Bio 212 Lecture Unit 4

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A "seed leaf" which develops as a part of the seed. It provides nutrients to the developing seedling and eventually becomes the first leaf of the plant.

vascular cambium

A cylinder of meristematic tissue in woody plants that adds secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem.


A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms


A mature ovary of a flower that protects dormant seeds and often aids in their dispersal.

Alternation of generations with sporophyte and gametophyte

A sporophyte makes a gametophyte, which makes gametes which turn into sporophytes

Difference between a sporophyte and a gametophyte

A sporophyte produces spores, asexual stage, diploid A gametophyte produces gametes, sexual stage, haploid

List four functions of the root system

Absorption Anchoring Storage Gas exchange

What route for materials in xylem needs active transport?


What is the evidence that plants evolved from green algae?

Both have: Chlorophyll a and b Store carbs as starch Cellulose cell walls


Brightly colored structures just inside the sepals; attracts insects and other pollinators to a flower and then fall off after reproduction is over.


Condition where the circumference of the head is smaller than normal due to the brain not developing properly


Conducts water and dissolved minerals upward into the shoots


Connects the stigma to the ovary of a flower

What are the three plant tissues covered in lecture?

Dermal, vascular, and ground tissue


Due to root pressure, droplets of water appear in the morning on the leaf tips of some herbaceous plants

Prior to the thalidomide crisis, manufacturers had to keep a record of adverse effects associated with drugs (T/F)


The Zika virus causes symptoms in most people (T/F)


The heartwood is the newer layer of secondary xylem that is still conductive T/F

False, Sapwood

Xylem sap is viscous and contains mainly water and carbohydrates.

False, phloem

Three types of survivorship curves

I: most live to adulthood; mortality in old age (humans) II: mortality independent of age (birds, mammals) III: high mortality rate when young, low mortality rate when older (oysters)


In an angiosperm, the terminal pollen sac of a stamen, where pollen grains containing sperm-producing male gametophytes form.


Male part of the flower; made up of an anther and a filament.


Male reproductive organ that supports the anther

Guillan-Barre syndrome is a result of an immune attack on what component of peripheral nerves?

Myelin sheath

Plants can be grouped into four different categories (grades). What are those four categories and what is a derived characteristic of each group?

Nonvascular: embryo protected in female organ Seedless vascular: formation of vascular tissue Seed bearing: appearance of seeds Flower bearing: flower

What are the three cell types found in ground tissues and provide a function of each of them

Parenchyma (storage and metabolism), collenchyma (mechanical support for growing regions), sclerenchyma (mechanical support for nongrowing regions)

Which of the following is a biotic factor?


An epidemic of what viral infection elicited sympathy for the legalization of abortion in the U.S.?



Scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment

What are the differences between a spore and a seed?

Seeds are multicellular, diploid, packaged with food, product of male and female gametes Spores are unicellular, lighter, diploid, no seed coat

Four examples of modified leaves seen in plants

Tendrils (support) Spines (protection) Fleshy blades (storage) Flowers (reproductive)


The base of a flower; the part of the stem that is the site of attachment of the floral organs.


The female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.


The tip of the female reproductive structure of a flower where the pollen lands

Cactus is a new world plant (T/F)


Ginkgo trees were once thought to represent a primitive organism T/F


Plants in general have indeterminate growth (T/F)


Prior to the thalidomide crisis, drugs were tested using the rodent model only (T/F)


The Zika virus has been shown to affect the fetus at all stages of development (T/F)


Vascular rays connect secondary phloem to secondary xylem T/F


Four adaptations from algae to land plants

Vascular system, guard cells, photosynthesis, absorption of water and minerals

In what two ways is the Zika virus spread?

