BIO 131 Quizzes

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Q1) Cell walls of plants, bacteria, and fungi are made of what type of molecules linked together? A. Sugars B. Proteins C. Amino acids D. Lipids


Q1) Meiosis in animals results directly in the production of... A. Gametes B. Zygotes C. Spores D. Diploid cells


Q1) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an angiosperm embryonic sporophyte? A. It will make gametes when mature B. It is contained in a seed C. It is the product of a zygote D. It is multicellular E. It is diploid


Q2) Based on the average rate of soil loss from agricultural soil in the State of Iowa, about how many tons of soil would be lost from a small 10 acre farm every year? A. 50 tons B. 20 tons C. 5000 tons D. 1.5 tons


Q2) Cells from which of the following organisms do NOT have a cell wall? A. Animals B. Fungi C. Bacteria D. Plants E. All of the above


Q2) How many cotyledons does the embryo of a coconut have? A. One B. Two C. Multiples of 3 D. Multiples of 4 or 5 E. Indeterminate number


Q2) Humans invented agriculture beginning around... A. 10,000 years ago B. 50,000 years ago C. 200,000 years ago D. 875,000 million years ago


Q2) Most of the bed sheets and pillow cases in your closet at home are made from what? A. Cotton B. Silk C. Linen D. None of the above


Q2) Tendrils function to... A. Grab onto things and support plant stems B. Provide aeration to roots C. Allow oxygen to diffuse into stems D. Aid in transport of nutrients from root to leaf


Q2) What occurs inside the sporangia of a fern? A. Meiosis B. Zygote formation C. Gamete formation D. Embryo formation by mitosis E. Fertilization


Q3) Plant macronutrients are called "macronutrients" because... A. They are needed in large amounts B. They have larger atomic radius C. They all form macromolecules in the plant D. All of the above


Q3) The "Plant Patent ACT" of 1930 allowed for the patenting of which of the following organisms?A. Seedless Navel orange trees B. Hybrid corn C. Oil‐eating bacteria D. GMO soybeans


Q3) The male gamete of land plants is called... A. Sperm B. Egg C. Spore D. Pollen


Q3) What does the enzyme "phytase" do in GMO pigs? A. Breaks down phosphorus‐containing proteins B. Allows for better digestion of nitrogen in the pig intestine C. Makes the pig poop more toxic to algae D. Kills gut bacteria that produce toxins


Q4) As of today, how many long term clinical trials have been done to test the safety of GMOs on humans? A. Zero B. One C. Three D. Two completed and one ongoing


Q4) Based on scientific and technical advances in soil recovery methods, what are the probabilities of recovering the soil that is lost to the Gulf of Mexico due to soil erosion from the US? A. 0% B. 15% C. 30% D. 80%


Q4) HETEROSIS is used to define the condition where... A. An organism does not suffer from inbreeding depression B. An organism is homozygous for all of its genes C. A plant has both male and female flowers on the same plant D. All of the above


Q4) What do haploid spores develop into after undergoing cell mitotic divisions? A. Gametophytes B. Sporophytes C. Sporocytes D. Zygotes


Q4) What is a thorn? A. A modified stem B. A modified leaf C. A modified prickle D. All of the above


Q4) What is the male multicellular haploid phase of the life cycle of angiosperms and gymnosperms called? A. Pollen B. Zygote C. Sporophyte D. Seed


Q4) Which of the following appeared first in the geological record on planet earth and is thus more primitive in terms of evolution? A. Bryophytes B. Ferns C. Gymnosperms D. Angiosperms


Q4) Which of the following is NOT a macronutrient A. Boron B. Nitrogen C. Phosphorus D. Magnesium


Q4) Which of the following statements about science is wrong? A. If something is published in a science journal then we should believe it without question because "it" was proven B. Peer review before publication in a science journal should be required C. Replication of experiments should be required before publication D. We should approach the reading scientific publications using critical thinking skills


Q1) A landrace is a ... A. Pathogenic type of soil fungi B. Bacterial nitrogen fixers on roots C. Variety of plants adapted to local conditions D. Modern hybrid variety of plants


Q1) According to lecture, what is the "goose that laid the golden egg"? A. All plants B. Water for irrigation C. The soil D. The planet


Q1) If a GMO corn variety is both HT and BT, what is it generally called? A. Tandem resistant B. Doubled C. Stacked D. Duplo‐resistant


Q1) In science, a fact is something that... A. is absolutely true beyond any doubt B. is only true under some circumstances C. is believed to be true based on evidence D. does not really exist


