Bible Trivia! Old and New Testament

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Why did David spare Saul's life?

(1 Samuel 26), David is advised by Abishai that this is his opportunity to kill Saul, but David declines, saying he will not "stretch out [his] hand against the Lord's anointed".[28] David shows, by removing Saul's spear, that he had chance to take Saul's life but did not do so. Saul confesses that he has been wrong to pursue David, blesses him and promises that he "will do great things and surely triumph".[29] David prays that his own protection will be like his protection of Saul.

Ark of the Covenant

(Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments, Portable shrine dedicated to Yahweh. Built under directions of Moses. Carried by hebrews during the years of wandering through Sanai. Israel was its home


(Judaism) the scroll of parchment on which the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture is written

In Luke 18, how many times were the Pharisees required to fast per year?


Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.

1 Timothy

In Joshua 23, what 2 things does Joshua remind Israel of?

1) Keep the Law 2) The land is a gift from God (responsibility to the Lord)

What 3 things does the Pharaoh represent?

1) The power of Satan 2) The god of his age 3) the accuser of God's people

3 ways Joshua points to Christ:

1) he is captain of his people and leads them into their possessions 2) Joshua is "the commander of the army of the Lord" (Joshua 5: 14) 3) Christ is seen as the inheritance of the saints

The Cosmological argument for the existence of God can basically be summarized in three statements. List those three statements.

1. Anything that begins to exist has to have a cause. 2. The universe began to exist. 3. Therefore the universe must have a cause that is beyond itself.

What were the 3 reasons the people gave Samuel for wanting a king?

1. Sam is old. 2. Sons don't walk with God. 3. Be like other nations.

Of cosmological argument for God's existence, there are really only 3 possible explanations for everything you see around you (ie. the universe). What are the 3 possibilities.

1.Everything you see came from nothing. 2. Everything you see has always existed. 3. Or, everything you see was caused by something that has always existed.

How fast could a good slinger throw a stone

100-150 mph

When did Saul die?

1010 B.C.

In Luke 18, how many times did the Pharisee fast per year?

104 times (twice a week)

How many men recorded did Jesus heal physically?___ what disease did they have? _______ how many said thank you? ___ . This man was a Samaritan.

10; leprosy; 1.

How old was Joseph when he died?


When was Samuel born?

1105 B.C.

How long did it take for Noah to build the Ark?

120 years (Genesis 6:3)

when did the exodus take place?

1250 BC

How old was Jacob when he went to Egypt to see Joseph for the first time?

130 years (Genesis 47:9)

How many years did Jacob have to work to marry Rachel?

14 years (Genesis 29:18 & 27)

When did Moses Die?

1405 BC

conservative date of the Exodus

1446 BC

The Bible was written over a period of ________ years.


Over a span of how many years was the bible written in?

1500 years

How old was Joseph when he was actively having dreams?

17 (Genesis 37:7)

In Luke 13, in Jesus' criticized healing of the bent back woman on the Sabbath, how many years had the woman been crippled for?

18 years. [15] The Lord answered him, "You hypocrites! Doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? [16] Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?"

How many kingdoms were in Samuel?

182 kingdoms

What two things did hannah promise god if he would give her a son?

1: I will give him to The Lord all the days of his life 2:no razor will ever touch his head

List the four things that he told Eli

1: Israel fled 2: great slaughter/lost many 3: hophni and Phinehas are dead 4: ark captured

Name 3 judgements that the prophet spoke to Eli and his family

1: no one in Eli's family will live to be old 2: Eli will become blind 3:his sons would die on the same day

Explain what happened while the ark was in the Temple of Dagon?

1: statue of Dagon fell 2: statue of Dagon broke 3: The Lord terrorized the people with tumors

What is the first instance of real evil in the Bible?

1st mention of sin and evil - cain and Abel.

In the parable of the prodigal son,This really is __ parables


What book contains a passage that mirrors ezra 1:1-4 of cyrus' decree

2 Chronicles

which scriptural passage mirrors ezra 1:1-4 which is about cyrus' decree to jews?

2 chronicles 36:21-23

How much did Joseph's brothers sell him for?

20 pieces of silver (Genesis 37:28)

how many years did it take for the temple to be rebuilt under zerubbabel?

20 years

Number of books in the old testament


2 Tim. key verse

2:15-16 believe in God should be careful to do good works

How many brothers and sisters did Moses have?

2; 1 brother, 1 sister, both older.

How many occasions did Joseph's brothers bow down to him?

3 (Genesis 42:6) (Genesis 43:26) (Genesis 44:14)

How many children did god give hannah?

3 sons 2 daughters and Samuel

How old was Joseph when he stood before the king of Egypt?

30 years old (Genesis 41:46)

none of the gospels were written until _ years after the ________ began; after the death of __________

35, church, paul

How long was the Era of the Judges?

350 years

How long did Enoch Live to be before the Lord took him?

365 years (Genesis 5:24)

How many documents are in the Old Testament?


Number of books in the new testament


Colossians key verse

3:1-2 seek those things which were above

There are _____ parables in Luke 15. Each has to do with the _____. This word in the Gospels often refers to _____.

3; lost; sinners

1. Christ is fully God. 2. Christ is fully Man. 3. Two natures (the Divine) and (Human) are unmixed. 4. The two natures are united in one person forever.

4 affirmations of Biblical Christology (the parameters of the "Chalcedonian Box". )

4 affirmations of Biblical Christology (the parameters of the "Chalcedonian Box". List these four statements.

4. The two natures are united in one person forever.

God used about _________ different men to write the 66 books contained in the Bible.


The Israelites spent ____ years in the Wilderness because of their rebellion against God.


The old Testament closes about ____ years before Christ.


period of history of the jews between writings of old testament and new testament about which there is no biblical info

400 silent years

We assume that the Israelites did not seek god before the battle because _____ of them were killed in the battle


In Luke 16, How many brothers did the rich man had?


At first, how many people did Abraham propose to God that he should not destroy the city of Sodom?

50 (Genesis 18:26)

when was the kingdom of judah destroyed by the babylonians?


2 Corinthians key verse

5:17 new creation

Number of books in the bible?


The Bible is a collection of __ documents (books) inspired by God.


How many sets of clean beast did God want Noah to bring in the Ark?

7 (Genesis 7:2)

About how long did the conquest of Canaan take?

7 years

Jesus sent out ____ men on a mission trip in numbers of ___ by ___. He sent them to places ________. He gave them the power to do _______.

72; 2 by 2; he was going to; miracles.

How long did Noah live?

950 years (Genesis 9:29)

When was the book of Samuel taken place

950- 500 B.C.

How many sheep WERE NOT lost?


How many coins WERE NOT lost? ____ what is the focus on these three parables?___

9; one

What was Noah's Profession?

A Husbandman (Genesis 9:20)

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Who stopped and helped?

A Samaritan

Who told Eli what happened?

A benjaminite

Who was Suzerain

A great king who has conquered lesser rulers

Vassal, who was he?

A lesser ruler conquered by and forced to serve a Suzerain

The rich ruler in Luke 18, how is this man described?

A rich young ruler

What does Gad mean?

A troop cometh (Genesis 30:11)

What is a vow?

A voluntary promise before God

Jesus compared the kingdom to:

A. Birds B. Flowers

Was Judas Iscariot from Galilee?

A. He was not from Galilee

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man on this road was beaten, Give four possible reasons they did not stop:

A. It was a trap B. They were in a hurry C. They would come unclean D. They didn't care

Who appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration?

A. Moses B. Elijah

What are the problems with earthly treasures, Jesus says?

A. Moths B. Rust C. Thieves Matthew 6:19-20 - Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

Who did Jesus take with him to the transfiguration?

A. Peter B. James C. John

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man on this road was beaten, who passed by?

A. Priest B. Levite

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the man that stopped, what did he invest?

A. Time B. Money

In Luke 18, list two things the tax collector says in his prayer.

A.God have mercy on me. B. I am a sinner.

What is the name of Moses' brother,


Who went with Moses to speak to the Pharaoh?

Aaron went with Moses. Exodus 4

In Leviticus, the priestly line is established with the consecration of whom?

Aaron, Leviticus 8 priestly line.

Abraham was called by God to go out of what place?

Abe was called out of Haran: Genesis

What is the name of the king Abraham lied to saying that his wife "is [his] sister"?

Abimelech (Genesis 20:2)

Who did David call out as not doing his duty?


Isaac is the son of:

Abraham and Sarah.

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren."? (Genesis 13:8)

Abraham, to Lot

Greek way of thinking

Abstract, sequential logic, concept of absolute beings

Why did Laban initially give Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel?

According to their custom, it is not right for the younger to marry before the older child. (Genesis 29:26)

The Bible directly link between Israel's suffering defeat and what?

Achan's sin

Who is the philistine king in Samuel's time?


According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh;"? (Genesis 2:23)

Adam, speaking to Eve

When the sailors cast lots to determine who had caused their calamity, what did they do to Jonah?

After the sailors cast lots, they threw Jonah overboard.

What was the negotiation between Jacob's sons and Shechem to marry Dinah?

Agreement was that their men should all get circumcised (Genesis 34:15)

What was the importance of the geographic location of Palestine?

Agriculturally, the coastal plains are good for farming. Fertile crescent Military Crossroads. Water and mountains. Armies have to go through. Conquered over and over. Small communities for localized parties. Small farms; mostly coasts and plains. Accept some cultures, and deny others. Political: local politics because it is spread out. Cultural: many cultures. Smaller communities for localized politics.

In 1 Samuel 21 who is the priest?


In Luke 18, Jesus told the rich ruler to keep __________. The rich ruler said he kept all of them.

All commandments

During a Sabbatical Year, what were the people to do?

Allow the land to be untilled and cultivated.

In ch. 15 Samuel gave Saul specific instructions from The Lord. Who was he to attack and destroy completely?


Define covenant

An agreement between 2 or more parties, with rules attached for the breaking or keeping of what is promised

The second time that Noah sent out the dove to see if there was land, what did it bring back?

An olive leaf (Genesis 8:11)

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus concludes by telling the expert of the law, "Go ________"

And do likewise

_______ brought a boy to Jesus who had ___ loaves of bread and ___ fish

Andrew; 3; 2

What is the second clothing in Genesis?

Animal skins

1 Corinthians focus

Answers to: Reported, Divisions, Fornication, letter of questions

What is the technical name for the study of mankind?


What is the name of the collection of 14 books that were added to the Septuagint, but have not been accepted as the Word of God?


Two types of Commandments in the 10 Commandments

Apodictic and Casuistic One deals with Israel's obligation to God. Second, is relations in society (be chill with society).

Throughout history a number of unbiblical views of Christ (Christological errors or heresies) have arisen. What does unbiblical Apollinarianism mean by the term "incarnation?"

Apollinarianism: Jesus had a human body but not a human mind/spirit. His spirit was simply God. (aka God in a bod)

In the Transfiguration, Jesus' _______ changed and he became _________.

