Bio 112 Final Exam Review

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: Knowledge/Comprehension 21) Which of the following taxa includes the largest amount of genetic diversity among plantlike organisms? A) Embryophyta B) Viridiplantae C) Plantae D) Charophyceae E) Tracheophyta

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 4) The following are common to both charophytes and land plants except A) sporopollenin. B) lignin. C) chlorophyll a. D) cellulose. E) chlorophyll b.

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 35) Members of this phylum produce two kinds of haploid spores, one kind being asexually produced conidia: A) Zygomycota B) Ascomycota C) Basidiomycota D) Glomeromycota E) Chytridiomycota

B Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 37) The chloroplasts of all of the following are derived from ancestral red algae, except those of A) golden algae. B) diatoms. C) dinoflagellates. D) green algae. E) brown algae.

D Topic: Concept 28.5

: Application/Analysis 57) At which location should one find the lowest concentration of fungal enzymes, assuming that the enzymes do not diffuse far from their source, and that no other fungi are present in this habitat?

D Topic: Concept 31.4

3) Which of the following is not common to all phyla of vascular plants? A) the development of seeds B) alternation of generations C) dominance of the diploid generation D) xylem and phloem E) the addition of lignin to cell walls


If a new species of plant is to be produced by means of allopolyploidy from two parental species that are 2n = 6 and 2n = 8, how many chromosomes would you expect in the somatic cells of the new species?


In the Star Trek universe, the fur length of small, furry, diploid creatures called Tribbles, is determined by a single genetic locus with two alleles. You are getting ready to determine whether the population is evolving via Hardy-Weinberg. In a population of 491 individuals, how many alleles are present?


2) A fruit is most commonly A) a mature ovary. B) a thickened style. C) an enlarged ovule. D) a modified root. E) a mature female gametophyte.


2) A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share A) a mantle. B) a radula. C) gills. D) embryonic torsion. E) distinct cephalization.


2) Photoautotrophs use A) light as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source. B) light as an energy source and methane as a carbon source. C) N2 as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source. D) CO2 as both an energy source and a carbon source. E) H2S as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source.


3) In a comparison of birds with mammals, having four appendages is A) a shared ancestral character. B) a shared derived character. C) a character useful for distinguishing birds from mammals. D) an example of analogy rather than homology. E) a character useful for sorting bird species.


3) Which of the following could be considered the most recent common ancestor of living tetrapods? A) a sturdy-finned, shallow-water lobe-fin whose appendages had skeletal supports similar to those of terrestrial vertebrates B) an armored, jawed placoderm that had two sets of paired appendages C) an early ray-finned fish that developed bony skeletal supports in its paired fins D) a salamander that had legs supported by a bony skeleton but moved with the side-to-side bending typical of fishes E) an early terrestrial caecilian whose legless condition had evolved secondarily


Knowledge/Comprehension 52) Most dinosaurs and pterosaurs become extinct at the close of the __________ era. A) Cretaceous B) Permian C) Devonian D) Ordovician E) Triassic

A Topic: Concept 34.6

4) Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants? A) alternation of generations B) ovules C) integuments D) pollen E) dependent gametophytes


6) Among the organisms listed here, which are thought to be the closest relatives of fungi? A) animals B) vascular plants C) mosses D) brown algae E) slime molds


6) Plant-like photosynthesis that releases O2 occurs in A) cyanobacteria. B) chlamydias. C) archaea. D) actinomycetes. E) chemoautotrophic bacteria.


Among the characteristics unique to animals is A) gastrulation. B) multicellularity. C) sexual reproduction. D) flagellated sperm. E) heterotrophic nutrition.


Which of the following terms or structures is properly associated only with animals? A) Hox genes B) cell wall C) autotrophy D) sexual reproduction E) chitin


: Knowledge/Comprehension 14) Which of the following pairs are the best examples of homologous structures? A) bat wing and human hand B) owl wing and hornet wing C) porcupine quill and cactus spine D) bat forelimb and bird wing E) Australian mole and North American mole

A Topic: Concept 26.2

: Synthesis/Evaluation 11) The term ʺhomoplasyʺ is most applicable to which of these features? A) the legless condition found in various types of extant lizards B) the 5-digit condition of human hands and bat wings C) the beta-hemoglobin genes of mice and of humans D) the fur that covers Australian moles and North American moles E) the basic skeletal features of dog forelimbs and cat forelimbs

A Topic: Concept 26.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 33) If birds are excluded from the class Reptilia, the term that consequently describes the class Reptilia is A) paraphyletic. B) polyphyletic. C) monophyletic.

A Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 43) Concerning growth in genome size over evolutionary time, which of these does not belong with the others? A) orthologous genes B) gene duplications C) paralogous genes D) gene families

A Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 540 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 77) Which eukaryotic kingdom includes members that are the result of endosymbioses that included an ancient proteobacterium and an ancient cyanobacterium? A) Plantae B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Protista E) Monera

A Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 71) What kind of evidence has recently made it necessary to assign the prokaryotes to either of two different domains, rather than assigning all prokaryotes to the same kingdom? A) molecular B) behavioral C) nutritional D) anatomical E) ecological

A Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 81) Which of these processes can be included among those responsible for the horizontal components of this phylogeny? A) endosymbiosis B) mitosis C) binary fission D) point mutations E) S phase of the cell cycle

A Topic: Concept 26.6

: Application/Analysis 8) Jams, jellies, preserves, honey, and other foodstuffs with a high sugar content hardly ever become contaminated by bacteria, even when the food containers are left open at room temperature. This is because bacteria that encounter such an environment A) undergo death by plasmolysis. B) are unable to metabolize the glucose or fructose, and thus starve to death. C) undergo death by lysis. D) are obligate anaerobes. E) are unable to swim through these thick and viscous materials.

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 13) Prokaryotic ribosomes differ from those present in eukaryotic cytosol. Because of this, which of the following is correct? A) Some selective antibiotics can block protein synthesis of bacteria without effects on protein synthesis in the eukaryotic host. B) Eukaryotes did not evolve from prokaryotes. C) Translation can occur at the same time as transcription in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes. D) Some antibiotics can block the synthesis of peptidoglycan in the walls of bacteria. E) Prokaryotes are able to use a much greater variety of molecules as food sources than can eukaryotes.

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 3) Which is the bacterial structure that acts as a selective barrier, allowing nutrients to enter the cell and wastes to leave the cell? A) plasma membrane B) capsule C) cell wall D) nucleoid region E) pili

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 550 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 19) Not present in all bacteria, this structure enables those that possess it to germinate after exposure to harsh conditions, such as boiling: A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 549 15) If a bacterium regenerates from an endospore that did not possess any of the plasmids that were contained in its original parent cell, the regenerated bacterium will probably A) lack antibiotic-resistant genes. B) lack a cell wall. C) lack a chromosome. D) lose base pairs from its chromosome. E) be unable to survive in its normal environment.

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 551 23) Which of the following contains a copy of the chromosome, along with a small amount of dehydrated cytoplasm, within a tough wall? A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

A Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 552 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea The following questions refer to Figure 27.1 below, which is the same as Figure 27.10 in the textbook. In this 8-year experiment, 12 populations of E. coli, each begun from a single cell, were grown in low-glucose conditions for 20,000 generations. Each culture was introduced to fresh growth medium every 24 hours. Occasionally, samples were removed from the populations, and their fitness in low-glucose conditions was tested against that of members sampled from the ancestral (common ancestor) E. coli population. Figure 27.1 26) Which term best describes what has occurred among the experimental populations of cells over this 8-year period? A) microevolution B) speciation C) adaptive radiation D) sexual selection E) stabilizing selection

A Topic: Concept 27.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 45) Cyanobacteria are A) photoautotrophs. B) photoheterotrophs. C) chemoautotrophs. D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition. E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs.

A Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 49) Which of the following are responsible for high levels of O2 in Earthʹs atmosphere? A) photoautotrophs B) photoheterotrophs C) chemoautotrophs D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs

A Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 558 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 46) Which of the following use light energy to synthesize organic compounds from CO2? A) photoautotrophs B) photoheterotrophs C) chemoautotrophs D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs

A Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 60) Assuming that each of these possesses a cell wall, which prokaryotes should be expected to be most strongly resistant to plasmolysis in hypertonic environments? A) extreme halophiles B) extreme thermophiles C) methanogens D) cyanobacteria E) nitrogen-fixing bacteria that live in root nodules

A Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 563 61) Consider the thermoacidophile, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Which graph most accurately depicts the expected temperature and pH profiles of its enzymes? (NOTE: the horizontal axes of these graphs are double, with pH above, and temperature below.) A) B) C) D) 564 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea

A Topic: Concept 27.4

: Synthesis/Evaluation 55) Mitochondria are thought to be the descendants of certain alpha -proteobacteria. They are, however, no longer able to lead independent lives because most genes originally present on their chromosome have moved to the nuclear genome. Which phenomenon accounts for the movement of these genes? A) horizontal gene transfer B) binary fission C) alternative gene splicing D) meiosis E) plasmolysis

A Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 30) Thread-like pseudopods that can perform phagocytosis are generally characteristic of which group? A) radiolarians and forams B) gymnamoebas C) entamoebas D) amoeboid stage of cellular slime molds E) oomycetes

A Topic: Concept 28.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 38) A biologist discovers an alga that is marine, multicellular, and lives at a depth reached only by blue light. This alga probably belongs to which group? A) red algae B) brown algae C) green algae D) dinoflagellates E) golden algae

A Topic: Concept 28.5

: Application/Analysis 42) The best evidence for not classifying the slime molds as fungi comes from slime moldsʹ A) DNA sequences. B) nutritional modes. C) choice of habitats. D) physical appearance. E) reproductive methods.

A Topic: Concept 28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 595 5) A number of characteristics are very similar between charophytes and members of the kingdom Plantae. Of the following, which characteristic does not provide evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between these two groups? A) alternation of generations B) chloroplast structure C) cell plate formation during cytokinesis D) sperm cell structure E) ribosomal RNA nucleotide sequences

A Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 15) transport of water, minerals, and nutrients A) tracheids and phloem B) secondary compounds C) cuticle D) alternation of generations

A Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 17) The following are all adaptations to life on land except A) rosette cellulose-synthesizing complexes. B) cuticles. C) tracheids. D) reduced gametophyte generation. E) seeds.

A Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 598 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 18) Mitotic activity by the apical meristem of a root makes which of the following more possible? A) increase of the above-ground stem. B) decreased absorption of mineral nutrients. C) increased absorption of CO2. D) increased number of chloroplasts in roots. E) effective lateral growth of the stem.

A Topic: Concept 29.1

: Application/Analysis 41) Among bryophytes, only the sporophytes of mosses and hornworts have stomata, whereas stomata are missing from liverwort sporophytes. If the common ancestor of all bryophytes had sporophytes that bore stomata, then which of these might account for their absence from liverwort sporophytes? If, in contrast to early mosses and hornworts, early liverwort sporophytes had A) more-effective transport of glucose from gametophyte to sporophyte. B) increased robustness (i.e., thicker, more massive tissues). C) increased nutritional independence from the gametophyte. D) decreased need to broadcast spores long distances.

A Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 23) Plant spores are produced directly by A) sporophytes. B) gametes. C) gametophytes. D) gametangia. E) seeds.

A Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 31) Bryophytes may feature all of the following at some time during their existence except A) microphylls. B) rhizoids. C) archegonia. D) sporangia. E) placental transfer cells.

A Topic: Concept 29.2

: Application/Analysis 47) The following characteristics all helped seedless plants become better adapted to land except A) a dominant gametophyte. B) vascular tissue. C) a waxy cuticle. D) stomata on leaves. E) a branched sporophyte.

A Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 58) A dissection of the interior of this organismʹs stem should reveal A) lignified vascular tissues. B) cuticle. C) gametangia. D) that it is composed of only a single, long cell. E) a relatively high proportion of dead, water-filled cells.

A Topic: Concept 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 53) If a fern gametophyte is a hermaphrodite (that is, has both male and female gametangia on the same plant), then it A) belongs to a species that is homosporous. B) must be diploid. C) has lost the need for a sporophyte generation. D) has antheridia and archegonia combined into a single sex organ. E) is actually not a fern, because fern gametophytes are always either male or female.

A Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 32) Arrange the following structures, which can be found on male pine trees, from the largest structure to the smallest structure (or from most inclusive to least inclusive). 1. sporophyte 2. microspores 3. microsporangia 4. pollen cone 5. pollen nuclei A) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 B) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 C) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 D) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 E) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1

A Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis 38) If the beetles survive by consuming cycad pollen, then whether the beetles should be considered mutualists with, or parasites of, the cycads depends upon A) the extent to which their overall activities affect cycad reproduction. B) the extent to which the beetles are affected by the neurotoxins. C) the extent to which the beetles damage the cycad flowers. D) the distance the beetles must travel between cycad microsporophylls and cycad megasporophylls.

A Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 26) Which of these statements correctly describes a portion of the pine life cycle? A) Female gametophytes use mitosis to produce eggs. B) Seeds are produced in pollen-producing cones. C) Pollen grains contain female gametophytes. D) A pollen tube slowly digests its way through the triploid endosperm.

A Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 628 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 54) Which of the following is true concerning flowering plants? A) The flower includes sporoophyte tissue. B) The gametophyte generation is dominant. C) The gametophyte generation is what we see when looking at a large plant. D) The sporophyte generation is not photosynthetic. E) The sporophyte generation consists of relatively few cells within the flower.

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 634 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 79) Which of the following flower parts develops into a seed? A) ovule B) ovary C) fruit D) style E) stamen

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 69) In flowering plants, meiosis occurs specifically in the A) spore mother cells. B) gametophytes. C) endosperm. D) gametes. E) embryos.

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 82) A plant whose reproductive parts produce nectar is also most likely to A) have brightly colored reproductive parts. B) produce sweet-tasting fruit. C) rely on wind pollination. D) have no parts that can perform photosynthesis. E) suffer significant seed loss to sugar-seeking insects.

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 20) Which of the following is a structure that permits conjugation to occur? A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 635 83) In a typical angiosperm, what is the sequence of structures encountered by the tip of a growing pollen tube on its way to the egg? 1. micropyle 2. style 3. ovary 4. stigma A) 4 2 3 1 B) 4 3 2 1 C) 1 4 2 3 D) 1 3 4 2 E) 3 2 4 1

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the description below. Match the animal features with the appropriate angiosperm analog. Oviparous (egg-laying) animals have internal fertilization (sperm cells encounter eggs within the femaleʹs body). Yolk and/or albumen is (are) provided to the embryo, and a shell is then deposited around the embryo and its food source. Eggs are subsequently deposited in an environment that promotes their further development, or are incubated by one or both parents. 55) The yolk and/or albumen of an animal egg A) endosperm B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei C) carpels D) fruit E) integuments

A Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 94) Which of the following is not a valid argument for preserving tropical forests? A) People in the tropics do not need to increase agricultural output. B) Many organisms are becoming extinct. C) Plants that are possible sources of medicines are being lost. D) Plants that could be developed into new crops are being lost. E) Clearing land for agriculture results in soil destruction.

A Topic: Concept 30.4

: Application/Analysis 7) What is the primary role of a mushroomʹs underground mycelium? A) absorbing nutrients B) anchoring C) sexual reproduction D) asexual reproduction E) protection

A Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 10) What accounts most directly for the extremely fast growth of a fungal mycelium? A) rapid distribution of synthesized proteins by cytoplasmic streaming B) a long tubular body shape C) the readily available nutrients from their ingestive mode of nutrition D) a dikaryotic condition that supplies greater amounts of proteins and nutrients

A Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis 20) What is the ploidy of a single mature ascospore? A) monoploid B) diploid C) triploid D) tetraploid E) polyploid

A Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 15) Which of the following vary tremendously from each other in morphology and belong to several fungal phyla? A) lichens B) ascomycetes C) club fungi D) arbuscular mycorrhizae E) ergot fungi

A Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 27) A biologist is trying to classify a newly discovered fungus on the basis of the following characteristics: filamentous appearance, reproduction by asexual spores, no apparent sexual phase, and parasitism of woody plants. If asked for advice, to which group would you assign this new species? A) Deuteromycota B) Zygomycota C) Ascomycota D) Basidiomycota E) Glomeromycota

A Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension Please refer to the following information to answer the following questions. Diploid nuclei of the ascomycete Neurospora crassa contain 14 chromosomes. A single diploid cell in an ascus will undergo one round of meiosis, followed in each of the daughter cells by one round of mitosis, producing a total of eight ascospores. 19) If a single, diploid G2 nucleus in an ascus contains 400 nanograms (ng) of DNA, then a single ascospore nucleus of this species should contain how much DNA (ng), carried on how many chromosomes? A) 100, 7 B) 100, 14 C) 200, 7 D) 200, 14 E) 400, 14

A Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 32) Asexual reproduction in yeasts occurs by budding. Due to unequal cytokinesis, the ʺbudʺ cell receives less cytoplasm than the parent cell. Which of the following should be true of the smaller cell until it reaches the size of the larger cell? A) It should produce fewer fermentation products per unit time. B) It should produce ribosomal RNA at a slower rate. C) It should be transcriptionally less active. D) It should have reduced motility. E) It should have a smaller nucleus.

A Topic: Concept 31.3

: Application/Analysis 55) Which location is nearest to basidiocarps?

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 56) At which location is the mycelium currently absorbing the most nutrients per unit surface area, per unit time?

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis Chapter 31, Fungi 655 59) In which of these human mycoses should one expect to find a growth pattern most similar to that of the mycelium that produced the fairy ring? A) skin mycoses B) coccidiomycosis (lung infection) C) systemic (blood-borne) Candida infection D) Sporothrix infection of lymphatic vessels E) Tinea tonsurans infection limited to interior of hair shafts

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 34) This phylum formerly included the members of the new phylum Glomeromycota: A) Zygomycota B) Ascomycota C) Basidiomycota D) Glomeromycota E) Chytridiomycota

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 40) What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus? A) asexual structures that produce haploid spores B) asexual structures that produce diploid spores C) sexual structures that produce haploid spores D) sexual structures that produce diploid spores E) vegetative structures with no role in reproduction

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 48) In which phylum are mushrooms and toadstools classified? A) Basidiomycota B) Ascomycota C) Deuteromycota D) Zygomycota E) Chytridiomycota

A Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 69) How are the vascular plants that are involved in mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are involved in lichens alike? A) They provide organic nutrients to fungal partners. B) They secrete acids that keep the fungal partner from growing too quickly. C) They are in intimate associations with chytrids. D) They are digested by fungal enzymes while still alive. E) They contain endosymbiotic fungi.

A Topic: Concept 31.5

: Application/Analysis Chapter 31, Fungi 659 76) Mycorrhizae are to the roots of vascular plants as endophytes are to vascular plantsʹ A) leaf mesophyll. B) stem apical meristems. C) root apical merisems D) xylem. E) waxy cuticle.

A Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 658 Chapter 31, Fungi 72) If Penicillium typically secretes penicillin without disturbing the lichen relationship in which it is engaged, then what must have been true about its partner? A) It should have lacked peptidoglycan in its cell wall. B) It was probably a red alga. C) It was probably a member of the domain Bacteria. D) It was probably a heterotrophic prokaryote. E) It was probably infected by bacteriophage.

A Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 74) Both fungus-derived antibiotics and hallucinogens used by humans probably evolved in fungi as a means to A) reduce competition for nutrients. B) help humanity survive. C) promote their ingestion of foodstuffs. D) eliminate other fungi. E) discourage animal predators.

A Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 77) Which of the following conditions is caused by a fungus that is accidentally consumed along with rye flour? A) ergotism B) athleteʹs foot C) ringworm D) candidiasis (Candida yeast infection) E) coccidioidomycosis

A Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 36) The chloroplasts of land plants are thought to have been derived according to which evolutionary sequence? A) cyanobacteria green algae land plants B) cyanobacteria green algae fungi land plants C) red algae brown algae green algae land plants D) red algae cyanobacteria land plants E) cyanobacteria red algae green algae land plants

A Topic: Concepts 28.1, 28.5

: Application/Analysis 63) Which term best describes the symbiotic relationship of well-fed P. bursaria to their zoochlorellae? A) mutualistic B) commensal C) parasitic D) predatory E) pathogenic

A Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Synthesis/Evaluation 49) You are given the task of designing an aquatic protist that is a primary producer. It cannot swim on its own, yet must stay in well-lit surface waters. It must be resistant to physical damage from wave action. It should be most similar to a(n) A) diatom. B) dinoflagellate. C) apicomplexan. D) red alga. E) radiolarian.

A Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Synthesis/Evaluation Chapter 28, Protists 583 51) Similar to most amoebozoans, the forams and the radiolarians also have pseudopods, as do the white blood cells of animals. If one were to erect a taxon that included all organisms that have cells with pseudpods, what would be true of such a taxon? A) It would be polyphyletic. B) It would be paraphyletic. C) It would be monophyletic. D) It would include all eukaryotes.

A Topic: Concepts 28.4, 28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 52) Given the differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms in the development of the integument(s), which of these statements is the most logical consequence? A) The seed coats of angiosperms should be relatively thicker than those of gymnosperms. B) It should be much more difficult for pollen tubes to enter angiosperm ovules than for them to enter gymnosperm ovules. C) The female gametophytes of angiosperms should not be as well protected from environmental stress as should those of gymnosperms. D) As a direct consequence of such differences, angiosperms should have fruit. E) Angiosperm seeds should be more susceptible to desiccation.

A Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 627 49) pollen tube A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

A Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

Synthesis/Evaluation 8) In individual insects of some species, whole chromosomes that carry larval genes are eliminated from the genomes of somatic cells at the time of metamorphosis. A consequence of this occurrence is that A) we could not clone a larva from the somatic cells of such an adult insect. B) such species must reproduce only asexually. C) the descendents of these adults do not include a larval stage. D) metamorphosis can no longer occur among the descendents of such adults. E) both C and D.

A Topic: Concept 32.1

Application/Analysis 19) An adult animal that possesses bilateral symmetry is most certainly also A) triploblastic. B) a deuterostome. C) eucoelomate. D) the product of metamorphosis. E) highly cephalized.

A Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 10) Almost all of the major animal body plans seen today appeared in the fossil record over 500 million years ago at the beginning of the A) Cambrian period. B) Ediacaran period. C) Permian period. D) Carboniferous period. E) Cretaceous period.

A Topic: Concept 32.2

Application/Analysis 43) An animal that swims rapidly in search of prey that it captures using visual senses concentrated at its anterior end is likely to be A) bilaterally symmetrical and cephalized. B) coelomate and a protostome. C) eumetazoan and asymmetrical. D) diploblastic and radially symmetrical. E) heterotrophic and sessile.

A Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 45) The blastopore denotes the presence of an endoderm-lined cavity in the developing embryo, a cavity that is known as the A) archenteron. B) blastula. C) coelom. D) germ layer. E) blastocoel.

A Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 674 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 39) Organisms that are neither coelomate nor pseudocoelomate should, apart from their digestive systems, have bodies that A) are solid with tissue. B) lack the ability to metabolize food. C) are incapable of muscular contraction. D) lack true tissues. E) lack mesodermally derived tissues.

A Topic: Concept 32.3

Application/Analysis 76) Two competing hypotheses to account for the increase in the number of Hox genes from the last common ancestor all bilaterians to the last common ancestor of insects and vertebrates are: (1) a single duplication of the entire 4-gene cluster, followed by the loss of one gene, and (2) 3 independent duplications of individual Hox genes. To prefer the first hypothesis on the basis of parsimony requires the assumption that A) the duplication of a cluster of four Hoxgenes is equally likely as the duplication of a single Hox gene. B) there is an actual process by which individual genes can be duplicated. C) genes can exist is spatial groupings called ʺclusters.ʺ D) clusters of genes can undergo disruption, with individual genes moving to different chromosomes during evolution.

A Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 58) According to the evidence collected so far, the animal kingdom is A) monophyletic. B) paraphyletic. C) polyphyletic. D) euphyletic. E) multiphyletic.

