Bio 201 Lab Practical 1

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A. Phylum Anthophyta B. Monocot

A. Classify the Gladiola to phylum. B. How do you know whether it is a monocot or eudicot? Identify: sepal, petal, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, receptacle, anther, filament, stamen, ovule, funiculus, locule.

A. Phylum: Gingkophyta B. No they don't, the ovules are on "open" shelves. C. LOOK AT IMAGE

A. Classify to phylum B. Do Ginkgos produce female cones? C. Where is the female gametophyte (megagametophyte) in the image?

A. Tissue are scattered B. Eudicot: vascular tissue is in a ring. Monocot: vascular tissue is scattered. C. Eudicot: roots contain "x" in center. Stem has ring formation Monocot: roots are in ring. Stem is scattered. Rhizomes spread horizontally. Roots extend vertically.

A. Describe how the vascular bundles are arranged in a monocot system. B. How do monocot and eudicot stems differ from one another? C. How do roots structurally differ from stems? How would you determine whether an underground plant structure is a root or a rhizome (underground stem)? Identify: epidermis, parenchyma, vascular bundles, sclerenchyma (bundle fibers), xylem, phloem.

A. Arranged in a ring

A. Describe how the vascular bundles are arranged in the eudicot system. Identify: epidermis, cortex, pith, vascular bundles, xylem, vascular cambium, phloem, and sclerenchyma (bundle cap fibers)

A. No chloroplast. Nourished through phloem.

A. Did you observe any chloroplasts in the eudicot root? How are root cells nourished? Identify: epidermis, parenchyma, stele, endodermis, pericycle, xylem, phloem, vascular cambium, cortex.

A. No. Nourished through phloem. B. Monocot have circular center. Eudociots have "x" at their center.

A. Did you observe any chloroplasts in the monocot root? How are root cells nourished? B. How are the monocot and eudicot root different from one another? Identify: epidermis, parenchyma, endodermis, xylem, phloem, cortex, vascular cylinder, and pith.

A. Microspores have one nucleus. B. Generative nucleus, tube nucleus. C. To make pollen tube D. Produce 2 sperm

A. How do you tell a microgametophyte from a microspore? B. Name the nuclei in a microgametophyte? C. What is the function of the tube nucleus? D. What is the function of the generative nucleus? Identify: microspores, pollen grains, anther wall, filament.

A. 2 seeds per sporophyll. B. i) Haploid ii) gametophyte? COME BACK

A. Indicate where seeds are/would be located on a female cone (image). How many seeds are produced per sporophyll (look at seed impressions or seeds themselves if present). B. Within the microsporophylls meisos occurs generating "microspores" or immature pollen grains. i) What is the ploidy of a microspore. ii) Into what does any spore, including a microspore, develop?

A. Monocot B. Embryo-2n Endosperm- 3n Seed coat- 2n

A. Is this a monocot or eudicot? B. In your drawing, note the ploidy of each of these structures? Label the following: embryo, pericarp (seed coat), cotyledon, coletopile, scutellum, coleorhiza, radicle, endosperm.

A. Cycadophyta B. They contain naked seeds C. Sago Palm D. Male E. Dioecious F. Microstrobilus. HOW CAN WE TELL DOE?

A. What is the phylum? B. Why are the considered gymnosperms? C. What is the common name for Cycads? D. Look at the cone for a cycad. Is it a male or female cone? E. Are cyads monecious or dioecious? F. Is the strobilus a mega or microstrobilus? How can you tell? Identify: sporophyte, strobilus, sporophyll.