Appearance; dazzling white.

1 Corinthians theme

Application of Christian principles on an Individual and social level

We as Christians have to realize we ______.

Are lost

Throughout history a number of unbiblical views of Christ (Christological errors or heresies) have arisen. What does unbiblical Arianism mean by the term "incarnation?"

Arianism: Jesus is the first and greatest of God's creations, but not truly divine.

The plan: Jonathan was going to shoot _____ and then tell a boy to retrieve them.


How is Moses remembered in Joshua 1?

As one who feared God, was promised much, and was a great leader

What is the name of Joseph's wife?

Asenath (Genesis 41:50)

What city did the philistines take the ark to?


who settled the samaritans in the former kingdom of israel


In Luke 16, Where was Lazarus after death? (Be specific)

At Abraham's side

Sacrificial Atonement Theology.

Atonement for sin.

What was Judas Iscariot's profession while with Jesus?

B. He was a treasurer

Who was the diviner hired by the King of Moab to curse Israel?

Balaam, Numbers 22

Who was the Israelite man who wouldn't fight the Canaanites without Deborah?


In Luke 14, The original guests at the Great Banquet would not ______

Be allowed to go in.

How was Gideon's victory all of God?

Because he only had 300 men

Why will an idol always break your heart?

Because no created thing can bear the weight of your soul's deepest hopes and longings.

There is a sense in which it is true to say that Jesus not only lived, died and rose for you but as you. Explain.

Because of Union with Christ the believer is united with Christ in all that he is and has accomplished. As a result, in the sight of God, when he died we died and when he rose we rose etc.

Why was tower in Genesis 11 called the Tower of Babel?

Because there the Lord confused the languages of the earth.(Genesis 11:9)

Why is it often true that the most devastating thing that can possibly happen to us (at least in the short run) is to actually gain our idol, the thing that we have our hearts on more than anything else?

Because you will realize that it cannot give you what you thought it could. If we don't have it we can live in the illusion that if we did, then we would be satisfied. But when we do attain it the illusion is shattered and its emptiness is revealed.

In Luke 16, Lazarus is defined by Jesus as _______.


When Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy food what did Joseph accuse them of?

Being spies (Genesis 42:9)

What was Benjamin's name initially?

Ben-oni (Genesis 35:18)

What is the name of the son of Lot's younger daughter?

Benammi (Genesis 19:38)

What tribe did Saul belong to?


What tribe was Saul from?


Who is Rachel's second child?

Benjamin (Genesis 35:24)

In whose bag did they find Joseph's silver cup?


Who was the king of Sodom?

Bera (Genesis 14:2)

Jesus had friends in a village called ______


Bethany was how many miles from Jerusalem

Bethany; 2; Mary and Martha; Lazarus.

Jesus had friends In a village called ______ which was ___ miles from Jerusalem. Who were the sisters _______,_______. Who was their brother? ______

Bethany; 2; Mary and Martha; Lazarus.

What did Jacob name the place in which he saw the angels of God descending and ascending upon a ladder?

Bethel (Genesis 28:19)

Samuel became the first circuit riding preacher he traveled from _____ to ______ to _______and back to his hometown ______.

Bethel : Gilgal : mizbah : Rahmah

Who is the father of Rebekah?

Bethuel (Genesis 24:15)

Jesus, at the Last Supper, also told his apostles that one of them would _________

Betray him

2 Thes. Lesson Learned

Beware of false teachers

Define Subjectively

Biased by emotions

In Luke 14, Jesus told the parable where a certain man gave a ________ and invited __________. A ________ went out and told them everything was ready. It is assumed the guests had already ________

Big banquet, many guest; servant; rsvp.

What is the name of Rachel's maid?

Bilhah (Genesis 30:4)

What was made on the 5th day of creation?

Birds and fish

Who was the king of Gomorrah?

Birsha (Genesis 14:2)

On the one hand, Naomi means pleasant. Mara, on the other hand means


Ten Plagues in order:

Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Livestock, Hail, Boils, Locust, Darkness, First born

In Luke 14, telling of the parable of the rich man, Some made excuses such as:

Bought land; bought an Ox; got married.

What was consumed at the Last Supper?

Bread and wine

What was Joseph's first dream about?

Bundles of wheat (Genesis 37:7)

The whole animal was to be burnt to ashes; symbolic of rededication

Burnt offerings

James 3:17

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Why did Cain kill Abel?

Cain was upset that the Lord preferred Abel's burnt offering than his own (Genesis 4:4)

Vowels in Yahweh

Came from words elohim and adonai.

Where is Joseph living at the time?


Who is the son of Ham?

Canaan (Genesis 9: 18)

When Samuel went to meet Saul, where had he gone and what had he done?

Carmel. Set up a memorial to himself.

Why was Jesus criticized when he healed the woman?

Cause it was the sabbath

1 Corinthians key chapter

Ch 13-true love is primarily action

2 Thes. key chapter

Ch 2 - dispels rumors and confusion of the day of the Lord

Galatians key chapter

Ch 5-Power, walk in the spirit, result The fruit of the spirit

The new Testament focuses on the person of __________.


Anointed One -- Greek

Christ (Khristos) meaning "the anointed one"

What does Joseph's early life depict? (as it relates to Christ)

Christ's suffering

Philemon theme

Christian love and forgiveness

What did C.S. Lewis have to say about the possible importance / unimportance of Christianity?

Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

Who is Doeg, the Edomite?

Colin/ Savis head shepherd

Martha asked Jesus to ________. This would have included _________. It would have been ________.

Come to dinner; apostles; hard work.

2 Thes. theme

Comfort and correction

After Babylonian Exile

Cosmic focus; restoration in the end of history.

What are the 6 stages of the bible

Creation, Fall, Israel, Jesus, Church, Restoration

Used to argue for slavery and racial segregation in America

Curse of Canaan in Book of Genesis 9.20-27. Ham sees Noah naked and Noah places a curse on Ham's son, Canaan. Cush represents african americans.

What is the name of the first son that Bilhah had?

Dan (Genesis 30:6)

___ shall be the judge of his people. Who was Jacob referring to?

Dan (Genesis 49:16)

Regarding whom: "I have found among the exiles from Judah a man who can tell the king the interpretation?

Daniel/was in exile/ Daniel from Judah interprets.

which king was in power when the temple was rebuilt?


Under whose leadership did the Israelites take Jerusalem to be their capital?


Primary promise to King David

David's "seed" will be: son of God,build a house for God's name, reign forever from David's throne in Jerusalem. David will witness these events. Keep dynasty forever.

What did Nathan say would be the consequences of David's sin with Bathsheba?

David's sin with Bathsheba would cause trouble within his own household. 2 Sam 12

What promise did God fulfill by protecting Joash's life?

Davidic Covenant

Leviticus 16 speaks of a goat which "shall bear on itself all the inequities to a barren region." Of what ceremony is this goat a part of?

Day of Atonement

What documents were discovered in 1947-1956 that date back to 200 BC, and help us know that the Old Testament has not been changed?

Dead Sea Scrolls

In the parable of the prodigal son, The father said we had to celebrate because your brother was _______ and is now ______, was lost and is now _____.

Dead; Alive; Found

Who directed a battle fought by certain tribes against the Canaanites?

Deborah, in Judges 4, directed a battle against the Canaanites.

What did the philistines do to Saul's body when the found it?

Decapitated it. Stripped it. Hung it on the wall of Bethlehem.

Consonants in Yahweh

Derived from original Biblical text. Not supposed to say word.

What was the command given to the Israelites in Exodus 23?

Destroy the Godless Canaanites and do not worship their God's

______source: Themes: covenant between YHWH and Israel made at mount Sinai; social justice (were once slaves too). God is:loving to people of Israel, unique, cannot be represented by anything physical, God's name is important. (God) Obey=blessed; Disobey=cursed.


Genre of Joshua, Samuel, and Kings

Deuteronomistic history.

Which book contains an account of Moses' death and burial?


Keller speaks of two things that can lead to freedom from our counterfeit God's. What are they?

Disenchantment - recognizing the hollow emptiness and powerlessness of our false God's to give us what they promise. Turning from false God's to the true God.

Did Jesus come to bring peace or division?


What ability is important in Joseph's life?

Dream interpretation

Jesus was accused of ___________ by the __________. Jesus replies that ___________________. This was quoted by ___________.

Driving out demons; Power of Satan; "a house divided against itself cannot stand"; Abraham Lincoln

In Luke 14, A man was there with __________, a heart condition


What was made on the 3rd day of creation?

Dry land and vegetation

When Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, his second answer was loving your neighbor (lev. 19:18). His first answer was loving God. Which Deuteronomy passage did Jesus quote from?

Duet 6:4-5

Mt.____and Mt._____ are next to each other, which the two towns, Sychar and Shechem, are in close proximity


in which biblical book do we find the words all is vanity

Ecclesiastes 1

Life's a burden and then you die. Pessimistic. All is vanity and chasing after the wind. Life is toil. Everyone dies. Eat, drink, and be merry. Nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes in summary

Who is the high priest in Samuel's time


Out of Seth's family line, who else (besides Noah) was righteous with God?

Enoch (Genesis 5: 24)

What are the 3 ''parts'' of the book of Joshua?

Entering, Conquering, Possessing

Ephesians key verse

Ephesians 2:8-10New International Version (NIV) 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Sarah, Abraham's wife, died in Kirjath-arba (Genesis 23:2). Abraham then asked the people dwelling there to sell him the cave of Machpelah so that he could bury his wife. Who was the owner of the cave?

Ephron (Genesis 23:2)

What are scholars' three sources of information on ancient Israel?

Epigraphical text, archaeological evidence, and Hebrew bible.

In attempting to know things about God, what is the name given to the study of knowledge and how we know things?


Philippians overview

Epistle of joy and encouragement in the midst of adversity

Account of Noah's descendents


What does eating together imply?


What are the names of Judah's sons

Er, Onan, and Shelah

Whom did Jacob cheat out of his birthright?

Esau Genesis 27, know the Patriarchs

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary."? (Genesis 25:30)

Esau, to Jacob

What was the name of the well that the herdsmen and Isaac were struggling over?

Esek (Genesis 26:20)

What does it mean to say the Bible is the foundational identity document for Christianity?

Establishes Canon. Describes how God created the world and made God's laws.

Account of Exodus

Ethnological legend

Throughout history a number of unbiblical views of Christ (Christological errors or heresies) have arisen. Explain briefly the select four - Arianism, Apollinarianism, Nestorianism and Eutychianism. What does Eutychianism mean by the term "incarnation?"

Eutychianism: Human nature was absorbed into the divine nature to become a kind of hybrid or fusion (Jesus was a kind of demigod).

10 Commandments

Ex 20.1-17. ONE: 'You shall have no other God's before Me.' TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'

Sealing of the Covenant

Ex 24., moses builds an altar with 12 pillars; young bulls sacrificed. Blesses blood on altar that he built. Sprays blood on people because it is the life force.

