Biblical foundations Exam 2

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"God sows"; also a place name like naming a child watergate political coo Hoseas child

example from Judges

"In those days there was no king in Israel, and all the people did what was right in their own eyes"


"You must be sinning" - traditions teach that sin leads to suffering. Job should listen to tradition -Jobs friend

First part of Isaiah

(1-39) 8th cent bce the fall of israel northern kingdom as seen from the southern kingdom main enemy+Assyria

second part of Isaiah

(40-66) 6ht cent bce captivity and exile of judah (southern Kingdom and return Main enemy=Babylon


(Old Testament) son of David and king of Israel noted for his wisdom (10th century BC) builds temple (961-922 BCE)

Tel Dan Stele

(ca. 850 BC) mentions the "house of David"


-a foreigner protrayed as more faithful than david he refuses to rest while his fellow soldiers fight -Bathsheba's husband who was sent to die in battle

Saul's qualifications

-handsome and "head and shoulder above everyone else" -tribe of Benjamin, a smaller and less threatening tribe -chosen by God: "The Lord has anointed you over His people" -the spirit of God possessed Him -early military challenge (Ammonites) solidifies position -rallies tribes and initiates shift from tribal to national identity -sacrifices and gives credit to God "today the Lord has brought deliverance to israel"

trible life

12th-11th centuries BCE

The Exodus

13th century BCE

Syro- Ephramite war

735-732 BC Israel and aram form an alliance and go to war against judah to force themm to join against the assyrian empire they lay seige to Jerusalem question for ahaz should he rely on political alliances or depend on Yahweh to defend the nation


A monument, vertical in style, small or large, that contained writing or pictures to commemorate or record something often by kings to mark a victory

servant leadership

A type of leadership based on humble service to all God's people.

Ideal Davidic king

Ahaz did not fully obey Isaiah reminiscing on david's king as time need a righteous leader who fears the Lord and represents the underdog reference to creation theology


An Amalekite, captain of the princes, who plotted destruction of the Jews. and Mordecai, kings advisor hung by kings orders


As with the genesis narratives the choice of david by God over Saul is the choice of the lesser over the greater

David's anointing

By samuel, david was the youngest of Jesse

isaiah the book

Called the greatest book of the OT, also called the gospel of the OT. It is the Longest Prophetic Book at 66 Chapters. position in jewish and christian theology more copies in dead sea scrolls than any other book except deuteronomy most quoted Ot Book in NT


David was "a man after God's own heart"


David's eldest brother that told him to go home -He accuses hum of just wanting to see the battle


David's son who rebelled and drove David from Jerusalem; hair hung in a tree


David, a man after God's own heart shows himself capable of great service to God but also of great failure


Davids brokeness does not flow through his family


Esther's relative who refused to bow to Haman; helped Esther save the Jews discovers hamans plan and asks for exthers help honored by king

King Saul

First king of Israel Chosen by God to save the people from the Philistines. He is anointed by Samuel

themes in Hosea

God as angry husband God as nostalgic husband failure of leadership has to led to immoral behavior failure of leadership has led to immoral behavior -God as nurturing parent wavering on punishment


God chooses david even though he is the smallest and the youngest

jobs harsh words for God

God has worn me out torn me in his wrath hated me been my adversary he broke me slashes shows no mercy bursts is like a warrior


God instructs Samuel to choose one of _________ sons to be King.

key themes in Isaiah pt 1 (1-39)

God is holy and demands that people and demand that people be holy set apart as well -the peoples sinfulness pollutes their worship the call to ethical living the hope for a faithful king a largely critical tone (brueggeman)

theories of authorship

God lays out his case against judah chapter 1 charges rebellion sin forsaken the lord the solution was to wash yourselves and be good

God judges Job and his friends

God says that Jobs friends had not spoken of what was right about God as Job had.


Gods relationship to the poor is that of a friend to a father. serving God is equivalent too serving the ______, God longs for justice for the _____, just like Job.


