Bio 1050 Q20-U4All plus Q22-All Semester wayne state

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(LO 4.19) Which of the following is most likely to reduce a negative effect of agriculture?

minimizing water use with water-conserving irrigation

(LO 4.13) If a fish is part of a species that usually display their fins to attract females for mating, but an individual male fails to display his fins to attract a mate, this male is an example of

behavioral isolation.

(LO 4.18) The major structural component of a plant is cellulose, which is a carbohydrate made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The carbon in the cellulose in plants is from

carbon dioxide fixed by photosynthesis.

(LO 4.18) In the leaves of plants during photosynthesis

carbon dioxide is a reactant and glucose is a product.

(LO 4.23) The temperature of the Earth is increasing because

carbon dioxide is being released from fossil fuels.

(LO 4.18) Plants contain starches and cellulose. Starch and cellulose are polysaccharides (polymers of sugars). The carbon in starches comes from

carbon dioxide.

(LO 4.20) In an ecosystem, __________ usually cycle(s) within the ecosystem, and __________ usually flow(s) through the ecosystem.

chemicals, energy

(LO 4.3) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. A genetically dominant allele

codes for a trait than makes an individual physically stronger than a recessive trait.

(LO 4.19) Compared to a non-organic farm, which of the following would you be likely to find more of on an organic farm?

diverse crops grown together

(LO 4.12) If two fish live in the same part of a lake, eat the same food, have the same predators and hide and reproduce in the same parts of the lake, then they are the same species by the _______________ definition of a species.


(LO 4.18) Which of the following is correctly matched to its main function?

flowers - reproduction

(LO 4.20) In ecosystems, chemicals usually cycle within the ecosystem, and energy usually

flows through the ecosystem.

(LO 4.20) In an ecosystem, energy usually ___________ the ecosystem, and chemicals ____________ the ecosystem.

flows through, cycle within

(LO 4.13) When the receptor proteins on an egg do not match the proteins on a sperm cell that is an example of

gametic isolation, which is a prezygotic reproductive barrier.

(LO 4.13) Which of the following is an example of mechanical isolation?

insects with external genitalia do not align for fertilization

(LO 4.13) If the external genitals (reproductive organs) of two birds prevent them from creating a zygote together, it is an example of

mechanical isolation.

(LO 4.4) A man is heterozygous for the hemoglobin gene, with one normal allele and one sickle allele. What are the chances that one of his sperm cells will have the sickle allele for hemoglobin?


(LO 4.4) Flower position is Mendelian. Axial flowers are dominant to terminal flowers. In a monohybrid cross of a plant with axial flowers to a plant with terminal flowers, the F2 generation would have a genotype ratio of all Aa

1 AA : 2 Aa : 1 aa

(LO 4.4) Imagine a monohybrid cross studying pod color. The green phenotype (G) is dominant and the yellow phenotype (g) is recessive. What ratio of genotypes would you expect in the F2 generation diploid plants?

1 GG : 2 Gg : 1 gg

(LO 4.25) Which of the following would increase Cladophora growth along the shores of the Great Lakes?

increasing the amount of phosphorous near the Cladophora

(LO 4.8) You start with a population with an allele frequency of 50% G and 50% g, and the individuals breed randomly and there is no selection for or against G or g. After 100 generations, you would expect the allele frequency to be

50% G and 50% g

(Unit 3 review) In prophase II of meiosis you see 10 duplicated chromosomes in a cell. This cell type has n of


(LO 4.4) Pod color is Mendelian. If you cross a homozygous dominant green-pod plant with a homozygous recessive yellow-pod plant in the P generation, and the offspring in the F1 generation to generate the F2 generation, which of the following results of pod color in the F2 generation is most consistent with your expectations?

257 yellow of 1000 pods

(LO 4.4) Plant height is Mendelian. Tall plants (T) are dominant to short plants (t). In a monohybrid cross of a tall plant to a short plant, the F2 generation would have a genotype ratio of

1 TT : 2 Tt : 1 tt

(LO 4.3) Red flowers show incomplete dominance. If you cross a P generation of plants with red flowers (RR) and white flowers (rr), what phenotypic ratio of flower color would you predict in the F2 generation?

1 red: 2 pink: 1 white

(LO 4.6) Which of the following is an example of natural selection, which is the mechanism of evolution?

Insects with green alleles become more common over generations in an environment with many green leaves.

(LO 4.17) How could you create a transgenic plant?