Most important story for Israelite and Jewish identity


The Sinai Covenant


The escape from Egypt


The giving of the Law on Mt. Sanai


The parting of the Red Sea


You shall have no other God's before me...


The story of Passover

Exodus 12. Take a perfect, male lamb and slaughter it on the 14th day at twilight. Spread blood on doorposts (and lintel), and eat roasted over fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Remains will be burned. Death will kill firstborn if not done. Eat unleavened bread for 7 days. Assembly on the 1st and 7th day.

Warrior God Concept

Exodus portrayal of YHWH. Lord is a warrior. God's power is used as a weapon to destroy, fight, and kill.

The conquest of Canaan

Exodus; Joshua

Casuistic Law Example

Eye for an eye. If this ... than that.

What book is the Edict of Cyrus The Great: directive to the Jews to rebuild the Temple; first return of exiles to Jerusalem, 538 BC; altar restored and foundations of Temple laid


T/F ezra and esther were originally considered one scroll or book


What lesson does Joshua teach us?

Faith is the victory that overcomes the world

T/F Practicing Jews today pronounce YHWH as Yahweh or Elohim.

False, Adonai

T/F Leviticus was written sometime after the forty-year desert wanderings.

False, Before

T/F The scapegoat was the one that was sacrificed for the sins of Israel, once a year.

False, Scapegoat was released into the wilderness

T/F Moses was prevented from entering the promised land because he spoke harshly to the rock.

False, Struck rock in anger

T/F Jesus says to Martha that what she is doing was not right

False. Jesus does not tell Martha that.

In the parable of the prodigal son, He went broke when there was a _____


What is the meaning of Abraham

Father of many nations (Genesis 17:5)

Why would Saul's armor bearer not kill Saul when requested by Saul?


In the parable of the prodigal son, He got a job ____, which was a disgrace for a Jewish boy

Feeding the pigs

How did Saul's armor bearer die?

Fell on his sword

What is the first clothing in Genesis?

Fig leaves

The book of Revelation ends with Christ's return, followed by the millennial reign, and then the ____________

Final Judgement

Before Babylonian Exile

Focus on this world. God works in history. Victory of the nation = victory of God.

Blessings and Curses in Deuteronomy

Follow Torah or Deuteronomistic laws.

What could a Trinitarian God do or be that a Uni-personal God (a God who is just a single person) could not?

For a uni-personal God there would have been no interpersonal relationships before creation. So it would be difficult to see how such a God could be personal or have love as a part of his essence.

Many of the greatest and most glorious and beautiful things we know of would not exist if evil and suffering were not permitted to exist at least temporarily. List several of these things.

Forgiveness, self-sacrificial love, compassion, redemption, mercy, hope etc.

What period in history does the Pentateuch describe?

From creation story to entering Canaan.

What is the name of Zilpah's first born for Jacob?

Gad (Genesis 30:11)

A troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last. Who was Jacob referring to?

Gad (Genesis 49:19)

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free... for all of you are one in Christ Jesus


What did David do with Saul's spear?

Gave it back to Saul

What was the name of Abraham's relative who lived in Sodom?

Gen 13: Lot

which creation story is god immanent

Gen 3, Second creation story

In the parable of the prodigal son, How did it take to accumulate all that lost wealth?


Am I my brother's keeper?


And he believed the Lord, and the Lord reckoned it to him as r-ousness




Jacob tricked Esau out of his birthright


The Flood


The birth of Isaac


The promises to Abraham


The sacrifice of Isaac


What was the first book of the Bible to mention that God would send a Savior for man's sins?


In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1

Where in the book of Genesis does it say "... and of all that thou shalt give me i will surely give the tenth unto thee."?

Genesis 28:22

Where in the bible does Jacob say "I will not let you go unless you bless me"?

Genesis 32:26

Where does the story of Joseph begin?

Genesis 37

Where is the first covenant found?

Genesis 3:15

What chapter in Genesis does Joseph reveal himself to his brothers?

Genesis 45


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.

Jesus prophesied salvation for the ________


In which land did the Philistines live?

Gerar (Genesis 26:15)

What group tricked unwary Joshua to avoid being destroyed but ended up becoming slaves to Israel?


Who led 300 men with trumpets, empty jars, and torches against Midian?


Which of the judges refused to be elected king?

Gideon the judge refused to be elected King. Judges 8

Saul tried to prepare David for the battle by

Giving him his weapons and armour

Jesus said it was easier for a camel to __________________ than for a rich man to __________________

Go through the eye of a needle; Enter the kingdom of God

In the parable of the prodigal son, The father represents ___


Who did the elders blame for the defeat?


Briefly what do we mean when we speak about the idea of "Union with Christ."

God by his spirit has created a person to person, life to life oneness between Christ and the believer.

Philosophers sometimes refer to God as a "necessary being." What do we mean when we describe God this way?

God cannot not exist. His nonexistence is not possible.

What is the meaning of Ephraim?

God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction (Genesis 41:52)

What does Joseph mean?

God has taken away my reproach (Genesis 30:23)

What gave David confidence in God to face Goliath?

God helped him with the lion and bear

The "Problem of Evil" in its best known form derives from 3 statements that some say cannot possibly be true at the same time. What are those three statements?

God is all-powerful. God is all-good. Evil Exists.

Theodicy in Job

God is loving, just, and all powerful. No satisfactory explanation for why bad things happen.

What does it mean to say that God is both the creator and sustainer of the universe?

God made the universe and he keeps all things in existence by his power.

Why did Samuel go to Bethlehem

God said "I have chosen one of Jesse's sons"

In "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott, what was it trying to illustrate with this story?

God transcends all of our categories. Like flatlanders attempting to describe 3D objects, we can only only partially understand him using analogies from our own experience.

In what book is the vision of a new covenant to be written on the hearts of God's people?

God writing the law. Jeremiah 31 a vision of a new covenant to be written on the hearts of God's people.

God's Providence

God's continual hand in our lives

When Saul spoke to Samuel this final time, he did not tell him what to do. Instead he reminded him of what?

God's judgement against him

Explain the idea of concurrence.

God's relationship to the world is something like an author and the characters in a play. Both the characters and the author can be said to cause things in different ways.

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you."? (Genesis 12:1)

God, to Abraham

What did the rich ruler in Luke 18 call Jesus?

Good teacher

Which land did Joseph want his father and brothers to live in?

Goshen (Genesis 45:10)

Where does Joseph send his brothers when there is an impending drought?

Goshen (best land in Egypt)

Abraham's wife Sarah represents the ______


The only offering not requiring an animal

Grain offerings

In what language was the New Testament written?


Lady Wisdom

Greek -- Sophia. Involved in creation. Female personification of God.

original language of New Testament

Greek because that was the preferred language

This offering was done when a person sinned against another

Guilt offerings

In Luke 16, Where did the rich man go after death?


What is the name of the Egyptian Maid that Sarah wanted Abraham to sleep with?

Hagar (Genesis 25:12)

Ishmael is the oldest son of:

Hagar and Abraham

Which son of Noah saw him naked and as a result got his son cursed for it?

Ham (Genesis 9:25)

What were the names of Noah's sons?

Ham, Shem, and Japheth (Genesis 9:18)

whose legal code contains some similar laws to the ones in the torah


Who is Shechem's father?

Hamor (Genesis 34:4)

Which one of Elkanah's wives is barren?


Who is Samuel's mother?


Who was weeping when she prayed to God for a child and made a vow to God to show her trust in Him?


Who is Lot's Father?

Haran (Genesis 11:12)

What were the names of Abraham's brothers?

Haran and Nahor (Genesis 11:2)

Philippians Lesson Learned

Have the Mind of Christ

Define Objectively

Having actual existence or reality (not biased by emotions)

The God of the Bible is quite different from other God's men have believed in. Two qualities in particular that, taken together, set him apart as unique. What were these qualities.

He alone is both infinite and personal.

Why did he curse simeon and Levi

He cursed them because they killed man out of anger (Genesis 49:7)

Why didn't Abraham take the gifts of King Bera?

He didn't want the king to say that he was the one who made Abraham rich (Genesis 14:23)

When Eli heard the report explain in detail what happened to him

He fell back in his chair and broke his neck

How did Saul die?

He fell on his sword

Jesus began teaching his disciples that _______.

He is going to die.

How did God use Samson?

He killed the evil Philistines

What did the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville observe in the West and how did he explain it?

He observed "a strange melancholy in the midst of abundance" and he explained that "the incomplete joys of this world will never satisfy the human heart."

How did Saul lie to Samuel in v.13?

He said he carried out all of his instructions

Why did he curse Reuben?

He slept with his concubine (Genesis 49:4)

What info does Doeg give Saul about David?

He tells Saul that ahimelech helped David

How does Jonathan Edwards understand the Spirit?

He understands the Spirit to be the mutual loving and delighting in one another that takes place between God the Father and God the Son. This eternal act of knowing and loving is so pure and infinite that the divine essence is breathed forth and manifests a third distinct person.

What made him stand out from the other Israelites?

He was a head taller

Why did saul ask his armour bearer to kill him?

He was mortally wounded and feared torture

How was Joshua a good leader?

He was submissive to Moses

How was Joseph's relationship with his father?

He was the favorite

In Luke 16, Lazarus means "_____________"

He whom God helps

Used 50 times in Leviticus

Hear O Israel

In what language was the Old Testament written?


Genre of Ruth

Hebrew short story

Where in the New Testament do we see that Christ is not ashamed to call us brothers?

Hebrews 2: 11-12

Jesus was told ____ wanted to kill him.


What was Saul's response to being chosen as king?

Hid in the baggage

What does God want to reveal in His Word?


Because of this disobedience what did Samuel say would happen to Saul

His kingdom will not endure. When Saul was preparing to fight the Philistines, Samuel denounced him for proceeding with the pre-battle sacrifice without waiting for the overdue Samuel to arrive. He prophesied that Saul's rule would see no dynastic succession. Samuel directed Saul to "utterly destroy" the Amalekites in fulfilment of the commandment in Deuteronomy 25:17-19: When the Lord your God has given you rest from your enemies all around, in the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, ... you will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.

Why did the Gileadites initially reject Jephthah?

His mom was a prostitute

What title or description did Jesus use for God that captures this the dual ideas that God is both separate from creation and close and relational? Explain.

Holy Father. Holy means separate or set apart, and Father expresses relational closeness and love.

What moved or inspired the men who wrote the books in the Bible to write what they wrote?

Holy Spirit

What priests took the ark to battle?

Hophni and phineas

Who are Eli's sons?

Hophni and phineas

Whose prophecy contains God's instructions about how the prophet is to name his children?

Hosea's prophecy contains instructions on how to name his children.

When the scribes claimed that Jesus was casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul, what did Jesus reply?

How can Satan cast out Satan? Mark, 3:23


How can evil exist if you have Belief in God, Belief in just God, Belief in all powerful God.

