BIO 301 Exam 3

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Heterozygote advantage is ___________. A. Another term for overdominance B. when one gene can mask the expression of a second gene C. a trait that is only expressed in one sex of the species D. when two dominant alleles can be expressed in the same individual

A. Another term for overdominance

Which vigorous allopolyploid plant causes serious problems in the United States? A. Equisetum X ferrissi (Horsetail) B. Spartina anglica C. Tragopogon (Goat's Beard) D. Triticum aestivum (Bread Wheat) E. Colchicum autumnale (Autumn crocus)

A. Equisetum X ferrissi (Horsetail)

_______ translocation occurs when a piece of one chromosome is attached to another chromosome. A. Simple B. Complex C. Reciprocal D. balanced

A. Simple

Heterozygote Advantage is _______. A. another term for overdominance B. when one gene can mask the expression of a second gene C. a trait that is only expressed in one sex of the species D. when two dominant alleles can be expressed in the same individual E. None of these choices are correct.

A. another term for overdominance

Crossing over is less likely to occur between genes that are ______ on a chromosome. A. close together on a chromosome B. far apart on a chromosome C. on different chromosomes

A. close together on a chromosome

A temporary change in the structure of a purine base is called ______. A. depurination B. a tautomeric shift C. deamination D. None of the answers are correct.

A. depurination

Which of following expressions denotes a organism with a genome of 2n? A. diploid B. triploid C. tetraploid D. trisomic

A. diploid

The symbiotic relationship where one organism lives inside another species is called A. endosymbiosis. B. genomic imprinting. C. cytoplasmic inheritance D. heteroplasmy. E. exosymbiosis.

A. endosymbiosis.

When multiple genes have the same effect is called _______. A. epistasis B. penetrance C. expressivity D. overdominance E. pleiotropy

A. epistasis

In rabbits, full coat color (c) is the dominant trait. A second allele, chinchilla (cch), is recessive to full coat color. Himalayan coat color (ch) is recessive to chinchilla and full coat colors, and albino (c-) is recessive to all coat colors. If two chinchilla rabbits mate, what coat color is not possible in their offspring? A. full coat color B. chinchilla coat color C. himalayan coat color D. albino coat color E. All coat colors are possible.

A. full coat color

What DNA sequence features are found at the ends of insertion elements? A. inverted repeats B. trinucleotide repeats C. homopolymer regions D. methylated DNA bases

A. inverted repeats

A mutation in an essential gene leads to a non-functional protein product which leads to a mutated phenotype. This is most likely an example of ________. A. lethal alleles B. incomplete dominance C. gene dosage D. sex-influenced inheritance

A. lethal alleles

Which of the following occurs more frequently? A. meiotic recombination B. mitotic recombination C. translocations D. gene conversion

A. meiotic recombination

What type of inheritance is observed with The Law of Segregation? A. mendelian inheritance B. sex-linked inheritance C. paternal inheritance D. Inheritance patterns are based on cytoplasmic inheritance.

A. mendelian inheritance

If a codon is mutated from AAA to AAU what type of mutation has occurred? (AAA - Lys) (AAU - Asn) A. mis-sense mutation B. non-sense mutation C. silent mutation D. frame shift mutation

A. mis-sense mutation

In a mapping experiment with three genes, which phenotype should occur most often in the F2 offspring? A. parental phenotypes B. phenotypes of individuals with single crossover events C. phenotypes of individuals with double crossover events D. All of these choices should be equal in the F2 generation.

A. parental phenotypes

What can the Holliday model help explain? A. recombination between homologous chromosomes B. recombination between sister chromatids C. the creation of harlequin chromosomes D. the action of transposons

A. recombination between homologous chromosomes

What is/are the most frequent types(s) of mutation caused by the replication machinery? A. small insertions/deletions of repeat sequences resulting from slippage (trinucleotide repeat elements) B. formation of pyrimidine dimers C. tautomeric shifts D. depurination

A. small insertions/deletions of repeat sequences resulting from slippage (trinucleotide repeat elements)

Which of the following describes an organism with four complete sets of chromosomes from the same species? A. tetraploid B. aneuploid C. allodiploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic

A. tetraploid

What causes gene duplications? A. the crossing over of misaligned chromosomes B. deletion of important genetic information C. reciprocal translocations D. position effect E. None of these choices are correct.

