Bible Quiz ( 1. Kings)

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Of the last 9 kings, _ stands out. ________ __ was the _ King in the line of Jehu. He uled for __ years and brought a degree of __________ and _______ in Israel. He himself was a ______ ruler but his reign is particularly important becaus it was the setting for the prophets ____, ______, and _____.

1 Jeroboam II 4 41 Prosperity Victory Wicked Amos Hosiah Jonah

More than __ times in Scripture it says that Jeroboam is the one " who made Israel ___."

20 Sin

None of the last _ kings were righteous. Less than __ years after Josiah's _____, Judah would _________ from existence.

4 25 Death Disappear

Elisha's ministry lasted about __ years and greatly ________ the people of his day. His influence was significant among the " ____ of the prophets" who were being trained at ______ and ______ in the Northern Kingdom. He worked _____ as many miracles as Elijah

50 Affected Sons Bethel Gilgal Twice

In ___ _._. Zedekiah is on the throne and he too refused to pay the tax which caused Nebuchadnezzar to return a _ time. This time he ________ the city of Jerusalem, removing the last king, and took the remaining people into _________; thus ending the era of the ________.

586 B.C. 3 Destroys Removing Captivity Monarchy

In ___ _._. Jehoiakim refused to ___ the tax, which caused Nebuchadnezzar to return to Judah. A new King, ___________ was put on the throne and he submitted to the Babylonian King. Nebuchadnezzar left and took back the rest of the ______ treasure and about __ ________ captives to Babylon.

597 B.C. Pay Jehoiachim Temple 10 Thousand

In ___ the Assyrian Empire was declining and the __________ was on the rise. At the battle of__________, Babylon defeated the combined forces of Assyria and _____ and emerged as a world power.

605 Babylonion Carchemish Egypt

It took about _ years to build this multi-_______ dollar building. The Temple was built with ____,_____,____ _____ and fine _____ and was one of the wonders of the world.

7 Million Gold Silver Fine Linen Woods

All _ of the last kings of Israel were idol worshippers. All of them were ____. All of them __________ God.

9 Evil Displeased

The year of the division was ___ _._. The history of the 2 kingdwoms are _____-_____ in scripture until the _________ of the ________ kingdom in ___ _._.

931 b.c. Enter - woven Captivity Northern 721 b.c.

______ He reigned for _ years and was not totally ______ to God

Abijah 3 devoted

After removing several of his ___________, Solomon put together a highly _________ empire

Adversaries Organized

Most of the ministry of Elijah appears in 1 Kings in connection with evil king____


____ Ruling do __ years with his wife _______ brought Israel to it's lowest _________ level. _______ was the religion of the Northern kingdom. Scriptures proclaim Ahab and Jezebel as the most ______ rulers in the entire history of the North. In order to deal with them, God raised up a _____ prophet ______. He would be used by God to counter the evils of Baalism and call Israel back to the Lord.

Ahab 22 Jezebel Spiritual Baalism Wicked Fiery Elijah

Jehu ___________ the entire house of Ahab and eradicated _______ from Israel.

Annihilated Baalism

He __________ his subjects and God. His many _____ cause his devotion to wonder from God to many _____. This brought _________ from God. As a result of his sin from Solomon, God would ______ the kingdom. Only the Davidic Covenet kept God from _______ off Solomon's line

Antagonize Wives Idols Judgement Divide Cutting

___ He was a _____ King for __ years. He _________ the place of idolatry in the South

Asa godly 41 Destroyed

During the last years of the Northern Kingdom, Judah experienced the wrath of a wicked ruler, Queen ________, and the blessings of a righteous ruler, ______.

Athalia Jothem

______ He was ______ King who ruled for __ years after killing everyone in the family of Nadab

Baasha Sinful 24

Since Jehu didn't remove all the places of idolatry, his ________ was limited.


His influence extended well beyound the _______ of Israel


Solomon's ________ program (6:1-10:29)


While Rehoboam brought about the division of the kingdom, it was not the _____ of the division


For 2 _________ God tolerated their wicked and __________ behavior. When they didn't listen to God's _______, he _______ them.

Centuries Idolatrous Prophets Judged

Considering the potential for ____ in the transition to a new king, it went rather smoothly


Evidentially David messed up when he didn't make it _____ who was going to succeed him.


After giving Solomon advice, Israel's greatest king _____ died


The Northern Kingdom was _________ and taken captive by _______.

Destroyed Assyria

Never again do we find the Nation of Israel as a whole living in such peace and prosperity, totally _______ to God


Several of Solomon's decisions caused the ________ of the kingdom.


The ________ of the kingdom


Because of Jehu's his obedience to God, he prospered the _______ of Jehu mailing it the longest reign in the Northern Kingdom.


____ He kept the sins going of his ______ Baasha, but was only on the throne for _ years.

Elah Father 2

The Misnistry of ______


Ministry of ______


It is impossible to explain the ______ of Manassah, because his father was such a _____ King.

Enigma godly

Solomon's _____________ of the king


3. Third, Solomon's ____________ of the people.


Ahazizah He was wicked just like his ______. He only ruled for _ years

Father 2

After Solomon dies, the people ask for relief from Solomon's heavy taxation, but Rehoboam _________ refuses to listen to the people. And the people of the Northern tribes refused to acknowledge him as King and make ________ their King.

Foolishly Jehoboam

During the years of the split kingdoms they were often ________ and cooperative with each other and at times at ___ with each other.

Friendly War

Godly King ________ (18:1-20:21)


The ____ _____ of Israel's Old Testement history was the __________ of the Temple

High point Dedication

Jehu was instructed to destroy all of the _____ of King Ahab and ______ the slain prophets of the Lord.