A Topic: Concept 32.4

1) Which cells in a sponge are primarily responsible for trapping and removing food particles from circulating water? A) choanocytes B) mesoglea cells C) pore cells (porocytes) D) epidermal cells

A Topic: Concept 33.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 2) Which of the following is correctly associated with sponges? A) osculum B) body cavity C) cnidocytes D) spicules made of chitin E) muscle cells and nerve cells

A Topic: Concept 33.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 15) Generally, members of which flatworm class(es) are nonparasitic? A) Turbellaria B) Trematoda C) Cestoda D) Monogenea E) A, C, and D

A Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 25) If a lung were to be found in a mollusc, where would it be located? A) mantle cavity B) coelom C) foot D) visceral mass E) excurrent siphon

A Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 28) Which molluscan class includes marine organisms whose shell consists of eight plates? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

A Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 35) Of the annelid classes below, which make castings that are agriculturally important? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

A Topic: Concept 33.3

Application/Analysis 45) Infection with which parasite might cause excessive elasticity in human skeletal muscles? A) trichinella worms B) tapeworms C) copepods D) blood flukes E) rotifers

A Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 42) Nematode worms and annelid worms share which of the following features? A) use of fluid in the body cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton B) ecdysis C) presence of a circulatory system D) presence of segmentation E) absence of species with parasitic lifestyles

A Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 51) While working in your garden, you discover a worm-like, segmented animal with two pairs of jointed legs per segment. The animal is probably a A) millipede. B) caterpillar. C) centipede. D) polychaete worm. E) sow bug.

A Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 700 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 49) A shared derived characteristic for members of the arthropod subgroup that includes spiders would be the presence of A) chelicerae. B) an open circulatory system. C) an exoskeleton. D) a cuticle. E) a cephalothorax.

A Topic: Concept 33.4

Application/Analysis 68) Sarah observed that the mystery pond organisms never come up to the pondʹs surface. If she catches one of these organisms and observes closely, perhaps dissecting the organism, she should find 1. gills. 2. spiracles. 3. tracheae. A) 1 only B) 3 only C) 1 and 3 D) 2 and 3 E) 1, 2, and 3

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 55) Why is the discovery of the fossil Archaeopteryx significant? It supports the A) phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles. B) contention that birds are much older than we originally thought. C) claim that some dinosaurs had feathers well before birds had evolved. D) idea that the first birds were ratites. E) hypothesis that the earliest birds were ectothermic.

A Topic: Concept 34.6

Application/Analysis 69) Sarah had learned that ancestral (Carboniferous era) dragonfly species were much larger than extant dragonfly species are, with wingspans of 70 cm. This struck her as odd, because she had also learned that one of the things that keeps insects small is their relatively inefficient respiratory system. Which two hypotheses might help account for the large size of ancestral dragonflies? 1. If the atmosphere during the Carboniferous had featured a higher oxygen content than the modern atmosphere, then tracheae might have been sufficient means for oxygen delivery to the interior tissues. 2. If large size was a drawback, then the large dragonflies underwent extinction, which explains why all extant dragonflies are smaller. 3. If the ancestral dragonflies had possessed muscles that permitted effective ventilation of the tracheae, then the tracheae might have been sufficient means for oxygen delivery to the interior tissues. 4. If ancestral dragonflies existed during greenhouse conditions, then they must have survived by decreasing their activity levels, no longer capturing prey in flight. Thus, for them, an ineffective respiratory system was sufficient. A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 1 and 4 D) 2 and 3 E) 2 and 4

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Application/Analysis 702 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 57) Which of the following is a characteristic of adult echinoderms? A) secondary radial symmetry B) spiral cleavage C) gastrovascular cavity D) exoskeleton E) lophophore

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Application/Analysis 704 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 66) Sarah noticed the presence of many empty exoskeletons attached to emergent vegetation. These exoskeletons looked exactly like those of the largest of the ʺmystery organismsʺ she had seen in the pond. They also looked similar to the bodies of the dragonflies that patrolled the surface of the pond. If Sarah had learned a lot from her college biology class, what should she have concluded about the mysterious pond organisms? A) They are larval dragonflies, destined to undergo incomplete metamorphosis. B) They are larval dragonflies, destined to undergo complete metamorphosis. C) They are adult dragonflies, so old that they can no longer fly, have fallen into the pond, but have not yet drowned. D) They are adult dragonflies that must, like many amphibian species, return to water in order to mate.

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 61) Which of the following have a mouth that is directed upward? A) class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) B) class Asteroidea (sea stars) C) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) D) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) E) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 64) An organism is able to extend its feeding structure(s) through a hole in its body wall. If the organism were a sea star, it would extend its A) stomach. B) lophophore. C) pharynx. D) mandibles. E) tentacles.

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the paragraph below. A farm pond, usually dry during winter, has plenty of water and aquatic pond life during the summer. One summer, Sarah returns to the family farm from college. Observing the pond, she is fascinated by some six-legged organisms that can crawl about on submerged surfaces or, when disturbed, seemingly ʺjetʺ through the water. Watching further, she is able to conclude that the ʺmystery organismsʺ are ambush predators, and their prey includes everything from insects to small fish and tadpoles. 65) From this description, one can conclude that the organisms that have caught Sarahʹs attention are A) insects. B) crustaceans. C) aquatic spiders. D) myriapods. E) eurypterids.

A Topic: Concept 33.5

Synthesis/Evaluation 6) Which extant chordates are postulated to be mostlike the earliest chordates in appearance? A) lancelets B) adult tunicates C) amphibians D) reptiles E) chondrichthyans

A Topic: Concept 34.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 21) The endoskeletons of most vertebrates are composed of calcified A) cartilage. B) silica. C) chitin. D) dentin. E) enamel.

A Topic: Concept 34.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 32) The ray-finned fishes are characterized by A) a bony endoskeleton, operculum, and usually a swim bladder. B) a cartilaginous endoskeleton. C) an amniotic egg. D) teeth that are replaced regularly. E) a lateral line system and ears with three semicircular canals.

A Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 33) The swim bladder of ray-finned fishes A) was probably modified from simple lungs of freshwater fishes. B) developed into lungs in saltwater fishes. C) first appeared in sharks. D) provides buoyancy, but at a high energy cost. E) both C and D

A Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 34) All of the following belong to the lobe-fin clade, except A) chondrichthyans. B) Australian lungfishes. C) African lungfishes. D) coelacanths. E) tetrapods.

A Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 75) May have lungs, or gills, and may use skin as a respiratory surface A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) birds

A Topic: Concept 34.4-34.7

Synthesis/Evaluation 726 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 41) The adaptation of snakes to their body shape has resulted in one of their lungs having become vestigial. Another adaptation (to a fossorial lifestyle) is snakesʹ absence of limbs. If the ʺmystery organismʺ has also become adapted to a fossorial lifestyle, though its ancestors moved about on the surface, then which structures should one expect to find upon dissecting the organism? 1. reduced or absent pelvic and/or pectoral girdles 2. metanephridia 3. hydrostatic skeleton A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 C) 1 and 3 D) 2 and 3 E) 1, 2, and 3

A Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 59) Which pair of numbers represents extinct reptiles that had returned to an aquatic life? A) 1 and 2 B) 3 and 4 C) 5 and 7 D) 6 and 8 E) 7 and 9

A Topic: Concept 34.6

Application/Analysis 730 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 58) Which organisms are represented by 6? A) birds B) mammals C) nonbird, terrestrial reptiles D) aquatic reptiles E) all mammals except humans

A Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Which of these is not considered an amniote? A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) birds D) egg-laying mammals E) placental mammals

A Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 49) Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments? A) the amniotic egg B) the ability to maintain a constant body temperature C) two pairs of appendages D) claws E) a four-chambered heart

A Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 738 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 95) Which of the following statements is correct in regard to Homo erectus? A) Their fossils are not limited to Africa. B) On average, H. erectus had a smaller brain than H. habilis. C) H. erectus had a level of sexual dimorphism less than that of modern humans. D) H. erectus was not known to use tools. E) H. erectus evolved before H. habilis.

A Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 89) Which of these species is currently thought to be the direct ancestor of H. neanderthalensis? A) H. heidelbergensis B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

A Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 91) With which of the following statements would a biologist be mostinclined to agree? A) Humans and apes represent divergent lines of evolution from a common ancestor. B) Humans evolved from New World monkeys. C) Humans have stopped evolving and now represent the pinnacle of evolution. D) Humans evolved from chimpanzees. E) Humans and apes are the result of disruptive selection in a species of gorilla.

A Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 97) Which term is most nearly synonymous with ʺapesʺ? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

A Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 706 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 72) In a tide pool, a student encounters an organism with a hard outer covering that contains much calcium carbonate, an open circulatory system, and gills. The organism could potentially be a crab, a shrimp, a barnacle, or a bivalve. Which structure below would allow for the most certain identification? A) a mantle B) a heart C) a body cavity D) a lophophore E) eyes

A Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 75) Which of the following is a diploblastic phylum of aquatic predators? A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Mollusca D) Arthropoda E) Echinodermata

A Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 103) At least one of these has been found in all species of eumetazoan animals studied thus far: A) Hox B) Dlx C) Otx D) FOXP2 E) more than one of these

A Topic: Concepts 34.1-34.8

Application/Analysis 64) During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which the following structures arose? 1. amniotic egg 2. paired fins 3. jaws 4. swim bladder 5. four-chambered heart A) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 B) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 C) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 D) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 E) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5

A Topic: Concepts 34.3—34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 734 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 77) Which are the most abundant and diverse of the extant vertebrates? A) ray-finned fishes B) birds C) amphibians D) nonbird reptiles E) mammals

A Topic: Concepts 34.4—34.7

Application/Analysis 42) The condition of the eyes in this organism is similar to that seen in placental and marsupial moles. It is also most similar in functional significance to the A) posterior-directed opening of the female bandicootʹs marsupium. B) honeycombed bones of carinates. C) diaphragm of mammals. D) lateral line systems of chondrichthyans and actinopterygians. E) parapodia of polychaetes.

A Topic: Concepts 34.5, 34.7

Which type of cell does NOT have the ability to transfer part of its DNA to another bacterium through conjugation? A) F- cell B) F+ cell C) Hfr cell D) cell with R plasmid E) ALL of the above cells are able to transfer their DNA to other cells via conjugation

A) F- cell

8) Identify each of the following structures as haploid or diploid: A) sporophyte B) spore C) gametophyte D) zygote E) sperm

A) diploid, B) haploid, C) haploid, D) diploid, E) haploid

In the fungus life-cycle, A) genetically diverse spores are produced only after a zygote is formed. B) fertilized spores grow into diploid mycelia. C) haploid spores are formed only through meiosis. D) spores remain within the mycelium and are not dispersed. E) diploid spores develop into yeasts

A) genetically diverse spores are produced only after a zygote is formed.

2) Which of the following was the least likely factor causing the Cambrian explosion? A) the emergence of predator-prey relationships between animals B) the accumulation of diverse adaptations, such as shells and different modes of locomotion C) the movement of animals onto land D) the evolution of Hox genes that controlled development E) the accumulation of sufficient atmospheric oxygen to support the more active metabolism of mobile animals

Answer: C

4) The distinction between sponges and other animal phyla is based mainly on the absence versus the presence of A) a body cavity. B) a complete digestive tract. C) a circulatory system. D) true tissues. E) mesoderm.

Answer: D

3) Acoelomates are characterized by A) the absence of a brain. B) the absence of mesoderm. C) deuterostome development. D) a coelom that is not completely lined with mesoderm. E) a solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs.

Answer: E

2) Biologists suspect that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because A) the products of photosynthesis could not be metabolized without mitochondrial enzymes. B) all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids. C) mitochondrial DNA is less similar to prokaryotic DNA than is plastid DNA. D) without mitochondrial CO2 production, photosynthesis could not occur. E) mitochondrial proteins are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes, whereas plastids utilize their own ribosomes.


3) With respect to angiosperms, which of the following is incorrectly paired with its chromosome count? A) egg-n B) megaspore-2n C) microspore-n D) zygote-2n E) sperm-n


5) The photosynthetic symbiont of a lichen is often a(n) A) moss. B) green alga. C) brown alga. D) ascomycete. E) small vascular plant.


5) The water vascular system of echinoderms A) functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells. B) functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange. C) is bilateral in organization, even though the adult animal is not bilaterally symmetrical. D) moves water through the animalʹs body during suspension feeding. E) is analogous to the gastrovascular cavity of flatworms.


5) Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials A) lack nipples. B) have some embryonic development outside the motherʹs uterus. C) lay eggs. D) are found in Australia and Africa. E) include only insectivores and herbivores.


5) Which of these is a point of conflict between the phylogenetic analyses presented in Figures 32.10 and 32.11 of your textbook? A) the monophyly of the animal kingdom B) the relationship of segmented taxa relative to nonsegmented taxa C) that sponges are basal animals D) that chordates are deuterostomes E) the monophyly of the bilaterians


5) Which prokaryotic group is mismatched with its members? A) ProteobacteriaNdiverse gram-negative bacteria B) Gram-positive bacteriaNsymbionts in legume root nodules C) SpirochetesNhelical heterotrophs D) ChlamydiasNintracellular parasites E) CyanobacteriaNsolitary and colonial photoautotrophs


: Knowledge/Comprehension 22) If this structure connects the cytoplasm of two bacteria, one of these cells may gain new genetic material: A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

B Topic: Concept 27.1

6) Which of the following is a land plant that produces flagellated sperm and has a sporophyte-dominated life cycle? A) moss B) fern C) liverwort D) charophyte E) hornwort


: Application/Analysis 1) All fungi share which of the following characteristics? A) symbiotic B) heterotrophic C) flagellated D) pathogenic E) act as decomposers


: Application/Analysis 1) Which of the following is not evidence that charophytes are the closest algal relatives of plants? A) similar sperm structure B) similarities in chloroplast shape C) similarities in cell wall formation during cell division D) genetic similarities in chloroplasts E) similarities in proteins that synthesize cellulose


: Application/Analysis 9) Darwin analogized the effects of evolution as the above-ground portion of a many-branched tree, with extant species being the tips of the twigs. The common ancestor of two species is most analogous to which anatomical tree part? A) a single twig that gets longer with time B) a node where two twigs diverge C) a twig that branches with time D) the trunk E) neighboring twigs attached to the same stem

B Topic: Concept 26.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 5) A phylogenetic tree that is ʺrootedʺ is one A) that extends back to the origin of life on Earth. B) at whose base is located the common ancestor of all taxa depicted on that tree. C) that illustrates the rampant gene swapping that occurred early in lifeʹs history. D) that indicates our uncertainty about the evolutionary relationships of the taxa depicted on the tree. E) with very few branch points.

B Topic: Concept 26.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 6) The correct sequence, from the most to the least comprehensive, of the taxonomic levels listed here is A) family, phylum, class, kingdom, order, species, and genus. B) kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. C) kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus, and species. D) phylum, kingdom, order, class, species, family, and genus. E) phylum, family, class, order, kingdom, genus, and species.

B Topic: Concept 26.1

: Application/Analysis Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 527 34) If the eukaryotic condition arose, independently, several different times during evolutionary history, and if ancestors of these different lineages are extant and are classified in the domain Eukarya, then the domain Eukarya would be A) paraphyletic. B) polyphyletic. C) monophyletic.

B Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 532 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 50) The lakes of northern Minnesota are home to many similar species of damselflies of the genus Enallagma that have apparently undergone speciation from ancestral stock since the last glacial retreat about 10,000 years ago. Sequencing which of the following would probably be most useful in sorting out evolutionary relationships among these closely related species? A) nuclear DNA B) mitochondrial DNA C) small nuclear RNA D) ribosomal RNA E) amino acids in proteins

B Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 2) Though plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all have cell walls, we place them in different taxa. Which of these observations comes closest to explaining the basis for placing these organisms in different taxa, well before relevant data from molecular systematics became available? A) Some closely resemble animals, which lack cell walls. B) Their cell walls are composed of very different biochemicals. C) Some have cell walls only for support. D) Some have cell walls only for protection from herbivores. E) Some have cell walls only to control osmotic balance.

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 61) When it acts upon a gene, which of these processes consequently makes that gene an accurate molecular clock? A) transcription B) directional natural selection C) mutation D) proofreading E) reverse transcription

B Topic: Concept 26.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 74) Members of which kingdom have cell walls and are all heterotrophic? A) Plantae B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Protista E) Monera

B Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 78) The human nuclear genome includes hundreds of genes that are orthologs of bacterial genes, and hundreds of other genes that are orthologs of archaean genes. This finding can be explained by proposing that A) neither archaea nor bacteria contain paralogous genes. B) the eukaryotic lineage leading to humans involved at least one fusion of an ancient bacterium with an ancient archaean. C) the infection of humans by bacteriophage introduced prokaryotic genes into the human genome. D) horizontal gene transfer did not occur to any significant extent among the prokaryotic ancestors of humans.

B Topic: Concept 26.6

1) Mycoplasmas are bacteria that lack cell walls. On the basis of this structural feature, which statement concerning mycoplasmas should be true? A) They are gram-negative. B) They are subject to lysis in hypotonic conditions. C) They lack a cell membrane as well. D) They undergo ready fossilization in sedimentary rock. E) They possess typical prokaryotic flagella.

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Application/Analysis 548 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 11) Which two structures play direct roles in permitting bacteria to adhere to each other, or to other surfaces? 1. capsules 2. endospores 3. fimbriae 4. plasmids 5. flagella A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 3 D) 3 and 4 E) 3 and 5

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Application/Analysis 9) In a hypothetical situation, the genes for sex pilus construction and for tetracycline resistance are located together on the same plasmid within a particular bacterium. If this bacterium readily performs conjugation involving a copy of this plasmid, then the result should be A) a transformed bacterium. B) the rapid spread of tetracycline resistance to other bacteria in that habitat. C) the subsequent loss of tetracycline resistance from this bacterium. D) the production of endospores among the bacteriumʹs progeny. E) the temporary possession by this bacterium of a completely diploid genome.

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 6) Penicillin is an antibiotic that inhibits enzymes from catalyzing the synthesis of peptidoglycan, so which prokaryotes should be most vulnerable to inhibition by penicillin? A) mycoplasmas B) gram-positive bacteria C) archaea D) gram-negative bacteria E) endospore-bearing bacteria

B Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 48) Which of the following use light energy to generate ATP, but do not release oxygen? A) photoautotrophs B) photoheterotrophs C) chemoautotrophs D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs

B Topic: Concept 27.3

: Application/Analysis 65) What is the primary ecological role of prokaryotes? A) parasitizing eukaryotes, thus causing diseases B) breaking down organic matter C) metabolizing materials in extreme environments D) adding methane to the atmosphere E) serving as primary producers in terrestrial environments

B Topic: Concept 27.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 69) Foods can be preserved in many ways by slowing or preventing bacterial growth. Which of these methods would not generally inhibit bacterial growth? A) Refrigeration: Slows bacterial metabolism and growth. B) Closing previously opened containers: Prevents more bacteria from entering, and excludes O2. C) Pickling: Creates a pH at which most bacterial enzymes cannot function. D) Canning in heavy sugar syrup: Creates osmotic conditions that remove water from most bacterial cells. E) Irradiation: Kills bacteria by mutating their DNA to such an extent that their DNA-repair enzymes are overwhelmed.

B Topic: Concept 27.6

1) Protists are alike in that all are A) unicellular. B) eukaryotic. C) symbionts. D) monophyletic. E) autotrophic.

B Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 571 4) According to the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells, how did mitochondria originate? A) from infoldings of the plasma membrane, coupled with mutations of genes for proteins in energy-transfer reactions B) from engulfed, originally free-living prokaryotes C) by secondary endosymbiosis D) from the nuclear envelope folding outward and forming mitochondrial membranes E) when a protoeukaryote engaged in a symbiotic relationship with a protobiont

B Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 3) The strongest evidence for the endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotic organelles is the similarity between extant prokaryotes and which of the following? A) nuclei and chloroplasts B) mitochondria and chloroplasts C) cilia and mitochondria D) mitochondria and nuclei E) mitochondria and cilia

B Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 12) Which taxon is essentially equivalent to the ʺembryophytesʺ? A) Viridiplantae B) Plantae C) Pterophyta D) Bryophyta E) Charophycea

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 5) Which of these statements is false and therefore does not support the hypothesis that certain eukaryotic organelles originated as bacterial endosymbionts? Such organelles A) are roughly the same size as bacteria. B) can be cultured on agar, because they make all their own proteins. C) contain circular DNA molecules. D) have ribosomes that are similar to those of bacteria. E) have internal membranes that contain proteins homologous to those of bacterial plasma membranes.

B Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 10) A biologist discovers a new unicellullar organism that possesses more than two flagella and two small, but equal-sized, nuclei. The organism has reduced mitochondria (mitosomes), no chloroplasts, and is anaerobic. To which clade does this organism probably belong? A) monera B) the diplomonads C) the ciliates D) protista E) the euglenids

B Topic: Concept 28.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 13) Which of these taxa contains species that produce potent toxins that can cause extensive fish kills, contaminate shellfish, and poison humans? A) red algae B) dinoflagellates C) diplomonads D) euglenids E) golden algae

B Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 21) The Irish potato famine was caused by an organism that belongs to which group? A) ciliates B) oomycetes C) diatoms D) apicomplexans E) dinoflagellates

B Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 32) A snail-like, coiled, porous test (shell) of calcium carbonate is characteristic of which group? A) diatoms B) foraminiferans C) radiolarians D) gymnamoebas E) ciliates

B Topic: Concept 28.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 39) Green algae often differ from land plants in that some green algae A) are heterotrophs. B) are unicellular. C) have plastids. D) have alternation of generations. E) have cell walls containing cellulose.

B Topic: Concept 28.5

: Synthesis/Evaluation 34) What makes certain red algae appear red? A) They live in warm coastal waters. B) They possess pigments that reflect and transmit red light. C) They use red light for photosynthesis. D) They lack chlorophyll. E) They contain the pigment bacteriorhodopsin.

B Topic: Concept 28.5

: Application/Analysis 596 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 9) Some green algae exhibit alternation of generations. All land plants exhibit alternation of generations. No charophytes exhibit alternation of generations. Keeping in mind the recent evidence from molecular systematics, the correct interpretation of these observations is that A) charophytes are not related to either green algae or land plants. B) plants evolved alternation of generations independently of green algae. C) alternation of generations cannot be beneficial to charophytes. D) land plants evolved directly from the green algae that perform alternation of generations. E) scientists have no evidence to indicate whether or not land plants evolved from any kind of alga.

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 11) Whereas the zygotes of charophytes may remain within maternal tissues during their initial development, one should not expect to observe A) any nutrients from maternal tissues being used by the zygotes. B) specialized placental transfer cells surrounding the zygotes. C) the zygotes undergoing nuclear division. D) mitochondria in the maternal tissues, or in the tissues of the zygotes. E) the zygotes digested by enzymes from maternal lysosomes.

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 597 Choose the adaptation below that best meets each particular challenge for life on land. 13) protection from predators A) tracheids and phloem B) secondary compounds C) cuticle D) alternation of generations

B Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 24) Which of the following statements is true of archegonia? A) They are the sites where male gametes are produced. B) They may temporarily contain sporophyte embryos. C) They are the same as sporangia. D) They are the ancestral versions of animal gonads. E) They are asexual reproductive structures.

B Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 28) Each of the following is a general characteristic of bryophytes except A) a cellulose cell wall. B) vascular tissue. C) chlorophylls a and b. D) being photosynthetic autotrophs. E) being eukaryotic.

B Topic: Concept 29.2

: Application/Analysis 49) You are hiking in a forest and come upon a mysterious plant, which you determine is either a lycophyte sporophyte or a pterophyte sporophyte. Which of the following would be most helpful in helping you correctly classify the plant? A) whether it has true leaves or not B) whether it has microphylls or megaphylls C) whether or not it has seeds D) its height E) whether it has chlorophyll a or not

B Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 50) A major change that occurred during the evolution of plants from their algal ancestors was the origin of a branched sporophyte. What advantage would branched sporophytes provide in this stage of the life cycle? A) increased gamete production B) increased spore production C) increased potential for independence of the diploid stage from the haploid stage D) increased fertilization rate E) increased size of the diploid stage

B Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 57) This organism probably belongs to the same phylum as the A) ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns. B) club mosses, quillworts, and spike mosses. C) mosses, hornworts, and liverworts. D) conifers. E) charophytes.

B Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 61) Which of the following is true of seedless vascular plants? A) Extant seedless vascular plants are larger than the extinct varieties. B) Whole forests were dominated by large, seedless vascular plants during the Carboniferous period. C) They produce many spores, which are really the same as seeds. D) The gametophyte is the dominant generation. E) Sphagnum is an economically and ecologically important example.

B Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 3) Which of the following is an ongoing trend in the evolution of land plants? A) decrease in the size of the leaf B) reduction of the gametophyte phase of the life cycle C) elimination of sperm cells or sperm nuclei D) increasing reliance on water to bring sperm and egg together E) replacement of roots by rhizoids

B Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 2) The result of heterospory is A) the existence of male and female sporophytes. B) the existence of male and female gametophytes. C) the absence of sexuality from both plant generations. D) both (A) and (B) above.

B Topic: Concept 30.1

: Application/Analysis 31) Similar to cacti and euphorbs, conifers often have leaves that are modified into a needle-like shape-an adaptation to arid environments. Yet, the taiga bioprovince of the northern hemisphere and the slopes of mountain ranges receive plenty of annual precipitation and have dense conifer forests. In what way are such environments able to account for the presence of trees whose leaves are adapted to arid conditions? A) The soil there drains poorly. B) Water around the roots or on the soil surface is often frozen, and therefore unavailable. C) Albedo (the fraction of light reflected from a surface) off the arctic ice cap desiccates unprotected leaves. D) Acid deposition is intense at such latitudes. E) UV radiation is intense at such latitudes.

B Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 25) Generally, wind pollination is most likely to be found in seed plants that grow A) close to the ground. B) in dense, single-species stands. C) in relative isolation from other members of the same species. D) along coastlines where prevailing winds blow from the land out to sea. E) in well-drained soils.

B Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 28) Within a gymnosperm megasporangium, what is the correct sequence in which the following should appear during development, assuming that fertilization occurs? 1. sporophyte embryo 2. female gametophyte 3. egg cell 4. megaspore A) 4 3 2 1 B) 4 2 3 1 C) 4 1 2 3 D) 1 4 3 2 E) 1 4 2 3

B Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis 57) The internal fertilization that occurs prior to shell deposition A) endosperm B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei C) carpels D) fruit E) integuments

B Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis 61) Which of the following is a structure of angiosperm gametophytes? A) immature ovules B) pollen tubes C) ovaries D) stamens E) sepals

B Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 65) The generative cell of male angiosperm gametophytes is haploid. This cell divides to produce two haploid sperm cells. What type of cell division does the generative cell undergo to produce these sperm cells? A) binary fission B) mitosis C) meiosis D) mitosis without subsequent cytokinesis E) meiosis without subsequent cytokinesis

B Topic: Concept 30.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 53) Which of the following is a characteristic of all angiosperms? A) complete reliance on wind as the pollinating agent B) double internal fertilization C) free-living gametophytes D) carpels that contain microsporangia E) ovules that are not contained within ovaries

B Topic: Concept 30.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 68) How have fruits contributed to the success of angiosperms? A) by nourishing the plants that make them B) by facilitating dispersal of seeds C) by attracting insects to the pollen inside D) by producing sperm and eggs inside a protective coat E) by producing triploid cells via double fertilization

B Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis 92) Over human history, which process has been most important in improving the features of plants that have long been used by humans as staple foods? A) genetic engineering B) artificial selection C) natural selection D) sexual selection E) pesticide and herbicide application

B Topic: Concept 30.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 638 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 95) A botanist was visiting a tropical region for the purpose of discovering plants with medicinal properties. All of the following might be ways of identifying potentially useful plants except A) observing which plants sick animals seek out. B) observing which plants are the most used food plants. C) observing which plants animals do not eat. D) collecting plants and subjecting them to chemical analysis. E) asking local people which plants they use as medicine.

B Topic: Concept 30.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 12) Both fungus-farming ants and their fungi can synthesize the same structural polysaccharide from the beta-glucose. What is this polysaccharide? A) amylopectin B) chitin C) cellulose D) lignin E) glycogen

B Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 6) The functional significance of porous septa in certain fungal hyphae is most similar to that represented by which pair of structures in animal cells and plant cells, respectively? A) desmosomes : tonoplasts B) gap junctions : plasmodesmata C) tight junctions : plastids D) centrioles : plastids E) flagella : central vacuoles

B Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 31, Fungi 643 9) In septate fungi, what structures allow cytoplasmic streaming to distribute needed nutrients, synthesized compounds, and organelles throughout the hyphae? A) multiple chitinous layers in cross walls B) pores in cross walls C) complex microtubular cytoskeletons D) two nuclei E) tight junctions that form in cross walls between cells

B Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis Chapter 31, Fungi 645 17) If all of their nuclei are equally active transcriptionally then, in terms of the gene products they can make, the cells of both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic fungi are essentially A) haploid. B) diploid. C) alloploid. D) completely homozygous. E) completely hemizygous.

B Topic: Concept 31.2

: Application/Analysis 28) Which of these structures are most likely to be a component of both chytrid zoospores and motile animal cells? A) cilia B) flagella C) pseudopods D) heterokaryons E) haustoria

B Topic: Concept 31.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 31) The multicellular condition of animals and fungi seems to have arisen A) due to common ancestry. B) by convergent evolution. C) by inheritance of acquired traits. D) by natural means, and is a homology. E) by serial endosymbioses.

B Topic: Concept 31.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 44) You are given an organism to identify. It has a fruiting body that contains many structures with eight haploid spores lined up in a row. What kind of a fungus is this? A) zygomycete B) ascomycete C) deuteromycete D) chytrid E) basidiomycete

B Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 652 Chapter 31, Fungi 47) Arrange the following from largest to smallest: 1. ascospore 2. ascocarp 3. ascomycete 4. ascus A) 3 4 2 1 B) 3 2 4 1 C) 3 4 1 2 D) 2 3 4 1 E) 2 4 1 3

B Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 660 Chapter 31, Fungi The following questions are based on the description below. Rose-pickerʹs disease is caused by the yeast, Sporothrix schenkii. The yeast grows on the exteriors of rose-bush thorns. If a human gets pricked by such a thorn, the yeasts can be introduced under the skin. The yeasts then assume a hyphal morphology and grow along the interiors of lymphatic vessels until they reach a lymph node. This often results in the accumulation of pus in the lymph node, which subsequently ulcerates through the skin surface, and drains. 79) The answer to which of these questions would be of most assistance to one who is attempting to assign the genus Sporothrix to the correct fungal phylum? A) Do these yeasts perform fermentation while growing on the rose-bush thorns, or do they wait until inside a human host? B) Does S. schenkii rely on animal infection to complete some part of its life cycle, or is the infection merely opportunistic? C) Are the hyphae in lymphatic vessels septate, or are they coenocytic? D) Is S. schenkii best described as a decomposer, parasite, pathogen, or mutualist of humans? E) Being a yeast, does S. schenkii perform the process of budding?

B Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 65) The symbiotic associations involving roots and soil fungi are considered A) parasitic. B) mutualistic. C) commensal. D) harmful to the plant partner. E) the beginning stages of the formation of soil.

B Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 31, Fungi 657 68) If haustoria from the fungal partner were to appear within the photosynthetic partner of a lichen, and if the growth rate of the photosynthetic partner consequently slowed substantially, then this would support the claim that A) algae and cyanobacteria are autotrophic. B) lichens are not purely mutualistic relationships. C) algae require maximal contact with the fungal partner in order to grow at optimal rates. D) fungi get all of the nutrition they need via the ʺleakinessʺ of photosynthetic partners. E) soredia are asexual reproductive structures combining both the fungal and photosynthetic partners.

B Topic: Concept 31.5

: Synthesis/Evaluation Chapter 31, Fungi 661 81) Humans have immune systems in which lymph nodes are important, because many phagocytes and lymphocytes reside therein. Given that a successful infection by S. schenkii damages lymph nodes themselves, which of these is most probable? A) The hyphae secrete antibiotics, which increases the ability of the infected human to tolerate the fungus. B) Their conversion from yeast to hyphal morphology allows such fast growth that the bodyʹs defenses are at least temporarily overwhelmed. C) Defensive cells of humans cannot detect foreign cells that are covered with cell walls composed of cellulose. D) Given that most fungal pathogens attack plants, human defenses are simply not adapted to seek out and destroy fungi. E) Given that most fungal pathogens of humans infect only the skin, human defenses are not adapted to seek out and destroy systemic fungal infections.

B Topic: Concept 31.5

: Application/Analysis 72) Which statement about gram-negative bacteria is correct? A) Penicillins are the best antibiotics to use against them. B) They often possess an outer membrane containing toxic lipopolysaccharides. C) Their chromosomes are composed of DNA tightly wrapped around large amounts of histone proteins. D) Their cell walls are primarily composed of peptidoglycan.

B Topic: Concepts 27.1, 27.6

: Application/Analysis 66) If the chloroplasts of the zoochlorellae are very similar to those found in the photosynthetic cells of land plants, then Chlorella is probably what type of alga? A) red B) green C) brown D) golden

B Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Application/Analysis 67) A P. bursaria cell that has lost its zoochlorellae is said to be ʺaposymbiotic.ʺ It might be able to replenish its contingent of zoochlorellae by ingesting them without subsequently digesting them. Which of these situations would be most favorable to the re -establishment of resident zoochlorellae, assuming compatible Chlorella are present in P. bursariaʹs habitat? A) abundant light, no bacterial prey B) abundant light, abundant bacterial prey C) no light, no bacterial prey D) no light, abundant bacterial prey

B Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Application/Analysis 68) A P. bursaria cell that has lost its zoochlorellae is ʺaposymbiotic.ʺ If aposymbiotic cells have population growth rates the same as those of healthy, zoochlorella-containing P. bursaria in well-lit environments with plenty of prey items, then such an observation would be consistent with which type of relationship? A) parasitic B) commensalistic C) toxic D) predator-prey E) mutualistic

B Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension 11) Which two genera have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins? 1. Plasmodium 2. Trichomonas 3. Paramecium 4. Trypanosoma 5. Entamoeba A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 4 C) 2 and 3 D) 2 and 4 E) 4 and 5

B Topic: Concepts 28.2, 28.3

What is the probable sequence in which the following clades of animals originated, from earliest to most recent? 1. tetrapods 2. vertebrates 3. deuterostomes 4. amniotes 5. bilaterians A) 5 3 2 4 1 B) 5 3 2 1 4 C) 5 3 4 2 1 D) 3 5 4 2 1 E) 3 5 2 1 4

B Topic: Concept 32.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 45) Which of the following statements concerning protists is false? A) All protists are eukaryotic organisms; many are unicellular or colonial. B) The primary organism that transmits malaria to humans by its bite is the tsetse fly. C) All apicomplexans are parasitic. D) Cellular slime molds have an amoeboid stage that may be followed by a stage during which spores are produced. E) Euglenozoans that are mixotrophic contain chloroplasts.

B Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 47) A certain unicellular eukaryote has a siliceous (glasslike) shell and autotrophic nutrition. To which group does it belong? A) dinoflagellates B) diatoms C) brown algae D) radiolarians E) oomycetes

B Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Synthesis/Evaluation 52) You are designing an artificial drug-delivery ʺcellʺ that can penetrate animal cells. Which of these protist structures should provide the most likely avenue for research along these lines? A) pseudopods B) apical complex C) excavated feeding grooves D) nucleomorphs E) mitosomes

B Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 25) Which of the following is a true statement about plant reproduction? A) ʺEmbryophytesʺ are small because they are in an early developmental stage. B) Both male and female bryophytes produce gametangia. C) Gametangia protect gametes from excess water. D) Eggs and sperm of bryophytes swim toward one another. E) Bryophytes are limited to asexual reproduction.

B Topic: Concepts 29.1, 29.2

: Application/Analysis 63) Of the following list, flagellated (swimming) sperm are generally present in which groups? 1. Lycophyta 2. Bryophyta 3. Angiosperms 4. Chlorophyta 5. Pterophyta A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4, 5 C) 1, 3, 4, 5 D) 2, 3, 5 E) 2, 3, 4, 5

B Topic: Concepts 29.1-29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 62) Which of these should have had gene sequences most similar to the charophyte that was the common ancestor of the land plants? A) early angiosperms B) early bryophytes C) early gymnosperms D) early lycophytes E) early pterophytes

B Topic: Concepts 29.1-29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 45) In which of the following taxa does the mature sporophyte depend completely on the gametophyte for nutrition? A) fern B) bryophyte C) horsetail (Equisetum) D) A and C E) A, B, and C

B Topic: Concepts 29.2, 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 47) egg cell in the embryo sac A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

B Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Application/Analysis 60) If the fungus that produced the fairy ring can also produce arbuscules, then which of the following is most likely to be buried at location ʺCʺ? A) septic tank B) tree stump C) deceased animal D) fire pit E) cement-capped well

B Topic: Concepts 31.4, 31.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 3) The larvae of some insects are merely small versions of the adult, whereas the larvae of other insects look completely different from adults, eat different foods, and may live in different habitats. Which of the following most directly favors the evolution of the latter, more radical, kind of metamorphosis? A) natural selection of sexually immature forms of insects B) changes in the homeobox genes governing early development C) the evolution of meiosis D) B and C only E) A, B, and C

B Topic: Concept 32.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 11) Evidence of which structure or characteristic would be most surprising to find among fossils of the Ediacaran fauna? A) true tissues B) hard parts C) bilateral symmetry D) cephalization E) embryos

B Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 25) At which developmental stage should one be able to first distinguish a protostome embryo from a deuterostome embryo? A) fertilization B) cleavage C) gastrulation D) coelom formation E) metamorphosis

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 28) During metamorphosis, echinoderms undergo a transformation from motile larvae to a sedentary (or sometimes sessile) existence as adults. What differentiates echinoderm adults, but not their larvae? Adults should A) be diploblastic. B) have radial symmetry, or something close to it. C) lack mesodermally derived tissues. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 30) Cephalization is most closely associated with which of the following? A) sedentary lifestyle B) concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end C) predators, but not prey D) a backbone E) a sessile existence

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 44) The blastopore is a structure that first becomes evident during A) fertilization. B) gastrulation. C) the eight-cell stage of the embryo. D) coelom formation. E) cleavage.

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Which of the following is descriptive of protostomes? A) spiral and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth B) spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth C) spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus D) radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus E) radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 47) Which of the following characteristics generally applies to protostome development? A) radial cleavage B) determinate cleavage C) diploblastic embryo D) blastopore becomes the anus E) archenteron absent

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions are based on the description below. A student encounters an animal embryo at the eight-cell stage. The four smaller cells that comprise one hemisphere of the embryo seem to be rotated 45 degrees and lie in the grooves between larger, underlying cells (spiral cleavage). 49) This embryo may potentially develop into a(n) A) turtle. B) earthworm. C) sea star. D) fish. E) sea urchin.

B Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 55) What is characteristic of all ecdysozoans? A) the deuterostome condition B) some kind of exoskeleton, or hard outer covering C) a pseudocoelom D) agile, speedy, and powerful locomotion E) the diploblastic condition

B Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 57) Phylogenetic trees are best described as A) true and inerrant statements about evolutionary relationships. B) hypothetical portrayals of evolutionary relationships. C) the most accurate representations possible of genetic relationships among taxa. D) theories of evolution. E) the closest things to absolute certainty that modern systematics can produce.

B Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 59) If a multicellular animal lacks true tissues, then it can properly be included among the A) eumetazoans. B) metazoans. C) choanoflagellates. D) lophotrochozoans. E) bilateria.

B Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 62) If the current molecular evidence regarding animal origins is well substantiated in the future, then what will be true of any contrary evidence regarding the origin of animals derived from the fossil record? A) The contrary fossil evidence will be seen as a hoax. B) The fossil evidence will be understood to have been incorrect because it is incomplete. C) The fossil record will henceforth be ignored. D) Phylogenies involving even the smallest bit of fossil evidence will need to be discarded. E) Only phylogenies based solely on fossil evidence will need to be discarded.

B Topic: Concept 32.4

Synthesis/Evaluation 72) Which of these, if true, would support the claim that the ancestral cnidarians had bilateral symmetry? 1. Cnidarian larvae possess anterior-posterior, left-right, and dorsal-ventral aspects. 2. Cnidarians have fewer Hox genes than bilaterians. 3. All extant cnidarians, including Nematostella, are diploblastic. 4. Beta-catenin turns out to be essential for gastrulation in all animals in which it occurs. 5. All cnidarians are acoelomate. A) 1 only B) 1 and 4 C) 2 and 3 D) 2 and 4 E) 4 and 5

B Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 12) Which class of the phylum Cnidaria includes ʺjelliesʺ with rounded (as opposed to boxlike) medusae? A) Hydrozoa B) Scyphozoa C) Anthozoa D) Cubozoa E) Both A and C are referred to as ʺjellies.ʺ

B Topic: Concept 33.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 8) A radially symmetrical animal that has two embryonic tissue layers probably belongs to which phylum? A) Porifera B) Cnidaria C) Platyhelminthes D) Nematoda E) Echinodermata

B Topic: Concept 33.2

Application/Analysis 17) What would be the most effective method of reducing the incidence of blood flukes in a human population? A) Reduce the mosquito population. B) Reduce the freshwater snail population. C) Purify all drinking water. D) Avoid contact with rodent droppings. E) Carefully wash all raw fruits and vegetables.

B Topic: Concept 33.3

Application/Analysis 18) The larvae of many common tapeworm species that infect humans are usually found A) encysted in freshwater snails. B) encysted in the muscles of an animal, such as a cow or pig. C) crawling in the abdominal blood vessels of cows and pigs. D) encysted in the human brain. E) crawling in the intestines of cows and pigs.

B Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 30) While snorkeling, a student observes an active marine animal that has a series of muscular tentacles bearing suckers associated with its head. Segmentation is not observed, but a pair of large, well-developed eyes is evident. The student is observing an animal belonging to which class? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

B Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 31) Which molluscan class includes organisms that are primarily suspension feeders? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

B Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 696 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 32) Of the annelid classes below, which have parapodia? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

B Topic: Concept 33.3

4) If you were using cladistics to build a phylogenetic tree of cats, which of the following would be the best outgroup? A) lion B) domestic cat C) wolf D) leopard E) tiger


Knowledge/Comprehension 39) Which of the following is a characteristic of nematodes? A) All species can be characterized either as scavengers or as decomposers. B) They have only longitudinal muscles. C) They have a true coelom. D) They have a gastrovascular cavity. E) Many species are diploblastic.

B Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 40) Humans most frequently acquire trichinosis by A) having sexual contact with an infected partner. B) eating undercooked pork. C) inhaling the eggs of worms. D) eating undercooked beef. E) being bitten by tsetse flies.

B Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 52) Which of the following characteristics most likely explains why insects are so successful at dispersing to distant environments? A) hemocoel B) wings C) jointed appendages D) chewing mandibles E) internal fertilization

B Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 58) Which of the following can extend the stomach through their mouth to feed? A) class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) B) class Asteroidea (sea stars) C) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) D) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) E) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

B Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 2) What is one characteristic that separates chordates from all other animals? A) true coelom B) post-anal tail C) blastopore, which becomes the anus D) bilateral symmetry E) segmentation

B Topic: Concept 34.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 4) Chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as A) the digestive systemʹs opening. B) suspension-feeding devices. C) components of the jaw. D) gill slits for respiration. E) portions of the inner ear.

B Topic: Concept 34.1

Application/Analysis 718 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 9) The origin of the craniates occurred at roughly the same time as the A) origin of the Ediacaran fauna. B) Cambrian explosion. C) Permian extinctions. D) first invertebrates invaded land. E) origin of lancelets.

B Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 7) A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, it will probably have which of the following characteristics? A) legs B) no jaws C) an amniotic egg D) endothermy

B Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 19) What do hagfishes and lampreys have in common with the extinct conodonts? A) lungs B) the jawless condition C) bony vertebrae D) their mode of feeding E) swim bladders

B Topic: Concept 34.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 20) The earliest known mineralized structures in vertebrates are associated with which function? A) reproduction B) feeding C) locomotion D) defense E) respiration

B Topic: Concept 34.3

Application/Analysis 23) The lamprey species whose larvae live in freshwater streams, but whose adults live most of their lives in seawater, are similar in this respect to certain species of A) chondrichthyans. B) actinopterygians. C) lungfishes. D) coelacanths. E) hagfishes.

B Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 24) In which of these extant classes did jaws occur earliest? A) lampreys B) chondrichthyans C) ray-finned fishes D) lungfishes E) placoderms

B Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 25) According to one hypothesis, the jaws of vertebrates were derived by the modification of A) scales of the lower lip. B) skeletal rods that had supported pharyngeal (gill) slits. C) one or more gill slits. D) one or more of the bones of the cranium. E) one or more of the vertebrae.

B Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 30) Which groupʹs members had (have) both lungs and gills during their adult lives? A) sharks, skates, and rays B) lungfishes C) lancelets D) amphibians E) ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs

B Topic: Concept 34.4

Application/Analysis 43) Which one of these, if found, should clear up any remaining doubt as to the identity of the organism? A) vestigial pelvic girdle B) blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood from both the skin and the functional lung to the heart C) closed circulatory system D) ability to produce toxins from glands located on the skin, or that empty into the mouth E) two-chambered heart

B Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 44) The mystery organism probably belongs to which order, in which class? A) order Anura, class Amphibia B) order Apoda, class Amphibia C) order Urodela, class Ampihibia D) order Squamates, class Reptilia E) order Tuatara, class Reptilia

B Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 60) Which pair of numbers most likely represents extant, nonbird reptiles? A) 1 and 2 B) 3 and 4 C) 5 and 7 D) 6 and 8 E) 7 and 9

B Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 47) Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? A) It has a shell that increases gas exchange. B) It allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment. C) It prolongs embryonic development. D) It provides insulation to conserve heat. E) It permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization.

B Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 48) Which era is known as the ʺage of reptilesʺ? A) Cenozoic B) Mesozoic C) Paleozoic D) Precambrian E) Cambrian

B Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 54) Examination of the fossils of Archaeopteryx reveals that, in common with extant birds, it had A) a long tail containing vertebrae. B) feathers. C) teeth. D) both A and B E) A, B, and C

B Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the phylogenetic tree shown in Figure 34.1. Figure 34.1 57) The organisms represented by 8 most likely are A) birds. B) mammals. C) nonbird, terrestrial reptiles. D) aquatic reptiles. E) all mammals except humans.

B Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 65) Among extant vertebrates, a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm is found in A) birds. B) mammals. C) nonbird reptiles. D) both A and B E) A, B, and C

B Topic: Concept 34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 732 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 67) Which is characteristic of all mammals, and only of mammals? A) a four-chambered heart that prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood B) giving birth to live young (viviparous) C) parental care of offspring D) having glands to produce nourishing milk for offspring E) using the rib cage to assist in ventilating the lungs

B Topic: Concept 34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 79) Arrange the following taxonomic terms from most inclusive (i.e., most general) to least inclusive (i.e., most specific): 1. hominoids 2. hominins 3. Homo 4 anthropoids 5. primates A) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 B) 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 C) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 D) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 E) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3

B Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 83) Humans and apes are presently classified in the same category as all of the following levels except A) class. B) genus. C) kingdom. D) order. E) phylum.

B Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 88) Which of these species was the first to have some members migrate out of Africa? A) H. heidelbergensis B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

B Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 98) Which is a genus that has only one extant species? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

B Topic: Concept 34.8

Application/Analysis 22) A researcher is trying to construct a molecular-based phylogeny of the entire animal kingdom. Assuming that none of the following genes is absolutely conserved, which of the following would be the best choice on which to base the phylogeny? A) genes involved in chitin synthesis B) collagen genes C) beta-catenin genes D) genes involved in eye-lens synthesis E) genes that cause radial body symmetry

B Topic: Concepts 32.1, 32.3

Synthesis/Evaluation 7) In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a Cnidarian? A) zygote B) choanocyte C) gamete D) epidermal cell E) pore cell

B Topic: Concepts 33.1-33.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Which of the following are entirely, or partly, composed of calcium carbonate? A) spicules of siliceous sponges B) coral animalsʹ exoskeletons C) molluscsʹ mantles D) insectsʹ cuticles E) nematodesʹ cuticles

B Topic: Concepts 33.1-33.4

Application/Analysis 708 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 79) Parrotfish have mouths adapted to scrape algae off of coral, and can even munch on coral. The aquariumʹs corals rapidly dwindled; in their place were shards of A) chitin. B) calcium carbonate. C) silica. D) bone. E) chitin impregnated with calcium carbonate.

B Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Application/Analysis 82) The bivalves started to die one by one; only the undamaged shells remained. To keep the remaining bilvalves alive, the teacher would have had to remove the A) sea anemones. B) sea star. C) gastropods. D) ectoprocts. E) parrotfish.

B Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Application/Analysis 84) The teacher was unaware of the difference between suspension feeding and predation. The teacher thought that by providing live copepods (2 mm long) and feeder fish (2 cm long) the dietary needs of all of the organisms would be satisfied. Consequently, which two organisms would have been among the first to starve to death (assuming they lack photosynthetic endosymbionts)? 1. sponges 2. coral animals 3. bivalves 4. sea stars 5. shrimp A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 5 D) 3 and 4 E) 4 and 5

B Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 77) Protostomes that have a closed circulatory system and obvious segmentation are part of which phylum? A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Mollusca D) Arthropoda E) Echinodermata

B Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 740 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 104) This is a cluster of genes coding for transcription factors involved in the evolution of innovations in early vertebrate nervous systems and vertebrae: A) Hox B) Dlx C) Otx D) FOXP2 E) more than one of these

B Topic: Concepts 34.1-34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 73) Internal fertilization, amniotic egg, skin that resists drying, heavy bones A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) birds

B Topic: Concepts 34.4-34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 78) What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? A) a hinged jaw B) feathers C) an amniotic egg D) flight E) a four-chambered heart

B Topic: Concepts 34.6—34.7

Which of the following characteristics is typical of the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage? A) The viral genome replicates without destroying the host. B) A large number of phages are released at a time. C) The virus-host relationship usually lasts for generations. D) Viral DNA is incorporated into the host genome.

B) A large number of phages are released at a time

What is the function of the apical complex in an Apicomplexan? A) It produces toxins that immobilize prey. B) It helps the parasitic cell penetrate and enter a host cell. C) It is a special location for phagocytosis. D) It facilitates exchange of micronuclei in conjugation . E) It releases multiple copies of the genome into a host cell.

B) It helps the parasitic cell penetrate and enter a host cell

Fungal hyphae are characterized by A) small, tubular structures that are 2-3 cells thick and very long. B) ability to secrete hydrolytic enzymes and absorb nutrients across a large total surface area. C) extremely rapid mitotic divisions with cytokinesis in multiple meristematic regions. D) sturdy walls reinforced by lignin that can push through soil or cell walls. E) multiple diploid nuclei within each cell.

B) ability to secrete hydrolytic enzymes and absorb nutrients across a large total surface area.

At which stage of a basidiomycete's life cycle would reproduction be halted if an enzyme that prevented the fusion of hyphae was introduced? A) fertilization B) plasmogamy C) germination D) karyogamy

B) plasmogamy

In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, which consequently ________. A) allows fungi to reproduce asexually most of the time B) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells C) results in multiple diploid nuclei per cell D) means that sexual reproduction can occur in specialized structures

B) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells

Plasmopara viticola (above) is the causal agent of downy mildew of grape. This organism produces a fuzzy fungal-like growth on the undersides of leaves, and ultimately the fruit. Closer inspection of these tufts of fuzz reveal spores that have two flagella, one plain (whiplash) and one tinsel-like. This organism would be classfied as a A) alveolate B) stramenopile C) euglenozoan D) ascomycete

B) stramenopile

2) Some animals that lived 530 million years ago resembled lancelets but had a brain and a skull. These animals may represent A) the first chordates. B) a ʺmissing linkʺ between urochordates and cephalochordates. C) early craniates. D) marsupials. E) nontetrapod gnathostomes.


2) Which feature seen in chytrids supports the hypothesis that they diverged earliest in fungal evolution? A) the absence of chitin within the cell wall B) coenocytic hyphae C) flagellated spores D) formation of resistant zygosporangia E) parasitic lifestyle


3) Which group is incorrectly paired with its description? A) rhizarians-morphologically diverse group defined by DNA similarities B) diatoms-important producers in aquatic communities C) red algae-acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis D) apicomplexans-parasites with intricate life cycles E) diplomonads-protists with modified mitochondria


5) Microphylls are characteristic of which types of plants? A) mosses B) liverworts C) lycophytes D) ferns E) hornworts


7) As humans diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first? A) the development of technology B) language C) bipedal locomotion D) making stone tools E) an enlarged brain


7) Suppose a moss evolved an efficient conducting system that could transport water and other materials as far as a tree is tall. Four of the following five statements about ʺtreesʺ of such a species are correct. Select the exception. A) Fertilization would probably be more difficult. B) Spore dispersal distances might increase but probably would not decrease. C) Females could only produce one archegonium. D) Unless its body parts were strengthened, such a ʺtreeʺ might flop over. E) Individuals could compete more effectively for access to light.


: Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Which of these is a fungal structure that is usually associated with asexual reproduction? A) zygosporangium B) basidium C) conidiophore D) ascus E) antheridium

C Topic: Concept 31.4

Application/Analysis 714 Chapter 33, Invertebrates Self-Quiz Questions The following questions are from the end-of-chapter-review Self-Quiz questions in Chapter 33 of the textbook. 1) Which two main clades branch from the most recent common ancestor of the eumetazoans? A) Calcarea and Silicea B) Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa C) Cnidaria and Bilateria D) Rotifera and Deuterostomia E) Deuterostomia and Bilateria


Chapter 34, Vertebrates 6) Which clade does not include humans? A) synapsids B) lobe-fins C) diapsids D) craniates E) osteichthyans


1) The legless condition that is observed in several groups of extant reptiles is the result of A) their common ancestor having been legless. B) a shared adaptation to an arboreal (living in trees) lifestyle. C) several instances of the legless condition arising independently of each other. D) individual lizards adapting to a fossorial (living in burrows) lifestyle during their lifetimes.

C Topic: Concept 26.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 3) The various taxonomic levels (viz, genera, classes, etc.) of the hierarchical classification system differ from each other on the basis of A) how widely the organisms assigned to each are distributed throughout the environment. B) the body sizes of the organisms assigned to each. C) their inclusiveness. D) the relative genome sizes of the organisms assigned to each. E) morphological characters that are applicable to all organisms.

C Topic: Concept 26.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 7) The common housefly belongs to all of the following taxa. Assuming you had access to textbooks or other scientific literature, knowing which of the following should provide you with the most specific information about the common housefly? A) order Diptera B) family Muscidae C) genus Musca D) class Hexapoda E) phylum Arthropoda

C Topic: Concept 26.1

: Application/Analysis 13) The best classification system is that which most closely A) unites organisms that possess similar morphologies. B) conforms to traditional, Linnaean taxonomic practices. C) reflects evolutionary history. D) corroborates the classification scheme in use at the time of Charles Darwin. E) reflects the basic separation of prokaryotes from eukaryotes.

C Topic: Concept 26.2

: Application/Analysis 19) The common ancestors of birds and mammals were very early (stem) reptiles, which almost certainly possessed 3-chambered hearts (2 atria, 1 ventricle). Birds and mammals, however, are alike in having 4-chambered hearts (2 atria, 2 ventricles). The 4-chambered hearts of birds and mammals are best described as A) structural homologies. B) vestiges. C) homoplasies. D) the result of shared ancestry. E) molecular homologies.

C Topic: Concept 26.2

: Application/Analysis 35) When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is considered most important for classification? A) shared primitive characters B) analogous primitive characters C) shared derived characters D) the number of homoplasies E) overall phenotypic similarity

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 37) Phylogenetic hypotheses (such as those represented by phylogenetic trees) are strongest when A) they are based on amino acid sequences from homologous proteins, as long as the genes that code for such proteins contain no introns. B) each clade is defined by a single derived character. C) they are supported by more than one kind of evidence, such as when fossil evidence corroborates molecular evidence. D) they are accepted by the foremost authorities in the field, especially if they have won Nobel Prizes. E) they are based on a single DNA sequence that seems to be a shared derived sequence.

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 30) Shared derived characters are most likely to be found in taxa that are A) paraphyletic. B) polyphyletic. C) monophyletic.

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 31) A taxon, all of whose members have the same common ancestor, is A) paraphyletic. B) polyphyletic. C) monophyletic.

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 32) The term that is most appropriately associated with clade is A) paraphyletic. B) polyphyletic. C) monophyletic.

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 526 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 29) Ultimately, which of these serves as the basis for both the principle of maximum parsimony and the principle that shared complexity indicates homology rather than analogy? A) the laws of thermodynamics B) Boyleʹs law C) the laws of probability D) chaos theory E) Hutchinsonʹs law

C Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 49) A phylogenetic tree constructed using sequence differences in mitochondrial DNA would be most valid for discerning the evolutionary relatedness of A) archaeans and bacteria. B) fungi and animals. C) Hawaiian silverswords. D) sharks and dolphins E) mosses and ferns.

C Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Typically, mutations that modify the active site of an enzyme are more likely to be harmful than mutations that affect other parts of the enzyme. A hypothetical enzyme consists of four domains (A—D), and the amino acid sequences of these four domains have been determined in five related species. Given the proportion of amino acid homologies among the five species at each of the four domains, which domain probably contains the active site? Domain Percentage of Homologous Amino Acids A 32% B 8% C 78% D 45%

C Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 530 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 44) Nucleic acid sequences that undergo few changes over the course of evolutionary time are said to be conserved. Conserved sequences of nucleic acids A) are found in the most crucial portions of proteins. B) include all mitochondrial DNA. C) are abundant in ribosomes. D) are proportionately more common in eukaryotic introns than in eukaryotic exons. E) comprise a larger proportion of pre-mRNA (immature mRNA) than of mature mRNA.

C Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 539 72) What important criterion was used in the late 1960s to distinguish between the three multicellular eukaryotic kingdoms of the five-kingdom classification system? A) the number of cells present in individual organisms B) the geological stratum in which fossils first appear C) the nutritional modes they employ D) the biogeographic province where each first appears E) the features of their embryos

C Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 17) Which of the following requires ATP to function, and permits some species to respond to taxes (plural of taxis)? A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

C Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 546 4) Which statement about bacterial cell walls is false? A) Bacterial cell walls differ in molecular composition from plant cell walls. B) Cell walls prevent cells from bursting in hypotonic environments. C) Cell walls prevent cells from dying in hypertonic conditions. D) Bacterial cell walls are similar in function to the cell walls of many protists, fungi, and plants. E) Cell walls provide the cell with a degree of physical protection from the environment.

C Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 25) Which of these statements about prokaryotes is correct? A) Bacterial cells conjugate to mutually exchange genetic material. B) Their genetic material is confined within a nuclear envelope. C) They divide by binary fission, without mitosis or meiosis. D) The persistence of bacteria throughout evolutionary time is due to their genetic homogeneity (i.e., sameness). E) Genetic variation in bacteria is not known to occur, nor should it occur, because of their asexual mode of reproduction.

C Topic: Concept 27.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 47) Which of the following obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic substances; energy that is used, in part, to fix CO2? A) photoautotrophs B) photoheterotrophs C) chemoautotrophs D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs

C Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 559 50) Modes of obtaining nutrients, used by at least some bacteria, include all of the following except A) chemoautotrophy. B) photoautotrophy. C) heteroautotrophy. D) chemoheterotrophy. E) photoheterotrophy.

C Topic: Concept 27.3

: Application/Analysis 62) The thermoacidophile, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius lacks peptidoglycan. What is likely to be true of this species? 1. It is a bacterium. 2. It is an archaean. 3. The optimal pH of its enzymes will lie above pH 7. 4. The optimal pH of its enzymes will lie below pH 7. 5. It could inhabit certain hydrothermal springs. 6. It could inhabit alkaline hot springs. A) 1, 3, and 6 B) 2, 4, and 6 C) 2, 4, and 5 D) 1, 3, and 5 E) 1, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 562 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 57) Which statement about the domain Archaea is false? A) Genetic prospecting has recently revealed the existence of many previously unknown archean species. B) Some archaeans can reduce CO2 to methane. C) The genomes of archaeans are unique, containing no genes that originated within bacteria. D) Some archaeans can inhabit solutions that are nearly 30% salt. E) Some archaeans are adapted to waters with temperatures above the boiling point.

C Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 566 Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 67) In a hypothetical situation, a bacterium lives on the surface of a leaf, where it obtains nutrition from the leafʹs nonliving, waxy covering, while inhibiting the growth of other microbes that are plant pathogens. If this bacterium gains access to the inside of a leaf, it causes a fatal disease in the plant. Once the plant dies, the bacterium and its offspring decompose the plant. What is the correct sequence of ecological roles played by the bacterium in the situation described here? Use only those that apply. 1. nutrient recycler 2. mutualist 3. commensal 4. parasite 5. primary producer A) 1, 3, 4 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 2, 4, 1 D) 1, 2, 5 E) 1, 2, 3

C Topic: Concept 27.5

: Application/Analysis Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 567 70) Many physicians administer antibiotics to patients at the first sign of any disease symptoms. Why can this practice cause more problems for these patients, and for others not yet infected? A) The antibiotic administered may kill viruses that had been keeping the bacteria in check. B) Antibiotics may cause other side effects in patients. C) Overuse of antibiotics can select for antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. D) Particular patients may be allergic to the antibiotic. E) Antibiotics may interfere with the ability to identify the bacteria present.

C Topic: Concept 27.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 572 Chapter 28, Protists 8) An individual mixotroph loses its plastids, yet continues to survive. Which of the following most likely accounts for its continued survival? A) It relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol. B) It must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids. C) It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption. D) It has an endospore. E) It is protected by a siliceous case.

C Topic: Concept 28.1

: Application/Analysis 18) Which of the following is not characteristic of ciliates? A) They use cilia as locomotory structures or as feeding structures. B) They are relatively complex cells. C) They can exchange genetic material with other ciliates by the process of mitosis. D) Most live as solitary cells in fresh water. E) They have two or more nuclei.

C Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 17) You are given an unknown organism to identify. It is unicellular and heterotrophic. It is motile, using many short extensions of the cytoplasm, each featuring the 9+2 filament pattern. It has well-developed organelles and three nuclei, one large and two small. This organism is most likely to be a member of which group? A) foraminiferans B) radiolarians C) ciliates D) kinetoplastids E) slime molds

C Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 574 Chapter 28, Protists 16) Which group includes members that are important primary producers in ocean food webs, causes red tides that kill many fish, and may even be carnivorous? A) ciliates B) apicomplexans C) dinoflagellates D) brown algae E) golden algae

C Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 28, Protists 575 20) Why is the filamentous morphology of the water molds considered a case of convergent evolution with the hyphae (threads) of fungi? A) Fungi are closely related to the water molds. B) Body shape reflects ancestor-descendant relationships among organisms. C) In both cases, filamentous shape is an adaptation for the absorptive nutritional mode of a decomposer. D) Filamentous body shape is evolutionarily ancestral for all eukaryotes. E) Both A and B are correct.

C Topic: Concept 28.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation Chapter 28, Protists 577 27) Judging from Table 28.1 and given that waterʹs density and, consequently, its buoyancy decrease at warmer temperatures, in which environment should diatoms (and other suspended particles) sink most slowly? A) cold freshwater B) warm freshwater C) cold seawater D) warm seawater E) warm brackish water

C Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 50) Mushrooms with gills have meiotically produced spores located in or on A) asci. B) conidiophores. C) basidia. D) soredia. E) zygosporangia.

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 578 Chapter 28, Protists 31) Which of the following produce the dense glassy ooze found in certain areas of the deep-ocean floor? A) forams B) dinoflagellates C) radiolarians D) ciliates E) apicomplexans

C Topic: Concept 28.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 41) If the Archaeplastidae are eventually designated a kingdom, and if the land plants are excluded from this kingdom, then what will be true of this new kingdom? A) It will be monophyletic. B) It will more accurately depict evolutionary relationships than does the current taxonomy. C) It will be paraphyletic. D) It will be a true clade. E) It will be polyphyletic.

C Topic: Concept 28.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 43) Which pair of alternatives is highlighted by the life cycle of the cellular slime molds, such as Dictyostelium? A) prokaryotic or eukaryotic B) plant or animal C) unicellular or multicellular D) diploid or haploid E) autotroph or heterotroph

C Topic: Concept 28.6

1) The most recent common ancestor of all land plants was probably similar to modern-day members of which group? A) green algae B) red algae C) charophytes D) brown algae E) angiosperms

C Topic: Concept 29.1

: Application/Analysis 7) In animal cells and in the meristem cells of land plants, the nuclear envelope disintegrates during mitosis. This disintegration does not occur in the cells of most protists and fungi. According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature mitosis most similar to that of land plants? A) unicellular green algae B) cyanobacteria C) charophytes D) red algae E) multicellular green algae

C Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 10) Which of the following characteristics, if observed in an unidentified green organism, would make it unlikely to be a charophyte? A) phragmoplast B) peroxisome C) apical meristem D) chlorophylls a and b E) rosette cellulose-synthesizing complex

C Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 14) protection from desiccation A) tracheids and phloem B) secondary compounds C) cuticle D) alternation of generations

C Topic: Concept 29.1

: Application/Analysis 43) If you are looking for structures that transfer water and nutrients from a bryophyte gametophyte to a bryophyte sporophyte, then on which part of the sporophyte should you focus your attention? A) spores B) seta C) foot D) sporangium E) peristome

C Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 27) The leaflike appendages of moss gametophytes may be one- to two-cell-layers thick. Consequently, which of these is least likely to be found associated with such appendages? A) cuticle B) rosette cellulose-synthesizing complexes C) stomata D) peroxisomes E) phenolics

C Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 606 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 44) Bryophytes never formed forests (mats, yes, but not forests) because A) they possess flagellated sperms. B) not all are heterosporous. C) they lack lignified vascular tissue. D) they have no adaptations to prevent desiccation. E) the sporophyte is too weak.

C Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 599 22) Bryophytes have all of the following characteristics except A) multicellularity. B) specialized cells and tissues. C) lignified vascular tissue. D) walled spores in sporangia. E) a reduced, dependent sporophyte.

C Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 601 30) Beginning with the germination of a moss spore, what is the sequence of structures that develop after germination? 1. embryo 2. gametes 3. sporophyte 4. protonema 5. gametophore A) 4 1 3 5 2 B) 4 3 5 2 1 C) 4 5 2 1 3 D) 3 4 5 2 1 E) 3 1 4 5 2

C Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 608 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 52) Which of the following types of plants would not yet have been evolved in the forests that became coal deposits? A) horsetails B) lycophytes C) pine trees D) tree ferns E) whisk ferns

C Topic: Concept 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 607 48) A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, the following characteristics are noted: flagellated sperm, xylem with tracheids, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to A) mosses. B) charophytes. C) ferns. D) gymnosperms. E) flowering plants.

C Topic: Concept 29.3

1) The sporophytes of mosses depend on the gametophytes for water and nutrition. In seed plants, the reverse is true. From which seed plant sporophyte structure(s) do the immature (unfertilized) gametophytes directly gain water and nutrition? A) sporophylls B) embryos C) sporangia D) sporopollenin E) ovary

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 21) Which of these is most important in making the typical seed more resistant to adverse conditions than the typical spore? A) a different type of sporopollenin B) an internal reservoir of liquid water C) integument(s) D) ability to be dispersed E) waxy cuticle

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 616 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 8) Which of the following most closely represents the male gametophyte of seed-bearing plants? A) ovule B) microspore mother cell C) pollen grain interior D) embryo sac E) fertilized egg

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 620 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 22) A researcher has developed two stains for use with seed plants. One stains sporophyte tissue blue; the other stains gametophyte tissue red. If the researcher exposes pollen grains to both stains, and then rinses away the excess stain, what should occur? A) The pollen grains will be pure red. B) The pollen grains will be pure blue. C) The pollen grains will have red interiors and blue exteriors. D) The pollen grains will have blue interiors and red exteriors. E) Insofar as the pollen grains are independent of the plant that produced them, they will not absorb either stain.

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 7) In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics are unique to the seed-producing plants? A) sporopollenin B) lignin present in cell walls C) pollen D) use of air currents as a dispersal agent E) megaphylls

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 9) Suppose that the cells of seed plants, like the skin cells of humans, produce a pigment upon increased exposure to UV radiation. Rank the cells below, from greatest to least, in terms of the likelihood of producing this pigment. 1. cells of sporangium 2. cells in the interior of a subterranean root 3. epidermal cells of sporophyte megaphylls 4. cells of a gametophyte A) 3, 4, 1, 2 B) 3, 4, 2, 1 C) 3, 1, 4, 2 D) 3, 2, 1, 4 E) 3, 1, 2, 4

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Synthesis/Evaluation 19) In seed plants, which part of a pollen grain has a function most like that of the seed coat? A) sporophyll B) male gametophyte C) sporopollenin D) stigma E) sporangium

C Topic: Concept 30.1

: Application/Analysis 23) Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant ferns because they A) are woody. B) have macrophylls. C) have pollen. D) have sporophylls. E) have spores.

C Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis 624 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 36) Which feature of cycads makes them similar to many angiosperms? 1. They have exposed ovules. 2. They have flagellated sperm. 3. They are pollinated by animals. A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) 2 and 3 E) 1, 2, and 3

C Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 622 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 30) In most pine species, pollen cones and seed (ovulate) cones are borne on the same tree. In a habitat where few air currents exist at, or near, the forest floor but nearly continuous in the tree canopy, which of these is the most adaptive arrangement of the two kinds of cones on pines in this habitat?

C Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis 60) The seeds of orchids are among the smallest known, with virtually no endosperm and with miniscule seed leaves. Consequently, what should one expect to be true of such seeds? A) They require extensive periods of dormancy during which the embryo develops. B) They are surrounded by brightly colored, sweet fruit. C) They germinate very soon after being released from the ovary. D) The developing embryo within is dependent upon the gametophyte for nutrition. E) The sporophytes that produce such seeds are wind pollinated.

C Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 630 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 62) Which of these statements is true of monocots? A) They are currently thought to be polyphyletic. B) The veins of their leaves form a netlike pattern. C) They, along with the eudicots, magnoliids, and basal angiosperms, are currently placed in the phylum Anthophyta. D) Each possesses multiple cotyledons. E) They are the clade that includes most of our crops, except the cereal grains.

C Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 81) Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of these features is unique to them and helps account for their success? A) wind pollination B) dominant gametophytes C) fruits enclosing seeds D) embryos enclosed within seed coats E) sperm cells without flagella

C Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 86) The fruit of the mistletoe, a parasitic angiosperm, is a one-seeded berry. In members of the genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is viscous (sticky), which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces, such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the viscosity of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues? A) It should be drab in color. B) It should be colored so as to provide it with camouflage. C) It should be nutritious. D) It should secrete enzymes that can digest bark. E) It should contain chemicals that cause birds to fly to the ground and vomit.

C Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis 14) Which of the following terms is correctly associated with fungi in general? A) sporophytes B) make only sexually produced spores C) ecologically important D) polyphyletic E) ingestive nutrition

C Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis 642 4) When a mycelium infiltrates an unexploited source of dead organic matter, what are most likely to appear within the food source soon thereafter? A) fungal haustoria B) soredia C) fungal enzymes D) increased oxygen levels E) larger bacterial populations

C Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis 644 Chapter 31, Fungi 13) Consider two hyphae having equal dimensions: one from a septate species and the other from a coenocytic species. Compared with the septate species, the coenocytic species should have A) fewer nuclei. B) more pores. C) less chitin. D) less cytoplasm. E) reduced cytoplasmic streaming.

C Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 3) If all fungi in an environment that perform decomposition were to suddenly die, then which group of organisms should benefit most, due to the fact that their fungal competitors have been removed? A) plants B) protists C) prokaryotes D) animals E) mutualistic fungi

C Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 23) Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes? A) They are the second of five fungal phyla to have evolved. B) They represent the phylum in which all the fungal components of lichens are classified. C) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage. D) They are the group that includes molds, yeasts, and lichens. E) They include the imperfect fungi that lack hyphae.

C Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 36) This phylum contains the mushrooms, shelf fungi, and puffballs: A) Zygomycota B) Ascomycota C) Basidiomycota D) Glomeromycota E) Chytridiomycota

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 42) The ascomycetes get their name from which aspect of their life cycle? A) vegetative growth form B) asexual spore production C) sexual structures D) shape of the spore E) type of vegetative mycelium

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 45) Which has the least affiliation with all of the others? A) Glomeromycota B) mycorrhizae C) lichens D) arbuscules E) mutualistic fungi

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 650 Chapter 31, Fungi 38) You have been given the assignment of locating living members of the phylum Glomeromycota. Where is the best place to look for these fungi? A) between the toes of a person with ʺathleteʹs footʺ B) in stagnant freshwater ponds C) the roots of vascular plants D) growing on rocks and tree bark E) the kidneys of mammals

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 654 Chapter 31, Fungi Figure 31.1 below depicts the outline of a large fairy ring that has appeared overnight in an open meadow, as viewed from above. The fairy ring represents the furthest advance of this mycelium through the soil. Locations A—D are all 0.5 meters below the soil surface. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Figure 31.1 54) What is the most probable location of the oldest portion of this mycelium?

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 31, Fungi 653 51) Among sac fungi, which of these correctly distinguishes ascospores from conidia? A) ascospores are diploid, conidia are haploid B) ascospores are produced only by meiosis, conidia are produced only by mitosis C) ascospores have undergone genetic recombination during their production, conidia have not D) ascospores are larger, conidia are smaller E) ascospores will germinate into haploid hyphae, conidia will germinate into diploid hyphae

C Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 71) Which term below refers to symbiotic relationships that involve fungi living between the cells in plant leaves? A) pathogens B) endosymbioses C) endophytes D) lichens E) mycorrhizae

C Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 67) Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens? A) Fungal cells are enclosed within algal cells. B) Lichen cells are enclosed within fungal cells. C) Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae. D) The fungi grow on rocks and trees and are covered by algae. E) Algal cells and fungal cells mix together without any apparent structure.

C Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 75) A billionaire buys a sterile volcanic island that recently emerged from the sea. To speed the arrival of conditions necessary for plant growth, the billionaire might be advised to aerially sow what over the island? A) basiodiospores B) spores of ectomycorrhizae C) soredia D) yeasts E) leaves (as food for fungus-farming ants)

C Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 78) Orchid seeds are tiny, with virtually no endosperm and with miniscule cotyledons. If such seeds are deposited in a dark, moist environment then which of these represents the most likely means by which fungi might assist in seed germination, given what the seeds lack? A) by transferring some chloroplasts to the embryo in each seed B) by providing the seeds with water and minerals C) by providing the embryos with some of the organic nutrients they have absorbed D) by strengthening the seed coat that surrounds each seed

C Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 28, Protists 581 44) Which of the following correctly pairs a protist with one of its characteristics? A) diplomonads : micronuclei involved in conjugation B) ciliates : pseudopods C) apicomplexans : parasitic D) gymnamoebas : calcium carbonate test E) foraminiferans : abundant in soils

C Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Synthesis/Evaluation 53) A gelatinous seaweed that grows in shallow, cold water and undergoes heteromorphic alternation of generations is most probably what type of alga? A) red B) green C) brown D) yellow

C Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Synthesis/Evaluation 29) Theoretically, which two of the following present the richest potential sources of silica? 1. marine sediments consisting of foram tests 2. marine sediments consisting of diatom cases (valves) 3. marine sediments consisting of radiolarian shells 4. marine sediments consisting of dinoflagellate plates A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 4 C) 2 and 3 D) 2 and 4 E) 3 and 4

C Topic: Concepts 28.3, 28.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 28, Protists 579 35) The largest seaweeds belong to which group? A) red algae B) green algae C) brown algae D) golden algae

C Topic: Concepts 28.3, 28.5

: Application/Analysis 65) Working from deep geologic strata toward shallow geologic strata, what is the sequence in which fossils of these groups should make their first appearance? 1. charophytes 2. single-celled green algae 3. hornworts 4. plants with a dominant sporophyte A) 1 3 2 4 B) 3 1 2 4 C) 2 1 3 4 D) 3 2 4 1 E) 2 4 1 3

C Topic: Concepts 29.1-29.3

: Application/Analysis 37) If one were to erect a new taxon of plants that included all plants that are pollinated by animals, and only plants that are pollinated by animals, then this new taxon would be A) monophyletic. B) paraphyletic. C) polyphyletic. D) identical in composition to the phylum Anthophyta. E) identical in composition to the phylum Cycadophyta.

C Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Application/Analysis 43) What is true of stamens, sepals, petals, carpels, and pinecone scales? A) They are female reproductive parts. B) None are capable of photosynthesis. C) They are modified leaves. D) They are found on flowers. E) They are found on angiosperms.

C Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 34) Which trait(s) is (are) shared by many modern gymnosperms and angiosperms? 1. pollen transported by wind 2. lignified xylem 3. microscopic gametophytes 4. sterile sporophylls, modified to attract pollinators 5. endosperm A) 1 only B) 1 and 3 C) 1, 2, and 3 D) 1, 3, and 5 E) 2, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 50) microspores of pollen cones A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

C Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 41) Which structure is common to both gymnosperms and angiosperms? A) stigma B) carpel C) ovule D) ovary E) anthers

C Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

Application/Analysis665 4) Which of the following is (are) unique to animals? A) cells that have mitochondria B) the structural carbohydrate, chitin C) nervous conduction and muscular movement D) heterotrophy E) both A and C

C Topic: Concept 32.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 2) Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that only animals derive their nutrition A) from organic matter. B) by preying on animals. C) by ingesting it. D) by consuming living, rather than dead, prey. E) by using enzymes to digest their food.

C Topic: Concept 32.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 14) Whatever its ultimate cause(s), the Cambrian explosion is a prime example of A) mass extinction. B) evolutionary stasis. C) adaptive radiation. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

C Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 15) Fossil evidence indicates that the following events occurred in what sequence, from earliest to most recent? 1. Protostomes invade terrestrial environments. 2. Cambrian explosion occurs. 3. Deuterostomes invade terrestrial environments. 4. Vertebrates become top predators in the seas. A) 2 4 3 1 B) 2 1 4 3 C) 2 4 1 3 D) 2 3 1 4 E) 2 1 3 4

C Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 17) Sponges and cnidarians are among the fossilized animals found in both the Ediacara Hills and the Burgess Shale from the Rocky Mountains of British Colombia. This observation requires that A) ancestral sponges and cnidarians had formerly been terrestrial animals. B) North America and Australia were united to each other about 550 million years ago (mya). C) land that now comprises the Ediacara Hills and the Rocky Mountains was underwater about 550 million years ago. D) only sponges and cnidarians existed at the time the sediments were deposited.

C Topic: Concept 32.2

Application/Analysis 21) Soon after the coelom begins to form, a researcher injects a dye into the coelom of a deuterostome embryo. Initially, the dye should be able to flow directly into the A) blastopore. B) blastocoel. C) archenteron. D) pseudocoelom.

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 20) An obsolete taxon, the ʺRadiata,ʺ included all phyla whose adults had true radial symmetry. Today, the ʺRadiataʺ is more correctly considered to be 1. a clade. 2. a grade. 3. monophyletic. 4. paraphyletic. 5. polyphyletic. A) 1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 4 D) 2 and 5 E) 1, 2, and 3

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 27) Organisms showing radial symmetry would likely A) be good swimmers. B) have rapid escape behavior. C) move from place to place relatively slowly, if at all. D) be able to fly. E) have many fins.

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 31) Which of the following is a correctassociation of an animal germ layer with the tissues or organs to which it gives rise? A) ectoderm: outer covering of digestive system B) endoderm: internal lining of blood vessels C) mesoderm: central nervous system D) mesoderm: skin E) endoderm: linings of liver passageways and lung passageways

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 40) What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates A) have a body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have a solid body. B) contain tissues derived from mesoderm, whereas pseudocoelomates have no such tissue. C) have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not. D) have a complete digestive system with mouth and anus, whereas pseudocoelomates have a digestive tract with only one opening. E) have a gut that lacks suspension within the body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have mesenteries that hold the digestive system in place.

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 670 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 24) At which developmental stage should one be able to first distinguish a diploblastic embryo from a triploblastic embryo? A) fertilization B) cleavage C) gastrulation D) coelom formation E) metamorphosis

C Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 54) What does recent evidence from molecular systematics reveal about the relationship between grades and clades? A) They are one and the same. B) There is no relationship. C) Some, but not all, grades reflect evolutionary relatedness. D) Grades have their basis in, and flow from, clades. E) Each branch point on a phylogenetic tree is associated with the evolution of a new grade.

C Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 678 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 56) What kind of data should probably have the greatest impact on animal taxonomy in the coming decades? A) fossil evidence B) comparative morphology of living species C) nucleotide sequences of homologous genes D) similarities in metabolic pathways E) the number and size of chromosomes within nuclei

C Topic: Concept 32.4

Synthesis/Evaluation 73) Some researchers claim that sponge genomes have homeotic genes, but no Hox genes. If true, this finding would A) strengthen spongesʹ evolutionary ties to the eumetazoa. B) mean that sponges must no longer be classified as animals. C) confirm the identity of sponges as ʺbasal animals.ʺ D) mean that extinct sponges must have been the last common ancestor of animals and fungi. E) require sponges to be reclassified as choanoflagellates.

C Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 11) The members of which class of the phylum Cnidaria occur only as polyps? A) Hydrozoa B) Scyphozoa C) Anthozoa D) Cubozoa E) both B and D

C Topic: Concept 33.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 692 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 13) Corals are most closely related to which group? A) jellies B) freshwater hydras C) sea anemones D) sponges E) barnacles

C Topic: Concept 33.2

Application/Analysis 20) Which of the following correctly characterizes the phylum Rotifera? A) a single-opening digestive tract B) a pair of mandibles made of chitin C) parthenogenic reproduction D) inability to persist in environments where they might undergo desiccation E) a relatively large size

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Application/Analysis 23) A lophophore is used by ectoprocts and brachiopods A) for locomotion. B) at a larval stage. C) for feeding. D) for sensory reception. E) as a skeletal system.

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 16) In a small stream, you pick up a rock and observe many small, flattened worms crawling on its undersurface. You decide that they belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. To which class do they probably belong? A) Cestoda B) Monogenea C) Turbellaria D) Trematoda

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 24) A brachiopod can be distinguished from a bivalve by the presence of A) two hinged shells. B) a digestive system with separate mouth and anus. C) a lophophore. D) suspension feeding. E) a distinct head.

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 27) A terrestrial mollusc without a shell belongs to which class? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 29) A radula is present in members of which class(es)? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 33) Many of which of the following annelid classes are parasites? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 37) Some species of which of the following annelid classes release an anticoagulant that is of medical significance? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 38) Which of the following is found only among annelids? A) a hydrostatic skeleton B) segmentation C) a clitellum D) a closed circulatory system E) a cuticle made of chitin

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 694 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 22) While sampling marine plankton in a lab, a student encounters large numbers of fertilized eggs. The student rears some of the eggs in the laboratory for further study and finds that the blastopore becomes the mouth. The embryo develops into a trochophore larva and eventually has a true coelom. These eggs probably belonged to a(n) A) chordate. B) echinoderm. C) mollusc. D) nematode. E) arthropod.

C Topic: Concept 33.3

Application/Analysis 44) The heartworms that can accumulate within the hearts of dogs and other mammals have a pseudocoelom, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed. To which phylum does the heartworm belong? A) Platyhelminthes B) Arthropoda C) Nematoda D) Acoela E) Annelida

C Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 47) Which of the following are characteristics of arthropods? 1. protostome development 2. bilateral symmetry 3. a pseudocoelom 4. three embryonic germ layers 5. a closed circulatory system A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 1, 2, and 4 D) 2, 3, and 5 E) 3, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 53) What distinguishes complete metamorphosis from incomplete metamorphosis in insects? A) presence of wings in the adult, but not in earlier life stages B) presence of sex organs in the adult, but not in earlier life stages C) radically different appearance between adults and earlier life stages D) only A and B E) A, B, and C

C Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 698 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 41) Which of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm? 1. type of body cavity 2. number of muscle layers in the body wall 3. presence of segmentation 4. number of embryonic tissue layers 5. shape of worm in cross-sectional view A) 2 only B) 2 and 3 C) 1, 2, and 3 D) 1, 2, 3, and 5 E) all five of these

C Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 59) Which of the following have distinct central disks and long, flexible arms? A) class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) B) class Asteroidea (sea stars) C) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) D) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) E) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

C Topic: Concept 33.5

Application/Analysis 12) Terry detaches the snakelike organism from the fish and uses a knife to cut off its head. In doing so, its brain slides out onto the deck of the boat. Terry peers into the cut end of the head and notices that the brain had lain in a sort of pan-like structure that only partially surrounded the brain. What is the structure Terry is observing, and what is it made of? A) skull, bone B) cranium, bone C) cranium, cartilage D) vertebral column, bone E) vertebral column, cartilage

C Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the description below. Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that, attached to its flank, there is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. 11) Which feature excludes it from possibly being a leech? A) its elongate shape B) its lack of scales C) its lack of external segmentation D) its round mouth E) its anterior sucker

C Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 18) The feeding mode of the extinct conodonts was A) herbivory. B) suspension feeding. C) predation. D) filter feeding. E) absorptive feeding.

C Topic: Concept 34.3

Application/Analysis 39) The class decided to humanely euthanize the organism and subsequently dissect it. Having decided that it was probably not a reptile, two of their original hypotheses regarding its identity remained. Which of the following, if observed, should help them arrive at a conclusive answer? A) presence of a closed circulatory system B) presence of moist, highly vascularized skin C) presence of lungs D) presence of a nerve chord E) presence of a digestive system with two openings

C Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 40) The organism was found to have two lungs, but the left lung was much smaller than the right lung. Kelly added that the herpetology instructor had said that in most snakes, the same condition exists. If the size difference between the lungs in this organism is not a shared ancestral characteristic with its occurrence in snakes, then its existence in this organism is explained as a(n) 1. result of convergent evolution. 2. example of homologous structures. 3. similar adaptation to a shared lifestyle or body-plan. 4. result of having identical Hox genes. 5. homoplasy. A) 3 only B) 1 and 5 C) 1, 3, and 5 D) 2, 3, and 5 E) 3, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concept 34.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 36) A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was A) the appearance of jaws. B) the appearance of bony vertebrae. C) feet with digits. D) the mineralization of the endoskeleton. E) the ability to move in a fishlike manner.

C Topic: Concept 34.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 37) What should be true of fossils of the earliest tetrapods? A) They should show evidence of internal fertilization. B) They should show evidence of having produced shelled eggs. C) They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land. D) They should be transitional forms with the fossils of chondrichthyans that lived at the same time. E) They should feature the earliest indications of the appearance of jaws.

C Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 63) Which pair of numbers includes extant endotherms? A) 3 and 4 B) 4 and 5 C) 6 and 8 D) 3 and 8 E) 6 and 7

C Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 56) Which of the following structures are possessed only by birds? A) enlarged pectoral muscles and heavy bones B) a four-chambered heart C) feathers and keeled sternum D) a short tail and scales E) a large brain and endothermy

C Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 728 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 50) From which of the following groups are snakes most likely descended? A) dinosaurs B) plesiosaurs C) lizards D) crocodiles E) synapsids

C Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 100) Which is the most inclusive (most general) group, all of whose members have fully opposable thumbs? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

C Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 102) Which is the most specific group that includes both the Old World monkeys and the New World monkeys? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

C Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 736 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 86) Which of these species was the first to have been adapted for long-distance bipedalism? A) H. heidelbergensis B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

C Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 94) The oldest fossil remains of Homo sapiensfound so far date from about A) 6 million years ago. B) 1.6 million years ago. C) 195,000 years ago. D) 60,000 years ago. E) 16,000 years ago.

C Topic: Concept 34.8

Application/Analysis 71) Which of the following animal groups is entirely aquatic? A) Mollusca B) Crustacea C) Echinodermata D) Arthropoda E) Annelida

C Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Application/Analysis 91) If the worms discovered during the autopsies have all features characteristic of their phylum, dissection of the worms should reveal the presence of 1. nephridia. 2. chaetae. 3. segmentation. 4. a gastrovascular cavity. 5. the acoelomate condition. A) 5 only B) 1 and 2 C) 4 and 5 D) 1, 2, and 3 E) 3, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 74) Protostomes with a unique drape of tissue that may secrete a shell are part of which phylum? A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Mollusca D) Arthropoda E) Echinodermata

C Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Application/Analysis 710 Chapter 33, Invertebrates 86) Had the teacher wanted to point out organisms that belong to the most successful animal phylum, the teacher should have chosen the 1. bivalves. 2. sea anemones. 3. shrimp. 4. polychaete. 5. copepods. A) 1 only B) 4 only C) 3 and 5 D) 4 and 5 E) 1, 2, and 3

C Topic: Concepts 33.2-33.5

Application/Analysis 80) The species in the aquarium that possess true bilateral symmetry include the 1. sponges. 2. molluscs. 3. echinoderm. 4. sea anemones. 5. ectoprocts. A) 2 only B) 1 and 4 C) 2 and 5 D) 2, 3, and 5 E) 2, 3, 4, and 5

C Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Application/Analysis 83) If the teacher had used a dissecting microscope to examine the outer surfaces of the empty bivalve shells, the teacher would probably have seen marks that had been left by A) jaws. B) nematocysts. C) tube feet. D) a lophophore. E) a madreporite.

C Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 72) Their scales closely resemble teeth in both structure and origin. A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) birds

C Topic: Concepts 34.4-34.7

Which of the following is a CORRECTmatch of a protist or bacterial group with its description or characteristics? A) Spirochetes -- responsible for toxic algal blooms B) Kinetoplastids -- able to move about using spinning plastids. C) Chlamydias -- includes sexually-transmitted bacterial endoparasites D) Gram-Positive Bacteria -- all with characteristic spiral shape E) Dinoflagellate -- paired haploid nuclei and highly reduced mitochondria

C) Chlamydias -- includes sexually-transmitted bacterial endoparasites

Which of the following characteristics correctly describes retroviruses? A) They can only reproduce by infecting bacteria. B) They have a single-stranded DNA that acts as a template for DNA synthesis. C) They have a single-stranded RNA that acts as a template for DNA synthesis. D) They are made up of only a single protein

C) They have a single-stranded RNA that acts as a template for DNA synthesis.

The difference between vertical and horizontal transmission of plant viruses is that vertical transmission is ________. A) the transfer of DNA from a plant of one species to a plant of a different species, and horizontal transmission is the spread of viruses among plants of the same species B) the spread of viruses from trees and tall plants to bushes and other smaller plants, and horizontal transmission is the spread of viruses among plants of similar size C) transmission of a virus from a parent plant to its progeny, and horizontal transmission is one plant spreading the virus to another plant D) the spread of viruses from upper leaves to lower leaves of the plant, and horizontal transmission is the spread of a virus among leaves at the same general level

C) transmission of a virus from a parent plant to its progeny, and horizontal transmission is one plant spreading the virus to another plant

3) Which of the following cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi? A) ascospores B) basidiospores C) zygosporangia D) conidiophores E) ascocarps


3) Which of the following statements is not true? A) Archaea and bacteria have different membrane lipids. B) Both archaea and bacteria generally lack membrane-enclosed organelles. C) The cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan. D) Only bacteria have histones associated with DNA. E) Only some archaea use CO2 to oxidize H2, releasing methane.


3) Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body? A) Cnidaria B) Platyhelminthes C) Silicea D) Arthropoda E) Mollusca


4) In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis? A) haploid sporophyte B) haploid gametes C) diploid gametes D) haploid spores E) diploid spores


4) Mammals and living birds share all of the following characteristics except A) endothermy. B) descent from a common amniotic ancestor. C) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord. D) an archosaur common ancestor. E) an amniotic egg.


4) Which of the following features of prokaryotic biology involves metabolic cooperation among cells? A) binary fission B) endospore formation C) endotoxin release D) biofilms E) photoautotrophy


5) Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except A) seeds. B) pollen. C) vascular tissue. D) ovaries. E) ovules.


6) In life cycles with an alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with A) unicellular haploid forms. B) unicellular diploid forms. C) multicellular haploid forms. D) multicellular diploid forms. E) multicellular polyploid forms.


7) To apply parsimony to constructing a phylogenetic tree, A) choose the tree that assumes all evolutionary changes are equally probable. B) choose the tree in which the branch points are based on as many shared derived characters as possible. C) base phylogenetic trees only on the fossil record, as this provides the simplest explanation for evolution. D) choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes, either in DNA sequences or morphology. E) choose the tree with the fewest branch points.


: Application/Analysis 1) Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium? A) in the style of a flower B) inside the tip of a pollen tube C) enclosed in the stigma of a flower D) within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower E) packed into pollen sacs within the anthers found on a stamen


: Synthesis/Evaluation 1) Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of A) evolution from mitochondria. B) fusion of plastids. C) origin of the plastids from archaea. D) secondary endosymbiosis. E) budding of the plastids from the nuclear envelope.


: Knowledge/Comprehension 15) Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). Consequently, the morphological similarities of these two species are probably due to A) inheritance of acquired characteristics. B) sexual selection. C) inheritance of shared derived characters. D) possession of analogous structures. E) possession of shared primitive characters.

D Topic: Concept 26.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 522 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 16) In angiosperm plants, flower morphology can be very intricate. If a tree, such as a New Mexico locust, has flowers that share many morphological intricacies with flowers of the sweet pea vine, then the most likely explanation for these floral similarities is the same general explanation for the similarities between the A) dorsal fins of sharks and of dolphins. B) reduced eyes of Australian moles and North American moles. C) scales on moth wings and the scales of fish skin. D) cranial bones of humans and those of chimpanzees. E) adaptations for flight in birds and adaptations for flight in bats.

D Topic: Concept 26.2

: Application/Analysis Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 523 20) Generally, within a lineage, the largest number of shared derived characters should be found among two organisms that are members of the same A) kingdom. B) class. C) domain. D) family. E) order.

D Topic: Concept 26.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 36) The four-chambered hearts of birds and the four-chambered hearts of mammals evolved independently of each other. If one were unaware of this independence, then one might logically conclude that A) the birds were the first to evolve a 4-chambered heart. B) birds and mammals are more distantly related than is actually the case. C) early mammals possessed feathers. D) the common ancestor of birds and mammals had a four-chambered heart. E) birds and mammals should be placed in the same family.

D Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 10) In a bacterium that possesses antibiotic resistance and the potential to persist through very adverse conditions, such as freezing, drying, or high temperatures, DNA should be located within, or be part of, which structures? 1. nucleoid region 2. flagellum 3. endospore 4. fimbriae 5. plasmids A) 1 only B) 1 and 4 C) 1 and 5 D) 1, 3, and 5 E) 2, 4, and 5

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the information below. A researcher compared the nucleotide sequences of a homologous gene from five different species of mammals with the homologous human gene. The sequence homology between each speciesʹ version of the gene and the human gene is presented as a percentage of similarity. Species Percentage Chimpanzee 99.7 Orangutan 98.6 Baboon 97.2 Rhesus Monkey 96.9 Rabbit 93.7 Figure 26.3 39) What probably explains the inclusion of rabbits in this research? A) Their short generation time provides a ready source of DNA. B) They possess all of the shared derived characters as do the other species listed. C) They are the closest known relatives of rhesus monkeys. D) They are the outgroup. E) They are the most recent common ancestor of the primates.

D Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 51) Which statement represents the best explanation for the observation that the nuclear DNA of wolves and domestic dogs has a very high degree of homology? A) Dogs and wolves have very similar morphologies. B) Dogs and wolves belong to the same order. C) Dogs and wolves are both members of the order Carnivora. D) Dogs and wolves shared a common ancestor very recently. E) Convergent evolution has occurred.

D Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 52) The reason that paralogous genes can diverge from each other within the same gene pool, whereas orthologous genes diverge only after gene pools are isolated from each other, is that A) having multiple copies of genes is essential for the occurrence of sympatric speciation in the wild. B) paralogous genes can occur only in diploid species; thus, they are absent from most prokaryotes. C) polyploidy is a necessary precondition for the occurrence of sympatric speciation in the wild. D) having an extra copy of a gene permits modifications to the copy without loss of the original gene product.

D Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 536 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 63) The HIV genomeʹs reliably high rate of change permits it to serve as a molecular clock. Which of these features is most responsible for this genomeʹs high rate of change? A) the relatively low number of nucleotides in the genome B) the relatively small number of genes in the genome C) the genomeʹs ability to insert itself into the genome of the host D) the lack of proofreading by the enzyme that converts HIVʹs RNA genome into a DNA genome

D Topic: Concept 26.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 62) Which of these would, if it had acted upon a gene, prevent this gene from acting as a reliable molecular clock? A) neutral mutations B) genetic drift C) mutations within introns D) natural selection E) most substitution mutations involving an exonic codonʹs 3rd position

D Topic: Concept 26.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 76) Which eukaryotic kingdom is polyphyletic and therefore not acceptable, based on cladistics? A) Plantae B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Protista E) Monera

D Topic: Concept 26.6

: Synthesis/Evaluation 80) Which process is observed in prokaryotes and is responsible for the vertical components of the various bacterial and archaean lineages? A) mitosis B) meiosis C) sexual reproduction D) binary fission

D Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 14) Which statement about the genomes of prokaryotes is correct? A) Prokaryotic genomes are diploid throughout most of the cell cycle. B) Prokaryotic chromosomes are sometimes called plasmids. C) Prokaryotic cells have multiple chromosomes, ʺpackedʺ with a relatively large amount of protein. D) The prokaryotic chromosome is not contained within a nucleus but, rather, is found at the nucleoid region. E) Prokaryotic genomes are composed of linear DNA (that is, DNA existing in the form of a line with two ends).

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 21) Which of the following is an important source of endotoxin in gram-negative species? A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 5) Which of these is the most common compound in the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria? A) cellulose B) lipopolysaccharide C) lignin D) peptidoglycan E) protein

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 7) The predatory bacterium, Bdellovibrio bacteriophorus, drills into a prey bacterium and, once inside, digests it. In an attack upon a gram-negative bacterium that has a slimy cell covering which can inhibit phagocytosis, what is the correct sequence of structures penetrated by B. bacteriophorus on its way to the preyʹs cytoplasm? 1. membrane composed mostly of lipopolysaccharide 2. membrane composed mostly of phospholipids 3. peptidoglycan 4. capsule A) 2 4 3 1 B) 1 3 4 2 C) 1 4 3 2 D) 4 1 3 2 E) 4 3 1 2

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to structures found in a gram-positive prokaryotic cell. 16) Which of the following is composed almost entirely of peptidoglycan? A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

D Topic: Concept 27.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 24) Regarding prokaryotic reproduction, which statement is correct? A) Prokaryotes form gametes by meiosis. B) Prokaryotes feature the union of haploid gametes, as do eukaryotes. C) Prokaryotes exchange some of their genes by conjugation, the union of haploid gametes, and transduction. D) Mutation is a primary source of variation in prokaryote populations. E) Prokaryotes skip sexual life cycles because their life cycle is too short.

D Topic: Concept 27.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 27) If it occurs in the absence of any other type of adaptation listed here, which of these is least reasonable in terms of promoting bacterial survival over evolutionary time in a low-glucose environment? A) increased efficiency at transporting glucose into the cell from the environment B) increased ability to survive on simple sugars, other than glucose C) increased ability to synthesize glucose from amino acid precursors D) increased reliance on glycolytic enzymes E) increased sensitivity to, and ability to move toward, whatever glucose is present in its habitat

D Topic: Concept 27.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 56) Carl Woese and collaborators identified two major branches of prokaryotic evolution. What was the basis for dividing prokaryotes into two domains? A) microscopic examination of staining characteristics of the cell wall B) metabolic characteristics such as the production of methane gas C) metabolic characteristics such as chemoautotrophy and photosynthesis D) genetic characteristics such as ribosomal RNA sequences E) ecological characteristics such as the ability to survive in extreme environments

D Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 58) If archaeans are more closely related to eukaryotes than to bacteria, then which of the following is a reasonable prediction? A) Archaean DNA should have no introns. B) Archaean chromosomes should have no protein bonded to them. C) Archaean DNA should be single-stranded. D) Archaean ribosomes should be larger than typical prokaryotic ribosomes. E) Archaeans should lack cell walls.

D Topic: Concept 27.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 59) Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share? 1. composition of the cell wall 2. presence of plasma membrane 3. lack of a nuclear envelope 4. identical rRNA sequences A) 1 only B) 3 only C) 1 and 3 D) 2 and 3 E) 2 and 4

D Topic: Concept 27.4

: Application/Analysis Chapter 27, Bacteria and Archaea 565 64) The termite gut protist, Mixotricha paradoxa, has at least two kinds of bacteria attached to its outer surface. One kind is a spirochete that propels its host through the termite gut. A second type of bacteria synthesizes ATP, some of which is used by the spirochetes. The locomotion provided by the spirochetes introduces the ATP-producing bacteria to new food sources. Which term(s) is (are) applicable to the relationship between the two kinds of bacteria? 1. mutualism 2. parasitism 3. symbiosis 4. metabolic cooperation A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 C) 2 and 3 D) 1, 3, and 4 E) all four terms

D Topic: Concept 27.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 66) If all prokaryotes on Earth suddenly vanished, which of the following would be the most likely and most direct result? A) The number of organisms on Earth would decrease by 10—20%. B) Human populations would thrive in the absence of disease. C) Bacteriophage numbers would dramatically increase. D) The recycling of nutrients would be greatly reduced, at least initially. E) There would be no more pathogens on Earth.

D Topic: Concept 27.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 14) Which of the following pairs of protists and their characteristics is mismatched? A) apicomplexans : internal parasites B) golden algae : planktonic producers C) euglenozoans : unicellular flagellates D) ciliates : red tide organisms E) entamoebas : ingestive heterotrophs

D Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 19) Which process results in genetic recombination, but is separate from the process wherein the population size of Paramecium increases? A) budding B) meiotic division C) mitotic division D) conjugation E) binary fission

D Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 60) Which of the following statements concerning living phytoplanktonic organisms are true? 1. They are important members of communities surrounding deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 2. They are important primary producers in most aquatic food webs. 3. They are important in maintaining oxygen in Earthʹs seas and atmosphere. 4. They are most often found growing in the sediments of seas and oceans. 5. They can be so concentrated that they affect the color of seawater. A) 1 and 4 B) 1, 2, and 4 C) 2, 3, and 4 D) 2, 3, and 5 E) 3, 4, and 5

D Topic: Concept 28.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension 16) Which of the following was not a challenge for survival of the first land plants? A) sources of water B) sperm transfer C) desiccation D) animal predation E) absorbing enough light

D Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 2) The structural integrity of bacteria is to peptidoglycan as the structural integrity of plant spores is to A) lignin. B) cellulose. C) secondary compounds. D) sporopollenin.

D Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 20) Which event during the evolution of land plants probably made the synthesis of secondary compounds most beneficial? A) the greenhouse effect present throughout the Devonian period B) the reverse-greenhouse effect during the Carboniferous period C) the association of the roots of land plants with fungi D) the rise of herbivory E) the rise of wind pollination

D Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 3) Which kind of plant tissue should lack phragmoplasts? A) bryophyte tissues B) diploid tissues of charophytes C) spore-producing tissues of all land plants D) tissues performing nuclear division without intervening cytokineses E) the meristematic tissues of fern gametophytes

D Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 6) A researcher wants to develop a test that will distinguish charophytes and land plants from green algae. Which of the following chemicals would be the best subject for such an assay? A) chlorophyllNa photosynthetic pigment B) carotenoidsNa class of accessory photosynthetic pigments C) starchNa food storage material D) glycolate oxidaseNan peroxisomal enzyme that is associated with photorespiration E) flavonoidsNa class of phenolic compounds that is often associated with chemical signaling

D Topic: Concept 29.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 600 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 26) Assuming that they all belong to the same plant, arrange the following structures from smallest to largest. 1. antheridia 2. gametes 3. gametophytes 4 .gametangia A) 1, 4, 3, 2 B) 3, 1, 2, 4 C) 3, 4, 2, 1 D) 3, 4, 1, 2 E) 4, 3, 1, 2

D Topic: Concept 29.2

: Synthesis/Evaluation 42) Two, small, poorly drained lakes lie close to each other in a northern forest. The basins of both lakes are composed of the same geologic substratum. One lake is surrounded by a dense Sphagnum mat; the other is not. Compared to the pond with Sphagnum, the pond lacking the moss mat should have A) lower numbers of bacteria. B) reduced rates of decomposition. C) reduced oxygen content. D) less-acidic water.

D Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 51) Sporophylls can be found in which of the following? A) mosses B) liverworts C) hornworts D) pterophytes E) charophytes

D Topic: Concept 29.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 610 Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 60) If humans had been present to build log structures during the Carboniferous period (they werenʹt), which plant type(s) would have been suitable sources of logs? A) whisk ferns and epiphytes B) horsetails and bryophytes C) lycophytes and bryophytes D) ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes E) charophytes, bryophytes, and gymnosperms

D Topic: Concept 29.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 66) During glacial periods in the early evolution of land plants, which of these is a beneficial adaptation regarding the number of stomata per unit surface area, and what accounts for it? A) increased numbers of stomata, to maximize absorption of increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 B) increased numbers of stomata, to maximize ability to absorb ever-decreasing levels of atmospheric CO2 C) decreased numbers of stomata, to retain CO2 produced by the chloroplasts D) decreased numbers of stomata, to maximize absorption of ever-decreasing levels of atmospheric CO2

D Topic: Concept 29.3

: Application/Analysis 5) Plants with a dominant sporophyte are successful on land partly because A) having no stomata, they lose less water. B) they all disperse by means of seeds. C) diploid plants experience fewer mutations than do haploid plants. D) their gametophytes are completely enclosed within sporophyte tissue. E) eggs and sperm need not be produced.

D Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 615 4) All of the following cellular structures are functionally important in cells of the gametophytes of both angiosperms and gymnosperms, except A) haploid nuclei. B) mitochondria. C) cell walls. D) chloroplasts. E) peroxisomes.

D Topic: Concept 30.1

: Application/Analysis 39) On the Pacific island of Guam, large herbivorous bats called ʺflying foxesʺ commonly feed on cycad seeds, a potent source of neurotoxins. The flying foxes do not visit male cones. Consequently, what should be true? A) The flying foxes are attracted to cycad fruit, and eat the enclosed seeds only by accident. B) Flying foxes are highly susceptible to the effects of the neurotoxins. C) The flying foxes assist the beetles as important pollinating agents of the cycads. D) Flying foxes can be dispersal agents of cycad seeds if the seeds sometimes get swallowed whole (i.e., without getting chewed).

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 625 40) Native peoples of Guam, such as the Chamorro people, are familiar with the toxicity of cycad tissues, and avoid eating them. They do, however, feast on flying foxes. The Chamorros suffer relatively high incidences of a neurodegenerative disease similar to Lou Gehrigʹs disease (ALS). Which question follows most logically from these observations? A) Do the fruits of cycads also contain the neurotoxins? B) Do pollen-producing cones produce as much neurotoxin as seed-producing cones? C) Is the neurodegenerative disease of the Chamorros transmitted by the bite of the flying fox, similar to the way vampire bats can transmit rabies? D) Do flying foxes concentrate the cycad neurotoxins in their tissues? E) Can it be documented whether Lou Gehrig ever traveled to Guam and, if so, did he eat cycad seeds?

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 24) The main way that pine trees disperse their offspring is by using A) fruits that are eaten by animals. B) spores. C) squirrels to bury cones. D) windblown seeds. E) flagellated sperm swimming through water.

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 621 27) Which of these statements is true of the pine life cycle? A) Cones are homologous to the capsules of moss plants. B) The pine tree is a gametophyte. C) Male and female gametophytes are in close proximity during gamete synthesis. D) Conifer pollen grains contain male gametophytes. E) Double fertilization is a relatively common phenomenon.

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension For the following questions, match the various structures of seed plants with the proper sex and generation (A—D) that most directly produces them. 45) scale of ovulate (ovule-bearing) pinecone A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the description below. The cycads, a mostly tropical phylum of gymnosperms, evolved about 300 million years ago and were dominant forms during the Age of the Dinosaurs. Though their sperm are flagellated, their ovules are pollinated by beetles. These beetles get nutrition (they eat pollen) and shelter from the microsporophylls. Upon visiting megasporophylls, the beetles transfer pollen to the exposed ovules. In cycads, pollen cones and seed cones are borne on different plants. Cycads synthesize neurotoxins, especially in the seeds, that are effective against most animals, including humans. 35) Which feature of cycads distinguishes them from most other gymnosperms? 1. They have exposed ovules. 2. They have flagellated sperm. 3. They are pollinated by animals. A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) 2 and 3 E) 1, 2, and 3

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Synthesis/Evaluation 29) Which of the following can be found in gymnosperms? A) non-fertile flower parts. B) triploid endosperm. C) fruits. D) pollen. E) carpels.

D Topic: Concept 30.2

: Application/Analysis 59) What adaptations should one expect of the seed coats of angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by frugivorous (fruit-eating) animals, as opposed to angiosperm species whose seeds are dispersed by other means? 1. The exterior of the seed coat should have barbs or hooks. 2. The seed coat should contain secondary compounds that irritate the lining of the animalʹs mouth. 3. The seed coat should be able to withstand low pHʹs. 4. The seed coat, upon its complete digestion, should provide vitamins or nutrients to animals. 5. The seed coat should be resistant to the animalsʹ digestive enzymes. A) 4 only B) 1 and 2 C) 2 and 3 D) 3 and 5 E) 3, 4, and 5

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis 78) Hypothetically, one of the major benefits of double fertilization in angiosperms is to A) decrease the potential for mutation by insulating the embryo with other cells. B) increase the number of fertilization events and offspring produced. C) promote diversity in flower shape and color. D) coordinate developmental timing between the embryo and its food stores. E) emphasize embryonic survival by increasing embryo size.

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 629 58) The dispersal and/or nurture of young after hatching from the egg A) endosperm B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei C) carpels D) fruit E) integuments

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 631 66) Angiosperm double fertilization is so-called because it features the formation of A) two embryos from one egg and two sperm cells. B) one embryo from one egg fertilized by two sperm cells. C) two embryos from two sperm cells and two eggs. D) one embryo involving one sperm cell and of endosperm involving a second sperm cell. E) one embryo from two eggs fertilized by a single sperm cell.

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 48) fruit A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 64) Which is a true statement about angiosperm carpels? A) Carpels are features of the gametophyte generation. B) Carpels consist of anther and stamen. C) Carpels are structures that directly produce male gametes. D) Carpels surround and nourish the female gametophyte. E) Carpels consist of highly modified microsporangia.

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 67) Among plants known as legumes (beans, peas, alfalfa, clover, etc.) the seeds are contained in a fruit that is itself called a legume, better known as a pod. Upon opening such pods, it is commonly observed that some ovules have become mature seeds, whereas other ovules have not. Thus, which of these statements is/are true? 1. The flowers that gave rise to such pods were not pollinated. 2. Pollen tubes did not enter all of the ovules in such pods. 3. There was apparently not enough endosperm to distribute to all of the ovules in such pods. 4. The ovules that failed to develop into seeds were derived from sterile floral parts. 5. Fruit can develop, even if all ovules within have not been fertilized. A) 1 only B) 1 and 5 C) 2 and 4 D) 2 and 5 E) 3 and 5

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 80) Which of the following flower parts develops into the pulp of a fleshy fruit? A) stigma B) style C) ovule D) ovary E) micropyle

D Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 85) Which feature of honeybees probably arose under the mutual evolutionary influence of insect-pollinated flowering plants? A) possessing three pairs of legs B) possessing a metabolism whose rate is influenced by environmental temperature C) possessing an exoskeleton made of chitin D) possessing an abdomen that is densely covered with short bristles E) possessing an ovipositor modified as a non-reusable stinger

D Topic: Concept 30.3

1) Which of the following do all fungi have in common? A) meiosis in basidia B) coenocytic hyphae C) sexual life cycle D) absorption of nutrients E) symbioses with algae

D Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis 5) Which of the following is a characteristic of hyphate fungi (fungi featuring hyphae)? A) They acquire their nutrients by phagocytosis. B) Their body plan is a unicellular sphere. C) Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose microfibrils. D) They are adapted for rapid directional growth to new food sources. E) They reproduce asexually by a process known as budding.

D Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 2) The hydrolytic digestion of which of the following should produce monomers that are aminated (i.e., have an amine group attached) molecules of beta-glucose? A) insect exoskeleton B) plant cell walls C) fungal cell walls D) A and C only E) A, B and C

D Topic: Concept 31.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 8) What do fungi and arthropods have in common? A) Both groups are commonly coenocytic. B) The haploid state is dominant in both groups. C) Both groups are predominantly heterotrophs that ingest their food. D) The protective coats of both groups are made of chitin. E) Both groups have cell walls.

D Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis 22) Fungal cells can reproduce asexually by undergoing mitosis followed by cytokinesis. Many fungi can also prepare to reproduce sexually by undergoing A) cytokinesis followed by karyokinesis. B) binary fission followed by cytokinesis. C) plasmolysis followed by karyotyping. D) plasmogamy followed by karyogamy. E) sporogenesis followed by gametogenesis.

D Topic: Concept 31.2

: Application/Analysis 26) Which of the following is characterized by the lack of an observed sexual phase in its membersʹ life cycle? A) Glomeromycota B) Basidiomycota C) Chytridiomycota D) Deuteromycota E) Zygomycota

D Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 16) In most fungi, karyogamy does not immediately follow plasmogamy, which consequently A) means that sexual reproduction can occur in specialized structures. B) results in multiple diploid nuclei per cell. C) allows fungi to reproduce asexually most of the time. D) results in heterokaryotic or dikaryotic cells. E) is strong support for the claim that fungi are not truly eukaryotic.

D Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 648 Chapter 31, Fungi 29) Fossil fungi date back to the origin and early evolution of plants. What combination of environmental and morphological change is similar in the evolution of both fungi and plants? A) presence of ʺcoal forestsʺ and change in mode of nutrition B) periods of drought and presence of filamentous body shape C) predominance in swamps and presence of cellulose in cell walls D) colonization of land and loss of flagellated cells E) continental drift and mode of spore dispersal

D Topic: Concept 31.3

: Application/Analysis 58) Assume now that all four locations are 0.5 m above the surface. On a breezy day with prevailing wings blowing from left to right, where should one expect to find the highest concentration of free basidiospores in an air sample?

D Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 37) Members of this phylum form arbuscular mycorrhizae: A) Zygomycota B) Ascomycota C) Basidiomycota D) Glomeromycota E) Chytridiomycota

D Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 31, Fungi 651 43) Which of these paired fungal structures are structurally and functionally most alike? A) conidia and basidiocarps B) sporangia and hyphae C) soredia and gills D) haustoria and arbuscules E) zoospores and mycelia

D Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 656 Chapter 31, Fungi 64) In both lichens and mycorrhizae, what does the fungal partner provide to its photosynthetic partner? A) carbohydrates B) fixed nitrogen C) antibiotics D) water and minerals E) protection from harmful UV

D Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 66) If all mycorrhizae were somehow disrupted, then which of the following would be true? A) There would be fewer infectious diseases. B) We wouldnʹt have any antibiotics. C) There would be no mushrooms for pizza. D) Most vascular plants would be stunted in their growth. E) Cheeses like blue cheese or Roquefort would not exist.

D Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 70) When pathogenic fungi are found growing on the roots of grape vines, grape farmers sometimes respond by covering the ground around their vines with plastic sheeting and pumping a gaseous fungicide into the soil. The most important concern of grape farmers who engage in this practice should be that the A) fungicide might also kill the native yeasts residing on the surfaces of the grapes. B) fungicide isnʹt also harmful to insect pests. C) lichens growing on the vinesʹ branches are not harmed. D) fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae. E) sheeting is transparent so that photosynthesis can continue.

D Topic: Concept 31.5

: Synthesis/Evaluation 80) Say S. schenkii had initially been classified as a deuteromycete. Asci were later discovered in the pus that oozed from an ulcerated lymph node, and the spores therein germinated, giving rise to S. schenkii yeasts. Which two of these are conclusions that make sense on the basis of this information? 1. S. schenkii produces asexual spores within lymph nodes. 2. S. schenkii should be reclassified. 3. S. schenkii continues to have no known sexual stage. 4. The hyphae growing in lymphatic vessels probably belonged to a different fungal species. 5. S. schenkii yeasts belonging to two different mating strains were introduced by the same thorn prick. A) 1 and 3 B) 1 and 5 C) 2 and 3 D) 2 and 5 E) 4 and 5

D Topic: Concept 31.5

When a mycelium infiltrates an unexploited source of dead organic matter, what are most likely to appear within the food source soon thereafter? A) larger bacterial populations B) increased oxygen levels C) fungal haustoria D) fungal enzymes

D) fungal enzymes

: Application/Analysis 42) A researcher wants to determine the genetic relatedness of several breeds of dog (Canis familiaris). The researcher should compare homologous sequences of __________ that are known to be __________. A) carbohydrates; poorly conserved B) fatty acids; highly conserved C) lipids; poorly conserved D) proteins or nucleic acids; poorly conserved E) amino acids; highly conserved

D Topic: Concepts 26.4

: Application/Analysis 62) Which term accurately describes the behavior of Paramecium species that lack zoochlorellae in an aquarium with light coming from one side only? A) positive chemotaxis B) negative chemotaxis C) positive phototaxis D) negative phototaxis

D Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Application/Analysis Chapter 28, Protists 587 65) The motility that permits P. bursaria to move toward a light source is provided by A) pseudopods. B) a single flagellum composed of the protein, flagellin. C) a single flagellum featuring the 9+2 pattern. D) many cilia. E) contractile vacuoles.

D Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 28, Protists 573 12) Which statement regarding resistance is false? A) Many of the oomycetes that cause potato late blight have become resistant to pesticides. B) Many of the mosquitoes that transmit malaria to humans have become resistant to pesticides. C) Many of the malarial parasites have become resistant to antimalarial drugs. D) Many humans have become resistant to antimalarial drugs. E) Trichomonas vaginalis is resistant to the normal acidity of the human vagina.

D Topic: Concepts 28.2, 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 46) Which of the following is correctly described as a primary producer? A) oomycete B) kinetoplastid C) apicomplexan D) diatom E) radiolarian

D Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 582 Chapter 28, Protists 48) You are given the task of designing an aerobic, mixotrophic protist that can perform photosynthesis in fairly deep water (e.g., 250 m deep), and can also crawl about and engulf small particles. With which two of these structures would you provide your protist? 1. hydrogenosome 2. apicoplast 3. pseudopods 4. chloroplast from red alga 5. chloroplast from green alga A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 2 and 4 D) 3 and 4 E) 4 and 5

D Topic: Concepts 28.2-28.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 611 64) If intelligent extraterrestrials visited Earth 475 million years ago, and then again 300 million years ago (at the close of the Carboniferous period), what trends would they have noticed in Earthʹs terrestrial vegetation over this period? 1. a trend from dominant gametophytes to dominant sprophytes 2. a trend from sporangia borne on modified leaves (sporophylls) to sporangia borne on stalks (seta) 3. a trend from no true leaves, to microphylls, to megaphylls 4. a trend from soil-surface-hugging plants to ʺovertoppingʺ plants 5. a trend toward increased lignification of conducting systems A) 1 and 3 B) 3, 4, and 5 C) 1, 2, 4, and 5 D) 1, 3, 4, and 5 E) 2, 3, 4, and 5

D Topic: Concepts 29.1-29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 46) integument of pine seed A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

D Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 51) megasporangium of pine ovules A) male gametophyte B) female gametophyte C) male sporophyte D) female sporophyte

D Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

The genetic recombination that occurs during conjugation in the ciliate Paramecium most directly involves A) a sex pilus B) plasmids C) macronuclei D) micronuclei E) gametes

D) micronuclei

: Synthesis/Evaluation Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 623 33) Which of these statements is false? A) A female pinecone is a short stem with spore-bearing appendages. B) A male pinecone is a short stem with spore-bearing appendages. C) A flower is a short stem with spore-bearing appendages. D) A mature fruit is a short stem with spore-bearing appendages.

D Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

Application/Analysis 6) What do animals as diverse as corals and monkeys have in common? A)body cavity between body wall and digestive system B) number of embryonic tissue layers C) type of body symmetry D) presence of Hox genes E) degree of cephalization

D Topic: Concept 32.1

Application/Analysis 13) Which of these genetic processes may be most helpful in accounting for the Cambrian explosion? A) binary fission B) mitosis C) random segregation D) gene duplication E) chromosomal condensation

D Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 52) The most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is that between having A) radial or bilateral symmetry. B) a well-defined head or no head. C) diploblastic or triploblastic embryos. D) true tissues or no tissues. E) a body cavity or no body cavity.

D Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 672 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 32) You are trying to identify an organism. It is an animal, but it does not have nerve or muscle tissue. It is neither diploblastic nor triploblastic. It is probably a A) flatworm. B) jelly. C) comb jelly. D) sponge. E) nematode.

D Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 676 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 48) Protostome characteristics generally include which of the following? A) a mouth that develops secondarily, and far away from the blastopore B) radial body symmetry C) radial cleavage D) determinate cleavage E) absence of a body cavity

D Topic: Concept 32.3

Application/Analysis 69) Phylogenetic trees, such as those in Fig. 32.2, are best understood as being scientific A) theories. B) laws. C) principles. D) hypotheses. E) dogmas.

D Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 53) With the current molecular-based phylogeny in mind, rank the following from most inclusive to least inclusive. 1. ecdysozoan 2. protostome 3. eumetazoan 4. triploblastic A) 4, 2, 3, 1 B) 4, 3, 1, 2 C) 3, 4, 1, 2 D) 3, 4, 2, 1 E) 4, 3, 2, 1

D Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 61) Which of the following statements concerning animal taxonomy is (are) true? 1. Animals are more closely related to plants than to fungi. 2. All animal clades based on body plan have been found to be incorrect. 3. Kingdom Animalia is monophyletic. 4. Only animals reproduce by sexual means. 5. Animals are thought to have evolved from flagellated protists similar to modern choanoflagellates. A) 5 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 5 E) 3, 4, 5

D Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 70) Which distinction is given more emphasis by the morphological phylogeny than by the molecular phylogeny? A) metazoan and eumetazoan B) radial and bilateral C) true coelom and pseudocoelom D) protostome and deuterostome E) molting and lack of molting

D Topic: Concept 32.4

Synthesis/Evaluation 68) What is true of the clade Ecdysozoa? A) It includes all animals that molt at some time during their lives. B) It includes all animals that undergo metamorphosis at some time during their lives. C) It includes all animals that have body cavities known as pseudocoeloms. D) It includes all animals with genetic similarities that are shared with no other animals. E) It includes all animals in the former clade ʺProtostomiaʺ that truly do have protostome development.

D Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 4) Which of these can be observed in the mesohyl of various undisturbed sponges at one time or another? 1. amoebocytes 2. spicules 3. spongin 4. zygotes 5. choanocytes A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 C) 1, 2, and 3 D) 1, 2, 3, and 4 E) all five of these

D Topic: Concept 33.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 10) Which of the following is true of members of the phylum Cnidaria? A) They are not capable of locomotion because they lack true muscle tissue. B) They are primarily filter feeders. C) They have either or both of two body forms: mobile polyps and sessile medusae. D) They may use a gastrovascular cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton. E) They are the simplest organisms with a complete alimentary canal (two openings).

D Topic: Concept 33.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 9) Which of the following are characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria? 1. a gastrovascular cavity 2. a polyp stage 3. a medusa stage 4. cnidocytes 5. a pseudocoelom A) 1 and 4 B) 2 and 3 C) 2, 3, and 4 D) 1, 2, 3, and 4 E) all five of these

D Topic: Concept 33.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 19) While vacationing in a country that lacks adequate meat inspection, a student ate undercooked ground beef. Sometime later the student became easily fatigued, and lost body weight. At about the same time, whitish, flattened, rectangular objects full of small white spheres started appearing in his feces. Administration of niclosamide cured the problem. The student had probably been infected by a A) pinworm. B) hookworm. C) nematode. D) tapeworm. E) proboscis worm.

D Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 26) Which molluscan class includes members that undergo embryonic torsion? A) chitons B) bivalves C) gastropods D) cephalopods

D Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 34) Of the annelid classes below, which have externally segmented bodies? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

D Topic: Concept 33.3

What are prions? A) tiny circular molecules of RNA that can infect plants B) viral DNA that attaches itself to the host genome and causes disease C) mobile segments of DNA D) misfolded versions of normal proteins that can cause disease

D) misfolded versions of normal proteins that can cause disease

Knowledge/Comprehension 43) A student observes a worm-like organism crawling about on dead organic matter. Later, the organism sheds its outer covering. One possibility is that the organism is a larval insect (like a maggot). On the other hand, it might be a member of which phylum, and one way to distinguish between the two possibilities is by looking for the presence of A) Platyhelminthes; a cuticle of chitin. B) Nematoda; an alimentary canal. C) Annelida; a body cavity. D) Nematoda; a circulatory system. E) Annelida; muscle in the body wall.

D Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 48) Among the invertebrate phyla, phylum Arthropoda is unique in possessing members that have A) a cuticle. B) a ventral nerve cord. C) open circulation. D) wings. E) segmented bodies.

D Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 54) A terrestrial animal species is discovered with the following larval characteristics: exoskeleton, system of tubes for gas exchange, and modified segmentation. A knowledgeable zoologist should predict that its adults would also feature A) eight legs. B) two pairs of antennae. C) a sessile lifestyle. D) an open circulatory system. E) parapodia.

D Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 62) Which of the following can have long, movable spines? A) class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) B) class Asteroidea (sea stars) C) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) D) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) E) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

D Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 63) Which of the following describe(s) echinoderms? A) They have an endoskeleton of hard calcareous plates. B) Tube feet provide motility in most species. C) They have a pseudocoelom. D) Only A and B are true. E) A, B, and C are true.

D Topic: Concept 33.5

1) Which of the following is a shared characteristic of all chordates? A) scales B) jaws C) vertebrae D) dorsal, hollow nerve cord E) four-chambered heart

D Topic: Concept 34.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 5) Which of the following statements would be least acceptable to most zoologists? A) The extant cephalochordates (lancelets) are contemporaries, not ancestors, of vertebrates. B) The first fossils resembling cephalochordates appeared in the fossil record around 550 million years ago. C) Recent work in molecular systematics supports the hypothesis that cephalochordates are the most recent common ancestor of all vertebrates. D) The extant cephalochordates are the immediate ancestors of the fishes. E) Cephalochordates display the same method of swimming as do fishes.

D Topic: Concept 34.1

Application/Analysis 8) Which of the following statements about craniates is (are) correct? 1. Craniates are more highly cephalized than are non-craniates. 2. Craniatesʹ genomic evolution includes duplication of clusters of genes that code for transcription factors. 3. The craniate clade is synonymous with the vertebrate clade. 4. Pharyngeal slits that can assist in gas exchange originated in craniates, 5. The two-chambered heart originated with the early craniates. A) 1 only B) 1 and 3 C) 2, 4, and 5 D) 1, 2, 4, and 5 E) 1, 3, 4, and 5

D Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 10) What do craniates have that earlier chordates did nothave? A) brain B) vertebrae C) post-anal tail D) partial or complete skull E) bone

D Topic: Concept 34.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 22) A team of researchers has developed a poison that has proven effective against lamprey larvae in freshwater cultures. The poison is ingested and causes paralysis by detaching segmental muscles from the skeletal elements. The team wants to test the poisonʹs effectiveness in streams feeding Lake Michigan, but one critic worries about potential effects on lancelets, which are similar to lampreys in many ways. Why is this concern misplaced? A) A chemical poisonous to lampreys could not also be toxic to organisms as ancestral as lancelets. B) Lamprey larvae and lancelets have very different feeding mechanisms. C) Lancelets do not have segmental muscles. D) Lancelets live only in saltwater environments. E) Lancelets and lamprey larvae eat different kinds of food.

D Topic: Concept 34.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 27) What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans? A) an amniotic egg B) unpaired fins C) an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors D) a mostly cartilaginous endoskeleton E) lack of jaws

D Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 29) Which of these statements accurately describes a similarity between sharks and ray-finned fishes? A) The skin is typically covered by flattened bony scales. B) They are equally able to exchange gases with the environment while stationary. C) They are highly maneuverable due to their flexibility. D) They have a lateral line that is sensitive to changes in water pressure. E) A swim bladder helps control buoyancy.

D Topic: Concept 34.4

Application/Analysis 45) What permits reptiles to thrive in arid environments? A) Their bright coloration reflects the intense UV radiation. B) A large number of prey and a limited number of predators are available in the desert. C) A cartilaginous endoskeleton provides needed flexibility for locomotion on sand. D) Their scales contain the protein keratin, which helps prevent dehydration. E) They have an acute sense of sight, especially in bright sunlight.

D Topic: Concept 34.6

Application/Analysis 61) Whose forelimbs are most analogous to those of keeled birds and bats? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 7 E) 9

D Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 51) Which of the following is characteristic of most extant reptiles and most extant mammals? A) ectothermy B) diaphragm C) shelled eggs D) keratinized skin E) conical teeth that are relatively uniform in size.

D Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 53) Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs? A) lizards B) crocodiles C) snakes D) birds E) mammals

D Topic: Concept 34.6

Application/Analysis 69) Which of these is a trend in hominin evolution? A) increased ability to switch back and forth between bipedalism and quadrupedalism B) well-developed claws for clinging to trees C) a shoulder joint increasingly adapted to brachiation D) increased brain to body ratio E) a shortened period of parental care of offspring

D Topic: Concept 34.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension 53) If the genes of yeast are 50% orthologous to those of humans, and if the genes of mice are 99% orthologous to those of humans, then what percentage of the genes of fish might one validly predict to be orthologous to the genes of humans? A) 10% B) 30% C) 40% D) 50% E) 80%

E Topic: Concept 26.4

Application/Analysis 92) Which of these statements about human evolution is correct? A) The ancestors of Homo sapienswere chimpanzees. B) Human evolution has proceeded in an orderly fashion from an ancestral anthropoid to Homo sapiens. C) The evolution of upright posture and enlarged brain occurred simultaneously. D) Different species of the genus Homo have coexisted at various times throughout hominin evolution. E) Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicates that modern humans are genetically very similar to Neanderthals.

D Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 84) Which of the following are considered hominoids? A) lorises B) lemurs C) monkeys D) orangutans E) tarsiers

D Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 85) The most primitive hominin discovered to date A) may have hunted dinosaurs. B) lived 1.2 million years ago. C) closely resembled a chimpanzee. D) walked on two legs. E) had a relatively large brain.

D Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 87) Which of these species was the first to craft stone tools? A) H. heidelbergensis B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

D Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 93) Rank the following in terms of body-size differences that are attributed to sexual dimorphism, from most dimorphic to least dimorphic. 1. Homo sapiens 2. Chimpanzees and bonobos 3. Australopithecus afarensis 4. Homo habilis A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 1, 3, 2, 4 C) 3, 2, 4, 1 D) 2, 3, 4, 1 E) 4, 3, 2, 1

D Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 56) One should expect to find the ʺ9 + 2 patternʺ of microtubules in association with the feeding apparatus of which of the following? A) annelids B) coral animals C) tapeworms D) sponges E) terrestrial insects

D Topic: Concepts 33.1-33.4

Application/Analysis 73) Protostomes that have an open circulatory system and an exoskeleton of chitin are part of which phylum? A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Mollusca D) Arthropoda E) Echinodermata

D Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Synthesis/Evaluation 88) The clownfish readily swims among the tentacles of the sea anemones; the parrotfish avoids them. One hypothesis for the clownfishʹs apparent immunity is that they slowly build a tolerance to the sea anemoneʹs toxin. A second hypothesis is that a chemical in the mucus that coats the clownfish prevents the nematocysts from being triggered. Which of these findings would lend the greatest support to the second hypothesis? A) Upon close examination, clownfish maneuverability is so precise as to allow it to avoid contacting any tentacles. B) Clownfishes can eat the dead tentacles of the sea anemones. C) Clownfishes are immune to the toxins of not just one, but many species of sea anemone. D) Clownfish mucus contains a chemical very similar to one found in the trigger mechanism of sea anemone nematocysts.

D Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Synthesis/Evaluation 90) The clownfish and parrotfish died on the same day. Autopsies revealed the presence of many small, flat worms using tiny suckers to attach to the fish gills. Most likely, these worms were members of which phylum, and which class? A) Annelida, Hirudinea B) Annelida, Polychaetae C) Platyhelminthes, Cestoda D) Platyhelminthes, Monogenea E) Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria

D Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 14) Which characteristic is shared by both cnidarians and flatworms? A) dorsoventrally flattened bodies B) flame bulbs C) radial symmetry D) a digestive system with a single opening E) both A and D

D Topic: Concepts 33.2, 33.3

Application/Analysis 85) If the teacher had wanted to demonstrate that some invertebrates possess a closed circulatory system, the teacher should have removed and dissected a A) mollusc. B) sea star. C) shrimp. D) polychaete. E) parrotfish.

D Topic: Concepts 33.2-33.5

Synthesis/Evaluation 70) A stalked, sessile marine organism has several feathery feeding structures surrounding an opening through which food enters. The organism could potentially be a cnidarian, a lophophorate, a tube-dwelling worm, a crustacean, or an echinoderm. Finding which of the following in this organism would allow the greatest certainty of identification? A) the presence of what seemsto be radial symmetry B) a hard covering made partly of calcium carbonate C) a digestive system with mouth and anus separate from each other D) a water vascular system E) a nervous system

D Topic: Concepts 33.2-33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions refer to the paragraph below. An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a salt-water aquarium. Knowing that salt-water aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a polychaete, a siliceous sponge, several bivalves, a shrimp, several sea anemones of different types, a colonial hydra, a few coral species, an ectoproct, a sea star, and several gastropod varieties. Lastly, some vertebrates-a parrotfish and a clownfish-were added. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish. 78) One day, little Tommy (a student in an under-supervised class of 40 fifth graders) got the urge to pet Nemo (the clownfish) who was swimming among the waving petals of a pretty underwater ʺflowerʺ that had a big hole in the midst of the petals. Tommy giggled upon finding that these petals were sticky feeling. A few hours later, Tommy was in the nurseʹs office with nausea and cramps. Microscopic examination of his fingers would probably have revealed the presence of A) teeth marks. B) spines. C) spicules. D) nematocysts. E) a radula.

D Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 105) This is a gene linked to the development of speech in hominids: A) Hox B) Dlx C) Otx D) FOXP2 E) more than one of these

D Topic: Concepts 34.1—34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 724 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 35) Arrange these taxonomic terms from most inclusive (i.e., most general) to least inclusive (i.e., most specific). 1. lobe-fins 2. amphibians 3. gnathostomes 4. osteichthyans 5. tetrapods A) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 B) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 C) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1 D) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 E) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2

D Topic: Concepts 34.4, 34.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 74) Three major groups: egg-laying, pouched, and placental A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) birds

D Topic: Concepts 34.4-34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 71) In which vertebrates is fertilization exclusively internal? A) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and mammals B) amphibians, mammals, and reptiles C) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and reptiles D) reptiles and mammals E) reptiles and amphibians

D Topic: Concepts 34.5-34.7

2) Which of the following characteristics of plants is absent in their closest relatives, the charophyte algae? A) chlorophyll b B) cellulose in cell walls C) formation of a cell plate during cytokinesis D) sexual reproduction E) alternation of multicellular generations


4) The adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is primarily related to A) the ability to form haustoria and parasitize other organisms. B) avoiding sexual reproduction until the environment changes. C) the potential to inhabit almost all terrestrial habitats. D) the increased probability of contact between different mating types. E) an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition.


4) Which of the following characteristics is probably most responsible for the great diversification of insects on land? A) segmentation B) antennae C) eyes D) bilateral symmetry E) exoskeleton


5) Which protists are in the same eukaryotic ʺsupergroupʺ as land plants? A) green algae B) dinoflagellates C) red algae D) brown algae E) A and C are both correct


: Knowledge/Comprehension 1) Genetic variation in bacterial populations cannot result from A) transduction. B) transformation. C) conjugation. D) mutation. E) meiosis.


Knowledge/Comprehension 1) Vertebrates and tunicates share A) jaws adapted for feeding. B) a high degree of cephalization. C) the formation of structures from the neural crest. D) an endoskeleton that includes a skull. E) a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.


What is the main basis for placing the arthropods and nematodes in the Ecdysozoa in one hypothesis of animal phylogeny? A) Animals in both groups are segmented. B) Animals in both groups undergo ecdysis. C) They both have radial, determinate cleavage, and their embryonic development is similar. D) The fossil record has revealed a common ancestor to these two phyla. E) Analysis of genes shows that their sequences are quite similar, and these sequences differ from those of the lophotrochozoans and deuterostomes.


: Application/Analysis 520 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 8) If organisms A, B, and C belong to the same class but to different orders and if organisms D, E, and F belong to the same order but to different families, which of the following pair of organisms would be expected to show the greatest degree of structural homology? A) A and B B) A and C C) B and D D) C and F E) D and F

E Topic: Concept 26.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 528 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 38) Cladograms (a type of phylogenetic tree) constructed from evidence from molecular systematics are based on similarities in A) morphology. B) the pattern of embryological development. C) biochemical pathways. D) habitat and lifestyle choices. E) mutations to homologous genes.

E Topic: Concept 26.3

: Application/Analysis 534 Chapter 26, Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 55) What is true of gene duplication (NOTE: gene duplication is a process that is distinct from DNA replication)? A) It is a type of point mutation. B) Its occurrence is limited to diploid species. C) Its occurrence is limited to organisms without functional DNA-repair enzymes. D) It is most similar in its effects to a deletion mutation. E) It can increase the size of a genome over evolutionary time.

E Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 45) Species that are not closely related and that do not share many anatomical similarities can still be placed together on the same phylogenetic tree by comparing their A) plasmids. B) chloroplast genomes. C) mitochondrial genomes. D) homologous genes that are poorly conserved. E) homologous genes that are highly conserved.

E Topic: Concept 26.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 73) Which is an obsolete kingdom that includes prokaryotic organisms? A) Plantae B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Protista E) Monera

E Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 75) Which kingdom has been replaced with two domains? A) Plantae B) Fungi C) Animalia D) Protista E) Monera

E Topic: Concept 26.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 18) Not present in all bacteria, this cell covering enables cells that possess it to resist the defenses of host organisms: A) endospore B) sex pilus C) flagellum D) cell wall E) capsule

E Topic: Concept 27.1

: Synthesis/Evaluation 34) Which term is least closely associated with the others? A) Hfr cells making use of a sex pilus B) rolling circle replication C) the ʺtoilet paperʺ model of replication D) conjugation involving an F factor E) recombination involving a bacteriophage

E Topic: Concept 27.2

: Application/Analysis 52) Given that the enzymes that catalyze nitrogen fixation are inhibited by oxygen, what are two ʺstrategiesʺ that nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes might use to protect these enzymes from oxygen? 1. couple them with photosystem II (the photosystem that splits water molecules) 2. package them in membranes that are impermeable to all gases 3. be obligate anaerobes 4. be strict aerobes 5. package these enzymes in specialized cells or compartments that inhibit oxygen entry A) 1 and 4 B) 2 and 4 C) 2 and 5 D) 3 and 4 E) 3 and 5

E Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 44) Which of the following are responsible for many human diseases? A) photoautotrophs B) photoheterotrophs C) chemoautotrophs D) chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition E) parasitic chemoheterotrophs

E Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 51) Only certain prokaryotes can perform nitrogen fixation, but nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes are not known to live inside animals. Thus, how do animals gain access to fixed nitrogen? A) They may breathe it in from air that has experienced lightning discharges. B) They may ingest nitrogen fixers. C) They may ingest plants that harbor nitrogen fixers, or plants that absorbed fixed nitrogen from the soil. D) They may ingest other animals that had done either (B) or (C) above. E) Answers (B), (C), and (D) above are all possible.

E Topic: Concept 27.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 15) Which of these statements about dinoflagellates is false? A) They possess two flagella. B) Some cause red tides. C) Their walls are composed of cellulose plates. D) Many types contain chlorophyll. E) Their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor, and are mined to serve as a filtering material.

E Topic: Concept 28.3

: Application/Analysis 63) A fish that had been salt-cured subsequently develops a reddish color. You suspect that the fish has been contaminated by the extreme halophile, Halobacterium. Which of these features of cells removed from the surface of the fish, if confirmed, would support your suspicion? 1. the presence of the same photosynthetic pigments found in cyanobacteria 2. cell walls that lack peptidoglycan 3. cells that are isotonic to conditions on the surface of the fish 4. its cells contain bacteriorhodopsin 5. the presence of very large numbers of ion pumps in its plasma membrane A) 2 and 5 B) 3 and 4 C) 1, 4, and 5 D) 3, 4, and 5 E) 2, 3, 4, and 5

E Topic: Concept 27.4

: Application/Analysis 68) How can prokaryotes be considered to be more successful on Earth than humans? A) Prokaryotes are much more numerous and have more biomass. B) Prokaryotes occupy more diverse habitats. C) Prokaryotes are more diverse in metabolism. D) Only B and C are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct.

E Topic: Concept 27.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 71) Broad-spectrum antibiotics inhibit the growth of most intestinal bacteria. Consequently, assuming that nothing is done to counter the reduction of intestinal bacteria, a hospital patient who is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics is most likely to become A) unable to fix carbon dioxide. B) antibiotic resistant. C) unable to fix nitrogen. D) unable to synthesize peptidoglycan. E) deficient in certain vitamins.

E Topic: Concept 27.6

: Knowledge/Comprehension 2) Biologists have long been aware that the defunct kingdom Protista is paraphyletic. Which of these statements is both true and consistent with this conclusion? A) Many species within this kingdom were once classified as monerans. B) Animals, plants, and fungi arose from different protist ancestors. C) The eukaryotic condition has evolved only once among the protists, and all eukaryotes are descendants of that first eukaryotic cell. D) Chloroplasts among various protists are similar to those found in prokaryotes. E) Some protists, all animals, and all fungi share a protist common ancestor, but these protists, animals, and fungi are currently assigned to three different kingdoms.

E Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 7) Which organisms represent the common ancestor of all photosynthetic plastids found in eukaryotes? A) autotrophic euglenids B) diatoms C) dinoflagellates D) red algae E) cyanobacteria

E Topic: Concept 28.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 25) The following are all characteristic of the water molds (oomycetes) except A) the presence of filamentous feeding structures. B) flagellated zoospores. C) a nutritional mode that can result in the decomposition of dead organic matter. D) a morphological similarity to fungi that is the result of evolutionary convergence. E) a feeding plasmodium.

E Topic: Concept 28.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 33) Typically as cells grow, their increase in volume outpaces their increase in surface area, and continued survival requires undergoing asexual reproduction to reestablish a healthy surface area to volume ratio. Thus, which of these is least likely to contribute to the ability of a single-celled foraminiferan to grow to a diameter of several centimeters? A) Its threadlike pseudopods dramatically increase its surface area to volume ratio. B) Its symbiotic algae provide oxygen to the cytoplasm. C) Its symbiotic algae absorb metabolic waste products from the cytoplasm. D) Its symbiotic algae provide glucose to the cytoplasm. E) Its calcium carbonate test contributes extra mass.