A. the crossing over of misaligned chromosomes

If an individual has a type A blood type, which of the following must be true? A. the individual does not possess an I^b allele B. both of their parents possessed i allele C. one of the parents had an i allele or both parents posses and I^a allele D. neither parents possessed an I^b allele

A. the individual does not possess an I^b allele

In the following sequence of DNA, the italicized base has been mutated. What type of mutation is this? 5' - G A T C T C C G A A T T - 3' original strand 5' - G A T C T C C A A A T T - 3' mutated strand A. transition B. transversion C. neither

A. transition (purine to purine/pyrimidine to pyrimidine)

If a chromosome section is altered and It becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome, what is the change in chromosome structure occurred called? A. translocation B. deletion C. inversion D. duplication

A. translocation

Which of the following are involved in the evolution of multidrug resistant bacteria? A. transposable elements B. immunoglobulins C. B cells D. P elements

A. transposable elements

How many genetic map units are there in a single chromosome? A. 1000 B. 100 C. 10 D. 1

B. 100

Which of the following are involved in generating antibody diversity? A. Homologous recombination B. Site-specific recombination C. Transposition D. Gene conversion E. All of the above

B. Site-specific recombination

Which vigorous allopolyploid plant causes serious problems in Washington State by clogging the Columbia River estuary? A. Equisetum X ferrissi (Horsetail) B. Spartina anglica C. Tragopogon (Goat's Beard) D. Triticum aestivum (Bread Wheat) E. Colchicum autumnale (Autumn crocus)

B. Spartina anglica

What happens in gene conversion? A. The sequences of one allele sequence is exchanged with that of another B. The sequence of one allele sequence is replaced by that of another C. A novel allele sequence is generate by mutation D. A new allele is generated by combining different subunits of a gene

B. The sequence of one allele sequence is replaced by that of another

What is "retro" about a retrotransposon? A. They are very old B. Their replication involves reverse transcription C. They can leave cells as well as enter them D. They are unable to move on their own

B. Their replication involves reverse transcription

if a particular gene, individuals are never found to be homozygous for a particular allele, this is most likely an example of ____. A. incomplete dominance B. a lethal allele C. pleiotropy D. overdominance

B. a lethal allele

A temporary change in the structure of a nitrogenous base is called ______. A. depurination B. a tautomeric shift C. deamination D. None of the answers are correct.

B. a tautomeric shift

Which of the following describes an organism with an error in chromosome number; includes deletions and duplications of chromosome segments? A. tetraploid B. aneuploid C. allodiploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic

B. aneuploid

Where is extra-nuclear DNA located in plant cells? A. endoplasmic reticulum B. chloroplasts C. ribosome D. plasma membrane

B. chloroplasts

Given the following sequence of genes on a chromosome, determine what change in chromosome structure occurred. The asterisk (*) indicates the centromere. Before: ABCD*EFGH After: ABCD*FGH A. translocation B. deletion C. inversion D. duplication

B. deletion

What is the type of inheritance that is based on a reversible modification of genomic DNA that results in the alleles of only one, but either parent being transcriptionally active? A. Maternal B. epigenetic C. cytoplasmic D. extranuclear E. mitochondrial

B. epigenetic

Crossing over is more likely to occur between genes that are ______ on a chromosome. A. close together on a chromosome B. far apart on a chromosome C. on different chromosomes

B. far apart on a chromosome

Monoallelic expression is associated with which of the following? A. X-inactivation B. genomic imprinting C. maternal inheritance D. extra-nuclear inheritance

B. genomic imprinting

At the molecular level, what is responsible for "normal" cross over events that occur between genes during meiosis? A. non-homologous recombination B. homologous recombination C. gene conversion D. transposition

B. homologous recombination

A heterozygote possesses a phenotype that is intermediate between the homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive phenotypes. This is most likely an example of ________. A. lethal alleles B. incomplete dominance C. gene dosage D. sex-influenced inheritance

B. incomplete dominance

For a certain trait, a phenotype of the homozygote is intermediate of homozygous dominant and recessive individuals. This is called ________. A. codominance B. incomplete dominance C. overdominance D. incomplete penetrance E. multiple allele systems

