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The three books which make up the Pastoral Epistles are:

1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, & Titus

The number of the beast, according to Revelation, is (simply type the numbers with no spaces as your answer):


Syncretism means

A mixture of various religions

Copy of in order to keep Paul humble, Paul was given this by the Lord

A thorn in the flesh

Both James and Paul (in Galatians & Romans) refer to this Old Testament figure's "righteousness," though they seem to mean different thing by it.


In Romans 4 & 5, Paul refers to these two Old Testament figures to make his theological points about righteousness and sin

Abraham & Adam

Paul describes himself in this way in the first verse of the letter to Philemon

As a prisoner

Which of the following is NOT a theme in James?


Which city did Philemon live in?


According to our textbook (Gundry), this false teaching claimed that Christ only "appeared" or "seemed" to be human. The name name for this heretical teaching comes from the verb "to seem."


In Hebrews, Jesus is considered "superior to"/"better than"


After recounting his former life in chapter 3, Paul offers this powerful reflection on his current life in Christ (pick the one that best summarizes Paul's understanding of his Christian walk as detailed in Philippians 3):

Everything is counted as loss for the sake of Christ, so that he might know his resurrection power and share in his sufferings and death

In a famous chapter (Hebrews 11) which speaks of numerous Old Testament figures, this theological virtue is lifted up time and time again (in fact, the word is used 25 times!).


TRUE OR FALSE According to Hebrews, though Christ came in the flesh, he was never tempted.


TRUE OR FALSE According to the idealist approach to reading Revelation, the events in Revelation refer to specific events in history (e.g., Hitler = the Beast).


TRUE OR FALSE All prophetic texts predict the future. That is, to be a prophetic text means - and only means - "to predict the future."


TRUE OR FALSE All scholars believe that Colossians was written by Paul


TRUE OR FALSE In 2 John, the author encourages his audience to welcome "false teachers" into their homes, in order that they might share the true Gospel with them and win them back to faith.


TRUE OR FALSE In Philippians 3, Paul acknowledges that he did not have any reason to be confident before God prior to his coming to Christ, having been born into a no-name tribe, having no religious training or affiliation, and having lacked passion for God in his youth.


TRUE OR FALSE In Romans, Paul claims that the Law, though given by God, is unholy and evil


TRUE OR FALSE In addition to being discussed in chapter 1 of Romans, homosexuality is a repeated theme throughout Romans occurring in nearly every chapter


TRUE OR FALSE In chapters 2 & 3 of Revelation, the author addresses 6 churches which were located in Palestine.


TRUE OR FALSE In the phrase "Catholic Letters" the word "catholic" means, "referring to the Roman Catholic Church."


TRUE OR FALSE James is heavy on doctrine/theology and light on application.


TRUE OR FALSE James never mentions "wisdom."


TRUE OR FALSE Most modern New Testament scholars think that Paul wrote Hebrews.


TRUE OR FALSE Nearly all modern scholars think that John, Son of Zebedee (one of the 12 apostles) wrote the book of Revelation


TRUE OR FALSE Of all of Paul's letters, Ephesians has the most specific details about the church to which it was written. It is Paul's most "situational" letter


TRUE OR FALSE Paul founded the church at Colossae


TRUE OR FALSE Paul founded the church at Rome


TRUE OR FALSE Paul openly condemns slavery in the letter to Philemon (calling it "moral evil") as he has done in other letters


TRUE OR FALSE Slavery in the ancient world was like slavery in the American south


TRUE OR FALSE The "rapture" is another way to say the "parousia," the "2nd coming of Christ."


TRUE OR FALSE The Book of Hebrews quotes/alludes to very few passages of the Old Testament.


TRUE OR FALSE The Letter to the Ephesians is one of the seven authentic letters that all scholars consider to have been written by Paul.


TRUE OR FALSE The Preterist interpretation of Revelation says that the events recorded in Revelation are a forecast of what is to happen in the future, at the end of time.