House Avenge

1. First, and foremost, was Solomon's defection from God to _____


The Southern kingdom didn't do much better because Rehoboam proved to be an _____ and ____ King. Solomon's _____ quickly faded during Rehoboam's __ years reign.

Inept Evil Glory 17

Through the prophet ______, God promised deliverance and a large number of the Assyrian army was _________

Isaiah Destroyed

2. Second was tribal ________ of the tribe of ____ that was prompted by Solomon not ? Judah, by doing most of his building ________ in Judah, and building up his _______ of Judah. He also, antagonized certain northern tribes by offering to give away their ______ to foreign kings.

Jealousy Juda ? Projects Defense Cities

No 605 B.C. _________ was King in Judah. Judah would become a _______ nation to Babylon and is forced to pay annual ___ to the King.

Jehoiakim Subject Tax

__________ He was good and ______ God. He reigned fo __ years and made ? with the north.

Jehoshaphat Obeyed 25 ?

The role of ____ (9:1-10:36)


The last recorded act of Elisha was to send one of the sons of the prophets to anoint ____, a _______ of the army, as the next ____ of Israel.

Jehu Captain King

The author introduces ________, a servant of Solomon, as the first king of the ________ kingdom and a central figure of the monarchy period.

Jeroboam Northern

The Godly King ______ (22:1-3)


The last of the kings of _____ (22:31-25:30)


As David became old and informed, it became clear to all in Israel that a new ____ would be coming to the throne


The wicked King ________ (21:1-16)


This section of 2 kings continues the story of Elijah's ___________ ministry,recording the score___call down from heaven, the crossing of the Jordan River on ___ ground, and his miraculous ________to heaven in a _____ ____.

Miraculous Fire Dry Departure Whirl wind

_____ He was ____ like his father Jeroboam. He reigned for just _ years

Nadab Evil 2

David ordered ______, _____ the priest, and other key people to ________ anoint Solomon and proclaim him as King.

Nathan Zodak Publicly

King ______________ of Babylon then came and subjugated Judah.


Unlike the Northern Kingdom, Judah had some rulers who sought to ____ God. This account for the longer ________ of the Southern Kingdom.

Obey Duration

Hezekiah ______ God, _______ God, and ______ God, and honored him because of this devotion.

Obeyed Trusted Served

____ He was another military leader who came to power by killing _____. He was forced to rule alongside_____for 3 years until he finally won out. He strengthened Israel by making _________. One of his alliances brought the evil _______ to Israel.

Omri Zimri Tibni Alliances Jezebel

Elijah's ministry was ____ on to Elisha, who faced difficult times of Israel's _________ and _____ decay.

Past Spiritual Moral

Even though the 2 nations were divided ___________, they were still united ___________. Jeroboam didn't like that the religious center was still in ________ in Judah. So he put 2 golden _____ in Israel. One in the North at ___ and one in the South at ______. Jeroboam was not saying that the calf was ___ but was trying to change the way Israel _________ God. He also changed the __________ and the ________.

Politically Religiously Jerusalem Calves Dan Bethel God Worshiped Priesthood Calendar

Jeroboam's ________ religious system was what started Israel ( Northern Kingdom) down the path of __________ eventually _________.

Polluted Corruption Captivity

Solomon's ______ of dedication gives a fitting ____________ of those prosperous days.

Prayer Illustration

Solomon violated all 3 of these ____________ in his glory years, Solomon did not act ______, failing to remember that even kings were subject to a "____________"

Prohibitions Wisely Constitution

The years of prosperity in Israel went by _______ and in 721 B.C. in the reign of _______, the Lord brought the _________ to conquer Israel.

Quickly Hoshiah Assyrians

Solomon announces that his son ________ would be the next King.


Of all the kings of the South, Hezekiah was the most _________. He removed all of the ________ in the nation, even the ______ serpant of _____, which had become an object of _______.

Righteous Idolatry Bronze Moses Worship

The evil done by Manasseh was so deeply ______ in Judah that God's judgement was _________.

Rooted Inevitable

He was the last godly long to ____.


David had promised _____ that her son ______ would be the next King. But, someone forgot to tell David's son ________ decided to take the throne for himself.

Sheba Solomon Adonijah

His ___ was so great that God pronounced irreversible _________ on Judah.

Sin Judgement

The northern kingdom continue its downward ______ quickly when several _____ people fled the north to go to Judah to avoid the rampant ________ in the north.

Spiral godly Idolatry

Solomon's ________ Failure and End as Israels King (11:1-43


God had warned Israel that a King would bring heavy ________. Solomon's taxation on Israel would become a heavy burden and cause ______. God also warned that Kings were not to multiply ______, ______, and _____.

Taxation Unrest Horses Silver Wives

David desired to build the ______, but it was his son Solomon God chose to _____ the Lord's house

Temple Build

Hezekiah's great ____ came when the Assyrian army besieged Jerusalem demanding _________. Hezekiah prayed (pled) to God and asked for ___________.

Test Surrender Deliverance

Nebuchadnezzar allowed Jehoiakim to remain as King but took ________ and ________ back with him to Babylon.

Treasure Captives

Solomon's ______ came well known throughout the region. David's military _______ Solomon's ______, and God's obvious _____ made it possible for all Israel to live in _____ and __________.

Wisdom victory wisdom favor peace prosperity

_____ He was powerful ______ in the army who assassinated Elah and all of his family. He ruled only _ days.

Zimri General 7

He made numerous political _________, engaged in many building ________, fortified Israel's ________ and developed complex ___________

alliances projects defenses bureaucracy

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