A. Diploid B. DIploid C. Haploid D. Held within E. In the ovule F. Egg G. B/c contain pollen tube H. B/c they can fly I. Encapsulated J. 2n- Ovule K. 2n- Seed

A. What is the ploidy of the cone (it is part of the sporophyte)? B. What is the ploidy if the cells of the ovule (they are also part of the sporophyte)? C. What is the ploidy of the megaspore? D. Is the megaspore released or held within the cone? E. Where does the megaspore develop into a gametophyte? F. What gamete must the female gametophyte produce for the lifecycle to continue? G. Why is water not needed for fertilization in conifers? H. How has this adaptation allowed plants to exploit a greater range of habitats? I. Is the female gametophyte ever free-living on its own, or it always encapsulated by the sporophyte tissue of the female cone? J. What is the ploidy of the zygote, and where physically on the tree is the embryo found? K. What is the ploidy of the embryo, and where physically on the tree is the embryo found?

A. Diploid B. Diploid C. Haploid E. Wind and water F. Young gametophyte

A. What is the ploidy of the fern pinna? B. What is the ploidy of the sporangium? C. What is the ploidy of the spores? D. By what process are spores produced? W E. How are the spores disseminated? F. Into what will spores develop? Identify: sorus, pinna, indusium, sporangium, annulus, stalk, spores.

Name: Liliuokalani 8 cell embryo sac. A. Diploid B. Angiosperm. Phylum Anthophyta. C. Ovule develops into: 1 egg, 2 synergids, 2 polar nuclei, 3 antipodal cells. Ovary develops into a fruit.

A. What is the ploidy of the integument, megagametophyte, and funiculus? B. Is Lilian a gymnosperm or angiosperm? Classify to phylum. C. The individual oval structures within the ovary are ovules. What does each ovule develop into? What does the ovary develop into? Identify: megagametophyte, ovule, micropyle, integument, ovary wall, funiculus, and locule. If visible (of megagametophyte): egg, synergids, polar nuclei.

A. B.

A. What is the relationship between petals, sepals, corolla, and calyx? B. Does the model show a superior ovary or inferior ovary? Identify: sepal petal receptacle pistil/carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovule, stamen, anther, filament, pollen tube, micropyle.

A. Light colors= greater surface area=more water. Dark colors= less water=less surface area. B. Xylem cells make up majority of wood. C. Heartwood is stronger, more dense. Sapwood burns easily. D. Dead E. Living F. Increases length. Apical meristem. G. Increases thickness. Phloem and xylem H. No, because vascular tissue is scattered.

A. Why are annual rings composed of light and dark sub rings? B. What substance is responsible for the hardness and other qualities that we normally associate with wood? C. What is the functional difference between heartwood and sapwood? D. Is the xylem of a tree living or dead? E. Is the phloem of a tree living or dead? F. What is the primary growth and what is the meristem responsible for it? G. What is secondary growth and what meristems are responsible for it? H. Do monocots exhibit secondary growth? Explain. Identify: perigeem, cork cambium, xylem, phloem, vascular cambium, secondary xylem, spring wood, summerwood, annual rings.

Grown together.

Are these individual colonies or colonies that have grown together.

Come back

Classify as crustose, fruitcose, or foliose.

A. Haploid B. Heterokaryotic C. Diploid

Determine the ploidy of the following Rhizopus structures. A. Mycellium Hyphae B. Zygosporangium C. Zygospores

Smaller mass production/easier to store.

Does a slant culture look like it is used to isolate individual colonies or to mass produce bacteria?


How many types of bacteria are growing on the streak plate?


How many types of bacteria are growing on this streak plate?

A. Sporophyte Diploid B. Phylum: Coniferophyta

Imagine a pine tree: A. Are the leaves, trunk bark, roots, etc. part of the sporophyte or gametophyte? What is the ploidy of the pine tree? B. Classify to phylum

L. New Sporophyte M. Sexual Reproduction b/c still fertilization N. Giving seeds wings/ temporal isolation O. Require sporophyte to provide them with nutrients. P. i. Haploid ii. Diploid iii. Ovule cone Q. Tubular, needle like R. Needles can hold more water, but get less sunlight S. COME BACK

