BIO 204 Lab 18 - Litmus Milk Reactions
X is the main carbohydrate in milk.
When milk protein is hydrolyzed in litmus milk, it is called X.
When a curd develops in litmus milk, how could you determine whether it was a rennet or acid curd?
You can determine what type of curd developed by the environment the curd is in and the structural formation of the curd. By the structural formation, I indicated whether the curd is hard or soft. If the curd is hard, it is an acid curd. If the curd is soft, it is a rennet curd. Also, acid curds are only present in acidic conditions, or environment, while rennet curds are typically in a neutral environment.
Peptonization is often accompanied by the production of X.
Peptonization in milk results from the hydrolysis of X.
The reduction of litmus results when X are transferred to the molecule.
A X color is the normal color of litmus milk.
lavender (purple)
A rennet curd is usually observed only under X conditions.
In litmus milk, the litmus serves as both a X X and a X X.
pH indicator; reducible dye
If the lactose in litmus milk is fermented by an organism, then the color of the litmus will be X.
red or pink
When litmus turns white, it indicates that X has taken place.
When gas production is so vigorous that the acid curd is blown to shreds, it is called X X.
stormy fermentation