Bio 221 Chpt 24, 26-27 Test

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Blood colloid osmotic pressure tends to draw water out of the filtrate and into the plasma. Why does this occur? (Module 24.8C)

The solute concentration in the blood exceeds that within the filtrate.

The individual cells produced by cleavage are called


When the level of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) decreases,

both more urine is produced and the osmolarity of the urine decreases.

The process of cell division that divides the cytoplasm of the zygote among blastomeres is called


The ________ are fingerlike projections that capture the freshly ovulated ovum.


Nephrons located close to the medulla with long nephron loops are called

juxtamedullary nephrons.

The production of milk is called


The efferent arteriole of a nephron divides to form a network of capillaries within the cortex called the ________ capillaries.


The use of which birth control method often results in the cessation of the uterine cycle? (Module 26.16B)

progesterone-only shots

The process of spermiogenesis produces


Fertilization of an ovum usually takes place in the

uterine tube.

Typical renal blood flow is about ________ percent of cardiac output under resting conditions.


The average length of the uterine cycle is

28 days.

Put the following urinary structures in order as urine is produced and eliminated from the body 1) liver 2) urinary bladder 3) kidney 4) ureter 5) urethra


What is the proper arrangement of the four structures listed below into the order in which sperm pass from the testis to the urethral meatus? 1. ductus deferens 2. urethra 3. ejaculatory duct 4. epididymis


What percentage of nutrients (glucose, amino acids, etc.) is reabsorbed in the PCT?


What would happen to a kidney's position if the perinephric fat layer were depleted and the collagen fibers of the fibrous capsule were to become detached? (Module 24.2C)

The kidneys would fall inferiorly.

A patient excretes a large volume of very dilute urine on a continuing basis. This is may be due to

absence of ADH.

What mechanism is used to adjust the osmotic concentration of tubular fluid in the DCT and collecting system?

active transport

The extra-embryonic membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac is the


Fertilization is complete when which of the follow occurs?

amphimixis and cleavage

Interstitial cells produce


What is the role of nurse cells? (Module 26.4C)

Nurse cells create a microenvironment that supports spermatogenesis and form the blood testis barrier that isolates sperm from the blood.

Define countercurrent multiplication as it occurs in the kidneys. (Module 24.11A)

The exchange of substances in the adjacent limbs of the nephron loop containing fluid moving in opposite directions.

The ability to form concentrated urine depends on the functions of

both the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct.

Eighty-five percent of nephrons in the human kidney are located in the ________ and have short nephron loops.


At which day post cleavage does implantation occur?

day 7

The ________ method of birth control involves taking either combination estrogen/progesterone birth control pills or progesterone-only pills in two large doses 12 hours apart within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse.

hormonal post-coital contraception

The placenta is expelled from the uterus during the ________ stage of labor.


Which ovarian structure remains in a state of suspended development until the individual reaches puberty?

primary oocyte

What is the function of gonads?

produce gametes and produce hormones

What roles do the ovaries perform? (Module 26.9B)

produce oocytes, secrete female sex hormones, secrete inhibin

Menstruation is triggered by a drop in the levels of


The organ that surrounds the urethra and secretes an antibiotic protein is the

prostate gland.

Each of the following is a normal constituent of urine except


The filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the

proximal convoluted tubule.

The hormone that increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis during pregnancy is


Autoregulation of the rate of glomerular filtration does not depend on

release of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex.

The inability of the kidneys to excrete adequately to maintain homeostasis is termed

renal failure.

Formation of angiotensin I is triggered by ______.


In response to increased levels of aldosterone, the kidneys produce

urine with a lower concentration of sodium ions.

The ________ is a capillary plexus that parallels the nephron loop.

vasa recta

In a(n) ________, each ductus deferens is cut, and either a segment is removed and the ends tied (or cauterized) or silicone plugs are inserted.


Regarding kidney function, in reabsorption,

water and solutes are transported from the tubular fluid, across the tubular epithelium, and into the peritubular fluid.

________ is the process of sloughing off the old functional layer of the endometrium.


Explain whether the blockage of a single lactiferous sinus would or would not interfere with the delivery of milk to the nipple. (Module 26.14B)

Blockage of a single lactiferous sinus would not interfere with the delivery of milk because each gland has several lactiferous sinuses.