Vertically from mother to child By the mosquito (Aedes aegypti) Sexually from male to male OR male to female


a complex organic polymer deposited in the cell walls of many plants, making them rigid and woody

root cap

a cone of cells at the tip of a plant root that protects the apical meristem.


a flowering plant that takes two years to complete its biological lifecycle


a group of naked seed plants that have seeds produced in cones

pollen tube

a hollow tube that develops from a pollen grain when deposited on the stigma of a flower; penetrates the style and conveys the male gametes to the ovule

Compound leaf

a leaf of a plant consisting of several or many distinct parts (leaflets) joined to a single stem

Companion cell

a living nucleated cell that contains the cellular elements of a cell making up part of a sieve tube of a vascular plant

Fibrous roots

a network of roots that arise from the base of the stem


a palmlike plant of tropical and subtropical regions, abundant during the Triassic and Jurassic era


a plant that has a non-woody stem and which dies back at the end of the growing season


a plant that has flowers and produces seeds enclosed within a carpel

Adventitious root

a root that develops from anywhere besides the main root system (stem)


all land plants without vascular tissue (mosses, hornworts, and liverworts)

What procedure is used to determine if the Zika virus has crossed the placental barrier?



an organ that contains seeds, protecting these as they develop and often aiding in their dispersal

Regions of growth in root

apical, ground meristem

European starling

brought to Americas by Shakespeare enthusiasts in 1890; huge flocks; iridescent feathers; devastated wine crops

A relationship between two organisms in which one benefits and the other neither benefits nor suffers is termed...


Which of the following studies interactions between groups of different populations and interactions between different species?

community ecology


deep root that grows straight down and has lateral roots


density dependent large organism high energy consumption few offspring late maturity type I or II survivorship


density independent small organism low energy consumption many offspring early maturity type III survivorship

Vertical transmission

directly from the mother to an embryo, fetus, or baby during pregnancy or childbirth

The movement of organisms away from their origin is referred to as


dispersion v. distribution

dispersion: variation in local density distribution: range of species in geographical area

Doubly compound leaf

each leaf of the compound leaf is made up of secondary leaflets

Sieve tube

elongated cell in phloem tissue with holes in their connecting walls for the transportation of food, have no cellular elements

Dermal tissue includes

epidermis (non woody plants), cuticle (waxy coating), periderm (woody plants)

Double fertilization

fertilization process unique to anthophytes in which one sperm fertilizes the haploid egg and the other sperm joins with the diploid central cell; results in the formation of a diploid (2n) zygote and a triploid (3n) endosperm

Water molecules bond together due to a ___ bond and is called ___ force.

hydrogen bond; cohesion force


in plants, the layer of cells just within the endodermis that gives rise to lateral roots

The fetal deformities caused by the drug thalidomide are believed to be the result of interference with what developmental process?

inhibition of blood vessel development

r-value in population ecology

intrinsic rate of increase (per capita) when r>0, population increases when r=0, population is stable when r<0, population decreases

Vessel elements are __ at functional maturity



nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants

The most abundant cells found in plant ground tissue are called __ cells


Routes of transportation of minerals in plant tissue

phloem (through sieve tube by aid of companion cells)

Ground tissue includes

pith and cortex

All of the following are abiotic factors except...


__ __ is responsible for longitudinal growth

primary growth


reabsorbing parts/components of plant not needed

What fetal abnormality is the hallmark of Thalidomide syndrome?

seal limbs

Lateral roots

secondary roots that grow laterally off of the main root


shedding its leaves annually

Simple leaf

single blade on the petiole


symbiotic mycelium extension of the root system


the central core of the stem and root of a vascular plant, consisting of the vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) and associated supporting tissue


the corky outer layer of a plant stem formed in secondary thickening or as a response to injury or infection

intertidal zone

the ocean shore between the lowest low tide and the highest high tide


the point on a plant stem from which the leaves or lateral branches grow


the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere


the stalk that attaches the leaf blade to the stem

Root hairs

tubular extensions of the epidermis that absorb water and minerals


vascular tissue that conducts sugars downward from the leaves

Transpiration v. translocation

water moving (due to root pressure) v. material/animal moving away


winged plant

Vascular tissue includes

xylem and phloem, stele (vascular cylinder)

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