Bible- Corona Test #1

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Habakkuk's book is dated to the ____ century. It reflects the struggles of the people in the southern kingdom of ____ in the years after Babylonian exile. During ____ reign.

-7th -Judah -Jehoiakim

The Mini-Book of Ch 1-5.

-An indictment of the nation -A promise of judgment -An invitation to repentance -A vision of hope

The Suffering Servant is...

-Comforting King -Obedient Prophet -Sacrificial Priest -Jesus

Each section in Micah -begins with a call to "_____" -contains warnings of ______ and promises of _____

-Hear -judgment / hope

Chapters 40-66 are assigned to ______. _______ crisis sees beyond its time, to coming of the _____. Emphasis: ____, _____, ____

-an anonymous author -Babylonian -Messiah -Hope, comfort, restoration

Each of Micah's ______ major divisions opens with the call to "listen"


How many major sections/ scenarios is the book of Isaiah divided into?


How many judgement oracles did Micah have?


The prophet Isaiah lived in the ____ BC.


Micah's message of hope. Micah sees...

A remnant, a return, and a ruler

Which two kings of Judah feature prominently in the book of Isaiah?

Ahaz and Hezekiah

Repetition in Jonah

Evil, Great (wind, fear, fish, city), Deep, Down (deep sleep, down to Joppa, down into inner ship, laid down).

The Assyrian were characterized by extreme wickedness, brutality, and pride. They were known for...

Exile, humiliation, and intimidation.

T/F: Because of internal evidence, namely the known date of the destruction of the city of Nineveh, it is logical to date the book of Nahum prior to 712 BC


T/F: Habakkuk identified himself as a priest in the line of Zadok.


T/F: Habakkuk, like Job, receives no answers to his questions about God's justice.


T/F: Isaiah ch. 37-39 feature 4 sons whose names were given prophetic significance.


T/F: Jonah claims to be the author of the book of Jonah


T/F: Micah's ministry was set against the backdrop of the impending Babylonian invasion


T/F: One of Micah's primary concerns centers around maintaining the Davidic line of kings.


T/F: The major event which looms in the background of Habakkuk is the recent destruction of Jerusalem.


T/F: The mention of the fall of Egyptian city of Memphis ("walking in memphis....") is another factor which helps to date the book of Nahum


T/F: The message of the book of Jonah is directed toward Israel, encouraging her move beyond her borders to evangelize other nations and to love and forgive her enemies.


T/F: The purpose of the book of Nahum was to pronounce the possibility of Nineveh avoiding destruction through repentance


T/F: Zephaniah was specific that judgment for Judah would include destruction of the temple.


Immanuel means...

God is with us

Zephaniah means....

He whom the Lord has hidden

All of the following are major themes in the book of Isaiah except ______.


Does the NIV support delay of identification?

It supplies the name Nineveh in chapter 1, for understanding purposes, but it destroys the literary device.

According to 2 Kings 14, Jonah prophesied good for Israel during the wicked reign of what king?

Jereboam II

Micah is quoted in another book ______ , and he is one of the few prophets quoted specifically in another book


The prophet Micah is specifically referred to in the prophetic book of ______


Jonah was active in the days of __________

Jeroboam II

According to the superscription of the book (1:1) the prophecies of Zephaniah are dated to the reign of ________.


Micah's hometown, a farming community located 22 miles southeast of Jerusalem

Moresheth... wait she's not from Nashville??

Motivations for such a profound response on the part of the Assyrians.

National threats/ problems, fish story, a solar eclipse, preaching of the Word of God.

Nahum foresees the complete destruction of the city of ______

Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire

With "you heads of Jacob" Micah is referring to

Politicians and Preachers

The book of Nahum opens with an introductory ________


Four sections of Isaiah have been designated as ____ songs. (42:1-7, 49:1-9, 50:4-11, 52:13-53:12)


_______________ is the title used for God almost exclusively by Isaiah in the Old Testament.

The Holy One Of Israel.

The justice of God


Isaiah uses "the Holy one of Israel" 29 times. This type of appearance is known as ______.


T/F: Micah's message was that the people were guilty of injustice.


T/F: The Assyrians had a reputation in the Old Testament for incredible cruelty


T/F: The book of Habakkuk appears to have been written during a period of time when Assyrian power was on the decline.