B. incomplete dominance

Mutations that occur due to an outside influence are called.... A. neutral mutations B. induced mutations C. somatic mutations D. spontaneous mutations E. conditional mutations

B. induced mutations

An organism that contains tissue that vary for a specific characteristic, such as a pigment, is an example of _____. A. linkage B. meiotic recombination C. mitotic recombination D. translocations E. any of the above

B. meiotic recombination

Where is extra-nuclear DNA located in mammalian cells? A. endoplasmic reticulum B. mitochondria C. ribosome D. plasma membrane

B. mitochondria

If a codon is mutated from UAU to UAA what type of mutation has occurred? (UAU - Tyr) (UAA - STOP) A. mis-sense mutation B. non-sense mutation C. silent mutation D. frame shift mutation

B. non-sense mutation

If you cross a plant with red flowers and a plant with white flowers and half the offspring have pink flowers, what can you conclude about the alleles of the gene determining flower color? A. they follow normal Mendelian principles of allelic dominance B. one allele is incompletely dominance over he other C. there are two different genes with alleles responsible for red flower color

B. one allele is incompletely dominant over he other

When a proportion of individuals that have a specific allele and the associated phenotype is called ______. A. epistasis B. penetrance C. expressivity D. overdominance E. pleiotropy

B. penetrance

Which type of DNA repair mechanism is most important TO BACTERIA in regard to removing and replacing pyrimidine dimers induced by UV light? A. proofreading B. photoreactivation repair C. nucleotide excision repair D. homologous recombination repair

B. photoreactivation repair

In the following sequence of DNA, the italicized base has been mutated. What type of mutation is this? 5' - G A T C T C C G A A T T - 3' original strand 5' - G A T C T C C C A A T T - 3' mutated strand A. transition B. transversion C. neither

B. transversion (pyrimidine to purine/purine to pyrimidine)

Which of following expressions denotes a organism with a genome of 3n? A. diploid B. triploid C. tetraploid D. trisomic

B. triploid

Epistasis is ____________. A. another term for overdominance B. when one gene can mask the expression of a second gene C. a trait that is only expressed in one sex of the species D. when two dominant alleles can be expressed in the same individual E. None of these choices are correct.

B. when one gene can mask the expression of a second gene

A map distance of 23.6 between two genes indicates which of the following? A. The genes are 23.6 millimeters apart. B. There are 23.6 other genes between the two genes of interest. C. 23.6% of the offspring exhibit recombination between the two genes. D. 23.6% of the offspring do not survive.

C. 23.6% of the offspring exhibit recombination between the two genes.

_______ translocation occurs when two non-homologous chromosomes exchange material A. Simple B. Complex C. Reciprocal D. balanced

C. Reciprocal

Which of the following defines recombination? A. Two or more genes that are physically connected on a chromosome. B. Genes that are transmitted to the next generation as a group. C. The process by which genetic information is exchanged between homologous chromosomes. D. Both two or more genes that are physically connected on a chromosome and are transmitted to the next generation as a group.

C. The process by which genetic information is exchanged between homologous chromosomes.

Sex limited is ________. A. another term for overdominance B. when one gene can mask the expression of a second gene C. a trait that is only expressed in one sex of the species D. when two dominant alleles can be expressed in the same individual E. None of these choices are correct.

C. a trait that is only expressed in one sex of the species

Which of the following describes an organism with two complete sets of chromosomes from the same species? A. tetraploid B. aneuploid C. autotetraploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic

C. autotetraploid

When wild-type offspring are produced from a cross between parents that both display the same recessive phenotype, this illustrates the genetic phenomenon of _______. A. simple recessive alleles B. incomplete penetrance C. complementation D. gene dosage E. a spontaneous mutation

C. complementation

A temporary change in the structure when a amino group is removed from cytosine to uracil, is called ______. A. depurination B. a tautomeric shift C. deamination D. None of the answers are correct.

