Behind the Urals 3

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Who were the 'Itekotis' and what "special treatments" did they recieve?

A group of criminals that were usualy isolated from the city. They went to work under armed guard, ate in special dinning rooms, and recieved little to no pay. They had furnished free living quarters. They were fed 3 meals a day. They were treated very highly.

What was Stalin's warning in his 1931 speech? Why was it important to tell the people?

He warned the Russian people that they must make their country as strong as the surrounding capitalists within 10 years Russia would be invaded and anilalated by their enemies. They wanted to become industrialised quickly so they could compete in the world market and be harder for their enemies to conquer

When did mining first occur in this area?

In 1747

How was the ore transported to the smelting plant in Beloretsk?

In the winter it was transported by sleighs and horses over the snowy steppe

Descride life in Brezeki. Give details.

It had wellmade houses, most with stone walls and metal roofs, all had running water and central heating. 300 German and American specialists who were paid gold, working for the Russia government or for some forein firm whose equipment they were installing. The foreigners store ,Insab, was stocked with a good quality of all of the nessesary food products, like meat, butter, milk, flour, bread and more. These homes were equal to what was being built in Europe. The neighborhood also had a movie theater

What happened to Jhon Scott that he wasn't able to work?

John Scott recieved a bad burn in the mill. He had his arm is a sling for 2 weeks. He probably burned his arm on the hot metal because as a welder he works with hot metals.

What does the name "Magtitogorsk" mean?

Magnetic Moutin

What was one of the most difficult problems in Magnitogorsk? Give ine example of its impact?

Obtaining suplies was the most difficult problem. There was not enought food or anyt and metalhing useful to buy but they had money. Coal wasn't given, it was needed to weld the parts of the blast furnace. Wood was needed to build safe catwalks was instead used for heating. There was no lightbulbs for reading or school.

Describe Stalin's economic plan.

Stalin's plan was essentualy nationalistic. He said that socialism could and would be constracted into one country, the Solviet Union. Stalin counted on the Solviet Union to equiped and defend itself. He believed it was nessesary to build Russia's steel industry and to collectivise and mechanicalize agriculture to build and defend socialism. Stalin's first Five Year Plan provided for the reconstruction of the nation's economy and to create a whole new industry. One of its most important prodjects was the creation of the heavy metal industry base in the Urals and Sideria out of reach of any invaders. It was also capable of suplying the country with arms and machines in imense quantaties.

What happened in the spring of 1932 to cause the doctor in Magnitogorsk to be unusually busy? Why was this odd?

The Black Plague hac broken out in local villages. All of the doctors were trying to contain it. This had not been seen in any country since the Middle Ages

What was the name of the cultural peoples who made up the village of Magnitogorsk around the beginning of the 18th century?

The Khirgizi and the Bashkirs. (Asiatics)

What American company was hired for the prodjecting of the plants as well as for technical supervisors of its constuction? Explain why?

The McKee Company of Cleveland, Ohio They were hired because there was no one in Russia who was able to do the work or knew how to do the work. They were paid in gold bullion

What are the names of the oppsing sides in the Russian civil war? Explain what each army supported or represented?

The White Army tried to destroy the Bolshevik and reestablish a feudal-capitalist system in Russia. They forced village men to the army. they also had tax collectors and many new regulations. The Red Army chased out hateful tax collectors and epauletted White Army solders away. They also gave the land to the peasents and the factories to the workers. The Bolshevik also represented the communist party.

Describe the summers in Magnitogorsk.

The summers in Magnitogorsk were hot and dusty for 3 months. NO RAIN

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