L. Is the embryo a new sporophyte or gametophyte? M. If the pollen from a male cone on a tree is pollinated and fertilized an egg in a female cone on the same tree has sexual reproduction occured, or is this a type of asexual reproduction? Explain. N. How might conifers prevent self-fertilization? O. The microgametophytes and megagametophytes are described as "parasitic" in conifers. What does this mean? P. The embryo in the seed develops from the zygote as previously described. The food reserves of the seed develops from surrounds gametophyte cells. i. What is the ploidy of the food reserves in the gymnosperm seed? ii. What is the ploidy of the seed coats of the gymnosperm seed? iii. Physically, where is the gymnosperm feed on the conifer tree? Q. Observe typical conifer leaves. Describe the leaf. R. What would be the advantage of having needles instead of broad leaves? The disadvantages? S. Note that the leaves are found in bunches called fascicles. The numbers of needles per fascicle is a key in classifying conifers. How many needles per fascicle in the specimen provided?

Phylum: Radiolara A. Glass B. Prevent it from sinking and obtain more light. C. Plant: algal symbionts-photosynthetic Animal: planktonic D. Foraminifera E. Holes-like golf ball

Phylum? A. What are the shells made up of? B. What are the pseudopodia used for? C. How does it display both plant and animal characteristics? D. More closely related to Foraminifera or diatoms? E. What characteristic makes it different from diatoms?

Name: Equisetum Phylum: Sphenophyta (Equisetophyta) A. Vascular B. Above ground C. Sporophyte, Diploid (2n) D. Function: Hold spores, Composed: Collection of sporangium and sporophyll. E. Sporophyte Dominant G. No

What is name and phylum? A. Are these vascular or non vascular plants? B. Where does photosynthesis occur on this plant? C. Are you looking at the sporophyte or gametophyte? What is the ploidy? D. What is the function of the strobilus, what is composed of? E. Is this plant sporophyte dominant or gametophyte dominant? G. Are these seed producing plants? Identify: Nodes, Strobilus, sporophyll, sporophyte.

Name: Gemma Cups Phylum: Hepatophyta A. Spread out to new location and produce new liverworts B. Haploid

What is name and phylum? A. What is the purpose of gemmae? B. What is the ploidy of the gemmae? Identify: gemmae cup (cupule), gemmae.

Name: Morel Phylum: Ascomycota

What is the common name and phylum?

Name: Plasmodium vivax/ P. falciparum Phylum: Apicomplexa A. Malaria B. LOOK AT NOTES C. Alvolata

What is the name and phylum. A. What disease is caused by the parasite? B. Be able to describe lifecycle. C. What supergroup is it apart of? Identify:erythrocyte, merozite.

Name: Penicillium Phylum: Ascomycota

What is the name and phylum. Identify: hyphae, conidiosporangium, conidiosphores, and conidia.

Name: Club moss Phylum: Lycophyta

What is the name and phylum?

Name: Horsetail Phylum: Monilophyta

What is the name and phylum?

Name: Peziza Phylum: Ascomycota

What is the name and phylum?

Name: Selaginella Phylum: Lycophyta

What is the name and phylum?

Name: Fern frond Phylum: Monilophyta A. Vascular B. Megaphylls. WHY DOE? C. Sporophyte tissue.

What is the name and phylum? A. Are ferns vascular or nonvascular? B. Are fern fronds considered microphylls or megaphylls? Why? C. Are pinna sporphyte or gametophyte tissue? Identify: pinna, sorus.

Name: Liverwort Phylum: Hepatophyta A. Yes, because its able to grow tall. B. Directly through tissues.

What is the name and phylum? A. Are roots and veins present? C. How do liverworts and mosses obtain nutrients from their environment? Identify: antheridiosphore, archigoniophore, gametophyte, sporophyte, gemmae cups.

Name: Ephedra Phylum: Gnetophyta A. Sporophyte.

What is the name and phylum? A. Are you looking at the sporophyte or gametophyte?