C. deamination

What term refers to the phenomenon of one gene masking the phenotypic effects of a second gene? A. codominance B. overdominance C. epistasis D. pleiotropy E. penetrance

C. epistasis

Sickle-cell anemia in humans is an example of ________________. A. codominance B. incomplete penetrance C. heterozygous advantage D. multiple allele systems

C. heterozygous advantage

If a chromosome has a change that rearranges the gene sequence to the opposite orientation, what is the change in chromosome structure occurred called? A. translocation B. deletion C. inversion D. duplication

C. inversion

Which class(es) of mutation can or do change the amino acid sequence of proteins but NEVER truncate them? A. silent mutations B. point mutations C. mis-sense mutations D. frameshift E. BandC

C. mis-sense mutations

An organism that contains patches of tissue that vary for a specific characteristic, such as a pigment, is an example of _____. A. linkage B. meiotic recombination C. mitotic recombination D. translocations E. any of the above

C. mitotic recombination

Which of following expressions denotes a organism with a genome of 2n-1? A. diploid B. triploid C. monosomic D. trisomic

C. monosomic

Which type of DNA repair mechanism is most important TO HUMANS in regard to removing and replacing pyrimidine dimers induced by UV light? A. proofreading B. photoreactivation repair C. nucleotide excision repair D. homologous recombination repair

C. nucleotide excision repair

For a certain trait, a heterozygous individual has a selective advantage over a homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive individual. This is called ________. A. codominance B. incomplete dominance C. overdominance D. incomplete penetrance E. multiple allele systems

C. overdominance

In a mapping experiment with three genes, which phenotype should occur LEAST often in the F2 offspring? A. parental phenotypes B. phenotypes of individuals with single crossover events C. phenotypes of individuals with double crossover events D. All of these choices should be equal in the F2 generation.

C. phenotypes of individuals with double crossover events

If a codon is mutated from AAA to AAG what type of mutation has occurred? (AAA - Lys) (AAG - Lys) A. mis-sense mutation B. non-sense mutation C. silent mutation D. frame shift mutation

C. silent mutation

What is the Ames Test used to determine? A. whether a plasmid contains an inserted piece of DNA B. how many mutations occur in a genome C. the mutagenicity of chemical compounds D. the percentage of non-coding DNA in a genome

C. the mutagenicity of chemical compounds

While mapping two genes in Drosophila, you observe 30 recombinants among 200 total offspring. What is the distance between these genes? A. 30 map units B. 6.67 map units C. 200 map units D. 15 map units

D. 15 map units

In four-o'clock plants, red flower color is dominant to white flower color. However, heterozygous plants have a pink color. If a pink-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant, what will be the phenotypic ratios of their offspring? A. 1⁄4 red, 1⁄2 pink, 1⁄4 white B. all pink C. all white D. 1⁄2 pink, 1⁄2 white E. 1⁄2 red, 1⁄2 pink

D. 1⁄2 pink, 1⁄2 white

Which of the following encode the enzyme transposase? A. Autonomous transposable elements like the maize Ac element B. Non-autonomous transposable elements like the maize Ds element C. Retrotransposons D. A and B

D. A and B

Where is extra-nuclear DNA located in PLANTS? A. mitochorndira B. ribosome C. chrloroplasrs D. A and C

D. A and C

Variations in the chromosome structure are important for which of the following? A. evolution B. they may result in abnormal offspring C. they may alter the phenotype of an organism D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Variations in chromosome structure are important for which of the following? A. evolution B. they may result in the production of abnormal offspring C. they may alter the phenotype of an organism D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Chromosomes may be identified based on which of the following characteristics? A. location of the centromere B. banding patterns C. size of the chromosome D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following defines gene linkage? A. Two or more genes that are physically connected on a chromosome. B. Genes that are transmitted to the next generation as a group. C. The process by which genetic information is exchanged between homologous chromosomes. D. Both two or more genes that are physically connected on a chromosome and are transmitted to the next generation as a group.

D. Both two or more genes that are physically connected on a chromosome and are transmitted to the next generation as a group.

Which of the following attempt to explain the processes involved in recombination? A. Gene conversion B. Imprecise end-joining C. Transposition D. Holiday Model

D. Holiday Model

What type of inheritance is observed with extra-nuclear DNA? A. mendelian inheritance B. sex-linked inheritance C. paternal inheritance D. Inheritance patterns are based on cytoplasmic inheritance.