Why does a mother's blood volume increase during pregnancy? (Module 27.9B)

A mother's blood volume increases to accommodate for flow through the placenta.

Which of the following statements concerning oogenesis is false?

About half the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty.

Why are numerous sperm required to fertilize a secondary oocyte? (Module 27.2C)

Acrosomal enzymes from multiple sperm are needed to penetrate the corona radiata.

Explain why blood pressure is higher in glomerular capillaries than in other systemic capillaries. (Module 24.8B)

Blood pressure is higher in glomerular capillaries because the efferent arteriole has a smaller diameter than the afferent arteriole.

Define dialysis. (Module 24.14B)

Dialysis is the process of using an artificial semipermeable membrane to remove wastes and retain plasma proteins in the blood of a person whose kidneys are not functioning properly.

________ is the time spent in growing within the uterus.


Distinguish among embryonic, fetal, and prenatal development. (Module 27.1B)

Embryonic development refers to the events that occur during the first 2 months after fertilization. Fetal development begins at the 9th week and continues until birth. Prenatal development consists of both embryonic and fetal development.

What structure releases the secondary oocyte during ovulation?

Graafian follicle

What ovarian cycle changes would result if the LH surge did not occur? (Module 26.15A)

If the LH surge did not occur, the secondary oocyte would not complete meiosis I, ovulation would not occur, and the corpus luteum would not form.

What effect would increased amounts of aldosterone have on the K+ concentration in urine? (Module 24.10B)

It would increase the K+ concentration in urine because Na+ is retained.

On a warm day, would the cremaster muscle be contracted or relaxed? Why? (Module 26.2B)

The cremaster muscle would be relaxed so the scrotum could descend away from the body.

The spermatic cord is

a bundle of tissue that contains the ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics that serve the testis.

A glomerulus is

a knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle. Submit

The first stage of labor is the ________ stage.


Which of the following descriptions does not describe a function of the nephron loop?

enables production of hypotonic urine

The ________ is the inner lining of the uterus.


Which chemicals are primarily responsible for initiating contractions of true labor? (Module 27.10B)

estrogens and oxytocin stimulate the production of prostaglandins

Which of the following is not a function of the urinary system?

excretes abundant protein molecules

Identify the three distinct processes of urine formation in the kidney. (Module 24.7A)

filtration, reabsorption, and secretion

A rise in the blood levels of follicle-stimulating hormone at the beginning of the ovarian cycle is responsible for

follicle maturation.

The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will

form the embryo.

Secondary spermatocytes divide to produce ________ spermatids, each having ________ chromosomes.

four; 23

The amount of filtrate produced by the kidneys each minute is called the

glomerular filtration rate.

The process of filtration occurs at the


The presence of which hormone in the urine provides a reliable indicator of pregnancy, as detected by home pregnancy tests? (Module 27.7B)

human chorionic gonadotrophin

List the major changes that occur in maternal systems during pregnancy. (Module 27.9A)

increased respiratory rate and tidal volume, increased blood volume and GFR, increased nutrient requirements, and increases in the size of the uterus and mammary glands

All of the following are true of the vagina except that it

loses a portion of its lining during menses.

The onset of the first uterine cycle is called


The uterine phase that develops because of a fall in progesterone levels is


Which uterine structure provides much of the force needed to move a fetus out of the uterus and into the vagina?


Which segment of the nephron is solely involved in the reabsorption of water and sodium and chloride ions? (Module 24.7C)

nephron loop

The surge in luteinizing hormone that occurs during the middle of the ovarian cycle triggers


Which hormone stimulates the milk let-down reflex?


Sperm production occurs in the

seminiferous tubules.

Sperm develop from stem cells called


On which of the following days would the level of LH be highest in a female?

the day before ovulation

During amphimixis,

the male and female pronuclei fuse.

During gastrulation,

three germ layers are formed.

Deoxygenated blood is carried to the placenta by the

umbilical arteries.

The most abundant waste solute in urine is


When ADH levels in the DCT decrease, what happens to the urine osmotic concentration? (Module 24.12.D)

urine osmotic concentration decreases and urine volume increases

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