Insert the gene from a different species in the vector, infect a plant cell with the new gene, and grow a plant from the cell.

(LO 4.8) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. You have a population of 1,000 fish. Long fins (L) are dominant. Short fins (l) are recessive. 50% of the fish are heterozygous, and 50% are homozygous dominant. What is the phenotype frequency of this population?

100% Long fins

(LO 4.2) Imagine a monohybrid cross studying stem length. The tall phenotype (T) is dominant; and the short phenotype (t) is recessive. What would you predict for the gametes made by the tall plant of the P generation?

100% T

(LO 4.6) Imagine insulin type in worms is Mendelian. You have a population of 1000 worms that are all heterozygous for the insulin gene, with the type A insulin dominant (I) to the type B insulin (i). What is the phenotype frequency of worms in this population with type A insulin?

100% type A insulin

(LO 4.4) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If green-pods (G) are dominant to yellow-pods (g), what are the probabilities of possible genotype(s) of the gametes of a plant with green pods that has the genotype Gg?

50% G, and 50% g

(LO 4.26) Which of the following is a value, not a fact?

It is more important to be able to use phosphorous fertilizer, than to limit phosphorous entering the Great Lakes.

(Unit 3 review) In prophase II of meiosis you see 16 duplicated chromosomes in a cell. This cell type has n of


(LO 4.2) Assume dog coat color is Mendelian. The B allele is dominant for a brown coat. Black coats (b) are recessive. Which of the following dogs is homozygous recessive?

a dog with a black coat

(LO 4.21) For this question, a secondary consumer needs 2,000 kcal per day, and gets all of its food from a single food chain. If this food chain supports exactly this one secondary consumer, how much biomass must the producers produce each day?

200,000 kcal

(LO 4.4) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If you cross a homozygous dominant green-pod plant with a homozygous recessive yellow-pod plant in the P generation, and the offspring in the F1 generation to generate the F2 generation, which of the following results of pod color in the F2 generation is most consistent with your expectations?

247 yellow of 1000 pods

(LO 4.4) In a Mendelian monohybrid cross of a pea plant with dominant tall (T) plants with a plant with recessive short (t) plants, how many offspring of 100 plants in the F2 generation would you predict will be homozygous recessive?


(LO 4.7) Which of the following is NOT evidence for evolution?

a dog with plenty of food gets fatter than a dog with scarce food

(LO 4.4) You perform a monohybrid cross of plants with red flowers (RR) and plants with white flowers (rr) in a species where flower color has incomplete dominance resulting in pink flowers. You continue to cross the F1 generation plants with each other to generate the F2 generation. What phenotypic ratio of flower color would you predict in the F2 generation?

1 red: 2 pink: 1 white

(LO 4.8) Assume a Mendelian character for cricket leg length for this question. There is a population of 1000 crickets. 500 of the crickets are heterozygous for leg length, and 500 are homozygous for long-legs. Long legs are recessive. What is the phenotype frequency of long legs in this population of crickets?

0% None of the crickets have long legs.

(LO 4.4) In a Mendelian monohybrid cross of a pea plant with dominant tall (T) plants with a plant with recessive short (t) plants, how many offspring of 1000 plants in the F2 generation would you predict will be homozygous dominant?


(LO 4.4) Flower position is Mendelian. Axial flowers (A) are dominant to terminal flowers (a). In a monohybrid cross of a plant with axial flowers to a plant with terminal flowers, the F2 generation would have a phenotype ratio of

3 axial-flower plants : 1 terminal-flower plant

(LO 4.4) Plant height is Mendelian. Tall plants are dominant to short plants. In a monohybrid cross of a tall plant to a short plant, the F2 generation would have a phenotype ratio of

3 tall plants : 1 short plant

(LO 4.8) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. You have a population of 1,000 fish. Long tails (L) are dominant. Short tails (l) are recessive. 50% of the fish are homozygous recessive, and 50% are homozygous dominant. What is the phenotype frequency of this population?

50% Long tails

(LO 4.4) You perform a monohybrid cross of plants with a gene for plant height with Mendelian inheritance. Tall (T) is dominant to short (t). In the F2 generation you would expect

75% tall plants.

(LO 4.4) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If you cross a homozygous dominant yellow-pea plant with a homozygous recessive green-pea plant in the P generation, and self-cross the offspring in the F1 generation to generate the F2 generation, how many yellow-pea plants is most consistent with your expectations out of 1000 plants in the F2 generation?

