Bible 1001: LIFEPAC Test
other-inspired biblical writers, the Lord Jesus Himself, tradition, archaeology
By what four sources has the fact of the flood been either confirmed or supported?
moral, spiritual
For man to be made "in the image of God" evidently means to be made with a ____ and ____ nature.
In His curse upon Satan, God announced his immediate doom.
In the first eleven chapters of the Bible, God set the stage for all that follows in the written revelation of Himself.
In the lives of Adam and Eve, the immediate result of sin was ___ death.
Jews and Arabs are descendants of Shem.
ex.)They determined to prevent any future destruction from a flood by building a tower (a terraced building) that would reach into heaven.
Rejecting God's promise to Noah and the sign of that promise, men at Babel probably determined to ______.....
The Bible has ___ author(s).
The Hebrew word for replenish means to fill again.
The first Hebrew word in the Bible, ____, means in the beginning.
The first day of Creation
Genesis 3:15
The first recorded promise of God's redemptive plan is found in ____.
The fourth day of Creation
The key word in the book of Genesis is ___.
was good for food
The lust of the flesh
The method God used to give the human writers the written Word was ___.
would make one wise
The pride of life
higher animal life (beast and man)
The sixth day of Creation
The Old Testament , The New Testament
The two main divisions of the Bible (in order) are the ____ and the ____.
The two personal foes implied by the word enmity in Genesis 3:15 are Cain and Abel.