T/F: The final section of Nahum contains a dirge suggesting the reasons for God's actions against Nineveh


The Song of the ______ in Isaiah sums up the Lord's issues with his people


Isaiah means...

YHWH is salvation

When Jonah realizes that Nineveh will NOT be destroyed, he becomes exceedingly ______


In Micah 6:1-8, the charge is _____ ____. God has kept his part i vs 3-5, the people CLAIM to have kept theirs in vs 6-7

broken covenant

Nahum's name means...

comfort (his message might bring comfort to Judah and surrounding nations)

The message of the book of Jonah concerns God's sovereign right to bestow _____ on whomever he will, even to the point of relenting from threatened destruction


Micah 6:1-8 ia a _______ ______ against the nation

covenant lawsuit

Ahaz needed only to trust the Lord for _______. but he didn't, he turned to Assryia.


many scholars believe that Isaiah was responsible for parts of the book, due to....

different literary style and content

Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to ________, ______, _______ with your God?

do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

T/F: Within its context, Micah 6:8 should be understood as a comprehensive statement of God's demands on humanity


T/F: Zephaniah's oracles of judgment were focused solely on Judah.


Zephaniah is introduced with a rare ____ generation genealogy. Why is this used?

four. To legitimize his message.

Nineveh's destruction would be as ______ as the destruction she inflicted.

heinous (idk what this means)

Many believe that Nahum 1:2-8 is an _______ acrostic.

incomplete. (it could be that the broken acrostic vividly reinforces the chaos that accompanies the coming of YHWH)

In Nahum, God's ____ had come to an end, and Assyria's time as a ______ _____ had come to an end

mercy // world power

The reforms by Josiah never stuck because the people went through _____


Josiah becomes king at an early age and attempts to carry out massive _____


Zephaniah lists the sins of the people as follows:

religious syncretism, complacency, oppression & corruption, pride

YHWH is the ______, but the idols know nothing. (41:21-24)


H's 2nd complaint: How can a _____ nation be swallowed up by a wicked one? Judah is wicked, but the Babylonians are worse. They don't trust in God.


Micah promises judgment on both ____ and the _____

rulers / the prophets -he will hide his face from the rulers and plans from the prophets -He will send the nation to Babylon

YHWH is the ___, but the idols can't even save themselves. (46:1-10)


Zephaniah's ending, Judgment can end in _____

shelter. a bright hope for tomorrow.

A major theme of Zephaniah was ________, a time when the current state of affairs would be replaced by the Lord's intended order of things.

the day of the Lord

Another major theme of the book of Jonah is ______, or justifying the ways of God, which in the story of Jonah takes the form of being justified to act as he pleases whether that is mercy or judgment


Comparison of actions of pagan sailors to the prophet Jonah

they turn to their gods, while Jonah turns away from his. They try and spare human life, while Jonah tries to ensure that lives are destroyed. They sacrificed to YHWH and made vows, while Jonah would rather die.

Clear sense of purpose in Micah in ch 3, vs 8

to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin

We don't know Habakkuk's hometown or father's name. His name can be traced to a root meaning ....

to embrace

T/F: In interpreting the book, Jonah should be equated with the city of Nineveh


T/F: Micah's prophecy ends with an oracle of hope


T/F: The book of Jonah is unique among the Prophets in that it relates episodes from the life of Jonah instead of being a collection of oracles


T/F: Zephaniah's message of judgment for Judah also included a message of eventual restoration.


t/fThat Jesus compares himself to Jonah -- three days in the fish/grave -- lends support to the belief that Jonah's story is, in fact, historical and reliable.


By the time Zephaniah prophesies, judgement is _______. His prophecy warns of the approaching day of the Lord and the horrors that will entail.


ch 3 of Habakkuk is a psalm of praise for YHWH's ultimate _____. terrified of God's response. H determines to wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises. like Job


When Micah addresses "you peoples", he highlights three topics

-Idolatry (manner of Samaria) -Injustice (abuse of land) -Incredulity *weird flex* concerning the Word of YHWH (Micah promises judgment but the people refuse to believe it)

Chapters 1-39 are assigned to _____. deals with the ____ crisis. foretells the ultimate threat to Jerusalem is _____. Emphasis: _______

-Isaiah. -Assyrian -Babylon -Judgement

Syro-Ephraimtic War -_____ and ____ formed and alliance to stand against the Assyrians -King ____ declined at first, Isaiah urged him to trust God

-Israel and Syria -Ahaz

in Micah 6:1-8 God is the ________ Micah is the ________ The people of Israel are the _______. The hills, mountains, and enduring foundations of the earth make up the ______.

