BI 105-10

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First and second return of Israel: people restored and temple rebuilt

Transition of Israels leadership

From theocracy to monarchy

Cursing For disobedience

Futility in the land, Flight before the enemy, Forgotten in the earth

tabernacle coverings


deteriorating spirituality

Gideon, Jephthah, Samson

God remains faithful to his promises

Gives the people what they want, Instructs them how to live under a king


God Leads Israel in the Wilderness

The righteousness of Noah

God always had a faithful remnant

Truths highlighted from the story of ruth

God always has a righteous remnant, God is always faithful to his people even when they are not faithful to him


God established new leadership for Israel

Aaron-1st high priest

God establishes a priesthood

hope (genesis-Deuteronomy)

God establishes his promise of what through the formation of Israel

National Sacrifice, personal sacrifice,

God establishes sacrifices

1 Samuel 8

God had planned for a king, Israel rejected Gods rulership, God remains faithful to his promises

humanity (job-song of solomon)

God instructs what on living in light of his promised hope

A new leadership

God is faithful to his promise, God is faithful in his presence, God's prescription for success


God is faithful to keep his

Restoration to the land

God is faithful to keep his promises

Instructs them how to live under a king

God is king-what he says goes, God is sovereign-his will will be done, God is faithful- he will keep his promises

Lessons learned in Esther

God is sovereign, always at work, and is faithful to keep his promises

prophets (isaiah-malachi)

God reinforces his promise of hope through what of israel

return and rebuild

God restored his people to the land (Ezra 1:1-6), 1st return (1-6), 2nd return (7-10),

history (joshua-esther)

God sustains his promised hope through what of Israel

promise of hope

God will destroy evil, God will restore creation, God will dwell with his people forever

Promise of hope

God will destroy evil, God will restore his creation, God will dwell with his people forever


God's Covenant with Israel is Re-established


God's King

A people right with him

God's desire

Pillar of cloud by day, Pillar of fire by night

Gods leading was continual


Gods protection over Israel during times of exile

coates of skin, Substitutionary death

Gods provisions (3:21)


Gods what covenant with Noah

Ezra reminded the people of God's goodness

Grace (9:8)- giving what is undeserved, "giving us such deliverance" (9:13), Mercy(9:9)- withholding what is deserved, "punished us less" (9:13), God is faithful

Attributes of God highlighted

Grace, Mercy, Righteousness

Truth about God from Genesis 1:1

He's eternal, He is powerful, He created all things, He is separate from his creation


Hebrew woman married a gentile (Ahasuerus, king of Persia)

Balak, king of Moab

Hired Balaam (false prophet) to curse Israel, God intervened and Balam blessed Israel instead

Solomon's failure

His heart was turned from God to idols

The books of the king

History of Israel from the death of King David to the exile of Israel from the Promised Land

The big picture in leviticus

In light of his covenant with Abraham, God delivers Israel from bondage and separated them to holy living so He could dwell with His people.

Rulership, Rationality, Righteousness, Relationship

In the image of God (1:26-28)


Instructions for Israel as a Kingdom of Priests

Numbers 14

Israel Rejects the Land

II Kings 17

Israel Taken into Exile by Assyria


Israel disobeys gods command regarding the

A 70-year rest for the land

Israel ignored the sabbatical year of rest for the land

Prince with God

Israel means

Judges Background

Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua's generation, After Joshua died, there was no formal leadership, Remnant of Canaanites remained in the land, Covers approximately 300 years, Judge


Jacob means

Living in the exile

Jeremiah 29, A life of direction, peace, prayer, discernment, anticipation


Joshua's key chapter

II Kings 25

Judah Taken into Exile by Babylon

tabernacle furniture


the terms of the covenant

Land: Canaan, Nation: large nation (innumerable), Universal blessing: through Abrams descendants all people would be blessed

Purposes of the exiles (Leviticus 26)

Leviticus 26, Fulfillment of the covenant, A 70-year rest for the land

Purpose of the exiles

Leviticus 26, Punishment for sin, 70-year rest for the land

Believed the lie

Man's decision

The big picture

Man's failure is met with the salvation of God provided through the promised Seed

New provision

Manna ceased, Ate of the fruit of the land

tabernacle structure


God's response

Mercy and forgiveness

Exodus 19

Mosaic Covenant


Mosaic covenant is


Moses was how many years old when he died

Solomon's failure

Multiplied, wealth, power, women

The way holy god can dwell with sinful man

National sacrifices

Asked, Prayed, Acted

Nehemiah's burden for the work in Jerusalem resulted in action

Restatement of the law given at Mt. Sinai

New generation, All people 20 years old+ died in the wilderness

New faithfulness

New opportunities, New provision, New presence

Distinctive features of Esther

No mention of the name of God, The providence of god highlighted (4:14), Feast of Purim (9:20-32)


Now that we are back in the land, is there a future for us?