TRUE OR FALSE The Roman church was entirely Jewish and had no Gentile members


TRUE OR FALSE The authorship of 1st and 2nd Peter is not disputed. All scholars are convinced that the Apostle Peter wrote both.


TRUE OR FALSE The great Reformation figure, Martin Luther, thought that James was the most important book in the New Testament.


TRUE OR FALSE The term "pseudonymous" means "false teaching."


TRUE OR FALSE The word "Anti-Christ" occurs repeatedly in the book or Revelation.


TRUE OR FALSE Unlike Colossians, Ephesians contains no "household codes."


TRUE OR FALSE Unlike most of Paul's letters, Colossians says very little about Christoloy


TRUE OR FALSE Unlike the Gospel of John, the word "love" seldom appears in the Johannine letters.


TRUE OR FALSE Most scholars believe that Paul did NOT write 2 Corinthians


TRUE OR FALSE: The Roman church was entirely Jewish and had no Gentile members


True or False Philemon was the name of the slave discussed in the book of Philemon (the slave owner/master's name was Onesimus)


Which of the following is not one of the "Catholic/General" letters?


The dominant Christological metaphor in Hebrews is:

High Priest

Which is NOT a theme in Ephesians?

Instruction to widows

Which of the following is NOT true of Jude.....

Jude quotes various Old Testament passages to show that the coming of Christ was predicted in the Old Testament.

When Jesus shows up in Revelation 5, he is said to be this animal ________ (from the tribe of Judah), but when John looks he sees this animal __________

Lion; lamb

In the Johannine Letters, the author repeatedly addresses his audience with this affectionate title

Little children

In Hebrews Jesus is compared to this unusual Old Testament figure, whose name means "King of Righteousness"


This letter (one of the 3 Pastorals) is considered to be Paul's most personal letter, a letter in which he tells a trusted associate not to be ashamed of the Gospel. In this letter (which if authentic, was probably his last letter) he also speaks of his imminent death and of the "inspired" nature of Scripture.

NOT TITUS so either 1 timothy or 2 timothy

Paul spends 2 chapters (chapters 8&9) talking about this topic which was very important to him. In order to get the Corinthians to do what he wants, he reminds them of the actions of other churches

Offering for the church in Jerusalem

The first chapter of the book of Hebrews is made up primarily of:

Old Testament citations

Which of the following is NOT one of the Catholic/General Epistles?


Which of the four books make up the prison/captivity letters?

Philippians, colossians,ephesians, philemon

Apocalypse, the first word and title of the final book of the New Testament, literally means:


In the lecture on 2 Corinthians, we focused on 5:21 which reads: "For our sake he the father made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him (Jesus) we might become ____ of God


Kenosis, a Christological doctrine found in Philippians 2, means:


Paul wanted to use Rome as a base of operations (and perhaps wanted Rome's financial support) to go to this country in Europe


Christ is described in each of the following ways with one exception. Which description is not found in Colossians?

Suffering Servant

Probably in response to the "letters of recommendation" produced by his opponents in Corinth, in 2 Corinthians 3 Paul claims that his "letter of recommendation" is

The Corinthians themselves

In chapters 3 and 4 of 2 Corinthians, Paul describes the superiority and glory of his gospel over _______

The Mosaic Law

Which of the following is NOT true of 2 Peter?

The book calls for Jews and Gentiles to settle their differences and reconcile with one another.

In 2 & 3 John, the author describes himself with this title:

The elder

Which of the following is NOT a theme in 1 John?

The resurrection

TRUE OR FALSE 1 John mentions the antichrist(s).


TRUE OR FALSE 1 Peter is addressed to a Gentile audience


TRUE OR FALSE 1 Timothy discusses the qualifications and responsibilities of various church leaders.


TRUE OR FALSE 2 Peter warns against false teachers.


TRUE OR FALSE According to Gundry, people in the Greco-Roman world did NOT consider humility to be a virtue, rather they despised it.