-Plantiff -Prosecutor -Defendants -Jury

Ch 40-66 present a message of hope to a nation in exile, the hope of a new _____. They also present a challenge to give up the ways that led to exile, ____ & ______.

-exodus -idolatry and injustice

God's 2nd response: glimmer of ___ for the righteous. "righteous shall live by his faith." Although the righteous person may suffer, he will be ______ in the end. God won't overlook enemy.

-hope -Vindicated

Politicians do not know _____ they hate the _________ and love evil/crooked build _____ at the expense of others

-justice -good/straight -wealth

Preachers preach the pleasing messages that people ____ will say whatever for the right ___

-prefer -price

Habakkuk's first complaint: -How long God will put up with Judah's _______ -His language is like ______. -His charge is typical of the _____

-wickedness -lament -prophets

Isaiah was married to a prophetess and had two sons with symbolic names: 1) Shear-jashub 2) Maher-shalal-hash-baz (that's a mouth full)

1) "a remnant will return" 2) "quick to plunder, swift to the spoil"

Oracles against the nations (9)

1) Babylon 2)Assyria 3) Philistia 4) Moab 5) Damascus and Israel 6) Cush and Egypt 7) Babylon, Edom, and Arabia 8) Jerusalem 9) Tyre

Typically, micah's work is divided into three sections

1) Hear you peoples 2) Hear, you heads of Jacob 3) Hear, Israel

Facts about the day of the Lord.

1) a reversal of creation. 2) near and hastening. 3) wrath, distress, anguish, ruin, devastation, darkness, gloom, clouds, and thick darkness. 4) trumpet black and battle cry. 5) silver and gold will not deliver, and when a full and sudden end will be made of all the inhabitants of the earth

Purpose of Nahum

1) impossibility of any nation making a stand against the Lord. (Assyria would fall!) 2) show the public disgrace that accompanies the judgment of God. (everyone will see the futility of standing against God) 3) Show the security of those who stand with the Lord. (God will vindicate his people)

Acrostics serve three main purposes:

1) memorization 2) demonstrate poetic skill. 3) Reinforcing the poet's message.

5 woes upon Babylon in the form of funeral dirges sung by her victims

1) plunderer will be plundered. 2) the one who builds his house w evil will forfeit his own life. 3) the one who built towns with blood and founded cities on inquiry will have wasted his time and energy 4) The one who pours the drinks will be drunk. 5) The one who has worshipped idols will not profit, the Lord is in his holy temple

The book of Jonah is structured with ______ roughly even sections


Jonah was a contemporary of _____ & _____

Amos and Hosea

When Jonah sees that God has relented from destroying Nineveh because of their repentance, he is ______


The book of Jonah concerns the judgement against the city of Nineveh, the capital of ______


The _____ were the arch enemies of the Israelites and everyone else who stood in their way.


Who was the pagan nation threatening Judah during the time of Zephaniah's ministry?


Hezekiah's illness brought a miraculous healing, but his hospitality brought another national crisis ______

Babylon (here we go again)

God's first response. God answers that his is raising the __________ to judge his people. Here they are not the rod of anger but an exceedingly wicked nation.... They are...

Chaldeans/Babylonians. bitter, hasty, on the move./ dreaded and fearsome. / make their own justice, promote their own dignity./ army is impressive./ ways are violent./ laugh at kings and fortresses./ their might is their god.

T/F: The King of Nineveh in the book of Jonah has been identified as Tiglath Pileser III


T/F: The background of Isaiah is the invasion of Israel by the Neo-Babylonian Empire.


The day of the Lord is ANY day when ..... The day may be inside or outside the framework of history.

God comes in judgment on his enemies

King _____ turned to the Lord, and 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were put to death in one night.


Zephaniah seems to be the great-great grandson of King _____


For Isaiah, YHWH was the _________.

Holy One of Israel

The main question of the book of Habakkuk is ________.

How can those who are wicked go unpunished?

