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What's another name for loyalists? For patriots?

Militias; Rebels

Define popular sovereignty.

Rule by people

Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Was an American victory

What was the outcome of the 1st Continental Congress?

55 delegates from 12 colonies

List 3 advantages and disadvantages of the colonist

Advantage: France as an ally, generals made good decisions, and guerilla style warfare. Disadvantages: Untrained soldiers, small army, and divided central government.

List 3 advantages and disadvantages of the British

Advantage: large army, Strong central government, and well-trained and well-supplied. Disadvantages: Old style of warfare, unfamiliar, hostile territory, and lack of support from home.

Which region of the country began emancipating slaves following the war? Why?

African Americans increased the anti-slavery beliefs in middle and northern states.

Who established the National Bank?

Alexander Hamilton

Which general became famous due to the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Define amendment


Which civilization, led by Montezuma, was in power in Central America when the Spanish arrived?


Who was the first explorer to reach the Pacific coast?


Which general is notorious for being a traitor against the Americans?

Benedict Arnold

The majority of anti-federalists agreed to pass the constitution as long as what was added?

Bill of Rights

Why did the US declare war on Britain?

British raid DC and Baltimore

Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts so controversial? What did they say?

Stop them from criticizing the goverment

Who did the majority of work on medieval manors?


What was the Stamp Act? Why was it significant?

Taxed all printed items (1st main tax)

What powers did the federal government receive under the Virginia Plan?

Taxing, enforce federal laws in states.

What American society built pyramids, conquered neighboring cities, and performed human sacrifices?

The Aztecs

Why did the French and Indian War shift in favor of the British in 1758?

The British managed to cut off French shipping to the Americas.

Who convinced France to join the war? Whose side did they join?

The British were defeated; France was on America's side.

Why was the capital of the USA moved to Washington DC?

The Capitol was moved as a part of a compromise... the national bank would be in the north and the Capital in the South.

What was the Columbian exchange?

The Columbian exchanged involved trading goods and cattle.

Which Native American tribe fought alongside the British?

The Iroquois

Which European nation was the first to tap into the existing slave trade in West Africa?

The Spanish

What treaty ended the Revolutionary War? What were the terms?

The Treaty of Paris; under the terms that USA is a new nation with Mississippi River as a western boundary, Florida given back to Spain, and African and Caribbean colonies given back to France.

Why did the English settle in the Chesapeake Bay area?

The bay offered good harbors, and the land was fertile

What was the significance of the agricultural revolution?

The increased availability of farmland, a favorable climate, more livestock, improved crop yield.

What was Beringia? Why is it significant?

The land bridge; the people walked across it during the ice age.

why did the Parliament pass the Declaratory Act? What did it say?

The refusal hurt British economy. The act was to give Parliament the right to make laws for the colonies.

What was the Sugar Act?

The sugar act appointed customs agents to prosecute smugglers who avoided taxes

Why was the relationship between Britain and the USA strained even more after the Revolutionary War?

There were a lot of restrictions with trading; property taken

Why did Spain colonize Florida and the Rio Grande valley?

They hoped to create a defense zone

What was Britain's response to the Boston Massacre?

They repealed most of the Townshend acts.

When did the British surrender? Under what circumstances?

They surrendered on Oct. 19, 1781 because Washington brought reinforcements and french ships surrounded the sea exit.

Who wrote Common Sense? What did it say?

Thomas Pain. Blaming King George III for problems; called him a tyrant

How was Massachusetts punished for the Boston Tea Party?

Throwing a large tea shipment into Boston harbor.

what is the purpose of parliament in England?

To approve taxes; make laws

When and where did the Constitutional Convention?

To balance state and federal rights

What is the purpose of the executive branch? Who is in it?

To enforce laws; President

What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

To ensure that people are guaranteed a number of personal freedoms, and that the government does not become so powerful as to present a threat to the population.

What is the purpose of the judicial branch? Who is in it?

To interpret laws; judges and courts

What was the purpose of all of the taxes imposed on the colonies by the British?

To pay back the British debt from the French and Indian War.

what was the purpose of a Spanish " mission"?

To spread Christianity/ Catholics

What is the purpose of the legislature branch? Who is in it?

To write laws; Congress

What treaty ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent

What treaty settled territorial disputes between Native Americans and the US?

Treaty of Greenville

Who won the Battle of New Orleans? Why was this battle significant?

United States; They can control the Mississippi River

Which classes of people called for constitutional reform? Why?

Upper and middle, they were merchants; need stability

How did southern militias fight the British?

Very brutal

Name 2 things that Washington warned against in his farewell address

Warned US about sectionalism/division between N&S, E&W Warned US about forming alliances w/other nations

List three problems the United States faced under the Articles of Confederation.

Weak central government; 1 branch congress; cant trade, tax

What caused the majority of Native American deaths?