Q1) The only time that cells go from being diploid (2n) to being haploid (1n) is during... A. Somatic cell reproduction B. Mitosis C. Meiosis D. Both B and C are true


Q1) What does GMO "Golden Rice" produce that non‐ GMO rice does not? A. Roundup resistant proteins B. Bt toxin C. Vitamin A D. Antioxidants


Q1) What type of plant was being used in the assigned videos showing processing and spinning of plant fibers? A. Hemp B. Silk C. Flax D. Cotton


Q1) Which of the following is true about cells? A. Most cells have plasma membranes B. All cells have cell walls C. Cells are the smallest living unit of life D. Scientists know how the first cells came to be


Q2) The "assigned video" titled "Plant Breeding Solves Problems" was about what crop? A. Corn B. Beans C. Tomatoes D. Rice


Q2) Where is the Doomsday Seed Vault located? A. The North Pole B. Greenland C. Norway D. The South Pole


Q2) Which two essential plant nutrient elements are most responsible for the process of eutrophication? A. Potassium and phosphorus B. Nitrogen and potassium C. Nitrogen and phosphorus D. Iron and phosphorus


Q3) Based on the size of the dump truck shown in lecture, how many truckloads of soil would that be, per year? A. 10 B. 50 C. 5 D. 30


Q3) Both roots and stems have this... A. Lenticels B. Axillary meristems C. Apical meristems D. All of the above


Q3) When you are eating French Fries at a fast food restaurant, you are actually eating... A. Leaves B. Fruits C. Stems D. Roots E. None of the above


Q4) After Roundup, what is the second most commonly applied herbicide in the US? A. 2,4‐D B. Glyphosate C. Atrazine D. Dicamba


Q4) Soil structure has to do with... A. The amount of organic matter in soil B. Relative amounts of sand, silt, and clay C. How the soil particles are stuck together D. The depth of each layer of soil such as topsoil, subsoil, etc.


Q4) What function does the cuticle play in plants? A. Enhance nutrient absorption from the soil B. Increase transpiration through leaves C. Reduce water loss from green surfaces D. Promote flowering in some plants


Q4) What was the title of Rachel Carson's book published in 1962? A. Corn is king! B. Better living through chemistry C. Silent spring D. A rude awakening


Q4) Which of the following does not exist on planet earth? A. Bryophyte sporocytes B. Gymnosperm cones C. Fern seeds D. Angiosperm spores


Q4) Which of the following plants make seeds but produce no flowers? A. Angiosperms B. Oak trees C. Pine trees D. Ferns E. Mosses and liverworts


Q4) Why does dissolved oxygen in the water become depleted during the process of eutrophication? A. The nitrogen and phosphorus bind with the oxygen B. The algae consume the oxygen as they grow and reproduce C. The bacteria that decompose the dead algae consume the oxygen D. All of the above


Q4) You will probably find pneumatophores as part of which plant? A. A corn plant B. A pine tree C. A cypress tree D. A soybean plant


Q1) The human era when agriculture was invented is called the... A. Arqueolithic B. Agrolithic C. Paleolithic D. Neolithic


Q1) Which of the following is both multicellular and haploid? A. A zygote B. A sporophyte C. A spore D. A gametophyte E. A gamete


Q2) A stem has this but a root does not..... A. Lenticels B. Leaves C. Axillary buds (meristems) D. All of the above


Q2) Most soil minerals required by plants are most soluble, and thus available to plants, at a pH of around... A. 3.7 B. 9.8 C. 4.3 D. 7.3


Q2) Which of the following is FALSE about fern gametophytes? A. They are multicellular B. They are haploid C. They are smaller than fern sporophytes D. They produce sporangia E. None of the above are false


Q3) A loam is..... A. Any topsoil in which plants are grown B. Something that leads to eutrophication of bodies of water C. Another name for the "watershed" of a particular area D. A soil with good soil, sand, and silt amounts


Q3) If all the ice melts, what practical solution do we currently have to cool the seeds stored at the Svalbard, Norway "Doomsday Seed Vault" for an indefinite period of time? A. Electricity B. Solar C. Wind D. None


Q3) Immediately after excess amounts of nitrogen and/or phosphorus arrive in bodies of water, what is the NEXT step in the eutrophication process? A. Fish and other aquatic organisms die B. Oxygen becomes depleted C. Explosion of bacterial population D. Excess growth and reproduction of algae


Q3) The flooring in most houses is made of wood from what type of plant? A. Pine trees B. Gymnosperms C. Bryophytes D. Angiosperms E. Embryonic sporophytes


Q3) What is Bacillus thuringiensis? A. A soil nematode B. A soil virus C. A soil fungus D. A soil bacteria