754 yellow-pea plants of 1000

(LO 4.8) Which of the following is an example of a bottleneck effect?

A fire randomly kills 90% of the beetles in a population.

(LO 4.21) How much of the energy consumed passes to the next trophic level?

About 10% to 15% of the energy passes from primary producers to primary consumers, and up each level of consumer.

(LO 4.21) Which of the following organisms does NOT cycle carbon back into the air as carbon dioxide?

All of the organisms listed do cycle carbon back into the air as carbon dioxide.

(LO 4.1) If a female has a genotype of Bb for the phenotype brown hair, her egg cells would have the genotype

B or b.

(LO 4.17) Which of the following is least likely to be an advantage of genetically modifying food?

adding vectors to plants

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Huntington's disease is caused by a mutation in the huntingtin gene. The mutated version of the huntingtin gene (H) is dominant, and the non-mutated version (h) is recessive. Which genotypes will have Huntington's disease?

HH and Hh only

(LO 4.25) Which of the following is true in Lake Michigan?

Light and phosphorous are limiting factors for the growth of the benthic algae, Cladophora.

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). The genotype of a true-breeding purple-flowered plant is ___________, and the genotype of a true-breeding white-flowered plant is ____________.

PP, pp

(LO 4.24, 4.27) Which measurement would you make if you wanted to know how deep light penetrated in a lake?

The Secchi disk depth reading

(LO 4.4) Red flowers show incomplete dominance. If you cross a P generation of plants with red flowers (RR) and white flowers (rr), what would you predict about the phenotype and genotype of the F2 generation?

They would be the same; both would be 1:2:1.

(LO 4.8) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. You have a population of 280 beetles with red color dominant to black color. 20% of the alleles are red and 80% are black. Which one of the following is true?

There will be more black beetles than red beetles.

(LO 4.8) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. You have a population of 790 beetles with green dominant to white color. 20% of the alleles are green and 80% are white. Which one of the following is true?

There will be more white beetles than green beetles.

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If T is for the dominant tall-plant trait and t is for the recessive short-plant trait, then which of the following would be the possible genotype(s) of tall plants?

Tt or TT

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Wet earwax (W) is dominant, and dry earwax (w) is recessive. Which genotypes will have wet earwax?

WW and Ww only

(LO 4.8) An enormous rock falls on a population of 1000 snails and kills all but ten of them. The ten remaining snails keep breeding and start a new population. You had been studying the traits of the original population and also observe the traits of the new population. You notice that there is a difference in the traits of the new population compared to the traits of the original population. This is an example of

a bottleneck effect.

(LO 4.8) When 85% of a population of worms on the ground are randomly killed by a boulder falling on them, and the remaining 15% keep breeding and maintain the population, it is an example of

a bottleneck effect.

(LO 4.16) Of the following, gene therapy would most likely to be successful in treating

a disease caused by a single known mutation in one gene.

(LO 4.5) Which trait below would be hard or impossible to breed by artificial selection?

a dog responding to the command to stay

(LO 4.8) A population of turkeys starts with 10,000 birds, and a frequency of the short-feather allele of 10%. One day a random 100 turkeys run off to another set of woods and do not breed with the original population any more. The new population that originated with the 100 turkeys that ran off has a short-feather allele frequency of 75%. This is an example of

a founder effect.

(LO 4.8) Ten geese leave a population of 1000 geese by flying to a new island where there were no geese. The ten geese start a new population on the island. You measure their traits and notice that there is a difference in the traits of population on the island compared to the traits of the original population. This is an example of

a founder effect.

(LO 4.8) When a random 5% of a population of salamanders floats on a log to a new island that did not have any salamanders, and starts a new population, it is an example of

a founder effect.

(LO 4.20) Not including the abiotic factors in the environment, all of the individual organisms of one species that interact in a region are

a population.

(LO 4.16) Which type of disease would be a good target for gene therapy?

a single-gene disease of cells that are dividing and can be isolated

(LO 4.21) Compared to a secondary consumer, a primary consumer in the same food chain can gain

about ten times more of the energy of the producers.

(LO 4.2) Imagine a monohybrid cross studying pod color. The green phenotype (G) is dominant and the yellow phenotype (g) is recessive. The phenotype ratio of the plants of the F1 generation would be

all green-pod plants

In natural selection

alleles that confer (give) more fitness increase in frequency in a population.

(LO 4.2) A genetically dominant allele will always

appear as the phenotype if there is at least one dominant allele.