Occurred in Persia between Ezra 6 and 7, One of only two bible books named after woman

Saul's failure

Partial obedience to Gods command to destroy the Amalekites

Joshua 24

People's Commitment to the Covenant

New opportunities

Priests stepped into the water, Then God parted the water, Faith manifested through obedience

Blessings for obedience

Productivity in the land, Protection from enemies, Prominence in the earth

Deuteronomy 28

Promise of Blessing & Cursing

Genesis 3

Promise of Hope

Eternal elements

Promise of a house: succession, Promise of a kingdom: domain, Promise of a throne: future king

New faith

Rahabs faith, She expressed her faith, She demonstrated her faith, God confirmed her faith

Farewell address from joshua

Remaining in the land requires continued obedience to God

God's prescription for success

Remember Gods promises, Obey God's precepts,nRely on God's presence

Remaining in the land requires continued obedience to god

Reminder of blessings and cursing, Renewal of the covenant: the people recommit

The messianic line is preserved

Ruth (a gentile) becomes great-grandmother of king David, Through whom would come Christ

From theocracy to monarchy


Shifted the blame to the people

Saul's response to his sin:

Israel rejected Gods rulership

Saw God as insufficient to fight their battles, Adopted the worlds reasoning for success: "like all the nations"

The word of God was elevated

Scripture was read from morning to midday, Repentance and worship were emphasized

Cycles of apostasy

Sin, Servitude, Supplication, Salvation, Submission

Built the temple

Solomon's major accomplishment

A Solomon's heritage

Son of king David

Dividing the land

Test of obedience-drive out the remaining inhabitants, Israel failed to obey God completely, Ruben, gad, 1.5 tribe of Manasseh settle east of jordan, Levites receive 48 cities instead of a land inheritance

Genesis 3:15

The beginning of hope


The covenant is preserved through who in Egypt

1 kings 12-25

The divided monarchy, Key chapter

Gods response

The kingdom taken away

Solomons judgment

The kingdom will be divided, 10 tribes taken from his son, rehoboam, Solomon reigned 40 year

3 campaigns

The land conquered 5-6 years after crossing jordan

God's promise of redemption through the nation of Israel

The story of the old testament

Is this written by God or is this inspired by God

The ultimate question

Types of Israels leadership

Theocracy, Priest, Judge, Prophet, King


Third return of Israel: the walls rebuilt

The big picture in genesis

Though man continued to rebel against God, God preserved his promise of hope through a covenant with Abraham and the formation of the nation of Israel

Confusion and chaos

Tribe of Benjamin nearly destroys because of the gross immorality (became like the Canaanites)

holy place and the holy of holies

Two parts of the tabernacle is

God's covenant with David

Unconditional, Eternal elements

Conquering the land

Victory of Jericho, Defeat at Ai, 3 campaigns


Walls of Jerusalem remained broken down, Nehemiah's burden for the work in Jerusalem resulted in action, 13 years after Ezra-Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem

Gods choice

What he could see (the invisible), A man after His own heart, The Lord looketh on the heart

The people's choice

What they could see (the visible)

Solomon's desire

Wisdom to rule God's people

Rebuilt the temple

Work stopped after the foundation was laid, Work completed after Haggai and Zechariah encouraged to people

Kinsman redeemer

a capable relative who comes to the aid of a needy family member


a military leader who administers justice


a willful turning away from god and truth

David's failure

adultery, conspiracy, murder


high priest, Descendant of Aaron

Boaz's faithfulness

his actions demonstrate his obedience to the commands of God, Kinsman redeemer: a capable relative who comes to the aid of a needy family member


how did we (Israel) get ourselves into exile in Babylon?


how many years with abraham




incomplete obedience is


is seen in the way each book is connected and related to the others


israel failed to obey God


jacobs name changed to


last of the judges


man's king

Tower of babel

mans rebellious nature was not changed by the judgment of the flood, Mans problem is a problem of the heart, God is faithful to keep His word


married a Canaanite woman

redemption and hope

old and new testaments story is


one sent by god to deliver his message


one who ministers and mediates between god and man

high priests

only who are allowed in the holy of holies


peaceful king


preservation of the messianic line

Jesus Christ, son of David

promise of a throne: future king

Haggai and Zecharia

prophets, Encouraged the people

Solomon's failure

rejected God's commands for a king

1 kings

rise and decline of Israel


sacrificed his daughter

consecrated, holy place


second return

spiritual revival, Ezra, Ezra 7-10


star of Jacob

Promise of a house


dwelling place; residence


first return

temple rebuilt, Zerubbabel/Jeshua, Ezra 1-6

Redemption and hope

the big picture of the Bible

Noahic covenant

the continual wickedness of man's heart, The grieving of gods heart


the covenant is now a what covenant


the entrance and settlement of canaan

second chronicles

the kingdom divided and exiled

first chronicles

the kingdom established

Gods command: destruction of the Canaanites

to avoid contamination of the "holy nation" through idolatry

Ruth, Esther

two bible books named after woman

third return

wall rebuilt, Nehemiah

kingdom of priest

was becoming ineffective

holy nation

was losing its testimony

Israels failure

1:21-33 "neither did_____ drive out", Faith and obedience were replaced with idolatry and disobedience, "every man did that which was right in his own eyes"