What problems does Priestly Theology attempt to solve

How can holy God live among unholy people. Do sacrifices so that you can go to temple and pray.

What did the rich ruler in Luke 18 ask Jesus for?

How do you get eternal life

What does Israel mean?

I have power with God and man and have prevailed (Genesis 32:28)

What does Peniel mean

I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. (Genesis 32:30)

The Problem of Evil is not really a proof that God does not exist. In fact, it may even be an argument that God does exist. Explain.

If God does not exist there is no true evil (only things we find unpleasing). So in order for evil to even be a problem God must exist.

What did the famous Russian author Dostoevsky say about the relationship between God's existence and morality?

If God does not exist, everything is permissible.

Why did Jesus have to become a man in order to die for us?

If Jesus had not been a man, he could not have died in our place as a true substitute. Humans had sinned against God and it was necessary that the price be paid by a man.

Briefly summarize in a couple of sentences the "Moral Argument" for the existence of God.

If there is no God, there really is no basis for real good and evil. People may claim to believe that good and evil are unreal or illusions, but it is essentially impossible to live like it.

Similarities between Enuma Elish and the parting of the Red Sea.

Imagery: both talk about wind and water being drawn back.

Who anointed Saul the king?

In 1 Samuel 9, Samuel anointed Saul the king.

Where was David to hide

In a field behind a rock

In some ways the Hypostatic Union resembles the union of the Trinity we spoke about in our unit on God. Compare these two ideas.

In the Trinity 3 Persons are united in one (Divine) nature. In the Hypostatic Union two natures (Divine and Human) are united in one Person.

Define antinomy and give several (at least 3) examples.

In theology an antinomy is a kind of paradox. It is two or more ideas that are both considered true, but the way they fit together is mysterious. Examples include: God's control of the world and man's responsibility. The oneness and threeness of God - the Trinity. The full divinity and humanity of Jesus. The goodness of God and the existence of evil

In the parable of the prodigal son, This parable is a __________ into afterlife


Sarah's son


What was so special about Esau's first wife?

Isaac and Rebekah did not like her (Genesis 26:34)

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Look, [here is] the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"? (Genesis 22:7)

Isaac, to Abraham

Which prophet describes the sign "Look, the young woman....shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel."?


Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped is found where?

Isaiah 35: Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped.

Who is Isaiah

Isaiah's awareness of the holiness of God made him aware of his own sinfulness and the sinfulness of his people (6:5). Isaiah viewed the inner, religious dimension and the outer, social dimension of sin as integrally related, and he made it his life's work to turn his people away from their sinfulness. A paradigmatic portrayal of sin is found in the person of King Ahaz (ch. 7) and his refusal to trust God. Rather, he called on Assyria, which reduced Judah to a vassal state.It is instructive that Isaiah saw the Lord "seated on a throne." He saw God as the King of kings. It soon became apparent to Isaiah that no human king would be able or worthy to govern his people properly. God would have to fulfill that role by providing a divine/human king; and anointed one, a Messiah. Isaiah's predictions of such a king are found in 9:2-7 and 11:1-16, which became increasingly influential not only throughout the book of Isaiah (32:1-20; 61:1-11), but through subsequent OT history. They came to fruition in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Hagar's son


Who is Abraham's first child?


Define Proof Text

Isolated to prove point. Often taken out of context, ignores other parts with different point of views.

The old Testament is a history of what nation?


where is canaan today


What is Jacob's new appointed name by God?

Israel (Genesis 32:28)

All of ____ realized that Samuel was a _____.

Israel : prophet of The Lord

In Exodus 19: 3-6, what relationship is God establishing with Israel?

Israel is his chosen nation

These three men in Samuel helped develop _______

Israel's early monarchy, Samuel the last judge, Saul the 1st king

In the parable of the prodigal son, Why do some people think this is not a parable?

It has names

Who is the author of Samuel?

It is not known

What role does faith play in the book of Joshua?

It was by faith the land was granted and victory was attained

Why didn't the Egyptians eat with the Hebrews?

It was considered an abomination (Genesis 42:32)

What group of pool took Saul's body and his sons bodies from the wall of Bethlehem ?

Jabesh gilead

Isaac and Rebekah's children are;

Jacob and Esau.

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "I will not let You go unless You bless me!"? (Genesis 32:26)

Jacob to God

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Now let me die, since I have seen your face, because you are still alive."? (Genesis 46:30)

Jacob to Joseph

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "My son shall not go down with you, for his brother is dead, and he is left alone."? (Genesis 42:38)

Jacob to Reuben, referring to Benjamin

Which woman spiked a tent peg into Sisera's temple?


Who was the woman who killed the Canaanite military commander?


What did Abraham name the place in which he was about to slay his son?

Jehovah-Jireh (Genesis 22:14)

Who tried to negotiate before attacking Ammon?


Who is Jeremiah

Jeremiah was still a young man when the spirit of prophecy came upon him. He was fearful to accept such a responsibility, declaring, "I am still a boy!" But G-d said to him, "Say not, 'I am a boy,' for you shall go to all that I shall send you, and whatever I command you you shall speak. Be not afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you" (Jeremiah 1:6-8). From that moment, Jeremiah lost all fear and delivered his sad prophecies and warnings without regard for the king and his strong men, often at the very peril of his life.One of Jeremiah's first missions was to go to the exiled Ten Tribes of Israel, whose kingdom in the north had been destroyed by the Assyrians less than a century previously (in the year 3205). Jeremiah brought them courage and hope and induced many of them to return to their native land.The prophet also taught that it is no use relying on man, for in doing so one denies G-d; only trust in G-d is certain to be rewarded: Thus says G-d: Cursed is the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm (power), and whose heart departs from G-d. For he shall be like a tamarisk in the desert, and shall not see when good comes... Blessed is the man that trusts in G-d...for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river, that shall not see when heat comes, but its foliage shall be luxurious; and shall not be anxious in the year of drought, neither shall it cease from yielding fruit. (Jeremiah 17:5-8)

Another name for Gideon is


Jesus said a prophet had to die in ________.


which city is held sacred by all monotheistic religions


In whom is the Davidic Covenant fulfilled?


Who was the one qualified to serve as a substitute to die in the sinner's place?


What is the only miracle shown in all four gospels?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Matthew main point is

Jesus is the messiah

Luke 18:24-25

Jesus looked at him and said, How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"

What does Joshua mean?

Jesus or "Savior"

Historical context of Jeremiah 7

Jewish exile in Babylon.

purpose of matthew: to convince the _________ Jesus is the _________

Jews, messiah

Name of Ahab's wicked wife


I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me


_____ is the youngest of the apostles


______in the New Testament is called the beloved


____records the "I am" statements by jesus


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... The Word became flesh and lived among us.

John 1

What was the first person to make the first English translation of the whole Bible?

John Wycliffe

The 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the New testament were broken by the arrival of ___________________.

John the Baptist

Who at least partially fulfilled Malachi's prophecy of Elijah's coming?

John the Baptist

_____records the first miracle of Jesus' public ministry

John--- water to wine

_____ and David devised a plan to determine if Saul was really going to kill David.


What is the name of Rachel's first child?

Joseph (Genesis 30:24)

Sons of Jacob and Rachel

Joseph and Benjamin

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Is your father well, the old man of whom you spoke? Is he still alive?"? (Genesis 43:27)

Joseph, to his brothers referring to Jacob

To whom did God say, "My servant Moses is dead. Now proceed to cross the Jordan, you and all this people, into the land I am giving to them, to the Israelites?


Who took over the leadership of Israel after Moses?


Who wrote the book of Joshua?


Where are the following words found? "There remains yet very much land to be possessed"

Joshua 13: 1

Where are the following words found? "Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God"

Joshua 24: 26

Which book records Israel's crossing the Jordan to take possession of land?

Joshua is the book where Israelites cross the Jordan

What startlingly specific prophecy was made during Jeroboam's reign?

Josiah's destruction of the altar

With what attitude did Hannah fulfill her vow?

Joy,obedience and dedication

Who was Leah's fourth son?

Judah (Genesis 29:35)

Which of Joseph's brothers suggested that they should sell him?

Judah (Genesis 37:26)

Which of Joseph's brothers begged him not to take Benjammin as a slave

Judah (Genesis 44:16)

Thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies..[and] the sceptre shall not depart from [you]. Who was Jacob referring to?

Judah (Genesis 49:8&10)

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flesh."? (Genesis 37:27)

Judah to his brothers, speaking of Joseph

Then the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and worshiped in the Baals, and they abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors." This comment is typical of what book?


What was the name of Esau's first wife?

Judith (Genesis 26:34)

Galatians Theme

Justification by faith apart from works

What is the name of Abraham's second wife

Keturah (Genesis 25:1)

where did archaeologists find the earliest collection of the hebrew bible

Khirbet Qumran

Exodus from Egypt -- Emergence of Israel -- Movement toward _________ -- King Solomon -- Kingdom splits -- Destruction of Temple -- Babylonian Exile -- Conquest of Babylon -- Rebuilding of Temple

King David

Built first temple in Jerusalem

King Solomon

Why did the United Kingdom split

King Solomon and made people work. Son took over kingdom and was worse. People were unhappy; North kingdom split.

What did Saul decide to keep?

King and the best livestock

The book of Matthew looks at Jesus through the perspective of His ___________.


Jesus said the __________ belongs to little children.

Kingdom of Heaven

Who was Saul's father?


Where does ahimelech live?


Thus says the Lord of Hosts: so will I break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter's vessel so that it can never be mended

Know the call narrative: Jeremiah 19, break like pottery.

Who is Rebekah's brother?

Laban (Genesis 27:43)

Which book: "How lonely sits the city that once was full of people!"

Lamentations: (Jerusalem/Zion) "How lonely sits the city that was once full of people! How like a widow has she become, she that was great among the nations! She that was a princess among the provinces has become a vassal"

Three major promises God made to Abraham

Land, Descendants, blessing.

A _____ followed Jesus. There were _____ men present. The disciples wanted Jesus to dismiss the crowd so they could ___. Instead, Jesus told his men to ______.

Large crowd; 5,000; eat; feed the crowd

Hagar represents the ______


Who is Dinah's mother ?

Leah (Genesis 35:23)

In Luke 14, Jesus asked if it was _______ to heal on the sabbath but the crowd refused ___________. Jesus healed the man and told them they would help their ____ or ______ on the sabbath. They still refused to _______.

Legal; to answer; ox; child; answer.

One of the seven sons of Jacob and Leah


What is the name of Leah's third child?

Levi (Genesis 29:34)

The giving of sacrificial or purity laws


Themes of Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes)

Life's a bitch and then you die. Pessimistic. All is vanity and chasing after the wind. Life is toil. Everyone dies. Eat, drink, and be merry. Nothing new under the sun.

What was made on the 1st day of creation?


Martha gets upset at Mary for __________ instead of ________.

Listening to Jesus; helping her

People were bringing ________ to Jesus. Why?_______

Little children; to be bless

What was made on the 6th day of creation?