Hosea's son: "not my people," referring to the broken relationship hope for redemption to brother Ammi and to your sister ruhamah

Job is humbled and stays loyal to god

How does the book of Job end in chapter 42?

obedience , faithfulness

If the people choose _________ and ____________________to the Lord, they will be blessed in the land. If they turn away from the Lord, they will not live in the land 1 samuel


Im no prophet but i am a herdsman and dresser of sycamore trees


In Judges the authority was __________________ Ex: "the spirit of the Lord came upon Him"

David and Bathsheba

In Samuel, David had an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba. When she became pregnant, David sent her husband, Uriah, into battle, where he was killed. David and Bathsheba married. The child conceived during their affair died, but Bathsheba later gave birth to Solomon.


In spite fo David's failures, he is used and blessed by God due to God's chesed (steadfast love)

Isaiah's Call

Isaiah 6 has a vision of God's throne worried about his own sin/others sin seraph cleanses lips tells isaiah people will ignore him


Israel was begging for a _______ so they could be like other nations looking for a worldly leader instead of God will cause problems 1 samuel


Job and Jesus both experience great suffering and _____________________ for the poor


Jobs language of God shifts as he understands the ____________________ of the poor

Deuteronomistic History

Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings tell the story from settlement to exile from the vantage point of the end of the monarchy and the imminent defeat by Babylon


Kings wife has a banquet to reveal Hamans plann, saves the Jews


MEANS "2ND LAW" serves as a bridge that connects the Torah with historical books that follow it. it gives the principle by which one can understand Israel's history


Old Testament enemies of the Israelites; ignorant or uncultured person sea-going peoples who settled in coasal Palestine from c. 12 BCE city states-gaza, ashkelon, ashdod,ekron, and gath organized military with standing army and iron weapons

Forms of Proverbs

Parallelism similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses -comparison better than numerical listics wordplay/atrostic (31)


Second king of Israel he had success in all his undertakings for the Lord was with hum


Second son of Isaiah whose name means "quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil the spoil speeds, the prey hastens

King Ahasuerus

The Persian king who is found in the Book of Esther and promises to give Esther what she wants chooses to marry esther has mercy on her punishes


The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah. -lived and ministered in Judah (south) and had access to royal ministry

Southern Kingdom of Judah

The kingdom that after the death of Solomon in the late tenth century BCE continued to be ruled by the Davidic dynasty with its capital in Jerusalem, until it was captured by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.

Northern Kingdom of Israel

The territory that split from Judah after the death of Solomon in the late tenth century BCE and was an independent kingdom with its capital in Samaria until the Assyrians conquered it in 722 BCE. called israel or ephraim


Told Job that experience teaches that sin leads to suffering. "If you sin you suffer" tells Job that he is guilty Jobs friend

Nathan and David

Who says: "You are the man!"

Amnon and Tamar

_____, son of David, lusted after and raped his sister, _____:


_______ makes a sacrifice without Samuel tries to kill his son, and lets the Amalekite king live. God gradually became sorry that he made him king - beginning of monarchy c. 1020-1000 BCE


________ says david is too young and weak


____________ sons became judges for a time, but were evil (bribes, unfair Judgements)

election of Israel

_____________________ as a punishment-have covental relationship with God held to higher standard as Gods chosen Amos 3:1-2, 9:7-8


a large person; from the giant from the Philistine city of Gath, slain by David, when he was a shepherd boy

Liberation Theology

a movement within the Catholic church to understand Christianity from the perspective of the poor and oppressed, with a focus on fighting injustice

Guastavo Gutierrez

a pervuiavan catholic theologian and one of the founders of the liberation theology movement

