growth and development, the earliest signs of delay or disability, and subtle signs of abuse or neglect. If signs of child abuse or neglect are observed, you must, by law, report them to the Abuse Hotline. Work methodically and thoughtfully. To work methodically, professionals are organized, systematic, and deliberate

Describe best practices used by skilled practitioners to obtain valid and usable results.

Prepare carefully for the meeting. Begin the meeting with a brief overview. Present a blank sample of the specific tool or tools that were used. Present the child's results in writing. Be an active listener. Keep the meeting positive. Talk about the program's role. Make an appropriate referral and provide information.

Describe best practices used by skilled practitioners when data supports further assessment and evaluation

When using a screening instrument, child care professionals follow guidelines during implementation so that results will be accurate and usable. 1. Screening, assessment, and evaluation should be viewed as services — as part of the intervention — and not only as means of identification and measurement. 2. Processes, procedures, and instruments intended for screening, assessment, and evaluation should only be used for their specified purposes. 3. Multiple sources of information should be included in screening, assessment, and evaluation. 4. Developmental screening, assessment, and evaluation should take place on a recurrent or periodic basis. 5. Screening should be viewed as only one path to further assessment or evaluation. 6. Screening, assessment, and evaluation procedures should be reliable and valid. 7. Family members should be an integral part of the screening, assessment, and evaluation process. 8. Screening, assessment, and evaluation should be conducted in natural, non-threatening settings and involve tasks that are relevant to the child and family 9. All tools, procedures, and processes intended for screening, assessment, and evaluation must be culturally sensitive. 10. Those who screen, assess, and evaluate young children should be well trained.

Describe guidelines and best practices for implementation.

To guide families through its screening and observation process, a program should have written policies and procedures; a plan for orienting families to the process; a developmentally appropriate screening schedule for each child; a system for documenting parental permission to screen; a strategy for communicating results to the parents; and knowledge about how, when, and to whom referrals should be made.

Describe ways to guide families through the screening process.

To use observation and screening to help children with developmental delays or disabilities, child care professionals: Observe and screen regularly Watch for signs and changes Document professionally, over time, using a variety of methods Are familiar with Child Find Refer when appropriate Provide appropriate support during sessions Make reasonable modifications in policies, procedures, and practices Remedy barriers to mobility and communication Provide auxiliary aids and services necessary to communicate with children with disabilities Share results of your observation and screening sessions (with parental permission) Provide expertise related to the child's activities at the program Be on the child's intervention team To help children who are victims of abuse or neglect by observing and screening them, conduct sessions regularly, watch for signs and changes, document professionally and immediately, and be familiar with the Florida Abuse Hotline.

Describe ways to support children with delay or disability, or who are at risk, through observing and screening

categorize children's skills and abilities. They include Physical Development, Cognitive Development and General Knowledge, Language and Communication, Social and Emotional, and Approaches to Learning

Developmental Domains

observable behaviors, traits, skills, or abilities that typically appear at specific age ranges.

Developmental milestones

Cognitive Disabilities

Disabilities that affect self-help skills and the way the brain processes information.

if parents display a strong emotion when results are shared, the best way to support them is to stay calm, focus on the facts, and be compassionate.

Explain how to help parents appropriately and responsibility after learning their child may be at risk of developmental delay or disability.

Child care professionals select screening tools based on specific quality considerations to ensure they will meet the needs of the children, their families, and the program. Child care professionals ask the right questions about a tool before using it with a child, including: What does the instrument screen? What is the target age range? What languages are available? Does the screener need to be specially trained? How many items are screened? How long does it take to administer? How is it implemented and scored? To determine if a screening instrument is right for a child, the answers to these questions are compared to the principles of developmentally appropriate practice for the child.

Explain how to select a screening tool for specific children.

Encourage Family to Refer Report Suspicion to Abuse Hotline Encourage Family to Refer Report Suspicion to Abuse Hotline Do neither

For each scenario, decide if you would encourage the family to make a referral, report a suspicion of abuse or neglect to the Abuse Hotline, or do neither. You are screening a six-month-old child who does not acknowledge your presence in any way. You are screening a child who has multiple injuries in several stages of healing and who appears depressed and anxious. You are screening a 10-month-old child. You have conducted four screenings over the past three weeks. You find that the child does not engage in play. You are screening a 14-month-old child for the first time, and despite your coaxing, he crawls to you instead of walking.