TRUE OR FALSE Apocalyptic literature became popular in the inter-testamental period, especially among Jews.


TRUE OR FALSE Apocalyptic literature usually arises in times when people perceive that their beliefs about God don't line up with what they see in everyday life.


TRUE OR FALSE As far as the structure of Ephesians is concerned, most scholars see chapters 1-3 as the doctrinal core (teaching) and chapters 4-6 as the ethical or practical instruction (how you ought to live).


TRUE OR FALSE As in Galatians, "justification by faith" is a central theme in the Letter to the Romans.


TRUE OR FALSE Colossians is one of the Captivity/Prison letters within the pauline corpus


TRUE OR FALSE Ephesians is one of the Captivity/Prison letters.


TRUE OR FALSE Ephesians speaks of believers already having all of God's blessings, a view called "realized eschatology" or "realized soteriology."


TRUE OR FALSE Gundry points out the ironic fact that the Christological heresy that the church faced (which shows up in 1 John) was a false teaching that attacked Jesus' humanity rather than his divinity


TRUE OR FALSE Hebrews contains both "high" and "low" Christology.


TRUE OR FALSE Hebrews is full of "warning passages."


TRUE OR FALSE In the Pastoral letters, "faith" most often refers to a set of right beliefs/doctrines (or tradition), which some scholars call a "deposit." Put another way, "faith" is what one believes in, not the act of believing itself.


TRUE OR FALSE In the early chapters in the letter to the Romans, Paul claims that all people are under the power of Sin


TRUE OR FALSE In the eyes of many scholars, the Pastoral letters reflect a more highly organized ecclesiastical (=church) structure than that which is reflected in the other letters of Paul.


TRUE OR FALSE It is likely that the Roman church was made up of several house churches


TRUE OR FALSE Many of the sayings in James sounds a lot like the sayings of Jesus


TRUE OR FALSE One of the themes of the Pastoral letters is Paul's advice to his young pastors concerning "administrative responsibilities."


TRUE OR FALSE Paul rejoices that the Gospel is spreading even though some who preach do not like him.


TRUE OR FALSE Paul's Letter to the Philippians is his most personal and joyous letter.


TRUE OR FALSE Paul's letter is considered "authentic" (i.e., written by Paul himself) by most scholars.


TRUE OR FALSE Philemon is considered by most scholars to be an "Authentic" letter


TRUE OR FALSE Philemon is the shortest book in the Pauline corpus and comes last in the collection of Paul's letters


TRUE OR FALSE Philippi was a Roman colony and thus enjoyed certain privileges.


TRUE OR FALSE Scholars believe there is some relationship of textual dependence between 2 Peter and Jude (i.e., that one borrowed material from the other).


TRUE OR FALSE Some early manuscripts of Ephesians suggest that the letter was not directly addressed to the Ephesian church.


TRUE OR FALSE The Colossian church struggled with "heresey" (false teaching)


TRUE OR FALSE The Epistle to the Hebrews claims that Christ was "without sin."


TRUE OR FALSE The Philippians supported Paul financially.


TRUE OR FALSE The book of James claims that "faith without works" is dead.


TRUE OR FALSE The tongue is an important theme in the book of James


TRUE OR FALSE Unity within the body of Christ is a theme in Ephesians.


TRUE OR FALSE In the later chapters of 2 Corinthians, Paul boasts in his weakness and suffering as signs of his true apostleship


TRUE OR FALSE Many scholars believe that 2 Corinthians is a composite work, made up of several different parts/letters


TRUE OR FALSE Paul has to defend his actions and his apostleship in 2 Corinthians


Paul makes a play on the name "Onesimus" in v11 of the letter of Philemon, for the name means...


According to the author of Hebrews, the genre of the book is ............. (13:22).

Word of Exhortation

In the Christ Hymn of chapter 1, Christ is described as the "____ of creation, and the _____ of/from the dead"


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