(LO 4.2) On average, in a Mendelian monohybrid cross the F2 generation has plants that

are 75% dominant phenotype and 25% recessive phenotype.

(LO 4.5) A chicken breeder selects chickens with the reddest feathers from her flock and breeds them to each other. She does this for many generations, always picking the chickens with the reddest feathers. This is an example of

artificial selection.

(LO 4.12) Why do we have many definitions of species?

because we have different questions and different data in various situations

(LO 4.5) Which of the following is NOT an example of artificial selection? A farmer

increasing the salinity of his fields by irrigation, which results in weeds that are resistant to high-salt conditions

(LO 4.3) A plant with red flowers is crossed to a plant with white flowers. The F1 generation is all pink and the F2 generation has plants with that are 1 red-flower plant : 2 pink-flower plants : 1 white-flower plant. This is an example of

incomplete dominance.

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Green pod color (G) is dominant to yellow pods (g). If a gg plant is crossed to a GG plant in the parental generation, the F1 plants will have a ____________ phenotype, and a ______ genotype.

green pod, Gg

(LO 4.13) When two individuals live in the same general area, but not the same ecological niche, then it is an example of

habitat isolation, which is a prezygotic reproductive barrier.

(LO 4.15) Genetic engineering

has potential risks to health, like many treatments.

(LO 4.19) Genetic engineering

has the potential to reduce pesticide use.

(LO 4.3) Assume dog coat color is Mendelian. If a dog has a Bb genotype for coat color and a brown coat, and another dog has a bb genotype for coat color and a black coat, how would you describe the Bb genotype?


(LO 4.3) Skin color is determined by many genes and also the environment. This is an example of

how the environment can affect polygenic traits.

(LO 4.26) Invasive mussels, like Zebra mussels and Quagga mussels, have

increased the amount of the benthic algae, Cladophora, in Lake Michigan.

(LO 4.19) Fertilizer usually contains

nitrate, phosphate and potassium.

(LO 4.8) A subset of a population with a unique allele survives better than the rest of the population and contributes more of that allele to the next generation. In other words, the frequency of the unique allele increases in the next generation due to natural selection. Compared to individuals without this allele, individuals with this allele have

more fitness.

(LO 4.21) The average net productivity of open ocean and of desert and semidesert scrub are roughly equal to each other and are each about 100 g/m2/yr. The Earth has more open ocean than it has desert and semidesert scrub. From this information you would predict that

more of the Earth's net primary production is from open ocean, than from desert and semidesert scrub.

(LO 4.12) If two dead specimens of birds in a museum of unknown origin are examined and the biologist decides that they are the same species because they have the same leg, wing, body, head and bill shapes, and the same colorings in the feathers and other body parts, then the biologist is using the _______________ definition of a species.


(LO 4.12) If you claim two birds are the same species based on the similar appearance of their feather color, wing shape and foot color, you are using the _____________ definition of a species.


(LO 4.13) If you claim two rodents are the same species based on the similar appearance of their fur, tail anatomy and nose shape you are using the _____________ definition of a species.


(LO 4.14) Which of the following is NOT a way that humans have changed allele frequencies to meet our own needs?

natural selection

(LO 4.6) Which of the following is a mechanism of adaptive evolution, where the alleles of the fittest individuals will become more frequent in subsequent generations?

natural selection

(LO 4.8) Which of the following is a mechanism of adaptive evolution, where the alleles of the fittest individuals will become more frequent in subsequent generations?

natural selection

(LO 4.9) Bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics, such as methicillin. This increase in the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is due to

natural selection in an environment that includes antibiotics

You are studying the role of the phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in an aquatic ecosystem. You add either just P, just N or both. You measure the biomass of benthic algae (primary producers) over a month. You have a control with nothing added. You find an increase in the biomass produced compared to the control when just N, or N and P are added. Adding just P produces the same biomass as the control. From this surprising result you conclude that

only N is a limiting factor.

(LO 4.3) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. If T is for the dominant tall-plant trait and t is for the recessive short-plant trait, then which of the following would be the possible genotype(s) of short plants?

only tt

(LO 4.17) A disadvantage of genetically modified organisms is

people are afraid to eat them.

(LO 4.12) If you claim two plants are the same species based on the basis of them having a common ancestor, you are using the _____________ definition of a species.


(LO 4.3) If many characteristics are affected by one gene, the gene is


(LO 4.2) Mendel used monohybrid crosses of pea plants and studied seven characters to understand the properties of inheritance. A monohybrid cross of two plants is when

the parental generation is two plants that are true-breeding for all seven characters, the same trait for six of them and different for one of them.