Shear - Jashub

a remnant shall return Isaiahs child


according to job 24 the poor lack clothing shelter relationship food etc the cause of their condition is the wicked who exploit them


advice literature common in the ANCIENT near east and across cultures


after death of Joshua, led by "Judges" were ocassional political judicial and military leaders


age of patriarchs was in 2nd millenium bce

Day of the Lord

amos 5:18-24 conduct and worship linked justice rolls down like waters-MLK


amos is from tekoa in the southern kingdom of Judah but prophesies in the northern kingdom of Israel c 760-750 BCE -when the Assyrian empire is not yet on the horizon but will be soon


anger out of love

Book of Esther

anonymous dating of composition uncertain (4th-3rd cent BCE)

gutierrez on Job

as the book progresses Job sees more deeply into his own experience and refines his thinking he shifts his focus from himself to his neighbors specifically the poor. he realizes he is not alone in his suffering


c 1000-961 BCE unites nation, capital at Jerusalem

Amos 1-2

contains denunciations of a laundry list of israels enemies

God speaks out of the whirlwind

creation shows the power of God

prophetic tasks

criticizing: real criticism begins in the capacity to grieve because that is the most viceral announcement that things are not right internal criticism: energizing: imagining an alternative community message of hope Ex: Moses


david displays favoritism and does not punish Amnon as he should

cons of having a king

demanding a human king means rejecting God as king (1 Samuel 8:7) kings will want your stuff (1 Samuel 8:10-18; 12)


depth of punishment parallels the gravity of _________

reasons for Saul's Decline

disrespect of Samuel's priestly role (1 Samuel 13) makes sacrifice without Samuel disrespect of God's commands regarding total warfare (1 Samuel 15)

chief question of Job

does job fear God for nothing the central theme of the book of Job is the possiblity of disinterested righteousness

the maxims of phathotep

egyptian court administrator offered instictions courtly wisdom good govt eloquence avoiding vice

Satan in the Hebrew Bible

english word satan comes directly from hebrew satan meaning accuser or adversary verb form means to obstruct or to oppose


esther felt fear about approaching her husband at the wife selection process.


esthers book teaches reward for bravery punishment for deceit and the importance of family

themes of proverbs

fear of the lord-a prequesite to any true knowledge -good acts lead to good consequences, bad actions lead to bad consequences (a common theme in Hebrew scriptures) the theology of Jobs friends -it posits a conforting vision of a preditable rational worl in which we control our own destiny -the rationality of creation -people should learn wisdom by observing the natural world the orderliness of creation reflects the orderliness of the creator act/consequence worldwiew at work everywhere

Saul, David, Solomon

first three kings of Israel when Israel was united

man and his God

from ancient sumer those who suffer should with humility countinue to praise and petition the god(S)


gentle warning; friendly reproof positive or negative form of proverb


hosea 2,11,14

terms used infrequentley in the hebrew bible

human- 1sam 29:4 referring to david supernatural -Numbers 22:22 an angel as a roadbloack Zechariah 3:1-2 accuser in the heavenly court

Ahaz dilema

if you do not stand firm in faith you do not stand at all Isaiah encourages him to fight back chapter 7

deuteronomistic Principle

if.... then obeying leads to life, prosperity, blessing disobey leads to perish and cursing

jobs response to suffering

job still persists in his integrity although you incited me against him to destroy him for no reason (Lord to Satan) very well he is in your power only spare his life--Lord to satan Satan inflicted loathsome sores on Job Job did not sin with his lips in all this


judge, priest, prophet, kingmaker


judgement is not the last word God gives last message=hopeful Amos 9:11-13


judgement-Hosea 5,9,13


judges were both male (ex: gideon and samson) and female (ex: Deborah)

perfect God

justice and grace =______________ __________________

3 kings during the Syro-Ephramite war

king ahaz of judah king rezin of Aram (syria) King pekah of Israel (ephraim)

Edward Hicks

known for painting scenes of "the Peaceable Kingdom"


last of Judges over Israel is _____________

Second Temple Period

late 6th BCE-1st cent CE


law, prophet and wisdom teach more explicit lessons

Book of Judges

loose tribal confederation with no permanent centralized leadership

a new covenant for new community

maintain justice do what is right foreigner eunuch love the name hold fast my covenant my holy mountain my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples

dating of proverbs

monarchy through post exilic (10th-5th century BCE)


name= yaweh is salvation or salvation of Yaweh


not pitied meaning God will no longer have pity on Israel (Hosea 1:6) hoseas child

two paths motif

option 1 : following strange woman option 2: following woman wisdom the last word listen to your mama

poverty ethics and worship in amos 2

our relationship with people parallels our relationship with God you cant worship God without right conduct 1st and 2nd half of 10 commandments go together

key themes in amos

poverty ethics and worship (Live what you believe) - the day of the Lord -with great power comes great responsivility -the election of Israel -restoration