Weak immune system; diseases

what was the Mayflower Compact?

frame work for self government of the Plymouth Colony signed on the ship the Mayflower in 1620

what did the proclamation of 1732 decry?

ordered colonial settlers to remain east of the Appalachian Mountains

what was the significance/outcome of Bacon's Rebellion?

showed that poor farmers wouldn't support government that only catered to wealthy

Why did England pass the Navigation Acts?

they wanted to obtain more ships, sailors, and trade

How did the French differ from the Spanish in their treatment of Native Americans?

France never really attempted to settle the lands of New France as extensively as Spain, England or America, and therefore had a much better relationship with the natives in their area.

Name 3 reasons why Africans were used as slaves in the Americas.

Free labor, already knew how to work, and were easy to import

what was the name of the war between the French and English?

French and Indian war

which colony/city did Roger Williams found?

Rhode Island

Who won the Election of 1900? How did he convince Federalists to vote for him?

Thomas Jefferson he promised not to fire all federalists.

Why did the US invade Canada?

-Divided support in US -Few troops, few supplies -Cost of war

What happened in Marbury v. Madison?

-Paperwork didn't go through before Adams left office -Madison (Sec. of State) refused to deliver paperwork -Marbury asked Supreme court to force Madison to deliver paperwork -SC Chief Justice John Marshall refused- no jurisdiction to force the paperwork through; stuck down Judiciary Act of 1789 -Judicial review- SC can decide if laws of Congress are constitutional

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

1 slave= 3/5 a person; 5 slaves = 3 slaves

How many branches were created under the Articles of Confederation? Name?

3 branches; legislature, executive, judicial

How many state legislatures have to approve an amendment in order for it to be ratified?

3/4; 9

What was The Federalist? Who contributed to it?

85 essays; Jay, Hamilton, Madison

Who was the Secretary of the Treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

Summarize the Declaration of Independence. When was it published? Who wrote it?

Basically a "break up" letter to King George III, declaring themselves the U.S of America. Published July 4, 1776 and was written by Thomas Jefferson.

What was the turning point in the war in the south?

Battle of Kings Mountain

Who favored the Virginia Plan?

Big States (federalist)

Which country began a policy of impressments towards US sailors?


Why did the US and Britain sign Jay's Treaty?

Britain and US on verge of war; Britain kept intercepting US ships headed to France

What did Jay's Treaty say?

Britain couldn't seize cargo Britain would submit to arbitration to settle the dispute Britain gave US most-favored nation states

Who set fire to the White House in Washington DC?


what was the name of the governing body in Virginia?


List the Coercive Acts.

Closed Boston port, British troops tried instead of colonies, and reduced power of colonial governments

What was the Quartering Act?

Colonists must house British troops.

What did colonists do in order to persuade Britain to repeal it's taxes ?

Colonists refused to buy British goods; boycotting.

Who was the first colonist killed by British gunfire?

Crispus Attucks

What was the name of the women's group that supported colonial rights? How did they do it?

Daughters of Liberty

Which political party did Washington, Adams, and Hamilton belong to?

Democratic-Republican Party

Why did the states create such a weak central government under the Articles of Confederation?

Each state thought of themselves as Independent

Who was the Columbian Exchange between?

East to West

Why was the Whiskey Rebellion significant?

Farmers were attracting tax collectors in upspring

How did the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans differ?

Federalists (Supported): Led by Hamilton: Strong federal government ; Rule by wealthy; educated; Manufacturing supreme; Loose interpretation of constitution; and Protective tariffs. Democratic Republicans (Supported): Weak federal government, Rule by ALL landowners, Agriculture supreme, Strict Interpretation of constitution, No tariffs.

What was the difference between Federalists and Antifederalists?

Federalists: favored the Constitution, split federal and state power Antifederalits: approved the Constitution, wanted more power in states than federal government; wanted Bill of Rights

what was the purpose of Praying Towns?

Force Indans to adopt English customs

Define presidio.

Fort built by the Spanish

From whom did the US purchase the Louisiana Territory?

France (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Who conquered the Incan empire?

Francisco Piizaro

The French and Indian War and Pontiac's Rebellion revealed what about the relationship between the colonists and England?

Full of tension

Which British general led the assault against colonists in the majority of the major battles?

General Cornwallis

Which American general got his start during the French and Indian War?

George Washington

Who was the first president of the USA?

George Washington

Define federalism

Government powers divided between nations and states

What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Guarantee the people's rights

List three famous nationalist. (More listed)

Hamilton, Jay, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison.

Who was Zebulon Pike, and what did he do?

He mapped the Upper Mississippi, the Great Plains, and the Rocky Mountains

Why did Columbus call Native Americans "Indians"?

He thought he was in India

Why was the Albany Plan Union significant?

He tried to get all the different colonies to unify.

Who conquered the Aztec empire?

Hernando Cortes

Which civilization used elaborate irrigation systems?