Name: Liverwort (Marchantia) Archegonia Phylum: Hepatophyta A. Ovum-Haploid Archegonium- B. Young sporophyte

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the archegonium? The ovum? B. What does the zygote develop into? Identify: archegoniophore, archegonium, ovum.

Name: Fern archegonia A. Haploid B. Spore C. Sperm and egg D. Water E. Archegonium F. Embryo > sporophyte

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the gametophyte? B. From what did the gametophyte develop? (What produced it?) C. What important cells will the gametophyte produce? D. How do sperm produced by "male" gametophytes get to ova housed in archegonia of female gametophytes? E. Where will the zygote be found? F. Into what will the zygote develop? Identify: archegonia, antheridia sperm, ovum (identify the structures it found), rhizoids.

Name: Pinus median male cone (strobilus) Phylum: Coniferophyta A. Haploid B. Sperm C. Wings D. Produce pollen tube? E. Produce 1 sperm.

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the pollen grains? B. if the pollen grains are microgametophytes, what gamete will they produce for the lifecycle to continue? C. What structure of the pollen grains suggests that they are carried by wind as opposed to insects? D. What is the purpose of the tube nucleus? E. What is the role of the generative nucleus? Identify: microstrobilus, staminate cone, cone axis, microsporophyll, microspore, microgametophyte, immature pollen grain, mature pollen grain, tube nucleus, generative nucleus, wing.

Name: Selaginella Strobilus Phylum: Lycophyta A. Diploid B. Haploid C. Male gametophyte D. Female gametophyte

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the strobilus? B. What is the ploidy of the spores? C. Into what will a microspore develop? D. Into what will a megaspore develop? Identify: strobilus, sporophyll, microspore, megaspores, megasporangium, microsporangium, cone axis.

Name: Pinus ovulate cone Phylum: Coniferophyta

What is the name and phylum? Identify: megasporophyll, ovulate cone, megastrobilus, ovule, integument, megagematophyte.

Name: Vorticella Phylum: Ciliophora A. Using cilia

What is the name and phylum? A. How does organism feed? Identify: cilia, macronucleus, gullet, stalk.

Name: Dinoflagellata Phylum: Alveolata A. SAR B. Plasmodium C. Come back D. Beachgoer: bioluminescence Shellfish: led tides- shellfish poisoning

What is the name and phylum? A. Is it a member of the SAR or Excavata? B. More closely related to Plasmodium or Euglena? C. How does it exhibit both plant and animal like characteristics? D. Why are they a concern if you are a beachgoer or shellfish consumer?

Name: Moss (Mnium) Archegonial Head Phylum: Bryophyta A. 2n B. Sporophyte

What is the name and phylum? A. Once an ovum is fertilized at tip of moss gametophyte, it is a zygote. What is the ploidy of the zygote? B. Into what will the zygote develop? Identify archegonium, ovum.

Name: Paramecium Phylum: Ciliophora A. Macro: polyploidy Micro: germinal B. Come back C. Alveolata D. Pumps out excess H20. E. Apicomplexa

What is the name and phylum? A. Ploidy of macro and micro? B. How do they sexually and asexually reproduce? C. What supergroup does it belong to? D. What does the contractile vacuole do? E. More closely related to Apicomplexa or Euglenozoa? Identify cilia, macro and micro nucleus.

Name: Foraminiferans Phylum: Foraminifera A. CaCo3 B. Yes C. Zooplankton D. Rhizaria

What is the name and phylum? A. What are the shells made up of? B. Do they use pseudopodia? C. Are they zooplankton or phytoplankton? D. What supergroup do they belong to?

Name: Stentor Phylum: Ciliophora A. Have cilia and macronucleus.

What is the name and phylum? A. What characteristic does it have in common with Paramecium? Identify: cilia, macronucleus, gullet, stalk.

Name: Physcia (Lichen) Phylum: Ascomycota A. Ascus B. Cyanobacteria, chlorophyta.