Great power comes with great responsibility

predicts doom for amaziah because He is not leading Israel to God Amos 7:12-17

isaiah's wife



protective brother who gets revenge for tamar he commands his servants to kill Amnon. He wins over the hearts of the people by being a merciful judge. Dies in battle and david mourns his son, _____________, and wishes he could have taken his place


questioning God's justice is wrong Jobs friend


restoration gentle imagery are the two themes in the last words of hosea


reverse of prophesy


saul was jealous of david

Book of Joshua

settlement of the promised land led by Moses' successor, Joshua

Davidic Covenant

short term context: David's sucessors (Solomon) long term context: How will God's promise to David be kept after monarchy comes to an end? Covenant that says the Messiah will come from the House of David -- builds on previous covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic)


stratified mound on the site of an ancient city in this case Dan a northern Israelite city

pros of having a king

stronger national identity used by God to lead in battle

mapping the world of amos

syria philistia phoenicia edom ammon moab judah and especially Israel


the Lord said to _______, "Go take for yourself a wife of whoredom..."

sign of hope in the midst of war

the birth of a child will be a sign that God is with them prophesying Jesus' birth milk (Curds) and honey

Hosea's basic message

the convention between God and Israel is best understood as a marriage rather tan a legal contract. Israel's unfaithfulness, as seen in her worship of other gods is a kind of spiritual adultery

key themes in Hosea

the covenant between God and Israel is best understood as a marriage Israels unfaithfulness is seen as in her worship of other gods is. akind of spiritual adultery the wrath and mercy of God God as angry or nostalgic hisband God as nurturing parent restoration


the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel

1 Samuel

the people demand a king and get what they "ask" for -they want to be like the other nations God's response to samuel is to listen to the people


the prophetic imagination enculturation:" the contemporary American church is so largely enculturated to the american ethos of consumerism that it has little power to beliece or act... our consciousness has been claimed by false fields of perception and idolatrous customs of language and rhetoric" church trys to sell a messsage consumerism makes their worldview transactional

the problem with having a king

the relationship between the priest prophet king and God

comfort of the creater (ch 40)

the risk:loss of faith the reassurance God as creator has authority over all creation and God is unique the same God created will redeem since the work of creation and redemption are part of the same work

context of job

there was once a man in the land of UZ dating: difficult limited clues in the text point to a patriarchial setting (nomadic setting wealth measured via livestock) themes are universal problem of suffering job is not from israel place in the canon: contrast to the act/consequence worldview

key themes in Isaiah pt 2 (40-66)

timeline of exile 587 bce beginning of exile and desstuction of temple by Babylonians 539 bce defeat of babylon by persians 538 bce edict of cryus the great/ end of exile for Judah 516 bce: rebuilt temple


unlike amos who was from the south and prophesied as an outsider in the Northern kingdom, ___________ is from the North -prophesies during a time of national calamity in the Northern Kingdom c. 750-722 BCE when the Assyrian empire was on the rise and Israel was about to fall


wants to build a temple for the Lord God promises ____________ a great name, protection over Israel and a son who will build a temple


who says for three transgressions and for four i will not revoke punishment

the question of having a king

would the king enforce the covenant between God and Israel


wrath is followed by _____________________

on job God talk and the suffering of the innocent

a commentary on the book that reads this story through the lens of the oppressed

authoriship of proverbs

a compendium of wise sayings tradition of solomon as the wise king the "wise" professional class of counselors teachers and bureaucrats agur son of Jakeh king Lamuel's mother

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