bible test

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What is the foundational verse that is used to define the role of apologetics? Be able to identify this verse if it was given.

1 Peter 3:15 "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect"

_______________ objects are causally effete or impotent.


Define and give an example of an abstract object

Abstract objects are metaphysical objects that cannot cause anything. Examples: numbers, number sets, or fictional characters

Who is the man that developed the Cosmological argument to its current form?


Apologetics is important because it. . . - Shapes Culture - Strengthens the believer - Wins the unbeliever - All of the above

All of the above

The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either __________. - Necessity - Chance - Design - All of the above

All of the above

_______________ is a point of similarity between two things.


The word apologetics comes from what Greek word?


Knowing the why to the what we believe builds _______________ and strengthens us to share our faith.


_______________ objects can cause effects in the world.


1) Everything that exists has a an explanation of its existence. 2) If the universe exists then the explanation of its existence is God. 3) The universe does exist 4) Therefore, the explanation for the universes existence is God.

Contingency Argument (Leibniz Cosmological Argument)

1) Whatever begins to exist has a cause. 2)The universe began to exist. 3)Therefore, the universe has a cause.

Cosmological Argument

The S.U.R.G.E acronym describes the scientific discoveries that support which argument?

Cosmological Argument

__________________ is the study of the large-scale structure and development of the universe.


"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." - Psalm 19:1. This verse is used to give biblical support to which argument?

Design Argument

1) Everything that is designed has a designer. 2)The universe is designed. 3)Therefore, the universe has a designer.

Design Argument

_______________ is a point of difference or dissimilarity between two things.


The mathematic theory that predicts the beginning of the universe.

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

In apologetics great arguments almost always guarantee conversion. (T/F)


Numbers are an example of something that exists contingently. (T/F)


The desk that you are sitting at is an example of something that exists necessarily. (T/F)


The goal of apologetics is to win the argument and ensure that your point is made no matter the cost. (T/F)


A ______________ fallacy involves breaking the rules of logic.


Apologetics should be done with what two character qualities mind?

Gentleness and Respect

Conclusion - Therefore, the explanation of the universes' existence is ______.


Why should we share the gospel and engage in apologetics?

God commands believers to in the great commission It is the most loving thing that we can do for people It strengthens our faith and can lead to life for those who hear Paul and Jesus call us to because they used it in their time

A ______________ fallacy involves an argumentative tactic that is illicit.


What was the profession of Gottfried Leibniz?


_________ has to do with significance.


Something is ___________________ if it's real or true independent of anyone's opinion about it.


List three specific examples of Anthropic constants given from your notes

Oxygen Level Gravity Carbon Dioxide

_________ has to do with a goal, a reason for something.


Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered background radiation that was predicted by Big Bang models.

Radiation from Big Bang

_________________ to absurdity, also known as Reductio Ad Absurdum, is a form of argument that proves a statement by demonstrating that its opposite is absurd.


If the universe is a closed system, then it would have run out of energy given an infinite amount of time.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Something is __________________ is it's just a matter of personal opinion.


Define the Anthropic Principle

The 122 anthropic constants that enable for life to be sustained on the earth.

A. "If atheism is true, the universe has no explanation of its existence." B. "If the universe has an explanation of its existence, then atheism is not true." These two statements are logically equivalent. (T/F)


Gravity, the expansion rate of the universe, mass, and energy are all examples of anthropic constants. (T/F)


It is important to remember that the wide is the gate that leads to destruction and the path is narrow that leads to righteousness. Therefore, only a minority of the people who hear the gospel will respond positively. (T/F)


Jesus, Paul, and Peter all engage in apologetics in their ministries. (T/F)


The premise of an argument is a provable true or false statement that leads to the conclusion of the argument. (T/F)


There is no scientific evidence for the existence of the multiverse. (T/F)


Two statements are logically equivalent if it is impossible for one to be true and the other false. They are either both true or both false. (T/F)


When engaging within apologetics it is important to remember that the Gospel is never heard in isolation and we must take into account someone's background and culture. (T/F)


You are an example of something/someone whose existence is contingent. (T/F)


If reversed, the universe would be brought back to a beginning.

Universe is expanding

_________ has to do with good and evil, right and wrong.


Things that exist _________________ can fail to exist and so need an external cause to explain why they do in fact exist.


Premise 1 - Everything that __________ has an explanation of its existence.


Things that exist ________________ exist by a necessity of their own nature. It belongs to their very nature to exist.


The steps of an argument that lead to the conclusion are called the ________________ of the argument.


What is the Greek word for "design"


Premise 2 - If the ________________ has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God.


Premise 3 - The ______________ exists.


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