Hookah's Anastasi

What are two characteristics of the Grasslands civilizations?

Hunted buffalo and planted crops

Together, the Coercive Acts and the Quebec Act were called what by the colonists?

Intolerable acts

What happened at the Battle of Yorktown?

Invaded Virginia- April 1781

What is the name of the religion that Muslims practice?


What did the Connecticut Compromise address?

It compromised the disagreement about reps.

What was so significant about Washington crossing the Delaware?

It forced the British to retreat.

What is an astrolabe?

It is a very ancient astronomical computer for solving problems relating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sun.

What was the Proclamation of 1763? Why did it anger colonists

It ordered the colonists to stay east of the Appalachian Mountains

Why did Spanish explorers establish colonies in the Americas?

It was ten times larger than Spain and rich in gold and silver, the potential for great wealth

What was the headright system?

It was used as a way to attract new settlers to the region and address the labor shortage.

Why would the capture of New York be important?

It was used as the British headquarters

Why was the National Bank so controversial?

James Madison believed Hamilton didn't have the right to establish a bank under the constitution.

Who was George Washington's vice president?

John Adams

Who won the Election of 1796?

John Adams

What are two characteristics of the Mississippian civilization?

Large towns and Earthen pyramids

what is habeas corpus?

Legal procedure that keeps the government from holding you indefinitely without showing cause

The separation of powers breaks the government up into what three branches?

Legislature, Executive, Judicial

Which two men explored the Louisiana Territory and reached the Pacific Ocean?

Lewis and Clark

Where was the "Shot heard 'round the world" fired? Who won the battle?

Lexington and Concord. Fight won by the militias.

who governed Maryland?

Lord Baltimore

Who won the Election of 1808?


What crop was most important to Native Americans? Why?

Maize (corn)

Why were the southern colonies valuable to the British?

Major cash crops and strong loyal support

Why were people in the southwestern portion of North America dependent on corn for survival?

Major resource

Which Central-American empire developed a calendar?


Explain what happened at the Boston Tea Party.

Men dressed as natives; dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor.

In Europe, what is the name of the era that immediately followed fall of the Roman Empire

Middle Ages

What was the New Jersey Plan?

Modified version of Articles of Confederation

How did the West African empires acquire vast wealth?

Natural resources

What was the Olive Branch Petition? What was King George III's response?

Olive Branch Petition: Colonists said they were loyal to King George III but not to Parliament. King George ignored the petition.

Why were the Olmec significant?

Olmec were the leading people along the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, they were the 1st of America

What is meant by "checks and balances" when it comes to three branches of federal government?

One branch don't have too much power

What was the Republican response to Alien and Sedition Acts?

Passing the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

Who first said "No taxation without representation?''

Patrick Henry

where did the Quakers settle?


Who were the Warhawks? From what regions in the USA did they come?

People from S&W who wanted war with Britain

What was the Virginia Plan?

Plan formed by James Madison for bicameral government; no more articles of confederation; separation of powers.

What was King George III's response to the Virginia Resolves?

Proclamation 1763

Which group founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


what was the first lasting settlement in Canada?


What powers did the federal government receive under the New Jersey Plan?

Raise tax, regulate trade, equal representation in states

Why did Shay's Rebellion take place?

Rebel against higher taxes

What was the Renaissance?

Rebirth of art and learning

What was the Currency Act? Why was it passed?

Removed money from circulation in the colonies

What movements/events in Europe led to an increased desire for exploration?


Name 2 effects of the War of 1812

Restored prewar boundaries. Made US look more legitimate to other countries. US and GB (Great Britain) began to restore their relationship

Who explored and claimed land around the Mississippi River for France?

Robert de La Salle

What is judicial review?

SC can decide if laws of Congress are constitutional

who founded Quebec?

Samuel de champlain

What is the purpose of radiocarbon dating?

See how long something has been dead

What was the significance of Shay's Rebellion?

Seize arsenal

What is mercantilism?

Selling of trade or goods

What were the names of the two houses of Congress that were established? How was representation in each house determined?

Senate: appointed by state legislature; fixed number of reps. House of Representatives: elected by people; number of reps. According to population

What were the Navigation Acts?

Series of trade laws

Why did the Boston massacre take palce

Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry; March 5th, 1770

What was the purpose of the Middle Passage?

Slave trade

What did the British use as a weapon to bring natives into submission?

Small pox blankets

Who favored the New Jersey Plan?

Small states (anti-federalist)

What is a nomad?

Some who follow a food source

What organization was organized following the Stamp Act? What was it's purpose?

Sons of Liberty. They held protest against taxes and ran off stamp collectors.

Which region of the English colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern) provided the majority of staple crops in demand by Europeans?

Southern colonies

For which nation did Columbus sail?


What did the first "Declaration of Rights and Grievances" say?

Stated colonies were boycotting British goods again.

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