No;Explanation: Child care professionals do not confirm or diagnose a suspicion of a delay. Instead, they use developmental milestone charts to help them, and families, better understand a child's growth and development.

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Use developmental milestone charts to confirm a suspicion of delay.

No; Explanation: In Florida, child care professionals refer families to the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find for assessment, which may result in them being referred to Children's Medical Services for evaluation of a delay or disability.

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Assess a child for delay or disability.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Deliver individualized care.

No;Explanation: In Florida, Children's Medical Services performs assessment and evaluation processes to determine eligibility for programs and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Determine a child's initial and continuing eligibility for services related to early intervention.

No;Disabilities are diagnosed by medical professionals in collaboration with Children's Medical Services.

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Diagnose a disability.

No; In Florida, child care professionals refer families to the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find for assessment, which may result in them being referred to Children's Medical Services for evaluation of a delay or disability.

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Make a referral for evaluation.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Name the developmental domains and cite examples of related skills and abilities.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Provide a natural environment.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Provide documented evidence of observation and screening.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Refer families to the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Use developmentally appropriate practice for every child in the program.

No;Explanation: Atypical means the same thing as not typical or not expected. The word abnormal may be interpreted as being harsh or judgmental by a listener.

For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Use the word abnormal instead of atypical.


For each statement, determine whether or not this is a role of a child care professional. Work with families who receive benefits under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Observation: child care professionals monitor a child as he or she demonstrates identified skills or abilities within a developmental domain or domains. Assessment: child care professionals refer families to the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find for assessment, which may result in them being referred to Children's Medical Services for evaluation of a delay or disability. Evaluation:Children's Medical Services performs assessment and evaluation processes to determine eligibility for programs and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Screening: child care professionals or other medical professionals

Give examples of professional groups that perform each of these four activities: observation, screening, assessment, and evaluation.

refers to attention paid to a child which recognizes and adapts to his or her unique character and physical, emotional, and cognitive traits

Individualized care

checklist of skills and abilities to be observed. Anecdotal record, which is is a narrative account of an event written shortly after it occurred. Running Record, which is an account of what a child is doing as it is happening. Frequency Count, which records how often a behavior happens. Conversations, which are word-for-word accounts of what children said while being interviewed by a provider time sample, which records what activities a child chooses to do during a given time period, which is usually half an hour. Standardized Tests, which are used to document a child's ability to compare and contrast, solve a problem, classify objects, put things in sequential order, arrive at conclusions, and perform other skills. rating scale is used to measure a behavior, skill, or ability based on a series of quality points or a continuum. If you have ever been asked to rate a service or product "on a scale of one to ten," then you have used a rating scale to communicate your thoughts. work sample, which is a product created by a child that becomes documentation of the development of a skill. The work sample can be two-dimensional, such as a drawing or writing sample; or three-dimensional, such as a sculpture. Documentation refers to everything in a child's file, but that word can have a special meaning when it is used in reference to child observation. In that case, documentation refers to records that help identify a child who may be at risk of maltreatment, delay, or disability; or to relay a suspicion of child abuse or neglect. There are multiple ways to report suspicions of child abuse and/or neglect. Child care professionals can: Report online through the Abuse Hotline website Call the Florida Abuse Hotline (1-800-96ABUSE or 1-800-962-2873) Call Florida Relay 7-1-1 or TTY (Teletypewriter/Telephone Device for the Deaf) (1-800-453-5145) Fax your report to 1-800-914-0004

List observation methods commonly seen in child care settings

I am following guidelines and best practices.

Read each scenario and determine what task you are performing. I am selecting screening tools. I am asking the right questions. I am following guidelines and best practices. I am involving families. You only use instruments for their specified purposes. You are trained to conduct screening and observation sessions. You conduct screening sessions in natural settings.

I am selecting screening tools.

Read each scenario and determine what task you are performing. I am selecting screening tools. I am asking the right questions. I am following guidelines and best practices. I am involving families. You perform research to find suitable endorsements. You assess the program's current use of technology. You look for accuracy, reliability, and sensitivity.

Documented evidence

Refers to written information collected by the program.

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