What is the name and phylum? A. What characteristic was used to classify organism? B. What types of algae and bacteria are commonly found in lichens?

Name: Oscillatoria Phylum: Cyanobacteria A. Function is to separate hormogonium.

What is the name and phylum? A. What function does the separation disk serve? Identify: vegetative cell, Hormogonium, and Separation disc.

Name: Liverwort (Marchantia) Antheridia Phylum: Hepatophyta A. Both Haploid B. Through water

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the antheridiophore? The sperm? B. How do the sperm get from the antheridia to the archegonia and ova? Identify: antheridiophore and antheridium.

Name: Saprolegnia Phylum: Heterokontophyta/ Stramenopile A. Hypae: COME BACK Oopsore: Diploid (2n)

What is the name and phylum? A. What is the ploidy of the hypae and oospores? Identify: hypha, oogonium, oospores.

Name: red algae Phylum: Rhodophyta A. Nori, carrageenan B. Absorb accessory pigments: phycoerythrin, phycocyanin

What is the name and phylum? A. What is their commercial value? B. Why are red algae found in deep water? Identify: stipe and blade

Name: Coprinus Phylum: Basidiomycota A. Dikaryotic B. Dikaryotic C. Haploid D. Haploid

What is the name and phylum? Determine whether the following are haploid, diploid, or dikaryotic: A. Soil hyphae/mycelium. B. Basidiocarp C. Basidium. D. Basidiospores Identify: lamella (gill), basidium. sterigma, basidospores.

Name: Aspergillus Phylum: Ascomycota

What is the name and phylum? Identify: hyphae, conidiosporangium, conidiospores, and conidia.

Name: Moss (Mnium) Antheridial Head Phylum: Bryophyta

What is the name and phylum? Identify antheridium, paraphyses.

Name: Gleocapsa Phylum: Cyanobacteria

What is the name and phylum? Identify: capsule

Name: Anabena Phylum: Cyanobacteria

What is the name and phylum? Identify: heterocyst, vegetative cell.

Name: Bacillus Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Gram positive Shape: Bacillus

What is the name, domain, phylum, and shape?

Name: Escherichia (E. Coli) Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Proteobacteria Shape: Bacillus

What is the name, domain, phylum, and shape?

Name: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Proteobacteria Shape: coccus

What is the name, domain, phylum, and shape?

Name: Staphylococcus Domain: bacteria Phylum: gram positive Shape: cocccus

What is the name, domain, phylum, and shape?

Name: Spirogyra Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Charophyta A. Haploid B. Contains sporopollenin.

What is the name, king down, phylum? A. Are filaments haploid or diploid? B. Why is this phylum closely related to land plants? Identify cell wall, nucleus, chloroplast.

Name: Ulva Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta

What is the name, kingdom, and phylum.

Name: Desmid Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Charophyta

What is the name, kingdom, phylum? Identify: cell wall, nucleus, chloroplast, terminal vacuole.

Name: Ulothrix Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta

What is the name, kingdom, phylum? Identify: cell wall, nucleus, chloroplast.

Name: Volvox Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta

What is the name, kingdom, phylum? Identify: parent colony, daughter colonies, zooids.

Name: Trypanosoma Phylum: Euglenozoa Class: Kinetoplastida A. Closely related to Giardia.

What is the name, phylum, and class? A. Is it more closely related to Giardia or Plasmodium? Identify the erythrocyte, trypanosome, flagellum.

Name: Euglena Phylum: Euglenozoa Class: Euglenoida

What is the name, phylum, and class? Identify: nucleus, cell wall.

Name: Diatom Phylum: Ochrophyta Class: Bacillariophycea A. COMEBACK B. COMEBACK

What is the name, phylum, and class? A. Is it more plant-like or animal like? B. What triggers sexual reproduction in diatoms?

