Bible: Review Questions: Unit 6

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How many people were baptized in one day as a result of the miracle of the Holy Spirit?


Who helps protect Luther from the Pope?

Frederick (Elector of Saxony)

According to John 16:33, why did Jesus tell his disciples about the persecution that was to come?

So that they will have peace in Him.

Describe the church in Europe during the Dark Ages.

The church ruled everything; One Church controlled the lives of the people.

What are four things the disciples did while they were waiting to receive the gift Jesus had promised?

They talked about Jesus; Reviewed Jesus life and teachings. They confessed faults and prayed together.

What did the church believe about people visiting holy shrines or relics?

Visiting a shrine would lessen time for you in purgatory.

How did Jesus tell his followers they should react when persecution came?

"But take heart because I have overcome the world. Rejoice and be glad".

What were some of the beliefs that the Waldenses held as truth?

*Denied that a priest did not have control over one soul *Some preserved knowledge of Seventh-Day Sabbath *Believed Jesus was real.

How long after Jesus' ascension was the Festival of Pentecost?`

10 Days.

How many of Jesus' followers were together on the Day on Pentecost and received the gift of the Holy Spirit?


What is the "new Israel"? Why did God choose a new Israel?

A "spiritual Israel" God's chosen people were no longer a particular nation.

What happened to anyone who spoke up against the church?

Banished ,excommunicated or killed.

How did the church come to believe that people go to heaven when they die?

Christians begin praying for Martyrs even though they were dead. Christians pray to martyrs.

How does the bible symbolically describe the church in the Dark Ages? Where is this description found?

Described as women hiding in wilderness; Revelation 12.

Persecution did not destroy the church. What was Satan's new plan to destroy it?

Destroy from the inside of the church.

Why was Luther excommunicated?

He didn't want to accept anything over scriptures.

Why was Jesus always In conflict with the Jewish leaders?

He held the scriptures as more important than Jewish leaders ,teachers or rulers.

How was persecution a blessing for the early Christians?

He helped gather the early Christians, carrying the gospel to other countries.

What did the priest teach about hell and purgatory?

Hell: burn forever. Purgatory: burn off sins to go to heaven.

Why were the Christians a problem to the Romans?

It challenged much of the foundation of the Roman social structure.

What did the gift of the Holy Spirit do for the members of the early Christian church?

It saved them from eternal death even though they had different nationality's.

Why were priests no longer needed after Christ's death?

Jesus is the priest of all Humanity.

Name two events that signified the end of the sacrificial system.

Jesus' death. Torn Veil.

How did Luther get to the Wartburg Castle? What important thing did he accomplish while there?

Luther was kidnapped by friends and started to make the Bible in German.

What happened as a result of Martin Luther's 95 Theses being nailed to the church door? What happened to Luther as a result?

Luther was summoned to Rome. People read these began to look up to Christ. Not leaders of church.

Which Roman general brought widespread persecution to the Christians?Why?

Nero. Because he burned down a temple and blamed it on someone else

How did heathen customs come to be blended with teachings of the church?

New converts to the churches would bring Pagan customs with them. Heathen customs blended with Christian practice.

Describe the painting that motivated Martin Luther to become a monk. Why did it have this effect on him?

Painting of ships. Pope on top. Peasants drowning. Ship: symbolized us going to heaven.

What did Paul hope to teach the Believers by comparing the church to the human body?

Paul wanted them to understand that they were important members of the church.

How did the religious practices and teachings during the Dark Ages make the people feel?

People felt guilty and distressed. Many gave up on Salvation thinking they had to earn it somehow.

How did the leaders of the church treat the Waldenses?

Persecuted them.

Why was Tetzel selling pardons for sin?

Poleo commission to sell pardons to build the Cathedral in Rome.

In his preaching, what two things did Peter urge the people to do after they had received the Holy Spirit?

Repented and turned to God.

A visit to which shrine changed Martin Luther's life? What did Luther do at The Shrine? What Bible texts came to his mind?

Romans 1:17; Luther visited; kissed every step.

What were some of the things Luther learned while he was a teacher at the University in Wittenberg?

Salvation was grace alone. God is to be loved not feared. The Bible soul Authority for Christians.

What did Satan expect what happened as a result of the persecution of the Christians?

Satan expected the fear of death, intimidation, and perspective converts.

Why did Christians sometimes choose to disobey the government?

Satan's plan wasn't working.

What did the priests do the discredit what was happening as the disciples preached about Jesus in many languages?


What was the watchword, or slogan, of the Protestants in Europe? What were they protesting?

The Bible and the Bible only. Protesting biblical teachings.

How did early Christians come to believe that Sunday, rather than The Seventh-Day Sabbath, was the correct day on which to worship?

The Western Christians began worshiping on Sunday every year. Then it became the norm so they did it every Sunday.

How did the church change the Ten Commandments when image worship was introduced to the churches in a.d. 787?

The church removed the second commandment and took commandment 10 and split it into two different commandments so there would t=still be ten commandments.

What did Tetzel promise those who bought the pardons?

The future sins will be forgiven. No need to repent.

What did Tertullian say concerning the persecution of Christians? What did he mean by these words?

The unjust persecution would bring people to Christ. 'The blood of Christians is seed'.

Name one way in which the period in Earth's history called the "Dark Ages" got its name?

The word was in spiritual Darkness because of Satan's corruption on the early church.

What did the early church accomplish in just one generation?

They carried the gospel to every nation in the Roman Empire.

Why was there inability to read a handicap to Christians in the early church?

They had to depend on church leaders to read the scriptures so they can learn from them.

Why were images and pictures first brought into the church?

To be used as teaching tools.

What was God's original plan for the nation of Israel? Did they follow the plan?

To go straight to the promise land; No.

What hard things cannot be done by force or strength, how does God promise they can be accomplished?

We will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us.

Where in Rome did Christians sometimes take refuge while they were being persecuted?

West of Palestine. Catacombs under Rome.

What event signaled that Israel was no longer God's chosen people?

When Steven was stoned, the church scattered.

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