Bible Doctrines Final Enns Questions

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What is meant by the "attributes" of God

"Those distinguishing characteristics of the divine nature which are inseparable from the isea of God and which constitute the basis and ground for His various manifestations to His creatures.

What Bible (name/year) became the standard for all future English Bibles

Tyndale Bible 1534

What does the Latin word codex mean


Identify and explain the Greek term translated "given by inspiration" in 2 Timothy 3:16


What is the meaning of the Greek words theos and logos in theology


Why is it important to hold that the Bible is free from error even in matters like chronology and geography?*

-Errancy impugns the character of God-Errants disagree in listing errors

What are the 4 main divisions of historical theology, with dates

-ancient (1st century-- ad 590)-medieval (590-1517)-reformation (1517-1750)-modern (1750-now)

Explain the 2 aspects and the purpose of the decree of God

1. Directive will of God2. Permissive will of God

What are Enns' 6 categories of evidence for the humanity of Christ

1. Jesus is called a "man"2. Jesus was born3. Jesus exhibited human development4. Jesus experienced a human religious life5. Jesus experienced human emotions6. Jesus experienced human weakness

Explain the primary and secondary sources of systematic theology

1. scripture and nature2. doctrinal confessions,, tradition, reason

What do the following verses indicate about Peter's view of the Bible 2 Pet. 1:21 2 Pet. 3:16

21:Superintendent power of the Holy Spirit. 16:Paul's writings are Scriptures

During what centuries were the Masoretes particularly active? What is their great contribution (59)?*

6th - 10th centuries AD

What is the meaning of the oneness of God in essence

All three Persons possess the summation of the divine attributes but yet the essence of God is undivided.

What is the doctrine of the Trinity, and why is the term Triunity a better description of this truth

Because it emphasizes not only the three persons, but their unity within the trinity.

What is the neo-orthodox view of inspiration, and how does Enns respond to this view

Bible becomes the word of God as the believer experiences Christ in his own subjective experience

What church council (place/date) "officially" recognized our NT books as canonical

Carthage ad 397

What was the first complete English Bible (name/year) ever printed

Coverdale Bible 1535

What 5 important elements belong in a proper definition of inspiration

Divine element-Human element-Inerrancy-extends to the selection of words by the writers-relates to the origina

What do Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14 contribute to the doctrine of the Trinity

Equality as well as unity of the three Persons is intended.

What 2 things must be affirmed to demonstrate that the Scriptures teach the Trinity

Genesis 1:1-2 God created, Spirit hovered.Psalm 110:1 "The LORD said to my Lord..."

What was the first English Bible (name/year) to be translated entirely from the original languages, the first to have numbered verses, and the one to be carried by the Pilgrims on the Mayflower (30-31, 33)?*

Geneva Bible 1560

Define verbal plenary inspiration

God's inspiring of all scripture equally

How is the term persons helpful in explaining the Trinity

It is helpful inasmuch as it emphasizes not only a manifestation but also an individual personality.

How are the 3 offices of Christ the key to the purpose of the incarnation

Prophetic Priestly Kingly

What is the "decree" of God, and what verse in Ephesians supports this concept

The decrees of God have been established in eternity past and have reference to God's sovereign control over every realm and over all events. (Eph 1:11 KJV In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:)

What is meant by the "antinomy" of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility, and how does Acts 2:23 relate to this issue

The fact that understanding how the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man fit together is impossible for the human mind. Acts 2:23 says that God planned Christ's death from eternity, yet the people who killed Him were still responsible.

What is the meaning of the incarnation

The word incarnation means "the act of being made flesh."

What were uncials

all caps

What methodology is preferable for NT theology, and why

analytic, because it expresses individual emphases of authors.

What are the 4 basic principles of canonicity employed by the early church

apostleship content universality inspiration

What were the 3 most ancient and significant Greek manuscripts not available to the King James translators (45)?*

codex vaticanus codex sinaiticus codex alexandrius

What is the purpose of historical theology

describe the historical origin of the dogmei of the church and to trace it s subsequent changes and developments

What does revelation mean?and what is the important emphasis in the full definition of the term

disclosure, unveiling

Explain the differences between general revelation and special revelation

general: refers to knowledge about God and spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy, and reasoning. special:evangelical scientists and Christian theologians that refers to the belief that knowledge of God and of spiritual matters can be discovered through supernatural means, such as miracles or the scriptures

What is the consistent usage of the Hebrew term almah in Isaiah 7:14

has both a near-term and long term fulfillment

According to Enns, why was the virgin birth necessary

if Christ was to be sinless.

Define inerrancy and explain the syllogism of inerrancy

inerrancy means that when all the facts are known, the Scriptures in their original autographs and properly interpreted to do without doctrine.

To what 18th-century theologian can the modern beginnings of biblical theology be traced

john philip gabler

Explain Enns' view of the unifying theme of the OT

kingdom// his glory and holiness

In this regard, what is God's ultimate purpose in His kingdom program

kingdom// his glory and holiness

What are the 3 divisions of the Jewish (Hebrew) OT

law prophets writings

What do the following verses indicate about Christ's view of the Bible Matt. 5:17-18 Jn. 10:35

m:Inspiration of the whole of Scripture j:Scripture cannot be broken

What is meant by the terms canon and canonical

measuring rod

What is the meaning of the hypostatic union

one person with two natures

Why is Genesis 3:15 called the protevangelium,*

protos meaning "first" and evangelion meaning "good news" or "gospel". Thus the protevanglium in Genesis 3:15 is commonly referred to as the first mention of the good news of salvation in the Bible.

Why did King James I reject the Geneva Bible

republicanism in the marginal comments

Define biblical theology in Enns' second sense, explaining its 4 elements

the branch of theological science which deals systematically with the historically conditioned progress of the self-revelation of God as deposited in teh Bible.-systemization-history-progress of revelation-biblical nature

What phrase describes God's inspiring of all Scripture equally

verbal plenary inspiration

What was the first English Bible (name/year)

wycliffe Bible 1382

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