D. Inheritance patterns are based on cytoplasmic inheritance.

Which allypolyploid of major importance to Washington State is a vigorous hexaploid species that combines the genome of three different original species? A. Equisetum X ferrissi (Horsetail) B. Spartina anglica C. Tragopogon (Goat's Beard) D. Triticum aestivum (Bread Wheat) E. Colchicum autumnale (Autumn crocus)

D. Triticum aestivum (Bread Wheat)

Which of the following describes an organism with two complete sets of chromosomes from two different species? A. tetraploid B. aneuploid C. allodiploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic

D. allotetraploid

Which of the following statistical tests is used to determine if two genes are linked or assorting independently? A. sum rule B. binomial expansion C. product rule D. chi-square test

D. chi-square test

Given the following sequence of genes on a chromosome, determine what change in chromosome structure occurred. The asterisk (*) indicates the centromere. Before: ABCD*EFGH After: ABCD*EFEFGH A. translocation B. deletion C. inversion D. duplication

D. duplication

Which class(es) of mutation can truncate the amino acid sequence? A. silent mutations B. point mutations C. mis-sense mutations D. frameshift E. BandC

D. frameshift

The failure of chromosomes to separate during cell division is called __________. A. synapsis B. maternal effect C. epistasis D. nondisjunction

D. nondisjunction

What term refer to a single gene having multiple effects on the phenotype of an organism? A. epistasis B. penetrance C. overdominance D. pleiotropy

D. pleiotropy

An allele is dominant in one sex but recessive in the other. This is most likely an example of ________. A. lethal alleles B. incomplete dominance C. gene dosage D. sex-influenced inheritance

D. sex-influenced inheritance

Mutations that occur naturally as a result of natural processes are called...... A. neutral mutations B. induced mutations C. somatic mutations D. spontaneous mutations E. conditional mutations

D. spontaneous mutations

Which of the following enzymes is required for a transposon to move? A. promotes strand invasion and formation of the D loop B. jumpase C. splicase D. transposase

D. transposase

Which of following expressions denotes a organism with a genome of 2n + 1? A. diploid B. triploid C. tetraploid D. trisomic

D. trisomic

In a mapping experiment with three genes, which phenotype should occur most often in the F1 offspring? A. parental phenotypes B. phenotypes of individuals with single crossover events C. phenotypes of individuals with double crossover events D. All of these choices should be equal in the F2 generation. E. A and B

E. A and B

Which of the following may account for the process of gene conversion? A. DNA mismatch repair B. DNA gap repair C. simple transposition D. V(D)J recombination E. AandB

E. A and B

Which of the following methods that generate antibody diversity create entirely NEW antibody sequences? A. Somatic hypermutation B. Site-specific recombination C. Imprecis end-joining D. Gene conversion E. A and C

E. A and C

Non allelic homologous recombination between repetitive sequences can cause genetic diseases in humans. These disease are caused by ________. A. changing the copy number of important genes B. deletion of important genes C. gene silencing D. position effect E. A or B

E. A or B

Which of the following are ways that inheritance patterns can deviate from Mendel's laws? A. The genes are on the same chromosome B. One allele is lethal C. The trait is sex-influenced or sex-limited D. There is gene redundancy E. All of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

Assume that genes C and D are located on the same chromosome. On one chromosome alleles C and D are found, while the homologue contains alleles c and d. Which of the following would be an example of a recombination event? A. alleles C and D together on one chromosome B. alleles c and d together on one chromosome C. alleles C and d together on one chromosome D. alleles c and D together on one chromosome E. both alleles C and d together on one chromosome and alleles c and D together on one chromosome

E. both alleles C and d together on one chromosome and alleles c and D together on one chromosome

Heteroplasmy is associated with inheritance patterns involving _______. A. Ribosomes B. maternal effect C. genomic imprinting D. nuclear genes E. chloroplasts

E. chloroplasts

In human blood groups, the fact that an individual can have an AB blood type is an example of ___________. A. incomplete dominance B. incomplete penetrance C. sex-influenced trait D. temperature-sensitive conditional allele E. codominance

E. codominance

The multiple effects of a single gene on the phenotype of an organism is called _______. A. epistasis B. penetrance C. expressivity D. overdominance E. pleiotropy

E. pleiotropy

Heteroplasmy is ________.

Presence of two or more distinct variants of DNA within the cytoplasm of a single cell.

Which of the following describes an organism with one complete set of chromosomes from two different species? A. tetraploid B. aneuploid C. allodiploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic

one set of chromosomes from two different species

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