Livestock and humans

Describe the people's response to Saul chosen as king

Long live the king

Source criticism

Looking at different authors. Helps understand where they are coming from and the meaning. Not written by one person. Living in different circumstances.

form criticism

Looking at different genres.

Used 21 times in Leviticus

Love ( with regard to God's Torah)

In Jesus' time, the belief at the time amongst the Jews was that the rich people were _______________________

Loved by God and the poor hated by God

But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, and who is my neighbor?


And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us.

Luke 11

In Luke 16, The rich man lived in ______________ he was dressed in what color?

Luxury everyday; purple

What was Bethel formerly called?

Luz (Genesis 28:19)

2nd Isaiah

Made explicit statement against the existence of other God's.

Define Revelation in four words

Making the unknown known

One of the most important statements in scripture is in 1 Samuel 7.

Man looks at what is visible but The Lord looks at the heart

Jesus said it was impossible with ______ but not with ______.

Man; God

What are the names of Joseph's sons

Manasseh and Ephraim (Genesis 41:51-52)

first of the gospels to be written


Who said in 1521, " conscience is captive to the Word of God...God help me! Here I stand."

Martin Luther

Martha tells Jesus to tell ___ to help her out


According to John, who was the first to see the risen Lord?

Mary Magdalene, John 20: 11

Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come. was directed at whom?

Mary, Mother of Jesus

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5

In which Gospels are the beatitudes found?

Matthew and Luke, Mt 5:3-12; Lk 6:20-26

90% of Mark's material is found in the book of _________ and ____________

Matthew, Luke

If you give up God you have to conclude that many things that are at the center of human experience are just illusions and not really "real." Give 3 examples.

Meaning, purpose, beauty, freedom, goodness, love etc.

What was Saul's excuse to Samuel for making a sacrifice before he arrived?

Men scattered; Samuel was late

what proof do we have for the Israelites presence in Canaan in 1200 BC

Merneptah Stele - "israel is dust"

Anointed One -- Hebrew


The Old Testament proclaims the ________ will come


When Saul sent men to David's house to kill him, who helped him escape through a window


Who was made a leper for insubordination, but was quickly healed?

Miriam, Numbers 12:10

What had Pilate done that had being so terrible?

Mix the blood of the Galileans with their sacrifices

What is the name of the son of Lot's elder Daughter?

Moab (Genesis 19:37)

Who wrote the book of Genesis?


Exodus 3

Moses Commissioned

In Luke 16, Abraham said the rich man's brothers had ______ and _______ to listen to.

Moses; Prophets

At night, Jesus would go out to the _____________ and he would spend the day at __________

Mount of Olives; temple

God told Samuel to stop _____ over Saul and to fill ur ______ because I am sending u to ________

Mourning : horn with oil : Bethlehem

Did the tribes ever completely possess all the land that was allotted to them?


Who is the father of Bethuel?

Nahor (Genesis 24:15)

Who was the prophet who promised that David would never lack an heir to sit upon the throne in Jerusalem?

Nathan; Nathan the prophet; 2 Sam 7

What kind of vow bound Samson?


Throughout history a number of unbiblical views of Christ (Christological errors or heresies) have arisen. What does unbiblical Nestorianism mean by the term "incarnation?"

Nestorianism: There are two separate persons in Christ, a divine person and a human person.

When Jesus came back from the transfiguration, he found the other ____ who had been unable to ____________. Jesus did what they could not.

Nine; cast out a demon from a boy

In Luke 16, Did Abraham agree that the brothers WOULD listen to a dead man?


which biblical story does the epic of Gilgamesh parallel?

Noah's Ark

In the parable of the prodigal son, How long did it take for him to go broke?

Not long

Why is the Biblical version of Exodus from Egypt unlikely to be historically accurate?

Nothing like this found in Egypt in records. Unlikely that 600,000 men, women, children, and livestock (<1,000,000) survived in the desert for 430 years. (Ex 12.37)

What does Judah mean?

Now will i praise the Lord (Genesis 29:35)

What was Israel's inward preparation to be?

Obedience to the law

Used 177 times in Leviticus


When Samuel didn't arrive on time what did Saul do

Offered a sacrifice before Samuel arrived. Not good.

Two main divisions of the bible?

Old Testament and New Testament

In the parable of the prodigal son, On the outside, the ______ looks better.

Older son

How did the philistines decide to return the ark to Israel?

On a car hitched by two dairy cows

Why did the Philistines make 5 of each offering to the Ark?

One for each philistine ruler

Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully divine to accomplish what he did on the cross?

Only someone who is God could pay the full penalty for the sins of his people in one great act - any finite creature would have been incapable of this.

Jesus had the crowd sit down in an ______ manner. Jesus gave thanks and had his men distribute the food. Everyone in the crowd was ________. There were ___ baskets of leftover.

Orderly; satisfied; 12.

Ethnological Legend

Origins of a people like Exodus.

The Jewish people at the time defined NEIGHBOR as _________.

Other Jews

Romans 7: 24- 8:2

Our victory is in Christ

People have had different thoughts throughout history regarding the relationship between God and the creation. Define briefly each of the three terms below: Pantheism, Deism, Theism

Pantheism: God and the creation are one. Theism: God made the world and continues to be involved with it. Deism: God made the world but is no longer involved in the creation.

In the parable of the prodigal son, The father threw a ______ for the younger son. That should have been the ______, but it wasn't

Party; end

1 Corinthians 5: 7-8

Paul calls Christ the Passover Lamb

Romans 7: 15-18

Paul describes the waging war within us

1 Thes. overview

Paul warns against complacency

2 Corinthians theme

Paul's defense of His apostolic credentials and authority

Titus overview

Paul's letter to Titus on instruction of leadership

This offering was to be shared among God, the priest, and worshiper

Peace offerings

What was the name of the place that Jacob fought with the angel?

Peniel (Genesis 32:30)

Who are Elkanah wives?

Peninnah and hannah

The first five books of the Old Testament are called the _______________, which means "five scrolls".


Who did Jesus take with him when he went to pray?

Peter James John

In Luke 14, The man whose house Jesus was invited to was a _________. They watched Jesus carefully.


In the parable of the prodigal son, The older son represents ________


Pharisees or Sadducees believe in angels?


Jesus had confrontation with the ________ because they made __________ more important than __________.

Pharisees; traditions; the word of God

Saul and his troops fight against the _____.


What foreign army did David join?


Who does Israel go to battle against in the book of Samuel ?


In the parable of the prodigal son, He wanted to eat the _______ but they wouldn't _____

Pigs food; let him

How did saul try to kill David

Pin him to the all with a spear

In Luke 16, On earth, Lazarus wasn't saved because he was ______. The rich man wasn't condemned because he was ____.

Poor; rich

After being sold by his brothers, where does Joseph end up?

Potiphar's house (in Egypt)

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "He came in to me to lie with me, and I cried out with a loud voice. And it happened, when he heard that I lifted my voice and cried out, that he left his garment with me, and fled and went outside."? (Genesis 39:14b-15)

Potiphar's wife, to the servants, accusing Joseph

In chapter 28, Saul expelled all ________ from the land but he had not removed the sin of _______ from his heart.

Practicers of witchcraft : rebellion

What did Samuel promise he would do for the people?

Pray for them

_____source: God is transcendent, in total control, present in Ark of the covenant. Theme: order and boundaries, emphasis on ritual, priests are very important.



Priests and Kings.


Problem for everyone; unavoidable. Priests struck dead in temple on day of atonement. Unclean --> Clean <--> Holy.

Genre of Jeremiah


Functions of the Joseph story

Provides a "bridge" between genealogies and patriarchs and connects to Exodus. God overcomes obstacle to the promise. Entertaining.

what jewish holiday is instituted into the book of esther?


How did she tricked the men who we're searching for David

Put an idol in his bed and said he was ill

Along with manna, what meat did God provide to the Israelites during the wilderness wandering?

Quail; Ex 16, Num 11

According to Ravi Zacharias there are four fundamental questions that make up our world-view. List them.

Questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny.

Who was spared in the destruction of Jericho

Rahab and her household

what is the chiastic center of rahab and the spies? (2:1-24)

Rahab believes in yhwh

Samuel asked The Lord the send a _____ to show the people __________.

Rainstorm ; they had done evil by asking for a king

In the parable of the prodigal son, The father tried to ________ with him. The older son said he had NEVER been __________ but he has no ______

Reason; disobedient; love

Whom did Isaac marry?


Out of Isaac and Rebekah, who favored Jacob?

Rebekah (Genesis 25:28)

Who helped Jacob to obtain the blessings of Esau?

Rebekah, his mom (Genesis 27:6-9)

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking."? (Genesis 24:19)

Rebekah, to Abraham's servant

What was the most important factor when it came to Israel's victory in the book of Joshua?

Recognition that the Lord was their Commander

What are 2 major themes seen in Joseph's later life?

Redemption and Reconciliation

Solomon's son who lost 10 tribes and why he lost them other than Solomon's judgement


The parable of the Good Samaritan happened right after Jesus was _________________.

Rejected in a Samaritan village

God had rejected Saul as king of Israel because Saul ______________

Rejected the word of The Lord

There is ________ in ________ when the lost are ______ and sinners ______.

Rejoicing; Heaven; Found; Repent

In Luke 16, The worst word in this story might be _________


In the parable of the prodigal son,The younger son represents sinners who _______


Titus theme

Responsibility in organization and supervision of the Church

In the question which the Sadducees presented to Jesus concerning the woman and the seven brothers, what was the issue?

Resurrection, Mt 22:23-33; Mk 12:18-27; Lk 20:27-47

When God causes a sinner to reap what he sowed, what is this called?


What is the name of Leah's firstborn?

Reuben (Genesis 29:32)

Which of Jacob's sons slept with Bilhah; Rachel's maid

Reuben (Genesis 35:22)

Which of Joseph's brothers suggested that instead of killing him, they should put him in a pit?

Reuben (Genesis 37:22)

What 3 tribes settled on the east side of the Jordan?

Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh

Before Jacob was about to die he blessed some of his sons and others he cursed . Which of his sons did he curse?

Reuben, Simeon, and Levi

who were the ten lost tribes

Reuben, Simon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, and half the tribe of Manasseh.

The New Testament closes with the book of _______________.


Romans focus

Revelation, vindication, application of the righteousness of God

God... will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.


What verses were written by the apostle John which warns against adding to or taking away from what i written in the Bible?

Revelations 22:18-19

Romans keyword


The book of Acts records the establishment of the church in Judea, Samaria, and the _____________.

Roman Empire

Romans key verse

Romans 1:16-17New International Version (NIV) 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,[a] just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." (Hab. 2:4)

In the parable of the prodigal son, What did the father say to put on him:

Rope, Sandals, Ring

In Luke 14, the last man was the _______ because he did not even say ________

Rudest; sorry

In the parable of the prodigal son, The young son did not want to live under the father's ____


Characteristics of Hebrew Proverbs

Rules for living. Connect, act, and consequence. Being righteous pays off -- not always true. Wise are righteous, and the foolish are wicked.