E Topic: Concept 28.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 580 Chapter 28, Protists 40) Which taxon of eukaryotic organisms is thought to be directly ancestral to the plant kingdom? A) golden algae B) radiolarians C) foraminiferans D) apicomplexans E) green algae

E Topic: Concept 28.5

: Application/Analysis 59) Which of these are actual mutualistic partnerships that involve a protist and a host organism? A) cellulose-digesting gut protists : wood-eating termites B) dinoflagellates : reef-building coral animals C) Trichomonas : humans D) algae : certain foraminiferans E) all except C

E Topic: Concept 28.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension 8) On a field trip, a student in a marine biology class collects an organism that has differentiated organs, cell walls of cellulose, and chloroplasts with chlorophyll a. Based on this description, the organism could be a brown alga, a red alga, a green alga, a charophyte recently washed into the ocean from a freshwater or brackish water source, or a land plant washed into the ocean. The presence of which of the following features would definitively identify this organism as a land plant? A) alternation of generations B) sporopollenin C) rosette cellulose-synthesizing complexes D) flagellated sperm E) embryos

E Topic: Concept 29.1

: Application/Analysis Chapter 29, Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 605 40) The 2-m height attainable by Polytrichum moss is at the upper end of the size range reached by mosses. What accounts for the relative tallness of Polytrichum? A) the cuticle that is found along the ridges of ʺleavesʺ B) ʺleavesʺ that are more than one-cell-layer thick C) high humidity of surrounding air provides support against gravity D) reduced size, mass, and persistence of the sporophytes allows gametophores to grow taller E) the presence of conducting tissues in ʺstemʺ

E Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 29) The following are all true about the life cycle of mosses except A) external water is required for fertilization. B) flagellated sperm are produced. C) antheridia and archegonia are produced by gametophytes. D) the gametophyte generation is dominant. E) the growing embryo gives rise to the gametophyte.

E Topic: Concept 29.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 32) A fungal infection damages all peristomes, preventing them from performing their function. Which process will be directly hindered as a result? A) growth of the sporophyte B) ability of sperm to locate eggs C) growth of the protonema D) lengthening of rhizoids E) broadcast of spores

E Topic: Concept 29.2

: Application/Analysis 59) Assuming that they all belong to the same plant, arrange the following structures from largest to smallest (or from most inclusive to least inclusive). 1. spores 2. sporophylls 3. sporophytes 4. sporangia A) 2, 4, 3, 1 B) 2, 3, 4, 1 C) 3, 1, 4, 2 D) 3, 4, 2, 1 E) 3, 2, 4, 1

E Topic: Concept 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension The following questions are based on this description: A biology student hiking in a forest happens upon an erect, 15-cm-tall plant that bears microphylls and a strobilus at its tallest point. When disturbed, the cone emits a dense cloud of brownish dust. A pocket magnifying glass reveals the dust to be composed of tiny spheres with a high oil content. 54) This student has probably found a(n) A) immature pine tree. B) bryophyte sporophyte. C) fern sporophyte. D) horsetail gametophyte. E) lycophyte sporophyte.

E Topic: Concept 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 20) In terms of alternation of generations, the internal parts of the pollen grains of seed-producing plants are most similar to a A) moss sporophyte. B) moss gametophyte bearing both male and female gametangia. C) fern sporophyte. D) hermaphroditic fern gametophyte. E) fern gametophyte bearing only antheridia.

E Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension 6) The seed coatʹs most important function is to provide A) a nonstressful environment for the megasporangium. B) the means for dispersal. C) dormancy. D) a nutrient supply for the embryo. E) desiccation resistance.

E Topic: Concept 30.1

: Knowledge/Comprehension Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 619 18) Arrange the following in the correct sequence, from earliest to most recent, in which these plant traits originated: 1. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte independence 2. sporophyte dominance, gametophyte dependence 3. gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dependence A) 1 2 3 B) 2 3 1 C) 2 1 3 D) 3 2 1 E) 3 1 2

E Topic: Concept 30.1

: Application/Analysis 56) The shell of an animal egg A) endosperm B) pollen tube and sperm nuclei C) carpels D) fruit E) integuments

E Topic: Concept 30.3

: Application/Analysis 84) Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to phenolic secretions of plants like poison oak (Rhus). These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that A) prevent desiccation. B) favor pollination. C) foster seed dispersal. D) decrease competition. E) inhibit herbivory.

E Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 63) Carpels and stamens are A) sporophyte plants in their own right. B) gametophyte plants in their own right. C) gametes. D) spores. E) modified sporophylls.

E Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 41) The gray-black, filamentous, haploid mycelium growing on bread is most likely what kind of organism? A) chytrid B) ascomycete C) basidiomycete D) deuteromycete E) zygomycete

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 632 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 70) Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm. 1. ovary 2. ovule 3. egg 4. carpel 5. embryo sac A) 4, 2, 1, 5, 3 B) 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 C) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 D) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 E) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3

E Topic: Concept 30.3

: Synthesis/Evaluation 71) Which structure(s) must pass through the micropyle for successful fertilization to occur in angiosperms? A) one sperm nucleus B) two sperm nuclei C) the pollen tube D) A and C E) B and C

E Topic: Concept 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 93) What is the greatest threat to plant diversity? A) insects B) grazing and browsing by animals C) pathogenic fungi D) competition with other plants E) human population growth

E Topic: Concept 30.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 11) The vegetative (nutritionally active) bodies of most fungi are A) composed of hyphae. B) referred to as a mycelium. C) usually underground. D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

E Topic: Concept 31.1

: Application/Analysis Chapter 31, Fungi 647 25) A chemical secreted by a female Bombyx moth helps the male of the species locate her, at which time sexual reproduction may occur. This chemical is most similar in function to which chemicals used by sexually reproducing fungi? A) chitin B) enzymes C) lysergic acids D) aflatoxins E) pheromones

E Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 18) Which process occurs in fungi and has the opposite effect on a cellʹs chromosome number than does meiosis I? A) mitosis B) plasmogamy C) crossing-over D) binary fission E) karyogamy

E Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 24) For mycelia described as heterokaryons or as being dikaryotic, which process has already occurred, and which process has not yet occurred? A) germination, plasmogamy B) karyogamy, germination C) meiosis, mitosis D) germination, mitosis E) plasmogamy, genetic recombination

E Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 646 Chapter 31, Fungi 21) Each of the eight ascospores present at the end of mitosis has the same chromosome number and DNA content (ng) as each of the four cells at the end of meiosis. What must have occurred in each spore between the round of meiosis and the round of mitosis? A) double fertilization B) crossing-over C) nondisjunction D) autopolyploidy E) S phase

E Topic: Concept 31.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 30) Which of the following characteristics is shared by both chytrids and other kinds of fungi? A) presence of flagella B) zoospores C) autotrophic mode of nutrition D) cell walls of cellulose E) nucleotide sequences of several genes

E Topic: Concept 31.3

: Application/Analysis 39) Zygosporangia are to zygomycetes as basidia are to A) basal fungi. B) chytrids. C) sac fungi. D) basidiospores. E) club fungi.

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 53) In what structures do both Penicillium and Aspergillus produce asexual spores? A) asci B) zygosporangia C) rhizoids D) gametangia E) conidiophores

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis Chapter 31, Fungi 649 33) This phylum contains organisms that most closely resemble the common ancestor of fungi and animals: A) Zygomycota B) Ascomycota C) Basidiomycota D) Glomeromycota E) Chytridiomycota

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 49) Arrange the following from largest to smallest, assuming that they all come from the same fungus. 1. basidiocarp 2. basidium 3. basidiospore 4. mycelium 5. gill A) 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 B) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 C) 5, 1, 4, 3, 2 D) 5, 1, 3, 2, 4 E) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Knowledge/Comprehension 52) A fungal spore germinates, giving rise to a mycelium that grows outward into the soil surrounding the site where the spore originally landed. Which of these accounts for the fungal movement, as described here? A) karyogamy B) mycelial flagella C) alternation of generations D) breezes distributing spores E) cytoplasmic streaming in hyphae

E Topic: Concept 31.4

: Application/Analysis 61) Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, that inhibit the growth of bacteria, are known as A) antibodies. B) aflatoxins. C) hallucinogens. D) antigens. E) antibiotics.

E Topic: Concept 31.5

: Application/Analysis 73) Sexual reproduction has never been observed among the fungi that produce the blue-green marbling of blue cheeses. What is true of these fungi and others that do not have a sexual stage? A) They are currently classified among the deuteromycetes. B) They do not form heterokaryons. C) Their spores are produced by mitosis. D) Only A and B are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct.

E Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 62) Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and A) mosses. B) cyanobacteria. C) green algae. D) either A or B E) either B or C

E Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 63) Lichens sometimes reproduce asexually using A) coenocytic fungal hyphae located within photosynthetic cells. B) the fruiting bodies of fungi. C) flagellated, conjoined spores of both the fungus and alga. D) specialized conidiophores. E) small clusters of fungal hyphae surrounding photosynthetic cells.

E Topic: Concept 31.5

: Knowledge/Comprehension 56) Paralogous genes that have lost the function of coding for a functional gene product are known as ʺpseudogenes.ʺ Which of these is a valid prediction regarding the fate of pseudogenes over evolutionary time? A) They will be preserved by natural selection. B) They will be highly conserved. C) They will ultimately regain their original function. D) They will be transformed into orthologous genes. E) They will have relatively high mutation rates.

E Topic: Concepts 26.4, 26.5

: Application/Analysis 64) If both host and alga can survive apart from each other, then which of these best accounts for their ability to live together? A) genome fusion B) horizontal gene transfer C) genetic recombination D) conjugation E) metabolic cooperation

E Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

Application/Analysis 9) The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a A) unicellular chytrid. B) unicellular yeast. C) plant. D) multicellular fungus. E) flagellated protist.

E Topic: Concept 32.2

: Knowledge/Comprehension 586 Chapter 28, Protists The following questions refer to the description below. Healthy individuals of Paramecium bursaria contain photosynthetic algal endosymbionts of the genus Chlorella. When within their hosts, the algae are referred to as zoochlorellae. In aquaria with light coming from only one side, P. bursaria gathers at the well-lit side, whereas other species of Paramecium gather at the opposite side. The zoochlorellae provide their hosts with glucose and oxygen, and P. bursaria provides its zoochlorellae with protection and motility. P. bursaria can lose its zoochlorellae: (1) if kept in darkness, the algae die, and (2) if prey items (mostly bacteria) are absent from its habitat, P. bursaria will digest its zoochlorellae. 61) Which term most accurately describes the nutritional mode of healthy P. bursaria? A) photoautotroph B) photoheterotroph C) chemoheterotroph D) chemoautotroph E) mixotroph

E Topic: Concepts 28.1-28.7

: Knowledge/Comprehension 46) You are hiking in a forest and happen upon a plant featuring a central stemlike structure from which sprout many, tiny, leaflike structures. Which of these would be the most certain means of distinguishing whether it was a true moss, or a club moss? A) its color B) its height C) if seeds are present D) if conducting tissues are present E) the appearance of its spore-producing structures

E Topic: Concepts 29.2, 29.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 42) A botanist discovers a new species of land plant with a dominant sporophyte, chlorophylls a and b, and cell walls made of cellulose. In assigning this plant to a phylum, which of the following, if present, would be least useful? A) endosperm B) seeds C) sperm that lack flagella D) flowers E) spores

E Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

: Knowledge/Comprehension 626 Chapter 30, Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 44) Reptilian embryos are protected from desiccation by a leathery shell. Similarly, which pair of structures protects seed plantsʹ embryos and male gametophytes, respectively, from desiccation? A) ovules : waxy cuticle B) ovaries : filaments C) fruits : stamens D) pollen grains : waxy cuticle E) integuments : sporopollenin

E Topic: Concepts 30.2, 30.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 5) The number of legs an insect has, the number of vertebrae in a vertebral column, or the number of joints in a digit (such as a finger) are all strongly influenced by A) haploid genomes. B) introns within genes. C) heterotic genes. D) heterogeneous genes. E) Hox genes.

E Topic: Concept 32.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 7) The Hox genes came to regulate each of the following in what sequence, from earliest to most recent? 1. identity and position of paired appendages in protostome embryos 2. formation of water channels in sponges 3. anterior-posterior orientation of segments in protostome embryos 4. positioning of tentacles in cnidarians 5. anterior-posterior orientation in vertebrate embryos A) 4 1 3 2 5 B) 4 2 3 1 5 C) 4 2 5 3 1 D) 2 4 5 3 1 E) 2 4 3 1 5

E Topic: Concept 32.1

Application/Analysis 18) Arthropods invaded land about 100 million years before vertebrates did so. This most clearly implies that A) arthropods evolved before vertebrates did. B) extant terrestrial arthropods are better adapted to terrestrial life than are extant terrestrial vertebrates. C) ancestral arthropods must have been poorly adapted to aquatic life, thus experienced a selective pressure to invade land. D) vertebrates evolved from arthropods. E) arthropods have had more time to co-evolve with land plants than have vertebrates.

E Topic: Concept 32.2

Knowledge/Comprehension 12) Which statement is most consistent with the hypothesis that the Cambrian explosion was caused by the rise of predator-prey relationships? A) increased incidence of worm burrows in the fossil record B) increased incidence of larger animals in the fossil record C) increased incidence of organic material in the fossil record D) increased incidence of fern galls in the fossil record E) increased incidence of hard parts in the fossil record

E Topic: Concept 32.2

Application/Analysis 23) What is the correct sequence of the following four events during an animalʹs development? 1. gastrulation 2. metamorphosis 3. fertilization 4. cleavage A) 4 3 2 1 B) 4 3 1 2 C) 3 2 4 1 D) 3 4 2 1 E) 3 4 1 2

E Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 26) What may have occurred to prevent species that are of the same grade from also belonging to the same clade? A) similar structures arising independently in different lineages B) convergent evolution among different lineages C) adaptation by different lineages to the same selective pressures D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

E Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 29) Cephalization is primarily associated with A) adaptation to dark environments. B) method of reproduction. C) fate of the blastopore. D) type of digestive system. E) bilateral symmetry.

E Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 41) Which of the following functions is an advantage of a fluid-filled body cavity? A) Internal organs are cushioned and protected from injury. B) Organs can grow and move independently of the outer body wall. C) The fluid within the cavity acts as a hydrostatic skeleton. D) A and C only E) A, B, and C

E Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 42) You have before you a living organism, which you examine carefully. Which of the following should convince you that the organism is acoelomate? A) It responds to food by moving toward it. B) It is triploblastic. C) It has bilateral symmetry. D) It possesses sensory structures at its anterior end. E) Muscular activity of its digestive system distorts the body wall.

E Topic: Concept 32.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 60) Which of the following organisms are deuterostomes? A) molluscs B) annelids C) echinoderms D) chordates E) both C and D

E Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 684 Chapter 32, An Introduction to Animal Diversity 71) The last common ancestor of all bilaterians is thought to have had four Hox genes. Most extant cnidarians have two Hox genes, except Nematostella (of beta-catenin fame), which has three Hox genes. On the basis of these observations, some have proposed that the ancestral cnidarians were originally bilateral and, in stages, lost Hox genes from their genomes. If true, this would mean that A) ʺRadiataʺ should be a true clade. B) The radial symmetry of extant cnidarians is secondarily derived, rather than being an ancestral trait. C) Hox genes play little actual role in coding for an animalʹs ʺbody plan.ʺ D) Cnidaria may someday replace Acoela as the basal bilaterians. E) both B and D

E Topic: Concept 32.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 3) A spongeʹs structural materials (spicules, spongin) are manufactured by the A) pore cells. B) epidermal cells. C) choanocytes. D) zygotes. E) amoebocytes.

E Topic: Concept 33.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 5) Which chemical is synthesized by some sponges and acts as an antibiotic? A) streptomycin B) spongin C) calcium carbonate D) silica E) cribrostatin

E Topic: Concept 33.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 21) Which of the following statements about tapeworm feeding methods is correct? A) They have complete digestive tracts. B) They use degenerate mouths to ingest some of their food. C) As adults, they live and feed in the hostʹs bloodstream. D) They are autotrophic. E) They absorb nutrients across their body walls.

E Topic: Concept 33.3

Knowledge/Comprehension 36) The name of which of the following annelid classes indicates the relative number of bristles (chaetae) its members have? A) Oligochaeta B) Polychaeta C) Hirudinea (leeches) D) all three of these E) two of these

E Topic: Concept 33.3

Application/Analysis 55) The possession of two pairs of antennae is a characteristic of A) spiders. B) insects. C) centipedes. D) millipedes. E) crustaceans.

E Topic: Concept 33.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 50) You find a small animal with eight legs crawling up your bedroom wall. Closer examination will probably reveal that this animal has A) antennae. B) no antennae. C) chelicerae. D) A and C E) B and C

E Topic: Concept 33.4

Application/Analysis 67) If the pond organisms are larvae, rather than adults, Sarah should expect them to have all of the following structures, except A) antennae. B) an open circulatory system. C) an exoskeleton of chitin. D) complex eyes. E) sex organs.

E Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 60) Which of the following are elongated in the oral-aboral axis? A) class Crinoidea (sea lilies and feather stars) B) class Asteroidea (sea stars) C) class Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) D) class Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars) E) class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers)

E Topic: Concept 33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 3) Which of these are characteristics of all chordates during at least a portion of their development? A) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord B) pharyngeal clefts C) post-anal tail D) A and B only E) A, B, and C

E Topic: Concept 34.1

Knowledge/Comprehension 28) To which of these are the scales of chondrichthyans most closely related in a structural sense? A) osteichthyan scales B) reptilian scales C) mammalian scales D) bird scales E) chondrichthyan teeth

E Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 31) There is evidence that ray-finned fishes originally evolved A) in response to a crisis that wiped out the chondrichthyans. B) directly from lampreys and hagfish. C) early in the Cambrian period. D) directly from cephalochordates. E) in freshwater environments.

E Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 722 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 26) All of these might have been observed in the common ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans, except A) a mineralized, bony skeleton. B) scales. C) lungs. D) gills. E) a swim bladder.

E Topic: Concept 34.4

Knowledge/Comprehension 76) No urinary bladder, females with one ovary, no teeth A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) birds

E Topic: Concept 34.4-34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension While on an intersession course in tropical ecology, Kris pulls a large, snakelike organism from a burrow (the class was granted a collecting permit). The 1-m-long organism has smooth skin, which appears to be segmented. It has two tiny eyes that are hard to see because they seem to be covered by skin. Kris brings it back to the lab at the field station, where it is a source of puzzlement to the class. Kris says that it is a giant oligochaete worm; Shaun suggests it is a legless amphibian; Kelly proposes it belongs to a snake species that is purely fossorial (lives in a burrow). 38) Which characteristic should permit the class to conclude that it is probably not a snake? A) its length B) the number of eyes C) the size and condition of its eyes D) its presence in a burrow E) the absence of scales on its surface

E Topic: Concept 34.5

Application/Analysis 62) Whose DNA would have had the most sequence homologies with amphibian DNA? A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8 E) 9

E Topic: Concept 34.6

Knowledge/Comprehension 66) Differentiation of teeth is observed in A) sharks. B) bony fishes. C) amphibians. D) reptiles. E) mammals.

E Topic: Concept 34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 68) Which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to do in order to determine whether a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal? A) Look for the presence of milk-producing glands. B) Look for the mammalian characteristics of a four-chambered heart and a diaphragm. C) Because mammals are eutherians, look for evidence of a placenta. D) Use molecular analysis to look for the protein keratin. E) Examine the teeth.

E Topic: Concept 34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 70) How are primates different from all other mammals? A) placental embryonic development B) hairy bodies C) arboreal lifestyles D) ability to produce milk E) opposable thumbs in many species

E Topic: Concept 34.7

Knowledge/Comprehension 101) Which is the most specific group in which prosimians can be included? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 80) Which of these hominin traits seems to have occurred before the others? A) tool use B) increased brain size C) symbolic thought D) language E) bipedalism

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 81) Which of these traits is most strongly associated with the adoption of bipedalism? A) fingerprints B) enhanced depth perception C) shortened hindlimbs D) opposable big toe E) repositioning of foramen magnum

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 82) Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct? A) Modern humans are the only human species to have evolved on Earth. B) Human ancestors were virtually identical to extant chimpanzees. C) Human evolution has occurred within an unbranched lineage. D) The upright posture and enlarged brain of humans evolved simultaneously. E) Fossil evidence indicates that early anthropoids were arboreal, and cat-sized.

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 90) Which of these species demonstrates symbolic thought, art, and full-blown language? A) H. heidelbergensis B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Knowledge/Comprehension 99) Which is the most inclusive (most general) group, all of whose members have fingernails instead of claws? A) hominoids B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

E Topic: Concept 34.8

Application/Analysis 92) The teacher and class were especially saddened when the colonial hydrozoan died. They had watched it carefully, and the unfortunate creature never even got to produce offspring by budding. Yet, everyone was elated when Tommy (now recovered) noticed a small colonial hydrozoan growing in a part of the tank far from the location of the original colony. The teacher, who proclaimed a miracle, was apparently unaware that these hydrozoans exhibit A) spontaneous generation. B) abiogenesis. C) alternation of generations. D) ecdysis. E) a medusa stage.

E Topic: Concepts 33.2 —33.5

Application/Analysis 81) If the teacher wanted to show the students what a lophophore is, and how it works, the teacher would point out a feeding A) hydra. B) sponge. C) bivalve. D) gastropod. E) ectoproct.

E Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Knowledge/Comprehension 76) Deuterostomes that have an endoskeleton are part of which phylum? A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Mollusca D) Arthropoda E) Echinodermata

E Topic: Concepts 33.2—33.5

Application/Analysis 720 Chapter 34, Vertebrates 17) Lampreys differ from hagfishes in A) lacking jaws. B) having a cranium. C) having pharyngeal clefts that develop into pharyngeal slits. D) having a notochord throughout life. E) having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube of cartilage.

E Topic: Concepts 34.2, 34.3

Regarding the Kingdom Fungi, A) all muticellular forms have haploid nuclei. B) the main fungus body is called a mycelium. C) cell walls are reinforced with the polysaccharide chitin. D) materials can easily stream through septate hyphae because of large pores. E) ALL of the above.

E) ALL of the above.

Many prokaryotes are able to move around on their own effort within their environment. Which of the following statements is FALSE about this motility? A) Movement may be produced by rotating protein fibers. B) Some taxis includes oriented movement away from light. C) Some spiral-shaped bacteria can move around with no external flagella. D) Movement can involve slimy secretions. E) Negative chemotaxis helps some heterotrophic bacteria to locate food.

E) Negative chemotaxis helps some heterotrophic bacteria to locate food.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A) The Cambrian Explosion represents the origin of the first multicellular organisms. B) The first cells appeared on earth about 350,000 years ago. C) A rock formed with a radioactive isotope loses 1/4 of the parent isotope in 2 half-lives. D) The present day locations of the continents is different than they were in the ancient past due to the process of adaptive radiaton. E) Prokaryotic life was responsible for a dramatic increase in oxygen concentration in the eath's atmosphere before the Phanerozoic Eon

E) Prokaryotic life was responsible for a dramatic increase in oxygen concentration in the eath's atmosphere before the Phanerozoic Eon

Which of the following is NOT part of the life cycle of a cellular slime mold? A) individual amoeboid cells B) migrating aggregate of cells C) stalked, spore-producing bodies D) amoeboid cells emerge from spores. E) multinucleate feeding form

E) multinucleate feeding form

Mole rats (Spalax) are entirely fossorial, that is, they spend their entire lives in underground burrows and runways. These animals have no external eye, but have very tiny and functionless eyes under the skin. It is believed that mole rats evolved from a terrestrial rodent with typical and functional mammalian eyes. The eyes of mole rats are, therefore, an example of:

a vestigial structure

Evolution is a change in a population's ________ frequency over generations.


In Drosophila, successful mating is frequently dependent upon an elaborate courtship "dance" performed by the male. Over 200 species of these fruit flies occur on the Hawaiian Islands. However, mating between many of these species is avoided, as the females only respond to the particular "dance" of conspecific males. This is an example of:

behavioral isolation

Evolution is considered ____________ when distantly related organisms develop similar features from different lineages.


All homologus anatomical traits are

derived from a common ancestral trait

What is necessary for allopatric speciation?

geographic isolation

DNA sequences in many human genes are very similar to the sequences of corresponding genes in chimpanzees. The most likely explanation for this is that

humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor.

In which of the following pairs of populations is allopatric speciation most likely to occur?

pine trees in Alaska and pine trees on the island of Madagascar

The smallest biological units that can evolve are


What was an important "missing piece" in Darwin's theory of natural selection?

the genetic basis of variation and inheritance

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