Name: brown algae Phylum: Phaeophyta Class: Phaeophyceae A. COME BACK B. COME BACK C. COME BACK

What is the name, phylum, class? A. What commercial value are members of this phylum? B. How is this organism different from other "Protists"? C. In what ways are these organisms different from true plants? Identify: holdfast, stipe, blade, pneumatophores

Name: Amoeba/Chaos Phylum: Amoeboza A. Fingerlike. B. Used for movement. C. Animal-like

What is the name, phylum? A. How is the pseudopodia different from the Rhizaria? B. What are the pseudopodia used for in this organism? C. Is this protist more animal or plant like?

Name: Rhizopus Phylum: Zygomycota A. Mycellium is a collection of hyphae.

What is the name, phylum? A. What is the relationship of hyphae to mycellium? Identify: hyphae, zygosporangium w/zygospores, suspensor cells.

Name: Fern Sori, w.m.

What is the name?

Name: Fern Souris, l.s

What is the name?

Name: Fern Sporangia, w.m.

What is the name?

Name: Fern prothallium w/ sporophyte A. B. C. D. E.

What is the name? A. From what did this young sporophyte develop? B. What is the ploidy of the sporophyte? C. What will happen to the gametophyte? D. Do ferns produce seeds? E. Are ferns sporophyte or gametophyte dominant? Explain

Name: Moss capsule: Sporophyte makes its spores to continue lifecycle. A. Haploid B. Haploid C. Gametophyte

What is the name? A. What is the ploidy of the cells of the sporangium/ capsule? B. What is the ploidy of the spores? C. Into what will the spores develop? Identify capsule, operculum, spores, columella.

Name: Moss Protonema A. Haploid and form gametophyte. B. Sporophyte depends on gametophyte for nutrients.

What is the name? A. What is the ploidy of the protonema, and what will it develop into? B. Bryophytes are described as being "gametophyte dominant". What does this term mean? Identify: protonema, bulbil.

Name: liverwort sporophyte A. Hanging off the female receptacle B. Spores: 1n Seta: 2n C. Process: meisosis. Produces: Sporophyte D. Germinate> bud> produces> gametophyte E. Gametophyte dominant F. COME BACK

What is the name? A. Where is sporophyte located on liverwort? B. What is the ploidy of the seta? The spores? C. What process generates the spores and where are they produced? D. What do the spores germinate into? (What do they produce?) E. Are liverworts gametophyte dominant or sporophyte dominant? F. Are mosses and liverworts seed producing plants? Identify: Sporophyte, sporangium, spore, seta, foot.

Phylum: Lycophyta A. Vascular B. Microphylls C. Produced in sporangia, in the sporophyll D. Gametophyte E. Yes F. Water G. Sporophyte dominant

What is the phylum? A. Are these plants vascular or nonvascular? B. Are the leaves of this plant conisdered microphylls or megaphylls? Why? C. Where are spores produced in these plants? D. Are you looking at gametophyte or sporophyte? E. Are these seed producing plants? F. What substance is required for fertilization? G. Are Lycophyta sporophyte dominant or gametophyte dominant? Identify: strobilus, sprophylls, leaves.

Phylum: Basidiomycota A. COMEBACK

What is the phylum? A. Determine the ploidy of each structure. Identify: basidiocarp, pileus, stipe, annulus, lamellae.

Phylum: Bryophyta

What is the phylum? Identify: gametophyte, sporophyte, capsule, 1n, 2n.


What is the phylum? Where is the capsule?


What is the ploidy of each structure? Label the following structures: fruit, seed coat, epicotyl/plumule, hypocotyl cotyledons, endosperm, and radicle.

Name: Giardia Supergroup: Excavata Phylum: Metamonada A. Disease: intestinal infection caused by drinking contaminated water

What is the supergroup and phylum? A. What disease does it cause?

Spirogyra in conjugation

What is this? Identify cell wall, conjugation tubes


What phylum do ferns belong to?

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