In the parable of the prodigal son, How did the father get to him?


The duties of next of kin, figure strongly in what book?


Blessings and Curses in Leviticus

Sacrifices and rituals = blessing.

Romans theme

Salvation is found only through Christ

Ephesians 2: 8-9

Salvation is not earned, it is a gift from God

Where did the conversion between Jesus and the woman at the well take place?

Samaria, John 4:5

Who did Jehovah remove from his position and withdrew the source of his power when he showed disrespect for this vow?


Who is the book of Samuel about?

Samuel . Saul . David .

which near eastern king was saved in a basket like moses?

Sargon I Akkad

who settled the Samaritans in the former kingdom of israel

Sargon king of Assyria

what does the word satan mean

Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן‎‎ satan, meaning "enemy" or "adversary";[1] Arabic: شيطان‎‎ shaitan, meaning; "astray", "distant", or sometimes "devil"

2 Corinthians Lesson Learned

Satan uses people to Attack those who are being effective for Christ

Satan in Job

Satan was a wandering prosecutor who tests people's faith.

Jesus told Peter that _______ had asked to sift you as wheat. This is like what happened to ____.

Satan; Job

Clues to the genre of Jonah

Satire. Will be overthrown. ENTIRE population changes ways, even the animals. Jonah does the opposite of what prophets normally do.

Genre of Jonah

Satirical Fiction

These two books of Samuel were originally written as one book. The book focuses on three men:

Saul Samuel and David

What happened when David ran away from Saul

Saul had all the priests killed

Jesus didn't come to condone sinners but to ______ them


When Samuel confronted Saul about his disobedience, how did Saul justify what he had done?

Saved them to sacrifice to The Lord

Another major point of emphasis of the Bible is to show mankind his need for a _________ by whose righteousness sinners can be forgiven and declared just.


What was Joseph's position when he revealed himself to his brothers?

Second in command to the Pharaoh

In Luke 18, Jesus told the rich ruler to do three things:

Sell everything he had, give it to the poor, and follow me.

The Old Testament translated in Greek is known as the ______________.


Policies of Cyrus

Set Jews free from Babylon. Send Jews homes to rebuild themselves. Let Jews come back to Jerusalem. Can have all the artifacts that were stolen.

From which decent did Noah come from?


Who were the sons that Adam and Eve had?

Seth, Cain, and Abel

What is remarkable about Rahab's statement of faith, as found in Joshua 2:9-11?

She believed only through hearing what God had done

How did Deborah commemorate victory over the Canaanites?

She sang praises

What did Eli think was wrong with hannah?

She was drunk

Why did Eli think something was wrong with hannah?

She was praying in her heart and her moving her mouth with no noise

Some time after the defeat of Ai, Joshua and the Israelites march north to the town of______to offer sacrifices and offerings


What was the name of the prince that defiled Dinah

Shechem (Genesis 34:2)

Which of Noah's sons is Abraham from?

Shem (Genesis 11:10)

What Hebrew word did the Gileadites use to identify fleeing Ephraimites, and was pronounce incorrectly?


What is the name of Judah's wife?

Shuah (Genesis 38:2)

Who is Leah's second born?

Simeon (Genesis 29:33)

Which of Joseph's brothers did he put in prison when he requested that they(his brothers) should bring Benjammin?

Simeon (Genesis 42:24)

Which of Jacob sons slew all the men of the Hivites?

Simeon and Levi (Genesis 34:25)

This offering was done when a person unintentionally sinned

Sin Offerings

Who was the Canaanite military commander killed with a tent peg?


Who was the Canaanite army commander defeated by Deborah and Barak at the River Kishon?

Sisera was the Canaanite army commander in Judges 4

According to the bible scholars how large would a stone have been that David put in his pouch

Size of a tennis ball/ 1 lb

What does it mean that a burnt offering was considered a pleasing aroma to Adonai?

Smells pleasant

The three kings of Israel's United Kingdom were Saul, David, and ___________.


to whom do we attribute 3 books in the wisdom literature of the bible


What was reaction of the crowd to what Jesus did?

Some amazed, some humiliated. [15] The Lord answered him, "You hypocrites! Doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? [16] Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?" [17] When he said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing.

The Ring in the Lord of the Rings as an example of how idolatry works. Explain how the Ring would corrupt even good characters much the way heart idolatry can corrupt good things.

Some of the characters had good objectives but the Ring magnifies their desires making them willing to do anything to achieve their goals. It turns the good into an absolute and destroys all other values.

Who is elkanah

Son of jeroham father of Samuel

What does Ben-oni mean?

Son of my sorrow or pain

In Luke 16, Lazarus was covered with _____



Speak to God. God tells them what to do or say; and God tells them where to go. Utter God's judgement.

How accurate could a slinger be

Split a hair

What does the term "Ebenezar" mean?

Stone of help

What does Joshua 1: 6 encourage Israel to be?

Strong and Courageous

What was made on the 4th day of creation?

Sun, moon, and stars

What was Naaman's nationality?


T or F of Samuel Saul and David: they were all failures in some way


T/F According to Leviticus 23-24, there were seven festivals that Israel was to observe.


T/F Gleaning as understood in ruth and in leviticus 23:22 provided a means for poor people to gather food during and after harvest time


T/F Joshua's mistake with the Gibeonites was that he didn't consult yhwh


T/F The chiastic center for the book of Leviticus is the day of atonement (Yom Kippur)


T/F the israelite leaders wanted samuel to select a king because they wanted to be like the other nations


T/F the three leaders during exile were zerubbabel ezra and nehemiah


T/F the two spies were the ones responsible in rescuing rahab and her family


T/F we first hear of the amalekites the nation saul was supposed to completely eradicate in the book of exodus


T/F yhwh promised to always be with joshua and to never forsake him


What did they decide to do at that point?

Take the ark into the battle

Who did Judah want Er to marry?

Tamar (Genesis 38:6)

what proof do archaeologist find for king David's existence

Tel Dan Stele - a stone that said house of david on it

Where did the Philistines put the Ark?

Temple of dagon

What is the name of Abraham's father?

Terah (Genesis 11:27)

What was Noah's curse upon Canaan?

That he shall be a servant of servants unto his brothers (Genesis 9:25)

What did Abraham tell Sarah to tell Pharaoh when they entered into the land of Egypt?

That she is his sister (Genesis 12:13)

______________ is an example of how God has revealed Himself.

The Bible

Where in Matthew were the apostles privately concerned about not able to cast out demons?

The Boy with a Demon - Matthew 17:19 18 Then Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that moment. 19 Afterward the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" 20"Because you have so little faith." He answered. "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."...

John Piper once said something that is very Biblical but that sounds counter-intuitive about the ultimate reason for the existence of Satan. What did he say?

The Devil exists for the glory of Christ.

In recent years scientists have found that many things in the universe have to be almost exactly what they are for any possibility of life. Some of them are so exact that if you just changed them a little - like one part in trillions, it would not be possible to have anything like life. What name has been given to this surprising state of affairs?

The Fine-Tuning of the universe.

The Prodigal son parable has been called "_________________________"

The Gospel in the Nutshell

The Septuagint

The Greek translation of the Old Testament and the Bible plus some extra.

How does God show us he wants to use us?

The Holy Spirit, God's word, We're weak; He is strong

Who was Joshua written to?

The Israelites

What does Reuben mean?

The Lord has looked upon my affliction now therefore my husband will love me (Genesis 29:32)

According to Samuel verses 6&7 why did Saul look for a medium?

The Lord wouldn't answer him

One of Jesus' disciples asked him to teach them how to pray like John the Baptist. Jesus told them what we call _____________.

The Lord's Prayer

Regarding Jonathan Edwards' essay on the Trinity. What, basically, does Edwards understand God the Son to be? Summarize his views briefly.

The Son is God's eternal and perfect self-knowledge or personal idea of himself (the image of God in the mind of God). This image is so full and absolute that it is a perfect copy of God's infinite essence.

Where was Israel's central place of worship?

The Tabernacle of God in Shiloh

Define "Secondary Causes."

The actions of created things working according to God's guidance.

According to the NKJV Bible, in Genesis, who said: "He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him."?

The angel of the Lord, to Hagar, referring to Ishmael (Genesis 16:12)

In verse3 the pronoun it tells us that the israelites were trusting what to deliver them?

The ark

David was in danger and must run for his life is Jonathan said:

The arrows are beyond you

David was safe from Saul if Jonathan said:____________

The arrows are on this side

In Luke 14, The dinner guests were picking _________ Jesus told them they should _______ and they might get invited to _______.

The best seats; lowest; move up.

What does Jesus say to Martha that Mary chose?

The better choice

What are the last 3 days of creation known as?

The days of filling

What are the first 3 days of creation known as?

The days of forming

According to the Bible, in the eternal plan of God all things, including suffering and evil, work together for the glory of God and the good of his people. What is the single greatest example of God using the evil actions of men to bring about good? Explain.

The death of Christ was the most evil act in history. Wicked men murdered the perfect man (God in human form). Yet, through this God saved the human race.

What is the tenth and last plague that struck the land of Egypt before the exodus of the Hebrews?

The death of the first born son in all Egyptian homes.

What do we mean by the term "incarnation?"

The event in which God the Son took on human nature.

Who is Ezekiel

The final prophet is Ezekiel. Ezekiel shows his dedication to God from the beginning of chapter two. The first time Ezekiel shows his dedication is when God says "Son of man, stand up on your feet" and without thinking Ezekiel stands up and listens to him. (Eze 2:1-2) God then continues to tell Ezekiel that he is sending him to the Israelites, a rebellious nation that has rebelled against him. (Eze 2:3) The Israelites have been in revolt against God until that day. Ezekiel like the other prophets never questioned what God was telling him to do, which shows his dedication. Ezekiel also shows his dedication to God by going to Israel, even though God told him they were rebelling against him.

Who is Eli?

The high priest

Leviticus is primarily a book of...

The holidays to observe, the concept of holiness, the role of the priests, the types of sacrifices.

What is the wonderful component to the year of Jubilee?

The land enjoyed rest and recovery, land sold was returned to the original owners, servants were released from their contracts, all debts were forgiven.

For many are called but few are chosen is a phrase from what parable?

The marriage feast parable in Luke

What was Ruth's long-term blessing?

The messiah would come through her lineage


The norm and standard to which all else is measured; the level of authority given by text by church or group.

Three uses of Israel

The northern Kingdom under Solomon, the divided monarchy, area ancient Israelites occupy.

When Lot was given a chance to choose any land as he pleased, what plot of land did he choose?

The plains of the Jordan near Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 13:11)

What did God use as a symbol to remember his covenant with Noah?

The rainbow (Genesis 9:13-15)

What did the mission of the 12 spies accomplish?

The result was Israel remained in the Wilderness for 40 years.