Victory of Jericho

1st battle, God blesses obedience,

God establishes his promise of hope through the formation of israel

1st plot point of the Old Testaments Story

God's covenant with David

2 Samuel 7:12-16

Defeat at Ai

2nd battle, God chastises disobedience, Sin always brings defeat

God sustains his promised hope through the history of israel

2nd plot point of the Old Testaments Story

God instructs humanity on lobing in light of his promised hope

3rd plot point of the Old Testaments Story

Joshua Background

40 years after the exodus, Covers about 30 years, New leadership and provisions for israel

God reinforces his promise of hope through the prophets of israel

4th plot point of the Old Testaments Story

The beginning of creation

6 literal 24-hour days "the evening and the morning, Out of nothing, Created with the appearance of age, Ability to reproduce after their "kind

Arrangement of the camp

603,550 (20+) people, God's presence is central, Equal access to all

Revival of the people's hearts

8-13, a. The word of God was elevated, The people repented and reaffirmed the covenant (obedience in the land), Attributes of God highlighted

Ruth's faith

A gentile expressing faith in the god of heaven

How to live in the presence of God

Because of their access to God on behalf of strangers, Because of their testimony among other nations

The serpent's deception

Cast doubt on God's word, Promised a better way

Genesis 3:15

Enmity- hostility, open warfare, Seed- adam and eve's offspring, This promised One would defeat the Serpent-sometimes called the protoevangelium- means first gospel

god blesses obedience

Entering the land

Ezra 6 and 7

Esther is between

Named first born son Cain

Eve's first statement of faith

Ruth and Boaz

Events occur during the times of the judges, Possible contemporary with Gideon, Ruth's faith, Boaz's faithfulness, The messianic line is preserved

2nd return led by


1 Kings 12

Division of the Kingdom

The divided monarchy

Division of the kingdom


governor, Descendant of David


doing what is right

Promise of a kingdom


Test of obedience

drive out the remaining inhabitants

2 Samuel

establishment of the monarchy with David as king

1 Samuel

establishment of the monarchy with Saul as king


first of the kings


formation of Israel as a Holy Nation

Promise of a throne

future king

God makes a covenant with Abram

genesis 12


gentile woman married a Hebrew (Boaz)


giving what is undeserved


governing of a people by divine guidance

Gods faithfulness

"the hand of the lord was against them"

Reconstruction of the city walls

(1-7), Completed in 52 days

God restored his people to the land

(Ezra 1:1-6), Cyrus, king of Persia, Sent Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple God "stirred up" the kings heart

Israel demands a king

1 Samuel 8

Day of atonement

1 day/year high priest entered into the holy of holies, Repeated every year The innocent for the guilty

Review of the history of the wilderness

11-day of journey took 40 years, Clothes and shoes did not wear out

the way sinful man can approach holy God

A personal sacrifice

sanctuary and tabernacle

A place to dwell with his people

high priests duties

Aaron and sons

2nd return

About 80 years after Zerubbabel, Ezra is Priest & scribe, Empowered by god (7:6), prepared himself to teach (7:10)

Father of many nations

Abraham means

Genesis 12

Abrahamic Covenant


Abram means exalted

Confirmation of the covenant

Abrams faith- believed in the lord, God's faithfulness- the nation would be forged into a great nation in Egypt


Abrams name is changed to

Named his wife eve

Adam's statement of faith

Jerusalem becomes the capital

Also called:, Zion, City of David

The pattern of the judges

Apostasy, The downward spiral of apostacy,

New presence

Clous and fire ceased, "captain of the host of the Lord"

1446 b. c.

Crossing the red sea

Fulfillment of the covenant

Cursing's for disobedience

40.5 years

David reigned in Israel for

2 Samuel 7

Davidic Covenant

Gods judgement

Death-separation from the Creator


Deliverer (not a legal judge), Delivered through military strategy

The downward spiral of apostacy

Deteriorating spirituality, Confusion and chaos, The "kingdom of priest" was becoming ineffective, The "holy nation" was losing its testimony


agreements between 2 or more people/groups


and absolute monarch who exercises control of his subjects

unconditional convenant

based solely upon the faithfulness of the one making the covenant

conditional covenant

based upon the faithfulness of all parties making the covenant


book of beginnings

Feast of Purim

commemorates survival of jews (still celebrated today)

David's response to his sin

confession and repentance


cupbearer to Artaxerxes, king of Persia


cycles of apostasy and deliverance

2 kings

decline and fall of Israel

Gods command

destruction of the Canaanites

israel failed to obey God completely

did not drive out the inhabitants, incomplete obedience is disobedience


withholding what is deserved


written after the captives


written before the captives

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