(LO 4.3) Eye color is determined by many genes. This aspect of eye color is an example of

polygenic inheritance.

(LO 4.3) Not all phenotypes are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. For example, many genes affect human skin color. The fact that human skin color is determined by many genes is an example of

polygenic inheritance.

(LO 4.3) Scientists currently believe that hair color is determined by many genes. This aspect of hair color is an example of

polygenic inheritance.

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Purple flowers (P) are dominant to white flowers (p). The genotype of a true-breeding white-flowered plant is ___________, and the genotype of a true-breeding purple-flowered plant is ____________.

pp, PP

(LO 4. 21) A hawk eats mice that eat seeds from plants. In this example, the hawk is a

primary consumers

(LO 4.21) If beetles eat plants, birds eat beetles, and bobcats eat the birds, then the beetles are

primary consumers

(LO 4.21) A hawk eats mice that eat seeds from plants. In this example, the mice are

primary consumers.

(LO 4.21) In an ecosystem, photosynthesis occurs in the


(LO 4.22) The __________ photosynthesis are the _____________ of cellular respiration.

products of, reactants

(LO 4.17) Which of the following is the biggest concern in regards to genetically modifying our food supply?

reduction in biodiversity due to one very successful type of crop

(LO 4.7) The evidence for evolution includes the fact that

related organisms of different species have similarities in basic anatomy with variations.

(LO 4.21) Consider the carbon cycle and the role of primary producers, primary and secondary consumers and decomposers. Which of these organisms convert fixed carbon in organic molecules back into carbon dioxide?

the producers, consumers and decomposers

(LO 4.19) Overuse of ground water is most likely to cause

sinkholes above the area where water was removed.

(LO 4.7) Which of the following is NOT evidence for evolution?

some dogs follow instructions to sit and others do not

(LO 4.9) Which of the following would be most likely to reduce the incidence of methicillin-resistant bacteria?

stopping the use of methicillin.

(LO 4.20) Which of the following best describes the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

sunlight energy enters, is converted to chemical energy and is released as heat

(LO 4.21) When you are considering the contribution of a type of ecosystem to primary production you need to know

the average net primary productivity (g/m2/yr) and the size of that ecosystem.

(LO 4.21) When you are considering the contribution of a type of ecosystem to primary production, you need to know

the average net primary productivity (g/m2/yr) and the size of that ecosystem.

(LO 1.2) In untreated type I diabetes

the body does not produce insulin.

(LO 4.10) Which of the following is NOT a way that new alleles or new combinations of alleles occur in a population?

the bottleneck effect

(LO 4.25, 4.27) You want to know if an invasive species, Asian Carp, will increase the amount of light that gets to the benthic algae. The best measurement to make to test this hypothesis would be to measure

the depth of a Secchi disk reading above the algae

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. Yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seeds (y). If a YY plant is crossed to a yy plant in the parental generation, the F1 plants will have a ____________ phenotype, and a ______ genotype.

yellow seed, Yy

(LO 4.6) Assume Mendelian traits are being considered in this question. Small size is a trait that allows insects to hide from predators, and large size makes it hard for them to hide. If a large population of these insects lives without predators for many generations, then predators move into the area, it is most likely that when predators move into the community

the small-size allele frequency and small-size phenotype frequency will increase.

(LO 4.23) When humans add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, the additional carbon dioxide changes the climate by

trapping heat on the Earth longer.

(LO 4.5) For this question assume that there is one gene that determines leg length in the beetles being studied. Which of the following would be the best strategy if you wanted to generate a population of beetles with extremely long legs from a population that had a wide variety of leg lengths?

use artificial selection by breeding the beetles with the longest legs generation after generation

(LO 4.5) For this question assume that there is one gene that determines fin width in fish. Which of the following would be the best strategy if you wanted to generate a population of fish with extremely wide fins from a population that had a wide variety of fin widths?

use artificial selection by breeding the fish with the widest fins generation after generation

(LO 4.14) Artificial selection, agriculture, selective breeding and genetic engineering are all

ways that humans have changed allele frequencies to meet our own needs.

(LO 4.2) Assume Mendelian genetics for this question. A dominant allele

will determine the phenotype if there is at least one copy in the genotype.

(LO 4.1) If a male has a genotype of Bb for the phenotype brown hair, one of his sperm cells

would have a 50% chance of having the B allele.

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