In Luke 16, Who had a funeral?

The rich man

In Luke 16, Where was Lazarus laid?

The rich man's gate

The rich ruler in Luke 18, what was good about this man?

The ruler was enthusiastic and humble

In Luke 16, What did Lazarus want to eat?

The scraps of the rich man's table

When the servant of Abraham was looking for a wife to wed Isaac, what was the sign that he asked God to see if she was the one?

The sign was that she should give him and his camels water to drink (Genesis 24:14)

The woman with the issue of bleeding grabbed hold of what part of Jesus' clothing?

The tassel on his shawl

Numbers is primarily a book of...

The twelve spies, the bronze serpent statue, the many years of wandering, two separate censuses on the Israelites

What two battles seem to be a lesson for Israel about faithfulness?

The victory at Jericho (Israel's faithfulness in God) and the defeat at Ai (Israel's sin in camp)

What is meant by the word concurrence?

The way that God works with, in and through created things to bring about his purposes.

What did Saul destroy?

The weak things

About whom did Jesus say their action would be remembered wherever the good news was proclaimed?

The woman who poured ointment on Jesus' head, Matthew and Mark

How does Jotham's fable (about the trees) apply to Abimelech and Shechem

Their poor choice of a king and how to choose a king

What do we call proposed solutions to the Problem of Evil?


Explain in a simple statement the doctrine of the Trinity.

There is one God who has eternally existed in three Persons.

What is the connection in Joshua between the "Land" and the "Law"?

They are constantly bound (obey the law --> Get the land)

It is natural to think that an idol is something that is inherently bad. However, this is not the case. Explain this.

They are not bad things, but good things that we have turned into ultimate things. They are good things that we are looking for to give us what only God can give us.

Why did god strike 70 men in bed-shemesh

They opened the ark

Why did Samuel say The Lord would not reject them?

They were His people

Why did Abimelech tell Isaac to depart from the land in which he stayed?

They were in a way intimidated by his wealth (Genesis 26:16)

How was Joseph's relationship with his brothers?

They were jealous and hated him

In Exodus 19:7-8 what does Israel promise God?

They will do everything the Lord says

The tax collectors were seen as no different as ______ or ________

Thieves; traitors

Explain what is meant by the theological term Perichoresis.

This is the mutual indwelling of the persons of the Trinity. The Father dwells in the Son and Spirit, the Son in the Father and Spirit etc.

According to Augustine, the essence of sin is disordered love. Explain this and give an example.

This simply means valuing things in the wrong order by loving something more or less than it should be loved. For example it is good to love your job and good to love your family, but it is not good to love your job more than your family.

Apodictic Law Example

Though shall not kill.

Hebrew way of thinking

Thoughts and pictures. Lord is my rock. God portrayed through action and metaphors.

Which of Balaam's four oracles did the Holy Spirit speak through him?


Strictly speaking, when we refer to the eternity of God we are not talking about God existing for an endless number of days. How then should we think about God's relation to time?

Time itself is a creation of God so he exists beyond the category of time and all times are equally present to him.

In the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, what option did a person in her situation have?

To beg, be bullied, or bribe

What was the purpose of Ruth's proposing marriage to Boaz?

To continue the family line

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a man on this road was beaten, robbed, and left _______.

To die

A man came to Jesus and asked Jesus to tell his brother ________________. It would appear this man was the __________ brother. Jesus asked who made him the __________. He warned his men to be on guard against ______.

To give his part of the inheritance; younger; referee; greed.

Why were they waiting on Samuel a Gilgal?

To offer a sacrifice

The book of Ruth is a story about how David's line unfolds. I also stated that a second theme of the book was...

To show how YHWH cared for all people, regardless of ethnicity or background.

What did Samuel say that makes you realize that Saul and his sons will be killed in battle the following day?

Tomorrow u and ur sons will be with me.

Why did David say to Saul that giving him weapons and armor would not work in preparing him for battle?

Too heavy

How did he prove to him that he had been in the camp?

Took spear and water pot

At what site did the Lord cause the world to have a variety of languages

Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)

The God of the Bible is both infinite and personal. He is both above and beyond all of our concepts and categories (space, time, matter etc.) and also close and intimately involved in the world. What are the two technical words for these dual qualities.

Transcendent and Immanent.

Colossians Lesson Learned

Transformation comes through submission to Christ

Jesus and his apostles were watching people putting money in the _______ in the temple. A ________ put in _________ which was all she had to live on. Jesus said she gave more _________. The other people gave out of their _________ while she gave out of her ________.

Treasury; widow; two pennies; than anyone else; wealth; poverty.

Jesus wants no one to be lost. True or false?

True. "But when he came to himself he said, "How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough to spare, and I'm dying with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.'" He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran towards him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him."— Luke 15:17-20

How does archaeology aid in biblical criticism? Give an example.

Understand that not every story was meant to be historical. Finding artifacts can prove if something happened or not. Looking at ruins to figure out how historical stories are. Ex. Walls of Jericho.

What do we mean when we speak of the self-existence of God?

Unlike any other being, God has the power and reason for his own existence within himself. He doesn't depend upon any other thing for his own existence.

From where did abraham and sarah originate

Ur, chaldeans in Mesopotamia

The prophet Nathan confronted King David about the murder of whom?


The Pharisees divided the world into two classes:

Us versus Them

In the parable of the prodigal son, He didn't wait until the boy ______

Was clean

What was made on the 2nd day of creation?

Water and sky

Humans are paradoxical creatures, at once great and base, glorious and wretched. How does the Bible account for this paradox?

We are created in the Image of God to be like God, yet we are fallen and live under the power of sin.

You and I are "contingent beings." What does it mean to be a contingent being?

We are dependent upon many other things for our existence and our nonexistence is entirely possible.

An author argued that only the Christian understanding of God as Trinity can explain our intuitive sense of what is greatest and most important in life and the word. Explain this.

We have a sense that that love and relationships are the most significant things in the world. The Trinity makes sense of this because the greatest thing - God - is Love, an eternal communion of Father, Son and Spirit.

The people refused to listen to Samuel and said:

We want a king like other nations

Jesus said the people could predict ______ but did not know what ___________

Weather; was going in the world

According to A.W. Tozer, what is the single most important thing about us?

What comes into our minds when we think about God.

Jesus was asked a question by an expert in the law. Jesus asked the man _________. The man gave the ________ which was ___________. Jesus told him, "___________"

What do you think; correct answer, Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself; Do this and you will live

Keller suggests a number of diagnostic questions that we can ask ourselves to determine what our own idols are. List 3 of them.

What thing if you lost it would almost mean that you had lost the will to live? What is your worst nightmare? What kinds of situations create in you your most uncontrollable emotions? (like anger or anxiety)

Dominant issue in Ezra and Nehemiah

Who belongs in the community. Community Identity.

The parable of the Good Samaritan , The man asked another question to Jesus to test him:

Who is my neighbor?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus asked the expert, " _________"

Who was the neighbor

How does Jesus answer the question, "Who are my mother and my brothers?"

Whoever does the will of God. Mark 3:35

In the parable of the prodigal son, What kind of living did the son engage in?

Wild living

Genre of Proverbs

Wisdom Literature

Why is Job considered counter-wisdom

Wisdom causes righteousness, which leads to blessing. Blessings come from proper sacrifice and rituals. Job is blameless, upright, fears God, and turns away from evil (BUFGTAE). However, bad things still happen to him.

Blessings and Curses in Proverbs


1 Tim. Lesson Learned

With great ministry comes great responsibility

The Lord was with Samuel and let none do his _______

Words prove false

In the parable of the prodigal son, The older son was ________ when he heard what happened and _____ to come in.

Working out in the fields; didn't want

why is mark have very few Old Testament references

Writing to gentiles not jews

Mark date written

Written in 58-60 AD

Matthew date written?

Written in 63 AD in Antioch

_____: uses YHWH for God. Colorful stories and an anthropomorphic God. Themes: Where Israel came from, why Israel is important to God, and God's promise to Abraham.


In the parable of the prodigal son, Was the father looking for him?


Did Adam and Eve have other sons and daughters?

Yes (Genesis 5:4)

What did the local woman say about Ruth after being redeemed by Boaz?

You are more valuable than seven sons

Which of the following is not in the 10 commandments?

You shall be holy, for I the Lord you God am holy.

Main points of Jeremiah 7

You will be destroyed because you stopped following the law and doing sacrifices. Worshiping other Gods and ignoring vulnerable.

In the parable of the prodigal son, The father calls him __________.

Your brother

After the paralytic was lowered through the rooftop of the house in Capernaum, how did Jesus respond?

Your sins are forgiven., Mt 9:2-7; Mk 2:1-7; Lk 5:17-26

In the parable of the prodigal son, The older son calls him ________.

Your son

Who, as he was dying, pronounced a curse on Joash?

Zechariah the priest

What is the name of Leah's maid?

Zilpah (Genesis 30:10)

Who said, "Truly this man was God's son."

a centurion, Mark 15:39

Philippians theme

a lifestyle of unity, joy, and holiness


a name derived from the name of person (real or imaginary) as the name of Alexandria is derived from the name of its founder: Alexander the Great.


a sacred place of pilgrimage, belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power. Separate or apart.

who built the Ka'bah stone


whose story is the longest in the book of genesis


what was built upon the first return from exile?


the first classical prophet was



an ancient kingdom of southern Palestine with Jerusalem as its center. The southern Kingdom.

syrian ruler who was one of the cruelest tyrants in all history, persecuted and oppressed jews

antiochus epiphanes

Another important step in Bible study is applying, which is asking how do the divine truths and principles deal with me in my attitude and actions.


In the book of Leviticus, God prescribes to Moses the ceremonial law that told Israel how they must ____________ their Hold Lord.


ezra and nehemiah returned under which king?


which country captures the northern kingdom


which country captures the southern kingdom


mark is related to __________


why does nehemiah ask God for forgiveness in his first prayer in 1:4-11

because israel sinned repeatedly

Ephesians theme

believer's responsibility to walk according to one's calling in Christ

the period when the New Testament was written:

between 50-100 A.D

Pharaoh from Perao means

big house

types of literature in the New Testament

biography, history, letters, prophecy

what does bible mean?


Ephesians keyword

building the body of Christ

What animal was used in ancient warfare?


Why was Boaz impressed with Ruth?

cared for Naomi, respected the culture and customs, an attitude of humility

where did abraham burry sarah

cave of Machpelah

Philippians key chapter

ch 2-Reminds us that Christ is the ultimate example of humility

1 Tim. key chapter

ch 3 - all things for Christ

Colossians key chapter

ch 3-Links the three themes of Colossians together showing their cause and effect relationship

A major point of emphasis in the Bible is to show the ____________ of God.


The third criteria, the book had to have a general consensus by the ________as an inspired book.


2 Tim. theme

combating persecution opposition and false doctrine with God's word

1 thes. Lesson Learned

complacency can occur without warning

pompei conquered what

conquered Palestine

God emphasizes repeatedly in the 1st chapter of Joshua that Joshua must have what?