Nineveh's sins

Idolatry, Violence, Pride

The book of Habakkuk is organized around several ______ by the prophet.


Micah was a contemporary of the prophet ______


The book of Nahum contains many parallels to the book of ____ including vocabulary, phrasing, theme, and motif


The prophet Zephaniah was a contemporary of the prophet ________.


Micah is the first prophet to specifically threaten ___________


Which other prophet's ministry also involved the city of Nineveh?


Parallelism in Jonah

Jonah's calling and disobedience (1:1-3) > Jonah's calling and obedience. (3:1-3). Jonah and the pagan sailors (1:4-16) > Jonah and the pagan Ninevites (3:3b-10). Jonah's grateful prayer (1:17-2:20) > Jonah's angry prayer. (4:1-4)

King ____ inherited a legacy of moral and religious degeneration from his father Amon and grandfather Manasseh


The second section of the book of Nahum contains alternating addresses to Nineveh and ______


4 Taunts against Nineveh

Lion Taunt (2:11-13) Harlot Taunt (2:4-7) Historical Taunt (3:8-10) Locust Taunt (3:15-17)

The servant is fundamental in fulfilling YHWH's plans for his people, bc he is totally devoted to doing the ____ _____. Israel was called to be God's servant, but didn't always act as it.

Lord's will.

The apostasy of King ________ for the five decades prior to the ministry of Zephaniah exacted a heavy spiritual toll on Judah.


Delay of Identification.

Nineveh is not mentioned in the text until 2:8. There is supposed to be tension concerning just who is being addressed. Universally applicable.

The actions of the sailors in Jonah closely parallel the actions of the ______


Literary Characteristics of Nahum

Partial Acrostic (1:2-8) Delay of Identification. Taunts against Nineveh.

Which New Testament writer quotes Habakkuk 2:4, "But the righteous will live by faith," multiple times?


Zephaniah's oracles against the nations

Philistine, moab & Ammon, Cush, Assyria

Sometimes the servant is identified with the nation of Israel, and at other times is distinguished from that nation. View it as a ______.

Pyramid! 1) Base= servant identified with entire nation. 2) Higher, there is a narrowing to a faithful remnant 3) At the summit, the Servant is a single righteous individual

Two places in the book of Micah speak of _____ deliverers would serve as the Lord's instruments for saving Israel from her enemies?


Purpose Theme of Jonah

Scandalous Love. God is sovereign over the events on the earth. God will get his message to the nations. Repentance and obedience is demanded. From God's people, he demands repentance of self centeredness and hypocrisy. God will relent when people repent.

Symbolism in Jonah

Sea is chaos. Desert is chaos. Jonah knew God was there on land, thought he would be gone on water.

Alternative to destruction is to... Even though we will all stand before God in judgement, will we survive it?

Seek the Lord, righteous, humility, so that you will be HIDDEN on the day of anger of the Lord.

The city where Jonah was heading towards that was 2500 miles away from Joppa. Near present day Spain.


In the book of Habakkuk the main instrument of God's judgment will be ______.

The Babylonians

Historical Situation of Nahum's work

The fall of thebes. (664 BC) Nineveh was destroyed (612 BC)

T/F: Habakkuk was concerned with the justice of God at a time when a wicked nation was prospering


T/F: It is likely that Manasseh or Josiah was in power when Nahum delivered his oracle.


T/F: The material of the book is arranged to highlight the trustworthiness of the covenant of God.


T/F: The purpose of the prophecies by Zephaniah was to initiate change in Judah by pronouncing God's judgment on wickedness.


T/F: The title "Redeemer" is used for God more than a dozen times in Isaiah.


T/F: There is a "wisdom" tone to the prophecy of Habakkuk.


T/F: Zephaniah was possibly a member of the royal household.


One of the biggest controversies surrounding the book of Isaiah is in relation to its ______.


The Messiah in Isaiah

Virgin's Child, Prince of Peace, Shoot of Jesse, Possessor of the key of David, Stone laid in Zion, Righteous King, Anointed

Micah's name means...

Who is like YHWH?

Habakkuk is unique among the prophets in that it is written in the form of ______ & _____. He addressed himself to God on behalf of Israel.

complaint and answer. He doesn't deal with the sins of Judah, more concerned with God's ways.

YHWH is the _____, but the idols have to be created. (42:5-9)


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