Bio 2 Lab Final Exam

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Do skeletal adaptations allow birds to fly?


Identify the heterocyst of Nostoc

- A heterocyst is a differentiated cyanobacterial cell that carries out nitrogen fixation. The heterocysts function as the sites for nitrogen fixation under aerobic conditions. They are formed in response to a lack of fixed nitrogen (NH4 or NO3).

Understand the difference between p-value>0.05 and p-value<0.05

- P>0.05 is the probability that the null hypothesis is true. -A statistically significant test result (P ≤ 0.05) means that the test hypothesis is false or should be rejected.

Identify the major features of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

- Prokaryotes lack an organized nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. - Prokaryotic DNA is found in a central part of the cell called the nucleoid. - The cell wall of a prokaryote acts as an extra layer of protection, helps maintain cell shape, and prevents dehydration. -Prokaryotic cell size ranges from 0.1 to 5.0 μm in diameter.The small size of prokaryotes allows quick entry and diffusion of ions and molecules to other parts of the cell while also allowing fast removal of waste products out of the cell. - Eukaryotes Larger Cell size, generally ranging between 10 and 100 um - Most of the DNA in the cell is confined to a membrane-bound nucleus - Large ribosome•Well-developed internal membrane system - DNA coiled around histone proteins and packed into discrete linear chromosomes - Cell division via mitosis - Meiosis generates and maintains genetic diversity via sexual recombination and crossing over - Cellular differentiation, with specialized organelles playing specific roles within the cell - In many taxa, extensive multicellularity and histological differentiation

Identify if a plant is monocot or dicot

- The main difference between monocot and dicot is that monocot contains a single cotyledon in its embryo whereas dicot contains two cotyledons in its embryo.

Understand the relationship between Trichonympha and termite species

- Trichonympha are relatively large, pear-shaped protists that live in the intestine of most termite species, where they help the termite digest wood fiber. - Trichonympha are not able to digest wood on their own - The required digestive enzymes are actually produced by symbiotic bacteria called spirochetes - Trichonympha on their outer surface that complement their long flagella, helping them move around the intestine. - The flagella and spiral bacteria combine to give Trichonympha a shaggy, hairy appearance.

Identify if a mammal is homodont or heterodont

-Homodont: Usually herbivores/carnivores -Heterodont: Usually omnivores

Distinguish the major Chordate groups: Chondrichthyes

Cartilaginous Jawed Fish •Sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras •2 pairs of paired fins, placoid scales, upper jaw fused to skull, gill slits exposed •Teeth evolved from placoid scales on skin .•Lateral line system: a row of microscopic organs that sense changes in water pressure

Distinguish the various major Mollusca groups: Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and Cephalopoda

Class Polyplacophora •Oval body shape with eight dorsal plates •Graze on algae in shallow marine waters •Create suction with muscular foot to stay in place despite wave action and predators attempting to dislodge them Class Gastropoda •Snails and slugs •Live in freshwater, saltwater, and terrestrial environments •Most are protected by a single spiraled shell•Many have a distinct head with eyes at tips of tentacles •Undergo Torsion Class Cephalopoda •Fast, agile carnivores with beak-like jaws and well developed eyes •Inject venom from salivary glands into prey•Eight or more tentacles with suckers •Shell is internal (cuttlefish), reduced (squid), absent (octopus), or external (nautilus) •Eject black "ink" to cloak escape from danger •Sophisticated nervous system, communicate with elaborate color patterns, exhibit problem-solving ability Class Bivalvia •Adapted to a filter-feeding lifestyle •Shells divided into two halves, drawn together by powerful adductor muscles •Mantle cavity contains gills used in feeding and in gas exchange •No distinct head; radula has been lost

Distinguish the major Arthropoda groups: Crustacea and Insecta

Crustacea •Only biramous arthropods other than trilobites •Two pairs of antennae •sense taste and touch •Third appendages are mandibles(for chewing) - Two pairs of maxillae (4th and 5th appendages) posterior to mandibles, manipulate and hold food •Four or five pairs of walking legs Insecta •Hex-a-Pod = 6 Legs! •Uniramouslegs •Three tagmata: •Head•Thorax•Abdomen •Spiracles and trachea for gas exchange •Malphigiantubules for excretion •Increased sensory abilities •Complete metamorphosis (separation of immature and adult ecological niches) •Wings

Identify dry and fleshy fruit

Dry: Raisins, Plumsor Prunes and Dates. Fleshy: Apples, oranges, grapes, and watermelons.

Determine the locomotive structures of eukaryotes

Flagellate, Ciliates, and Ameboid

Understand the difference of a gymnosperm and angiosperm

Gymnosperm: - Ovules & pollen develop on surfaces of specialized cone. -Pollination chiefly via wind (via insects in some). Angiosperm: - Flowers-specialized shoots modified for reproduction. - Carpel-Includes pollen receptacle structures (stigma, style). - Anther-contains pollen - Rapid fertilization following pollination. - Wall of ovary thickens after fertilization as fruit.

Be able to identify various taxa: Phylum Porifera, Phylum Cnidaria, Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Nematoda, and Phylum Annelida

Images are all on google.

Identify fruit distribution

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Identify the equations for mean, variance, and standard deviation

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List and describe some of the key features used to classify animals

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Determine filamentous, unicellular, and colonial cyanobacteria

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Identify Nostoc and Merismopedia

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Identify flower pollen versus pine pollen

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Identifying gametophytes, sporophytes, antheridium, and archegonium.

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Internal structures of a flower

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Identify acoelomate, pseudocoelom, and coelomates by the cross-section

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Identify the major Squid structures: arm, collar, fin, gill, gonad, funnel (siphon), ink sac, hearts, mantle, suckers, and tentacle

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Identify the various structures (and their functions) in a Stingray: liver, cardiac stomach, valvular intestine (i.e. Spiral Intestine), cloaca, spiracle, pectoral fin, ventral fin, claspers, and dorsal fins

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Identify acoelomate, pseudocoelom, and coelomates by taxon

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Understand how symmetry changes in Echinodermata (This will explain why they are our closest invertebrate cousins)

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Distinguish the major Insecta groups: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera

Order Lepidoptera Four large wings, covered by scales Order Coleoptera Four wings; the first pair thickened or hardened. First pair of wings usually as long asabdomenprotecting second pair of wings that are membranous. Abdomen without forceps Order Hymenoptera Hind wings smaller than front wings with few cross veins. Mouth parts not piercing; head joined loosely to thorax Order Diptera Only one pair of wings; membranous, with conspicuous veins. No abdominal filaments:

Understand the major Orders of Reptilia: Testudines, Squamata, and Crocodilia

Testudines: turtles and tortoises Squamata: snakes and lizards Crocodilia: alligators and crocodiles

Understand the similarities and differences of land Arthropods and marine Arthropods

Their nervous systems are highly developed, with chains of ganglia serving various parts of the body, and three fused pairs of cerebral ganglia forming a brain. Aquatic arthropodsrespire with gills. Terrestrial forms rely on diffusion through tiny tubes called trachea.

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