The book of Genesis describes the ___________ God made with Abraham, which was a 3-fold promise to give him descendants, land, and blessing.


testamentum is


john was the only apostle to witness Jesus' ________


Jesus was to be________ according to God's plan


oldest form of writing in the western world

cuneiform, wedge shaped writing

who established the united monarchy


both saul and david had sinned against yhwh on a number of occasions. what sets david apart from saul with regard to sin

david: repents saul: excuses

which bible related document found first by archeologists

dead sea scrolls

Jesus fulfilled all righteousness by his perfect life, and fulfilled justice by his ________________.


what promise did hannah Samuel's mother make to yhwh if he were to grant her a son

dedicated to be a nazarite

The second criteria for determining if a book was God's word; the book could not ________ with any other recognized book of the Bible.


way jesus is pictured in john

divine son of God

luke's occupation


Sadducees don't believe in what, besides Jesus

don't believe in angels

Adam originates from

dust ground earth

Which judge was left-handed (AKA a southpaw, goofy foot, leftie?)


to whom does john write to

entire world

Satan wasn't to discredit God's word by getting us to think that it is not true. Who was the first person on which Satan used this method of attack?


In Luke 18, Jesus said to the rich ruler that no one is good________

except God

God also wants to demonstrate in His Word how He blesses ______and obedience.


Galatians Lesson Learned

faith not works, results in freedom and power in christ

T/F rahab was instructed to paint her doorpost red and have a scarlet cord hanging out the window during the attack of jericho

false : not told to paint doorpost red

T/F regarding jericho the Israelites were commanded to destroy precious metals but allowed to keep the livestock tapestries and clothing and animals

false : the opposite keep precious metals and destroy everything else

T/F because of Achan's sin joshua was held responsible for Achan's actions...

false all of israel was responsible

T/F Naomi was successful in sending off both her daughters in law

false only oprah left : ruth stayed

T/F the book of ruth is contemporary of the book of 1st samuel

false ruth is a contemporary book to judges

T/F Ruth was a prostitute like rahab and tamar before her

false ruth was a widow not a prostitute

T/F jephthah was a judge who was called to be a nazirite

false sampson was the only nazirite in judges

T/F there were 5 returns from the exile

false there were 3

T/F when nehemiah was leader the temple was rebuilt

false zerubbabel was leader when temple was rebuilt

T/F Boaz was considered a scrooge and difficult man towards his workers and the poor

false: boaz was generous and kind not stingy

what does abraham's name mean

father exalted

Our works are ___________

filthy rags/rubbish

what happened to the philistine carved statue dragon when the ark was placed beneath its feet

first bowed down then is dashed to pieces

John's occupation


What did the philistines make as a trespass offering when they were ready to return the ark?

five golden tumors and five gold mice (representing the five Philistine rulers).

Philemon Lesson Learned

freedom comes through forgiveness

luke was a _________


meaning of the world gospel

good news

divisions of new testament:

gospels, history, pauline Epistles, general Epistles, prophecy

language of new testament


to whom luke writes


in 1 samuel 16:14-23 the text says that an "evil spirit" tormented saul for the rest of his days. what were two possibilities for this meaning?

guilty conscience or evil spirit

What was the greatest curse in old testament Israel, which made Naomi's and Hannah's plight as tragic?

having no children

What was the consequence of Jehoshaphat's compromise?

he lost many people to war and his son turned evil

How did Jehoshaphat compromise?

he made an alliance with Ahab's country

Solomon's kingdom was torn from him because

he worshiped other Gods. he married many foreign wives. he failed to use his wisdom wisely

how was solomon able to accumulate so much wealth and treasury in which to build the temple and fortify many cities?

heavy taxation

in what language was old testament


greek thought, customs or styles


What Hebrew word, translated "mercy" or "loving kindness" emphasizes loyalty?


Before Saul became king, he showed his humbleness by taking insults well and what?

hiding among baggage

Gaps to bridge in Bible study include learning about the language, culture, geography, and ____________ of the time when the Bible was written.


Why did I compare Leviticus to a "Keystone" in an arch?

holds bible together

which of the 10 commandments offers a reward

honor mother/father

luke stresses Jesus' _________ and _________

humanity and parables

Naaman's greatest need


1 Corinthians Lesson Learned

if you belong to God you are not your own and you take God with you wherever you go!


incapable of failure or error

God's word declares that it is __________ meaning without error and is __________ meaning that it will not fail and that it is trustworthy.

inerrant, infallible

John was a member of the __________________

inner circle

period of time between old and new testament


Making the Bible say what we want it to say is often a problem in ______________, the second step of Bible study.


Garden of Eden was located where?


john is the son of zebedee and brother of __________


What book explains the 70 years of jewish captivity


matthew is written to whom


key verse in John besides John 3:16

john 20:31 But these are written that you may believe[a] that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

mark is sometimes called

john mark

name the two tribes which made up the southern kingdom

judah and benjamin

what office or rol was samuel the last of?


Ruth lived during the time of the what?


way Jesus is presented in matthew

king of the jews

The Bible also speaks of a coming ___________ where God will reign eternally.


key phrase in matthew

kingdom of Heaven

the books of chronicles are complimentary books to the books of

kings and samuel

1 Tim. key word

leadership manual

herodians definition

loved herod

key verse in luke

luke 19:10 10 "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

what 2 books did luke write

luke and acts

which prophet was a contemporary of nehemiah?


Jesus placed the care of _________ with john


one source of Luke's info

mary - Jesus' mother

In the New Testament, whose occupation is a tax collector


gospel is given by 4 men

matthew, mark, luke, and john

the classical prophets were the ones who

men who, through inspired and articulate admonitions, preached to the people of Israel and Judah about the social and political ills of the time.

what does the term angel mean


The Number 40

metaphor for a long time

what was a shofets foremost task

military leader

Mark stresses jesus' _________


What did David see in Goliath's challenge that others did not?

mocking God

where was the greatest theophany in history?

moses and the burning bush (mount horeb)

How did Abimelech maneuver to gain power and therefore reap what he sowed?

murdered his brothers; therefore, he was murdered


necessarily true beyond contradiction


not liable to error

How is Jesus is presented in the Book of Mark

obedient servant

The Bible is a source of God's blessing when __________. "But He said, 'More than that, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.'"



of or relating to the use of ethical principles to resolve moral problems. Do this, than this.

Where was Aaron required sprinkle blood on the Day of Atonement?

on the Mercy Seat (the covering of the ark of the covenant) Lev 16

1 Tim. theme

organization and oversight as a minister

How many Authors in the bible?

over 40

which holy day did jesus celebrate at his last supper


luke was a companion of ________


2 Tim. focus

perseveres in testing endure in future testing

Jesus told them a parable about a ________. She went to see a ______ to get help against her ________. This word means _______.

persistent widow; judge; adversary; enemy.

Ephesians Focus

position and practice of the Christian faith

what does Sarah's name mean


Jesus is the fulfillment of all of the old testament. _________ concerning the messiah


Three criteria were used to determine whether a book was canon (divinely written). The first test was if the book had been written by a recognized ______________ or apostle (or one closely associated with them).


why would the people of Bethlehem be afraid of the prophet samuel visiting their city

prophet carries judgement and peace

Samuel was on the the few what of his day?


the theme of esther is


which of these poetic works is attributed to king david


another name for tax collector


according to the naked archaeologist videos, which women came to visit solomon

queen of sheba

The first step in Bible study is ____________, which requires a plan of approach.


The books of Exodus and Leviticus focus more on the blessing of _________________ with God.


God is not interest in removing you from difficult situations as He is in seeing the right what in you?


How did Jonathan demonstrate that he truly loved David?

risked his life for him and gave him his cloak


ritually clean or pure


ritually unclean or impure

to whom mark wrote his account of the gospel

roman world

1 Thes. theme

salvation and sanctification

governing body of jews were the


who was the first king of Israel


What is pragmatism?

seeking to do what is convenient rather than what is right

def. of synoptic

seen together

greek version of old testament


Josephs tomb, jacobs well, sychar, and the story of dinah are in


what was David's occupation prior to becoming Saul's musician


Mark is the ________ of the gospels


Gideon had a hard time trusting so he asked God for several what?


Another purpose throughout the Bible is to express the judgement of ________ and disobedience.


To gather His chosen ones, God must redeem them from _______________.


representative combat also known as

single combat

Grace means that sin is not held against the ___________.


The doctrine of flexibility in the application of moral laws according to the circumstances.

situational ethics

what does the word prophet mean

someone who speaks for

way jesus is presented in luke

son of man the humanity of jesus

luke is called the gospel of _______


Define canon

standard of measure

Baal was worshipped as the god of fertility and what?


Israel =

struggle with god

Colossians focus

supremacy and sufficiency of Christ

what is eschatology

teaching of how things will be (at the end of days)

Speaking of the way God revealed himself in Christ, Forsythe said "If God be not thus, he is less than ________________. This is the holy love that ________________."

the God we crave for and the world needs ; deserves to be almighty

Who called Samuel by name in the middle of the night?

the LORD; 1 Sam chapter 3

Matthew written to whom to read?

the book was written to Jewish believers


the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil

What did circumcision signify according to the book of Genesis?

the covenant made with Abraham and his descendants.

what is hamantashen?

the delicious cookie shaped like hamans hat that is eaten during Purim


the name for the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

the two artifacts that were dated to Solomon's time but later considered suspect are...

the pomegranate carving and the yehoash inscription

In Luke 14, Jesus telling of the story of the master got angry and told the servant to invite:

the poor, lame, crippled, and the Blind

Colossians theme

the preeminence and sufficiency of Christ in all things

in matthew 5 great sermons recorded, the best is known as

the sermon on the mount

prior to becoming a monarchy what type of gov't system did the israelites live under?


when Isaiah and micah speak about the end of days what do they emphasize

there is a future for israel, nation shall not lift up sword against nation

1 Corinthians overview

this book was written to the church in Corinth to address, problems, pressures, and struggle of the church

1 Tim. overview

timothy the young pastor over the church at ephesus

what is the original meaning of messiah

to anoint, anointed one

why did king hezekiah build the Siloam tunnel

to bring water to the city when the romans barricaded jerusalem

purpose for Luke's writings

to give Theophilus an accurate account

what was the Israelites main reason to demand a king

to lead their battles and fight for them

purpose for Mark's writing

to present the work of Jesus

purpose of John's writing

to stress Jesus' deity

what does hannah avoid doing that sarah and rachel did when they were faced with barrenness

took matters into their own hands when hannah just had faith

God has promised Christians what over sin?


After the Last Supper on the Mount of Olives, Jesus prayed, "Not my __________"

will, but yours be done.

Book of Esther is written by

written by mordechai tells of God's providence

Nehemiah is written by

written by nehemiah

What was the problem with "high places"?

wrong place to worship

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