Q3) Which of the following has science proven to be true? A. Protons weigh more than electrons B. Gravity exists everywhere in the universe C. Both A and B have been proven D. Neither A nor B have been proven


Q3) Which of the following has/have traditionally been a significant corn pest in the US corn producing areas? A. European corn borer B. Corn earworm C. Corn rootworm D. All of the above


Q3) Which of the following is FALSE about bryophytes? A. They have Alternation of Generations B. The gametophyte phase is dominant C. Spores divide to form gametophytes D. They have a multicellular zygote


Q3) Which of the following is a multicellular haploid organism? A. A zygote B. An typical corn plant growing in the field C. A lion that is walking around D. A pollen grain


Q4) The cellulose of plant cell walls is composed of chains of BLANK linked together. A. Amino acids B. Fatty acids C. Proteins D. Glucose E. None of the above


Q3) You can find swimming sperm being produced by which types of plants? A. Bryophytes B. Ferns C. Gymnosperms D. Angiosperms E. A and B above F. A, B, and C above G. A,B,C,andDabove


Q1) A sporocyte is... A. A unicellular zygote B. A plant cell that undergoes meiosis C. The product of spore division D. Any cell in a plant that produces gametes E. A gamete cell that produces spores


Q1) An excess of certain nutrients in natural bodies water can result in a process known as... A. Ionization B. Eutrophication C. Erosion D. Lithification


Q1) Most plants grow well at a soil pH of around... A. 5.3 B. 7.1 C. 3.8 D. 9.6


Q1) The Southern Corn Leaf Blight was caused by a pathogenic... A. Bacteria B. Fungus C. Virus D. None of the above


Q1) The part of the venus fly trap that catches flies is a modified? A. Stem B. Leaf C. Spine D. Root


Q1) When considering "genetic diversity" between plants within in a population, which variety has MORE diversity? A. Hybrid B. Open pollinated C. A and B are equal D. None of the above


Q2) Corn is a tropical grass that evolved in a country where there are currently 59 different recognized landraces. Which country is that? A. Peru B. Mexico C. Brazil D. Phillipines


Q2) From that same assigned video, which idea was tested with a small physical model by Henry Cadell? A. How new forms of life are formed B. How mountains are formed C. How stars and planets move D. How gravity affects small and large objects


Q2) This is the dominant phase of the oak tree? A. Gametophyte phase B. Sporophyte phase C. Haploid phase D. Cytokinesis phase


Q2) What did "falsifiable" mean as defined by the science philosopher Karl Popper? A. Facts are false assumptions about something whether they are true or not B. Something believed to be true today can be shown to be not true based on new evidence C. Evidence is only as good as the method used to obtain it unless it is false D. All hypothesis are true until shown to be false through falsified the data


Q2) Which favorite childhood treat of Dr. Huerta has been ruined by being made mostly from GMOs and artificial ingredients? A. Fritos B. Cheetos C. Potato chips D. Bugles


Q2) Which of the following is NOT a bryophyte? A. Moss B. Fungus C. Hornwort D. Liverwort


Q3) What do ferns have that bryophytes don't? A. Alternation of Generations B. Dominant sporophytes C. Spores made by gametophytes D. Gametophytes made by spores


Q3) What is the cloth called that is made from the flax plant? A. Silk B. Linen C. Cotton D. Polyester E. Rayon


Q3) What would you find in the area defined as the apoplast of a plant cell?? A. Nucleus B. Cell wall C. Chloroplast D. Cytoplasm E. All of the above


Q4) When you look at the male gametophytes of pine trees in a microscope, what do they look like? A. Donald Duck B. Mickey Mouse C. The head of a horse D. The tail of a whale E. Sponge Bob


Q1) When did ferns appear in the geological record of planet earth? A. At the same time the dinosaurs appeared B. At the same time as bryophytes C. At the end of the Ice Age D. At the beginning of the Carboniferous E. After the coal deposits were laid down


Q1) A prickle on a rose plant is modified... A. Root tissue B. Thorn tissue C. Leaf tissue D. Epidermal tissue


Q1) In the assigned video titled "Why we should trust scientists", which of the following people are mentioned in that video?... A. Pascal B. Einstein C. Darwin D. None of those names are mentioned E. All of those names are mentioned


Q2) Milk products from cows treated with rBGH have been shown to contain more... A. Pus B. Estrogen‐like hormones C. Antibiotics D. AandB E. A,BandC F. Neither A, nor B, nor C


Q2) Which of the following is true about fern sporophytes? A. They disperse by spores B. They produce sporangia C. They are multicellular D. They have sori E. All of the above


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